Dr Carnassis Adventures

By Less Ismore

Published on Nov 24, 2002


CHAPTER FIVE - Dr. Carnassi's Adventures.

A couple of weeks later, at the gym, Joey told me he had spent some more time on the web site of Dr. Carnassi. He seemed all pumped about the prospect. This time he suggested that we try it out while Sue went to visit her mother who was in the hospital. Em had agreed to go with her to help with the driving and for moral support.

I was apprehensive, but Joey kept saying we would have fun, and even if we didn't have a fantasy to ask them to help us act out, he pointed out that they said they invented fantasies.

I was still reluctant. If Em was going to be gone for a week, I had visions of actually using my time in my complete wood working shop to make those shelves she wanted for our bathroom or playing a little golf. But Joey was insistent, "Aw come on, man, it's only $5,000 a piece, hell, I'll even pay for it, just come along so I don't have to take some skanky book store slut with me."

And so it was decided that we would go the first weekend of the girls' weeklong trip, and we wouldn't tell them until after the fact.

I told Joey he didn't have to pay for mine, I'd cover my own tab, "I'll write you a check."

"Okay, but I still have to get cash, the web site and the girl on the phone said no checks, no credit cards, just cash, US dollars type cash. She even stressed that."

"I wonder what's up with that," I said, "Probably in case you don't like the fantasy they invent for you." Joey guessed, adding," I have to have the money to their business office a week before the Friday before we check in, so I'm sending it Fed Ex tonight."

The money was sent, the week passed quickly. The girls left Wednesday for Sue's mom's home in the Midwest. On Thursday, the IPO was a huge success opening at $15 and soaring to $65 by the closing bell. I had options on 10,000 shares at the opening price, and I knew that I was going to exercise and sell tomorrow. Friday. The Friday we were to go to Dr. Carnassi's.

Joey said we had to be there at the business office by three PM, and he wanted me to leave the office early. I told him there was no fantasy on earth worth missing a half million or more profit and that I would leave when I had that all wrapped up. By three I was finished. I sold my stock at $75 per share. Taxes be damned, it was a quick and sure profit.

We arrived at the business office about four and the receptionist gave us some forms to fill out while we were waiting for the car to pick us up.

Aside from the usual personal info, name address, etc. which I was hesitant to provide, there were lots and lots of questions under "getting to know you"

The questions that I hesitated at were, "the gender of your companion" for this adventure.

Have you ever.. and it included oral sex, anal sex, kissing, nipple play, piss games, scatological stuff (yuk!) and enemas.

I told Joey I wasn't comfortable putting that stuff down on paper in my own hand, but he said, "Their privacy assurances are like a contract, I read them, if they violate that, what you made will seem like a pittance compared to what you will get in the law suit. And besides, they say the more honest you are, the better they can serve you."

So I told it all. Even admitted to liking anal sex and enema games.

The van arrived promptly at five. A huge black guy in a black suit with a chauffeur's cap came in and asked, "Are you gentlemen ready for the ride to your adventure?"

We stood up and before we could get our garment bags, he had them both in his hands and led us out to the fenced, secure parking lot where our cars are parked. "You will not need to be concerned about your cars this week-end, gentlemen, this lot is probably more secure than your own garage at home." I wasn't so sure about that considering the electric eyes, video cameras, electric fences, motion activated lights and sound and the gates along the driveway that I had put in. But it was nice to know that no one was likely to be going through the 'Burban while I was gone.

Once we got to the van, another huge guy, this one white, jumped out and took our bags. He put them in the back seat and sat down back there with them. The black guy said, "Gentlemen, my name is Bubba, that is Cedric. You will see us around Dr. Carnassi's villa from time to time this weekend. Because of the nature of Dr. Carnassi's business, the location is a private matter, so we'll ask you if would please slip these blindfolds on for us. They are padded and very comfortable." Cedric handed the blindfolds over the back of our seats to us. It occurred to me that if we resisted, Cedric looked as though he could probably put the blindfolds on us whether we liked it or not.

It was no big deal, we slipped them on, Cedric helped us secure them and then handed each of us a bottled beer wrapped with a napkin. "Here's a libation to make the trip more enjoyable.

If you'd like more, there's plenty in the cooler. You'll be having dinner in our dining room later." Cedric said all this as though he had years of experience as a butler, although he looked like he might have played middle linebacker for some NFL team.

We arrived our destination, which I assumed was Dr. Carnassi" "villa" as Bubba had described it, and they assisted us out of the van. I could hear no traffic sounds, only a few birds from nearby. Cedric, Bubba, someone, helped us over a door threshold and I heard the van door shut behind us. Then the blindfolds came off. We were in a very richly appointed foyer; linen fold paneling on the walls, the door behind us was a heavy oaken affair. Bubba showed us into a room that could best be described as a den or clubroom. Whatever, it was richly furnished

with two leather loveseats, a couple of leather wing chairs and two game tables with only two chair apiece. As I looked back out the door, there was another room on the other side of the foyer that was the mirror image of this one. Bubba said, in his rich baritone voice, "Gentlemen, please have a seat and make yourselves comfortable, Dr. Carnassi will be with you in a few moments, I know he is anxious to meet you."

Bubba backed out of the room and closed the door behind him.

"Nice place," Joey said looking around at the paneled walls, decorated ceiling, the tapestries on the wall, the chandelier hanging from the center of the ceiling. It provided a dim light, which was supplemented by large lamps on the tables at each end of the loveseats and beside one of the wing chairs.

"There's a lot of money in furnishings in this room, " I observed, "I wonder what the rest of the villa is like."

" We'll probably see the place before we leave." Joey said confidently as he walked to the little pie crust table sitting near one of the wing chairs and poured himself a glass of what appeared to be sherry from the decanter there. The little glasses looked like expensive crystal.

