Dr Carnassis Adventures

By Less Ismore

Published on Nov 24, 2002



Our bedroom has windows that open on the back side of the house, overlooking the pool. There are remote controlled shades on them as well as on the skylights in the bedroom ceiling on the front side of the house. Of course I had not closed either of them the night before as I usually do, so when the sun came up, there was light all over the room. I looked around at our bed and there saw that there were four naked people. Em and Sue asleep in each other's arms, butt to crotch, spoon style. Right next to me was Joey flat on his back still lightly snoring, with a huge hard on pointing at the ceiling. I knew that when he awoke he was going to want someplace to put that hard dick and I had been the recipient of that one time already. I looked at the whole thing, thick, thicker than any cigar I had ever seen, the big mushroom head pointing straight at the ceiling. Just below this impressive tool were two egg-sized balls resting loosely in their sac. The more I looked, the more appealing it was so I rose up on my knees and leaned over and took the whole head into my mouth. Joey sighed in his sleep and slowly his eyes fluttered open. He looked me right in the eyes, and whispered, "I thought it was just a good dream."

I went down on his pole even further and began a steady bobbing up and down. His grunts of sincere approval started coming sooner than usual. As he got louder, Sue woke up and looked on as Joey began to come in my mouth. She frowned in mock disapproval and said, "you folks are terrible, doesn't a girl ever get to suck her husband's dick around you two?

First it's in your ass, then up your wife's cunt, then you suck him off at bedtime and then first thing in the morning. I guess I'm going to have to take my toy and go home so I can get to play with it." Her smile belied any real dissatisfaction.

Em had been awakened by Sue's outburst. She looked at me kneeling over Joey with a raging hard on, smiled sweetly and said, "Jack, why don't you give her a taste of yours since you spoiled her toy for play right now. "

I took my dick in my hand and waggled it at her. Sue swiftly moved over to the side of the bed where I was and pushed me down on my back. She then turned and began to deep throat the whole thing, turning to Em and saying, "See I told you I could." And then going back to work. As she did, she put one of her legs over on the other side of my head and, having me straddled, lowered her pussy within range of my tongue. So I had to eat her to get this magnificent blowjob. She would start at the top and slowly lower her head all the way to the base of my shaft and then just as slowly pull back up applying a lot of lip and tongue action as she did. Like I said before, no woman has ever swallowed my whole dick, and I was impressed as well as highly stimulated.

Meanwhile my tongue action on her clit was producing her now-familiar chirps. Even though she was muffled by eight inches of dick in her mouth, the chirp was recognizable. When they subsided and she went back to some active sucking on my dick, I felt the bed move and noticed Em over me, she was tonguing Sue's little rosebud, which was producing another set of chirps. This time, I joined her as I shot my load mostly down her throat, although she pulled up enough to catch two or three spurts in her mouth. Then she turned to Em, and shared my cum in a kiss that looked like it was going to go on forever. They switched ends on each other and went into some high-powered licking and tonguing.

I looked at Joey, shrugged my shoulders and said, "Let's go make coffee while they finish up." Then I said to them, "When you girls have worn each other out, come on down and we'll feed you some real food. I got absolutely no response except Sue flipped me, us, whoever, the bird.

Joey and I went downstairs to the kitchen, completely nude, tools swinging in the wind. It seemed completely natural to be nude with him. In the kitchen I began to fill the pot with filtered water and grind the beans to make a big pot of fresh coffee. Joey walked over to the "weather center" and commented that the temp in side was 70 but out side it was 74.

"I guess that means we should have breakfast out on the deck." I said,

"Au naturel?"

"Why not? We're completely private out back and the gate to the driveway is closed, so yeah, sure, why not?"

"What's the weather supposed to be like today?" he asked.

I pointed him to a laptop over by the recliner and said, "Check weather.com, it's in the tool bar."

"Where do I hook up?"

"You don't, I have the whole house wired for wireless, it will work anywhere. It's a T 1 connection, too so you don't have to worry about waiting.

He pulled up the weather and announced, "It says `unseasonably' warm with a high of about 80. Sounds like pool weather to me."

"Sounds good to me. We'll have a big brunch, since it is decidedly too late for breakfast. If you don't have to get home right away, we'll lounge around the pool and soak up some sun. If we stay dressed like this, it will smooth out some of the tan lines."

