Different Styles of Adrian

By Corey Diaz-Cruz

Published on Aug 23, 2008


The Different Styles of Adrian

Corey Diaz-Cruz


Chapter 1

Hey reader. I know that if you are reading this, then you read nifty or some other story from a yahoo group. Well, I started my own and I'm going to submit my story to nifty soon. But I'm looking for editors to help me. So if anyone is looking to edit, lol, then send me an email and tell me some things about yourself. Also, check and look around the yahoo group if you want and sign up. There will be chatting among the members, so check it out. Here's the link:


Ugh, the start of school. Not something I was looking forward to. Basically, the first few days are always torture for me. It's all basically a popularity contest that will determine the school year by who you hang out with, or what you stay to the other people. Well, I guess I really can't complain because this year happened to be a good year for me. Me you ask? Oh yeah, forgot, introductions. Me. I'm Adrian Rodriguez. And Puerto Rican and Black, so that happened to be an amazing combination. I'm 17 and I'm in high school, senior year of course. This year was different. People say that senior year decides your whole entire life. Well, in my case, it definitely did.


Man, why did I think that this alarm clock was cool is beyond me. The annoying beeping, oh how I have wanted to throw it out the window plenty of times. But still, the times it's saved me from being late is actually a god send.



I love my mom and all, but still, the woman has a mouth like megaphone. She needs to not get worked up a lot, but mostly, it's my brother Max that makes her worked up. He's a bit of a bad boy, I guess. And he's only 15, a sophomore at my school. But hey, what can you do. I got up before I heard another blast from the megaphone. It's too early for that. I mean, cmon, it's 6:45. I sat on the bed looking outside my window of the apartment. I just hate looking through the window because all you saw was the neighbor's apartment. The price you pay for living in the Bronx. Stretching myself, I just had the gut feeling in my stomach that something was going to happen.

"Why is it that I'm always right?"

I looked around my room, my blue painted walls, my full size bed, my just plain original room. I only have one poster and that's of my favorite wrestler, Rey Mysterio. Man, I've always wanted to meet him. His move, the 6-1-9, mad flexible, I mean, how could you not like that.

I went to the bathroom and started looking at myself in the mirror. Yes, I know, very narcissistic, but still, I look good. You gotta agree with me. I had the bathroom already steamed up ready for me to go in. I took off my blue boxers, actually, since my favorite color is blue, all of my boxers are different shades of blue or with different designs. This one just happened to be plaid. It was just something I picked out. I got into the shower, the hot water washing over my body and taking away the tension in my muscles. I grabbed the soap and started lathering up, going softly, making sure everything was washed properly. I knew something was going to happen today. Might as well make sure I'm clean and ready. I brought the soap down my legs, tanned from wearing shorts in the summer and with light but noticeable hair. My feet, size 13 that only let Jordans touch them, nothing but the coolest sneakers. My chest and abs, formed hard and puffed by my nightly crunches and different exercises. My arms, built tough and muscular from lifting weights and boxes from my old job ever since I was 13 years old. My wet hair, dark brown, flowing down my to my shoulders when I get my braids in, sticking to my back and chest. I started rinsing off the lather and felt that there was one more part that I hadn't washed well, my cock. When I looked at it, I felt the need to at least let one go for the day. Never know when will be your last breath. Take advantage of that. I slowly grabbed it lightly and starting stroking my uncut cock, 8.5 inches hard. I was really getting into it when...



Why does she have to ruin the good part? That's so evil of her. But she's right. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 7:00.

"Oh shit, I gotta get ready."

I turned off the shower, quickly dried off my hair and ran to my room. Now for the most difficult part of the morning. What to wear to school? I stood there looking at the clothes in my closet not knowing what to wear.


"Yeah?" I said in my usual attitude voice.

"Hey Addy, mom said u have 5 minutes, if not you're grounded for a month." My brother Max came in with his eyes closed. What a dork.

"A month?? I just got off the month she gave me last month. Shit." I started grabbing shirts and pants and through them on the bed.

"Here, I'll help. I know you don't want to go through one of mom's famous month long groundings." Max said with a laugh.