"That's damned fine sherry, " he commented, "Probably Xeres. You ought to try some," he added gesturing to me with the decanter.

Joey knew a lot about Spanish wines, but I didn't know he had as taste for sherry. I suspected he was only interested in a little alcohol of any sort to calm his tension.

"Okay, pour me one." He downed his glass and then poured two glasses.

I sipped at mine and was impressed; it was good dry sherry, far better than anything I had had from California.

As we were finishing our wine, a small man with a high forehead, and a goatee came in. He was wearing thick glasses and a white lab coat. He extended a hand and said, "I am Dr. Carnassi, welcome to Villa Carnassi. I see you have sampled the sherry, please have some more, don't let me interrupt your pleasure."

I was about to decline when Joey poured another for both of us. "I sniffed the glass and looked at Dr. Carnassi, asking, "Xeres?

"Exactly!" he exclaimed, "You have a great nose for wines!'

"Actually it was my partner, Joey, who first guessed it was Spanish, " I replied, not wanting to steal Joey's thunder as a wine aficionado. I wondered if Dr. Carnassi would draw some

inference from my use of the word "partner," but decided not to worry about what a casual acquaintance thought, forgetting he probably had already seen the rather revealing information on the pre-admission forms we had filled out at the business office downtown.

"Well, I'm glad you are enjoying it," Dr. Carnassi said in his precise way, "If we could, let's begin the entry interview process. I'll need to speak with each of you individually for about 20 to 30 minutes. Mister ,er ah, Joey, I'll meet with you first. Could we go across the hall?"

They went into the room across the hall. Cedric came by and asked if I would like some coffee, I declined; I was already catching a small buzz from the sherry and was tempted to have some

more. Temptation gave way to action and I poured myself another glass of the delicious nectar.

I looked around for a magazine or something, there was nothing. There were leather bound books on the shelves in the room, but nothing that tempted me. I noticed a small TV set with a built in video cassette player. And there were a few cassettes on the shelf above it. I selected on with the name Elena scrawled on the case and popped it into the player slot.

After the usual static ridden leader, there was a picture of a rather attractive blonde with shoulder length hair, hollow eyes, and a tired, depressed demeanor. She spoke in a soft monotone. "Hello, my name is Elena. The following video was made with my consent while I was a guest at Villa Carnassi. It is made available to other guests of the Villa with my consent. I have been compensated for this distribution and exhibition."

The screen went blank and then cut to a rather large looking room, with a ceramic tile floor and walls. The camera focused in on one corner showing a chair like sling made of what appeared to be wide leather straps attached to the ceiling by a rather complicated looking set of ropes, pulley and blocks. From one side of the camera, two men, one black and one white, in hoods that covered the upper part of their face, leaving only their mouths and eyes open, appeared. The black one carried the woman who identified herself as Elena under his arm. She was completely nude. I couldn't help but notice that she had nice tits. With arms flailing and legs kicking about, obviously complaining, although the video was silent, made evident by the fact she was tossing her head about. With the help of the white guy, the man carrying Elena placed her sitting upright in the chair and began to secure her arms to the straps that supported the chair. Then they concentrated on her kicking legs next adjusting the ropes to pull them wide apart.

Even before they began to remove their sweat pants and tank tops, it became obvious to me that the hooded men were Bubba and Cedric. Both were very big men with excellent musculature. As they pulled off their pants, Elena reacted with a lot of twisting and turning in the chair, pulling at her bonds. The reason was evident; Bubba even while flaccid had one of the largest cocks I had ever seen. It looked like it was the size of my dick when it is erect. Cedric was almost equally well endowed.

Bubba reached into a cabinet against the wall behind him, and removed a wooden paddle, with a tennis racket handle. The wooden part was wide, seemed to be made of plywood and had holes drilled in it. As he did this, Cedric was adjusting the ropes on the head end of the chair and to lower Elena's head. Bubba then began to raise her bottom end, presenting her cute well-shaped butt cheeks to him.

Bubba moved to the side and, with the paddle in his left hand, delivered a swat to the woman's buttocks. Her head popped up in an obvious scream. Another blow was delivered.

So here I am looking at a silent video .. two very large naked men with a small woman strapped into a suspended chair and one of them is swatting her with a large paddle on her

naked bottom. And I'm finding that I'm tantalized by the scene. I noticed that my dick was growing in my pants. Fortunately I was wearing boxers, and I adjusted it so that it could grow down the leg of my boxers, and not be trapped so much.

I noticed that Bubba was growing an erection, too. It was huge! About twelve inches long, fully two inches in diameter, a huge mushroom head. The camera obligingly zoomed in on it so the viewer could clearly see the size of the thing.

He delivered another swat to her bottom. Even though the lighting wasn't real good, it was obvious that her bottom was reddening considerably. On the other end, Cedric was rubbing his large white cock on the woman's face. She tried to bite him, which got her three more swift whacks with the paddle, and a lecture from Bubba.

She was openly weeping now, and judging from the way her chest was heaving, she was sobbing. Bubba began to rub his now fully erect cock on her labia. She tried to pull her legs together when he did this, so she got a couple more swats with the paddle. Her resistance faded quickly after that, but her obvious sobbing did not.

Cedric was now fully erect and he was almost as big as Bubba. A close up from the camera revealed that it was one or two inches shorter, but still considerably larger than mine, and nearly as thick as Bubba's, far fatter than Joey's and that was the fattest cock, hell, the only cock I had ever had inside of me. He was rubbing the head of his cock around her lips, seemingly confident that he had nothing to fear from her teeth. But her lips were pressed firmly together. When he could gain no entry to her mouth with his cock, he said something to Bubba and she got three more swats with the paddle. Her mouth popped openly promptly.

Cedric said something and she stuck out her tongue and licked the head of his cock. He slowly inserted the head of his cock into her mouth, mouthed something that looked like "Open" and then slapped her on the side of her head. She opened and he put more of his cock into her mouth.

