
By eric jones

Published on Sep 29, 2016


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  • This is a work of fiction. My experiences and likes influence all my writing, so there might be a nugget or two of truth somewhere within, but don't worry, it's carefully hidden... Any similarity with actual people or places is entirely coincidental.

  • This story involves interracial sex between adult men. There is lot of crude stereotyping, role play, nasty and demeaning language and other things that might be called kinky or just plain ignorant. If any of this offends you, please leave now.

  • If you are underage or if reading this is illegal where you are for any reason, please leave now.

  • Your feedback is welcome and appreciated.


Two full blocks away, Tariq pulled his truck over and parked on a secluded dark street. With the police on the scene, he couldn't be too careful.

He and Corey jumped out and slowly, but deliberately, headed back towards Simms' house. They kept in the shadows as much as they could. Attracting too much attention wasn't going to work tonight.

It was so dark that in their dark clothes they could walk right in front of your house and you still might not see them. No moon. A perfect night for surveillance. Tariq felt lucky.

As they got closer, they slowed their pace. The final approach needed to be perfect.

"Hey, less cut through the yard next door. Don't wanna walk up da driveway," Tariq instructed.

"Aiight," Corey agreed.

"And be quiet, man. Make sure ya phone on vibrate," Tariq added.

"Damn, dude, will ya fuckin chill," replied Corey. He was irritated. "You so spooked you gonna fuck this up if ya don't go easy..."

"Fuck dat, I jus wanna make sure we don't get caught up," was Tariq's response.

Corey realized it was no use arguing. Tariq didn't seem to be aware of how oddly he was behaving. Corey was only there to keep an eye on his boy. This shit didn't excite him at all. He couldn't figure out why it was so important to go back. What did Tariq hope to see or find out? To Corey this was a pointless risk. But he wasn't gonna abandon his friend. He didn't feel good about this. But he would have felt worse letting Tariq go alone. Friendships can lead you too the strangest places sometimes...

One house a way, they ducked down and cut across the neighbors yard. The neighbor's shrubbery gave them the perfect covert approach.

The police cars were still in the driveway. "Not too late," thought Tariq. He felt like his luck was holding out.

The dark duo crept to the edge of Simm's property and crouched down to plan their next move. There was nothing to see on the side of the house, so they decided a full frontal attack was their best option. They slowly moved across the driveway, carefully watching the police cars as they passed by them.

The front windows were alit, but as they crept forward they realized they couldn't see anything. There were blinds or curtains. They practically crawled towards the brightest window, both hoping they might at least be able to hear something if they couldn't see. But they didn't hear a peep.

"Round back?" Tariq asked.

"Yeah," Corey responded, wishing this was over, but knowing they had to keep trying if he was ever going to get Tariq away.

They retraced their steps to the side of the house and started towards the back. They were confronted by pitch darkness, and the best path to the rear of the house wasn't clear. Now wasn't the time to trip, so they made their way at a snail's pace. Tariq was determined, but he wasn't a fool.

As they finally made their way towards the back it looked like another dead end. They didn't see any lights and couldn't hear a thing. Undaunted, Tariq crept along the back with Corey right on his heels.

They walked past a darkened window and were about to keep going when Tariq felt Corey tug from behind.

"Listen," whispered Corey.

They crouched down and crept forward. Although the room on the other side of the window was dark, the room beyond was lit. With their faces practically pressed against the glass, they could see figures in the room beyond. They could also hear raised voices.

There were two police officers standing. From their body language and swinging arms it was clear the raised voices they could hear were coming from the police. They couldn't tell what was being said, but whoever was on the receiving end was getting a stern talking to...

One of the officer was holding something in his hand and kept holding it up and shaking it while he talked. It looked like a sign or piece of paper. It was clear they were referring to the object and wanted someone to pay attention. Tariq wanted to know what it was they were holding, but from where they were it was impossible to tell.

Tariq assumed it was Simms getting chewed out by the cops. But he couldn't see him. It was driving Tariq crazy not to know.

"Bullshit," they heard from inside. It was getting even more heated.

