Downward Destiny

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Aug 20, 2024



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Content: college boy Henry is presented with the ultimate progression fantasy - beautiful girls, magic power, riches beyond compare. There's only jock idiot Chase in the way. Surely getting rid of Chase will be easy and can in no way backfire...


Henry walked by his place of work on his day off when he saw a lady who he instantly recognized as Aurora, the Japanese chick he had lusted after back in high school, as had most boys.

Following her into the coffee shop he tried to figure out what to say. Maybe he'd use his barista privileges to get her a freebie.

Henry was stunned to see her talking to Luna, the gorgeous black girl who'd only become hotter since high school. She still wore her signature silver crescent earrings, a white dress hugging a toned body with incredible breasts and buttocks.

Nervously in line behind them, he failed to gather the courage to interrupt their quiet conversation and let his eyes wander instead.

In a booth he spotted Scarlet, the girl he'd always thought of as "goddess". Fiery red hair, perfect curves, the face of an elven queen. Every precious class they'd once shared had been his obsessive reason to life.

His heart stopped as her green eyes fell on him. She was waving him over, her smile wide.

Henry moved her way, then realized she was waving at the other girls, behind him. Duh. Except... Luna and Aurora grabbed him by the arms and pulled him along, giggling.

It was the beginning of an utterly baffling conversation. The three ladies were witches - heiresses to magical lineages, each in search of a lord. And they thought Henry was a good "candidate" for at least one of them, if he was willing to face The Trials.

It did, however, require two men to enter the trial at once, a "fountain" and a "sink". Ideally, linked by blood, like brothers.

As long as the three beauties looked at him like he had just come back from saving the world, Henry was willing to go along with any crazy revelation.

Sadly, he was an only child. Unless...

"Quarter brother," he blurted out. "There's this guy I share a grandpa with. Our moms are half-sisters. So, a half-cousin, but gramps called us quarter-bros. Barely seen him since middle school."

"What's his name?" goddess Scarlet asked.

"Uh, I only call him asshole. I think all the girls at his high school called him that, too. And some of his friends. A bully, and my bane through middle school. Including the classic toilet swirly just to `see what it's like'. Ugh. But his name's Chase."

"Wait," Luna said, "Chase, the asshole of Westview? I think he's in lamba delta phi. He was a minor candidate in my crystal readings."

"Amazed he made it to college," Henry said.

Scarlet looked him up on her phone. "You do look a bit alike, same build. I expected more of a meathead. I'm guessing he's 5'6'', too?"

"Uh, yeah, very different personalities, though. So can we pull him in? Maybe teach him a lesson?"

Luna started calculating horoscopes based on Chase's birth information, Aurora touched the sapphire in her necklace, deep in meditation.

Scarlet's focus was all on Henry. She drew on a napkin, her eyes mostly gazing his way. "This symbol here... A bit of a mix of yin-yang, sun-moon and a scale. It indicates if someone is a fountain or a sink. Used as a talisman it can make a participant more likely to be accepted as one or the other."

"What do those things mean?"

"I'm not allowed to tell you everything. And there's a lot I as a blood & soul witch don't know. This matters more for cosmic witches like Luna and spirit witches like Aurora. But you can use the symbol to make an outcome more likely."

"Oh, well Chase has got to be a sinkhole. Unless, there's an asshole symbol, that would fit even better."

Seeing Scarlet smile made Henry skip over every question he had about the process. The three hottest girls wanted him to play hero? Absolutely.



Chase figured this was all bullshit, but there had been that one time their common grandfather had pulled them aside and rambled about a great destiny.

Plus, the three hottest chicks from his quarter bro's high school were around for this mini party.

Chase swaggered into the forest clearing with a booming soundbox and a six pack of beer. A print shirt, showing off his latest favorite anime dragon, hung low on his lithe body.

The full moon made it easy enough to see without lights, but it wasn't a party mood, let alone a sexy one.

He put his beer cans on the "altar" at the center of the clearing where candles burned and opened a can for himself. Henry and the chicks could help themselves.

"Bro, is moonlight ass for pics or what?" Chase asked, trying to flex into his phone camera. "I gotta fuckin post some shit or what's the fuckin point?"

He tossed the phone at Henry. "Hey nerd, figure it out. And you chicks, fuckin snuggle up."

The chicks happily clung to him. Scarlet in her loose shirt and tight leggings, Aurora in a casual kimono, and Luna the moon princess in her almost formal, bejeweled attire, flecks of glitter on her mocha skin.