On the other end, Bubba tried to enter her vagina, but it was obvious she was dry. He reached into the cabinet and pulled out a stainless steel bowl that looked to be full of some kind lubricant. He applied a generous glob to her labia, then stroked some onto his cock and began to insert it into her vagina.

Now she was impaled on two huge cocks, both over ten inches in length, one at either end. Bubba pulled the chair towards him slightly, swinging her onto his cock, and then pushed her back towards Cedric, forcing his cock into her mouth. The swinging motion, repeated several times, set up an alternating in and out pattern on each end. As Bubba withdrew from her

vagina, Cedric's cock went into her mouth. But it was clear she only had about a third of either of them in her.

After several repetitions of this in and out swinging, Cedric grasped her head with one hand on either side and slowly fed more of his cock into her mouth. I could see her stomach convulse as she gagged. Cedric only pushed a little more into her mouth. The stomach convulsions got even more pronounced and she began to vomit, Cedric pulled out of her and the vomit spilled out of her mouth and down her neck, some spilling onto her upper chest. When the vomiting subsided, Cedric put his cock back into her mouth, trying to force all of it down her throat. She started heaving again, and as the vomit started to pour out of her mouth, Cedric just turned her head to the side and let it fall on the floor.

Bubba removed his cock from her and gave her two more swats on the bottom, apparently for vomiting. Then he shoved his enormous cock into her vagina all the way to the hilt. Her head bobbed up as she tried to see him, but Cedric took her head in his hands again and began to feed her his cock. Bubba was humping her quickly now; out almost to the head then a fast plunge back into her until they were bush to bush.

Then he pulled his cock out of her completely, rubbed on some more lube, and proceeded to lube up her puckered anus. With one push, he shoved the whole thing into her ass. One swift insertion and she was fully impaled on it. In and out, full length he went in one shove each time. She was obviously screaming as much as she could with about five inches of Cedric's cock in her mouth. Cedric began to shove deeper and deeper, she began to vomit again. He was talking to her as he stroked in and out of her mouth, almost completely burying his cock in her mouth.

Bubba pulled his fat cock out of her ass and quickly showed it into her vagina and gave a few full-length quick strokes, then out and back into her ass. When he had pulled it out of her ass, there seemed to be some residue on it, but I couldn't tell for sure since Bubba's cock was so dark that any excrement on it would have been undetectable. But it seemed obvious to me that this lady was probably in for some serious problems with her vagina from feces borne bacteria at some time in her future.

Cedric's action was getting more intense and suddenly he pulled his cock out of her mouth, lifted her head in one hand and stroked his cock off, shooting his cum in her face. Then he strapped her head back in a position that was more or less level with the rest of her body. She laid there, being pounded by Bubba with cum and vomit all over her face and breasts, which by the way were plastic, nice looking, but they stayed upright even with her on her back.

Bubba was obviously nearing a climax, too. In about four more strokes, he pulled out of her vagina, ass, whatever, and walked to her face to deposit his load on her tits and face, too. Then he rubbed the head of his cock against her mouth and made her taste his semen.

The two of them turned and, picking up their clothes from the bench on the side of the room, walked out. The camera stayed on the woman, though as she lay there bound to the swing with cum running down the side of her face, mixed with tears and vomit, the mixture dripping on the floor. The vomit on her face already started to dry.

There was an obvious editing cut, one could not tell how much time had elapsed, the woman was twisting and turning, it seemed she was testing her bonds, and then it was obvious why she was struggling, she began to urinate on her self. It started as a small fountain and slowly evolved into a steady stream, running down her labia, into her ass crack and dripping onto the floor in a small torrent.

When she had finished, Bubba and Cedric re-entered the room almost as if they had been waiting and watching for this event and walked over to her. Cedric slapped her a couple of times. Bubba appeared from one side with a garden hose in hand and began to spray her all over, washing the dried cum and vomit off her, then he turned it on her bottom end, spraying what seemed to be a forceful stream of water into her labia and then her butt crack.

As he finished, Cedric began undoing the Velcro straps that held her in place, and each of them, placing a hand under her arms, carried her, feet dragging from the room. The screen went blank.

I rewound and removed the cassette from the player and returned it to the shelf. Then I began to look at a large coffee table book of Ansel Adams prints until Dr. Carnassi returned to the room.

"Now we will do your pre-admission interview, if you please." He sat down at the game table and indicated with the wave of a hand that I should take the other chair on the opposite side of the table.

"What, exactly, is your relationship to this man you have come here with?" he asked.

I explained how we had met, that we belonged to the same gym, and that he along with his wife and mine did a lot of things together.

"Is that all? Have you had a sexual relationship with this man?"

I thought back to the forms I filled out at the business office and assumed he had seen them too, so I decided tell him the truth on this one.

I described our first time in the shower, told him Joey had raped me and mentioned our recent weekend with him and Sue but didn't go into detail. When he asked if we had had anal sex around the girls, I told him about Joey fucking me while I was making love to Em and then the great enema and assisted anal sex on nude Sunday.

"I see." And you enjoyed this, with your wife and his assisting?"

Yes, it was very sensual and pleasurable."

"So how do you contend that he raped you?"

"He held me down and forcibly entered me and I told him to get his cock out of me, which he didn't"

"Was none of the experience enjoyable to you?"

I had no idea what Joey had told him, so I lied a little and said, "Well, perhaps there at the end, but then he came right inside me bare back."

"I see. And on "nude Sunday" as you describe it, did he not ejaculate inside you then with no protection?"

"Yeah but that was later." I said, lamely.

Mister, er , ah, may I call you Jack?"

"Of course" I answered.

Well, Mister Jack, you may think you have been raped, but I'm not so sure you know what male rape is really like."

