Dr Carnassis Adventures

By Less Ismore

Published on Nov 24, 2002


CHAPTER THREE: The foursome

Saturday morning about 7:30, my phone rang and it was Joey. "I've got us an 8:30 tee time if you can drag your hot ass out of bed in time" he said. All I could do was groan, the thought of walking around or even riding around a golf course appealed to me about as much as a double root canal. But I noted the reference to my "hot ass"

"I couldn't even think about it," I said, I haven't had more than four hours sleep a single night this week and I'm going to try to clean up a little around here before Em gets home."

Maybe I'll come over there and suck your ass out of bed, " he said, playfully.

"Ummm, that would be nice if this weren't Saturday, but no way, Jose," I answered, "I'm saving up for my little honey when she gets home. We have to fix dinner for them tonight, too, remember?"

"Of course I do, that's why I bought filets and lobsters last night on the way home. All you need to do is get a baguette, some of that fabulous Hollandaise sauce from Smitty's deli, and some prime asparagus spears and we have it made. You do have some olive oil for the bread, don't you?"

Joey always was a good planner. It wasn't the "gourmet treat" they had mentioned, but what woman could complain about prime tenderloin filets and lobster?? Especially if we added some chocolate mousse for dessert.

I spent the morning changing the sheets on the bed E the ones there had our cum stains from Sunday afternoon on them. I had delayed changing them because they smelled a little like Joey and I wanted to keep that aroma for the times I fantasized about him while jerking off. It was clearly time to remove the evidence and get back to sweet little Em.

I spent the rest of the morning scurrying around, getting the things for dinner and stopped in a

video store and picked up a couple of movies, a Russell Crowe movie for Em and an all out adult movie for all of us to watch that night. I thought it would be a good one to get everyone interested in heading for the bed early. I previewed a little of it in one of their booths and while I was watching it, I had to turn down a guy in the next booth who wanted to suck my dick through the glory hole. No way, just like I told Joey E I was saving up for my honey.

We picked the girls up at the airport around 3. It was a grand reunion for all. Joey and Sue kissed so long and so fervently it looked as though they might start groping each other's privates right there on the concourse, but Em cooled them off when she said, "Yes, sir, seats are only be ten dollars each now, but it goes up to twenty once they really get started."

They both broke the kiss with a big laugh, and headed off for the "baggage search" area. The baggage service was so bad that calling "baggage claim" was an incorrect descriptionE the chance of finding your luggage quickly was about the same as the odds at the craps table in Vegas.

We had brought my Suburban to the airport since the girls had a week's worth of luggage and ski's too. So I drove and it was Joey and Sue in the back seat. If they had been kids, I would have described it as necking or making out, but from my vantage point, it looked like serious foreplay. He had his hands up under her turtleneck groping her tits, and she had her hand in his crotch. The windows of the Suburban are deeply tinted, so I knew they were in no danger of being seen, but they were breaking my concentration.

"Should I drop you folks off at the nearest motel, or do you want to go on to my house?" I asked, jokingly.

"I want to go to your house and get in the pool or the hot tub, depending on how much it cools off, " Sue said.

"Do you have a suit? Em asked, her brow wrinkling in that cute way she does it.

"If I have to wear one, I'll borrow one of yours, " she told Em.

"Yeah, right, I'd like to see you try to fit your boobs in one of my tops." Em said, adding, "But you do have to wear a suit, I don't want Jack ogling you and ignoring me this evening."

"Okay, if you're going to be such a prude about it, I'll wear a suit and maybe a t-shirt or something." Sue said in mock disgust, then turned to Joey and blew in his ear, her tongue making light contact. They went back to some lightweight smackey-mouth, but without the crotch grabbing this time.

When we got to the house, Em made a beeline for the powder room just inside the door, leaving Sue, Joey and I to start bringing in the luggage. >From inside the little bath Em shouted, "Jack leave the bags alone, get us all a drink. "

So I did as I was told, I went to the bar near the kitchen and made everyone a very dry martini. By the time I entered the living room with the tray of drinks, everyone was standing around soaking in the view from the windows that overlook the "front yard" as we call it E about 200 yards of rolling manicured lawn surrounded by tall Leyland Cyprus" that provide a privacy screen shutting out any prying eyes on the road.

The sun was getting lower but the temperature wasn't dropping as the promised warm front was moving in. Sue wandered over to the part of the living room that led out to the deck and pool opened one of the doors and said, "It's warm enough to get in the pool and I'm ready." Looking to Joey she said, "Are you ready, big boy?

Joey nodded and turned to me, " Can I borrow one of your suits, Jack?"

"Sure thing, there's a couple of them down in the bath house E or, if you want a bigger selection, I have some in a drawer upstairs."

"I don't care, I'm easy to please, just as long as it covers up Mr. Happy." He said with a wink.

"That's a tough job from what I hear, " Em said. Everyone chuckled. Not that I minded Em commenting on the reputation of the size of Joey's cock, but it was uncharacteristic for her to make a remark like that. No big deal, I just had a thought in the back of mind about this new twist in her conversation. Hanging out with Sue was having some effect on her.

"Actually, anything that will cover that hog of your husband's will have no trouble covering me." Joey said as he went out onto the deck and down the four steps to the patio that surrounds the pool and bathhouse.

Sue turned to Em and said, "Where do I find a suit? Same place?"

Em bounced up from her seat and said, "There's only an old one-piece down there, one I use when I am doing laps, come with me" and they trooped off to our bedroom where Em had a whole drawer of swim suits.

