Davids Revenge

By dolphinboy 333

Published on Dec 19, 2010


The story is completely fictional. Names characters and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to real people or events is completely coincidental.

This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions. If you are uncomfortable reading such material of are not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page now.

This story is the property of the author dolphinboy333@hotmail.com all comments are welcome. Please put "Nifty Story" in your subject line

David's Revenge -- Part 1

"Oh, no not again", muttered Evelyn, as she heard the front door, nearly being taken of the hinges, as her younger brother, David, stormed into the house. Then his bedroom door was subjected to the same treatment, as usual neither of their parents were home, so only she jumped at the noise.

"What's up with you", she asked as she stood at David's bedroom door and pushed it open with the palm of her hand.

Her brother was now lying on his back on the bed looking at the ceiling and cussing for all he was worth. She repeated the question, louder, as he obviously was in such a mood that he never heard her the first time.

"He's gonna get a doing, I fucking swear, I will punch the little shits, lights out", he declared

"Who are you talking about"

"Josh the newbie, that's who, I am going to give him the biggest and most deserved kicking, the little scrote has ever gotten"

Evelyn rolled her eyes and blew out her breath, she of course had been used to the amateur dramatics of her younger brother for a long time, but even by his standards, this was a great performance, she listened intently for the next 5 mins, as David explained what had happened. He propped himself up on his elbows and waited for her reaction It did not take too long in coming. She walked into the room and to his surprise, quickly jumped up onto his bed and sat astride her brother pinning his arms into his sides with her strong thighs. She grabbed his ears and pulled them out, he predictably squeaked and started to struggle under her, but she was a solid sister and easily held him tight. Leaning into his face and still pulling his ears, she spoke

" Dear Doofus, you are not going to punch his lights out, got me?, you are going to get smarter and get your revenge in the best possible way"

David's eyes nearly popped out his head as she outlined her plan or to be more correct, his plan, just that he was not clever enough to think it up for himself.

" I see you like my plan?", she said, "judging by the erection, I can feel in your trousers", she laughed at her brothers pathetic attempts to shrug her off her position of dominance, something she was well used to. Her 14 year old brother was no match for his 17 year old sister. She after all was the the ring leader of the schools worst girl gang, one which wreaked havoc with anyone that crossed their path. Usually this could involve fairly brutal treatment, both physical and mentally. But she was right about one thing, he was excited and he definitely sported a 6 inch erection. She got off him and allowed the feeling to return to his arms. He sat up on the bed and rubbed them, then looking up at his sister, he smiled and added

"When do we get started ?"

8 Months Earlier ...

Another door was slammed, and every proceeding footstep up the stairs was stomped heavily, just to emphasise the feeling of the 13 year old Josh.

"Well, it's no real surprise, is it?, you knew he was going to react like that" said Anne, as she stared past her husband Bob, towards the recently slammed door.

"Well, there is not too much I can do about it, you know that. What am I supposed to do, turn the job down?"

"I know, it's just this was always bound to happen"

"Look, I will give him half an hour to calm down, then I will go up and smooth things over, how does that sound?"

"Don't like your chances", she smiled "I'd give it a couple of hours if I were you", she mischievously added.

Bob Johnstone, had a great career and he provided well for the family , with everything they desired, the children, never wanted for anything, the latest gadget, the newish fashion, the current trend in shoes, Whatever they wanted he got it for them. Of course, he knew this was his way of justifying the downside of his great career, the constant relocating to another new town. But as he said to his wife of 20 years, Anne, what was he to do?, he could not just turn the job down, this one was likely to be his most lucrative assignment yet. They both knew it. All they had to do was to keep the usual "united" front as far as the children were concerned. Which they figured would not be too difficult, as after all they had many years of experience to fall back on.

And so, as the weeks rolled on from the initial door slamming antics of Josh, the boxes were supplied by the removal men, the children as well as the adults were encouraged to start clearing out "old stuff" and to try and make the move as easy as possible. The vans arrived, the men loaded everything up and soon the family were on the move again. Several hours later they arrived and the same routine in reverse happened. Empty boxes were returned to the removal men and the family started to turn the new house into a home. Josh tried his best not to grumble too much, but as the weeks passed he knew that the new school was going to be his biggest challenge. He again would try and make new friends after the school holidays were over. It might be easy and then again it might not, this was the worry.

In the end Josh fitted in well to his new school, he made a few friends and started going round to their houses after school and at weekends, his pals parents always welcomed him into their homes and insured that they all were fed and watered. At school, he was warned about David & his sister Evelyn, sometimes known as Evil-lyn, of course Josh made sure that he gave them both a wide berth. The first few months were deemed a success and Josh started to really enjoy his schooling, even the dreaded teachers seemed OK. There was of course the odd one that had a cynical attitude derived from too many years teaching smart mouthed know it all's, but most were very good. The now 14 years old Josh was happy with his lot.

Present Day

"Hi there, how are you", the voice said from just behind Josh's shoulder

"I am OK ... and you?" he replied

" Well I could be better, I could be somewhere else other than school !!" ... she replied.

Josh had noticed Sarah for a few weeks, he thought that she had smiled at him and looked as if she was keen to talk to him on occasions. However he could be mistaken, as after all he had never had a girlfriend before and was not too sure what exactly he was to say and do.

The difference with Sarah was that he did not get too tongue tied, he always strangely felt quite relaxed in her presence. She seemed to have a causal carefree flow to her, and glided around with the grace of a very comfortable and confident young lady.

" Well I suppose I would not mind being somewhere else" he ventured.

" Are you offering to skip classes then?"

"Eh, um , well, I have maths next and I am sure the teacher just passed by a minute ago, so he will be expecting me, well us..... don't you think?"

" Ah, another chicken then" she retorted, with a cute smile and laugh.

"No, not chicken, just well ... eh..... I think I will just go now, the bell is about to ring"

As he walked away from Sarah, he could have kicked himself, he was usually fine in Sarah's company, but this was the first time that she had wrong footed him, and they both knew it

The next day she caught him taking sly glances, but she never returned his stares, she was an expert at feigning indifference. Again, he was confused, had he misunderstood their apparently friendly exchanges just one day earlier. For the remainder of the day, she was always in the company of her friends, which by definition meant that there was a firewall around her, one which he most certainly would not try and hack.

Three days after their awkward encounter, she spoke to him again, by the lockers, he returned her small talk till eventually they arrived at the same moment.

"So, are we going to skip classes this afternoon?, or are you still chicken?"

Josh had had plenty of time since their last encounter to decide what to do if the same thing happened, and now it was.

"OK, if you are game, let's do it."

She smiled and they set about making their plans, they would stay in school till lunch time , then just go into the town centre for some shopping, and fail to return to class. Seemed a simple plan that they both liked.