He went on to ask about my sex life with Em, I stumbled and had to tell the whole double penetration story, including my last minute compunctions just before she mounted Joey's cock. He listened carefully, took some notes, and then looked me directly in the eyes as asked, "What did you think of the video you watched?"

I was shocked that he knew I had watched it. In my surprise, I blurted out, "I've never seen anything quite like that before."

"Were you sexually aroused," he asked.

"Not really," I lied.

"I see," he said, made a note, and then looked up at me again and added, "Mr. Jack, while you are here you will learn that we have certain simple rules. One is that I expect full and absolute compliance with instructions, total obedience and no lying to me or my staff. Now let me ask you once more, were you sexually aroused by the video you watched?"

"Okay, okay, I got a boner, so what?" I said, annoyed at this funny looking little man insisting on obedience when I was paying him $5,000.

"Very good, now do we have an understanding?"

He stood, clutched his clipboard to his chest and with the other hand, waved towards the door saying, "Our interview is completed, if you will come with me, I'll have my staff show you to your quarters."

Joey arose from a chair in the other room and joined us as we walked down a short hallway. The wooden floors were covered with Persian rugs runners, framed English hunting prints on the wall. Dr. Carnassi opened the door at the other end of the hall, and we passed through and into another world.

As the door shut behind us, I heard an extra click, and turned to look back. On this side, the door was industrial metal looking, not oak molding, the wide hall way we were now in was all beige ceramic tile, floor and walls, with bright but diffused fluorescent lighting glowing from recessed panels in the ceiling. There were three doors leading off the hall way, Cedric came from the one on the right wearing a short waist length white waiter's coat, and opened the door on the left and said, "This will be your bedroom while you are with us gentlemen."

I stepped in behind Joey to find a rather starkly bare all white room, with ceramic tile floor and walls that paneled with some sort of textured plastic-looking material. There were two closets built into the walls and a modern looking dresser. The bed was a king size with two nightstands. The room's size was certainly adequate but it has a stark almost industrial appearance. The door between the two closets led to a large bathroom with a long double sink counter and a commode and bidet. The shower was double-sized, too.

Our bags were already in the room, our hang-ups out and in the closet, our shaving kits placed neatly beside the two lavatories in the bathroom. Everything was fine, except the assumption on the part of the staff or Dr. Carnassi that Joey and I would be satisfied sharing a bed. That was fine with me, but I didn't like the presumption on their part.

"Gentlemen, a light dinner will be served in the dining room in about fifteen minutes if that's all right. You find the dining room through the door across the hall of yours." Cedric said, and made his exit before we could ask any questions. I really didn't have any, but if I had, there was no chance.

"I guess this is large enough," Joey said, "What do you think about them assuming that we wanted to share a bed while we were here?"

"It kind of ticked me off"

"Do you think we should bitch about it just for the principle of the matter?" Joey asked.

"No, why get off to a bad start. Dr. Carnassi already sternly admonished me that he expected full compliance, full obedience and no lying to him or his staff while we are here."

Joey's eyes opened in surprise and he said, "Did you get that lecture, too? He caught me in a half-truth and dumped that shit on me like he was the boss or something. I mean after all, we are paying him a heft chunk of change for this adventure!" Joey was getting all worked up and slipping into courtroom mode.

"That's sort of how I felt. I let it pass the first time, but I think I will probably come back at him if I hear anymore of that." I said.

"You're damned right!" Joey said, his ire rising as he spoke, "I'll damn well let him know I don't expect to be addressed like that."

"Maybe we ought to keep our voices down, we don't know how much these plastic walls transmit sound. Hell, for that matter, they may even have surveillance equipment in this room."

Joey's turned around a full three sixty and said, "I don't see any evidence of video, of course that doesn't mean they don't have microphones in here. I guess you're right, we should be cautious."

We heard a soft bing bong or a chime being struck, which assumed meant dinner was served, so we went across the hall. The dining room was modern in a Japanese sort of way, subdued lighting, grass cloth wall coverings, shoji screens in the corners and in front of the doorway that I assumed led to the kitchen.

We sat ourselves in the high back black lacquered chairs. Cedric pushed a small cart into the room from behind the screen and served us a small bowl of hot soup laced with morsels of chicken, rings of chopped scallions and slivers of mushrooms. He left the room without saying a word.

Joey took a sip of his soup, smacked his lips and quipped, "Just like at Benihana. "

The soup was quite good. I like Japanese food, so I had no complaints.

Cedric returned with a carafe of white wine and a salad composed of steamed greens beans and bean curd with soy and ginger sauces.

The salad was very tasty; the wine had a slightly metallic after taste. That wasn't just my picky tastes, Joey agreed with me. We finished our salads and the carafe of wine, despite its tinny taste. When Cedric returned, Joey asked for another carafe, which came out very quickly.

Then our entree was served, a dish that looked, smelled and tasted like shrimp scampi. The shrimps were tender and lightly garliced it was very good. Not too much, not too little. After dinner, Cedric brought coffee and spoke for the first time, asking, "Would there be anything else before we begin the evening's activities, gentlemen?"

"No thank you, that was fine, just give the bill to my friend here," Joey joked.

Cedric demonstrated his total lack of a sense of humor when he said, "There is never a charge for meals or beverages here at the villa, sir."

After a second round of coffee, we left the table and went to our room to brush our teeth. As I arose, I realized that the wine I had drunk had gone right to my head and weakened my legs as well. I felt ultra relaxed and a little light-headed. When I mentioned it to Joey once we were in the bathroom trying to brush the garlic taste out of our teeth, he said he noticed the same thing. I felt very sensual and noticed a slight arousal just from brushing my crotch up against the edge of the vanity top.

"I'm so horny, I could honk, " Joey said. "Wanna play a little before we start "the evening's activities' "he said, mimicking Cedric's slight British accent.

