Directors Cutt

By Ryan Westmen

Published on Jul 10, 2011


All places and names are purely fictional, meaning they were made up by me. If you don't like m/m sex or romance really? Why are you here then? Also if you are underage go back now but sigh I can't stop you, so be careful and enjoy.

Any comments, feedback, suggestions, improvements or just want to chat email me at:

Here we go :)

Sorry for this chapter taken so long to get out, I went on a little holiday and then the family came to visit so I was taking them around everywhere so I haven't had much free time but I'm back now and ready to write :)

Directors Cutt Ch 4

Ugh.... why does school have to start so early, especially on a Monday? I quickly rolled over a noticed my bed covers were everywhere, guess I did have a rough night. I made my way, quickly to the bathroom to relieve myself, the whole time covering my front, to try and hide the bulge of my morning wood, why does morning wood look sexy on other guys, but definitely not me. After relieving my full bladder I walked back to my room to get dressed for the long, boring day ahead of me. Yay school, ugh... kill me now please. I choose my outfit of light grey jeans, that hugged all the right places, highlighting my bulge in the front and perky ass in the back, and black graphic tee (My favorite) as I was walking out of my room to head downstairs to get some much need breakfast, my dad was walking past my room as I opened my door. If looks could kill this look would have killed me, brought me back and killed me ten times over. After showing his hate with his eyes for two minutes of awkward silence, he walked straight past me and down the stairs, well that could have gone worse I suppose. I made my way downstairs to my mom putting a bowl of cereal in front of a chair where I guess I was suppose to sit, as I made my way into the kitchen my father never took his eyes off his newspaper, but I noticed him tense up when I sat down across the table from him. Mom, being the lady she was, was completely oblivious to the whole encounter as she prepared lunch for my father and myself, placing them in front of their respective owners and scurrying around to gather her bag, keys and wallet and black 7 inch stilettos, how she walks in them is a wonder to me, really. She quickly kissed my forehead and kissed my father on the lips, she ran out the door and yelled "I have a big meeting tonight so I won't be home till around 9"

How she keeps her job and a healthy family is a mystery to me, wait nine, NO that means I will be alone with dad for 4 hours until she gets home tonight, 4 excruciating hours, oh god what could he do to me in that time. That definitely enough to shoot me and dump my body over a bridge and mom would be none the wiser. The silence that filled the room could be cut with a knife it was filled with a tension that could choke the life out of you. I sat eating my cereal looking down at my half empty bowl, when my father rose from his chair grabbed his keys and wallet and walked out the front door. Phew, that was lucky he didn't stay too much longer I was dying with the heat in the air from him. I looked at my phone and realized it was time for me to start heading to prison, aka school, when I suddenly thought of the only good thing happening to me right now, that is Jared my blonde angel, whether he knew it or not he was definitely the keeper of my undivided attention, and quickly owning my heart as well.

I grabbed my went and brushed my pearly white teeth, and spent extra time on my hair to make sure I looked good for when I ran into Jared in the halls. As I was leaving I grabbed my backpack and started my long walk to school, well 20 minute walk to school, so I call that a long walk. As I was walking and listening to 'California King Bed' by Rihanna, fuck that girl could make me turn straight I swear. A car pulled up beside me which made me jump because naturally you think you will be abducted if a strange car stops beside you on a quiet street. I turned to see the driver was none other than Jared. My face instantly brightened into a grin, and my cheeks flushing the tiniest bit, god I hope he didn't notice that. He had his stupid lopsided grin on his face which made me chuckle a little. He asked "You need a ride?"

"Man, that would be ahh, great!" I replied trying to not show too much of the excitement I felt when I saw my man.

