Different Styles of Adrian

By Corey Diaz-Cruz

Published on Sep 7, 2008


This story is 100% fiction. Any names in this story are made up and if they are your names, well, sorry, lol. If you're under 18, and you know that you're not supposed to read this, then don't, but who's gonn stop you. So enjoy. Check out the yahoo group for the story.


And now, drum roll please, the much waited for CHAPTER 3!!!! Enjoy.

Jaime and I were on the Bx. 12 on our way to Pelham Parkway. It was a pretty packed bus so we were standing up. Everytime the bus took a sudden stop, he would fall forward and I would grab him from the shirt so he didn't fall to the ground. And when the bus started moving again, he would fall back onto me and grind his hips into my crotch.

"You gotta stop grinding. When I'm hard, it's very noticeable." I whispered into his ear.

"Show me how noticeable. Please Adrian?" he gave me those puppy dog eyes. They were adorable. It was hard for me to say no. But this time, I had to be firm with him. I can't go being hard when I'm 8.5 inches. It'll cause a catastrophe.

"Right now, I can't. But since you're staying at my place tonight, behave and I'll show you." I smiled and breathed into his ear. I heard a small moan coming from his mouth. I hope no one else heard him. If something like a little breathe made him moan that loud, imagine me working him. He's gonn be screaming like the city and Jersey can hear him.

"Jaime. Are you a moaner?" I asked looking at the front of the bus.

"Uhhh, well, I don't know. I've never done anything except blow a guy. Why?" he looked at my face with worry.

"No, it's nothing. We'll talk about it later. Don't worry. It's nothing bad. Trust me. I wouldn't try hurting you." I said smiling down on him. He smiled back.

We got off the bus at Pelham Parkway and White Plains Road. We walked to the stairs and went up them into the train station. We took out our Metrocards and swiped them through the turnstiles and went upstairs to the northbound platform. I sat down on a bench and he stood up looking at me.

"What's wrong Jaime?" I asked. He wanted something. I can tell. It was very obvious.

"I just wanted to sit on your lap. Can I?" he gave me his puppy dog eyes. Those eyes were a powerful weapon that he has.

"Hmmm, I unno Jaime. I unno if people will take that peacefully. We're in New York City and we gotta be careful." I said looking at the platform.

"Ok. You're right Adrian. I'm sorry." He sat down next to me.

"Jaime. There's something I wouldn't mind doing." I looked at him and smiled. I knew he was wondering what I was talking about. I raised my hand and put it on his face. He started trembling and I smiled.

"You don't need to be afraid of me. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." I started to move closer to his face and I heard him breathe heavily. I finally put my lips on him. They were soft, full, and warm. It was a quick kiss and when I pulled back, he stayed with his eyes closed.

"Jaime. Come back to the platform. Jaaaaaiiimmeeeeee." I closed back in and gave him a quick peck on the lips and pulled back. He finally opened his eyes and it looked like there were tears. Did I do something wrong? Is he disappointed in me? My mind was racing. The one time I tried making him happy, he starts crying. Man, I really fucked up this time.

"Jaime, what's wrong? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. The first day I'm with you, and you're crying. I'm horrible. I'm sorry." I looked into his eyes. Little drops of tears started falling from his eyes. Then, I smile came across his face. He burst out laughing and wiping his eyes. Uhhh, it's safe to say I was really lost here.

"You doofus. I'm fine. I'm not mad or sad. What in the world made you think that?" he looked like he wanted to laugh at me. I got embarrassed. My skin got darker, and my face grew hot.

"Adrian, uhh, are you blushing?" he gave me a questioning look. Now what. I blushed even more. I nodded sheepishly from embarrassment. I felt sweat fall down the side of my head. I didn't want him to see me like this.

"Adrian, cmon, it's fine. I started crying cuz that was my first real kiss. One that had love, not lust. And plus, it was with my boyfriend. Even better if you ask me. Adrian, your lips are so soft, I just got lost in them. Sorry." He smiled and I started to calm down. This was too much for one day. At this moment, I was in love with Jaime Santana.

"Are you ok? Please, I didn't mean to embarrass you." He put his arm on my back and started rubbing it. I felt a lot better.

The platform started shaking. I looked behind him and saw the train coming. We were the only ones in the front of the platform. And an elderly woman sitting near the back. There wasn't anyone at all on the southbound platform. I thought that to be weird. Ehh, it's New York City, the only city that you can be afraid of clowns and sit on the 2 train southbound and sit next to a Chinese clown that doesn't know english and wants you to hold her balloons. Ahhh, a magical place.

"Jaime, train." I pointed to it and he stood up. He gave me his hand so I can get up. He tried grabbing my bag and taking it. I wouldn't let it go. I had a strong grip on it. It wasn't about to let him take it. I gave him an evil smile and he started laughing.