She returned in a few minutes without Sue, flopped down on the love seat beside me and said, "She'll be out in a minute. I gave her a choice but nothing I have is going to fit that girl's chest."

We both sipped on our martini's then I asked about the skiing, something we hadn't touched on during the long ride from the airport. "Not bad for late season," she answered.

"Must have been cloudy," I ventured, noticing that she didn't have the usual sun burned/tanned that always shows up where her goggles don't protect her face.

"Really gloomy out, in fact there was fog both days. It limited our early morning ventures," she answered.

Before I could ask any more, Sue came down the stairs from the bedroom and slowly walked across the living room barefoot. She had on the bottom of Em's fluorescent yellow bikini, the one with the high cut on the hips, and a mid-riff baring half cutoff t-shirt. The shirt was cut for Em, so the bottom of it just barely covered her nipples and left lots of the slightly sagging bottom of her big boobs hanging out. I gathered in every detail.

" Does this meet dress code?" she asked as she walked towards the deck, not waiting for an answer.

"Barely" Em said, "But who's noticing?"

"I hope you both are," Sue quickly replied and headed for the pool just as Joey was exiting from the bathhouse in one of my baggy surfer type suits. I had figured he would have chosen the Speedo's to show off his package. When he got to the pool and they started playing around, I realized he had a plan and didn't involve a tight fitting, hard-to-shuck swimsuit.

We watched her walk across the pool patio and put her arm around Joey as if to kiss him, and then hurled him into the water headfirst. Em's voice had a wistful note in it when she said, "That Joey has some build, if his equipment is as impressive as his upper body, he must be some stud."

"I had assumed you two must have already talked about that since you made the remark about covering his package up earlier."

"Oh, yeah, we did, but that's just hearsay evidence."

"And you want some first hand experience? Is that it" I was feeling a little jealousy and didn't mind letting her know it.

"Oh, I'm not going to jump his bones or anything like that, she said, I was just thinking about actually seeing for myself. Just idle speculation that's all."

By this time, Joey and Sue were both in the water and she had thrown off the cut off t-shirt and was rubbing her boobs against Joey's chest, twisting back and forth while looking at him with a wicked teasing smile on her face.

"Those two are like a pair of kids," Em said. Look at them, or maybe you shouldn't look at Sue's bare boobs."

Her warning was too late. I wasn't just looking, I was staring. I was thinking about getting out the binoculars. When Joey reached up and caught each breast in one of his hands, I could feel the stirring in my shorts.

"How could I miss them? "I answered to Em, hoping she didn't notice the growing bulge in my Khaki's.

She did. She sidled up to me, put an arm around me, stood on her tip toes and stuck her tongue in my ear and rubbed the front of my pants with her other hand. "Just keep that in your pants for a while and you'll be very surprised and happy, I can assure you."

I started to ask what that meant, when she added, "Shouldn't you get started on dinner? You cook and I'll set the table. Where do you think we should eat, out on the deck or in the

solarium? The dining room is to stiff for this evening, don't you think?"

The solarium was just that, a glass enclosed area where our plants wintered and we dined. The chairs would not be harmed at all by a wet suit, and we would be warm in spite of the slight night chill that was settling on the lower areas as the sun disappeared behind the ridge.

I fired up the grill and tossed on some mesquite chips, put the lobster steamer on one of the side burners and the asparagus steamer on the other. This was just perfect; I could cook and watch Joey and Sue romp in the pool at the same time.

Once I got the water to boiling in the two steamers and the fire was hot enough, I turned toward the pool to ask how they liked their steaks cooked. The two of them were in the corner in the shallow end of the pool, Joey was sitting up on the side of the pool with his suit either off or around his ankles and Sue had her head buried in his lap. His hands were on her tits and I could only imagine what his toes were doing.

"Hey", I called, "How do you like your steaks?"

Sue pulled her head up out of Joey's lap, and called out, "He likes his hot and juicy, like he likes his woman, I like my firm and tasty, like I like my men." Then she went back to applying her mouth to whatever was in his lap.

I couldn't believe he was sitting right there on the side of the pool while his wife gave him a blowjob before dinner. Suddenly, he hopped off the side of the pool, picked Sue up and sat her on the side of the pool. She had shed the yellow bikini and was wearing only skin for a bottom. In a flash, Joey had her legs up over his shoulder and his face was now buried between her legs.

I tried to ignore them and started the steaks; setting the timer so I wouldn't over cook them while watching the show. When I looked back up, Sue was leaning back on her stiffened arms on the side of the pool, head thrown back.

Em came out to with a fresh martini for me, looked at them in the pool and asked me with a sort of shocked sound "Is he eating her right there in our pool?"

"I think that is exactly what he is doing, but it seems they are playing turn about, a minute ago he was blowing him." I said.

Em looked a little perturbed. She put one hand on her hip and then said, "Well, the very idea, they come over here, leave us to do the cooking and they go off to our pool to get their jollies while we do all the work. And here I am horny as hell, but with things I have to do or they won't have anything to eat but each other!"

With that she marched down to the pool, and shouted, "There won't be any fucking in our pool until after dinner. Now you two get out of there if you can't behave yourselves."

"We weren't fucking," Joey, protested, "we were just tasting each other."

Sue stood up and said, "All right spoil sport but you better have a big bed in your guest room tonight." Then turning to Joey, she said, "throw me by bathing suit bottom," which he did. Then he hopped out of the pool with his dick as hard as ever, swinging it right in front of Em who seemed to just look appreciatively. I was thinking that now she had her wish, she had seen it.

Joey and Sue changed to dry clothes, and came out and pitched in getting the last few things on the table. Joey opened the wine and we all sat down to a small feast.