"Man, shut up, it's worse for me because I'm older. Now, help me. I don't know what to wear."

Max pushed me out of the way and basically dove into the closet and was searching frantically.

"Here. The outfit I bought you for your birthday and you never wore it." Max said with a depressing tone. I walked over to him and gave him a hug and a kiss on his forehead. He looked up and smiled. I smiled back and let him go.

"Now, unless you want to see me undress, then leave." I laughed.

He opened his eyes and ran out, most likely to finish his breakfast. I took the outfit and looked it over. I saw the tags and looked at them. I can't believe that my brother left the tags on them. I ripped them off and I looked at the tags. The shirt was 69 dollars, the pants were 49 dollars and the sweatshirt was 119 dollars. I can't believe my brother would pay more than 200 dollars for an outfit unless they were. . .


"Oh man, I forgot." I got scared because I didn't want to be grounded. It will not be fun at all. I put on all my clothes, put my hair in a du rag and ran to the kitchen all out of breath.

"I'm breath here. Am I breath in trouble?"

"Nope, you're fine. I wasn't going to punish you anyways. I just wanted you to eat something before you went to school." she said with a smile.

"Aww, thanks mom." I smiled back at her.

I looked at the feast she prepared for me. Well, in my eyes, it's a feast. Frosted Flakes with whole milk, buttered toast, and a mug of coffee with lots of cream and sugar. Man, I was going to eat well this morning. In about 10 minutes, the food before me was gone. Not a crumb was left.

"Wow, you must have been hungry." My mom looked at me shocked.

"Hmm, I guess I was. Thanks mom. Gotta take the train before I'm late. Love you."

"Aww, love you too. Watch out with your brother and make sure that he doesn't get in trouble."

"Will do mom."

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and ran out the door. I was finally out of the house. I wasn't late so that was the good thing. I was about 10 minutes early when I got to the East 233rd Street 2 and 5 train station. I always find this station full in the mornings. Even then, the passengers will thin out once we reach the Gun Hill Road station. I was standing up, as usual on the Bx 41 bus at Gun Hill Road. There's was train traffic in front of us, no surprise there. I guess when they say traffic in New York City is murder, I wonder if they meant buses as well, but yeah, the doors were still open. There was another Bx 41 in front. Most likely a local bus since I was on the limited and it was packed. I looked outside and I saw this kid come onto the bus. He looked my age, about 1 or 2 inches smaller than me. There were a few features that I noticed about him, and something inside me clicked. I don't know but from that second, I felt like I wanted to get to know him. Maybe it was the way his light brown hair was cut as a taper. It could have been his eyes, mellow hazel that were soft and happy. His skin, light but still dark enough that people know that he's Hispanic. There were so many different things. I just didn't know what was going on. But before I knew it, he was standing next to me leaning against the center of the "worm bus" like me. I call them the worm buses because they're longer than the normal buses and they look like a worm when they turn. Ehhh, at least, I see them like that. I took this opportunity to see if I can see what he smelled like. I pretended I had allergies and took a deep breath. The smell, so relaxing yet it made me happy in the inside. He smelled like cherry candy and Axe Touch. I looked at him and he the same. He looked into my eyes and smiled. I smiled back. His face, it was so free but at the same time, it looked like it was full of pain. We just kept staring at each other and smiling. Before I knew it, the bus was at Fordham Road. "That was fast." I thought to myself. I made my way to the door and waited for them to open. Once they were opened, I flew out of there. I just wanted to get to school to get it over with. As I made my way down Fordham Road, I heard my name out loud.

"Adrian!!" it sounded like a female's voice, shrill and annoying. Oh crap, I knew who it was. I turned around and saw the one person I didn't feel like seeing at all. Juliette Mitchell. This girl, if she even can be counted as one, is the most evil, conniving bitch on this planet. I mean, if you don't see her as evil, then you need a psychological evaluation. She told the police that her father and mother did cocaine and hit her on a constant basis which wasn't true because she's my next door neighbor. I never heard anything going on there. We were best friends ever since we were little brats in the hood, but then we got older. And I got taller, and uhh, "bigger." The only thing that matured with Juliette was her sex drive. That's the main reason why we're not friends anymore. She has a constant sex drive that I think increases all the time. She's attractive but I never saw her like that. She's my baby sis, but I guess she didn't see me as her big bro.