As the lunchtime bell rang out, it signalled a break for all the pupils before they returned to their classes to continue their lessons. But for two other pupils the bell signalled that their school day was over and another adventure was about to start. They made there their way through the school gates with the other pupils in search of something to eat, however as the rest started to return in the general direction of the school, they kept going. In the town centre they drifted from shop to shop, pointing and laughing at some of the fashions and shoes etc. that there on display. Josh was surprised how he felt not in the least bothered about missing classes. He had never done anything like that and now here he was in the middle of a warm summer afternoon in the company of a cute good looking girl, without a care in the world. On certain occasions when standing next to each other they were so close that their arms brushed against one and other. He wondered if he should make a move to take Sarah by the hand, but just as he contemplated the move, she would move along a fraction and the moment would pass. 3 hours later, when the school was finishing up for another day, they started to to make their way back through the town and head in the general direction of their homes. As far as skipping classes and playing "truant" for the first time in his life, it had been a great success.

As they arrived at the corner of Anderson Road & Patrick Avenue, they both knew that that this was where they would part. What was Josh going to do. This was his chance to find out what if his early feelings for Sarah were going to be returned, or had she just wanted to be friends and this whole afternoon was about skipping School and having a laugh. As the came to a halt at the corner, he turned and faced her.

"Well, did you enjoy this afternoon?", she got in first.

"Yes, it was great" , he squeaked, then cleared his throat "I mean, I yeah, it was cool, and you?"

"Yes, I also thought it was cool", she turned her head slightly away from his and looked down the Road and allowed a little smile to cross her ruby red lips.

It was now or never for Josh, he stepped forward, with almost a little too much haste and nearly stumbled toward her, just correcting his footing before it ended in real embarrassment. He planted a soft kiss straight onto her cheek, and waited for her reaction, nervous, she returned her gaze back toward the schoolboy, moved up onto her toes and planted a soft wet kiss straight onto his lips, she lingered just for the perfect amount of time, not too long to give him the chance to get too excited and not to short as to be too friendly, with no hope of it leading to anything else. Just perfect timing, by an expert. She thanked him again and moved away and started walking up the road. Glancing over her shoulder after a few steps.

"See you later", she winked as she strode away in a very confident manner.

Josh was ecstatic, with the way the day went. He also turned and made his way home, each step he took felt lighter than the one before and he positively floated the last mile to his house, his head abuzz with all the possibilities that this encounter might lead to his first proper girlfriend.

But before the Kiss ...

It was the rule of the land, so it meant that everybody, was in no doubt. You can't buy alcohol if you are under 21. Johnny however was determined not to be foiled by stupid rules. After all surely the rules were there for other people and not him. Johnny was not you average 14 year old, he was much more mature for his age and looked at least 18/19ish and was a main member of David's gang at school. He was the enforcer. What David wanted, Johnny made happen. Usually with the aid of his fists as his negotiating tools. They were very effective. However mature he was in comparison to his school friends, he was not that mature that he could be buying a six-pack and get away with it. Give it another couple of years and he would not have a problem, but not at the moment. Being resourceful of course meant that he looked around for his friendly "bum" ... old Malcolm was a down and out who lived on the streets for years, probably decades. He knew lots of school kids in the town and they all knew him. His career maybe ended in a spiral of drink and drugs, but his new career kept him in the products he cared for most off all, drink. His new chosen career involved buying drink for under-age school boys, where he took "his cut", just like the olden days when he closed a deal in the boardroom and took his slice of the financial gain. Now it was a can or two from a six pack, not in the same league, but still, it was his job now. Johnny met Malcolm in one of the three locations he could always be relied to be hanging about. Malcolm duly took the money from Johnny and headed onto the local off sales shop and completed his transaction, breaking a can off of the six-pack and handing the big boy the remaining 5 cans.

As Johnny waited for his "bum" to return, he heard laughter from across the street, that caught his attention, as he looked over, squinting his eyes against the bright sunlight, he saw what looked like Sarah, David's girlfriend, but that did not look like David.

"Here you go" the voice from his side said. "Shit you gave me a fright, you old bum you" ... he replied

"That's no way to talk to the only person who gets you drink, you little cheeky bastard" Malcolm retorted.

Johnny grabbed the 5 cans from Malcolm's hands and looked back across the road. Where did they go?. He looked frantically up and down the street. They could not have got very far he thought.

"Cheers you old shite" he said to Malcolm as he tore off across to the other side of the street.

"Your welcome, ya little fuck" grumbled Malcolm, mainly to himself, as Johnny was now out of earshot. He tugged on the ring pull and slurped down his reward for being insulted by someone that was no more than a little smart ass thug. He slumped off round the corner of the building in the direction of his other drinking buddies.

Johnny did not take long to locate the laughing voices of the two school truants. He was able to get a better look from a distance, now that the sun was not directly in his eyes and could confirm that Sarah was out on the town with the new boy. He could not remember the boys name, as he had no reason to remember it, as he was not one he had used his fists on yet. Perhaps the time had come. For all of Johnny's brute strength, he was able to think on occasions. He paused at the sight he saw before him and decided that the best thing to do was to follow the pair and see what happens before speaking to David. Johnny could not remember David saying he had "dumped" Sarah, maybe he had and Johnny was not listening, either way he would soon find out.

He trailed the pair for two hours through the town and back out again to the corner of Anderson & Patrick. Here he witnessed the boy kissing Sarah lightly on the cheek, he waited to she if she would slap him across the face. The slap never happened, instead she kissed him right on the lips. Well, if she was dumped, she had wasted no time on moving on, or she was cheating on David. He would soon find out. Mobile camera's had come in handy of course, and with quickness of though, he caught the moment for all time.

Johnny managed to talk David round.

"Come on man, that phone cost me a fortune"

David had seen the images, grainy as they were, they showed exactly what had happened. He was in no doubt. He then grabbed the phone from Johnny and threatened to hurl it against the brick wall. Johnny pleaded and begged that he spare his phone, this he eventually did. In a rage he stomped off towards his house, plotting how he was going to give the newbie a kicking that he would never forget. Josh was going to regret stealing his girlfriend that was for sure.

Planning revenge is hard work ...

Location, location, location ... in the property world that is the mantra, in the revenge world, that also was the mantra. Fortunately, both David & Evelyn would not need to spend fruitless hours searching for the perfect location, they both knew it well. A deserted little wooden house/shed 3 miles away deep in the woods at the back of the north end of the town. When Johnny had managed to get Alcohol from Malcolm or any other bum he could persuade, he would meet up with David and others they would often drift in the general direction of the hut, there they would spend the evening drinking and listening to music, in a place that would not draw any attention from anyone. It was perfect. Not too many of the townspeople even knew of its existence, but it was fairly well known to the teenage population of the town. David and Evelyn had even bought a padlock and secured the location against any rival gangs that might have happened across its existence. The "Hut" as it was known comprised one large room, with a couple of small windows and two small rooms which might have been used as additional storage area's, there was no toilet or running water in the hut, but it still was a great place. There was one large solid oak table and 6 matching chairs in the main room, the only other piece of furniture was a sideboard type table, up against the far wall, there was nothing else in the hut.

"So how are you going to get him here then?" Evelyn enquired of her brother

"I am just going to grab the little turd and frog march him here for the fun to begin"

Before David could add anything else, his sisters hand flew up towards the back of his head and planted a firm slap around the ear area, he recoiled too late and was left with a ringing sound.

"What the hell was that for?" he retorted.