We were getting around to the chocolate mousse when Em asked, "Are we going back to the pool after dinner?"

"I don't know, it's not supposed to be good for you to go in the water right after eating, impedes the digestion I think," I said, "I got us a movie to watch while all that food settles a little."

"Oh, really," Em said, "What did you get?"

"Well there's something starring Russell Crowe, just for you " Joey groaned at the mention of the name, "and there's a good old fashioned adult movie with grown-ups doing grown-up things to and with and for each other, " I added.

"Now that's more like it" Joey chimed in.

"A real screw movie?" Sue asked.

"The very thing." I assured her.

"Well that might be a let down after watching these two rabbits in the pool earlier," Em said. There was a hearty chuckle from everyone.

"Aw, come on, we weren't doing that much," Sue said, " And besides, you're just jealous."

"You got that right", Em said. She was extraordinarily outspoken tonight. Not that I minded, but it was just so unusual for my sweet shy Em.

We all pitched in clearing the table; I made some more coffee and offered everyone a choice of Bailey's or brandy. The girls took the Bailey's and Joey and I had a generous snifter's worth of brandy.

We all settled on the sofa that faced the entertainment center, with the fireplace to our left. I popped the video in the slot and came over and sat next to Em. To her right was Sue and then there was Joey. When the FBI warning came up, Sue said, "Woooooo, I am so scared!" We all chuckled. It helped keep things light and funny.

The movie started off with way too much plot and then settled down to two couples in a mountain "hunting lodge" that looked mighty plush and a far cry from roughing it. They were fooling around trying to start a fire in a fireplace. Or at least the guys were fumbling with it. The women sat on a sofa and began stroking each other's bare shoulders and then kissing. One was a tall brunette, the other a petite shorthaired blonde with a great butt. (At the time I didn't notice the physical similarity to the two women right there in the room with me.) By the time the guys had some flame showing, the girls were lying back on the sofa locked in an embrace and hands all over breasts, butts, etc.

The guys just stood there and watched for a moment, At this point, I reached over and began to rub my hand over Em's flat tummy, not knowing whether I wanted my hand to go up or down her body. She decided that by taking my hand and placing it on her left breast. She was wearing no bra, which made it even more delightful.

On screen, the women were quickly removing their clothes while the guys began shucking shoes, socks and pants. With a quick cut, the women were naked and lying on top of each other, the brunette had her leg knee deep in the blonde's crotch, her hand on one breast and her lips locked to her face.

My hand was inside Em's shirt, slowly kneading one nipple. I noticed that Joey had his hand down the front of Sue's sweats and seemed to be massaging her right between her legs where the good feelings come from. I opened a couple of the wooden buttons on Em's silk blouse and exposed her erect nipples. I put my mouth over one of them and began to toy with her nipple with my tongue.

Sue piped up with, "Em, look at the screen, does that look familiar?" The two movie women were in a classic 69 with heads moving p and down as tongues no doubt were planted between the lips, working on the little man.

Em was already aroused and answered in a slightly breathless manner, "Sort of, but I didn't know what it would look like from this perspective"

I was so intent on the feel of Em's nipples and areola that it took a minute for that to sink in but then I lifted my lips from her breast and asked, "What does that mean?"

Em wiggled her but a little and said; "You were doing just fine with your mouth before you started using it to interrupt Sue and me."

"I can go back to what I was doing, but first explain what that means." I insisted.

Em looked at Sue with a raised eye brow, Sue shrugged her shoulders with a "Why not?" look, so Em turned to me with a sweet look on her face, put her hands to either side of my face and said, looking me straight in the eyes and said, "Except for the details, that could have been Sue and I Thursday or Friday, right Sue?"

"Almost any time of the day or night," Sue said.

"You mean? I mean, um, you and Sue?" I stammered. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

I guess every guy thinks he would like to watch two women get it on. I had always thought about it in the abstract, but now I was being asked to think of my Em bush eating and even if it was with Sue our soul mate, I wasn't sure how I felt about Sue as a bedmate for my Em. "Yes, honey, Sue and I enjoyed sharing our bodies with each other. She introduced me to the joys of woman-to-woman sex on Tuesday night. From there on, it was just exploration and discovery. It's entirely different than with men, but in many ways just as enjoyable. We're really quite good for each other." Em said.

As she said this, she slowly pushed my head down her body from her breasts to her crotch and pushed my chin up and down on her mons. I couldn't help but notice she had used the same phrase, "sharing our bodies" that Joey had used with me.

Then she added, " But that doesn't mean I'm not horny and ready for my man tonight. " She turned my face downward and put my nose right in her crack. I could smell her scent and feel her warm dampness through the fabric. "Now take those clothes off of me and you and do your tongue magic, please, sir."

She didn't have to tell me twice, I began to strip, pulling my polo shirt over my head, wriggling out of my jeans and pulling her silk pants down, then practically ripping her thong undies off. And that's when I noticed Em's pussy. It was clean-shaven. During bikini season, she usually keeps her bush trimmed, shaved a little around the edges, but now it was clean-shaven, just like Sue's! What a pleasant surprise!

I dropped to my knees in front of the sofa and started with my tongue at her knee, slowly licking in circles, moving to the inside of her thigh, moving from one leg to the other, slowly working my way up to the moist pie that was waiting for me at the juncture of these two lovely legs. My eyes were closed my mind focused on what I was doing, and all I could hear was her soft moans mixed with heavy breathing and an occasionally "Ah" from Sue. I assumed that meant that Joey was doing something equally pleasurable on his side, too. Frankly I didn't care, I was engrossed and my lady, and, when my lips met her lower lips, I was ecstatic.