"Great, hop in then buddy" he reached over to unlock the door to his car and I got in next to him, instantly smelling the strong scent of green apples. Jared's smell. I smiled to myself as I buckled up, he put the car in drive and headed toward my school, well our school now, if you ask me the car ride was about 7 hours to short, the whole time I just kept stealing glances out of my eye corners, I didn't know my eyes could move that far round. When he pulled up outside of school, I looked around at all the students arriving like zombies. I quickly jumped out of the car and power walked inside so I wouldn't be seen with him because everyone will probably find out how gay I am drooling over this boy. Just as I was reaching the front entrance I felt a soft, small hand land on my bicep. It definitely didn't feel like Jared's, I turned looking into the set of eyes I knew all too well. The bright Brown ovals couldn't hide anything from me. I looked down to the gorgeous face of my best friend since the second grade. The bright brown eyes keeping my attention as beautiful brown locks waved around in front of them and the high cheek bones that define her cute nose, and just overall attractiveness. Lauren. Lauren was my first kiss, as I was hers, she was the object of nearly every boy in my schools desires, gay or straight it didn't matter her amazing physique, face and perky boobs made everyone else look average in comparison. You would think she was the most popular girl in school well she thought being popular was to over rated, I mean she still got invited to every party anyone threw; she just didn't see the appeal of being a Barbie. She was an individual and the only person other than my father that knew I was gay. "Hey sexy! So... who was the FUCKING hot ass guy that drove you to school? Is he your secret lover you have been hiding" she was saying with a shine to her eyes, showing just how excited she was.

"No, he just moved into the house up the street and I kinda ran into him the other day" I said smiling like a little kid who had just got caught stealing cookies from the plate.

"yeah, you just happened to run into him and then fuck him like crazy right?" she asked smiling to herself, she loves giving me a hard time about every guy I talk to.

"Nope, where not all sluts like you, baby" I replied knowing the reaction I would get from that,

"I'm not a slut, I have only slept with, 5 and a half guys" she answered almost mechanically, as if it were a recording she programmed to answer with when this topic was addressed.

"5 and a half huh?" I said wiggling my eye brows she kissed my cheek as I was walking off down the hall to head to home room. I walked into the boring class, everyone was still half asleep, no one wakes up until around third period. I took my seat down the back and waited for the role to be called and sat in silence until the bell finally rang, ending the cloud of boredom surrounding me. I walked to my first period, Math, ugh my favorite for first period. I sat down in my normal seat back left corner near the window so I could not pay attention and no one would really notice. About 15 minutes into the class there was a confident knock on the door. Everyone turned the heads toward the door to see what was happening and in he came, Jared strutted into class, with an air of confidence, most the girls drooled and giggled, even most of the guys had to do a double take, or pick their jaws off the floor. He walked to the teacher and gave his pass.

"Everyone we have a new student today, everyone this is Jared Angell, please make Mr. Angell welcome!"

Angell. Angell. Angell, what a fitting name for the 6ft tall boy that has already taken little pieces of my heart. he started walking in his black jeans, damn did they show of hi strong, muscular legs, and a red graphic tee that hugged to his muscular torso, showing his defined Pecs and tight stomach, my guess was a six-pack. He looked at me and gave me his smile, and then went to take the empty seat next to me. As he sat down in the chair, his blonde bangs swayed covering his left eye, to which he flicked back out of his sight. "Hey buddy!" he smiled at me, everyone in the room was still following him with their eyes, undressing him, sizing him up as competition. When he turned his chiseled face back around everyone quickly averted their eyes, to hushed talking and giggles from most of the girls.

"Way to make an entrance, man" I said smiling as I quickly took in his scent, green apples and sex, just what I thought

"It's whatever, you know" he said while taking out his books to start taking notes from the teacher. after the arrival of Jared the whole class became restless, everyone kept looking back at him and then would whisper to their friends, he just smiled a big toothy grin back to everyone with a little nod of his head, making everyone blush.

"This school is freaking nuts, everyone keeps staring back at me, and it's kind of freaking me out buddy" he said fidgeting with his pen. No way is this guy getting shy, he is getting self-conscious, about what he is, perfect.

"Not every day someone as hot as you comes through the door" I whispered, smiling over at him, he looked down and smiled to himself, I could make out the slight traces of a blush from him.