"For being stupid as usual, what did you think it was for?" she said

"Well, what am I supposed to do?, after all he is not going to willingly come here to be humiliated ... is he?"

"Listen up you twit", she paused for a few seconds then continued. "You invite him to a party here on Friday night, that's what you do, simple"

"Eh" was David's insightful reply.

"Well, if you were to grab him, then you are taking a risk. What if someone sees you grabbing him and phones the Police, or follows you. Also, when we are having our fun with him, he will not be at home, so his parents will start to get worried and go searching for him etc. BUT if you invite him to a party, he will think that he is wanted, and will probably tell his parents an excuse for being out, so that they do not expect to see him for a few hours. Either way it does not matter what he tells them, just that he tells them something that will account for him not being at home for a few hours. A few hours, where we will be allowed to exact our revenge, well your revenge to be more precise. And if you make it a Friday, then there is no school the next day, thus enhancing your chances that he will come.... See ... simple?"

"Ah, but what if he does not want to come to the party?, what then"

" Well, we might need to go to plan B ... but why not invite him there first and see what happens, I suspect he will want to go and thus there will be no point in planning or scheming for no reason, ask first and then see what happens, OK"

Josh readily agreed to go to the party, this was further proof that his integration to the new school, was going better than he had hoped for. A Party with his peers, cool, he thought. Although he never really knew the others that he found out were going to the party, it did not put him off, in fact it was a chance to widen his circle of friends. David was delighted when it was reported back to him that the main entertainment of the night had readily agreed to the party. Evelyn also had a smug look on her face when she heard the news.

"See" she told David, " I told you that it was better just to ask instead of wasting hours thinking of things that turned out to be irrelevant"

"Ok, your right again" he admitted.

Shopping trip ...

On Thursday, straight after School, Evelyn and David headed into town to get the supplies. She went to the local supermarket and he was sent to the Hardware shop, they both met up after an hour and headed to the Hut. Once there the put all the supplies into one of the small annexe rooms. It looked like everything was sorted. The location was perfect, the supplies where in place and the plan had been rehearsed. Both of them knew how this was to play out and Josh was going to be the prize at the end of the night. As long as they made sure that there was no loopholes in their plan and that they carried out the "insurance" policy, then Josh was going to be theirs to do with what they like for a long time to come, they were sure of that.

The "insurance" policy was going to be the hardest part to pull off, however if things were not going to plan, then Johnny's fists would probably seal the deal. Either way the success of the whole evening was going to hinge on the "insurance policy" part, it was the one area that caused them the most worry. However on balance they both were fairly confident that on the night, everything would fall into place.

The Party and Josh's starring role ...

Most of the attendees at the party were made up from Evelyn's & David's gang, none of them however knew what was in store for Josh. David and Evelyn knew that the best way of insuring the success of the night was to make sure that nobody knew what was going to happen, although a couple of weeks in the planning, they showed great self restraint and as far as everybody was concerned this was just going to be a party, drinking, dancing and music all night long.

Josh told his parents that he had been invited to a party on the Friday night and begged to go. Anne said NO straight away, but Josh worked on his dad, making him feel guilty at moving for his job ... Again ... he emphasised the "Again" part. Bob fell for it, and said to his wife that as Josh had started School well and seemed to be settling in ok, then he should be rewarded with the party. After a bit of debate, they both agreed he could go, provided he was back buy 10.30pm at night, NO later, or else.

David made sure that everyone was to be at the hut no later than 6.30pm, but he told Josh to be there for 7pm and that Johnny and a couple of his other pals would meet up with him and bring him to the Hut, for his first visit.

"Josh, you are going to have a great time, trust me" said David, on hearing the news form the boy that he had to be back no later than 10.30pm, there should be more than enough time for the things he had planned, he wanted the boy to suffer for a long time, this was not going to be over in 30 mins, this was going to be an all night humiliation, that would allow David to have complete control over Josh.

David and Evelyn left the house, each having a sports holdall, draped over their shoulders, carrying some of the more important stuff that they did not want to leave at the hut in the afternoon. They were too expensive to leave, just in the off chance someone should break into the Hut before the party got started. Everybody was to bring some drink with them, most smuggled a bottle of vodka or wine etc, from their parents household supply. Some others just bought soft drinks and crisps etc. The party was ready, just waiting on the star guest. All the other boys and girls, 18 in total, were there for 6.30pm, they found that the hosts were already set up, the CD player and a good supply of batteries were on the sideboard, with some drink that they brought along with them, the big table was shoved right into the corner of the room and the 6 chairs were spread around the room randomly.

Johnny knew that David had something planned, after all his threat to smash his phone against the wall, was not going to pass without some sort of retaliation. Johnny just assumed that his fists, were going to be given a work out later on. He met the boy at 6.45pm, with the other two friends, and they made their way to the north end of the town and started along the path deep into the woods. Josh was smartly dressed in a white shirt and jeans, with Nike trainers, he did not bother with a jacket as it was a warm summers evening and no need to be wrapped up. It did not take the foursome long to get to the hut. Josh tried to memorise the way they had taken, but had got a little confused as the ducked and dived along through the woods, but eventually they approached the hut and Johnny rapped the door three times. They could hear the music and chatting from inside as they approached. Johnny had to rap the door again, a little bit louder, before it was opened just a little bit, David glanced out to make sure it was the people he was expecting. The door readily opened to let the guest and his new found pals entered. A drink was thrust into each boys hand and Josh also got a beer. He sipped trying to pretend that he had done this sort of thing before. Although he had not. He circulated around the room, trying to engage some of Evelyn s' and David pals in conversation, he had modest success, but was enjoying himself none the less. More than anything he felt wanted and both Evelyn & David took the time to invite him in to the conversations they were having with their friends.

"Time to get started" Evelyn said to David quietly

"We don't want to waste too much time, besides, he looks like he is quite relaxed, don't you think?"

"Yip, he looks to be ready for the fun to begin"

Evelyn had a quick word with her pal, Donna and told her to start to dance sexily with Josh for just a few moments. Donna looked like she could not be bothered, but knew better than to refuse Evil-Lyn.

Some of the other kids noticed Donna starting to slid up and down and wiggle her hips as she danced to the music and to reach out and take hold of Josh hands, encouraging him to join in He was hesitant at first but started to loosen up. The beauty of a couple of beers, was having an effect on the 14 year old. David spoke to a few of his enforcers and of course Johnny, telling them just enough of what was about to happen to get them interested in helping. It did not take long for them all to agree wholeheartedly.

Evelyn stopped the music and soon got every bodies attention. With a snap of her fingers, David's henchmen burst forward and before anybody knew what was happening, they grabbed Josh, sending him stumbling forward, then took a firm grip of of this arms and legs, with a flourish, he was soon pinned to the floor on his back starring up at everybody else, with a slight confused look in this face.

"Let the fun begin" she boomed out, raising her hand in the air.

"Strip him" she added.

On that signal, the gang of 8 boys, four holding him down and the other 4 close by, began to strip Josh. First the white shirt was pulled off over his head. The trainers and socks were quickly removed. Josh really started to thrash and twist on the ground, pleading "NO, NO stop it". This was why David had made sure that 8 boys were "up for it", as they were all needed to subdue him. Someone managed to unbuckle his belt and pop the top button, the zip came down and his jeans were slipped off his slim slender legs and handed to Evelyn.

