Dr Lerners Spa for Men

By Dennis

Published on Apr 20, 2023


Intended for mature readers of gay erotica this fictional work explores some of the means leading to sexual fulfillment in the mature male regardless of orientation.

Dr. Lerner's Spa Part 2

Steve and I returned to our room and found a message on the TV displayed against a screen showing the phallic candle we'd seen on the dining room table. It instructed us to remove the butt plugs and get to know each other as we saw fit. Our first training session was scheduled for 9:00 a.m.

We stripped off the scrubs and stood facing each other. "Um nice," Steve said eyeing me from head to toe.

My throat was dry on seeing his swarthy body. A moment later our arms were around each other. I tingled at the touch of his hairy chest against my smoothness. We kissed, gently at first, lips touching, our eyes meeting as hands explored naked flesh of shoulders and back. His kiss became more insistent. My lips parted as he pushed his tongue into my mouth. I received it greedily while our cocks met in swollen fullness. His hands cupped my buttocks, caressing them in ever widening circles that sent shivers through my body. Without breaking the bonding of our voracious tongues I felt his hands probe my ass crack and grip the protruding base of the butt plug. He twisted it slowly, as if uncorking a bottle of wine. My prostate twinged as he withdrew the plug. I gasped as the tip was released from its anal prison and my sphincter muscle snapped shut.

"You can do mine," he whispered in my ear.

As our lips met again I reached behind him and found my way past his firm buttocks to the implanted butt plug. The wide end of the plug, which was larger than mine, met resistance at his clamped anal ring. He spread his legs slightly and groaned: "Pull it."

His sphincter fought to contain its prisoner until he forced it to relax while I gave a mighty pull. It was expelled like a missile. He groaned in relief. Then with a wicked grin he spun me around and said: "Hey, Danny boy, it's time we got to bed. My candle's dripping and needs attention."

His swollen knob was like a rose unfolding from its hooded covering moist with droplets of precum. I dropped to my knees and, holding his hairy thighs, licked at the sweet nectar. As I lowered my mouth onto his dick his musky fragrance drove me crazy. Whatever inhibitions had held me prisoner of my own doing were now subdued by the intoxicating male pheronome. I lunged downward until my nose was buried in his pubic jungle.

"Ooh, easy," he crooned pushing my head away. "This is too good to do in a hurry. Let's get in bed."

"Sorry," I said grinning with embarrassment as I followed him onto the bed. "Don't know what got into me. You turned me on like a horny teenager."

"They say life begins at forty," he laughed. "Guess that makes us both teenagers. Now on your back, Danny boy," he continued. "I got some exploring to do."

Flipping me on my back he straddled my legs and held my arms against the bed. I must admit to liking his taking control like that. I looked up at his torso, pausing at the pink nipple peeking through a hairy jungle, and saw a face that was not only rugged but revealed a tenderness I hadn't recognized before…as if something he'd kept hidden was now reaching the first light of day. He released my arms and began tracing his fingers over my abdomen and midsection. Although his finger tips were calloused from hard work his touch was like the finest grit sandpaper as he polished my nipples, which previously I'd never considered what Dr. Lerner would classify as erogenous zones. He placed a finger in his mouth, wet it, then rubbed each nip in turn. I closed my eyes and inhaled the deliciousness of the moment, not wanting it to ever stop. Incredibly I reached yet another height of ecstasy when he sucked at them like a honeybee, his tongue unleashing goose bumps of delight.

I pulled his head away as my heart pounded in my chest. Every nerve in my body was alive with sensation I didn't believe possible. When I opened my eyes again his face was before me…the blueness of his eyes, the rusty stubble, and the smile that told me more than any words could. In a second we were united in a kiss that rebuilt the urgency of our foreplay. It was so intense that we had to pause to catch our breath, enjoying the interruption before continuing.

There was one trick I found, quite by accident, that seemed to drive him into the same frenzy that I'd experienced earlier. After another round of kissing I licked his cheek, nibbling my way through his beard stubble until I reached an ear lobe. With a puff of breath I tongue fucked his ear. He shivered and squirmed, groaning in ecstasy as I probed a newfound g spot. When he could take it no longer he broke away and sat up, his face and chest drenched in sweat . "God, that was good," he said catching his breath. "Where'd you learn to do that?"


"Just doing what comes naturally," I said with a grin.

He then got off me, went to the foot of the bed and spread my legs apart. As if attempting to find my own yet-to-be-discovered g spot he began with my feet…flicking the soles ever so lightly with his tongue before sucking the big toes in turn and slowly working his way upward until reaching my ball sack. As he did so his chest hair brushed against my legs sending shivers of delight through my body. He tongued his way further, pausing only to suck each ball into his mouth before reaching my cock shaft. Grabbing my balls in one hand he held my cock at a right angle to my body with the other, then flicked his tongue around the head. "Ah," he said as a drop of precum appeared in the opening. "I got to taste that."

