Directors Cutt

By Ryan Westmen

Published on Jun 25, 2011



All characters and places in this story are fictional, which means made up from my mind. STOP! if you don't like m/m sex or romance, then why the hell are you here? If you are underage I say don't read this but I can't stop you so yeah, just be careful

Any feedback or comments email me at:

Hope you enjoy the chapter and series I'm going for at least ten chapters so tell me if you think I should continue or if I should just give up and put you out of your misery :)

Here we go:

Directors Cutt chapter 2

"You need a ride?"

"Uh, yeah... sure, but where is your car?"

"Just there" as he pointed to a red 2000 Honda

"Oh, ok" I replied as I followed him to the passenger side of his car, when he unlocked the door i climbed in and put my seatbelt on as fast as I could. I have this thing where if I'm in a car I always have a seatbelt on, safety first right. As he started the car, the engine roared to life and the air conditioner shot a cold breeze straight in my face, I coughed quietly from the sudden rush of cool air to my lungs. When I adjusted I noticed his car smelt like green apples, I started sniffing because it smelt just, so good. My angel was looking at me like I was out of my mind.

"ugh, it smells really good in here, is it apple?" I asked with my cheeks slightly blushing.

"yeah, it's my favorite scent" he returned with a smile. Argh his smile is so freaking gorgeous, his whole body is so damn hot. He put the car in drive and indicated out and took off. Just sitting so close to this amazing boy gave me a semi, so I moved my hands to my lap. I saw his eyes flicker from the road and look at me. I convinced my self he didn't look, firstly that would be embarrassing, he seeing my semi hard on, and secondly there is no way in hell this guy is gay. He turned his head and looked me straight in the eyes, his beautiful blue eyes, highlighted every time we drove past a street light "so I forgot to ask, but what is your name, and what street do you live at?"

"oh right, my names Ryan, and I live at 23 McArthur street" I answered still looking into his blue eyes that were darker in the cabin of his car.

"I'm Jared, and I need directions to get there" Jared, JARED! my angel has a name and Jared just got to about number one on my hot names list, he didn't realize that we were just on the corner of my street and I'm not going to tell, I'm not going back to that hell, at least not alone, incase my father tries to beat the shit out of me or worse tries to shoot me like he was going to do if I didn't run from there. Just reminding me about where I was trying to escape from instantly wiped the smile off my face and was replaced with one of fear, confusion and shock. Jared must have noticed my sudden change in demeanor because after two seconds of the change he asked

"What's wrong, forget how to get home or something?" he asked with a cheeky tone in his voice and a lopsided grin on his handsome face, if only he knew the real reason.

"Um.... no, actually i was going to get something to eat from the shop before i ran into you, do you mind dropping me at the cafe please?" I said thinking quick on my feet to find an excuse not to go 'home' or that private hell my parents have called home for my past 16 years of life.

"Sure, mind if I join you? I'm pretty starved here, and on my way out to find a nice place for a snack" mind if he joined me, oh god I don't think I could sit with him that long and not let something slip, or worse just drop my pants and ask him to take me.

"Yeah... ah... that would be, would be great" argh I'm getting flustered again, I could feel my cheeks started to warm and looked out the window to hide it from the blonde, Greek-god sitting less than a meter away.

"sweet" that one word answer made my heart skip a beat, and my dick start to inflate again to a semi, man I can't keep covering myself I will look like a freak. The rest of the car ride was done in mostly silence with the occasional sound or me humming to the songs on the radio, which got a quick glance from... Jared, man even his name makes me sigh and think of his gorgeousness. He parked outside of the little cafe and i got out of the car as quickly as i could to readjust myself, so he wouldn't see my bulge, when I turned back around he was looking down at my crotch, when he noticed he looked straight at my face and asked "You Ready?"