Henry switched to long exposure and held the phone still, resting on a tree stump. He suppressed the rage at asshole Chase, knowing his "fountain" talisman was well tucked into his own pants.

He handed the phone back, with a pat on Chase's back, pinning a "sink" talisman on the jock's jeans.

Chase and the red haired goddess, still pressed against his mediocre biceps, looked with shock at the photo. Henry wondered how he'd messed up.

"The fuck is that?" Chase asked.

"A big dog?" Scarlet asked. "A bear cub?"

Chase rose, his attention on something in the shrubs behind them, which Henry hadn't noticed in the photo.

Chase pulled his anime shirt off and waved it, yelling. "Fuck off!" at the animal. "Fuck off, rawr! Graah!"

Henry sighed. "What an absolute tool."

The sun rose hard and fast.

It was shortly before midnight, but there was definitely a sunrise happening in fast forward.

Briefly blinded, the five humans saw the "animal" for what it was. An amorphous spirit, pulling their focus – this was how spirits communicated, according to Luna. It was an exceedingly weird sensation, like a brief obsession with a concept.

As the sun rapidly rose toward the static full moon, the spirits "communicated" of fountains and sink. Something immaterial began floating from Henry to Chase.

More brief flashes of obsession, directing everybody's attention. The spirits appreciated Chase's gift of alcohol, and how he'd approached them fearlessly.

"W-wait," Henry mumbled.

The celestial spirits liked Chase's dragon symbol of protection and his drive to embody it.

Henry was about to protest, having trouble staying articulate throughout the focus-communication. Then much more entered the minds of the present humans - stats and numbers.

Mass flowed from fountain into sink, talismans aglow. Henry shrank to 5'4'', his shoulders narrowing, his muscles losing fibers. His dick tingled as it lost mass, its 5.5 inch erection shrinking to a flat 3 - from grower to show-er.

And each one of the girls got this information beamed directly into their brains.

Chase got pumped full off the juice seeping from the "fountain".

His 5'6'' pulsated up to a 5'9'' shape with shoulders and chest expanding. His own dick, coincidentally also 5.5 inches when hard, pumped to 7.

Even the sizes of their hands and feet changed, the fountain losing to the sink.

More, weirder concepts passed through their minds, not all easy to parse. The hardness of erectile tissue, the strength and volume of jizz, the density of head hair.

Henry touched his head, finding thin, sparse hair while Chase's hair and eyebrows thickened out.

Every possible humiliation hit Henry at once.

The sun stopped behind the moon, a perfect eclipse casting the clearing into an eerie light.

"I'm..." Luna false-started. With more confidence, "I'm moon princes Luna, I recognize the sun prince Chase."

"Fuck yeah," Chase said.

They rose a few feet in the air, power streaming from sun and moon into them. Henry tried to take a startled step back, but with his clothes now way too big for him, his stepped on his pants and fell.

The sun rushed across the sky, returning true night to the forest.

Chase landed, his hands ablaze with holy fire, flames licking up his big pecs. Fascinated, he reached out toward the stone altar. A beer can came flying. It overshot.

Sun prince Chase and moon princess Luna ducked with a gasp. The can flew toward Henry and exploded midway.

The fallen, shortened "fountain" was drizzled in warm beer just as the ripped can hit him in the face.

"You'll have to learn to control it," Luna said. "The power of creation and destruction. Don't exert yourself. Once the power runs out, you'll need daylight to recharge."

Chase pulled her in, pressing her to his new muscles. "You can tell me all a-fuckin-about it, bitch. But I earned a new seven incher and I gotta take some pussy for a spin."

"We thank the spirits," Aurora interrupted. "May the stars guide us home. Okay gang, sleepover time."

Chase tried to pull his anime shirt back on, ripping several seams. Luna whispered to him and he took it back of, tossing it at the altar where it fluttered with magic wind, extinguishing the candles before landing on them.

Chase swept the sparkling princess off her feet and started marching toward the path out.

Scarlet tapped Henry on the shoulder, shaking him out of his rage-trance.

"I'm afraid there's something else," she said, for everyone to hear. "Henry now carries the curse of the `deep night slave'. Not even a lunar or solar royalty can lift it."

Chase laughed. "So what kind of fuckin slave is he now?"

The answer made the jock laugh even harder.