I could do no more than sigh as I watched my cock sink into his mouth. With his hands gripping my shaft and balls I felt entirely in his control again and hoped to reward him with the semen I felt churning in my balls. As I arched my hips to his sucking I felt his cock grinding between my clenched legs. I wanted it so very much. Pushing his head from my penis I maneuvered around so that we were in a classic 69 position. He took the hint and stretched out along side of me. I was again overwhelmed by his musky scent as I tongued into his foreskin and tasted its nectar. He pulled my buttocks so that my entire dick was embedded in his mouth. Sliding his foreskin back I flicked my tongue over his frenulum, causing him to fuck my mouth with increasing intensity. I think we both felt the moment of impending orgasm as our balls tightened. All at once his semen exploded at the back of my mouth, but not so far back as to be beyond the taste buds. It had a nutty, almost yeasty, flavor. I gulped down several spurts before easing back to savor the last trickle that oozed from his slit.

He looked up at me with a glob of semen dribbling from his lips. "Come here," he said turning me around for a kiss. For the first time I sampled my own cum, still fresh on his tongue, while the flavor of his cum lingered in my mouth. We stretched out and stared at the mirrored ceiling, my arm reaching over to his chest and his leg draped over mine. The light was dim and the image a convolution of shadows as in an impressionist painting. Neither of us moved. Neither of us spoke. No need to. Our communication…or should I say our'bonding'…spoke more than words. We fell asleep that way.

The TV screen flashed a wakeup call at 7:30 a.m. announcing the day's activities. We were both sporting morning hardons as we stretched languidly after one of the best night's sleep ever. I ran my fingers over his hairy forearm and reached for his hand. Without saying a word he grasped it. The ceiling mirror showed an image of two contented guys with full erections.

"I'd like to take a pic of that," Steve said before sitting up and stretching his arms overhead.

"Me too," I replied reaching between his legs to grab his cock.

"You some kind of sex maniac?" he said with a grin.

"All your fault," I admitted without any embarrassment. "Last night was great. I'm ready for a repeat performance."

"You horny bastard," he said tosseling my hair. "Let's take a pee and hit the shower. And don't drop the soap!"

After showering we donned fresh scrubs and joined the others for breakfast. The atmosphere was one of comaraderie that seemed to have developed overnight. There was the laughter and playful bantering one might expect among members of a sports team…which in a sense we were. I could almost imagine us wearing T shirts inscribed: "Indoor Sports Champion." Dr. Lerner greeted us but didn't stay, explaining that he was going to meet the plane of our last member and that Jose would conduct our first training session.

"Okay guys," Jose announced as Manual began clearing the table.

"I'll give you an hour to digest your breakfast and take a crap…and don't forget to finish with a douch and the next larger size plug. We'll meet in the training room at ten o'clock for the first stretching session."

It seemed to me that Jose was acting more like a drill sergeant than as the accommodating assistant who greeted us on our arrival. But this, as I was to learn, was part of the training, and like recruits in the army we were not to question our mentor. Feeling like a young boy about to experience his first ejaculation, I was determined to follow orders and endure whatever hazards lie ahead in the "training" routines that Steve had been so evasive about.

Back in the room I found the bidet and its douching nozzle less menacing than the day before. In fact I'll admit to taking pleasure in easing down on the phallic shaped nozzle. As its cleansing solution swirled through my rectum I thought about Steve cumming in my ass. I dutifully took a larger butt plug from the drawer, lubed it and inserted it without too much difficulty. The feeling was nice, as if it belonged there.

While Steve was finishing in the bathroom there was a knock at the door. Manuel entered. Wearing only a white thong that barely contained his package, he handed me a small plastic bag and said: "Wear these to the training session. Nothing else." With that he turned and left. I noticed that he had several other bags and was no doubt on his was to deliver them.

"Who was that?" Steve asked coming from the bathroom buck naked.

"Manuel," I said opening the bag. Inside were two thongs - one green, the other blue. " He said we're to wear these to the training session….and nothing else."

"Hot damn!" he exclaimed. "Now we get a chance to see some eye candy. Bet some of the guys got more to show than that Jose stud."

"Can't wait to find out," I grinned as I slipped into the thong.

He let out a whistle as he gave me the once over. "Jeez you look sexy!"

I don't remember anyone ever having whistled at my body but reveled at the compliment.

He pulled the blue thong over his legs and adjusted his balls, making room for his penis to fold downward and under, creating a bulge the size of a grapefruit. Since Manuel said to wear nothing else we went barefoot and thusly attired down the hall, joined along the way by the three other recruits.

