Dr Carnassis Adventures

By Less Ismore

Published on Nov 24, 2002


NOTICE: This is totally a work of fiction. Nothing like it has ever taken place to the knowledge of this writer.

This story contains explicit descriptions of sex between consenting adults of the same and opposite genders. If reading or even thinking of such occurrences disturbs or offends you, stop reading now, close this window and go on to something else.

If you are still reading this, then you should be made aware that this story, while it may be posted by the server owner in chapters, (there are nine in all) is one continuous narrative. No effort has been made at the start of each chapter to re-cap the events of previous chapters.

The only way to get the fullest effect of the complete story is to start at the beginning and read to the end.

Comments and critiques, good or bad, will be read and acknowledged. Just write to slickster3x@hotmail.com.

________________________________________________________ Dr. Carnassi's Adventures ________________________________________________________

CHAPTER ONE ... Joey and Sue.

Oh my gosh, where did this all begin?

Oh, yes, going up the Dunn River Falls in Jamaica.

If you haven't done this major league touristy thing, a little bit of explanation is in order. It's a "waterfall" that is about 300 yards long. You sign up for a tour, a guide takes you up the falls, and takes your camera and takes your picture, and someone takes a commercial video of the whole thing. We didn't know about the video, but so what? Em, my wife, was wearing a t-shirt that says " Naughty boy, go to my room" , but we didn't care, the only people back home who would see it were the people to whom we showed it.

When you climb the rocks of the falls, you are required to hold hands with the people ahead of and behind you. We got linked with a nice looking couple, Joey and Sue, from a suburb of the city we lived in. Didn't know that when we started out, but discovered that over rum punches on the boat back to our cruise ship. They had a good laugh about Em's t-shirt.

Joey and Sue had been married about four years; they were on a "belated honeymoon". He is by his own description a "kamikaze litigator" in a large strictly corporate law firm. Sue is a forensic accountant for the same firm. She is the one who goes in and does an audit of the books that not only finds out what was stolen, but also, usually discovers who did it. She's sort of like a private eye with a calculator. They met at the firm, and, as they said, "fucked around for three or four years before finally deciding to tie the knot. It was evident they were both well paid for what they did We saw them on the ship a couple of times after that. Had drinks with them in the piano bar where the funny guy did impressions and played requests. Then we spent part of an afternoon at the pool with them on the "at sea" day, we exchanged home phone numbers and agreed to get together. When they came to the pool, they both turned a lot of heads. He is tall, about six foot two, looks like he spends a lot of time in the gym sculpting his body. It's the kind of body that makes you think of classic sculpture in the museums. She looks like a runner, muscular thighs, tight buns but the real eye stopper is a set of boobs that would make any man look. Even if his wife was watching him. Big, firm, nearly upright, which is saying a lot for a woman in her mid 30's. I looked, Em was watching.

The first contact after the cruise was an outdoor barbecue thing at our place with them and some other friends, that is to say co-workers we wanted to impress with the fact that we each a life outside of the office, plus some neighbors for which they performed very well. At the end of the evening we apologized for using them and asked them to come back for a real gourmet treat dinner and some fun stuff. I didn't know what fun stuff was when I said that so when the time came, I improvised ... I rented a couple of rather risque adult movies. "Rather risque" means no bare genitals or penises logging miles going in and out, like I have seen, just highly suggestive, like mouths on cloth covered crotches, bare boobs and bottoms, etc.

They thought it was fun. We agreed to get together again. An antique show, I think it was. Whatever. Our friendship progressed. Slowly our contacts with my co-workers diminished as our friendship with people outside my office expanded. Likewise for those from Em's accountancy. There's no sin in having friends outside one's own office. Is there?

Joey and I had joined the same gym, so we started working out at about the same time. Then we would do a couple of beers, and take something home for dinner from the deli or something a little nicer occasionally to allay any problems with our brides. I mean I don't feel pecked or whipped at all, Em is the love of my life and even if I do say so, a real babe. Thirty-two. Short blonde-ish red hair. Five foot seven. Short blonde hair, a butt to match the 34-C breasts, "perfectly proportioned" was a phrase invented to describe her. The ice blue eyes are the topping on the treat.