Sue called from upstairs, "Joey? Could you get me my smallest suitcase out of the car?"

He yelled back, "Forget clothes, we're going au naturel today."

"We are? But what about..."

Apparently, Em was explaining how private it is here, because she stopped asking.

"You know I need a Suburban like yours" Joey said, "the Jaguar won't carry hardly anything except four people and golf clubs. Where did you find yours?"

"Bought it used through the internet. I recommend a used one, you don't get hit with the big loss in value that comes with a new one, " I told him.

"Spoken like an accountant's husband. Maybe I'll look around, do you mind?" he asked as he began typing in a search.

After a few second, he said, "Wow! 200 plus pages! I'll never get through all these!"

You probably will have to be selective in which sites you choose to visit or refine your search and look for used Suburban's only."

He fooled around for a few minutes while I was cutting up peppers and onions and grating a couple of kinds of cheese for omelet's and then he said, "hey, look at this ... Dr. Carnassi's Adventures ... it says `fantasies discovered, revealed or invented and always fulfilled.' I wonder what that means. "

"Sounds intriguing," I said, "Got to the site and see what they offer."

I gave him a cup of coffee and went about some kitchen duties while he clicked around and uttered a soft " Well I'll be damned" every now and then.

It says here that they take couples of opposite or same sex and groups up to four. Maybe we ought to check this out and consider taking the girls."

"I don't know, I said, I would want to see the place first, I wouldn't want to take them into some sleazy dive with whips and chains."

I'll email this web site to my office, I'll check this out when I have time."

Then he walked over to the bar and poured a big dollop of brandy in his coffee, "Nothing like a coffee lace first thing in the morning. You want some?" he said waving the bottle at me.

"I don't know, I was thinking about serving Bloody Mary's with brunch, but hey, why not, it's a long time before I have to drive you home, isn't it?"

"Sure is, he said as he free poured a pretty sizeable amount of brandy into my coffee, making it almost run over. I sipped off the top and went about preparing the shrimps for the grill. Then I started a Mornay sauce for the crepes.

Joey went back to the computer. I said, "why don't you get a can of juice out of the pantry and make a pitcher of Bloody Mary's?"

He drained his coffee, poured more in his cup and took it with him to the bar to make the drinks. The first thing he did was pour more brandy in his cup. It looked like he was going to be more than a little buzzed by the time we got to the table.

The girls came downstairs, with ribbons in their hair, a hint of make-up and nothing else except some thong sandals. Sue had hers tied back in a pony tail, Em just had a ribbon running through her hair and tied in a bow at the top of her head. She looked adorable like that.

"What's that I smell?" she asked.

"I don't know what you smell, what do you mean" I replied.

"Your coffee, it smells like brandy. Could I have some of that, too?"

"Of course, but you might want to know that we are going to have Bloody Mary's with brunch."

"Can't I have both?" she asked as she took my arm in her hands and snuggled close, rubbing her bare, perky breasts against my arm.

"Since you ask that way, you can have anything," I said with a leering smile. I finished my coffee and poured some for Em, Sue and myself. Joey came over from the bar and loaded everyone's coffee, completely emptying the liter bottle of Courvoisier. "Got any more of this?" he asked.

"Sure, under the bar," I answered. I wasn't sure whether he was going to drink more or what, and I was getting a little concerned about how much he planned to drink. But I wasn't going to say anything.

So there we stood, four of us, sipping coffee loaded with brandy, four naked people waiting for food. I told Em the good news about the weather and she and Sue both piped up with, "Sounds like pool weather to me."

It was agreed, we'd soak up some sun, eat crab legs for lunch and not get dressed until five.

Maybe go out to dinner and drive them home all in the same trip.

Brunch on the deck was a success, the Bloody Mary's didn't last, but then Em opened a couple of bottles of champagne to go with the fresh fruit and cheese dessert (I never liked champagne and fresh pineapple that much, but, what the hell?) and talk turned to our being naked and how good we all looked.

" You know what I would like to see?" Em said.

"No, what?" we all asked almost simultaneously.

"I'd like to see Joey screw Jack. I'll help with whatever details need to be attended to. I want to make him feel as special as I did last night, but I want to see Joey's big cock go in and out of his cute little puckered ass."