"I feel like you do, but I guess not, let's see what the good doctor has in store for us."

There was a knock on the door; it was Bubba holding two white terry cloth robes. "Gentlemen, it's time to prepare for the evening's activities. If you would, disrobe completely and put on these robes. You will find thong scuffs in the closet for your feet." We took the robes from him and he promptly turned and left the room leaving us to close the door.

"I guess this means we are going to do something that involves being naked," I said as I hung my shirt in the closet.

"Certainly looks that way. I don't mind going along with requests like these, but .."

"Joey," I said, whispering, "I meant to tell you this earlier. While you doing your interview, I watched one of the videos in the room."

"Yeah, " he interrupted, " I did too. Two skinny white boys locked in a frantic 69. It was interesting. They even showed that they both had butt plugs in their asses."

"The video I saw was obviously a domination/punishment things. It was Cedric and Bubba with this woman in a sling in some room probably here in the villa. Those two guys are hung like horses."

"Probably that was her fantasy," Joey said, "I'm damn sure they wouldn't try that on either of us."

We were both naked now. Joey slipped his robe on, I was right behind him, and shoving our feet into the scuffs, he turned to me and said, "Let's go see what they have in store for us."

We opened the door and found Bubba waiting in the open door way at the end of the hall. "Right this way gentlemen."

We entered another all ceramic tile room that looked to be about 40 feet by sixty feet. It smelled like disinfectant. Along the wall to my back were large metal rings set into the walls about five feet from the floor above long sturdy wooden benches. There were three laundry type stainless steel sinks on each of the other three walls.

In the center of the room there were two bench-like contraptions with a chair-like device on top of the bench and metal rods that looked like big bolts running every which a way. From the ceiling there descended several of those block and tackle arrangements like I saw attached to the swing in the video. Then I saw it; in the corner of the room was the swing I had seen in the video. It was bound up and pulled off toward the corner, but there was no mistaking it, it was the swing in which Bubba and Cedric had terrorized, abused and sodomized Elena.

"Joey, I whispered, "That's the swing from the video I saw." pointing in the direction of the corner.

Dr. Carnassi was standing on the other side of the bench/chair contraptions. "Good evening gentlemen. Welcome to my laboratory. He pronounced the word like Boris Karloff would in an old Frankenstein movie. "If you would be so kind, please remove your robes and put your hands behind your back. I took mine off and hung it on a brass hook that seemed to be intended for that purpose.

Joey started right in, "What for? Why hands behind the back?"

"So that manacles can be applied to your wrists, of course," Dr. Carnassi said.

By this time, Cedric had snapped the handcuffs around my wrists and Bubba was waiting patiently for Joey to comply with Dr. Carnassi's request. He did and they were snapped into place.

Cedric handed us each a glass of orange juice with a straw in it and said, " A little something for the palate gentlemen." It had that same slightly metallic taste to it that the wine had had, but this time it was much more pronounced. We sipped it through the straw and Cedric took the glasses away.

Then Dr. Carnassi said, "Since you have such a keen interest in developments, Mr. Joey, you will get a chance to go first, while Mr. Jack can watch, since he seemed to enjoy watching so much earlier this afternoon."

I wondered what they was supposed to mean as Cedric and Bubba led Joey over to one of those chair type things on the bench in the middle of the room, "Please step up, and have a seat, Mr. Joey," Bubba said. Joey nimbly stepped on the bench part and started to sit down and then said, "Hell, there's a hole in the chair." Looking down in the seat of the chair.

"Go right ahead and have a seat, sir," Bubba said. Joey did, his face showing his dissatisfaction. As soon as he was seated, Bubba fasted a seat belt around his waist, cinching it snugly. The he took one of Joey's arms by the handcuff, while Cedric did the other, They locked the handcuffs to the "arms" on the chair, and then secured his arm with Velcro straps. Bubba and Cedric, operating as one, then bound his legs to the two flat boards that seemed to serve as legs for the chair, leaving his legs at almost a ninety-degree angle to his torso. It didn't look terribly comfortable and Joey began putting up a fuss about it. Bubba lowered them some and without asking if that was all right, went about other things, like rolling in a rolling stand with a hook at the top like the ones you see supporting IV bags in hospitals, which he adjusted to be about a foot above Joey's head. He positioned the other stand near the other chair.

I was standing there watching all this with a set of handcuffs on each arm, which were in turn fastened together in the middle. Cedric walked over to me, took my handcuffs by the slack in the middle and said, "Come with me if you please, Mr. Jack. I followed him to the other chair like apparatus and climbed up, noticing there was a large round hole in the bottom of this one, too. They followed the same procedure, a seat belt around my middle, arms, and legs bound. I was not immobilized, but I was well restrained.

As soon as I was securely fastened, the door opened and a tall woman with broad shoulders and barely apparent breasts walked in. She had close cropped blonde hair, a sharply bony face and strong, muscular arms. "Gentlemen, this is Ingrid, she will be assisting me this evening." Dr. Carnassi said. She nodded, I said good evening. Joey remained sullenly silent.

"Well, Ingrid, let's get started, " Dr. Carnassi said with precision.

Ingrid went to one of the cabinets on the wall behind Dr. Carnassi and started placing items on a stainless steel cabinet that had wheels on the legs. I couldn't see every thing she was taking out but I did see a large pitcher, a couple of bowls and something that looked like a food warming plate. She rolled the table over to the bench where Joey was fastened in. There was a control console of sorts behind the chair where Joey was strapped in. She plugged the warming tray in and put a stainless steel bowl that was full to the top with something on the plate of the warmer.

Dr. Carnassi twisted one of the controls, and Joey's chair, began to rise and tilt forward. When Carnassi stopped the motion of the chair, Joey was tilted at a 45 degree angle and had risen about seven or eight inches off the bench, by means of electric motors turning the screws that were part of the supports of the chair. It was cleverly engineered apparatus that looked to be capable of moving the chair into any position desired, except to lean to the left or right.

