Dealing with It

By Asharia Stone

Published on Oct 7, 2003


This story is fiction and the results of my deranged mind. It is not intended to resemble anyone else's work or any person that is real. I apologize if it does. If you are not of legal age or this type of material is banned in your area, leave. Easy as that. All criticism is welcome, but be nice. If you like it, please let me know so I can continue. Enjoy.

2 Caelum

Mornings suck. That's my motto, which is why I couldn't understand why I was standing in the main hallway at six o'clock on a Thursday morning. When Coach Marsh asked me to help him set up the obstacle course for his first period class I should have said no. Any sane person would have said no and stayed in their bed until a more respectable hour approached. But I could never say no to Marsh; that man had did too much for me in the past for me to leave him hanging when he needed help. So there I was, half asleep and half something else that sure as hell wasn't awake. "Thanks for the help, Cae. I'll make the freshman finish it up when they come in later. Why don't you go shower and get something from the cafeteria before people get here." Coach Marsh suggested as steered me out of the gym and into the locker room. "If you're nice, Henderson might even let you watch the first swim practice." I nodded and grabbed my bag. I could hear the swimmers in the locker room getting ready for practice. Coach Henderson would let me stay and watch, and since breakfast was not an option when I wasn't awake enough to see what I was eating, watching the swimmers seemed like a good idea. The gym and the pool were both located in the basement of the school, connected by the guys and girls locker rooms. As I entered several of the guys were just leaving through the far door. There were only around six guys left in the room. Two of them were my best friends so I decided to just shoot the shit for a while before washing the sweat of my morning efforts on March's behalf off. "Didn't figure you for an idiot, Anthony," I laughed, swatting on of the remaining guys on the head. "Thought you had more sense than to let Medun and Henderson get their hands on you again." "Shut up dog face! I'm not afraid of either of them. Personally, I think Cae here has never joined the swim team cuz he doesn't know how to swim," Anthony said in a false whisper to the other guys. He turned back to me, "Bro, just cuz you're afraid of water doesn't mean the rest of us should be. Speaking of which, maybe you should put that fear aside and shower cuz you reek man!" Anthony shot back. Everyone laughed except one guy standing in the far corner. I could almost sense his embarrassment as he tried to hide himself behind a towel. That was new for me. Almost every swimmer I had ever met was extremely pleased with his/her body and was happy to share it with the rest of the world. This obviously shy guy made me wonder. It wasn't like he had anything to be ashamed about. He was a little shorter than my 6' frame, and lean, not skinny just lean. His chest was defined and he had a sculpted six pack that boasted a thin treasure trail that lead into his Speedo. I could see a nice bulge there. His hair was shoulder length and dark brown with red highlights. It reminded me of the cabinet that my grandmother had. She had called in mahogany. He had a pretty face. Not the kind that got a guy beat up, but the kind that got attention. Vivid green eyes finished everything off, making him one very nice looking guy. Or should I say on hot guy. "Who's the newbie?" I asked quietly. Anthony glanced over to where the guy was standing, trying to keep the towel around his waist. "Name's Zane. From what we managed to get out of him so far, Ciana convinced him to join." I shook my head, that girl could convince the sun not to set if she wished it. "I know what you're thinking bro, and hands off. One I don't think he plays that way, and two, I think Ci has dibs on him." Anthony warned me. I only smiled, "she may have dibs, but it's who gets him that gets to keep him." Anthony only shook his head before standing up. He glanced once Zane before looking back at me. "Be careful." I nodded and watched as he walked out. If he hadn't been my best friend I would have been all over him. Well, that and if he hadn't been straight. Ce la vie. The room cleared out pretty quickly after Anthony left, leaving only myself and Zane there. He was still fighting with the towel, trying to get it to stay up. I watched for a few minutes before walking over to where he stood, head down, tongue caught between his teeth as he fought a losing battle. "Want some help?" I asked, laugh slightly as he jumped. "Sorry man. I can help you if you need it." He just stared at me for a moment, green eyes wary before nodding. I took hold of the towel, holding one end tight against the flesh of his stomach I quickly wrapped the rest around then tuck the other end underneath the first. "That should hold." I said before walking away. Touching the warm, firm skin of his stomach had gotten to me quickly, and the last thing I needed, was some poor kid to see me with a hard-on. Wouldn't be hard to figure out why considering we were the only two in the room. "You better get going. Henderson and Medun like it when people show up early." The kid nodded before heading out toward the pool. I sighed and entered the showers. Our school locker rooms boasted two types of showers. The normal communal showers that almost all high schools seem to have as well as private ones for those who were a little body shy. It was into the latter that I slipped, hoping to have some privacy. I could still feel the heat from Zane's body on my hands, at the sensation wasn't making it any easier on me, so I decided to take things into my own hands. Literally. I turned the water on as hot as I could stand it and began to soap up my body. Moaning softly I trailed my hands over my shoulders, down my chest stopping briefly to play with my nipples before continuing down. When I reached my groin I played with the hair there, letting the anticipation build before reaching for my straining cock. I stroked myself slowly and softly, envisioning that hair and those eyes, not to mention what my imagination created beneath the Speedo. Lost in my own world I never saw the shadow lurking on the other side of the curtain.