Luna's family residence was an old, honorable house full of dusty tombs and esoteric décor. Chase had been introduced to Luna's parents and been given a house key to `come back anytime and help yourself to anything'.

Henry had gotten the smaller guest room. Scarlet had left him with lube and a blue dildo – thankfully just a smooth, abstract rod, nothing penis shaped.

It hadn't taken long for the deep night slave curse to set in, leaving Henry with an itching in his ass that drove him insane within minutes. The dildo was instant relief but he refused to call it pleasurable.

And this would be his every night from now on – obligatory anal before he was allowed to sleep.

The mirror across the bed and the size of the room made it impossible to escape the sight of his new, short self.

He'd have thought those were the worst humiliations he could ever endure, but the noise was worse.

Chase and Luna, in the room next to him, had given up on studying magic and started fucking.

Luna was apparently going crazy. "Yeah, oh god yes, fuck that pussy, Chase, so good, holy fuck, yes my sun prince, I've never cum this hard, oh fuck..."

Chase's grunts were punctuation to him calling her his bitch, slut, whore and ever so forth. Clearly, he was spanking and choking her, too.

How much sex could one guy have? Had one of the spirit transfers included stamina? Frankly, that seemed likely.

Done with the dildo, Henry had to try jerking off his tiny, not-that-hard anymore dicklet, to check how he held up now. With confused shame, he tried to focus on Luna's moaning and praise. He wished she'd stop calling Chase by name.

Scarlet probably hadn't known, or she'd have warned him – jerking off triggered the slave curse. Henry was forced to dildo fuck himself again. He creamed out a single drop of white goo after thirty seconds but the anal itch endured. He had to lay on the bed, fighting for anal relief, hearing Luna rave and rant about the divine cock splitting her pussy.

His eyes kept hitting his mirror image when they were drawn to the wall behind which one of the hottest girls he'd ever met was worshipping his middle school bully.



Aurora's trial to find an heir for her clan happened on a mountain top the next day. A cloudless, windy, rocky plateau.

Luna was dressed sluttily, clinging to Chase. He'd needed no convincing to come along, wearing tight jogging clothes.

Aurora had put on a highly formal kimono, lending Scarlet a simpler one.

Henry had stuffed fountain talismans into the jock's every pocket and filled himself with sink symbols, even drawing them on his body. He'd also brought gifts for any spirits – so many he was out of breath from carrying the backpack and stumbling over his too-big change of clothes.

Aurora extended a jade amulet. "The sky maiden calls upon the wide ocean dragon for trial."

She repeated herself in Japanese and a cave appeared, as if reality was wiped away for a different one.

They descended into a cavern, light rays falling from no discernable source, supplemented by paper lanterns. It was vastly bigger than was possible. They'd gone twenty foot underground and yet you could have fit a cathedral into the space.

There were navel-high hills of porcelain and gold treasure - coins, crowns, jewels and every manner of art.

Chase started casually stuffing his pockets. Henry started laying out the gifts.

"The sky maiden asks to begin judgement."

Reality was wiped aside again and the dragon appeared. A white-blue serpent, titanic in size, hovered above them, its winding body a loose, slithering knot sliding in unseen water.

"You would claim the dragon's treasure?" it boomed. "Prepare to face my wrath."

The massive being descended on Chase.

"Solar power, let's fuckin go!"

The jock swiped his hands and an arc of fire exploded from his motion. He leapt back, flying as if on wires, and pulled off his shirt while he was at it. Another swipe sent coins, bars and golden cups flying at the dragon who recoiled in the metal shower.

A fast tail swipe shattered the treasure hill Chase stood on but the sun prince did an impossible backflip and landed in an almost vertical crouch on a rocky pillar.

Chase let the carved and gilded chest beneath him explode in radiating light, blinding everybody as it rained sparkling gems.

The dragon spewed blue fire at the spot Chase had just been.

Luna raised her hand and protected her girl friends and Henry with a barrier of... random dark circles? No, it was the crater marked surface of the moon as a transparent projection, shielding from dragon flame.

Chase was in flight, jumping over the blue stream and landing with both feet on the dragon's head.

The ancient serpent laughed darkly as it retreated to the cavern ceiling. "Haha, yes, you are a worthy warden of my golden hoard."

"Fuck yeah, I am," the jock said and flexed. "Don't fuck with the best. Or I'm gonna fuck up your dragon balls."

Henry decided this wasn't nearly funny enough to justify all three ladies laughing.

"You may partake, sky sage Chase."

