Docking and Electro With Ken

By Jack Santoro

Published on May 3, 2005



Docking and Electro with Ken By

I remembered the previous Saturday with Ken and Paul as I drove to Ken's house, reliving the exciting moments we'd spent together. We'd enjoyed our mutual comparisons, our three-way sex, our orgasms, as we'd scaled the peak and released our juices in shuddering, blasting climaxes. Now I was on my way again, to meet with Ken, wondering if Paul would be there to share the joy. Ken opened the door, hiding behind it as he had last time when he'd been naked, and I knew he was again stripped won, just awaiting my arrival. I slipped inside, looking at his naked form behind the door, and let him take my hand and lead me to the bedroom. Without a word, I stripped down, my eyes on him as I did so, noting that his penis arced down over his loose scrotum, what they called "low hangers" in popular parlance. By contrast, mine was tight, as if I were already far along the path to sexual excitement. Ken's penis was still soft, and as I took off my shoes and socks I saw him rolling the nipple of his long foreskin between thumb and index finger. Finally I was naked, and stood up to face him. We were both slightly over six feet, in our middle 40s, with slim builds. I approached him, closing in so that our cocks touched, and hugged him to me. I was developing a real affection for him, and it must have been mutual because he leaned his head forward slightly to give me a light, dry kiss on my lips. I hugged him, then pulled his head loser and pushed my tongue between his lips. It wasn't just animal passion; I was truly attracted to him, both physically and emotionally, and wanted to do anything to please him. I stared into his brown eyes, deep-set like mine, then broke off the stare and nibbled at his left earlobe. He kissed my neck as his hands caressed my body, moving down my back to cup my rounded butt cheeks. I ran my arms around his waist, and we kept hugging as we tumbled onto his queen sized bed. We were both very hot, obviously, and wanted to experience intense sexual passion together. Finally, he said his first words to me: "We've never docked. I've been wondering what it would be like to slip my tip inside your foreskin." By now, his penis was half-hard, like mine, and I intended to get it fully erect. I rolled the foreskin nipple between thumb and index fingers, twisting the hood over his slippery glans and making him gasp. Ken had grasped the end of my long foreskin and was pulling it outward, away from my body, causing my prick to fill with blood rapidly until it was fully hard. We broke apart and studied each other. We both had long foreskins that extended beyond the tip when soft, forming long nipples, but hard our hoods still covered the heads, with thick puckers at their ends. I saw the way our foreskins distended over the contours of our bulbous helmets, their high ridges showing clearly at the top. Ken's prick was slightly longer than my six inches, and both of us had straight shafts with big veins on their right sides. "Let's sixty-nine first," I suggested. "I want to smell and taste your cock." We slid around to place our crotches opposite each other's faces, and I grasped Ken's prick, holding it behind the head with two fingers as my tongue-tip slipped into his foreskin pucker. I inhaled his rich masculine aroma deeply, relishing the delicious musky male smell, as he did the same to mine. My tongue probed for his long-lipped slit, and swept from side to side to stimulate it as drops of tasty, salty juice seeped from it. His slit was so long my tongue-tip almost penetrated inside. I felt Ken's tongue probe inside my hood, lapping at the rounded front dome of my head and tickling the slit, making me sigh in delight. I pushed my tongue deeper into the space between his foreskin and glans, exploring the smooth, nerve-studded surfaces, and making him moan. My hand stabilized his penis, while my other hand cupped his balls, feeling the loose fleshy sac tense under my touch. My fingertips pressed lightly into the tender flesh behind his sac, to feel every throb in his cock-root. It was hot in the room, and our bodies made it hotter as our passions mounted. I ran my tongue more deeply into his hood, tracing the outline of Ken's thick rim, and then I ran it down the left side to reach his gee-string, lodged in the triangular groove under his glans. As I touched it, I felt his cock-root throb hard. At the same moment, I felt Ken's tongue probing deeply into my foreskin to caress my high flaring ridge, then sliding down to press into the hot spot under the head. The sudden hot thrill made my cock-root throb, and I felt a slight tickling sensation deep inside as a drop of fluid began its long crawl up my urethra to the tip. "Your skin's tighter than mine," Ken observed as his thick tongue ran around my glans, stretching my foreskin. "I like that." "I like it too," I said. "That tight skin feels really nice when you