John, the oldest was from Florida and in fairly decent shape for a man of seventy-something. He still had a head of very white hair and a pelt of the same on his chest and abdomen. Very pink nipples peeked through the shrubbery like brake lights in a fog, contrasting with his well tanned body. From the outline of his glans in the thong I assumed he was uncut.

Tom, who hailed from California, was tall and thin. I'd estimate his age as mid-forties. Although balding his brown/gray hair was buzz cut and he sported a two-day beard stubble that enhanced his masculinity. Except for a thin line of darker hair that seemed to point arrow-like to his thong his body was smooth.

Ric, the guy from Venezuela, mentioned earlier, can best be described as a Latin hunk (and well aware of his good looks it seemed.) His muscles were well defined although without the exaggeration of a gym rat, but his sexiest features were his eyes, the beautiful hourglass pattern of black hair on his chest, and his bubble buns. I suspected he was a model, actor or gigolo….maybe all of the above.

The five of us parading through the courtyard in our bulging thongs would have made an incredible sight even at a nudist camp. Being in uniform, however, - if you could call it that - gave what I think we all felt was a spirit of teamsmenship. . Only Ric and Steve wore the blue thongs for which we all aspired. A circular swimming pool, which included a splashing fountain, was rimmed with lounge chairs. A palm shaded bar was set up behind it near a low roofed windowless building with Dr. Lerner's nameplate on the door. Jose was sitting on a bar stool smoking a cigarette as we approached. He wore a white thong identical to Manuel's and sat with legs spread apart…no doubt to capture our attention.

"Buenos dias, gentlemen," he said as he snuffed out the cigarette. "Come inside and I'll explain this morning's procedure."

A wave of cool air greeted us as we entered. There were five massage tables with cock holes arranged in a semi-circle around a desk on which was a box of latex gloves and what appeared to be surgical instruments. A projection TV screen was at the far end of the room.

"Take seats on the tables," he continued. "You'll view a training film about sounds and catheters, but today's procedure will only be about sounds. Now don't worry," he said grinning as he picked up a polished metal instrument the size and length of a pencil. "You're gonna stretch your pee hole by inserting one of these sounds."

Tom, the California guy, raised his hand schoolboylike and asked: "Won't that hurt?"

"First time maybe," Jose replied. "But you know the rule…no pain, no gain."

Steve volunteered to put him at ease, saying: "I was scared shitless the first time too. The first inch is the hardest. After that your dick will gobble it up and beg for more."

"Something like that," Jose added .

John, the silver fox, broke in: "May I ask the purpose of this? I've been around longer than most of you guys and thought dick stuffing was some kind of sick fetish."

"Like all things, it can be done to excess," Jose explained. "But that's not our purpose. "You all know how good it feels when you masturbate ,have someone suck your cock or stick it up an ass. It's stimulated from the outside. It's also possible to stim it from the inside. It takes practice, which is why we're here. Anyone who's afraid to try can be excused. We won't hold it against you."

John lowered his head, hesitated for a moment , and then looked up and said: "OK. I'm with you."

Jose dimmed the lights and started the video. Dr. Lerner appeared on the screen and gave some background information along with slides showing the various procedures. He explained that in the days before antibiotics physicians used sounds (dutifully named after their inventors, Drs. Hegel and VanBuren) to clean out urethral and bladder infections caused by venereal diseases. It was also found that the insertion of a sound into the healthy urethra caused intensely erotic sensations. A similar effect can be achieved with a catheter inserted all the way into the bladder. This, he warned, could be dangerous if not done under sterile conditions. " The ignorant often abuse the procedure by inserting foreign objects such as a toothbrush handle, pen or rubber fishing lures - all of which might prove toxic." He concluded with the assurance that the training we were about to undergo was safe and that any initial discomfort would soon be rewarded with enhanced stimulation.

After the lights went back on Jose instructed us to remove our thongs and lie back on the massage tables. He then went to each of us and inspected our pee slits. When he came to Tom he flicked his thumb over the tiny opening and said: "I can understand your concern. You got a pretty long dick but a very small slit. No problem. I'll start with something different…but later."

After finishing the exams he went to the table and put on a pair of latex gloves . . He then took a large hypodermic needle fitted with a plastic tip the diameter of a pencil and filled it with lube from what looked like a toothpaste tube. He began with John, our most senior member, holding his penis just behind the glans with one hand as he inserted the syringe tip into the slit with the other. As he pushed on the plunger John moaned in contentment as the lube filled his urethra. "Ooh, that feels nice," he said.