But there's more to my wife Em. Where should I start? At the most important place, her clit. It's huge!! Almost like a two-inch dick. Or should I mention that she is one of the sweetest and shy women I have ever met. Or maybe I should say how much I love her. Besides that it would be shame not to mention how sweet her pussy tastes when she is secreting that magic honey, also known as cunt juice, but that always sounds so gross.

Em can get so wet so quickly. At the slightest touch to her lips or clit. And when I feel that, I have to taste it, and suck on her clit. Which usually means she comes. Right then and there, on my hand, she gushes an enormous amount of sweet, luscious pussy honey onto my hand, which I usually transfer to my mouth before pushing my engorged cock into her.

But there I go off on a tangent again.

Now Sue, Joey's wife was another matter. Like I said, wherever they go as a couple, they turn heads. Sue is about five-ten. Brown eyes, long dark hair, legs that seemed to go on forever. A pair of butt cheeks to die for. Or hold onto all the time you were in her. And big, and I mean big, D-cup breasts. Yeah, I know, D-cup and "big" sound redundant, but I've seen them and you haven't so believe me, they are big! And so lickable, suckable, loveable ... oh my ... but I digress. I'm a big fan of nipples that will support a one-inch wrench socket, with big areola, and she was that sort.

Joey? He is J. Randolph Carlisle at the office and in court, but just Joey to friends and family.

Besides being 6' 2", he has short-cropped dark hair that is starting to show enough gray to make it steely looking like his gray eyes, and a body that is not only ripped but right hairy. His time in the gym pays off. In any situation, he is one of the most aggressive people I've come into close contact with, and his reputation is that he is a piranha in the courtroom.

So that's who they are and who we are. Ooops, I forgot me. I'm 33, five-ten, working hard to keep my 32-inch waist, brown hair that borders on blond every summer when the sun hits it a lot. The hair on my chest turns blond sooner than what's on my head. Maybe I was meant to be a blond. Who cares? I'm Jackson Randall Parker. My friends call me Jack, my coworkers

call me Jackson to my face and "asshole" behind my back, but that doesn't bother me because the partners in our investment banking firm call me "brilliant" and "partner" which I am, the youngest in the firm's 100-year history. At home Em calls me "hon" a lot.

As I was saying, the relationship had turned into a full-bore friendship. Em and Sue did all sorts of things together, took pottery classes, and threw some nice pots, too. They'd plan our weekend activities together nearly every weekend. In addition, we freely shared our hopes, dreams, and fears with each other. Apparently we were each want the other needed, a friend in whom we could confide, individually or together. It was like a family, only better because we didn't have all that baggage from childhood experiences that comes with being family.

Once when we were in the mountains to see the autumn colors, we rented a small cabin overlooking a long valley. It was a magnificent view. Because the view was so spectacular, we ate nearly every meal out on the large deck/porch. We probably would have done that if only for the view, but the restaurants nearby were the "straight from the freezer to the fryer" types.

Our first morning there, I made a pot of coffee and walked out to the box to collect the little local newspaper. When I came back, Sue was on the porch already, leaning back in a rocker, feet up on one of the benches at the picnic style table, her head back just staring straight up a beautiful blue morning sky with just a few wisps of clouds. She had on a t-shirt type nightshirt that hung down from her extended legs. I walked over to the other side the table, set my coffee down and sat down to read the local news. I never saw the headline but what I did see was Sue's bare, shaved pussy staring at me from between her slightly parted legs. I picked up the paper, a little higher than I normally hold it to read, cleared my throat and then took a sip of my coffee.

"This is going to be one fabulous day," Sue said, "Is the weather supposed to be good tomorrow, too?"