slide it up and down the head." My fingers traced the outline of Ken's flaring ridge through his foreskin, lightly running around its sexy contours, as my tongue worked on his gee-string. "Okay, let's stop for a second and get ready," Ken said, removing his mouth from my raging prick. He began skinning back my foreskin, at first exposing only a dime-sized opening at the front. I did the same to his, and saw the long lips of his slit come into view as the skin slid back, its orifice widening and stretching under my fingers. I felt the hardness of his helmet through the skin as I moved it back, then pulled it forward again to cover his glans. A large drop of lube had been poised between the lips of his slit, and the sliding foreskin spread it to coat the swollen head as I stripped him back once more, stopping halfway down. His foreskin had slid far enough to uncovered the twin lobes under his glans where the two halves of his descending corona met in a thin weld line. In the deep valley between the eaves was his gee-string, connecting his glans and foreskin, and very sensitive to touch. I rubbed it lightly with my fingertip, provoking a deep sigh of satisfaction from him. "I love that smell," Ken said as he uncovered my glans halfway and bent his head to sniff it. His tongue flicked out to tickle my slit, which by now had pouted into a teardrop shape. Ken pulled my foreskin forward to dock his tongue, which then pressed deeper into my hood. The rough upper surface of his tongue stimulated the nerve endings in my glans, and I felt my cock-root contract sharply. Now I pulled back harder on his foreskin and bent my head to trace the widening edge of it with my tongue-tip. I docked my tongue by pulling his foreskin forward over it, and pressed deeper into his stretchy hood. The tip of my tongue probed into the groove behind his corona, and I felt his glans throb. Ken now stretched my foreskin back all the way until it snapped down into my groove, totally baring my big purple helmet to his gaze and touch. I felt his tongue trace the outline of my ridge, down one side and up the other, sending hot thrills into the engorged head.

"Let's go tip to tip," I suggested. We swung around so that our cocks faced each other, and Ken eased himself forward until his hot hard glans pressed against mine. It excited me to feel his glassy smooth head touching mine, and the lips of his slit kissing mine. He moved hi prick slowly so that his head slid over mine, viscous tears pouring from his cock-eye to lubricate the way. I lay very still on my side, letting Ken direct the action. "Now let's see if my skin will slide over that tremendous helmet of yours," he said as he held the edges of his foreskin out with the fingers of both hands while keeping his tip against mine. His hood stretched half-way up my glans, then he gave another tug to engulf my tip almost to the rim. "Want me to try? Maybe I can stretch mine farther," I suggested. "Go ahead, Jack. Your skin's tighter than mine but maybe it's more stretchy." He let go of his foreskin, which quickly snapped back to cover only his head, then with two fingers he skinned it back to bare his helmet completely. I pulled my foreskin forward so that the thick pucker kissed his glans, then grasped it by its edges to stretch the orifice. Slowly I pulled my foreskin over his bulbous purple head, almost to the rim. He thrust his hips forward, driving his big tip deeper into my hood, and now the edge of my foreskin engulfed his rim. I stretched it out farther, until the forward edge sank down into the deep groove behind the head. I felt the smooth texture of his glans against mine as he slipped into my foreskin, pressing hard against my tip, then past it, stretching my foreskin to the limit. "I'm all the way in," he exclaimed. "Your skin feels so nice and warm around my head." I understood, as only seconds ago I'd enjoyed the feel of his warm foreskin wrapped around mine. I squeezed his glans slightly through my thick hood, and felt it throb against mine in response. Ken's hips bucked again, and I felt his tip compressing the nose of mine. "Just relax, Ken, and let me do the work." I wanted him to lie still while I stimulated us both to orgasm. I began sliding my foreskin farther over his prick, stretching it out to cover about half an inch behind his rim, then pulled it back. The slow friction of my foreskin over both our tips was exciting, and I saw the fire dance in his eyes as I kept sliding my hood back and forth. My other hand reached down to tug at his sac, as I knew this really excited him, and I felt his scrotum contract as I gently pulled at it. "I'm getting that tickling feeling in the head," he said, warning me of his impending orgasm. We'd compared notes during our long conversations, and found that we both felt a tickling sensation in the glans a few seconds before our orgasms burst on us. I kept sliding my hood, giving his tip an extra squeeze as I slid the skin over it. His glans