When I got to school the next morning the last thing I expected was to be welcomed into the group so quickly. It was just before six and the locker room was filled with the mumblings of the half asleep and the cheerful banter of the disgustingly wide awake. Everyone greeted me by name and one guy, Anthony, stepped forward to play guide and introduced me to everyone. It seemed Ciana had been right and everyone knew me because I was the only new person in our grade. Somehow Anthony managed to drag some of my story out of me and there was a chorus of laughs when I admitted that it was Ciana's idea that I join the team. I tried the best I could to keep the skin show to a minimum as I changed. I had never been very open with showing others my body and walking around in a Speedo was going to be tough enough. Despite being surrounded by a group of half naked guys I managed to keep myself under control. Until he walked in that is. I had no clue to who he was, but I sure as hell wanted to find out. He was about 6' of muscle. Not the muscle of excessive weightlifting, but the natural kind of a big man. His shoulders were broad and his pecs nicely developed, both straining against the fabric of his shirt. He had a slim waist and lean hips and when he turned around I was grace with the sight of a beautiful ass. I focused on his eyes for a moment and was shot with a feeling of d‚j... vu. His eyes were a silver-grey, the edges slanted slightly. I had seen those eyes before. Continuing on I took in his mocha coloured skin that was stretched taunt over high cheek bones. His face seemed to have been made by an artist. It wasn't beautiful, but it was more than handsome. The next thing I noticed was his hair. It was black as night with natural blue highlights and hung down to his butt. I had never seen hair that long on a guy before. Part of me wanted to go over and see if it was a soft and silky as it looked. I kept a firm reign on the part of me. I listened as he bantered with Anthony. I stopped when I heard my name and tried to listen for more, but both of them had dropped their voices to a near whisper. I looked up to see him stare at me before looking back at Anthony. They were talking about me, but I had no clue as to what they were saying. It was slightly unnerving. Anthony left and the others followed him, leaving me alone in the room with the nameless guy. I was struggling to get my towel to stay around my waist when he spoke to me. "Want some help?" He laughed softly when I jumped and I noticed how white and even his teeth were. "Sorry man. I can help you if you need it." I stared at him a moment, wondering why he would want to help me before nodding. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt his hand touch my stomach. His hand was cool and calloused, a hand that had done hard work and probably enjoyed it. He wrapped the towel around me with quick efficiency. "That should hold." He said before walking away. "You better get going. Henderson and Medun like it when people show up early." I nodded at his words of advice and turned toward the door that leads to the pool. I had made it a few steps when I realized I hadn't thanked him. Quickly I walked back toward the showers. He was in one of the private showers with the curtain pulled almost all the way shut. There was just enough left open that I could see him standing underneath the spray. I could see every inch of his toned body and I could also see the hard cock standing at attention. While I knew I should leave before I was caught I couldn't seem to move. Instead I watched, transfixed as his soap covered hands slid down his body. He stopped at his nipples for a moment, moaning quietly before continuing down. When he wrapped his hand around his hard cock I stared, marvelling at the size. He had to be at least nine inches. He stroked himself slowly and when he groaned again my eyes shot up to his face. His eyes were closed but at any moment they could open and I would be caught. Quickly I moved away. I moved back to where the lockers were and willed my own hard dick to go down. As I stood there Anthony came in and I was extremely glad for the towel wrapped around me. "You okay man?" He asked. I nodded and started over to where he and the door were. "Good, let's go swim."

Okay. That's chapter two for you. I want to thank those who have written me and those who have read the story and came back for more. I apologize for any errors, I am my own editor and half the time I can't spell my own name right. Any comments please email me, just make sure that you include either the story title or something about the story in the subject line.

Next: Chapter 3

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