Carnassi turned to Ingrid and said, "I'll have a number seven with an inflatable tube, please. She handed him a dildo that looked to be about seven inches long that had a tube attached to his with a squeeze bulb at the end. Carnassi dipped it into the bowl and stirred it around a few turns and then smoothly inserted it into Joey's ass.

From Joey's position in the chair he couldn't see what Carnassi was doing behind his back, but when he felt the dildo enter his ass, he shouted out, "Hey, what the hell are you doing?"

"Just beginning the preparations for tonight's events," Carnassi replied calmly.

"Well I don't like having things shoved up my ass without being asked or told," Joey said arrogantly.

"Is that so?" Dr. Carnassi asked. He seemed to totally unimpressed with Joey's likes, dislikes, or opinions.

Meanwhile, Ingrid had taken the large pitcher over to one of the sinks and begun to run water, testing it for temperature with her hand. When it must have seemed right to her, she filled the pitcher and placed it on the equipment table. From the other end of the table she took a large red rubber bag and hung it from the IV stand. Next was a long white rubber tube. It seemed to me they were preparing to give Joey and enema but the equipment was a little different from anything I had ever seen. She closed a clamp on the rubber tube and poured the entire pitcher into the bag. She opened the clamp and let some water run out of the tube into a bucket that was under Joey's bench.

"That's a full three quarts, doctor," she said with a faint hint of a German or Austrian accent.

"Very good Ingrid, now we will see how Mr. Joey likes having three quarts of soapy water run into him. That will be acceptable, won't it Mr. Joey," he said as he smirked at Joey adding "I thought so." Without waiting for a reply from Joey.

Joey began a string of expletives, finishing with calling Dr. Carnassi a "fucking maniac" and referring to Ingrid as his dike whore.

For the first time, Dr. Carnassi showed some emotion and, unfortunately for Joey, it was anger.

He pressed a button and Bubba and Cedric came in the room.

"Yes, sir, Doctor Carnassi?" Bubba asked.

"Mt. Joey here has a very vulgar way of speaking and he is insulting Ingrid plus he is getting a little loud. Do you have anything for that?

"Yes, sir!" Bubba said and turned smartly and left, returning with a ball gag and a glass of something.

He offered the beverage to Joey, saying only "Drink this". Joey refused, so Bubba took out a rather large hypodermic syringe and shoving the needle into Joey's bicep, injected the contents of the syringe. Then, while Cedric held Joey's struggling head, he fitted the ball gag in his mouth and tied it behind his head.

"Thank you, Bubba," Dr. Carnassi said, and turned to his controls and began to change Joey position. The chair began tilting back and sliding forward on a runner until Joey was on his back near a rectangular housing that looked like a blue plastic box. Carnassi slid Joey's chair up to the box, removed it to reveal a hydraulic piston, and inserted the base of the dildo in a collar on the end of the piston. Next, he inserted the enema nozzle into the base of the dildo, and opened the clamp on the tube. Joey began to make noises in spite of the gag. The water must have been hot, I though I saw vapor rising from the bag.

Carnassi adjusted the machinery that had been under housing, and flipped a switch. The piston began to move back and forth and the whole thing began to advance very slowly on its track towards Joey's ass, forcing the enema/dildo in and out of Joey's ass all the while. He was being dildo-fucked and getting an enema all at the same time.

"Sometimes, for a guest's enjoyment, we can turn on the vibrator that makes the sensation of being copulated and infused all at the same time even more pleasurable, Mr. Joey, but since you have been in such a foul humor, I don't think I will extend that pleasure to you tonight, however a little later on you can watch the ecstasy of your friend here who I am sure will be much more cooperative." He said.

That was my first hint of what was to come. It was titillating to anticipate, although my anticipation was dimmed somewhat by my hope that it wasn't a painful experience.

The bag of water suspended above Joey's head was getting flatter and flatter. He must have had most of three quarts in him. As it drooped completely flat, Dr. Carnassi reached over and felt of Joey's abdomen and said, "Let's have another, Ingrid". She immediately went to the sink and began running the water. Carnassi gave the little squeeze bulb attached to the dildo a couple more pumps.

Ingrid returned to the stand with another big pitcher full of water, this one seemed to have more vapor rising from it than the previous one. She repeated the process and opened the clamp on the hose. And then released some of the air from the little bulb attached to the dildo. Joey twisted and turned and tried to scream or something, but it was well muffled by the gag. This time, Ingrid started the fucking machine and let it plunge a little more of the dildo into Joey's ass. The way the machine was set, nearly the entire seven-inch dildo was being forced into and pulled almost all the way out of his ass as the hot water was surging into him.

As the bag began to droop again, Joey seemed to be complaining of a lot of discomfort. Ingrid began to massage the left side of his stomach, explaining, "This will force the water up through your colon and far up into you, and make the process more comfortable. You must have nearly five quarts of fluid in you right now. We're almost finished with this one." I could see that Joey lower stomach was lots larger than when the enema started. As she massaged his stomach, his discomfort seemed to subside, but his cock was at full mast. She studiously avoided any contact with his cock, but still managed to massage his stomach from side to side.

"That's enough." Dr. Carnassi, said, "Let's get him upright. He then adjusted the switches and Joey's chair began to right itself and move backwards to the hole in the bench over the bucket. When he was lined up properly, Ingrid used some long tongs and removed the dildo from Joey's ass all in one quick pull. What followed it was the water that had been forced into him for the past 20 minutes or so.