Both of the officers they could see then disappeared from view. There was maybe half an excruciating minute where they couldn't see or hear a thing. Corey was ready to go. Tariq began thinking of how he could get in the house.

"Less go," Corey said, tapping Tariq on the arm. Tariq kept his face to the window. He wasn't ready to leave.

Corey was about to unload on his friend when he saw Tariq focus again on the inside of the house.

"Look!" Tariq urged.

They saw the officers and another man. As one of the officers stepped away it was clear the other man had his hands behind him. Both of them knew the other guys had to be Simms. And they both also knew from the way his hands were pulled behind him that he was in handcuffs. "Damn," thought Tariq.

"What da fuck?" Corey whispered.

Tariq backed away from the window and started to walk away.

"Where ya goin?" Corey whispered loudly.

"Less go see," Tariq whispered back.

Corey realized he was planning to go around the the side. Not a good idea.

"Fuck, man. Ya gonna get seen," Corey said as loud as he dared.

Tariq wasn't listening and plowed ahead. Corey shook his head and thought "Fuck!" to himself. Dumb and dumber. He stood there, considering his next move.

Tariq got to the edge of the house, dropped to his knees and literally crawled forward along the edge of the house. As he got to Simms' car at the top of the driveway, he slowed his pace and quickly decided his best path to get close enough to see and hear but not be seen. Tariq froze when he heard loud steps approaching from the front. He saw Simms being escorted by an officer and two other officers in tow. They put Simms in the back of the back patrol car, fired up the car engine, but didn't leave.

Tariq hadn't heard a thing, but he couldn't safely move until they left, so he hunkered down and kept a close watch.

Tariq's luck was about to change.

The three officers gathered by the driver's door of the front patrol car, looking back to the car where Simms was confined and then back at each other. Tariq strained to hear their conversation but only caught a word or two. He heard "arrest" and "fuck" but little else was clear. He heard one of the cops laugh as their huddle appeared to be breaking up. Two officers headed back to the car with Simms and the other prepared to jump in the car closest to where Tariq was hiding. It was the end of their conversation, and one of the officers raised his voice to be heard back at the other car.

Clear as a bell, Tariq heard one officer yell back to the others: "If he thinks the parents are going to let him get away with this, he's dumber than he looks..."

He heard doors slamming and cars dropping in to gear. They pulled away, and darkness and silence surrounded Tariq again. He tried to process what he had heard and what had happened. An arrest in the middle of the night. A reference to parents and getting away with it.

Tariq was startled to hear footsteps nearby and almost bolted when he recognized Corey creeping towards him.

"What da fuck happened?" Corey asked.

"Dunno fa sure, bruh," Tariq replied. "Heard da cop say something about parents not letting him get away with some shit."

"Get away with what?"

"Fuck if I know."

Corey had seen and heard enough.

"Ok, let's get da fuck outta here, dude," Corey urged.

Tariq didn't say a word but started to walk away. They ducked back across the neighbors yard and out to the street. They continued back to Tariq's truck in silence. Corey was suddenly tired. Tariq couldn't stop thinking.

As Tariq pulled up to Corey's place, Corey offered Tariq a chance to crash at his house. It was late.

"Thanks, man. But I'm gonna crash at home," Tariq replied. "But hey, I owe ya one man. I ain't gonna forget ya help tonight.

"Ain't nuthin," Corey replied with a tired smile as he shut the door and walked away.

Tariq watched him walk away and pulled out his phone.

He sent a text and then pulled away along the dark streets. A block or so away he felt his phone vibrate in his lap. He took a quick glance.

ERIC: Yeah, I'm still up.

TARIQ: Can I come thru?

ERIC: Now? Why?

TARIQ: Shit happened tonite. Need to talk.


TARIQ: Where?

ERIC: My house. We can talk outside.

TARIQ: Ya want my black ass to just drive up to the house?

ERIC: Park down the street. I will meet you in front.


Tariq tossed down his phone and pressed down on the gas. He never felt more awake than he did right now.

Next: Chapter 13

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