"Yeah lets go in I'm starving here dude" I said as i walked past him and through the front door into my booth which was basically hidden away in the corner. I wouldn't even look to see if he was there in case he noticed I was getting hard again. God what this boy does to me. I stopped to slide into my booth but as I stopped he ran straight into my back, his hard muscles were tickling my back through the fabric of our shirts and his hand came up and lightly touched my hip before he slowly guided me into the seat, everywhere in my body got covered in Goosebumps and it felt like my blood was replaced with and electric charge heightening all my sense to this boy behind me, as he was doing this I sighed and looked at his hand which he quickly removed noticing what he had done. When I was seated he walked around to the other side and i noticed how good he smelt, he smelt like sex mixed with

a slight hint of apple. The boy must really love the smell of apples. When we were seated the waitress came over and took our orders, i lost my appetite being in the presence of this guy.

"Uh I'll have a hot chocolate thanks" which made Jared lightly chuckle, the waitress and she took my order without even looking at me she kept looking over at Jared, she was undressing him with her eyes i could see it. An instant pang of jealousy jolted me, which I know I shouldn't be because he can't be gay, he just can't but damn if he was!

"I'll get a caf burger and a coke, thanks" Jared ordered, the caf burger was this cafe specialty made and sold only in the caf, it had a thick meat slice with all the salads and a special sauce that the chef's made on site. As he ordered the waitress looked like she had an orgasm just from hearing his voice and its sexy tone. As she was walking away Jared asked "hot chocolate, really?"

"Yeah man, hot chocolate is my favorite, it's like the best drink every invented, let me guess you're a coffee drinker?"

I was getting excited like a kid on Christmas just talking about how amazing hot chocolate is, especially the one they make here. As I speaking he got this silly grin on his face and laughed under his breath.

"Yeah, I mean I drink coffee sometimes but not really that much, I drink juice most the time" his silly grin still plastered on his tan face.

I laughed "haha who's the little kid now, huh?"

"Shut up, juice is the shit man" he replied getting a little red in the cheeks. Oh My God I think my heart just stopped when his face started to flush, he was so freaking cute, I had the stupidest grin on my face looking at this god like boy looking vulnerable, and childlike. He had a cheeky grin on his face and looked down at the table.

My heart just melted for this boy. They waitress came back with our food and wouldn't take her eyes off Jared as she put our drinks and food down, Jared looked up and thanked her and quickly smiled "Anytime, cutie" she said with a wink at Jared, he quickly blushed and looked down. My heart sunk, just as i thought straight as an arrow. she walked off with an extra swing in her hips to show off her assets, I will say she was attractive, nice body brown hair and brown eyes, she looked like she could have a bit of Asian mixed into her but she was hot. Jared followed her with his gaze and turned back to me when she was around the corner. Damn next time just like stab me with the fork as well please. I asked with a bit of disappointment in my voice "so how long have you been here, you didn't seem to know your way around before?"

"I just moved here like last week, i live with my aunty now, my parents and i had a disagreement and they sent me to my aunt's to see if she could help me, and give me a break from the old folks, I'm actually going to be here for a while, maybe until college, I really don't know, maybe for the rest of my life, if my parents don't want me to go back to them" when he said his parents his face dropped and then went stern as he finished his story.

"I'm fighting with my parents now too, so I guess where both having a hard time, they caught me doing something and they didn't like it so I had to get away for a bit you know?" I replied with my eyes dropping to my empty cup to try and fight back the tears, the reality of my situation was just starting to sink in.

My father hates me and has probably told mom by now and she will hate me too. They won't want me back in their lives. They wouldn't care if I jumped off a cliff and died hell they would probably say I deserved it for who I am. The heartless fucks probably already sent all my stuff to charity just to be clear of me. I felt a soft shake bring me back to the present from my little depression,

"I said, what school do you go to? I start at Oakmen on Monday" he was looking at me with a smile and a glint in his eyes showing his sympathy toward me. Wait did he just say Oakmen? Oakmen high? As in my high school, my school life just got a million times better; I quickly smiled at him then, looked back down at my empty cup.