throbbed hard against mine, and I felt my own tickle begin, filling the head with sensation. Through my thick skin, I felt his glans harden as it went into its final swelling. "I can feel you're very close, Ken," I said. "Just relax and let it happen to you. I'm sure I won't miss out, because as soon as I feel your hot juice shooting against my head, that'll set me off." I kept sliding my hood along his head, fueling his excitement, waiting for the hard throb and hot jet that signaled the start of his orgasm. Ken's breathing had deepened and his hips were moving in small thrusts as I picked up the pace of my strokes. His hard glans pressed against mine, compressing the round front dome. I knew I should slow down, to prolong the feeling of anticipation, but we were both too caught up in the excitement to relent. "WWWWWWWOWWWWWWWWW!" Ken's voice filled the room as the first shock of orgasm hit him. I felt his tip throb, and a split-second later the gush of hot juice washed over my glans, trapped inside its fleshy hood. His hot jet splashing against my cock-head drove me over the edge. The tickle in my glans suddenly became a hot tingle, and I felt the heavy pounding begin in my cock-root. His cock spewed again as mine jerked, both jets flooding my foreskin and making it swell. I heard myself grunting in the distance as another of Ken's anguished cries hit my ears. Hot jets burned their way up my urethra and erupted from my glans to mix with his, to gush from the edges of my foreskin. His glans throbs hammered against my swollen tip, adding to my excitement, as we both tumbled through the free-fall of orgasm. Our tips continued to throb against each other as they spit their loads. Ken and I were enjoying our first docking orgasm, helpless in the throes of our excitement. Thick hot fluid spilled from the end of my foreskin to coat his shaft and my fingers, until my grip slipped and our pricks snapped apart, still seeping residue. We hadn't thought of spreading a towel between us, so our cream spilled all over the sheet, soaking it and the mattress pad beneath. However, we weren't concerned with wetting the sheet because the aftershock of our orgasms was hitting us, and we sank into the pleasant daze that sapped ou r will and ambition as we slipped into sleep. My last thought was that we'd wake up soon enough. I opened my eyes and saw Ken still beside me, his face looking as innocent as that of a young boy. I got up, and my movement must have aroused him, for he opened his eyes and stared at me. "Guess we'll have to put the sheet and pad in the washer," he said, quickly grasping the situation. He got up and began stripping the bed, and I helped him. Within a minute we'd stuffed the sheet and pad into the washing machine, and Ken then spoke again: "While they're washing, let's take a bath." I remembered he had a splendid whirlpool bath, sometimes called a "Jacuzzi," in his bathroom, and I eagerly followed him in, getting seated in the tub as he adjusted the water flow. As he got in beside me, I spoke: "I just love to watch your prick swing from side to side as you move." "Yours swings too. We're both heavy-ended." He was right. With those big heads, our penises were definitely weighted at the ends. He reached over and stripped my foreskin back in one quick movement. My glans had a coat of cream all over it, and he dipped it into the water to rinse off the residue. "There, now I can see the head too," he said. "I really like to look at the head on a penis, especially one as attractive as yours." "I can see the shape of yours without skinning you back. That's what makes yours so sexy." "Oh, I can see the shape of yours too, but I especially like skinning your foreskin back so I can see it naked. What I really like is how your foreskin's so tight that it's like a tourniquet behind the head. See, your head's swelling already." He was right, as I could see the head blossom out as my tight foreskin collar constricted the return flow of blood. "Well, yours isn't as tight as mine, but pulling it back still makes the head swell." I grasped his foreskin between two fingers, on each side of the glans, and slipped it back until it lodged behind his rim. I pushed his cock down to wash the head, ridding it of the thick white coat covering it. "The head's the most beautiful part of the penis," he said as he ran a fingertip light around my bared rim. "I always enjoy looking at them, cut or uncut." I stretched his foreskin back to expose the groove behind it, studying his swelling glans in its naked glory. "I think so too,' I said. "I especially like yours because I can see its shape without skinning you back. Yours is a helmet, like mine, but I enjoy seeing mushrooms, arrowheads, bells, strawberries, and acorns too." "You've classified them?" he asked. "Yeah, there are all different shapes. All look nice to me, but yours is really nice." "Thanks. Yours is nice too, and its shape shows through even though your foreskin's tighter and