My tongue parted her lips, and I got my first taste of her delicious honey, ran my tongue up and down her lips, occasionally plunging into her hole, then flicking up to her clit. As her clit became erect, I could feel her writhing with pleasure, or al least I thought that's what she was doing until I opened my eyes and looked up to Em's face, only to see that Em's face was turned to Sue E the two of them had their lips locked. Sue's hand was on Em's left breast while Em's hand was on Sue's right breast, both of them stroking each other slowly. Joey, in the mean time, was down on his knees just like me, eating Sue, just as I was doing Em. The girls seemed to be enjoying what they were doing with each other and what we were doing to them, too.

Em mumbled something to Sue in the middle of their kiss. I couldn't hear it, but apparently it wasn't important that I hear, because Sue could.

She sat up on the sofa, took Joey's head in her hands pulling it away from her pussy, kissed him, then licked her lips and said, "Not bad." And stood up. She then stepped up on the sofa, straddled Em's shoulders and lowered herself so that her pussy lips came down squarely on Em's face. Em reached down took my face in her hands and pushed my face back into her crotch. Sue was riding back and forth on Em's tongue, I assumed, surely there was something there that was making her moan like that. Em's hips were bucking, reaching upward for my tongue. I didn't deprive her, I dove right in, licking and nibbling with a vengeance.

Then I felt it. Like a dog's nose in your butt crack, something cold and moist. Then I realized it was Joey's fingers, all lubed up and pressing into my ass hole. First one finger, then two, then something big, soft and wet. Joey was pushing the head of his cock into my ass, right here in front of the women. I gave a little grunt as the head popped into me, and then I sighed audibly right into Em's love canal as my tongue probed as deep into her and I could insert.

On the other end of me, Joey was inserting himself deeper into me and then with one great shove, he filled me completely with his thick cock. It felt wonderful. Em was bucking and wiggling and cumming, while Joey was now probing my innards with a steady stroke.

As Em's writhing began to subside, I looked up and Sue was rising from her face. She turned and looked at Joey inside me and said, " I wondered what you were doing with that weapon of yours. Looks like you found a nice warm place for it.

"Warm and tight" Joey said without missing a stroke.

Em looked down at me on my knees, impaled on Joey's cock, obviously enjoying what was being done to me, and said, " Well I'll be damned, we are really a foursome, aren't we? Well I want some of your dick, Jack E see if you can tear yourself away from Joey's and get yours into me." Once again, a very uncharacteristic remark from Em, but a great idea.

Joey pulled out of me and I moved closer to Em and positioned the head of my dick right at the opening to her vagina. She slid down on the sofa to get us closer together and then I shoved forward, plunging my entire length into her with one push.

"Ohhhhhhhh" she said and put her hands on my hips and pushed, then pulled me at the pace she wanted. But my rhythm was soon to alter as Joey was moving in behind me and shoved his fat cock into me again. Then my stroke was regulated by him or by my pushing back into his dick to get more of it into my ass. It felt so good, a hot cock in my ass and my dick in a tight, hot, wet pussy.

Sue was just standing there, watching us. Em said, "Sue don't just stand there watching, let someone eat you." Where did my little sweet shy Em get all these ideas? I didn't care, I was in the heights of a unique (for me) sexual experience as I pounded my dick deep into her sweet little honey pot and felt the ravages of a fat seven-inch cock thrusting into my ass, stirring up all sorts of new and fabulous feelings throughout my whole body.

And Sue began her move to get her pussy and someone's mouth together, and she chose mine. She sort of leaned, squatted, whatever, to get her arms on the back of the sofa, and her legs on the edge of the sofa seat, so that she was suspended on her arms and legs in a spider-like pose above Em and me. This position thrust her pussy right into my face, and I plunged in getting my first taste of her pussy juice. With her position, all I had to do was hold my mouth and tongue still and she could rub her lips and clit up and down on my stationary tongue.

Sue started a series of whimpers that sounded like a bird chirping, which I took to mean she was beginning to come; likewise, Em was beginning that slow steady crescendo of "Oh's" that is her own involuntary vocalization that accompanies her coming. As her orgasm subsided, her eyes glazed over as her breathing began to return to normal.

Joey was pumping away on my ass and I couldn't hold on anymore. As I began pumping three days worth of cum deep into Em's pussy I gasped out loud at the intensity of my orgasm, all I could see was shimmering spots before my eyes. It must have been the tightening of my anus clinching on the head of Joey's cock that did it, but he started his signature grunting and this time, I thought I could feel his cum unloading in my ass.

Sue was the first to change position, suspended as she as on her arms and legs above Em, the sofa and me. I collapsed with my head on Em's stomach. She lay there in a very serene state; her hands were running lovingly through my hair as I panted into her belly button. Joey was leaning over on my back, his fading cock still loosely in my ass. As I lay there, I could

smell the aroma of her pussy from the juices that were still smeared all over my face. Joey had flopped down on the sofa beside Em and me. I had no idea where Sue was until she knelt in front of Joey, spread his legs and took the head of his cock between her thumb and forefinger and gentled lifted it. Then she began at the base of his flaccid but still not fully deflated love tool and began to lick it clean of his cum, the lubricant and whatever residue my ass left on his member. Joey looked down and said, "That's it, get it all cleaned up for the next time. She spent several minutes, or at least it seemed like it, slowly licking his cock and

smacking her lips and mimicking the Campbell's soup commercial, "Mmm, mmm good!"

