Dr Carnassis Adventures

By Less Ismore

Published on Nov 24, 2002


CHAPTER SEVEN -- An adventure with Dr. Carnassi and Ingrid

I'm not accustomed to sleeping in a room with no windows, so I wasn't sure if I was awake because my bladder was full or it was the right time to be waking up anyway. Either way, I had to relieve my self. Joey was asleep beside me in a fetal ball.

As I rose to go to the bathroom, I became aware of the butt plug still in my ass and was also reminded of how sore my ass really was. I walked like an old man shuffling from foot to foot slowly.

I tried to be as quiet as possible but the commode was one of those air assisted water savers and sounded like an explosion when it flushes. Joey awoke with a start. He stumbled into the bathroom and returned minutes later and flopped back in bed.

It was a real nuisance having no clothes. I love to go around the house nude, but that's by choice and this was forced upon us. I was not my choice.

"Thanks for being so kind last night," Joey said, "I'm sorry I was so emotional, but I've never been treated like that and I was in a rare state."

"Don't even mention it," I said, because, frankly, I really did wish he wouldn't mentioned it. I've never seen anyone so completely devoid of control before. I never hope to again.

"What do you think they are going to do to us today?"

That was the same question I had gone to sleep with the night before. What more could they do.

"I don't know, I said, "What more could they do?"

"Well I know one thing, I'm not giving them any reason to put me back in that damned swing chair, I don't care what I have to do." Joey assured me. He sat up to get out of bed and winced as his butt cheeks hit the mattress. He rose slowly, too, and started complaining about how sore his ass was.

Well, let's see, " I began, ticking each point off on my fingers " They've taken away our clothes, our dignity, made us defecate and urinate in the same room with each other and two strangers, beat you into submission and scared me into submission by doing that. So now what else can they do? There can't be much left. " And I was out of fingers.

We would soon see. There was a knock on our door, and I said, "Come in." After a slight pause, the door opened and Bubba asked, "Are you gentlemen ready for breakfast?" It was as though the punishment session had never happened. Bubba was dressed in his all black chauffeur's outfit minus the jacket, looking very professional.

I walked through the door and Bubba stepped aside, following us into the dining room where we had eaten dinner the evening before. But unlike the Japanese setting from the night before, everything had changed; there were cold ceramic tile floors, harsh fluorescent lighting, and a stainless steel picnic type table with attached stainless steel benches.

Breakfast was fresh fruits, plain yogurt and orange juice, but this time the real thing. I tried the yogurt, then put some blue berries in mine, stirred them in and started eating. Joey ate his fruit neat, and sipped the orange juice before tossing it down and pouring some more from the pitcher.

When I poured my second glass, I tasted the chemicals just as Joey did. He looked at me and shrugged and said, "Oh, well. Here goes" and tossed down a second glass. I decided if he were going to have to put up with more shenanigans from Dr. Carnassi, I might as well enjoy it and get as buzzed as I could and I tossed down a second glass of the doctored juice. Joey followed me in that one.

It wasn't long before Cedric entered the small dining room and said, "If you gentlemen are finished, you might want to go to your room to brush up before starting this morning's adventure. He too was back in his white waiter's coat and competent service person role.

We brushed our teeth and commented on the rush we were feeling. Joey said he was getting a little wood, but refused to look down, "I don't want to encourage anything I might get ridiculed for."

There was a soft knock on the door, I opened it and saw Ingrid standing there in her white nurse's jacket and pants. "It's time for our morning's adventure," she said, looking down towards my crotch where my penis was starting to become engorged. "right this way."

We went back into the "laboratory" where our chairs on the benches stood all shining and smelling of Windex or something like it. "If you gentlemen will take a seat, we'll soon get started."

I sat down and Ingrid began to strap me in. "Is that going to be necessary?" I asked

"Probably not, but it's just policy," she said as she secured first my legs and then wrists.

Dr. Carnassi burst into the room with a cheery "Good Morning!" directed at no one in particular, then fixed his gaze on Joey and said, "I hear we had a little episode of disobedience last night. I hope the behavior correction was successful."

Joey glared at him but said nothing.

"Was it successful, Mr. Joey?" Carnassi asked more firmly.

"Yeah, I guess." Joey said, "My ass sure does hurt where your goon, I mean, Mr. Bubba beat me."

"If you have any doubts, Mr. Joey, we can always repeat the treatment. Now why don't you try answering my question, again?

"Yes, sir, Dr. Carnassi, it was very successful." Joey said with feigned enthusiasm. It was evident that he didn't want to swing in the chair again.

"We'll start with our little cleansing routine before we get on with our adventure," Carnassi said as he began to select enema dildos from the cabinet. They both looked much larger than the ones he used last night. Ingrid was already setting up the stands while the water ran in the sink, getting to the right temperature. The lube was warming in the pans, everything looked familiar.