"Can I please take it?? I wanna hold it." He let go. I held onto my big and shook my head no and gave him a smile. We stood next to each other waiting for the doors of the train to open. I let him get on first and walked it behind him. We were the only people on the car. I sat down next to the door and he sat next to me.

"This is a Bronx Bound 2 train. The next stop is Burke Avenue."

"Stand clear of the closing doors please. (Beep boop)"

The train started moving and we were on our way to my place so Jaime can sleep over. It was going to be fun. I hope. Right when the train started moving, Jaime sat down next to me and put his head on my shoulder. I smelled his hair and I still smelled the cherry candy and Axe Touch. It made me happy inside. I rested my head and closed my eyes.



"Get off. You're too heavy." He started laughing and I got off. He took his head off my shoulder and looked at me. I started laughing with him.

Well, we have a few more stops to go. We just talked the whole time. We found out a lot about each other. It was really nice to just talked. I liked it. And by the looks of it, so did Jaime. Every time I spoke, every word I said, he paid attention and smiled. I did the same too and I felt he appreciated that. I think I figured out why he is the way he is. It must be that people never paid him any attention. Well, this is gonn be different now. I'm around, and I'm gonn make him happy.

"Jaime. I got a question. It's bit too personal but still, why don't you tell me anyways, that is if you want to."

"Ok. I can try. What's your question?" he looked at me scared, like he thought I was gonn hit him. Why would I do that?

"Ok. Why are you so nervous? Remember at our lunch?" I looked at the floor, hurt because I didn't want him to feel like he should be scared around me.

"There's so many reasons, Adrian. And I really don't feel like talking about it. This is a good moment. Can we keep it that way? Please?" he looked out the window of the train. At least I know that he has had pain in his life. Now I wanted to be the one to hold him, to ease his pain.

"Ok, we can talk later." I took his hand and held it softly. They were so warm. I was really falling for Jaime Santana. I wondered if he felt the same.

"Adrian, not to sound like a bratty bitch, but uhhhh, what happen to the clothes. I just wanted to see them." His eyes were gleaming when he said the words "the clothes." It was really hot. Maybe he didn't have nice clothes. I'll have to get him nice ones when I can get the chance. And I don't think he will let me get them unless I surprise him. Well, I shouldn't worry about the clothes now. I'll probably get some new clothes with him this weekend.

"Here. They were next to me. Now that you have this, you can wear this to school tomorrow. All it needs is a good ironing and it's all set. Ok with you?"

"I guess. I forgot that I don't have any clothes. And I don't feel like going to Manhattan to get some clothes. I would keep these for a special occasion, like going out." He said while taking the clothes out of the bag. He looked them over and started smiling. He really liked them.

"Jaime. Uhhh, why would you go to Manhattan for your clothes?" I was curious now. I wanted some answers. He looked up at me and then at the clothes. He kept opening his mouth like he wanted to say something except nothing came out.

"I don't want to tell you now. When I do tell you, it's gonn make me cry. I know it. So, can we please talk about this later?" he was so sad. I didn't want to pust at the issue. If he didn't want to tell me, then so be it.

"Ok. We can talk later. But right now. . ."

"This is East 238 Street. Nereid Avenue. This is a Bronx Bound 2 train. The next and last stop is East 241 Street."

We picked up our bags and walked out.

"Stand clear of the closing doors please. (BEEP BOOP)"

We started walking down the platform and the train started leaving. We walked down the stairs and through the turnstyles. He walked over the bus map and stared at it. I wonder what he was thinking. I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder and smiled. He smiled back at me and we started walking outside.

"I've never been up through here before. What's this block called?" his face had a look like he was in a foreign place. Another face that I fell in love with.

"Nereid Avenue. I live down that way." I pointed towards the Bronx River Parkway. I smiled at him and started crossing the street.

"That train station, where we just got off now, that's the last stop of the 5 train, when it's rush hour. Anytime else, the 5 stops at East 180 Street. Usually in the morning, I take the 5 train. And I get off at Gun Hill Road to take the Bx. 41. I really don't like taking the 41 in the morning cuz of traffic. And usually, I leave my place around 7:10 and I get down there around 7:20-7:25 ish. And then take the 41 limited, I get to school around 7:50 or so. Just in time for school. And now you know cuz you took the bus with me this morning. I'm always gonn be on the bus, unless, it's snowing, that's when I change it and take the Bx. 12 at Pelham Parkway. And that's also limited when it takes 5 minutes. So either way, there's many different ways to get to school."

"I can see. Well, hopefully, I'll be on the bus with you in the morning."

"Why wouldn't you be? Don't you live around Gun Hill Road?" Hmmm, some answers, finally.