"It says partly cloudy here", I said, my voice not sounding too strong or direct. I couldn't get the sight of that tasty looking set of lips out of my mind, and I knew that if I looked again, I wouldn't stop until I was caught. So I became intensely focused on the local high school football results, holding the sports pages open to block the view. But I had to put it down to take another taste of the coffee. That's when I glanced again, and Sue saw me. She just dropped her feet off the bench and said as casual as you please, "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to be taking your picture."

I was startled at the lighthearted way she apologized. I mumbled something and then she said, " Don't be so shy I don't mind your looking, I just didn't realize I was flashing you." She stood up and said, "Want some more coffee?" I shook my head, because I didn't think I would be able to say anything intelligible. I was still transfixed by that sight. As she walked away I noticed how snugly the little t-shirt nightie fit her well-rounded bottom. The recognition of how good was starting to make my jeans feel tight. She returned a few minutes later with Em and Joey in tow.

"We need to plan today so we don't waste any of this beautiful weather," she said. Em seemed all enthused too. She stood there looking down the valley where a light haze gathered near the treetops. She lifted her arms up in the air, and stretched expansively, which lifted the top of her little two piece pajama set up enough to expose the bottom of her breasts, her cute little belly button and a lot of her smooth flat tummy, too. The little short shorts she was wearing hugged each cheek of her butt individually and tightly. I noticed that Joey had his eyes focused on everything to be seen. If I hadn't been focusing on him, I could probably have seen Sue gawking, too.

The day ended up being packing a backpack picnic and hiking the trails along the ridges just down the valley from the house. That night everyone was worn out and we ate lightly, pretended to watch TV and each of us dozed off. The next morning, we packed up and headed back home to face another workweek. It was uneventful except that there were two guys who kept thinking about what they had seen of the other guy's wife. And liking it.

I made a mention of the stretch to Em that night, "That was quite a show on the deck this morning."

"What?" was all she said, making it obvious that she had no idea what I was talking about.

"That big stretch that almost had your pj's up over your boobs," I answered.

"Oh, that? Phooey, I feel like they are family. I never thought anything of it, I just felt like stretching." She answered.

"Well, Joey sure seemed to like the way you did it," I said.

"Why do you say that?" she said with a strange look on her face.

"I was watching him watching you, " I answered. "Even something in his crotch seemed to be trying to watch."

"I don't know why he would be watching me, as good looking as Sue is, and besides, did you see that t-shirt thing she had on? You could see right through it? She wasn't wearing any undies." She said with a somewhat scandalized sound in her voice.

"Yeah, I noticed. She wasn't."

"How do you know that?" Em asked in mock demand.

"She had her legs propped up on one of the benches when I went out there with the paper first thing this morning."

"And you looked"

"Sure did. Clean shaven, too."

"Well it looks like you and Joey both got your eye-candy treats this morning." She said, "I'm flattered that a good looking guy like him with a gorgeous wife like Sue would even take the time to look at little old me." She said and turned and went to the bathroom for a shower. And that was the end of that conversation for the moment. It would and did come up again.

As I said, the ride home was uneventful, and the daily grind kicked in early Monday morning.

On Tuesday, I was held up late at the office in a tough contract negotiation with a valued customer. I arrived at the gym later than usual, almost 8 PM. I was surprised to see Joey getting his bag out of the trunk of his car. "Running late, too?" I called.

"Yeah, I was in court and then we had some stuff we had to do at the office in preparation for tomorrow. But I guess we can still get a good work out in."

We changed quickly and hit the treadmill to a warm up. We went through several Nautilus stations and then I spotted him on the free weights. As I was standing over him, he looked up and said, "Not wearing a jock tonight? It's a shame to be trolling when there's no one here."

He did have a straight shot up my shorts, and it was true I wasn't wearing a jock, I had failed to put a clean one in my bag and figured I could get by without one tonight since Joey and I were the only ones in the gym that late.

"I'm not trolling, "I said, "Just left the clean one at home."

"Nice package, " he said wryly. "If you prance around in the gym with no jock, you should hear that from somebody." He added with a smile.