She turned the switches that made my chair tilt backward, when I reached a prone position, she stopped it, reached down and removed my butt plug, replacing it with the large enema dildo. Over at the sink, Carnassi was pouring something into the bags from a bottle he kept in a cabinet over the sink, and then began to fill the pitcher with water. He put a pitcher on each work table beside our chairs and stepped back while Ingrid filled the bottles, attached the tubes and drained them of air and then inserted them in the enema dildos and opened the clasps.

It felt good to feel the warm water gushing into me, it seemed to relax my ass and ease the soreness. Joey commented on the exact same feeling.

Carnassi was preparing the pitchers again over at the sink. I was wondering how many enemas would be necessary today since we had hardly eaten anything. When the first bag, about three quarts, was nearly empty, Ingrid poured the next pitcher v into it to keep it full and flowing.

I was beginning to feel awfully full and tight in my stomach area, I squirmed a little and Ingrid came over and started to rub my stomach. "You just need your tummy rubbed a little" she said, and then looked down at my dick and said, "Your big friend doesn't seem to be awake this morning." She gave my flaccid penis a couple of light strokes and that started making it grow. It was obvious she liked my penis. She may have liked me, too, but probably only because I was attached to it.

The second bag was completely empty and I was so full I was about to pop. I was looking forward to expelling all this water. When I asked Ingrid about it, she said, "This is one enema you have to hold in for a while," looking at her watch, "about twenty minutes.

There was no doubt in my mind that I couldn't hold out for twenty minutes. Joey started to complain, but seemed to think better of it.

I waited and waited. As the time passed, I not only felt warm, but more and more relaxed. At first I thought it was just the effect of lots of very warm water inside me but then I realized that Carnassi had put something in the enema and it was being absorbed into my body by my colon and I was being affected by whatever it was. My head was whirling; I was so loose I could hardly flex my arms. It was a great feeling. I wasn't dozing but I was dreaming with my eyes open, dreaming of watching Bubba pump his huge cock in and out of Joey while Cedric rammed his home in me. It felt so good just thinking about it that my dick was fully erect and twitching.

When Ingrid started the chair moving to an upright position, I jumped, startled out of my reverie by the sounds of the electric motors whirring. At full upright, she positioned me over the bucket, removed the dildo with the tongs and I Iet fly with a gush of water.

In a few minutes when I had finished, Ingrid looked down into the bucket, turned to Dr. Carnassi and said, "Clear." She checked Joey's excretion and said, "Cloudy."

"One more for Mr. Joey, we'll let Mr. Jack resume his daydreaming that seems to please him so much."

I would have been ashamed at two strangers watching me get involuntary erections, if it had not been for my drugged state. I lazed there thinking of eating Em in front of our new friends, of her first experience at double penetration; sex was all I seemed to be thinking about.

Eventually, I heard Ingrid announce "Clear." Dr. Carnassi said, "Very well, gentlemen. Sit up straight and pay attention you will be tested on this next segment of your adventure.

He tilted Joey's chair back to the prone position, Ingrid was doing mine the same way as well. It seemed to me that we had spent an awfully long period of time flat on our backs having our asses messed with since we had been here.

Ingrid came over and sat straddled on the bench. She was putting a rubber glove on that looked different from the usual hospital variety latex glove. It rolled up her arm all the way to her elbow. Once she had it on, she dipped her fingers into the bowl of lube and began to massage my ass hole. It felt great.

"How does that feel?" she asked.


"I want to be gentle, your little anus has had a lot of attention since you came in here yesterday afternoon." Now she had multiple fingers in my ass and was beginning to touch my prostate, which was making my dick twitch something fierce.

"No, no," she said, you can't have an orgasm yet, you need to wait a while, you'll be glad you did." she said.

"Now we are about to come to the difficult part," she said. She held up her hand and showed me her latex and lube covered hand, "I'm going to make my hand into a cone, like this" she demonstrated and then put it back to my ass, "and push like this, trying to make my hand as small as I can while pushing. You can cooperate if you will, I think you know how by now."

The pressure was causing a lot of pain. My ass, already thoroughly stretched before was now being stretched even more, and then the pain subsided. It took me a moment to realize that her whole hand was inside me! Oh my gosh! She had her whole hand inside me and it felt great! I felt her move her hand around. She must have made a fist.

"Did you?"

Yes, I made a fist out of my hand," she cut me off. Does it feel good?"

"Oh, yes", I sighed.

"If you like that, then you will probably like this and I felt a feathery tickling sensation.

"I'm doing what Dr. Carnassi calls `playing the violin' " she said, and demonstrated the action with her other hand.

"Now let's try something else." Having said that she began to push her arm further into my ass, heavily lubricating her arm before starting. As she pushed in she seemed to be alternately opening and closing her hand and occasionally playing the violin. I cannot begin to say how wonderful I felt. Bubba came in wheeling a full-length mirror on casters into position so that I could see that Ingrid's arm was all the way up my ass to her elbow. Then he brought another one for Joey.