"I live in Manhattan. My real place is with my dad. I don't like living there for certain reasons. I kinda most of the time stay on the streets. And I have an aunt that hates me that lives in Gun Hill. She's my dad's sister. But he asks her if she can let me wash my clothes and let me go. So that's why you saw me this morning. I had washed my clothes last night and I was gone. I hate living with my dad because he's a horrible drug addict. He's always trying to make me do something and I don't like that. So that's why I don't go home. The only time I go to Manhattan is because of the winter. So I don't freeze my ass off in the streets."

With every word he said, I was filled with anger, hatred, and sadness. We had just arrived at my building when I had my keys out and opened the front door.

"So yeah, that's about it for my life. I'm just that. . . ."

I had grabbed him by the arms and kissed him deeply. I was crying while I was kissing him. I was so worried about him now. I didn't want him to leave. I wanted to be there. I broke the kiss and looked into his eyes.

"I'm not letting you go back to your house. I'll talk to my mom and see if she can let you stay with us. Please. Let me help you. I don't want you hurt anymore. I just met you today and I'm already falling in love with you. Please, what if the next time you go back, he hurts you? What if he kills you? Then what? Please Jaime."

I was bawling like crazy and I was holding Jaime's arms very tightly. He looked in my eyes and I saw tears starting to form in them. He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me towards him. He put his head on my chest and held me even closer to him. I felt his warmth and I never wanted to let that go. He was so soft. I kept rubbing his hair so he would at least be comforted. We were crying in the lobby. I was surprised that no one was leaving or entering the building. We could have been caught.

"Jaime, let's go upstairs." He took his head off my chest and held my hand. I took him up the stairs and brought him to my apartment. It was a bit cool. Maybe my mom left a window open or something. I went to my mom's room and saw she left both windows open. I closed them so some heat can get in here. The way things were going with Jaime, I think there was going to be a rise in temperature.

"Jaime, you want something to drink? Water? Juice? Soda? Milk?" I walked to the kitchen with Jaime on my heels. He was in unfamiliar territory. I have to make him as comfortable as possible.

"Can I have some water?"

"Yeah. Here." I took out a glass and poured some water. He drank it all right there and gave me the glass back. He smiled and walked out of the kitchen. I smiled and washed out the cup.

"Hmm, I wonder what Jaime's up to?" I went to the fridge and took out some chicken wings to cook them later. I left them in the sink and went to the living room. Jaime wasn't sitting there on the couch.

"Jaime??" No answer. I went around the apartment. First the porch, and nothing. I went to my mom's room and he wasn't in there. I went to my room and I saw Jaime cuddled up on my bed with my blanket. He was snoring so peacefully. He was shivering lightly, most likely from the cool air. I didn't want to wake him. I grabbed my comforter and put it on him. His shivering stopped and he grabbed onto it and smelled it. I walked out of my room to the kitchen when I heard. . .

"Adrian? Where are you?"

I walked back to my room and saw his eyes were open and he was smiling.

"I'm right here. What's up?"

"Can you sleep with me?"

Ok, now there are 2 meanings to the phrase "sleep with me." It can either mean literally sleeping and snoring -or- the other meaning, actually messing around. I was hoping he meant the first one, but if he meant the second meaning, that's ok too.

"Uhhh, meaning?"

"Oh, heh, well, sleeping, you know, snoring." He laughed. He has such a cute laugh.

"Ohhh, ok. Yeah. I can hold you." I took off my shirt and laid down next to him. He was still warm and the smell of cherry candy and AXE Touch filled my nose. That was such a smell. It was amazing. I was already half asleep when I felt him turn over. He was facing me and looking into my eyes. He smiled at me and I smiled back. He gave me a strong kiss. I returned the kiss with such passion. A few minutes later, I felt his tongue trying 2 gain entry into my mouth. I was a bit hesitant because I had never done that before, girl or boy. I was a bit nervous about all this. I was still a virgin. Everything was going so fast. Then, I felt Jaime do something that threw out all my inhibitions out the window and into the street into the oncoming Bx. 16 bus. I felt him basically munching on this one spot on my neck. It was soooo amazing. I felt like someone was giving me a strong massage on my neck with coals. I wrapped my arms around him and held Jaime tightly against my bare chest.

"Mmmmm, Jaime, keep going. Right there. That spot. Ugh, yeaah."

Jaime kept attacking that spot with such precision. He was kissing, licking, sucking, and biting. It was an amazing feeling that I wished wouldn't stop. Well, he did stop and kissed me on the lips.

"Adrian. Are you ok? If you don't want to do this, it's fine. I understand." He sounded so hurt. Like I didn't want him. Actually, in my mind, I did. I wouldn't do this with anyone else. Just him.

"Jaime, it's fine. I do want to do this with you. No one else. But I'm just nervous because I'm a virgin. I didn't want you to know."