I was content to keep my head on Em's warm, flat tummy and watch. I assumed Em was watching too, her hands still gently rubbing my head and curling my hair around her fingers. "so now you know something about how it feels to have someone shove themselves inside you, hon. How long have you guys been doing that?"

"Not long." I said, not wanting to go into the details of his raping me.

Then Sue did the most amazing thing, she stood, leaned over Joey and kissed him deeply, broke the kiss and said, "Pretty good, huh?" licked her lips and went back to kissing Joey. When they next broke the kiss, he looked at me and said, "We taste really good together, kiddo."

Sue disappeared from my sight, and then I felt her behind me, parting my butt cheeks, then her mouth was on my ass hole and I realized that she was not only tonguing my anus really well, but also sucking Joey's cum and whatever else out of me. I just lay there and moaned at the sensation.

Then she stood up, went back to Joey and kissed him again. I could only guess that she was sharing Joey's cum, my ass juice and her saliva with him. Joey looked at me, reached over and patted me on the head and said, "Excellent! You add a lot to the flavor of my cum."

Inspired by all this, I slid down and took Em's legs in my hands, pulled her pussy up to me slightly and began to suck my own cum out of her. As I eased up on the sucking, she pulled my face to hers and stuck her tongue into my mouth to get her share of our love juices.

While all this was going on, Joey was sipping at his brandy, and Sue came walking back from the kitchen with the coffee pot, her breasts swinging like two pendulums, back and forth, back and forth with each step. "More coffee, anyone?" she asked as she poured some in her cup.

We all re-filled our cups and stood there, nude, our faces smeared with an assortment of bodily fluids, our eyes dancing from one to the other of this foursome that had just discovered a new group activity that we could all participate in.

As usual, Joey was the first to break the silence, "We all need a shower. Where should we go?" indicating him and Sue.

"Oh, we don't have to split up," Em said, "We have a shower in our room that's big enough to hold a board meeting in." And it was true. When we had built the house, we had a shower built that was six feet wide and eight feet long with full body showerheads at both ends. There was easily roomy enough for four people.

Without another word, Em led us all up the steps towards our room. She paused at the top of the steps to pick up a pair of panties, asking whose they were. Joey, who was right behind her, took the opportunity to give her pussy lips a light lick.

She turned and said, "Just hold on, you'll probably get your chance to lick me better than that before the night is over," Em said, and then, holding the panties above her head, asked, "Are these yours, Sue, or Joey's?"

She put the panties to her nose and inhaled and said, "Oh, they must be yours Sue, they smell like you.

Her promise to Joey of a chance didn't go unnoticed, but I found that I had no stirrings of jealousy at all. I guess there was no way I could have complained much since he had just fucked my brains out right in front of her.

"I guess I dropped them there on the way to the pool," Sue said.

We made it to the bedroom and into the shower. It was everyone's turn to soap and feel everyone else. It was raucous time. Joey insisted on washing out my butt crack, which was his excuse to put three soapy fingers inside me. I winced a little at that so he then turned to Em and began to soap and pretend to wash her pussy. He must have done some finger stuff with her too because she suddenly became very flushed looking.

I was the first out of the shower so that I could dodge into the guest room and retrieve a couple of the heavy terry cloth robes in the bathroom closet there. Em had already pulled ours out of the closet in our bath and everyone was toweling off.

Since the coffee was cold by the time we had finished, Em suggested we go back downstairs and make some more.

"I'm interested in the brandy," Joey announced. Sue looked down at his cock, which was at about half-mast and poking out of the folds of the robe and said, "It looks like you have more interests than just brandy." She gave it a quick pull or two and he said, with a leering smile, "I'll give you a half an hour to stop that."

I dug out the espresso maker to make some real coffee, when I walked into the living room with the cups and pot on a tray, the three of them were standing there looking in the direction of the television set. Sue and Em were in a sort of semi-embrace and Em's eyes were wide open in fascination. I put the tray down on the coffee table and turned to see what the big attraction was.

On the screen, the petite blonde was in bed with the two men, the one on the bottom had his dick planted hilt deep in her pussy and the other guy was behind her, running his long fuck pole into her ass.

"I've never thought of such a thing" Em said in amazement, "have you ever tired that, Sue?"

"Oh, yeah, back when we were single and played around with some other couples. It can be an incredible turn on if you have two men who are properly equipped and genuinely interested in pleasing you. If they will be gentle enough for you to enjoy it. But if you get some self- centered scum bag that wants to bang away regardless of what you are felling, it can be uncomfortable or even painful. If you want to try it tonight, I think you have the right combination of men and women to make it a memorable experience. You need to start with people who love you and care for you. But let's enjoy some of this espresso, first."

I think I'd like that," Em said, and, turning to me, "Are you up for that, hon?"

I gave her a loving but light kiss on the lips and said, "Whatever you want, my love." And I meant it, I realized for the first time that all the materials things we had, or I had given her were nothing when compared to total submission to her wants and desires.

Joey downed one shot of espresso, poured another and made for the brandy. Sue took her cue from him and headed for the bottle of Bailey's giving us time to talk.

"I've never had experiences like I have in the last few weeks," Em said. "I hope you don't mind my further experimentation tonight."

"It's like Sue said," I replied, "you'll never have a better setting or set of people with whom to engage in a little exploration. You can always call it quits if you want with no hard feelings on anyone's part."

So it was settled, Em was going to experiment with double penetration. Em stood watching the video, Sue beside her with an arm around her shoulders. Joey and I were a few feet away. Everyone had a warm, loving smile on their face. It was as though Em was the guest of honor at a solemn event. It was sort of like one of those scenes in the movie when the virgin is going to be sacrificed to the gods. The anticipation added to the thrill of the moment.