She rolled them up and flung them in the corner, on top of the shirt, trainers and socks.

Josh was spread eagled on the floor, wearing just a pair of sky blue underpants, the crowd of boys and girls laughed and giggled at the sight of the helpless boy. Some of the kids reached for their mobile phones. Just at that point, Evelyn piped up

"Stop right now" she shouted. Catching everyone's attention.

"Nobody takes any photo's, put them all away now, if I see anybody using a mobile or camera, then they will be in more shit and Josh here", she said, pointing to the boy that she stood over. "I will be checking every bodies stuff , before you get to leave here and god help anyone who records anything they should not have.

She paused, to allow everyone to pack away their tech gadgets.

"Right, back to the main event", she stated as she looked down at Josh.

"Okay, come on, you have had your fun, let me go" he pleaded in a voice that was more hopeful than expectant.

"Very funny, come on guys, let me go and give me back my clothes"

Evelyn looked at the two boys holding his legs apart, "Put them together" she said.

She dropped down onto her knees, astride his legs, and with the palm of her hand she patted the front of his pants. To laughter from the rest, she proceeded to fondle him through his pants. " I think your fans are wanting to see what you have got in there", she chided him

She looked up to the rest of them and asked a simple question ... " Right, who wants them off?"

There was a burst of clapping and whooping amongst the gang, with everybody demanding they get whipped off. There was even a chorus of " get them off, get them off, get them off", She looked at Josh, and stated " Well looks like your fans have made their feelings known!" She proceeded to reach up and slip her fingers into the waist band of his pants and slowly, teasingly pull them down, slowly, bit by bit.

"Please, please, stop, please don't do this, please, I'm begging you, please, enough" Josh tearfully pleaded.

She stopped with a small tuft of pubic hair showing just above the waist band. She let the band snap against his skin and stood up again, towering over him.

"Aww, look at you, all worried about being stripped. You did not think we were going to go through with it, did you?", " We were only kidding, we were just having a laugh"

The boy, sighed with relief and the others let out a moan of disapproval, there was an odd "Boo" muttered by one or two others.

Then to the surprise of Josh and the others, Evelyn suddenly said in a loud voice.

"KIDDING" and in one swift movement, dropped down onto her knees and grabbed hold of his waist band and pulled the pants right down and off his legs, she stood up and held them aloft, she swung them round and hollered, Weeeeee ... as she flung them into the opposite corner of the hut. The place erupted in laughter and clapping as the kids gawped and pointed at Josh's small penis. He was a blond haired boy and that made what little hair he had seem less than there was. "It's fucking tiny" came one voice, "What the fuck do you call that?", came another useful comment. " It's a girl" came another hurtful summing up, "My god he is 5 years old". Josh struggled and thrashed about, but was gripped by the other boys responsible for taking his clothes off, so he was no match for 8 pairs of hands holding him still.

"Get the legs open, so we can have a good look" Evelyn demanded, Josh was now spread out in a star shape, so that everybody could get a good look at his body. As the laughter continued, Evelyn ordered that the big table be pulled out into the middle of the room. Willing volunteers, soon huckled the large table out to the centre of the room. She patted the surface and said "Okay, get him up here"

David went to the bag and got two rolls of duck tape ready. The writhing schoolboy was positioned on the table, with his ass near the edge of the table and his legs were pulled over either side at his knees and his ankles were taped to the sturdy legs of the table. The table was too long for his slight frame, so his wrists were bound with rope that David also produced from his bag. Each wrist was tied and his arms pulled straight, with the rope extending over the edge of the table and tied tightly to the other legs at the top end of the table. He was now in position and unable to move at all. Josh noticed that Evelyn had gone over to his trainers , socks, jeans and shirt, picking them up and putting them in a black plastic bag. She threw them into one of the little annexe rooms in the hut and locked the door behind her. He had no chance of getting his clothes, even if a miracle happened and the binds that were attached to him, suddenly fell off.

Evelyn returned to the table and took her position in between Josh's splayed legs, looking down at his small penis, which was surrounded by a small bush of blonde hair.

She addressed the assembled audience. "Did I hear someone say that this is a girl?" and that 5 year olds have bigger willies?"

"Yes" came the reply and a few mutters of approval also followed.

"Well, I think we will need to do something about this", she leaned forward and picked the head of Josh's cock up in between her finger and thumb, as if she was checking some sort of vegetable. She turned to David and nodded, this was his queue to go to the bags and get more stuff, he handed a small bag to his sister and then turned on his digital camera. The horror passed across the face of the boy. Evelyn moved back a pace or two and let her brother get started on the first part of their "insurance policy". It was a simple plan. Make sure you control and own all the photographs and video recordings and ensure that when all photos were taken, that nobody was identifiable from the images . This they were sure, was going to guarantee the boys silence and continued cooperation, for any further abuse they felt like carrying out. There was going to be a second part to the insurance policy, but for now, there was to be much more fun to be had, before that part needed to be done.

"Smile for the camera" David taunted, as he moved around the table getting different angled shots, the kids, moved out the way and backed off. David was careful that nobody was caught in the frame of the photo. After getting plenty of stills, he announced that there was to be total silence in the room, as he was now going to take some video clips and did not want to hear anybodies voice on the recording. He manoeuvred around the table and zoomed in on the boys penis and balls, slowly letting the camera glide over his hopeless situation. He was pleased with the results. After a few minutes he stopped. Evelyn now addressed the crowd.

" Right, now we are going to get rid of the pubes in the next few minutes, as David will be alternating between stills and video clips, I want everyone to be quiet at all times, do you understand?"

It was like being a teacher in the school, she thought to herself. Everyone nodded their heads agreeing to the terms.

"Okay, lets get started", she took all the items from the bag that David had passed to her, scissors, gel, trimmer and a razor and laid them on the table between his legs. In a very workman like attitude, she picked up the scissors and twice "slashed" the blades together for dramatic effect.

"No, please, don't do it, leave them alone, please I am begging, please, Evelyn, please"

She looked at him and spat out "Stop fucking begging, it is not going to make any fucking difference, what is going to happen will happen and believe me, we are only just getting started".

"Now, everyone ... silence, remember no talking"

Without wasting any more time, she grabbed as much hair in her left hand as possible and hacked through them with the scissors 4 or 5 slices later, there was a small pile of pubes on the table. David had recorded the fatal attacked on Josh's 14 years of hair growing. Next she clicked on the hair trimmers and held his penis in her hand and ran the buzzing machine up and down his groin area. Josh was soon left with buzz of stubble surrounding his cock. Evelyn had noticed that his cock was growing a little bit in her hand as she man handled it around, but she carried on. Once she was happy with the look and all that could be heard was the boys whimpering, she fired a huge blob of shaving gel onto his cock and started to massage and rub it all over his cock and balls and groin. David had converted a number of times between still and video recordings, doing his best to make sure he got all the best bits, as he was going to find it impossible to say "Stop, I missed a bit", as this was a one time deal, once they were gone, they were gone.