thicker than mine." "We really came fast this time," I said, changing the subject. "I hadn't come since last week with you." "Been saving it up for me?" he asked playfully. "Yeah, I was. I didn't want to waste it on just a hand job alone." "I did the same," he replied. I had a heavy load to shoot, and that made it more intense." "It does for me too," I said. "It's always hotter when I've been saving it up for days, and it sure was hot today." "Well, now that we've had relief, we'll be able to play for a long time." He was right. The feeling of urgency was gone, replaced by a tender arousal without the compelling need to blast off. Although we were now both rock-hard, aroused by both our touches and our sex talk, I was able to relax and enjoy the subtle sensations. "Okay, let me play with yours for awhile, then." His fingers began a slow stroking motion that slid my foreskin up to cover the flaring rim, then pulled it back to bare the corona and groove as his fingertip brushed the hot spot under the head. Our tips were still clear of the rising water, but just barely. "I like that," I said. I grasped his bunched-up foreskin and slid it gently over his rim, then back again. This made a drop of clear lube appear between the lips of his slit. I picked it up with the index finger of my other hand and tasted it. "Nice and salty," I commented. Now the water was rising to engulf our naked tips, the sensual warmth adding to our excitement. I grasped his sac and pulled downward on it, as I knew he enjoyed that sensation. I slid his foreskin outward and grasped it by the end, and now I was tugging him in opposite directions, foreskin forward and balls downward, stretching his nerve endings. "Jack, you know just what to do to me," he whispered. He pulled my foreskin back hard to stretch the hood and gee-string, while he cupped my tight scrotum with his other hand. "I hope this is ringing your chimes, buddy." "Oh, yeah," I murmured. "I just love your touch." "I've got something special for this trip," he announced as he got up to take a slim vibrator from a shelf. "Ever dock with one of these?" The vibrator was about six inches long, round, and about half an inch thick. I knew the type. The power came from an "AA" battery within the case, and twisting the end cap would turn it on. "No, never have. I bet it feels good." Ken slipped my foreskin all the way forward over my glans, pulling hard to create a thick pucker at the end. "Can't use a plug-in type in the bathtub, for safety's sake," he explained. "This battery powered model is safe, although it isn't as powerful as the big model." He twisted the end cap and slipped the rounded tip into my foreskin. I felt the pleasant buzzing in my foreskin, then in my glans as he pushed it deeper. The bubbling water added to the sensations, creating warm currents that circulated pleasantly around my prick and balls. "Oooohhhh, nice," I exclaimed as the mild buzzing filled my glans with sensation. I began stroking Ken's penis a bit faster, snapping the foreskin just over his rim, then pulling it back again to expose the groove and stretch its nerve endings. "Oh, Jack, you know just what to do to me," he said as he pushed the vibrator farther into my hood. Now the rounded tip was stretching my foreskin right above the broad upper surface of my glans, the pleasurable buzzing dominating my consciousness. I snapped Ken's foreskin over his rim a couple of times, giving it a little twist to enhance his sensations. "Now I'm going to run it around your rim," he said, and I felt the vibrator begin sliding down the left side of my glans, touching the corona, until it reached bottom, the hot spot under the head. The pleasant buzzing filled my glans, and a slight tickling began where the vibrator was touching. "That is nice, Ken," I murmured. "Keep this up long enough and you'll make me cream." As I spoke, I kept snapping his hood, compressing the nerve endings in his ridge with each stroke and building his excitement. "When we came together this morning, I couldn't see if you were shooting or dribbling." He said. He reached out to turn off the tap, as the water level was within an inch of the top. The pump kept going, though, sending jets around our bodies, caressing our most intimate parts. "Yeah, with both heads inside my hood, I couldn't see if either one of us shot, but I'm sure we squirted because we were so hot." "I usually dribble when just jacking myself, but when I'm really excited, like when I'm with a hot guy like you, I really shoot." I remembered the feeling of Ken's hot jets impacting the front of my glans, and smiled. "You damn well did shoot, Ken. I could feel it hard against my head. That really turned me on, and I'm sure I was shooting too." The hot feeling was building up inside my glans, and Ken commented on it: "I can feel your tip swelling through the skin, Jack. It's getting harder too. "You're right, Ken. At this rate, I don't know how long I can hold out." The insistent buzzing was pushing me relentlessly toward the point of no return. "Just relax, Jack. Just let it happen naturally. Don't try to make me come with you, just enjoy the feeling." 