Finally the bell rang and everyone filled out of the class, like we were doing a drill for cadets, Jared started walking with me to our next class, but he stuck a little closer this time with his broad shoulder rubbing against mine while everyone kept looking at him. "Hey, what do you have now?" he asked smiling down at me

"Uhhh, English, you?" I smiled back

"Same, can I sit with you?" can he sit with me? Was that even a question, I would let him sit on me just to feel his warm body as close as it can get. As English started I zoned out and just stared down at my notebook, Jared nudged me on the arm and made me start to fall over, I grabbed onto his arm to support myself, I felt the muscle tense under his soft skin and he smiled down at me half off my seat, "There's that smile I like" he started to giggle. Wait what, did he just say he liked my smile; at this point I was looking down, covering my face with my hair and blushing every shade of red ever made. I just kept smiling thinking about his words 'there's that smile I like', he likes my smile, not just wants me to smile, but actually likes my smile, MINE. Just as I got my words back the bell rang signaling the end of the period and time for lunch :D, lunch is definitely a highlight of my school day, the only time in school I get to see Lauren, as I made my way to the cafeteria, Jared came up beside me and put his arm around my shoulder. "Mind if I join you for lunch buddy"

"No that's cool you'll get to meet Lauren" I replied smiling and moving my folder in front of my crotch, being this close to him is definitely having an effect down there.

"Sweet" we continued walking when Nicki walked over to us; Nicki is the queen bitch at this school, head cheerleader, rich parents, blonde hair, blue eyes, perky tits, ass and definitely the biggest slut in school, she also has a mega hatred for Lauren because people voted her as the hottest girl in school instead of Nicki, she hates me too because me and Lauren are best friends. She walked up to us with an extra swing in her step, "Well hey cutie, haven't seen you around? You must be new?" she said while putting her out on his chest, marking her territory. He let go of my shoulders to face her fully

"Yeah, just moved here a couple of days ago, have you met my friend Ryan?" he asked trying not to make me feel excluded

"Yeah, I know him, now you can get lost and leave me alone, with Mr. Hottie here" she said with her big plastic smile that I have grown to hate over the years. I just rolled my eyes and walked away from the two of them. So much for him being my friend, oh well, she will just chew him up and spit him out, it's how she works, a new shiny accessory for her to use only to move on to something new and shiny. Sigh. I walked to my favorite place in the whole school, the giant oak tree in the centre of the quad, it grew higher than the rest of the buildings and cast a peaceful shadow over the rest of the quad, the relaxing atmosphere made it a popular place to just come and chill out from the stress of school, work, test, everything. It was my sanctuary in this cement hell, they call the education system. I sat down on the soft grass, leaning back on its solid, textured trunk, my back bending to fit perfectly with the angle it makes when connect to the ground underneath me. I closed my eyes leaning my head back thinking of how stupid I really am, getting my hopes set on my angel, Mr. Angell, but of course he is straight, but did he have to go after Nicki out of all the girls in this school, I would be thousands times more happy for him if it was Lauren or someone else I actually respected. Small rays of light were peeking through the waving branches shining in my closed eyes annoying me, stupid light, then it just stopped "Thank you" I said out loud to the tree

"No problems, buddy" his heavenly voice registered in my ears straight away, my eyes shot open to see Jared standing above me, the small rays of light surrounding his head making it look like he had a halo, he could not look and more perfect than he was right now, his lopsided grin glowing from the sun shining behind his golden locks, his blue eyes radiating down at me with a warmth that made me smile right back at this boy-god. I blushed looking at him "Sorry I was talking to the tree"

"Do you do that often? He asked still smiling as he moved and sat next to me, his shoulder touching mine, spreading the light from around him into my smaller frame, his shoulder muscles tickling mine as he squirmed around to get comfortable on the rough surface of the Oak tree. "No, not really, only when no one else is around to talk too" I smiled looking down at my shoes moving my feet with excitement at how close he was sitting to me.

"Well you took off pretty quick back there, I would have talked back a bit more then the tree I think" he said looking down at my shoes with me watching them kick from side to side knocking each other, then his foot started to kick with mine making it a game of footsies with each other, we just kept playing until he spoke up "I have something I have to tell you"

Oh shit, here it comes the part, where he tells me he has a girlfriend back where he came from, or WORSE he is dating Nicki, please don't be the second one, I hate that stupid slut.