He finished up his set and then we switched places. I was trying to add another ten to my bench press weights so I was slower than usual. Before I was through, Johnnie, the guy who ran the gym came over with a set of key in his hand.

"Hey guys, " have to leave early to pick up Rick from practice, could you lock up for me?" he

said handing the keys to me without waiting for an answer, "That way I don't have to throw you out until you are through.

"Sure thing," I said, "We are almost through anyway. How will I get the keys back to you?"

"Oh, I have another set, just drop them off on your way home tomorrow night. I'll lock the door on the way out. Don't forget to turn on the burglar alarm with the little round key."

We exchanged good nights and I went back to pushing iron.

After a cool down on the treadmills we headed for the shower.

As I stripped down, Joey gave me crotch another long look.

"Sue said she gave you a crotch shot this week end and thought you were going to choke on your coffee," he said.

"She told you that?" I said incredulously? " Well she had her legs propped up and spread and when I sat down at the table it was .... Well ...."

"Don't go getting defensive on me, " Joey said, "She just mentioned that she was day dreaming when you came out and suddenly realized she was giving you a show without planning it. She wasn't upset that you looked, but she was amused at how flustered you got that she mentioned."

"Well I guess so" I said, "A well lit look at a beautiful shaved one like that right before my first shot of coffee in the morning. It's a real eye-opener"

He had a teasing look on his face when we said, "And I sure enjoyed Em's stretching act, or was that an act?"

"She said she didn't even think about what she was doing, that she thinks of you guys as family. "

"I'm flattered to hear that, I guess that means Sue and I were definitely thinking incestuous thoughts."

I let that one lay there, picked up my towel and headed for the shower. It was a big square affair with a central column that provided spray for four bathers at once.

Joey opened up the valves on the one across from me and began to lather up. He was still talking, "Yes, sir, Em sure has a perfectly proportioned set of sweet looking tits, I'll bet you enjoy them often."

I found that I was still thinking about Sue's pouty shaved lips, so my reply was unconscious, "Not as often as I used to."

"Why not? He asked. I turned towards him, wishing I had been more guarded in my reply, but unwilling to shut him out, "Oh, just the effects of time, I guess. In fact, we didn't get it on up there in the mountains at all. "

"What a shame, Sue and I sure did, I hope we didn't disturb you. He said, "Why didn't you guys? You didn't seem to be fighting or anything."

"Oh Friday night she was afraid you guys would hear us and then she started her period Saturday morning, so we waited ... didn't want to mess up the sheets in a rented place." The honesty of my answer shocked me, but not Joey.

"Yeah, it's a bummer when the painter is in town."

As he began to soap his stomach and crotch, it was apparent that all this talk about women's bodies was affecting him like it was me. I was nearly hard and trying to keep my back to him so he wouldn't notice. By contrast, he didn't seem to care one way or the other whether I noticed or knew.

"But I'll bet it's really good when she's ready and able." He just kept on.

I thought about Em in the throes of an orgasm, about how warm and soft her insides were when my dick was hilt deep in her and said, "It's fabulous! But in the last few months, neither of us seems to enjoy sex as much as we used to. "

"Well Sue and I have noticed that, too, but we keep looking for little improvements and variations that keep our interest" he said and added "But with a tool like yours, Em is not likely to lose complete interest any time soon."

I looked down and saw that all eight inches of it was at full attention and, against my will, staring at the ceiling with its one good eye.

"How long is that thing? " he asked, as walked around to my side of the shower post.

By then my dick was aching for a little attention, and I began to stroke it slowly, I mean why not it was only Joey and me here and the front door was locked.

"Oh, I think we measured it at eight inches one night when Em asked me that, "I answered.

"I wish I could say the same thing" he said as he began to stroke his cock which was not as long, but much thicker than mine He just stood there, close enough for me to reach out and touch him, me stroking my dick, him stroking his. And him looking at mine, me looking at his.

Finally, he ended the silence and broke some of the tension by reaching over and taking my cock in his hand and stroking it a couple of strokes. "Now that feels like a real man sized dick," he said.