"That's as far as we go." She said, and began to pull back.

"Don't," I pleaded.

"Oh, I'm not going to pull it all the way out, I'm just going to give you a little ramming action. She began to pull it back then plunge in, a constant steady motion, all the while flexing her fingers in side me.

Needless to say, my dick was tingling, my balls were cinching up. Ingrid saw the signs of ecstasy on my face, and then she did the most amazing thing, she bent down and kissed the head of my dick, then looked quickly over her shoulder to make sure Dr. Carnassi didn't see.

He was similarly ministering to Joey's ass (except for kissing the head of his dick) and he seemed to be loving it, Joey, I mean. Well Carnassi seemed to be awfully focused on his work, I think he was enjoying it, too. Seeing this, Ingrid gave my dick head another kiss and then pulled the whole head into her mouth and ran her tongue all around it. I started to buck up and down.

She removed her mouth and began to pump my dick up and down with her free hand while increasing the intensity of ramming her arm into my ass. It was the last straw; I shuddered all over and shot a load that went high into the air before landing with a plop on my stomach. My breathing was best described as gulping air. I was tingling all over and each wad of cum that my dick spit out was like a new orgasm all over again. It as the longest, most intense orgasm I had ever experienced.

Finally I began my return to normal. As I lay there with my dick slowly going soft, I realized that Ingrid still had her arm in my ass up to the elbow. I looked at her and smiled weakly.

"That was pretty good, no?" she nodded yes as she said "No."

"It was magnificent!" I answered. "I've never felt anything like that before in my life."

She smiled and said, "Good, I wanted it to be special for you."

She moved her arm a little and it stirred up a whole new wave of incredibly good sensations. "How long are you going to leave your arm in there?"

"Until Dr. Carnassi says we are through. I'll show you something good about the effects of the medications in your enema this morning. As she said that she began to wiggle her fingers and pump in and out of me again. With each pump, my dick got larger and firmer. She kept ramming me like a piston and my dick was quickly twitching again.

"Soon you will almost know what it is like when a woman has multiple orgasms." She said, her eyes twinkling.

As her fist plunged in and out of my colon, I became like putty, my breathing returning to the erratic gasps like before. Before I knew it, I was coming again, not as violently as before, and the load was definitely less, but with an intensity that seemed to build longer and last longer after the actual ejaculation.

When I came back down from that one she slowly removed her arm from my ass, and returned my chair to an upright position. After unfastening my restraints, she handed me a warm, wet towel to wipe the cum off me.

Joey was in the throes of a screaming orgasm and I didn't think I could take any more of the "laboratory" right now, so I asked if I could go to my room and Ingrid said, "I'll help you. "

When she got me in the room, she shut the door, laid me on my back, and began to diddle with my dick. Amazingly, it responded. But my head didn't.

"Ingrid, you are wonderful, and those were the two greatest orgasms of my life, but I don't think I can go anymore." I tried to smile genuinely at her.

"Of course you can" she said and took my dick into her mouth and in no less than a minute, I swear to you, she had me nearly ready to come. "That's just the right size for me. I want it inside me now" she said as she shucked off her white nurse pants and thong undies and hopped onto my dick. I looked down to see the largest set of vagina lips I have ever seen gripping my shaft. It was wonder they didn't flap when she walked.

She rode my dick, hopping up and down about ten times then began a series of squirms while sitting on my dick accompanied by little squeaks. Before she was through, I was shooting my load into her for my third orgasm in what must have been less than an hour. As I was doing this I thought of tits and realized even though I had seen the huge lips on Ingrid's pussy, I still had no idea if she had breasts at all because she had left her nurses smock top on.

"There now," she said, "Why don't you try to get some sleep." She quickly slipped back into her thong and nurse pants and quietly went out the door.

I must have dozed off, because I woke up when Joey came in. He crashed onto the bed and said, "Oh man, that was the best in my entire life. I never thought I would get off on a man sticking his hand, hell, arm, up my ass. Carnassi really knows what he's doing.

"So does Ingrid" I said.

"Yeah, I noticed that little head and hand action she gave you on the first one," he said. "But I don't think Carnassi caught on. Did you guys get it on in here, too? It does smell like pussy in here."

"Well, yeah, she actually got it up for the third time and then hopped on me and screwed herself silly. I wouldn't say that we got it on, but she got it up and got on it. "

We both laughed at that and then drifted off.

I have no idea how many hours we slept before Cedric woke us asking if we wanted anything to eat before our test. "Of course, as late as it is, you may want to just wait for dinner."

I asked for something to drink and he brought the inevitable pitcher of orange juice and two glasses. We both had a couple of glasses and then smiled as the effects began to take hold. I figured the test had something to do with what we had done this morning, but I couldn't imagine how we would be tested.

Next: Chapter 8

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