"Where do you want to do this, hon?" I asked.

"I want to get in our favorite position over there on the sofa," she said, her eyes glistening with excitement.

"What is your favorite position?" Sue asked.

"The arm curl" Em answered, demonstrating by curling her arms with her fingers outstretched, palms upward. "When we do that, Jack gets a bicep workout and a good fuck all at the same time."

"That sounds delightful," Sue said, "I'm sure you will enjoy it more if you can see both sides of you any time you want. I assume you want Jack sitting on the sofa."

I put my arm around her waist inside her robe. Her warm smooth skin felt delectable. I was starting to get hard just thinking about what was to come.

"Have you ever done anything like this, hon," Em asked me.

"Never have, I've only seen it in the videos, so this is new ground for all off us. What about you, Joey?"

"Only once or twice with Sue and that other couple we fooled around with before we were married."

"For me those two times and once in college when those two football players almost tore me in half" Sue said and then added. "Without my consent, I might add."

Em had turned to face me, her robe completely open, and kissed me gently, almost hesitantly, like a young girl for the first time. It was thrilling. She pulled me to her, pressing her bare flesh against mine, my hard dick standing up between our two bellies. Pulling my head to her lips, she said, "I want you in my back side, hon, I know you will be gentle with me. I want this to be fun for all three of us. And I hope I will be able to feel you come inside of me."

That statement had me quivering with excitement and anticipation. She was quivering too. I knew this was going to be special. In all our time together and all the things we had done in bed, we had never had anal sex, so this was going to be a double first for Em and me. I imagine that's why she wanted me to be the one in back.

Realizing that Joey and Sue were waiting for an answer to Sue's question about wanting me on the sofa, she announced, "I think I want Joey on the sofa, and Jack behind me."

Sue reached into her handbag, which she had dumped on the floor beside the sofa when she had come in the first time and recovered a tube of KY and laid it on the coffee table. So that's where the lube came from when Joey had me earlier, I thought.

Joey sat down on the sofa, his robe on but open. His big wide cock standing up, as if looking for somewhere to hide. It wouldn't be long before a likely hiding place came near. Sue went to her as though she was an attendant getting the bride ready. Em shed her robe on the floor, Sue planted a kiss on her cheek, whispered something into her ear and taking her hand slowly led her to the sofas as though she was the virgin being led to the altar for sacrifice to the gods. It was all so solemn and loving.

Em walked the last few steps to the sofa in a slow and steady pace, stopping right in front of Joey who was sitting there with a soft smile of anticipation on his face and a huge erection rising out of his lap. He seemed to be in no hurry. This wasn't his time. At this moment it was Em's opportunity to shine, to experience something new at her own pace and all the rest of us were just supporting cast. As she slowly approached, her short reddish blonde hair shining in

the lights from above, her beautiful body's tantalizing tan lines sensually moving with each step towards him sitting there, his big cock pointed towards the ceiling, I had a twinge of jealousy. I almost wanted to cry out `Stop!' This was my Em, my wife about to go sit on another man's cock while I watched. But then I started to think that after all, this was Joey, and I had had that same cock in me not quite an hour ago. Somehow it seemed fitting that she should experience some of the pleasure that I had from that big tool.

He reached out a hand for her, but instead, she bent over and licked up a small drop of precum that had oozed out of his slit. He smiled at her. From that moment on their eyes were locked in a trancelike stare.

Then, with Sue's hand on her elbow to steady her, she stepped onto the edge of the sofa positioned her knees on the cushion over front rail of the sofa and slowly began to lower herself to his cock. Her breath hissed in when the head touched her pussy lips. She rubbed the head back and forth in her slit, moistening it with her own juices and probably massaging her clit in the process. With a look I can only describe as determination, she dropped about an inch onto Joey's cock. She emitted another hiss, and then she dropped all the way until her pussy lips were mashed flat against his bush. At that point, their eye contact was broken only because she closed her eyes and savored the feeling.

"Yessss" she said but it was more of a sigh than a word. Em rose back up and then plunged down on Joey's cock, taking it all in fast plunges. I thought to my self that I knew the feeling of having all of that thing shoved into me at one time.

"It's really a rush to take it all at once, isn't it ,love." I whispered into Em's ear meaning having all of Joey's cock in you at once.

She turned to me with a questioning wrinkle in her brow before it turned into a big smile then she said, "Oh, that's right, you do know how it feels, don't you?" I leaned over and kissed her on the mouth lightly and said, "Enjoy."

As I stepped back, Sue came over to me and brushed the robe back from my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor where I stood. "It's time to get you ready to pleasure your woman, big boy." She said. Without another word, she dropped to her knees and took the head of my dick in her mouth, swirling her tongue around the head and giving me a rush of sensation that was delightful. Then with no apparent preparation, she pulled my dick downward a little and took the whole thing into her mouth. I gasped not only at the sensation but the very fact that she took it all that easily. No one had ever done that before.

"I just wanted to know what to look forward to," she said, rising to her feet. She picked up the tube of lube from the table, squeezed a big glob out into the palm of her hand, and began to apply it in long strokes to my dick. "It needs to be nice and slick," she said, as she applied another glob.

Then she squeezed out another hunk onto her fingertips and turned to Em who was now riding Joey's dick at a very steady pace and huffing and puffing like the Big Bad Wolf. Sue caught her hips in her hand and steadied her a little and then began to rub the lube onto Em's cute little rose bud anus, slipping first one and then two fingers inside her.