Watching all of this in anticipation was making my dick standing up. I was looking forward to every bit of the process. Already Ingrid was at the sink, running the water and testing it with her hand. Then she had the pitcher filled. She set the IV stand near me, attached the bag and hose and as if pre-arranged selected the dildo intended for my ass from the "tool box". Without any help from Dr. Carnassi, she stirred the dildo around in the bowl of warm lubricant. All the while, I could hear a steady stream of water cascading from Joey's ass into the waiting bucket.

Dr. Carnassi set the switches to lean my chair back and run it forward on the track to the machine mounted on my bench. As I neared it, Ingrid smeared the warm lube all around my anus and then dipped it back in the bowl before clamping it in the machine. Then she slid the machine forward until the tip of the dildo entered my hole. It felt good to have a warm, lubricated dildo in my ass. She turned on the fucking machine and let it go for several strokes, it was a delightful sensation and I was only getting half of it in my ass.

"Is that good?" she asked.

I nodded and moaned "Oh, yes."

"Well then you're really going to enjoy this, and she opened the clamp on the enema tube. Almost instantly, I could feel a surge of warmth flowing through my insides as the machine continued it's incessant motion in and out, in and out. It was almost too much. My dick was throbbing with excitement, my innards were being heated to a most pleasant level and my stomach was beginning to feel full. When I felt a little bit of a cramp, I mentioned it to Ingrid and she closed the clamp for a moment while my bowels adjusted to the flow of water. Then she opened it again.

"Would you like to feel the vibrator, too?" she asked.

"I'm not sure I could stand it, "

"That's okay, if you ejaculate, it's fine, it's one of the pleasant benefits of this kind of enema," she said. "When I have had this kind of enema, I frequently have several orgasms, she added. I was surprised to hear this interesting tidbit of personal information.

"Okay, turn on the vibrator," she slightly increased the thrusting motion of the piston, and adjusted the position of the whole apparatus on the track so that I was getting a full stroke from all seven inches of the dildo and then touched another switch and the vibrator began to stimulate my ass ring, my prostate, and my whole ass. It was more than I could resist. I lasted four strokes before I started spurting cum all the way to my face, and down my chest.

When I had caught my breath, she turned off the vibrator and then the machine and said, "That was very impressive." Looking down at the wedding ring on my left hand, she said, "You have a very lucky wife."

Now I was just getting a flow of hot water into my ass and that was coming to an end. But Ingrid already had another pitcher ready and poured it into the bag so that the flow never stopped. Then she turned the fucking machine back on, only I was just getting little short strokes, rapidly. The new water was warmer than the last hit me. So warm, in fact, I was starting to sweat.

By the time the bag was half empty, my dick was hard again, and Ingrid was doing the stomach massage and not being nearly so careful to avoid contact with my member. In fact she rubbed against it every chance she got.

I saw her look toward Dr. Carnassi and he was looking at her, he shook his head no and she ended all contact with my dick.

When the bag was empty I felt so full I was about to pop. She turned me upright, positioned the chair over the hole and suddenly I felt the dildo pop out of my anus. It was immediately followed by a heavy flow of water.

Meanwhile over at Joey's chair, Dr. Carnassi had started another bag on Joey, "Just as a rinse," he said.

It took me several minutes to expel all the water and solid waste and then they started my rinse bag, too. Joey and I both got a double bag again, and when that was all out, Dr. Carnassi said it was time for some exercises.

He tipped us both back on the track near the fucking machines and went to his toolbox again, this time removing a dildo that looked to be about ten inches long. It had a tapered but realistic head and was very thick. He then set about mounting one in each of our machines, clamped them down and turned on my machine first.

He asked Joey, "Do you think you can keep a civil tongue in your head if I remove the gag. Joey looked a little glassy-eyed, probably from the shot Bubba had given him, and nodded yes.

Ingrid removed the gag and then started his machine as well.

By that time, mine was shoving the whole ten inches into my ass at a pretty good pace. After the initial burning sensation, my ass adjusted and now it was feeling pretty good. When the machine began to do long surging strokes into ass, it was feeling very good.

Joey's machine was giving him the same. "How're you feeling Jackie-boy?" he asked, his speech slightly slurred.

"Doing well Joey-boy," I replied moaning slightly with each ten-inch long in-stroke.

"Do you wish that was me shoving it to you?"

"Not really, you don't have this much cock." I answered.

"Would you like more," Ingrid asked, as she stopped the machine and gently removed the dildo from my ass.

"We have other toys." She explained, "Here, let try this one." She pulled a dildo out of the toolbox that was unlike anything I had ever seen. It was about sixteen inches long about two inches across and every two or three inches along the length, there was a hump about the size of a ping-pong ball. She dipped her hand into the bowl of lube and thoroughly lubed the whole piece.

"I'm not sure I want to find out if I can take all of that," I said hesitantly.

"Oh, it won't be so bad, " she said "and you won't be getting all of the length any way."

She fitted it into the fucking machine, and lined it up with the head just pressing against my pucker. Then she slowly slid the machine towards me pushing the tapered head into me, then she set the machine on a slow rhythm and set it all in motion and it began to plunge and withdraw, advancing only a fraction of an inch every four stokes. I was just beginning to enjoy it

when the first ball popped into my ass causing a surge of pain that bordered on the delicious. The machine seemed to pause a moment and then it plunged then withdrew, pulling the ball just to the edge of my hole.

Joey was watching in amazement as the second ball plunged into me and then was withdrawn on the next stoke and then back in and so forth for three strokes and then the machine had advanced enough that it was no longer popping in and out. That had been a pain/thrill experience, and now I was looking forward to the next one coming up.

On the other side, they were switching Joey to a big fat dildo that had to be sixteen inches, too. They choked it up some when they set it up in the machine and then turned the machine on, this time they let him have some low frequency vibration too. His cock sprung to attention.

Ingrid looked at him and said, "Don't be too anxious to reach an orgasm, Mr. Joey, we won't be turning this off until the full twelve inches is inside of you, you might as well enjoy it all."