"Mmhmm" I said still not looking up from my shoes playing with his, if he saw my eyes he would see just how heartbroken I am, my heart slowly breaking more and more just thinking about what he has to tell me.

"The other night I wasn't completely honest with you at the Cafe" I just nodded my head slightly showing him I was listening "Well when I said I had a disagreement with my parents it was true, but it wasn't the whole truth, since were friends I feel like I should tell you this just to make sure we can stay friends, I.." here it comes the part where my hopes and dreams are crushed forever, I close my eyes waiting for the inevitable to come, the final blow to my heart, making me loose all hope on love, let alone just finding someone to share my problems with, someone to hold me in the cold nights, keeping me warm with their love. "I... I... I'm not like other guys o.k., I'm gay, and I can't help it, that's why my parents sent me to live with my aunt, because they couldn't look at me anymore, they were disgusted with what they saw, their son like guys, the biggest disappointment to them was they won't have grandkids from me, after I told them, they lost all interest in me, like they didn't even want me anymore, like I was never wanted in the first place, an accident that went horribly wrong and I came out, I hope we can still be friends" looking down a single tear falling and staining his red shirt, the one tear drop, fell all his pain, his disappointment all could be seen in the single dark stain of the tear, no, angels aren't suppose to cry this was too much for me to take, I let tears fall for him, my pain with my family was finally coming to affront, I just reached out and put my head on his defined chest and let go, I didn't care people were around, I just needed to let go, let myself allow someone access to my heart, he reached around encircling me in his warm, secure arm, rubbing the small of my back. "Hey it's ok; I didn't think it was that bad of a story I'm sorry buddy" he kept cooing in my ear, calming me down until I was finally able to control my emotions I lifted my head of his chest, his red shirt now a dark crimson color, from my sudden onslaught of held back tears, I looked into his gorgeous blue eyes, blushing I whispered "Sorry" with my eyes red from, my loss of control.

"It's ok, looks like you need it, I have a spare shirt in my locker I will just go and change" I leaned back to let him get up from the tree "But there is more, I have something else I have to tell you, after I tell you it's ok if you want to stop being friends" this peeked my interest so I leaned back on the tree trunk, looking at him with my eyes squinted than open to normal while I tried to work out what else he could tell me, he already changed my whole world, made my dark existence, turn into one filled with hope, and light, light from above, light in the form of Jared. "Okay, just don't interrupt me ok, I have to think of how to word this, it's all a bit confusing for me at the moment, I just told you my biggest secret, well here's another, I... I Like you, a lot, as in more than friends like you, your cute, smart, funny and I just always want to be near you, close to you, I always want to just reach out and touch you, kiss you hold you close to show the world my feelings for you, now I'm not saying that I love you, but they are pretty strong and with time will most likely become... love, this is probably a lot for you to take in and I know your straight, you like Lauren and I respect that, but I just felt that you should know if we're going to continue to be friends... I hope we can still be friends at least" his smile was gone, replaced with one of fear knowing that I will more or less hate him and never want to talk to him again just like his parents, what surprised me the most was that he thought me and Lauren were in love, how wrong is that, ewww. He looked up at my face waiting for me to speak or just do something anything to break the silence between us.

"Can I speak now or do you have more?" I asked with a small smile on my lips.

"Uhh... Yeah" he replied not smiling back

"Okay, firstly your parents are fucking morons" this made him crack a smile "secondly they were wrong to throw you out of the house, but if they didn't throw you out I wouldn't have met you, and then I wouldn't be able to do this" I brought my hand up to my lips and kissed the tips of my slender fingers, then moved them to his soft perfect lips, he smiled then, a smile ten times brighter than any smile I have ever seen on anyone in my whole life. His cheeks flushed and he smiled bashfully down at the ground before I started to speak again

"I would kiss you, but you think I'm in love with Lauren, plus were at school and I don't want to break every girl's heart by just making out with you here under the tree" this made his smile get even bigger if that was even possible. He turned his head to look around at everyone going on with their daily business

"Well maybe we could practice later?" he said hopeful, with a glint in his eyes of passion and caring.