'Want me to use the vibrator on you after I've come?" I asked. "No, just keep doing what you're doing. That snapping feeling of my foreskin riding over my rim is really hot for me. Anyway, the touch of your warm fingers is also a turn-on for me. "You'll have to tell me if I shoot or dribble, Ken. You know I close my eyes when I come. I always miss the show." "Don't worry. I always watch carefully. I just love to see a guy shoot, and I wouldn't miss this show for anything." Now my entire glans was tingling, and I felt the pleasant ache that told me I needed to come soon. "I'm so close," I whispered as the sensations in jmy prick built up higher. I was trying to stay relaxed, but the relentless buzzing was pushing me inexorably towards the brink and my body was tensing. "I'll stay with you, Jack. Remember, don't try to make me come right now, but hold on to my prick if it excites you." "It does, Ken, it does." I was still holding his rock-hard penis, but had slowed my stroking as my attention was diverted by the build-up f sensations in my body. I felt my glans straining, swollen with blood, eagerly absorbing the stimulation that would soon make it erupt. "I think you're there," he said as he pressed the vibrator harder against the hot spot under my head. I felt my crotch muscles tighten and then I exploded. A heavy pounding began in my cock-root, sending the first hot jet through my urethra. MY entire penis tingled as the hot fluid rushed up to the end, and I cried out helplessly as my world dissolved. My legs were trembling, my stomach muscles contracting, and I flew headlong into the nether world of the orgasm. My prick was throbbing uncontrollably as jet after jet spewed, each gush of fluid feeling like hot lava, searing the inside of my urethra. I don't know if I continued to hold Ken's penis, as I was in a world of my own, writhing and grunting in joyful agony. I regained my senses, aware that the buzzing had stopped, and that I was beginning to relax again. I opened my eyes to see Ken smiling down at me. "Man, you shot, you really shot. The water caught your jets, or they would have gone a foot into the air." I saw that white strands of my cream floated around me, quickly dissolving in the bubbling water. I'd let go of Ken's penis, but it was still hard. "Now do me," he urged. "Watching you was so hot I almost came, even without your touching me." I shook off my lethargy, and sat up to clasp his foreskin again, sliding it back off the swollen head, then snapping it forward to engulf the rim. The water was a very thin lubricant, but he'd feel every subtle sensation because of that. His rim had swollen even more, and was now darker than the rest of the head. "You're close," I observed. "Your tip's gotten dark, and it feels hard under my fingers." I continued to snap his foreskin up and down, pulling back extra hard to stretch his gee-string as I tugged on his sac with my other hand. Ken raised his hips, propping himself up on his elbows, so that his tip just cleared the water. I saw a large clear drop ooze from his slit and run down to lubricate his foreskin. With his natural lube, I wouldn't have to worry about causing irritation as I pumped his hood over his rim. Now I picked up the pace, edging his hood over the wet, gleaming head. "Now you can see me shoot," he said. "I think my eyes are going to close too." I kept working his foreskin, compressing the nerve endings in his rim as the hood snapped over it, then pulling back hard enough to tug on his gee-string enough to make the head dip down towards his balls with each back-stroke. His breathing was deeper and faster, and I knew he was on the edge. Ken's eyes closed, and his jaw clenched. I always enjoyed watching a man's face contort as I brought him to orgasm, and watching Ken was especially enjoyable as he'd just done me and given me intense pleasure. His tip was dark purple, and the lips of his slit had parted to release a steady drool of lubricant. Suddenly, I heard him go "AH! HAH! HAH!" as his cock throbbed hard in my hand. A thick rope of cream shot up from his tip, spewing through the distended lips of his slit and arcing a foot into the air before landing in the bubbling water. His prick throbbed again, releasing another jet. I kept snapping his foreskin to maintain the momentum of his climax, watching as several more jets erupted. Now they didn't shoot as high, and I slowed my strokes, knowing that his glans would suddenly become super-sensitive. His slit dribbled another rush of cream, and I stopped stroking him, aware that his orgasm was winding down. Finally, after a few more throbs, he was still. He relaxed and sank into the bubbling water, leaving thick ropes of white cream that were already dissolving in the water around him. "You really shot hard, Ken," I said as he