She now picked up the razor in her right hand. She had given thought that perhaps another boy should be doing the shaving, but as she glanced round the room, with the exception of Johnny, most of the boys would be lucky if they had ever actually shaved their faces at all. The aftershave that seemed to be in use by the bucket load, was mainly just for effect, she concluded. So turning back to the task in hand, she ran the blades across the groin, the brand new and sharp 5 bladed head, making easy progress across his skin, soon she was holding a freshly shaved cock in he hands, running her hand over all area, just to make sure she got every last hair. If nothing else, her lack of experience, made for a very thorough job. She added more gel to the balls and took the time to shave them smooth as well, not that there was all that much hair on his balls. She moved around to the side of the table and applied gel to his armpit and took off what little tufts he had there, the other arm was also done. She nodded to David to indicate that she was finished and happy with the results. He switched off he camera. She put the gear back in the bag and pulled out a small clear plastic bag and collected the pubes and popped them into the bag and said "Here you go, a little memento of your time on the table.", there was more laughter. She handed a damp cloth to David and he cleaned up all the excess gel from Josh's body. After wiping down the smooth boy, everyone watched as Josh started to become erect. As much as he tried to resist, his cock started to twitch and harden in front of the gang.

"Look" announced Evelyn, " I think he is enjoying himself, he is getting turned on by all the attention he is getting"

"Okay, lets get the party started again", she flipped on the CD player on the sideboard and the music burst into life.

" Everyone here is to make sure that you get a good feel of Josh's smoothness, don't be shy, he ain't going anywhere, he's a wee bit tied up at the moment" she laughed at her own joke.

As if to lead by example, both she and David, picked up their drinks and started sipping and talking together. They both agreed, that everything was going to plan so far. She was pleased to see that the boy had been reduced to a table decoration, some kids drifted away and started dancing, drinking and talking among themselves. They both observed some of the kids going up to the table, chatting as if Josh was not there and very casually, as if it was perfectly natural thing to do at a party, play with his dick, squeeze his nipples and fondle his balls. Two girls in her gang made there way to the end of the table where Josh's legs were splayed out. Standing in between them, one brunette girl started to pull his dick, left and right and up and down, like a joystick, she was fascinated to see how it hardened up. She wrapped her hand around his penis and started to slowly pull the skin down to reveal his small purple head. The pair of them were attracting some casual observers, who moved in for a closer look. The other girl, started to play with his smooth balls, pulling the scrotum this way and that, rolling each testicle in her fingers. Evelyn nodded to David and they watched from the distance as the boy was starting to be milked. She and David both knew that the boys in the room would have been experts at masturbating the boy, but perhaps did not want to be seen to enjoy themselves, in case anybody got the wrong idea about them. So they seemed happy to let the girls take the lead. All the boys knew that the girl was playing too slowly with the dick and that they could be there a while before anything happens. Somebody else moved closer to tweak his nipple and people started running their hands over his body.

The brunette girl started to find her rhythm and was getting used to pulling the foreskin down over his head and pulling it up sharply. Josh's breathing started to speed up and he made small jerking movements against his binds. Evelyn knew she had to step in soon. So she left David's side to slowly glide through the crowd, when she reached the head of the table, she leaned over and placed her lips very close to Josh's ear.

She breathed silently in his ear "Don't you fucking dare cum until I give you permission, do you understand?"

Josh just gritted his teeth in response. She continued "Only I can give you the right to spill your seed. I own your pathetic skinny hairless body and you will only cum on my command. Do you understand? ... Do what you have to do, but DO NOT CUM"

She stood up and looked at the two girls at the far end of the table, she smiled sweetly and said "keep going girls, your doing great ... lovin' your technique"

She smirked down at Josh and moved slightly back into the crowd. Not all the kids bothered to gather around, but it was fair to say that the audience was being treated to a good show and most were keen to see how things ended.

Josh struggled manfully against his binds and the relentless masturbation of his hairless cock, the girls may have started off slowly and most definitely they had very little experience of boys bodies and knew little of how to handle them. Josh tried thinking about mundane things like his maths homework etc, but it was useless, he knew he was not going to last much longer, he closed his eyes and his head started to thrash around and he twitched against his binds, now everyone had gathered around as word spread that the time was coming. Evelyn trained her gaze on him and every now and again his eyes would flick open and he caught sight of her looking at him with her disapproving stare. He started to hold his breath and hold on for as long as he could. One girl was still playing and pulling at his balls, whilst the other had his cock pointing straight up at the roof, she beat him off quickly. She had adapted her style from a gentle pulling action of 5 minutes earlier to a more robust action, as she began to realise that he could take a lot of wanking. Josh soon came to the point of no return and realised that this schoolmates were about to witness the most intimate act that a male can do. His toes curled and stretched as he fought off the inevitable, then suddenly he could hold on no longer, he let out a scream and relaxed his body and to the shock of the girls a huge amount of cum suddenly shot up in the air, the girl that was masturbating screamed and let go of his cock, it slapped against his smooth groin and squirted out more seed onto his stomach. Evil-lyn demanded that the girl pick it up and empty the entire contents of his balls. The girl did as instructed and grabbed his cum soaked cock and with more than a hint of disgust, she started masturbating him vigorously, as the group cheered and clapped she pumped away and Josh's read swollen and softening cock gave up all of his boy juice. After it was clear that there was nothing left to give she stopped and let his soft cock fall to his stomach. Evelyn moved round to the other end of the table and dipped into her bag and handed a small cloth to the girl to clean her hands with. Josh lay limp and humiliated, tied to the table. What next he thought.

"You dirty dirty little puppy" Evelyn's voice broke the silence that had descended

"What are we going to do with a dirty little puppy that could not hold in his seed?" ... " I specifically told you not to cum until I said, didn't I" she shouted.

Josh never answered, he just lay there.

"Well I think that little puppies need to be trained to be more obedient, don't you?" she directed her question to Josh.

Again he never answered, just lay there in a humiliated trance.

"Untie him now" she instructed

The boys got the scissors out and he was soon untied and cut free from the table, he was hauled up onto his feet and made to stand in front of Evelyn, the cum started to run down his chest and stomach and dripped onto the floor. His head slumped forward and he just looked at the stains on the floor in between his feet. She put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him down onto his knees, again he just starred at the floor between her feet, she turned and rummaged in her bag, he never looked at what it was that she brought out from the bag, but he heard the giggling from the group. She returned to stand in front of him and pushed his shoulders forward until he was on all fours, she crouched down to his level and attached a collar around his neck and then slipped the lead onto the hoop, she stood up and proudly announced that she was the owner of a new puppy. As everyone laughed she started to drag him around the hut, she made a full tour dragging him along through the crowd.

"Dirty little puppy, is going to have to be a good boy now", she declared

"I think he needs a new name, what do you think?", she asked out aloud. There was agreement that this is what was required, there came a few suggestions, but she quickly settled on Toby.

"Here" she handed the lead to the nearest boy and then ordered him to Walk Toby around the room, everybody was to have a shot, she announced. The boy dragged Toby/Josh around and laughed as he passed him over to another girl. This was the girl that had milked Toby just a few minutes earlier, she pulled him to the centre of the room, and then spanked his ass with her hand as hard as she could. He yelped and flinched.