"Ooh, that's nice, Sue," she said, "How come you've never done that before?

"I don't know, sweetie, "Sue replied, "We'll have to try it the next time it's just you and me, but tonight, well tonight is special. You are going to experience the best two men can give you." She bent over and gave Em a kiss on her lips and then on her left butt cheek. Then she turned to me.

Sue looked at me and motioned for me to come closer. She wiped her lube hand dry on the robe, put that hand under Em's butt and pushed her all the way down on Joey's cock. "Hold still sweetie, here comes the second part of your treat for the night".

She took my dick in her hand and guided the head of it to Em's pucker. "Now don't you get in a hurry and hurt her, "she said, "She's much too special a lady to have to experience any discomfort."

Nodding my head, I agreed with her, "You and I feel exactly the same way." I rubbed the lubricated head all around her hole, and then gently pushed at it. Sue chimed in and said, "Push out, sweetie like you are pooping, it will let him in easier." Em must have complied because my dick eased in past the head and was implanted in her just below the glans.

"Oh, my," Em said with a surprised sound in her voice, "That doesn't hurt at all, it feels right nice."

I took that as an invitation and slowly pushed a little more. Maybe two inches, but there was still a lot more to go. I pulled back until the head was almost out and then pushed back again, this time about another inch deeper than the time before. The sensation was incredible. She was tight as a vise and warm beyond belief.

"Ahhh, " Em said," that's nice, can you get more in?" As she said that she rose on Joey's cock, and settled back down, forcing more of my dick into her. I was now about half way in. I pulled back again and gave her a stroke at that depth and then another.

"More!" she said and pumped up and down on Joey. I pushed and suddenly, on her down stroke, my whole eight inches was in her.

"Oh my God!" She screamed, "that's so wonderful! I feel so full! Full!" She might have said more but she was overcome by the shudders caused by an orgasm that seemed to be creeping up on her in long slow stages.

"Shove it to me, hon, I want that feeling over and over." And I tried to get into the rhythm she was establishing on riding Joey's cock, shoving in so that all of me was in her when all of Joey was.

I was becoming aware of the fact that Joey's cock was rubbing against mine through the membrane that separated us inside Em's body. The added stimulation plus knowing that it was Joey's cock that was rubbing mine was becoming a huge turn on.

Well that and Em's "Oh's" which were becoming a steady crescendo. I slid my dick into her while reaching around to grip her nipples only to find that one of them was taken up by Sue's hand. Em was reaching new heights as her trademark "Oh" was escalating into one long scream, broken only by her gasps for breath. Joey was pumping into her as fast as he could,

Em was still trying to ride up and down but had pretty much lost control of complex coordinated motor functions like that. Her only coordinated activity now was shaking her head from side to side and screaming.

Then, like a rag doll she gave out one last shriek and collapsed on Joey, burying her head in the hollow of his neck much as I had done once. Turning her head away from Joey's neck, she began to whimper and then cry. Big aching sobs, tears were running down her cheeks in torrents. Sue went to her and kissed away her tears and spoke to her softly, "It's okay baby, it's all going to be all right."

None of us were even sure why she was sobbing so heavily. When I started to pull out of her she choked back the sobs, and said, "Don't you dare, Jack! That feels wonderful! Don't you dare leave me now."

"I'm not leaving you, hon, I thought you might E"

"That's the most intense orgasm of my entire life. I never hoped to feel anything that wonderful." She was still sniffling and choking from all the sobs.

Sue was kneeling beside her, practically nose to nose. Em looked at her and said, "Thank you, Sue you were wonderful. I don't want this to ever end, but I know it will. The feeling is so wonderful, I feel so special, three people all trying to make me feel so good. And I'm so selfish, I'm the only one who has come so far."

She looked over her shoulder at me as I stood there, plugged into her anal canal, feeling Joey's cock twitching inside her. "You didn't come did you Jack?"

"Not yet", I said.

"What about you Joey? You haven't painted my insides yet, have you?"

"Nope, not me."

"Well, let me get my breath and let's try to do that again before you guys shoot your wad and loose all that wonderful hard dick.

Joey went into action, lifting her pussy up off his cock, as I rammed mine into her. Then Joey lowered her as I pulled out, this allowed for maximum rubbing together for our dicks. But she soon put a stop to that.

"I want all of both of you all the way in me at the same time. I love that feeling of fullness." And with that she started another series of "Oh's" that ended in another orgasm that sounded great but not as intense as the first.

By this time, I was gasping and trying to keep from coming. The look on Joey's face told me he was feeling the same way.

"I'm not going to be good for much longer, Em" he told her.

"Well give me all you got," she said, and, looking over her shoulder at me she said, "Fill me up with your juice, hon. I want to feel it when you come."

"Like right now!" I shouted as my dick began to throb with each shot of hot cum I spurted into her.

"Oh, my gosh, I can feel it!" she shouted and then started rutting like an animal grunting and straining as she rode Joey's dick and mine for all she was worth.

Joey unceremoniously said, "I'm doin' it in you baby." And I could feel that he was losing his hard on fast. Strangely enough, probably because Em was so tight on my dick, mine was still pretty firm. Firm enough to give her four or five more strokes before it became a limp noodle. It was those last four or five strokes that put her over the edge for her third orgasm of this event.

It was over. I leaned over to Em and kissed here full on the mouth, letting our tongues play with each other.