Jose withdrew the syringe and told him to squeeze just below the glans head to keep the lube from backflowing. He then repeated the procedure on the rest of us. Our lube filled urethras bulged from the pressure as all five cocks began to harden. "I'll start with you experienced guys first," he said to Steve and Ric as he handed them stainless steel sounds about nine inches long and slightly thicker than a pencil. He instructed them to insert the sound no more than an inch to stretch the constricting muscle guarding the entrance. Then, holding their cocks perpendicular to their bodies they were to allow the sound to sink into the urethra by its own gravity. I watched as Steve's sound slowly disappeared into his penis until only two inches protruded from the head.

"Ooh yeah, " he moaned. "Feels good."

"Sure does," Ric agreed as his sound was swallowed in like manner.

The rest of us watched in fascination, no doubt impressed by the fact that they seemed to be enjoying the procedure. Jose then explained that their sounds had reached the curve just behind the balls where the urethra curves into the prostate. "How does it feel?" he asked.

"Like a blowjob from inside," Ric crooned while rocking his cock from side to side.

"Good technique," Jose said. "You can also fuck the sound up and down."

Ric did this so we could see the path of the sound moving along the tubelike bulge on the underside of his cock. In the meantime Steve was lightly holding his cock with his fingers just below the head and riding his shaft up and down over the sound.

"Argh, can't hold it any longer!" Ric gasped as semen spilled past the sound still embedded in his pee slit. He then withdrew the sound as several more squirts followed.

Steve continued to edge until he grasped his cock at the base with one hand and pulled out the sound with the other. We watched in expectation as the veins of his shaft seemed to throb. Within seconds the pee slit erupted globs of creamy white cum like the table candle from last night.

"Muy bien, gentlemen," Jose said. "Now you other guys ready?"

I nodded and propped myself up on my elbows as he approached me with a metal sound thinner than the one Steve had taken. Even so it appeared too large to fit into my slit. "Just relax," Jose said as he twirled the tip with a slight push. "Now I want you to do the inserting. Remember the first inch is the most difficult. After that it will slide in easily."

He exaggerated. I only went in maybe 1/4 inch before it met resistance even with all the lube. I rotated it and pushed a little more. My urethra felt like it was being raped, which it actually was. But I was determined to go on. I held my breath while exerting more pressure. In spite of the pain the restricting muscle relaxed and the sound slipped in a full inch. I could see it bulging in the shaft as it descended toward the base.

"That's it," Jose encouraged. "Now put your fingers under your balls so you can feel it when it reaches the curve and hold it there. I don't want you to cum like Steve and Ric did. Lay back and hold the sound in place. It will try to slip out by itself but you must keep it there. The purpose is to stretch the urethra. The next time will be easier and pretty soon you'll be ready for a size larger."

While my cock head stung from the initial insertion the area below my balls was undergoing a sensation I'd never experienced…a combined urge to piss and cum at the same time. I held the tip of the sound in place as Jose instructed and knew if I touched my cock it would explode.

After finished the same procedure on John he went to the table and returned with a thin rubber tube the diameter of a sipping straw opened at one end. He approached Tom, who by then seemed embarrassed to be treated differently than the rest of us, and explained what he was about to do.

"This is like a catheter used in hospitals," he said, "but it's not going into your bladder." He then inserted the closed end into his pee slit. Tom winced as it met resistance. "Now you do the rest," Jose told him. "One more push and you're home free." I could see sweat dripping from his forehead as he gamely pushed the tube beyond the inch mark. Some of the lube started to oozed from his slit, but from the growing erection it was obvious that the procedure was far from painful. "Jeez I can feel it down to my balls," he said."

"Hold it there," Jose instructed while attaching a squeeze bulb to the open end of the tube. "I'm going to inflate it with air to expand your urethra. You'll feel some pressure and think you have to pee."

"Ooh yeah," Tom moaned. "Feels good."

Jose then clamped off the open end ,removed the bulb and told him to remain that way for a half hour. While Tom, John and I finished our stretching routines on the tables Steve and Ric joined Jose in jelquing exercise.

This is a traditional exercise performed by adolescent boys in middle eastern countries that supposedly lengthens the penis, thereby making them more desirable as husbands. Of course with or without jelquing an adolescent's penis is going to grow along with the rest of his body until reaching manhood. Jose, however, insisted that jelking along with pumping could actually increase penis size regardless of age. The technique consists of lubing the penis to a semi-hardon state, but not to full erection, then making an "O" shape with the thumb and forefinger of each hand. The shaft is firmly grasped by the "O" of one hand and pushed to the head, quickly followed by the "O" of the other hand in a continuous stroking of 300 reps. This forces blood into the head, which after 300 strokes (jelques) should become deep purple. I doubt that Steve needed this exercise and from last night's encounter can attest that his cock is of sufficient size by anyone's standard. After about 200 reps Jose and Ric decided to complete their routine by jelking each other. They finished with a mutual jack off , shooting their loads simultaneously.

Next: Chapter 3

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