"I'm not sure I can wait that long," Joey said as the machine pushed on towards six inches.

I asked Ingrid about the vibrator for me and she said, "I'm so sorry, Mr. Jack, I simply forgot and she turned it on, but low frequency, not the high frequency that had driven me over the edge the last time.

So now, we were both strapped to a chair, bound hand, and foot and at the waist, with enormous dildos plunging in and out of our asses. We lay there looking at each other as we enjoyed the mechanized fucking we were getting, the dildos being methodically rammed into us and withdrawn, each stroke producing a pleasure all its own. Ingrid was watchful of the progress of the machines as they advanced on their track stabbing deeper and deeper. Dr. Carnassi had left the room.

Ingrid asked if there was anything we wanted, and Joey said "Some more of that orange juice would be nice. " Looking at me he said, "You need to try it Jack, it gives you a great buzz"

She brought us both something that looked orange juice and probably had some real 100% OJ in it, but it didn't taste anything like orange juice. Within a few minutes of drinking it I had a warm feeling all over my body and I realized I could feel the dildo working it's way in and out of

my ass in exquisite detail. There were three or four ping pong balls in me now, I had lost count. All I know is that it was doing a full-length stroke each time and there were, yeah, there it was, four pops on each stroke. That should have meant there was about 10 inches of dildo plunging into me on each stroke. The sensations were intense, my dick was throbbing, and I could tell I was going to come soon.

As the orgasm neared, the tingle in my body ran from my head to the tips of my toes, and my loins were on fire. I was experiencing the greatest orgasm of my life and nothing was touching my dick but air. I looked down to see my engorged member and it shot cum right into my eye, I opened my mouth and caught the next shot, before the next shots began to land lower and lower on my chest. The dildo kept surging in and out.

Joey was screaming about coming and I knew he was experiencing the same kind of intense orgasm that I just had.

When we both caught our breath we talked about how great it was, but we both agreed, we wished the dildos would stop pounding away at our asses. The sensation was great, but we were both satiated now and would like to take a break from this relentless fucking we were each getting.

"It's like you fucking me after I have shot my wad," I told Joey.

"I've never done that to you," he said defensively.

"Yeah, you're right, but you would, wouldn't you?"

"Well, yeah, if you had come and I hadn't." the thought trailed off but it was a truthful admission nonetheless.

It was another four inches of dildo and fifteen minutes before Ingrid and Dr. Carnassi returned. She shut off the machines and removed the dildos slowly.

"Gentlemen, I hope you enjoyed that experience, "Dr. Carnassi said, `It was only preparation for tomorrows activities. Now to keep everything in shape, we will be inserting a medium-sized butt plug into each of you. Do not remove this plug for any reason whatsoever, until you are told to do so tomorrow morning. If you chose to have some sexual adventures tonight or before breakfast tomorrow, keep it oral, do not remove the butt plug."

Ingrid lubed each one and inserted it. Mine was big enough that it caused some discomfort going in, but then it was a pleasant stimulus to my prostate once it was seated in place, so I didn't complain at all. She inserted Joey's as well, which he received with a grunt.

Then she and Dr. Carnassi removed our bonds and we were free to stand for the first time in what felt like forever, but was in reality about two hours. We stood there, rubbing our wrists and moving our legs, trying to get our balance. Our robes were gone from the hooks where he had left them so we were naked as Ingrid led us back to our bedrooms where we found clean towels, but no clothes. "It will be good for you to be nude tonight," she said as she closed the door. There was an extra click that told us that we were locked in until breakfast tomorrow whenever that was.

Joey reached behind me and put his finger on my butt plug and wiggled it about. "How does that feel?" he asked.

"Pretty good," I replied.

"Yeah, I noticed that it feels pretty good to walk with that thing in place. But I can tell you now, there is no way I'm wearing that thing all night."

"But the doctor said don't remove it, " I protested.

"Who's going to fucking know?" he asked. He waved his hand around toward the ceiling and said, "Look, there's no video cameras or anything! I say screw them, I'm going to get a good night's sleep and that doesn't involve having this thing up my ass all night."

He went into the bathroom, bent over, and pulled it out and putting it on the counter top. It was clean as a whistle, but it didn't seem right to put it where we might lay our toothbrushes.

He looked to me and said, "get yours out, and we'll do a little mutual fucking before bed time, he said with a smile.

"No, I think I will play by the rules. And besides, after that dildo I had, I don't think I would be up for much fucking tonight. "

"Candy ass. Chicken" Joey seemed to enjoy taunting me.

Not two full minutes after Joey had pulled the butt plug out, the door opened with a bang, and it was Bubba and Cedric, dressed in sweat pants and tank tops. "Somebody has been disobedient in here," Bubba said.

Joey looked at them with a question on this face, and said, "What?"

"You" Bubba said, pointing at Joey and then at the butt plug, "You have disobeyed Dr. Carnassi strict order not to remove your butt plug. You have to be punished."

"What kind of bullshit it this?" Joey asked. "Nobody said anything about punishment."

They stepped quickly forward and each took Joey by an arm. When he resisted, they each took a leg and began to walk out with him, struggling all the way. Bubba turned and looked at me and said, "You follow us, little man."

I followed them as they took Joey back to the laboratory where we had been. They went straight to the swing. Cedric held Joey in a tight grip while Bubba got it ready they began to strap Joey in as he kicked and fought and cursed them all the way.

"White boy," Bubba said, " You have disobeyed Dr. Carnassi's orders. You will be punished for this disobedience."

It was apparent that I had seen a video of this punishment before, now I was going to see it real life.

Cedric took me over to my chair and strapped me in, then turned me so that I could see Joey lying there on his back strapped helplessly into the swing. Bubba pushed it lightly so that it swung back and forth with Joey suspended in mid air.

Next: Chapter 6

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