"Hey, Adrian. Papi, when are you and me going to relax at my place?? I missed us being friends. What happened??" That voice, it could break glass. I hated hearing it.

"Juliette. You wanna know what happened to us being friends?? You. You happened. Ever since you saw me that time at the pool, you changed. You wanted to blow me, let me fuck you. And no, I'm not into doin that shit. I'm not a hit-it-and-quit-guy, and I'm not fallin for you doing that to me, so step off Juliette, and just leave me alone. You're just trouble, and a ho. Everyone knows what you did, what you do, and I'm surprised that guys who are smarter than me fall for that kid shit. Mad low. Now, get ta steppin cuz I got class." And with that, I left her in the past.

I walked to the front steps of my school, Theodore Roosevelt High School on Fordham Road and saw my friends on the side.

"Hey, Mack, what's up?" I called as I saw my friend with his girlfriend sitting on the steps.

"Nothing. Just chilling here with Marissa. How about you?" he smiled back.

"What, I don't get a hello?" Marissa replied snobbishly. That was the best quality about her. She can be the most snobbish girl but she's really funny with it.

"I am sorry, my queen. Please forgive me for my stupidity." I bowed to her. Mack started laughing and Marissa elbowed him in the stomach.

"You are forgiven, peasant." She said with her best British accent. I just laughed at her. She was so funny and it just suited her.

"Well, I'm heading to class. Can't mess up those C's I have." I sighed.

"Ok, well, you wanna chill after school at your place? If that's ok with your mom." Marissa asked softly.

"Yeah, just meet me at the plaza and we'll take the Bx 12. Ok with you guys?" I looked up at the doors and saw the back of someone's head that I thought I recognized.

"Gotta go. Peace. See ya in class!" and I ran off. I chased after that guy, wondering where had I seen him.

"Hey, hey kid, wait up!" I yelled. He looked back and it was him, the mystery guy. I reached him and took a deep breath because I was winded. As soon as the air hit my nostrils, I smelled the cherry candy and Axe Touch cologne still. That made me happy to smell that. I just wanted to give him a hug right there. I don't care. I just wanted to know him. Have him as my friend.

"Uhh, hey." He said softly. It sounded like he was afraid of me.

"Hey, I remember you from the bus this morning. We never did talk except for you smiling at me and me to you. I'm Adrian. Adrian Rodriguez. What's your name?" I said excitedly.

"I'm, uhh, Jaime. Jaime Santana. I'm a new kid. I moved here from Massachusetts."

"Oh, cool. Well, Jaime, welcome to the great city of New York and the borough of the Bronx." I smiled at him and saw that he looked scared.

"Hey, what's wrong? I'm not gonn hurt you. I wanna be friends. Is that okay with you?" I asked while I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, that's fine." He was really afraid of me. I had to change that.

"Okay, well, first, what lunch do you have today?" I said while looking at the clock. It said 7:45. Fifteen minutes left till 8.

"Uhh, 4th. Why?"

"Ok, this is great. I have 4th too. We're going out to lunch. My treat and I'm not accepting no for an answer." I smiled back. He smiled and nodded back at me.

"Great, I'll see you at the front of the school at 12:45. And we'll go somewhere. So I got class now. I got Precalculus now. So I'll be seeing you." I turned around and started walking away.

"Wait!" I heard Jaime say. I turned around and he was running in the same direction. He gave me his schedule and I looked at it.

"Ok, so we have Precalculus wit Klein. Let's go." We started walking to the third floor for our class. When we entered, there was 2 seats side by side in the back corner and we went for the seats. The class, like normal, was boring. Jaime and I continued talking during the class by passing notes to each other. We were having a lot of fun until the bell rang. Everyone got up and left the class.

"So, I'll see you around. We still on for lunch?"

"Yeah. We are. I'll see you later Adrian." And we went our separate ways.

Next: Chapter 2

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