opened his eyes. "A foot, at least. Your tip was above the water and I saw it all." "Felt like it," he said. "You really drained me, Jack." "I loved feeling and watching it," I replied. "just as you did me." "Yeah, I loved feeling your cock throb. I loved watching you face." "I felt really good making you come like that," I added. "I knew I was making your prick feel so good..." "Let's shower now, before we get too relaxed and before that cream dries on us," Ken suggested. We stood and Ken opened the drain to the tub and turned on the shower. The hot water sluiced over us, and we washed ourselves clean all over including your cocks, then pulled our hoods forward to protect the sensitive heads. After we'd dried ourselves, Ken transferred the load from the washer to the drier, and then led me into his kitchen. We were still naked, still eying each other's cocks as we walked, and I remembered the phrase, "eye candy." "Don't know about you, but all this gave me an appetite," he said as he began pulling things out of the refrigerator. Our meal was excellent cold cuts, including prosciutto, and a salad. We sat naked at the table, enjoying the light meal. Given the context of the situation, it was natural that our topic of conversation was each other's equipment. "You don't lube much," he began. "I'm not surprised you use Astroglide." "I never had much lube, even when I was younger. You have a lot of lube. That's really convenient for you." "Most of the time it is, but when I'm jacking, often it spills over onto my fingers and shaft, and I lose my grip on my foreskin. I have to wipe it off with a towel. That's not too bad, because I use the towel to catch my come. Why did you choose Astroglide?" "I like it because it's not oily and rinses off with water. That's why I don't use that greasy kid stuff," I said, smiling. "One of the ingredients is glycerin. That gives me a nice warm feeling in the head. Ever try it?" Ken got up from the table and said: "No, but guess what? I bought a bottle just for you. I'll get it and we can both try it." He went out of the room, returning with a plastic squeeze bottle of Astro. He bent over me and skinned back my hood, squirting a couple of drops into the groove behind the head. When he rolled my foreskin forward to spread the viscous liquid and cover the head, a pleasant warm feeling spread through my glans. "That feels nice," I said, taking the bottle from his hand. "Now let me put some on you." He was standing next to me, his cock at eye level, and I reached up to retract his foreskin all the way. I squeezed the bottle, and a couple of drops oozed out to fill his groove. Now I gently eased his foreskin forward over the head and saw him smile again. "You're right," he said. "That does make the head feel warm. Lubes it nicely, too. I continued to move his foreskin back and forth in slow small strokes, watching the wet and glistening glans emerge each time I pushed back his foreskin. Within seconds his shaft became more rigid as it swelled, and the head turned from pink to purple. "I see that's doing something to you," I said. "Yeah, it really does. We'd better stop and finish our meal, or you'll make me shoot right here." He pulled away and sat opposite me again. I took another bite and said: "Well, the dryer should be done soon. I'll help you make the bed." Just then the buzzer sounded, and we finished our meal and went to retrieve the load. I helped him stretch the sheets over the bed and spread the blanket, although we kept the top sheet and blanked rolled down, as we doubted we'd need them for warmth. "I've got another toy I want to show you," he said. "Ever try electro-sex?" "No, never did. You like it?" "I do. I've found that using the electro box and electrodes gives me an orgasm even when I'm tired or drained. It's really powerful stimulation." He reached into the bedside table and pulled out a small black box with knobs and an assortment of wires and electrodes. "Let's try it on you first." "Okay," I said, somewhat wary but trusting his good judgment. After all, if he used it, it couldn't be too bad. I lay back and let him do his thing. He held up a flat rubber disc about two inches in diameter, with a wire running from it. "First, I'll put an electrode next to your anus. I won't put it in, just coat it with conductive lubricant and place it between your cheeks so that it touches your anus." I rolled on my side and felt him lift my buttock, and a second later something cool touched my anus. "Now roll onto your back again, and I'll fit the other electrode. This time, I'll use this conductive loop." He held up a loop of black rubber or plastic, attached to a terminal. Ken skinned back my foreskin and squirted a few drops of conductive jelly into the groove behind my cock-head, spreading it around with his finger. Then he slipped the loop over my glans, pushing it down so that it encircled the neck of my penis like a noose, right behind my corona. He tightened the loop, and