
By eric jones

Published on May 4, 2016

  • This is a work of fiction. My experiences and likes influence all my writing, so there might be a nugget or two of truth somewhere within, but don't worry, it's carefully hidden... Any similarity with actual people or places is entirely coincidental.

  • This story involves interracial sex between adult men. There is lot of crude stereotyping, role play, nasty and demeaning language and other things that might be called kinky or just plain ignorant. If any of this offends you, please leave now.

  • If you are underage or if reading this is illegal where you are for any reason, please leave now.

  • Feedback is welcome.

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Once he was alone Tariq let the rage flow back through him. That was some foul shit, and for no reason. At least no reason he was aware of... Tariq kinda knew his thoughts were clouded, not just by rage, but by something that drew him to Eric. He hadn't really put much thought it in, and if he had, he probably wouldn't have believed it. Right now he wanted to get revenge. Not for himself, but for Eric. The why was something for another day...

He picked up his phone and dialed his best friend Corey.

"Need ya help, tonite bruh."

"Word, you know it. You at the crib?"

"Yeah, come thru."


Now he had to act.

What was it about this guy? Eric couldn't figure him out. He had only met him hours ago, and already they were so intertwined it was making Eric's head spin.

He seemed genuinely concerned. Buy why? He didn't have an explanation, and this Tariq dude wasn't offering one.

What was he going to do? He had no dog in this fight, at least none that Eric could find. But he wanted to know Simms name. In this town Simms wouldn't be hard to find. He certainly wasn't low key, anyway. But still...

Was he going to stop what was happening? If so, how? He could fuck it up worse. Simms didn't seem like the kind to bow under pressure. In a fight he would put money on Tariq, but Simms was no lightweight either. And Simms had resources. Simms had obviously planned all this in great detail, the videos and the fake website were evidence of that... If Tariq tried anything Simms might release it to everyone, without Eric even having a chance to give him whatever it was he wanted... Damn, this was a mess. Tariq didn't know what he was getting in to. How could he? And his interest still didn't make sense. There was too much at stake.

Eric picked up his phone and dialed Tariq's number. He knew he would answer.


"Hey, I need to talk to you."

"OK. Whassup."

"Can we meet, I don't wanna talk about it over the phone."


"Now, anywhere, you pick, I don't care."

"Can't right now, bruh, got friend on his way here."'

"I... I really need to talk to you. There's stuff you need to know. It's not... I just...." Eric couldn't figure out what to say.

"Imma meet you, Eric, it ain't no problem. I'm serious about my friend comin here, doh. Jus can't right now."

"Ok, well, as soon as you can." He paused, not really for dramatic impact, but it was clear from his voice that he needed to get something off his chest.

Corey knocked once and walked in to Tariq's room. Corey walked over and flopped down on a low chair in front of the TV and had no problem waiting for his boy to get off the phone.

"Look, bruh, let me get off this phone, got company here..."

"Uh... ok, ok... Please, please call me as soon as he leaves, I'm not going to bed, I don't care how late, just PLEASE call me back."

"Ok bruh, I get at you later."

"Whas goin on mane?"

"Got a problem and I need ya help."

"U know I'm in."

"Yeah, but this has gotta be on da low. No body know. It ain't gonna be easy either nigga."

"Man, fuck dat, you ain't gotta say that shit to me, jus tell me da plan."

"We gonna need anotha man fo dis."


"Big man. I need some shit, an I don't mean little shit either, nigga."

"K, gonna cost."

"Ain't nuthin."

"U got it, what da fuck dis all about?

"You know that fancy nigga, Simms?"

Tariq parked his truck on the street, just down from the main entrance of the Club. It was a little after 2 a.m., and it would do any good to pull his ride up in a country club parking lot, rims shining, in the middle of the night.

He walked up the driveway, looking around the whole time. As Eric said the place was deserted. It was a strange place to meet, but Eric wanted privacy. They certainly had that.

Tariq had called as soon as his business with Corey was completed, as he promised.

On the back of the clubhouse was a large lake, that was fed by the river a few hundred yards away. There were benches and gazebos all around the lake. It was a great place to sit and enjoy a summer's evening, and hours before this area would have been crowded with members and their guests. Tonight it was just the two of them.

Eric was sitting on one of the tables, in the gazebo farthest from the clubhouse. As Tariq approached he could smell the smoke from a cigarette. Eric was sitting there, staring out at the dark lake, and didn't even hear Tariq until he was right behind him.