"You're really a virgin? Me too, although I would've thought u had lost yours years and years ago. But still, that is really sweet. I really do love you Adrian Rodriguez."

"I love you too Jaime Santana." I smiled and he gave me a kiss on my lips. He broke the kiss and went back to the same spot on my neck. Now I was only partially hard before, but now that Jaime returned to that spot, I was fully hard. I felt my orgasm already building from that one spot in my neck. I knew I was gonn blow in my pants very soon.

"Ugh, Jaime, no, not there, please, I'm gonn cum in my pants. I don't wanna make a mess."

Jaime kept sucking on that spot. Then, I felt his hands going down my stomach and I felt him unbuckling my jeans.

"Take em off. I wanna see. I'm guessing it's big." He said in a hush airy voice.

I took off my pants and left my boxers on. He smiled and put his hand in my boxers. He grabbed onto my cock and I let out a loud gasp.

"Ohhh, sorry. I won't do that."

"Jaime, you gotta learn how to be gay. Any noise a guy makes when you grab his cock is good. Especially a moan." I grabbed his hand and put it back on my cock.

"Think of this as an experiment." I said softly.

He grabbed at my cock and slowly pulled it. While looking directly at my eyes. He was nervous. I knew he was. It was obvious. Besides his hand trembling on my cock, which, by the way, felt awesome, I didn't want him to be nervous. Just natural.

He continued kissing down my neck and I began breathing harder. I just wanted to blow but it felt like he had this natural ability to not let me till he said I could. It was mind blowing. He starting kissing at my chest. Right where my heart was. I could have sworn I heard a moan escape from him when he started kissing there. He felt my heartbeat, every pulse, every fast beat. It was like he wanted to be a part of that. He took his hand off my cock and put it on my balls. His hand was so warm. He jus softly moved my balls around and I let a loud moan be released from my mouth. He started kissing and licking my left nipple and it became hard instantly. He never once lost his rhythm. Everything was like a metronome. It was all in sync. No way this was his first time. He started moving down more, down to my stomach. He licked each of my abs softly and slowly. It sent such a sensation that I wished he would stay there and not go lower. He licked my innie belly button and I grabbed his head and held him there. His tongue continued going in circles on that spot. I ran my fingers through his hair and he lifted his head and smiled at me.

"How do you feel?"

"Jaime, you're really good at this."

He gave me a smile and continued going down. He grabbed the shaft of my cock and breathed on it. My cock gave a large twitch. He grabbed it more forcefully and gave it a squeeze. I felt a big drop of precum slip out. I laid my head back on the pillow. I was breathing hard but that's when everything changed. I felt something warm on my head. I looked up and saw Jaime's tongue on my cock head. His tongue was circling around my slit and darting over it. I kept staring at him. It was amazing. He kissed my head and gave me a smile. He opened his mouth and started taking my cock into his throat. I let out a loud moan and he swirled his tongue all over my shaft. I looked down at him again and was amazed that he had taken all my 8 and a half inches of uncut cock into his throat. He started swallowing and I felt his muscles tighten around my cock head. I was gonn blow soon. I already felt the pressure reaching critical. He swallowed one last time and that was it. My cock twitched and I felt my cum overflowing out.

"Jaime, I'm gonn cum. You gotta get off my cock."

He stayed on my cock and I started shooting my cum into his throat. The first 3 loads went straigth into his stomach. He lifted his head and started sucking on my head and the rest of my load was shot into his mouth. Six large ropes of cum rocketted out of my cock and went into his mouth. He took my load and left it in his mouth. He looked at me and smiled.

"Jaime, is it in your mouth?" I looked at him as he nodded and I moved to kiss him. I gave him a hard kiss, and I shoved my tongue into his mouth and started tasting my cum swirling in my mouth.

"Why don't we both swallow the load I shot."

"Ok. It does taste good. We shouldn't waste it." We started laughing and we swallowed my load at the same time.

"Hmm, it is good. You were right Jaime." I started laughing and I pulled him next to me to hold him. He came up to me and put his head on my chest. He held my hands and I wrapped my arms around him. He was so warm. I kissed him on his neck and put my head on his shoulder.

"Adrian. How long do you think we'll be together?"

"A really long time. I'm really in love with you."

"Me too, but, uhh, there's something you need to know."

Uh oh. I knew this was too good to be true. Now what. I was beginning to get happy and now him telling me this.

Continued in Chapter 4 Hey everyone. Hope you like Chapter 3. There's gonn be some drama happening soon. Check out my yahoo group and join. Send me your comments, questions, and spoiler alerts I'll give.


Chapter 4, I will try for next week. But my classes and my new job might make it difficult. Hope everyone likes this story.


Next: Chapter 4

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