The new sky sage grabbed random gold chains to hang around his neck, down his bare chest.

But it wasn't over.

Sky sage power flooded into Chase. He grew to 5'11, his face becoming more masculine. His muscles filled out even further.

There was a flicker of juice going from the asshole to Henry. He wondered, were the talismans working?

Chase used his solar power to pull the flow his way. The sink symbols on Henry's body burned away painfully as they were inverted.

"Don't got much left on the fuckin night slave. Guess I'll take some dick thickness, what'ya say, bitches?"

"N-no, please..."

"Now," the dragon said from above, "if you wish to leave, the way is open. But if you wish for another trial... Prove yourself worthy of wielding a draconic blade."

Henry stepped forward, sweat dripping from anger. "Yes. I'll do it. I'll prove myself. How?"

Chase shrugged. "I'm game for more, bro. Give the fuckin loser a chance."

At the back of the treasure hillscape were golden piles topped with a sword sticking out of each. The handles were fashioned after dragons, naturally.

Chase casually picked a rather big one with a winding, winged ivory dragon. Henry chose a red, long dragon hilt on a red-ish glinting blade. He had half a mind to kill the jock, if that was part of the trial.

"Ah," the dragon above said. "My champion has chosen a heavenly might star sword. The smaller one has chosen a volcanic fang blossom blade. Interesting. We begin."

The hilts came to life. Two empty blades clanked on the stone ground as the hilt snakes wrapped around their would-be wielders. The serpents were ethereal, semi-transparent. They could not be grasped.

Chase repelled his attacker with sun prince power. "Bro, how do I keep this fuckin thing off me? This is bullshit, dragon fucker! I'm the fuckin sky sage, now, this piece of shit has to obey me."

Henry spilled the rest of his backpack, hoping some item would placate the spirit dragon. His gifts rolled everywhere.

The ancient creature above spoke. "Only spilled blood can break the curse. One must die at the hand of the other."

"Is that really necessary?" Aurora asked. "As you're sky maiden, oh mighty ocean dragon, wh-what about the `little death'? Spilling cum?"

The titan laughed. "I'll allow it. First to spill his seed becomes a worthy wielder."

Luna stepped forward but Aurora held her back. "No, this is my domain. We talked about it."

Henry only saw Luna's nod before the red ethereal snake invaded his mouth. It pushed into his throat, to the first sphincter, triggering every possible gag and choke reflex. Luckily, the semi-real being didn't block air flow, but it made his eyes tear too much to see Aurora disrobe, her perfect body only a watery suggestion.

Chase got to see it all, his hands already on her tits.

"Gently," Aurora said. "I'm a virg-"

"No fuckin time," Chase said and slapped her face. "Finger your pussy wide open, slut."

He pushed Aurora to her knees and facefucked – faceraped? – her so hard she was practically rag-dolling.

With a flick of solar magic, the sun prince pulled one of Henry's spirit gifts to him – a bottle of champagne with gold flakes. Another tiny hit of power and the cork popped.

With foam running down his chest and into Aurora's fuck-messy face, Chase took a few swings.

Scarlet interrupted them, holding a bottle of lube.

"Excuse me, you two uh, lovebirds."

"Hey girl, fuckin perfect."

"No Chase, the lube's not for you. Although you can have some to help Aurora. It's just that... It seems like jerking off also triggers the deep night slave curse. Is there a rod-like object?"

Chase looked over to where Henry was getting orally invaded, bright red face, crying, sobbing, gagging, shaking. His fingers were in his asshole, rather than jerking off.

Chase laughed so hard he lost his grip on Aurora. He gestured into the gold piles and his new claim of the treasure as sky sage found the perfect thing. A sword with a long, thick, golden hilt, the pommel a smooth snake head.

Scarlet took it and rammed it into a coil pile.

Aurora had prepared her pussy and Chase's power pulled in what soft things there were in the hoard, satin pillows and thick Persian rugs.

He tried not to go too deep at once but Aurora's legs wrapped around him and pulled him deeper, having him soon fuck all the way in and out.

"Virgin? You fucked up slut love the biggest, hardest cocks."

Aurora appeared to seize.

Just as Henry was sinking his ass onto the sword hilt dildo on top of a pile of gold coins now owned by his arch-enemy, Aurora started screaming like she was getting murdered. "Holy fuck yes! You're a sex god, Chase. I've never cum so hard, holy fuck." Another seizure. "I had no fucking idea orgasms can hit this hard, holy shit, yes sky sage Chase."