"That was for making a mess on my hand, you dirty little puppy" she scolded him, she then slapped him some more on each cheek, until she left her hand prints on both cheeks. After all the gang had had their turn in pulling him around, Evil-lyn went over and took the lead. She pulled him over and took off the lead. She then told him to go over into the corner of the room and "Fetch" his blue underpants, that were thrown in the corner, when he was stripped. As he make his way over, she shouted after him.

"TOBY, hurry up boy, fetch, bring them to the boss", the gang laughed as he picked the pants up in his teeth and hurried back across the wooden floor, he dropped them at her feet, she rubbed his hair and patted him on the head.

"Good boy Toby, now I want you to fetch them again" as she threw them into the other corner of the room. "Quick ... fetch ... Toby"

The humiliated boy scurried into the corner, with howls of laughter coming from the gang, again he picked them up and brought them to his new master. As he made is way to his master, some of the kids would smack his ass, for added entertainment.

She took the pants off of him and put them over his head, rubbing the crotch area into his face, she adjusted the pants to line his face up with the hole of his legs.

"Ahaww, doesn't Toby look all pretty", she laughed, she then retrieved a small rubber ball from the bag and threw it into the room and ordered Toby to fetch it. The boys and girls proceeded to kick the ball away from Toby and make him shuffle after it as fast as he could, it of course was a hopeless task and they tormented him for ages as David & Evelyn watched satisfied that the boy was been suitably humiliated. David had not got his camera out for the milking and the puppy training as he was enjoying himself too much to be bothered and it would have been too difficult to film Toby running around the hut after a ball and at the same time, ensure that nobody was seen or heard on the film. They still had one more insurance part that would allow him to get the camera out again, he was not finished for the night that was for sure. Josh managed to grab the ball as it passed close by him, he held it in his mouth and looked up, a number of kids were all calling his name at the same time, "bring it here Toby", "Come here boy", and "Good boy, well done, now bring it to me please, here boy" He just looked around confused as to what to do next. He went over to David dropped it at his feet and said

"I need a piss"

All the boys recognised the symptoms, soon after ejaculation, they needed a piss, he had probably held onto it as long as he could, but now he needed to go.

"Johnny, come here", David shouted across the room.

"The puppy needs a piss, take the lead and make sure nobody sees you outside, then make sure he does the business, just like a dog. He must lift his leg and pee, do not allow him to handle his cock, do you understand?"

"yeah, no problem, just like a dog" Johnny repeated, he pick up the lead from the floor attached it to Josh's collar and pulled him to the door.

After making sure that the coast was clear. He led the boy out the front and round the side of the hut, there was a grass area at the gable end of the hut, he pulled the boy to the position he wanted and stood there looking down at the hairless red assed boy still wearing the blue pants on his head.

"Get on with it boy" he commanded.

Toby/Josh lifted his right leg and rested his knee against the side of the hut and let out a sigh and a hot stream of piss, which splashed on the ground and the bottom edge of the hut. After a few seconds he placed his knee back on the ground and wiggled his ass, to shake a few of the remaining droplets, off his cock, he turned round and looked up at Johnny. Johnny was just starring at the boy whilst he fondled his clearly erect cock in his trousers. He made the boy look up at him as he continued to play with himself, the outline of his cock was clearly visible to the boy, then from his trance like state, he spoke

"Are you done Toby?"

"Yes" came the reply.

"Your time will come" he said in a threatening manner as he stooped to pick up the lead and pull the puppy back to his fate. Josh did not know what that meant, but knew it was not likely to be good for him.

Safely back in the hut with the door locked behind him, Johnny dragged the boy over to the Evelyn and David

"Here" he said and passed the lead to David and moved back to where is drink was.

"Right then Toby" said Evelyn, "Just a couple of more things to do before we call it a night, as we don't want you getting back late to your bed now, do we?"

"Bring the table back into the middle of the room", she said

"There's a boy, now pop up here like a good little puppy"

Toby got up onto the table and remained on his hands and knees, she pulled the lead and made him approach the edge, where she looked at him straight in the face. She patted him on the head and ruffled his hair.

" Now, are you going to be a good little puppy and do as I say, or am I going to have to have you tied down to the table, like before?"

His head just dropped to the table top and he muttered that he would do as asked. He was beyond trying to reason with her. He realised after being made to be a puppy, that no matter what he said, she was going to do as she pleased anyway. With him being outnumbered by the gang and his clothes locked in another room, no amount of struggling was ever going to work. David had also taken numerous photos and video clips of his humiliation, so he reasoned that what was going to happen, was going to happen. And he might was well make it as pain free as possible. He remembered what it was like when he could hardly move on the table and how sore and stiff he was after being cut loose. He did not want to experience that again. She and David had won, he was going to submit to whatever they had planned and he was sure that they indeed had a plan.

"I will be a good little puppy" be meekly stated.

"Good boy Toby, that's what I like to hear, now stay there a minute", she went again into her bag and pulled out a towel and laid it on the table,

"lie down on your back, boy" she instructed.

He took his place on the towel and lay on his back with his legs hanging over the edge of the table. She removed the blue pants from his head and threw then into the corner of the room.

"Lift your knees to your chin and hold them there", his ass was now displayed to everyone in the room. He knew that this was not looking good, but again what could he do, he just kept saying to himself that any pain was not worth it.

Evelyn told two other boys to take hold of his ankles and hold then in the air, "spread them wider" she told them.

"Right cameraman, get ready, your on in a couple of minutes."

David took his customary still photos of the boys new position, getting a couple of real close ups of the rosebud that was on display.

"Okay, everyone, this will be just like before, I am going to take a mixture of photos and videos, so again, no talking or getting yourself in the frame, do you all understand?" he addressed the group.

"Yes" was the universal reply.

"Okay" said Evelyn, taking over from her brother, "When I give the nod, everyone stay quiet" now looking at the boy displayed before her, she spoke directly to him "Toby, when I nod I want you to demand to be fucked, I really want you to beg to be fucked, do you understand?"

"Eh", he hesitated, not sure what she was meaning. Soon however there was no need to understand what she meant, as she dipped once more into her bag and produced a 10 inch dildo, shaped as a penis and a few sachets of lubricant. She ripped open the packet and smeared the jelly all over the dildo, she open a second sachet of jelly and smeared some more directly onto the head of the penis and the rest of the cold jelly onto his rosebud.

"Okay, cameraman, get ready, everyone be quiet and Toby, when I nod, get ready to beg, and so that everyone is clear, you will all have a shot for a minute or two, I don't anybody complaining that the missed their turn"

David spoke helpfully ..." Lights, Camera & Action" in a slightly over the top fashion.

He focused in video mode first the boy laying on his back, ankles held up and wide by two pairs of hands, his sisters hand holding the dildo came into shot, aiming a few inches away from its' target. She nodded to Josh to prompt him.

As the group waited to see what he was going to do, they were shocked when he finally spoke after a pause of about 15 seconds.

"Fuck me now, get that baby right in my hole, go on ... I fucking need my hole fucked"

They were shocked at how demanding and forthright he was, as few of them exchanged looks and a few did well not to let out a "oh my god" cry, but they remembered that the event was being filmed.