"Oh hon, oh baby, baby, baby, you were wonderful!" she said. She sort of half rolled half fell over onto the sofa beside Joey. Her butt was half on and half off, her feet dangling to the floor. I was beside her, we were locked in a kiss that seemed like it should never end. I felt Em jerk a little and looked down to see Sue sucking Joey's cum out of her pussy, then she lifted Em's legs and sucked my cum out of her ass.

Em reached for her and their lips touched, their mouths opened as Sue shared the product of her sucking with Em. I could see Em swallow and then she pulled her head back from the kiss, looked and Sue and said," Is that all there is?"

"That's it baby except for the part I swallowed myself."

Joey picked up somewhat flaccid dick up and wagged it at Sue in an invitation. But she headed that off, saying, "You can clean that one up your self, big boy, I just had the sweetest nectar that's going to be produced in this room tonight, I'm not spoiling the taste right now.

Em threw her arms around my neck and said, "Oh you were my magnificent man, tonight. Sometime I want to see you get fucked by that big dick and if you will, left me help."

"I'm not sure we can arrange double penetration, but we'll see about Joey doing me when he is up to it. And if you want, you can help or just observe."

"And I want to try that back door thing again, when it's just you and me," she babbled on, "I want to see if I can come with your dick just being in my back end." She was all hyped up after all that activity. I thought she might have been exhausted, but she was far from it.

Joey and Sue were intertwined with each other on one end of the sofa, nuzzling each other and whispering stuff that we were obviously not supposed to hear. On the other hand, Em was talking so loud everyone could hear. They were smiling knowingly as she kept going on about how great she felt.

Finally the energy bubble burst and she yawned, put her arms around my neck and said, " Hon, carry me upstairs to bed." Then she turned to Joey and Sue and said, "You guys come share our bed with us tonight, it's a super king size, there will be plenty of room for all of us.

And that's how we came to all be in the same bed.

We were lying there, the four of us, watching the news before dropping off when Sue suddenly announced to everyone, "All of you guys got off down there, and no one has offered to get me off after all the help I was." Em looked at her with deep concern showing on her face and said, "Oh you poor baby. " She slid over me in the bed and began a long kiss with Sue. Her knee moved up into Sue's crotch and began to massage that whole general area. As the kiss lingered and lingered, Sue began to squirm. I was fascinated watching my wife make love to another woman.

Em moved her hand from Sue's breast and replaced it with her mouth, producing a sharp intake of breath from Sue. I was lying on my side watching as Em moved down Sue's stomach kissing and nibbling and came to rest right on her mons, making a slurping sound as she licked up Sue's slit over and over.

I was completely engrossed in watching but was interrupted by something poking me in the ear, I turned to find that it was Joey's cock right there at my face. When I started to say something, he stuck it right in my mouth. Then he pulled it out and lay down on the bed beside me got on top and we were in a "69" right beside our wives who were now turned around too and in a 69 as well.

Joey was pumping in and out of me, going just deep enough to satisfy himself without gagging me and he was going up and down on most of mine, giving the head of my dick a thorough licking. Right beside me, Em was on the bottom with her chin and lips stretch upward to reach Sue's pussy. They were both panting and slurping and Sue was starting to chirp, it was a little like a bird, but it was a sound she produced in time with the rhythm of Em's tongue.

Finally Sue's chirps turned into s shrill almost scream and she collapsed on the bed. She lay there panting for a few minutes and then looked at Em, saying "Oh, Em, she said, "You didn't get off. "

Em looked at her, lovingly stroked her face and said, "Honey, that doesn't matter after all that has happened to and for me tonight. The important thing is that you don't go to sleep horny.

She looked back and me as Joey continued to fuck my face for all he was worth, she leaned over and whispered in my ear, " You lucky thing, you get his big cock all for your own in your mouth, will you at least share some of his cum?"

I murmured "Uh huh." And continued to try to swallow his cock and not gag. As he got near his climax, he pulled his cock almost all the way out of my mouth so that I could tongue the head of it, I thought, then he raised up off my dick and said, "Share, you selfish bastard" pulling his cock all the way out of my mouth as he said that. So now it was Em and me, our lips locked around the head of his cock, licking the glans and shaft as fast as we could. He began to push his dick through this flurry of tongues, one mouth on each side of it. I put my hand on his cock to steady it and could feel his cum string enlarging by the second. Then I put Em's mouth over the head and she caught his first shot of cum. She backed off and let me get the next couple, and then we both got some as we did an airtight lip lock around it.

Joey collapsed on the bed and said, "You two are an incredible team!"

Then it was just Em and I, both of us flushed with the rush that comes from good sex, only both of us were aroused but unsatisfied. She looked at me, our eyes locked and without saying a word, she moved around on the bed, got on her back and spread her legs. Soundlessly, I moved between them and as I kissed her, my dick just slid into her warm wet pussy. It was a slow, loving act, we moved as one, back and forth, from on her back to our sides, to my back and then started all over, slowly moving our hot, wet sex instruments on, in or around each other's creation great sensations. The tension was building, Em was breathing deeply and I could feel the tightening in my groin.

"I'm going to come soon," she whispered in my ear, "but I want to try to delay so that we can come together,"

"Then you better hurry," I told her, "I'm almost there".

Without another word or sound, we both were in the throes of an intense orgasm. Em was strangely silent, trying not to wake the two sleepers, Joey and Sue were both breathing slowly, sleeping deeply. It was like we were screwing secretly. As I pumped the last of my cum into her, she put her lips to my ear and said, softly, "Ahhhhhhhhhh. That hit the spot."

Soon, we were all asleep with the TV still on before the sports highlights came on. No big loss, there couldn't have been much athletic activity that was more intense than what took place in our house that night.

Next: Chapter 4

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