"I'm gonna ruin this pussy, my slut. You won't feel another dick ever again, hear that?"

He turned to the desperately humping slave, who was jerking a finger-like dick. It was enough to make Chase laugh but also reminded him there was a competition going on.

"Sorry bitch, gotta make this a quick one." He kissed her tits. "But there's so much fuckin more coming your way later. I'm gonna ram you brainless."

He pulled out and pushed Aurora on her knees again. With a few pumps into her mouth, he blew a load that would have taken five regular men to produce into her face and let her fall back onto the pillows.

He flexed while watching the ivory serpent rejoin the blade and freeze in place. The jock picked up the newly earned weapon.

"Congratulations," the ancient one above said. "You are the sky dragon sage. This blade will imbue you with weapon arts if you're willing to learn. The draconic ally within will assist you in times of need."

"Fuck yeah, magic pet unlocked."

Henry creamed out a single drop nobody but him noticed. The oral brutalization stopped and he was finally allowed to close his sore, drooling mouth. Thanks to the slave curse he had to keep riding the sword in the coin pile while the others readied to leave.

Chase's pants pulled themselves up his muscled legs as he walked, power glinting at his fingertips.

"Bro, you look like shit. Pathetic." He gave Henry a few pats on the head. "And so fuckin disheveled. Let me fix that for you."

Henry's head hair burned away. His shout of indignation died as a gargle in his tortured throat as he swiped away the laughing jock's hand to feel his new permanent baldness.

Scarlet had already headed out, gathering Henry's clothes by the entrance. That was kind of her but meant walking naked after the gang who were already outside.

All his various spirit gifts slid gently into place in the hoard, now belonging to Chase.



The sky clan mansion was a minimalist, Asiatic environment. There weren't enough guest rooms for all of them, so Henry got the sofa outside the room where Chase was fucking Luna and Aurora pretty much nonstop.

He'd gotten a butt plug, which helped stave off the curse but there was no getting around anally fucking himself at least a bit, especially after jerking off to the sound of two of the most beautiful ladies getting defiled by the asshole bully pumping - from the sound of it - infinite pleasures into their pussies.

Anytime he wanted to leave the room and enter another, whether bathroom, kitchen or balcony, he had to tell one of the dragon statues "I belong with master Chase" or the doors would stay locked for him. Scarlet had explained that much. Aurora had been too busy with post-virginity victory laps to introduce the protective spirits to Henry.

He could have cut his losses right there and left, but they had one more trial to go and Chase hadn't even shown much interest in Scarlet.

All Henry's thoughts were with his goddess and how he'd finally conquer her and humiliate his bully.



The judgement of blood & soul happened in the sacred halls of the sanguine circle, an unassuming building outside of town, a bit temple-like on the inside.

A dozen men in long black robes encircled them, their faces in the darkness of deep hoods.

Thralls stood behind them, equally veiled in gray. The power of the blood circle let them ensnare men whose minds were empty but whose blood bubbled with action – hooligans, mobsters, thugs – to turn them into obedient drones. Each master took care of at least one thrall.

Luna and Aurora were allowed in as observers, getting black robes. Chase was dressed in a tank top and sweats that had somehow cost 5000 dollar each, along with a 10,000 dollar necklace and a completely stupid 100,000 dollar wrist watch. Oh and they'd arrived in his new Lamborghini. With a 500 dollar key fob.

Henry wore clothes his size, from the discount bin.

Scarlet alone had a golden robe. Her hood down, her glorious hair spilled over the gleaming fabric. "Hear us members of the outer circle. We are her to determine who is a destined master and who is a thrall at heart."

"We hear," said the hooded figures in unison. "So be it."

Henry was all tension. He'd do whatever it took. No matter how hard or destructive or what it cost, he was going to do it. Chase seems nonchalant, almost bored.

The outer elder stepped forward. "Follow me, candidates."

They were led into a fairly trashed basement room. Some gang must have had a big party in here. There were garbage bags and mops ready.

"Your task, candidates, is to clean this place."

Henry set to work like a man possessed. Chase opened the last bag of chips on the filthy food table and lounged. Henry worked tirelessly – he couldn't have stopped if he'd wanted to.

Chase spilled the remaining chips in an area Henry had already mopped. Typical worthless bully act. But it was clear who was winning at this task.