With a shock, Eric turned around. Tariq was dark from head to toe. He had on dark jeans, dark boots and a big black sweatshirt. It was still over 80 degrees at this time of the morning, so that sweatshirt was already causing Tariq to sweat. Not one piece of jewelry was visible. He looked like he was about to rob a bank.

Eric had dressed appropriately for such a warm night. He had on long khaki cargo shorts, a pale green t-shirt and his favorite sandals. He was wearing the same cologne he had noticed Tariq was wearing each time they met, one of the Burberry fragrances that had been out for a while. Eric had to dig around in his closet for the bottle, long ago put away with so many others...

As he walked up, Tariq recognized the scent. Interesting.

"I know you have to be about to burn up in that sweatshirt," Eric said.

"Yeah, jus tryin to be as sneaky as I can." He grinned. Eric realized that was the first time he had seen Tariq smile.

Tariq pulled the sweatshirt over his head in one quick motion, and tossed it on the table. Underneath he had on a black beater. Only against that dark fabric did Tariq's muscular arms and shoulders look light by comparison. He pulled himself up and slid up next to Eric, so close that their arms brushed briefly. Eric didn't back away, and Tariq didn't move.

Eric pulled out another smoke and lit it off the end of the cigarette he was just finishing. Chain smoking. It was one of those nights. He had been smoking now for less than two whole days, but he was pulling them down like an old pro now. Tariq followed suit, fired up his own and they both stared out at the lake.

It was becoming a contest between them, each time they met. Who was going to speak first? Eric had called this meeting, and he knew he needed to get going. He was going to need his rest. This day had already drained so much out of him.

He wasn't sure where to start exactly, but he was already feeling a little bit more comfortable. He had been worried about Tariq's involvement, worried that he might make things worse. But now that he was here, now that he was sitting here next to him, the worries didn't seem to eat at him quite as much. Eric looked over and studied Tariq's body, starting from his feet and working his way up to his dreds. Tariq turned and caught Eric looking, and Eric turned away.

Eric liked this guy's scent. It wasn't just cologne, it was more - not complex, just a clean, almost soapy smell mixed with the cologne. It was comforting, in a way he hadn't noticed before.

"Thanks for meeting me, man."

"No problem, E."

Eric couldn't help but laugh a little. "Why do you call me 'E'? No one has ever called me that."

"E is fa Eric. Just simpler dat way." Tariq laughed a little himself. "I never call anyone by they name, not my boys."

"So can I call you T?"

"It's all you, E." They were both smiling now.

"You act like you know me. We just met."

"Dunno. U mad?"


Enough of the small talk. He liked chatting with Tariq, but there was business.

"Tariq, why did you want to know Simms name?"

"I dunno, I just wanted to know who did dat shit."

"You know I didn't know it was being taped?"


"I would never have gone over there if I had known he was going to tape it, God knows. I trusted him, I just wanted him to..." It was awkward. He didn't know if either of them wanted to hear what he needed to say...

But Tariq could tell what was coming. He sensed the awkwardness, and he jumped in to help...

"You had met him earlier?"


"Ya said you met online. You mean like one of those chat sites?"


"Why did you meet him?"

"He was different. We had talked for a while online. He was from around here, we knew some of the same people. I didn't think it would turn out like this..."

"What ya mean different?"

"Everyone here, we're all the same. All my friends, all the people I see. He was from a different world. I was interested, I liked talking to him."

"Why he wanna fuck with you like this, did somethin happen?"

"No. Nothing."

"No grudges, old shit from ya family or whatevah?"

"No, not that I know of."

"But he knew you?"



"From the club. He worked there. He knew me and my family and everyone."

"Ya think he tryin to blackmail you?"

"I don't know." Eric had been worrying over that same question since that email. Simms wanted something. God only knows what.

Tariq knew he needed more. He might as well ask. So much was already out there.

"What happened?"

"You mean that night?"

"Well, yeah, but before that too."

"We met a little before that night. We talked and... and..." Eric looked down.

"Look, E, you ain't gotta worry, what you tell me stops here."

"I just don't understand, Tariq. Why do you want to know all this? I don't mean to be rude, and I don't want to offend you, but what's it to you?"

"I don't know, bruh, when I saw that website and that video, it was..." Now it was Tariq who was having trouble...