attached a wire from its terminal to the black box. I saw that he'd already connected the electrode between my cheeks to the box, for there was a wire running from between my legs. Now he put a towel over my chest and stomach. "Now we're set," he said. "I'll start out really low so that you can feel the current flowing, then I'll increase the power when you're ready. He turned on the box and then rotated the power knob. A pleasant tingle filled my crotch, right to the end of my penis. "Feel it?" I nodded and he continued. "Now I'll turn it a bit higher. The current path runs through your prostate right to the loop behind your head." He twisted the knob and the tingle increased. "I can adjust the frequency too. This varies the sensations you feel. Right now I have it set to the highest." He twisted another knob all the way to the left, and the tingle turned into a series of pulses that made my crotch muscles contract. This was very pleasant. 'So you can adjust the frequency for variety." I said. "What else can you adjust?" "I can adjust for continuous current or pulses. A circuit interrupts the current at whatever rate I select. Here, let me show you." He turned another knob and now I felt distinct pulses, about one per second, running from my anus to the end of my penis, which was beginning to stiffen. The head was already swollen, from the tourniquet effect of both the tight loop and my thick foreskin collar squeezing my shaft right behind the glans. A red light on the box blinked in time with the pulses. "Now you adjust the power until your cock begins to jerk. I want you to adjust it because you can feel what's comfortable for you. Let me set the frequency to the middle of the range, though. It usually works best there, and after you can adjust it to what feels best for you." I twisted the power knob slow, feeling the pulses become more powerful, until I saw my penis bob up with each pulse. "Okay, that power setting might do it for you, but we can increase it later. Now this is the frequency knob, Turn that until it feels best for you." I adjusted the frequency knob, experimenting with different settings. At the lower end, it seemed too harsh. At the upper end, I felt a jolt at the beginning of each pulse. In the middle, the current felt like a smooth surge that made the muscles in my crotch contract with each pulse. "Does it feel like a big hand is squeezing your penis with each pulse?" he asked. "Yes it does. I think this might get me off." My penis was rock-hard now, despite my two orgasms that morning, and the glassy-smooth head gleamed with excitement. "That's because the current is stimulating the involuntary muscles in your penis and scrotum, making them contract with each pulse. Your foreskin's tightening around your cock-head with each pulse. Now I'll increase the power slightly." He twisted the knob, and I felt the surges become hotter, more intense. My penis was jerking up and down hard with each cycle, the muscular contractions controlled by the current emanating from the black box. My foreskin collar was tightening rhythmically around the base of my glans. I saw a small clear drop fill the teardrop shaped orifice at the end of my glans. "See, you're even juicing now. Want a little more?" I nodded and he twisted the knob a bit farther. The increase in current took my breath away. "AH! AH! AH! AH!" I went at each pulse. My legs began trembling and my stomach muscles contracted. My penis felt so swollen that it was ready to burst. The electrically induced throbs in my prick were as intense as the throbs of orgasm. I wasn't coming yet, but soon would be, at this rate. "It's really getting to you now," Ken said. "I'll turn up the power just a bit, and you'll really feel it." My eyes had closed, so I didn't see him twist the knob, but I felt its effect. Each pulse hammered at my nerve endings, and the nerves themselves, and I was caught up in something I couldn't control. My entire crotch area contracted rhythmically, and I felt the urge build up in my cock-root. "A bit more..." Ken murmured, and I felt each powerful surge grip my groin to send me closer to the edge. Suddenly, I saw stars before my eyes, and my crotch exploded. My cock-root convulsed, sending a hot heavy jet up my urethra, and I cried out in joyful agony as the sensations overwhelmed me. I cried out again as a second torrent of fluid poured into my tube. I lost track of time, and became totally disoriented as the orgasm pounded through my writhing body. The pulses had stopped, and I lay very still. Slowly I realized that my orgasm had passed, totally draining me, and then Ken's voice brought me out of my daze: "Man, you really came this time. When you were really into it, I saw your jets shoot two feet into the air." I opened my eyes and saw him leaning over me, lips close to mine, then he kissed me lightly. "Thanks, Ken," I said weakly. "I never felt anything like that before. Well, maybe when I was 12 and had my first orgasm. I saw