David was delighted with the reaction of Josh, he was now his little fuck toy, to do with as he pleases. He kept his camera at the ready, taking in a long shot, of the boy who was now demanding that he be fucked by a dildo.

Evelyn followed Josh's instructions, after all who was she to refuse. She slid the head up and down his hole and made sure that there was as much lubricant as possible in the right place. She began to apply pressure on his hole, which resolutely was not going to be easily breached. She was surprised at how much pressure was needing to be applied. She adjusted her feet to get a better angle and started to force the head into his pink virgin rosebud.

"Go on, fuck me, I need a cock inside my slutty little boy pussy" Josh again stunned the crowd.

She obliged and David moved in for a close up, as his virgin hole gave up its resistance and finally with a big push the head pushed past his defences and started to disappear inside him, with wide eyed glee, she paused to let him get used to it, before starting to push harder, slowly inch by inch she pushed the dildo in. He took about four inches then started to whimper a little bit and pant for breath. She started to pull it out slowly, until the head was about to pop out, then pushed it back inside, this time she went for a little bit further than the last time. He was clearly uncomfortable, but she never cared, she was too rapped up in the pleasure she was getting from fucking the hairless toy she now owned. She now started to create a little bit of rhythm and started to speed up, little by little, going a bit deeper with each thrust. The warmth started to spread from Josh ass, It was sore but became easier with every passing minute. The lubricant soon made its' way inside him and eased the pain with each thrust, Evelyn was really enjoying fucking the virgin ass. David was expertly capturing the fucking and felt more and more comfortable with his cameraman role for the night. The gang all watched as the humiliated Josh was fucked and was recorded begging for it. After about 5 minutes of constant penetration, she nodded to her brother to stop recording. This he did.

She then announced that everyone was to have their opportunity to fuck the boy, David converted his camera back to taking stills and like an Olympic athlete, she handed over the batten to the boy who was standing at her right hand side.

"Right, you know what to do, you saw my technique, just do what I did and then pass it onto your neighbour. Ok?"

"yip", the boy replied slightly hesitantly.

He took the 10 inch dildo from her and took his position in between the boys legs, he glanced around the room to see what everybody was doing. They all were watching him to see what he was going to do. As his gaze fell onto Evelyn, she nodded and said, "Get on with it"

Without further waiting he placed the head of the dildo on the boys cherry and looked at him and asked "Tell me you want fucked"

"Fuck me" was the simple and short reply from Josh.

He obliged and forced the dildo into his violated hole, it parted easily and took inch after inch, he pushed about six inches all the way in and left it there. David took about 4 stills showing the progress of the weapon as it abused its target.

Evelyn ordered the boy to pass on the dildo, after about 2 minutes of fucking, the next person, a girl, repeated the process and Josh begged her to give it to him. All 18 members of the gang were ordered to fuck the boy. Josh's poor ass took a pounding for about 40 mins of non stop penetration. He was in a terrible state, whimpering over and over, begging to be fucked and begging for it to stop in equal measure. After everyone had their turn the batten was handed over to David and he took great pleasure in taunting the boy and forcing him to tell everyone that he was a faggot and deserved to be fucked long and hard. Then he plunged the dildo in further than anyone else had. 9 inches were pushed in and held in place so that everyone could get a good look. After he was finished, he ordered the two boys holding his legs in the air to drop them, he just walked away from the table but left the dildo inserted in Josh.

Josh lay on the table in agony, he had been shaved, milked, humiliated as a puppy and now penetrated by everyone in the hut whilst being forced to beg to be fucked. He was exhausted both mentally and physically.

David walked back to the table and whispered into the boys ear.

"That's what you get for kissing Sarah behind my fucking back, I bet you won't do that again eh?"

Finally Josh began to understand why all this had happened tonight, between being tortured and humiliated be never understood the fundamental question ... "Why me"? ... now he started to understand, yes he had heard the rumours that Sarah was going out with David, but he innocently assumed that, as she was flirting with him , then she and David were history. Obviously David had the opposite view, this was now clear to him, but what a price he had paid for taking an afternoon off School, why had he not just chosen to go to class. It was a question he would ask over and over, without ever getting an answer. What about Sarah?, did she know what was in store for him? Surely not, I did not bear thinking about. If she did know what David & Evelyn had planned, then by not stepping in, she was endorsing the torment that Josh had just gone through. He chose not to think those thoughts. There was no way of knowing. He could hardly see her at school, next week and start a conversation along the lines of "Hi Sarah, how are you?, I had a great weekend, I was stripped by a gang of people and had all my pubic hair shaved off, then I was forced to cum and then beg for a 10 inch fucking dildo, to rape my ass ... how was your weekend ?... oh and did you already know that this had all happened to me?". It was a conversation that was never going to happen.

Josh slowly pushed himself up onto his elbows, he winced as the still inserted dildo got the end jammed against the table top, he had to roll over onto his stomach and climb down off the table. As all the boys and girls stood around him in a circle, he went to pull the dildo out of his ass, when Evelyn shouted to him to leave it where it belongs. He just stood there. He watched as David went over to Johnny and whispered in his ear, Johnny nodded his head in understanding. David approached Josh and attached the lead back onto his collar. With one sharp pull, he commanded Toby to get down on all fours. This he did, meekly. David then lead Toby over to one of the two smaller side room, where is clothes had been put in a bag and thrown and locked in, for what had seemed to Josh to have been hours ago. As he was lead across the room, the dildo still inserted inside him, started to slip out and fell with a clatter onto the floor behind him, there was silence in the room, then David guided Toby back to the dildo and told him to pick it up in his mouth, like a stick. This Toby did, as others muttered their disgust, especially the girls. With the dildo in his mouth, he was lead into the room and David and Evelyn entered the room and shut the door behind them.

"OK Toby, it is nearly time to stop the fun, but there is just one more little insurance policy, that needs to be put in place. It won't take too long", said David

"In fact" added his sister, "If you do as asked without complaining, then it will be over sooner than later".

Josh just nodded his head, as he was still had the dildo in his mouth.

"Ok, lets get the ball rolling" said Evelyn, as she removed the dildo from his mouth.

"Get over into the corner and and sit like a good dog and put the end of the lead in your mouth"

David went over to the door, opened it and confirmed that Johnny had sorted everything he was asked to do. It was confirmed that this was the case.

"Great" he replied, "Send in the first one"

The door opened and a boy stepped into the room.

"Ok, listen up" said Evelyn, "We don't have time to waste, as time is getting on and we need to wrap things up sooner rather than later"

"Eh , ok" said the boy, slightly unsure, what was going to happen, he never had to wait long to find out.

"Right, go over there and pick up the lead and turn towards the camera and smile, I want you to "own" the puppy, so throw your chest out and shoulders back and lift your head slightly, I want you to look like he is a worthless little shite that you totally own."

The boy looked puzzled, as he, as well as the others were previously told to stay out of the camera range and to not do any talking whilst things were being recorded.