I knew there had to be some alcohol talking there. And there was some alcohol behind my answer, "I'd be willing to get screwed by both of them." Meaning Joey and Sue. I realized that I had eaten her twice but I had never had my dick inside her fabulous body.

"Oh, really?" Sue said with a lilt in her voice, " Do you really mean that?"

"Of course I do," I said, with a little slur in my speech, "I never say anything I don't mean."

"In that case, " Joey piped in, " let's all help get the dishes put away and we'll make a plan that will end up with Jack getting fucked in the ass by the widest cock in the house and then you and Sue can go at it when ever you feel like it, if that's okay with Em." He obviously liked the idea since his cock was starting get larger.

All of the sudden I wasn't so sure I was up for this little exploit. Joey sounded as though he was off on one of his control things like the last Sunday morning when he raped me in my own bed. If I hadn't gotten into the flow of things and learned I could enjoy something like that, I would have been calling it rape out loud to everyone. And now this sounded like abuse, pure and simple.

"Has anyone thought about what I would like?" I asked.

"You want to get screwed by both of them, you just told us, " Em said. He walked over and patted me on the shoulder, and said, "Sue and I will be right there helping and supervising to make sure you don't get hurt.

"Okay, if I'm going to have protection this time, but ...er... welll, I haven't been to the bathroom this morning and there might not be enough room in me for Jack."

"Not to worry," Sue said, then called out to Joey, "Hey, get my suitcase out of the car, will you?"

Joey headed for the garage his semi erect cock swinging back and forth.

"What's that about?" I asked Sue.

"Oh, I have some equipment in the suitcase that we're going to need. Have you ever had an enema before, Jack?"

"Not since I was a little boy," I replied, "And I don't think I want to renew the process again."

"I think you might enjoy it, especially if it is lovingly administered by me and Em." She said, "especially with the equipment I have. "

I was having my doubts as Joey returned with a piece of Sue's luggage. "She said, we'll need a pitcher, Em, and a source for water with a commode near by.

Em said, "Let's go down to the basement," then went to the kitchen and returned with a large plastic lemonade pitcher. "Will this do?" She asked.

"If it holds about two quarts, it will do fine." Sue said.

Em took me by the arm and sort of led me to the basement saying, "You're going to be my big brave man, aren't you? I really do want to watch close up as Joey screws you."

I just nodded, not knowing what else to say or do.

"I'll bet you'll find you enjoy every minute of this." She added.

Em led the way into the bedroom off the basement kitchen, the one where the bed with the rubber sheet on it. In fact it hadn't been changed and there were still smears of her menstrual

flow all over the edge of the bed.

"I guess I should wipe that off, she said and took a towel from under the sink and, wit ha little spray cleaner wiped the sheet clean, more or less.

Sue opened up the bag and rummaged around until she found a black nylon zipper case. From it she took a red rubber bag, a length of white rubber tubing and another tube of KY. Then she

pulled out what looked to be a six inch dildo, but it was white rubber not flesh colored like dildos usually are. "This is what makes an enema special," she said, holding it aloft for everyone to see. Another dip into the nylon case yielded a bottle of something that looked like hand soap. She poured a little into the bag.

After letting the water run long enough for the warm water to kick in, she adjusted the knobs, felt the water flow and then filled the pitcher to the top. And left the water running "Hold this, Em," she said, handing the enema bag. She poured the water from the pitcher into the bag, opened the clamp on the tube and let some water run into the sink. Then she adjusted the knobs a little more and filled the pitcher again.

"Now let's go find a good place for this. As we walked into the bedroom, Joey ran his hand over one of my butt cheeks and said, "I'm really looking forward to this, Jack, I hope you are."

In the bedroom, Sue explained, "We need a place to hang the bag, higher than the bed, but not too high, we don't want Jack getting cramps or anything. The perfect place were the swing arm reading lamps mounted on the wall on either side of the bed.

"Let's use this side since the bathroom is on this side" she said, and taking the bag from Em, placed the hook on the lamp's arm and tested it to make sure the bag wasn't too heavy for the arm.

Em brought a towel from the bathroom and laid it on the bed.

"Just one more thing" Sue said as she inserted the tubing into the dildo, and lubed it well with the KY. "Now we are ready. Lay down on the bed on your left side, Jack."