"It couldn't have been about Simms, you didn't even know it was him. Was it about that night at the mall, or my phone?"

"Nah, E... When I saw that video, when I saw him doing that to you, I knew it was something foul. That look in ya eyes, I knew it wasn't supposed to go down like dat..."

"That's kinda what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Wha chu mean?"

"The video. It wasn't really what it looked like."

"It looked like u was gettin RAPED, E. There were tears. And that shit he typed on the webpage."

"Yeah, but it wasn't rape. I had gone there. I didn't stop him."

"You were fuckin drugged, ya told me already, E"

Tariq was getting heated. How was he defending this nigga?

"Yeah, it was all fucked up, the whole thing. He did drug me and I couldn't stop him. But..."

How to say this without sounding worse...

"But, I went there to be with him, Tariq. I knew something was going to happen."


"Man, I can't answer that, I don't know. We had messed around earlier. I had never done anything like that before, with a guy."

"Why him?"

"He was just the first."

"Did ya want him to fuck ya?"

Eric was embarrassed. He didn't want to admit that he wanted to get fucked by the man who drugged him to get his ass.

"I hadn't done anything like that before, I didn't really know what was going to happen. I knew something was going to happen, but it's not like I had a... not like I had a choice after it started."

Tariq sat up. Eric could tell he was deep in thought. Then he leaned back again, and as he did he brushed Eric's arm with his, a little closer. They both stayed still.

"Ya know he gonna try to hurt you with that shit?"


"Why you trust him like that, you said you had messed around with him before, he had you sprung from one meeting?"

Eric didn't know how to respond. It was a blunt question. Only a blunt answer would do.


"Why did u want him?"

"It was just attraction. I was surprised. I never thought I would end up with a dude, and I certainly never thought it would be a dude that looked like him."

"Ya mean black?"

"I guess."

"If he hadn't drugged ya, would you have fucked him?"

"I don't know."

Tariq realized it wasn't rape, not exactly. But it was still some bad shit. He had taken advantage of this dude, and now was threatening to make some kind of mess. Tariq could stop him.

"I can help you, E."

"Nah, man, I don't want you to get involved. He can send that shit to anyone and everyone with one click of his computer. If you do anything. If you... It's too risky. I'm afraid to do anything myself."

"But if ya sit here and do nuthin he could fuck you over anyway."

"I know."

"But ya don't want me to do anything to stop him."

"No, please Tariq." Eric said this as he put his hand on Tariq's arm. His skin was hot to the touch. Eric left his hand there. It was important that Tariq listen and understand. There was too much at stake for this to blow up any further. "Please, Tariq, I can't risk it. I have to take my chances. If it's money he wants I'll find a way. If he wants something else..."

"You gonna fuck him again?" Tariq looked at Eric like he was crazy.

"What choice do I have?" Eric looked like shit now, and his voice was barely a whisper.

Tariq knew what choice there was to make. He had made his mind up already. He was going to protect this boy, take care of the business because he couldn't. It was the least he could do. He wanted to protect him. The thought that more harm would come from this asshole. It wasn't gonna happen.

"OK, I won't do shit. But you gotta call me if ya need help, E. Ok?"


"If all hell breaks lose, just call me bruh, I can scoop you up. If people jump you and start saying shit, you call me and Imma take care of it."

"Thanks. But you're defending me and you don't even know me. I mean, I appreciate it, I really do. But why are you doing this?"

"Cause I can, E. I just felt like ya needed a... like ya needed a friend."

"Thanks, Tariq."

"I got you, E."

"I guess I need to go to bed. It's late."

"Yeah. U right."

Eric jumped down and Tariq followed. Tariq put one hand on Eric's shoulder, just let it rest there, as he said goodnight.

"Serious shit, E, you call me if you need anything with this nigga."

"I will, man, thanks."

Eric turned and walked off in to the darkness. Tariq followed him at a distance, being quiet and making sure that he couldn't be seen. He made sure Eric made his way from the club and up the driveway of what must be his house. He stood there, behind a tree, smoke a cigarette, and watched until he saw a light come on upstairs. He was safe now.

Some promises are made to be broken. Tariq pulled out his phone as he turned and walked back to where his car was parked. He dialed Corey's number.


"It's on. We gotta start tonight."

"I'm down chief."

"Cool, Imma meet ya at the spot."

There was no time to waste.

Next: Chapter 10

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