I was shocked at first, but the touch of a strange hand on my dick felt good and when he rubbed his soapy fingers on the underside of the head, my knees almost buckled. I let out a

soft sigh, and he said, "I hope that feels as good as it's supposed to."

"Oh, it does," just barely audible above the splatter of the shower. He moved more to my side so that we were standing sort of my hip to his stomach, which let him adjust his grip to a more natural motion. I could feel his erection pressing against my side. I was curious how it would

feel, so I reached over with my left hand and took the head of his dick in my fingers and gave it a little massage.

"That really feels good," he half-moaned, half said. He increased the frequency and length of his stroke on me so I tried to do the same for him, but it didn't work well.

Then he moved his left hand behind me and began to stroke my butt cheeks. After several rounds around the two of them, his fingers began to slide down my crack and soon, I felt a finger gently rubbing my pucker. And feeling good. He removed the finger, soaped it up then inserted it right into my anus. I jumped at first but it felt so good what with him stroking my cock and now finger fucking me like Em does when she tries to give me a blow job, I wasn't about to complain.

I was getting into a rhythm and began to fuck his fist a little. He pulled my dick into the spray from the shower, washed the soap off, looked me in the eye and said, "Would you rather fuck me than my fist?"

I tried to think about that for a moment and then he had himself turned around, bent over and was beginning to guide the head of my dick into his well-soaped ass hole. I had to push a little to get the head in but with his help it popped in and my whole dick ran right into him until we

were bush to butt cheeks. It seemed incredible that my best friend who I knew was straight was offering me his body for my personal pleasure and satisfaction.

"Aaaahhhhhh" was all Joey said at first and then added, "I've been hoping to get my hands on that big dick of yours for a long time now. "

I was surprised to hear that, had no idea he had been lusting after me, and even though I was flattered and it made me feel good, it was nothing compared to the feeling of my dick sliding in and out of his tight ass hole. I was getting hotter with every stroke and I knew I was about to

come. I guess my breathing like I was tipped him off and he presented me with an unexpected option, "Do you want to come right there or in my mouth?" he asked.

Before I could answer, I plunged myself hip deep into him and began shooting the first of several spurts of hot man juice into him.

As my gasps began to turn to normal breaths, he said, "Well, I guess that answers that, doesn't it?"

I couldn't believe I had just fucked my best friend and that it all began with us talking about how hot our wives were. I looked down at him and he still had a massive hard on, veins

sticking out all over the place, big throbbing head. In spite of having just ejaculated four days worth of cum into his ass, I was intrigued by his dick and reached out to touch it again. He smiled at me and said, "Yeah, I'd like to get that thing off."

He moved me to the side and I began a rapid hammering of his cock with my fist. It felt good in my hand and it felt good in my head to know I was pleasuring my friend who had just given

me his body for my own pleasure. I could feel his cock harden even more and the cum string on the bottom was beginning to stand up. Suddenly, I felt the urge to taste his dick and his cum. It became an obsession that increased in intensity with each stroke and I turned him by my grip on his dick toward me and knelt and put his cock near my mouth. I have no idea what

possessed me. I just did it, knelt there in front of him, the shower pouring water down over my head and down my back. Then there was no turning back. After all I was trying to pleasure my friend, and he was ready. I plunged the head of his cock into my mouth.

Joey let out a big, "Oooooooo wow!" when I got the first three inches or so in my mouth. He took my head in both hands and began a steady rhythm in and out and in just a few strokes, he was shooting hot salty cum in my mouth. It had a nice taste and left a little bit of a tingle on my tongue.

I wondered whether to swallow it or not, but my decision was made by Joey, he plunged his softening but still hard dick into my mouth and it forced the cum right down my throat.

"Now that's the way to take a shower," he said. He looked at me and said, "Was that your first time with a guy?"

"Absolutely!" I assured him, "oh, you know, some of us would jack off in front of each other when I was in Boy Scouts, but there was no touching like we just did." I reached for my towel and continued, "I had always thought of myself as 100% straight. But it looks like I was wrong," I said as I licked some of his cum off my lower lip.