"Why left?" I asked, because lying on my left side would mean I was facing away from


"Because that is where your colon is and we want a nice smooth flow into you." She answered.

I did as I was told. Sue began to put some lube on my anus, slowly and very gently inserting her fingers deep inside me. "Now that should make it easier, " she explained.

Em came around to the other side of the bed and crawled across it to be near me. She gave my semi hard dick a little caress and bent over to whisper in my ear, "I want you to enjoy this, so if you want, you and I can play a little while you are filling up with the solution. She brought her breast near my mouth for a taste.

Then Sue spread my butt cheeks and began to insert the dildo/enema spout into me. It felt hard and cold and unyielding. I murmured a complaint of sorts, pointing out that it was cold.

"I'm sorry, sweetie" Sue said as she leaned over and kissed my ear, "I certainly could have

warmed it a little, but I didn't, so I'll have to warm it this way" I heard a snap and felt warm water coursing into my colon. The warmth had a great feel, a sensual delight. I soon forgot about the coldness of the dildo that was letting the water run into me.

"Now if the pressure gets to be too much, you just tell Aunt Sue, and I'll stop the flow for a minute," she whispered in my ear. Then she began to move the dildo in and out of my ass, as though she were fucking me with it while I was getting an enema. Each time the dildo was almost out, I could feel the soothing tantalizing warmth of the water rushing into me. I was beginning to enjoy that. At the same time, Em was giving the head of my dick some little tongue kisses that were making me grow and grow. The combination of that stimulation plus the fucking I was getting from the six -inch dildo and the thrill of the warm water in me had me plenty aroused.

I didn't even notice when Sue poured the contents of the second pitcher into the bag, by then I was massaging Em's boob, and trying to reach her clit with my other hand. Finally I gave up on the boob and just concentrated on her clit, thinking that if I got her aroused enough, she might try to follow Sue's example and deep throat my dick. No such luck.

Sue reached over and rubbed my stomach saying, "We need to rub that water in your around so you get a good cleansing action" It did ease the tightness in my stomach, but it just felt damned good, too, especially when she gave my balls a couple of strokes, while Em was taking two or three inches of my dick into her mouth.

Then I hear a click, again and Sue announced, "There, that's two bags. No hold that in for a few minutes and then you can expel it. She left the dildo in place and began to fuck me with it again. Em had moved so that her pussy was right at my lips, so I began to suck her clit into my mouth. This did speed up her working on my dick, but it was still a shallow suck compared to Sue.

I was feeling incredibly full, and warm, not from the outside, but the inside. There was a lot of warm water inside me plus a six-inch dildo.

Sue removed the dildo slowly but quickly replaced it with something larger, I wasn't sure what.

"What's that?" I said as I grimaced at the stinging feeling I had from my asshole.

"Just a small butt plug to help you hold the water in for a few more minutes."

Then she reached over and gently pulled Em's mouth off my dick and said, "We can't have him coming now, dear. Let's just let him rest for a minute."

I did lie there for a couple of minutes and then felt my innards urging me to expel the water. I relayed that to Sue and then she said, " Get up and walk it off."

Therefore, I stood and began to walk around the room, erection flopping from side-to-side. Jack stopped me and dropped to his knees and took almost my entire dick into his mouth for a

few strokes. He stood, patted the butt plug, giving me a thrill in my ass and said, "I really am looking forward to replacing that butt plug with my dick.

Sue walked up and kissed me fully on the mouth and then drew back and said, " I'm looking forward to seeing Joey's dick in you. You looked delicious when I was fucking you with the enema dildo."

Em was standing near, and hearing that, said, "Oh gee, I missed that."

"Not to worry, Sue said," You can watch when we do the rinse out."

I realized that meant we were going to do this all over again, if they ever let me get rid of this load of water in me now.

"So, how are you feeling, Jack? Ready for another bag full?" Sue asked.

"I don't think I could hold another ounce right now," I said, sure I was telling the truth.

"Well lay down and let's see," she said, holding up another full bag.

"Uh, no, really ..." I began, but she just shook her head "yes" and moved closer to the bed. She patted the side of the bed and added, "Just lay down right here, or you can get on all fours on the floor.

As I shook my head no, Joey stepped up and put his strong arms around me and pushed me towards the bed. When I reached the side, I would have flopped down except for Joey holding me steady, sitting me down and pulling me legs up on the side.