Henry picked up more and more trash the grinning asshole jock tossed in his way. He cleaned as was his duty, his purpose... Wait, he was being mind controlled!

"Oho!" Chase exclaimed. "Finally fighting back? Took you fuckin long enough, faglet."

"I'm not a fa-"

"Keep fuckin cleaning, faglet."

Henry's hands went to work, scrubbing a table. He could stop if he focused every bit of himself on stopping – but then he stood there, frozen, quivering, unable to even speak, hardly breathing. He could only obey or stop, true refusal wasn't in the cards.

"Yeah faglet, you're in too fuckin deep. Like I was in pussy last night. You make this place spotless or I'm making you rub your clit. And you wouldn't wanna have to ass fuck now, right bro? Fuckin figured."

Henry was complying with the task, though. He was cleaning as instructed. Surely that counted. Surely-

"Enough," the returned outer circle elder said. "Usually it takes much longer and several tasks for it to become apparent who has more inherent mind control talent. Sometimes it even takes a whole task for the candidates to understand the real trial."

The elder clapped Chase on the back. "Well done, kid."

"Who you callin a fuckin kid, old men?" Chase said and flexed. "I'm the sun prince, sky sage and lord of the star sword dragon."

"Right right, my apologies. Now follow me to the common room for refreshments. Then we'll see to the second half of the trial."

There was more? Henry had to win but this time he had to be smart about it.

Chase glanced at him, grinning. "So I can control minds now?"

"Well," the elder said. "It will take much practice to unfold your talent, untrained master. But you two are linked, so a subtle thrall bond may remain even outside these sanguine halls."

Chase, so much taller now, leaned in and whispered. "Jerk it, faglet."

Henry was reaching into his pants before he knew what was happening. It lasted seconds but that was enough to trigger the slave curse.

While Chase celebrated in the common room, Henry was on the toilet, fucking himself with his dildo. At least he'd come prepared. He seethed the entire time, even though he knew this wasn't helping when he needed a clear head. Well, he was already ass fucking. To keep his mind a bit calmer, he jerked off, even though it prolonged his anal torment.

The dildo was starting to feel too small. He couldn't ask Scarlet for another, he had to find one himself in the next few days.

He stepped outside with his plug in, to ease the onset if Chase commanded him again. A possibility that filled him with enough rage to undo all the calmness of post-orgasm.



They wore red robes in the inner circle, blood red of course. As honored guests, Luna and Aurora had gotten to change into new red robes, too.

There were fewer inner circle members, all standing hooded across from the candidates, the three witches off to the side.

"The trial of luck begins," the inner elder said without fanfare.

"The fuck you mean?" Chase asked.

"Honorable elder," Henry asked. "What does this entail?"

The ladies gasped – because of something behind the candidates.

Black slugs, big as a human head, were seeping from the wall and slug-crawled toward the two men. Henry stepped back and right into a slug oozing from the floor. He got stuck in the viscous beast and it worked up his pants.

Chase also sounded panicked. One of the slugs had dropped from the ceiling onto his back. There were dozens now.

"What is this shit?" The jock ripped off his shirt to get rid of the slime blob.

"These distillations," the elder in red said, "are bad luck made manifest. For each that enters you-"

"Enters me?" Chase yelled. "The fuck?"

"-you will experience a hardship where you wouldn't have, or fail to meet a destined fortune."

Slugs were crawling all over Henry's hips. They were also semi-real and impossible to grasp, but their slippery blobbiness made it hard to even shake them off. The men both fully disrobed but to little avail.

A flash of fire. Chase had summoned his star sword from thin air and it sliced ghost slugs like wet paper. Strings of slime and ghost innards exploded everywhere.

The first slug crawled across Henry's face. Once more his breathing was thankfully not obstructed but there was no stopping the invasion into his mouth. Forcing itself between lips and teeth, the massive gob slid into his throat. It dissolved within him.

Another slug in his ass crack was pushing into his plugged hole, unsuccessfully for now.

Crying, gagging and shaking with impotent rage, Henry stood around while a procession of bad luck slugs pushed down his throat. More and more and more, gulp after gulp after forced, gross, horrifying gulp.

Chase was laughing, his enemies falling to a draconic blade, slice by slice. Compliments flew his way as ghost guts splattered over walls, floor and Henry.

At last the anal slug pushed past the plug, giving Henry an anal expansion he'd not known possible. The intensity sent him to his knees. The plug dropped, to general laughter. With the way open, a second conga line of slugs rushed into his ass.