"I don't know Lauren might not like that" I said mocking him, I can't believe he thought we were dating. He smiled his trademark smile that always made me blush,

"You look good when you blush at me" he said not losing an inch of his smile

"Well if you didn't smile at me, I wouldn't have to blush would I" I said to him, now he was blushing and I started to giggle,

"New rule, none of us can smile now coz we both blush" we both giggled at that when the bell for the end of lunch rang. No I wanted more time with Jared, now that I finally figure out he likes me, the fucking bell has to ring doesn't it Arghh, he jumps up and offers his hand for me to take, I grab it and I one simple motion he lifts me to my feet, the muscles in his arm bulging with the stress of my weight, uhhh his arms are so hot, we started walking off to our respective classes, with his shoulder connected to mine the whole times sending tiny pulses of electricity through my entire body, starting at my shoulder and traveling all the way to the tips of my toes and back again. Every time I looked up, he was smiling at me with such affection I would blush and look back down to the ground. We arrived at my classroom door and he rubbed my bicep up and down for a minute then continued to his own class, the classes we didn't have together and we just had to have them after we finally found each other, shit. I took my normal seat next to my baby girl Lauren, she had a weird smirk on her face, what the hell "okay, what? you're looking at me weird"

"Nothing.... Mr. Angell" she said with a knowing smirk

"What the hell... how did you know?" I said quickly looking around the room to make sure no one could hear or conversation

"I walked out to your tree to find you, and you were leaning on his chest, then Remy came and spoke to me but I kept watching you then I saw it, you kissed your hand and put it to his lips, it was so adorable, you made me get that weird smile I get when something is cute, and Remy thought I was freaking retarded, thanks a lot homo" she said with a look of pure happiness on her face

"Nawwh sorry I ruined the moment with your next fuck buddy" I said smiling across at her, then her hand came up and slapped me, I mean slapped me hard on the arm

"Hey, were just friends okay, just coz he's fucking hot, does not mean I am fucking him and besides I am waiting for you to finally realize how much you want this" she said pointing to her flawless body. This made me break out in the biggest laugh I have ever had "What?" she asked completely confused.

"Nothing, just Jared thought you and me were dating, and that was just funny, nothing against you, but he beats you there" I said still giggling through my sentence.

The final bell rang to signal the end of the school day, finally, and what a day it had been, ill need a nap this afternoon as I made my way to my locker I saw most of the students leaving school, scurrying away as fast as they could to escape the chaos of the education system. As I was swapping my books out for the ones I needed for homework etc, the heat of the un air conditioned hallway was radiating of the hard, metal lockers making the air thick, the hall was quickly made empty, so I was the only one left taking my time so I wouldn't have to go home and be with my father, just thinking of what he would do gives me the chills, I shivered slightly when I felt someone's hands come up and tickle me in the ribs, the sudden feeling made me half scream and run forward into the row of lockers, as I hit the lockers I stumbled back into a strong chest, the muscles acting as a cushion, a pair of hands came up and grabbed my waist. I was blushing profusely at this time when I tuned my head to the side to see who it was I felt the hot breath of the person behind me tickle my neck, then moved to my ear

"You're so cute when you blush" Jared said into my ear, whispering his hot breath into my ear making me relax and get a shiver, then he leaned down a kissed me softly on the cheek, this only made me blush more which made Jared let out a chuckle at my reaction, his hand then squeezed my hips as he turned and walked down the hallway to the entrance. as he walked I just watched him bounce with each step, his legs moving easily with his little sway, and his ass damn his ass, as it moved from side to side in time with his confidant steps. I quickly grabbed my things and left the deserted hallway to the front and began my walk home.

Authors note: thanks for reading i tried to make this chapter longer for you guys coz i took so long to get it out so hope you liked it :)

Comments, criticism, suggestions are always welcome, emails me at:

Thanks for reading

Peace out :P

Next: Chapter 5

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