"Now lay right there while Aunt Sue gives you another bag full, " he said.

I was so eagerly horny, and thinking there might be more of the kind of attention I got before, I lay there. This time Joey lubed the dildo and after quickly pulling the butt plug out of me, shoved the dildo forcefully into my ass. When I gave a little gasp at the suddenness of the thrust, Joey said, " That's noting compared to the fucking you are going to get."

"Ooo" Em cooed making it obvious she liked this kind of talk.

He kept up a fast, steady rhythm with the dildo. And then, Em rolled me over on my back, increasing the tension in my stomach, and nestled her pussy lips right on my lips. At the same

time, Sue took my dick into her mouth. So I was eating one pussy, getting sucked by Joey's wife (again!) and he was fucking me with a dildo that was pumping another two quarts of warm soapy water into me.

As I was nearing an orgasm, Sue stopped sucking me. Em was elevating to her second orgasm as Sue quit. Em reached her maximum volume and slumped off me and onto the bed.

"I'll bet you would like to get rid of that wouldn't you?" Sue asked.

"Oh, yeah," I said as I made a bolt for the bathroom door, shut it and sat down to expel what felt like an ocean's worth of water.

It took longer than I expected and when I came out of the bathroom relieved and relaxed, I found Em and Sue on the bed in a passionate 69. Joey was sitting in the nearby chair, watching and slowly masturbating.

I guess I'm missing out on the good stuff", I said.

"Not really, Joey said, " this is a girl thing. Sue found some of Em's menstrual blood on the sheet and licked it up and thought it was so hot and then started telling Em how she wanted

her the next time she had her period and one thing led to another. The only thing you missed was her eating Em's ass, and teaching Em how to do it, too."

Sue raised up breathlessly and said, "Time for a rinse, Jackie"

She placed me on the bed, stroked my limp dick until it began to grow and then lubed up the dildo and inserted it just as gently as before. She had a much better technique than her husband.

Em slid over, her mouth glistening with Sue's vaginal juices and kissed me, sharing the taste of Sue while the water began to gush into me again. It was hotter this time and it really stoked my sexual desires. I wanted something as hot on my dick as the water was in my ass. When Em broke the kiss, she turned and began to suck my dick like never before. Then she stopped, looked at me and said, "Joey and Sue have been giving me lessons." And went back to trying to take it all. She stopped again and said, "this is for letting me watch them fuck you with the dildo."

I tried to get her to turn her pussy to me, but Sue said, "Just leave the girl alone, she knows what she wants to do."

My dick was going deeper and deeper into Em's mouth, deeper with each stroke, and her tongue was whirling around the head with each upstroke. It was incredible. I never even noticed when the second and then the third pitcher was emptied into the bag, I just knew that I was getting hotter and hotter and fuller and fuller. And then Sue stopped it all, announcing, "We're all out of water and I doubt you can hold anymore." For me it was like running into a wall I was enjoying getting such a good blowjob from my sweet shy little Em.

She sent me to the bathroom again, and as I closed the door, I heard her say, "Where do we want to do this?"

When I came out of the bathroom. Everything was all packed away in the little black nylon case and they all had vodka tonic's, there was even one for me.

Em explained, "Vodka and tonic was all there as down here and I was too lazy to go back upstairs. We thought we'd go in the weight room for the main event since there is that neat padded weight bench that you can raise and lower at each end."

I was sure Em had not thought of that herself, it sounded more like a Joey idea. Not a bad idea, just definitely not something my wife would have thought of having only had anal sex once in her lifetime.

We went down the hall to the home gym I had put in. A four station Nautilus machine for Em, bikes, treadmills, stair climbers and a free weight bench that could be inclined for crunches and sit ups.

Joey led me over to the bench, and lowered the head end about six inches, then he raised the foot end about two feet. I sat down and laid back, he put a Velcro belt around me and strapped me into place so I wouldn't slide around.

Joey took my legs and pulled me towards him, pulling my legs so that my knees bent over his shoulders.

"Are you all right Jack," Em asked.

"Yeah, except that all the blood is running to my head."

Joey had estimated just right in adjusting the bench. My ass was right at the level of his cock. He took the tube of warmed lube that Sue handed him applied a generous amount to his cock, assisted by Sue and then she began to rub some into my ass, one then two the three fingers at a time.