Chase leaned on his sword, no longer pestered by the misfortune creatures as he stood naked and glorious, slimy but happy, in a pile of semi-real escargot.

Henry dropped on all fours, trying to beg though the gaging and the slugs across his face, unable to even plead with Chase for his salvation in exchange for anything – worship, thralldom, cocksucking.

"I am mistress Scarlet, I accept master Chase into the circle. Pending my father's approval, of course. May the spirits of blood & soul guide you to prosperity, master Chase."

Flames washed over Henry. The remaining slugs burned away. Fire of pure good luck rushed in swirls through the room, dancing, collecting around Chase who casually flexed.

He lay flat on the ground, still gagging, too slippery to get up on his cramping, weak limbs.

"You boys should hit the showers," the inner elder said. "Then we'll have ourselves a little ceremony."



"So did you fuckin keep count, faglet?"

There was only one shower and Chase's big muscles were taking up all the space, mostly because he acted like Henry wasn't even there.


"The slugs, bro." Chase poured shampoo onto Henry's naked head. "Cause I sure as fuck didn't. Too busy killing mine to check in with your faggy ass."

"No... I have no idea."

Chase grunted, rubbing his semi-erect seven incher clean. "Not like it'd do any fuckin good, bro. You're just ass fucked for life, right?"

Having cleaned himself, Chase turned off the hot water and shot a magic ice beam at it, freezing the hot tap closed. He stepped out and magically turned the cold tap all the way up.

With a gesture, the dripping Chase wiped the fogged up mirror clean for a flex, letting Henry see the size difference again. A tattoo appeared on mirror-Henry's chest. The letter "I", a heart, the words "Master Chase".

Henry looked down in horror, but the tattoo only existed in the mirror.

"Just a fuckin preview, faglet," Chase said.

Evaporating the droplets on himself, Chase nonetheless took both towels with him, flung over his shoulder. He swung his arm on the way out and raw power pushed Henry into the icy stream.

"Faglet's gotta chill out."



They hadn't found a black robe small enough so Henry was constantly stumbling unless he held his robe up with both hands.

Everybody else was dressed in gold now, aside from the gray hooded thralls. Even Aurora and Luna had been given gold robes.

The three core elders awaited them in a much less formal lounge. Scarlet's father was already shaking Chase's hand.

The room trembled as a voice boomed from everywhere at once. "Not so fast. I, the dragon of the far forests, cannot countenance a union of such power this close to my borders. Cease at once."

Windows cracked and air ducts creaked as emerald snakes rushed into the room, forming into writhing hills.

Chase lit up and a shockwave of solar might pushed the invaders back. "The fuck is going on?"

Henry made sure to be close enough to Chase to stay in the protective bubble.

"A rival dragon," Aurora said. "It wants to stop you from becoming blood master."

"There's no other way," Scarlet's father said. "We have to get you into the family right now. But... we don't have wedding bands here, or the blood vow daggers and even the dark tomb of rites is downstairs and..."

"A child," Scarlet said. "Or at least an attempt at one. Dad, you better look away."

The core elder grabbed his robed friends. "We will try to fight through and see what we can do from downstairs. The outer circle might need help."

The circle members broke through the snake mass, their blood powers letting them force the serpents aside in brief shocks. Half a dozen hooded thralls stayed behind.

Scarlet dropped the golden robe, her goddess body on display, aimed right at the smirking jock who took his time undoing his clothes.

"You're gonna suck me nice and hard, bitch."

"Another time, master. You can use blood power to control your erection."

"No cap? Fuck."

Chase made his dick burst to the full seven inches in a heartbeat.

Scarlet jumped at him.

Henry's sight was blocked by Luna and Aurora assessing the snake threat with their own witch powers. "They're congealing. This shield won't keep them out once their powers combine. They're a portal for a singular dragon which they're trying to reform into."

"In English, bitches," Chase said. Then he locked lips with the eager Scarlet as her pussy sank onto his shaft, his big hands holding her ass.

Scarlet giggled and moaned deeply. The two most beautiful sounds Henry had ever heard, leaving him totally insane.

While the red haired goddess bounced on the blood & soul master's cock, Aurora and Luna whispered to each other.

Some snakes were breaking through, those that had congealed from tiny slithers into forearm sized ones. Chase's star sword autonomously danced around the room and cut them down, the hilt alive, wriggling and biting.