"Look you little dipshit, this is an insurance policy, To insure that you do not talk out of turn to anyone. If you do, or I find out that you have taken any pictures with your phone or anything else for that matter, then take a good long look at the boy there", she pointed to Josh "As you will end up in exactly the same position, comprende?"

The boy immediately nodded his understanding, he quickly grabbed the lead out of Josh's mouth and stood for the camera in his best "arrogant" look that he could manage.

David snapped a couple of pictures and made sure the boys face was perfectly recognisable.

David this time, made it his turn to address the boy. "Ok, great, now stand right in front of him and take your cock out of your trousers and present it to his mouth"

There was more stunned silence from the boy and Josh, as they both took in David's words.

Turning to Josh, David said " When the cock is rubbed along your lips, I want you to open your mouth and start to suck him off, don't nip or bite and watch your teeth, but make sure that you get most of it in your mouth, do you understand?"

Josh was not too surprised, after the night he had had. However the boy was looking decidedly pale. David's next words, soon shock his revere, "What the fuck are you waiting for? A fucking invite from the queen?, look if you don't get on with it, than I will get Johnny and his pals to come in here and have you stripped and shaved ... and well you saw the rest, do you want that to happen?"

The boys answer was silent, but his actions were loud and clear, he faced Josh and started to unzip and unbutton his trousers, he removed his soft cock and held it out as straight as he could. Josh came face to face with his first teenage penis, but it would not be is last of the night, that he now knew for certain. He moved his face forward to be just an inch from the ever so slightly hardening cock. He was not sure what to expect or what to do. He wetted his lips and then moved his mouth closer. The boy shuffled forward and pushed his small purple head along his lips then pushed a little passed Josh's lips and into his mouth. He paused for a second or two, then FLASH, the camera went off capturing their moment forever. Josh started to roll his tongue around the base of the boys cock head. It started to swell in his mouth and be bobbed his head forward, taking another small amount into his wet moist mouth.

"Look over here and smile" David said, interrupting their thoughts and actions.

The boy looked round and smiled, as David caught the penetration of Josh's face in a nice side on profile, he was pleased to get both their faces into shot. David never needed to bother with blackmailing Josh, he already had everything he needed from earlier, this was to insure that the boy, knew his place and that there would be dire consequences if he did or said anything that he or his sister disapproved of.

The boys cock soon hardened and became stiff, he was caught in the moment of penetrating Josh's mouth, he watched and held the back of the boys head as he pushed a little further with every thrust, watching as more and more of his hard cock slipping in and out of the hot wet mouth. He was starting to get carried away and sorely wanted to dump his teenage cum down the throat of the slut, he started to throw his head back and pant that little bit quicker, the other two knew what was going to happen soon.

Evelyn watched fascinated by the boys actions, but she had to interrupt. "Ok that's enough, put your tiny cock away and bugger off, we are finished with you." she said harshly.

The boy flushed a bright pink tone, but got himself ready by putting his freshly sucked cock back into his boxer shorts, then before he was about to leave the room, he patted the boy on the head and said "Good boy Toby" and left the room. David and his sister laughed out loud, they enjoyed that last spontaneous moment.

Johnny had made sure that he lined everyone up as instructed, all the boys first and then all the girls. Boy after boy went into the room and preformed the same ritual. Josh become better and more assured about sucking male dick every time he was presented with a new one. He felt sure that most were virgin cock and that he was giving their owners their first sexual encounter with anything other than the palms of there own horny little hands.

When It became the turn of the fist girl, they were also instructed to hold the lead in the same arrogant manner, however after those pictures had been taken, Josh was told to turn around and wave his ass at the girl. The girl was handed the same well used dildo that penetrated Josh virgin butt earlier on. Her hands shook a little as she pressed it against his hole, but the well fucked lubricated ass, was never going to hold out for long. The dildo soon breached the hole and she shoved it in quite some way. The Camera, again caught the moment for all time. Both the girl and Josh were forced to face the camera this time smiling a false smile. They were forced to give the thumbs up symbol. David made sure that nothing was missed and that the rape of Josh ass was going to be repeated with every girl out side. He was now a proper little slut boy.

David and Evelyn were by now mindful of the time and getting Josh back home before any awkward questions were asked, so each person was "done" in the quickest time possible, Suck Suck the boys, Fuck fuck by the girls, all the time whilst being treated as a puppy, when was this humiliation going to end?.

The last girl left the room and on leaving just the puppy and his owners were left. Evelyn said "right that about does it", looking at the boy she said. "Right Toby get dressed", she threw his clothes at him and the boy got dressed slowly, as to move fast was sore and he winced, his raw ass reminding him that he had long since given up his cherry to the gang.

Johnny was told that he could now let everyone go home, as the night's entertainment had finished. As the kids made there way out they were all talking about some of the things that they had enjoyed and seen and done, everyone had known about the insurance policy that David and his sister had made them do, so when they neared the end of the woods and headed back into town they started to quieten down, making sure that no one overheard them. Their secret was more for there own protection than Josh.

David, his sister and his best pal Johnny were the only ones left with Josh, they locked up the hut and took all the remaining items with them, in their bags. Any drink that was too heavy to carry was left hidden in one of the small side rooms. They could have another party at some other time. The four of them set off with out saying anything to one and other. Johnny eventually parted company with the other three and made his own way home.

On entering Josh's street, David stopped and spoke to Josh.

"Well that was great fun tonight, don't you think?" laughing.

He continued "Do you know, when I found out, that you had kissed Sarah, I was just going to punch you little lights out and put you in a world of pain, but do you know what happened?"

"No", replied Josh

"Well, my sister here thought that you needed to be taught a real lesson, one that you would never forget, do you think we managed it?"

"Yes" was the one world reply that Josh said.

"Well, I think that you could be more grateful than that, so turn to Evelyn and thank her properly for your nights work and make sure it is fucking sincere, you understand?"

Josh turned to the smiling Evelyn and through gritted teeth, he muttered

"Evelyn, thanks very much for tonight, I deserved it and I am glad you all enjoyed yourselves.", throwing a false smile in at the end for effect.

"Well, thanks very much Josh, I must admit I had a great time and it was a pleasure to abuse you all night long, we must do this again, in fact, I know we will", she added with a laugh, as she turned on her heal and headed towards her home.

"Right, that's me off", said David and he also turned on his heel and ran after his sister.

Josh put his key in the door and turned it as quietly as he could and entered the house, he just wanted to go straight to his bedroom. But was stopped in his tracks by his mothers voice.

"Hi Honey, how was the party?, did you have a great time?"

His father now also appeared at her shoulder, from behind the door and stood along side his wife, waiting for the the answer.

"Yeah it was fine, I suppose" was all Josh could mutter, to his mothers question, he then bounded up the stairs three at a time, wincing as he did, as his raw ass reminded him of the night he endured.

Bob turned to his wife, "Typical teenager" he muttered, "I see we are at the hormonal muttering stage now", with just a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Well, I am sure that he had a great time" Anne added, "I am sure he'll tell us all about it in the morning"

"Okay" replied Bob, "I am off to bed, you coming" he flashed a mischievous smile at his wife. "Come on sexy, lets go" and he took her by the hand and left the room.

The End.

Next: Chapter 2

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