Em moved around to where Sue was working on my ass and said, "I want to help with that, I promised him I would." And she began first one then two then an easy three fingers worth. I thought that as small as her hands were, she might get her whole hand in there by accident.

When they were through playing with my ass hole, Joey stepped back up and put the head of his cock right at the entrance to my ass, just barely touching my anus.

Em was right there ooh and aahing, and asked, "How does that feel, hon?"

"I can barely feel the touch, I said.

Then Joey leaned forward, exerting a little pressure and the head of his cock entered me.

Em was right there looking from down below. She stood up and said, Wow!" and her hands went to her pussy and began moving around.

Then Joey pushed in a little more. Slowly he rocked in and out, but never any deeper than the initial penetration. A little more pressure and he had penetrated me a little more. Then that in and out at that depth of penetration.

Em was panting and riding her fingers something fierce.

Sue came up with a dildo that looked almost exactly like Joey's engorged cock. "I call this one Joey because it is the exact same size, length and girth as his cock, " she said, Do you want to use it?

Em nodded yes, but apparently couldn't say a word.

By this time, Joey had almost all his cock in me and was slowly riding in and out and smiling and telling me what a hot tight ass I had.

Sue took out the lube, applied it to the dildo and told me, "You need to take it like your man is taking it" and with that she began to press it between Em's butt cheeks, while she stoked her clit at an increasing speed. Em groaned at the first pressure beyond the head, but Sue kept up the pressure. Em was bent over at the waist, watching Joey's dick going in and out of me while

Sue was beginning a similar rhythm on Em's ass. She began gasping and saying over and over. " It is so good, aren't we lucky, hon? So good, so good."

Joey looked down and saw her pushing back on the dildo in her ass just as I was squirming toward his cock. Em opened her mouth and licked her lips, and then Joey surprised her completely. He pulled his dick out of my, pushed her back on the dildo in Sue's hand and put his cock, fresh from my ass in her mouth, took her by the hair and forced her down on his cock.

To my surprise, she took it. Well at least most of it. And bobbed up and down on it as fast as his hand forced her down and pulled her up.

He turned back to me, applied some more lube and forced the whole length of his cock into me.

Em just stood there, or rather bent there, she was still getting a hard fucking with the dildo that Sue had, looking amazed, the she said, "Did I just do what I think I did?"

Joey took her by the hair again and pulled her face almost into the crack of my ass and said, "You sure did sweetie and you're going to do it again, one day, but right now, look. Get down on the floor and look up and watch me fuck your man. Watch my cum string swell as I come in his ass. Look up and I might dribble a little on your face.

She dropped to her knees and began to look up as instructed. Her hand was still diddling her clit, and Sue got on the floor with her and rammed her even harder with the dildo.

Joey began grunting and slamming his hips against my butt, straining with each stroke. And then he erupted. One stroke, two strokes, and the he pulled out and milked the rest of his cum into Em's waiting mouth and onto her face. Then he took her by the hair, pulled her to her knees, and stuck his cock back in her mouth. I could tell by the way his body shook that he was still shooting cum, but this time in her mouth.

Watching all of this was almost too much.

Joey pulled out of Em's mouth and sat down on the other bench, panting. Em fell down on the floor lost in her own self-induced orgasm, and Sue came over and deliberately mounted my waiting dick, sighing as she dropped her pussy lips all the way to the base. I was strapped to the bench, so I couldn't rise up to meet her, but then she began riding me at her own pace which was just wonderful for me. She chirped and chirped even after I had come and unloaded my balls into her.

She slid down on the bench toward my head and put her lover canal right over my mouth and all my cum came back to greet me, flavored by her own juices.

Em was stuck to me like glue the rest of the afternoon telling me over and over how much she enjoyed watching me getting fucked.

We lounged around by the pool and about five got dressed anddrove into town to have dinner and then drop off Sue and Joey at their townhouse. We all four openly kissed each other good by right there in their driveway.

By the time we were halfway home, Em was telling me again how great the fuck was and began masturbating both of us in anticipation to our getting home.

I thought, "thank goodness Sue took her dildo named Joey home, or Em would have it in my ass when we get home."

Little did I know Em had borrowed it, but not for my ass but hers while we screwed like minks on the deck.

Next: Chapter 5

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