"It should be a ritual," Aurora announced. "We need more sex and more cum."

"Can do," Chase said. "Blood lord dick is hard all day."

"No," Luna said with a chuckle. "Simultaneously. Although, I'll keep that in mind for another day, or night."

"No problem," Scarlet said, between laughter and moans. "I have enough control over these thralls. Not like that's going to be a tricky order."

Henry was beset by snakes that had broken through. The surprising weight forced him to his knees – or maybe he just hadn't gotten used to how small and weak he now was.

The snakes slipped underneath the robe. He dropped it, exposing his plugged ass. Naturally a snake found his mouth and forced itself in, down his throat until he was a crying, choking mess.

When he looked up again, he saw all thralls jerking off in their robes, two of them licking witch pussy. Scarlet was on a table, legs wide, hair splayed, Chase pumping into her.

Someone tugged on Henry's dicklet from behind. It was the fattest, most savage hooligan among the thralls, all tattoos and madness. The jerking was enough to make the night slave's ass crave intrusion like his throat was currently getting. The plug only helped a tiny bit.

The magic sword swung past Henry, ignoring the snake most of the way buried in his throat.

With the itch rising, Henry unplugged himself with the loud slurping of lube and the biggest, baddest thrall instantly fucked into him, granting disgusting humiliation and necessary relief.

All that Henry could see of Scarlet were the raised, quivering legs as Chase's massive muscles flexed orgasms into her.

Chase groaned louder and harder than in the nights before. "Bro, I can fuckin hold my cumshots back. Infinite fuckin edge, blood master style. The orgasm never fuckin ends, cunt whore."

"So good," Scarlet mumbled incoherently. "So... fucking good oh my god, Chase... I love you."

The blood master was on top of the world, as his companion sword beheaded serpents left and right.

Henry was utterly overwhelmed by every possible emotion. The gruff thug fucking him was possessively enveloping his slim, small frame. The anal itch was satisfied, leaving only the mind controlled cock drone and his defenseless victim.

"They're breaking through," Aurora said. "They're about to congeal into a dozen big ones."

"And my clit is getting sore," Luna said.

"Haha, okay bitches, I'm gonna fill this cunt up with Chase baby batter. And it won't be the last fuckin time."

Like an unseen explosion, the serpents were driven back to the very edges of the room, emerald fog rising as they began evaporation. Henry's throat invader was violently repelled from his inside, burning his esophagus on the way out.

It wasn't enough to stop the draconic army.

Chase had pulled out, his thick cock glistening, dripping with one last drop of goo.

"Let's go a-fuckin-gain. Blood power, bitches. Everybodyyyy!"

He flexed his arms and a ridiculous cumshot, like from a watergun, fountained onto Scarlet, from abs to face, a widening cone of splatter.

Every thrall cummed at the same time, the ones licking the other girls, the ones rubbing off under their robes and the one pumping into Henry's ass.

A trembling in the air and rising heat began the victorious attack, the green serpents evaporating as the forest dragon lost the battle and Chase became the most powerful man in the lands under the wide ocean dragon of sky mountain.



The sanguine circle inhabited a cluster of villas, giving a single bedroom house to Chase and his friends. The master spent all night fucking his three girls, but mostly Scarlet since they were the first to be trying for a baby for real.

Henry meanwhile sat with his back to them, his ass plugged with a really big, bright pink dildo – an anatomical penis this time – curtesy of the generous Chase, the sun prince, sky sage, heavenly dragon star sword wielder, blood & soul lord of the core circle, and unapologetic jock asshole.

Henry was allowed to leave anytime but also allowed to return anytime thereafter, to enjoy the protection of Chase – especially against the bad luck slug magic. He wouldn't even be permanently enthralled, only a bit if he didn't do as master Chase told him.

To start, Chase had relayed his own perspective on things, then asked Henry to type it all up as a combined story, with a measure of objectivity as far as possible but prioritizing Henry's perspective to relive his humiliation in excruciating detail and give Chase something entertaining to read.

Henry did not agree to this so, Chase used enthrallment, leading to Henry typing all this out after all, while the woman he still thought of as goddess was worshiping Chase's cock with zero thought for him.

With the story over now, Henry had about ten minutes until the dark of night when his slave curse would set in. At least he was allowed to look behind him once that happened, which a small part of him appreciated. Henry was almost developing a perverse gratitude.

This concludes the ordered retelling, Master Chase.

-Deep Night Slave thrall Henry

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