" Hey, we're straight, we're just two guys sharing our bodies with each other. You obviously like a good body or you wouldn't take such good care of yours, now would you?

"I hadn't thought of it that way," I said, "And I know I'm not about to switch to guys only, so I guess you're right."

"Well you acted like you enjoyed it. I hope you didn't feel you were obligated to get me off or anything."

"No, not at all, I didn't do anything I didn't want to, I am just amazed at what I did and what I wanted to do. I guess Em ain't getting any tonight, after that." I said with a smile.

"Oh, you might be amazed how horny you can get when you switch back and forth in the same day," Joey said as he began to towel off. Then he turned and said, "I thought you said she was on the rag."

"I did, and she is, but we have a rubber sheet in the basement for playing at times like these. We were hesitant on the road, not at home."

We finished up, shut the lights off then locked up and went our separate ways home.

When I got there, Em was in the kitchen fussing with a new chicken salad recipe. She was standing there in a pair of cut off sweat pants and a t-shirt with no bra. I love that look. I walked over to her, put my arms around her, my hands going up under the t-shirt and cupping her breasts, one in each hand. As I began kneading them, my thumbs and forefingers lightly twisting her nipples, she playfully said, "Welcome home big boy!" As she said "big boy" she wiggled her butt against my crotch.

I said, "Mmmmmmm..." and nuzzled her neck with my nose, and then kissed her, mouth open on her neck, which usually is a big turn on to her and me too. This time was no exception. She leaned back into me, giving me better access to her breasts. She just seemed to relax there, head back against my chest, pressing her butt cheeks against my hardening dick and enjoying my massage of her chest. Then one of her chicken and mayonnaise covered hands drifted down to my crotch and gripped by rod that was stiff and all wadded up in my briefs. I was vaguely conscious that I would probably have to send the pants to the cleaners to get the mayonnaise out, but that was far below my radar at the moment.

Quickly, she took my hands off her breasts, turned around and pulled my head down to hers and planted a big, wet, open mouth tongue tangling kiss on me. She began to press her crotch to mine, trying to rub her clit up and down on my bulge. Our breathing was picking up frequency rapidly as my hands were all over her back and then down into her sweats and gripping her cheeks.

"Let's go down stairs where the sheet is, " she suggested. That told me that her flow was still significant but she wanted to screw anyway. I was ready.

I left a trail of clothes all the way down the stairs and had only my jockeys on when we got there. She pulled the t-shirt over her head shucked the cut off's and then with thumb and forefinger, gripped the string of her tampon, pull it out and tossed it in the commode in the basement bathroom, saying, Well we won't be needing that, will we?"

I was seated on the edge of the bed with the rubber sheet, she came over, put her arms around my neck and one foot at a time, put her legs around me and sat down on my raging hard on. That was my cue to grip her butt cheeks one in each hand and lift her up and down. It was a good curl workout and had some other significant benefits as well. It left her free to bury her tongue in my mouth, rub her nipples on my chest, and wiggle her bottom back and forth on the up and down strokes. Neither of us ever last very long in this position, but the whole process was about pleasure not stamina. Even though I work out two or three times a week, my arms are only good for so many strokes. As she began to say "Oh!" louder and louder with each stroke, I could feel that incredible tingle all over my lower section and I knew I was going to come which I began to do as her "Oh's" ran into one long "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Her mouth was pressed against the hollow of my neck and the volume of her cries was almost deafening in my ear.

I fell backwards on the sheet with her on top of me. Her hair was draping over my head, creating a little bower in which there was only her face and mine. "My, that was short and sweet," she said, then added "I guess maybe torrid would be a better word than sweet."

She jumped up and said, "Let's take a quick shower and get something to eat."

I followed her into the large shower in the basement bathroom, noticing that there was hardly any red in my crotch, as I watched my spent tool swing back and forth as I walked.

Next: Chapter 2

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