"hey I go to Oakmen too, at least you will know one person there on your first day, not that I will be much help, I'm not the most popular person in school and with your good looks you will probably be the most popular kid in school on your first day" I said still looking down with a small frown on my face, trying to mask the pain I felt inside.

"Did you just say I'm hot?" his cheeky tone was back with his silly lopsided grin. Shit did I just let that slip

I can't even remember, my face was burning i felt it even in the tips of my ears, ARGH! How embarrassing I just told this gorgeous specimen of humanity i thought he was hot, great that's not gay at all. I stared down at my mug using my hair as a shield to hide as much of my face as I could, after about two minutes I looked back up, he was still looking at me with that stupid grin on his face, but it was so cute and playful I couldn't help but smile and look back down at my cup.

"So you wanna leave now, we've been here for like an hour and a half and it's getting late, my aunt will start to panic I got attacked or something." he said smiling at me

"ahhh... yeah.. Um... let's go... yeah... let's leave" man I was still flustered from that stupid comment about him being hot, shit I'm stupid. As we left we paid the waitress, who was still staring at Jared, the slut, I bet she would jump on her back and spread her legs if he smiled at her. We walked side by side with his shoulder rubbing against mine sending small electric pulses through my body, the contact was giving me a hard-on again, man this kid will be the death of me. He unlocked the car and jumped in, the engine roared to life and Adele - Rolling in the deep started playing. Adele is like one of my all time favorite singers her voice is like if you went to heaven and it started singing to you.

"There's a fire, starting in my heart

Reaching a fever pitch, and its bringing me out the dark" I sang out loud forgetting he was there

this boy was definitely making my heart have a fever, with his amazing personality that smile and that stupid grin he was giving it to me now watching me as i sung along to the song, shit I went red all over again, I hid my face with my hair and looked out the window again.

"The scars of your love

They leave me breathless

I can't help feeling

we could have had it all" fuck his voice was amazing not as good as Adele but still had a bit of roughness to it, which made you stop and look at him, which showed his amazing looks and perfect teeth, which is what I did, I looked straight at him and he smiled that stupid grin which made me giggle and turn a little shade of red, and smiled

he sheepishly replied "Can't let you out do me now, could I?" he pulled up outside my house which instantly made me stop and my face dropped "how did you know where this street was?" I asked monotonously

"well I saw the street sign when we turned out, and just thought I could use the company, and you didn't really look like you wanted to go home when I asked... so I just went and had a feed with you" his replied sheepishly, which made the corners of my mouth curl than drop when I realized I would have to go inside or he would think something was seriously wrong, which it was but I didn't feel like outing myself twice in one night, once was enough.

I opened the door and I steeped out he grabbed my wrist with his warm hand and turned me to face him "It was nice, to hang with you tonight man, I needed to make a friend, we live pretty close to I live at number 2 McArthur street, if you ever want to come around that's cool,.... I guess I'll see you tomorrow at school" He never lost his smile the whole time he was talking

"Yeah it was great to meet you too dude, I might come around sometime if I need a break from the parents from hell, so yeah I will see you tomorrow in the hell hole we call Oakmen high" I said smiling at the end to put on a brave face. as I left I turned and smiled at him with a small waved and turned and walked up to my door opened it and went to start inside but turned around one more time and he was watching me to make sure I went inside, damn he couldn't have just left, but it was cute how he waited for me even if he was straight, I can still hope can't I? I walked inside and shut the door, as soon as it clicked the hall room light went on and my mother was there right in my face, "Oh my god, Ryan......

Authors notes: Here chapter two of Director Cutt hope you like this chapter and meeting the blonde guy. What will happen with his parents? Who knows? If you think I should continue the story or just give up and put you out of your misery :) email me

Thought, comments, suggestions, feedback, just want to talk? Email me at:

Peace out :P

Next: Chapter 3

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