stars in front of my eyes then." "Did you cry when you had your first come?" he asked. "I know I did." "Yes I did. It was so intense I thought I was dying." I reached up to hug him to me. "It was beautiful, Jack," he whispered in my ear. "It was just beautiful watching you come. Your tip was so big and hard. I touched it with my finger while you were shooting. You know how it's normally a little bit spongy? Well, it was hard as a rock, and really dark purple. I was watching the cream shooting through the hole at the end, and it was like a fire hose." "How about you?" I asked. "You going to take your turn now?" "Yeah, I will, as soon as I get you cleaned up." He gathered up the towel, and wiped a drop of juice off my neck, then took the noose electrode off my penis and slipped my foreskin forward, milking my shaft as he did so. He must have known my tip was still too sensitive to touch with the rough towel, and just re-covered my glans. I rolled onto my side to let him retrieve the other electrode, which he coated with more conductive jelly and slipped into his crack. Ken took another towel and spread it over himself, then skinned back to let him place the noose into the groove behind his glans. The wires were still connected, so he was ready to go. "I'm going to work the controls, Jack, because I know what feels good for me." I noted that his penis was already half-hard, probably from the excitement of watching my orgasm, and I prepared to enjoy his vicariously. He turned on the box and brought the power up to 50 percent. Smiling at me, he said: "I'm already feeling that tingle. Now I'm going to set it to pulse." He twisted another knob and I saw his penis begin to jerk, swelling with blood as it bobbed up and down. The head was expanding rapidly, from the tightness of the noose and his foreskin collar constricting the veins in his shaft. "Looks good, Ken," I said. "You're already getting the spasms in your cock." He raised the power level and the jerking got harder, the big swollen head bobbing up and down in time with the red light. I saw his jaw clench and his scrotum contracted against his body. "More power..." He murmured as he turned the knob to a higher setting. Now his penis was jerking forcefully and the head was darkening to a deep purple, the corona flaring out against the tight foreskin collar. Lube was pouring from his long slit and running down his glans to mix with the jelly. He turned the power up again and began to gasp as the more powerful pulses coursed through his penis and prostate gland. Now he grunted loudly with each blink of the light as his penis twitched hard, the lube flowing in a steady stream from the end of his tortured glans. I touched it, and it felt very hard under my fingertip, without a hint of the sponginess I was used to. He twisted the power knob again, slightly, and his grunts became louder. His body jerked, and I heard a loud "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" as I saw the first white stream erupt from his glans like a thick rope, arcing high over his body to fall onto his chest. His hips heaved as he again cried out, helpless in the throes of his electric orgasm, and another heavy jet spewed from his distended slit. His eyes were tightly shut as he discharged another gush, and his straining cock twitched with each jet. His cries of helpless ecstasy filled the room, and his jerking penis erupted again. The next jet was weaker, and I knew he was on the downhill slope now, his penis still jerking with the current, but shooting with less pressure as he emptied himself. His cock jerked again as it shot a slower and less forceful jet, but the big helmet was still dark purple, the rim flaring proudly over the noose and retracted foreskin. I knew exactly what he was feeling, as I'd experienced the same minutes before. Ken's hand hadn't moved from the box, and now I saw him turn down the power as his orgasm ran its course. His penis still twitched with each pulse, but was only seeping its cream. The steady dribble ran down the top of his glans, as the lube had done before, and continued down his shaft. Ken turned off the power and relaxed, totally drained and limp. I knew he was sinking into the daze that inevitably follows a hot, intense orgasm, and I stayed quiet until he finally opened his eyes. I smiled down at him. "That was hot to watch, Ken. Your tip was so dark and swollen, shooting that cream, and you shot a couple of feet too, like I did. If I wasn't totally drained, I might have come just seeing you shoot." I leaned over and kissed him on his lips. Ken disconnected the wires and removed the electrodes, while I rolled up the towel that had caught his ejaculations, and then pulled his foreskin forward over the shrinking head. Strangely, we were not sedated by our hot sex play, but rather, energized. Although it was getting late, we were ravenously hungry, and we went out for a late dinner.

The end

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