Drama on So Many Levels

By Cherwan Baker

Published on May 6, 2006


Ok you know da drill. Under 18 please leave. If girl/girl stuff offends you, you're at the Wrong site. The author retains all rights to and title to her submitted Works. Any attempts to recopy or repost these words must have granted Permission by the author. This story is fictional, any resemblance to People/places/things/events it wasn't my intensions.

Drama on so Many Levels. By Daone Chapter 3

10 min. Shaun ya girl done lost her mind. i said looking up from my cell.

You should have told her we'd get there when we got there.

Now we gotta come up wit a way to get to my house from here wiout her seeing us cause i don't want to bring any Drama to Jasmine.

As we sat out on the back porch trying to come up with a way to get to my house. my phone rang *Bedroom boom * I answer the phone already knowing who it is.

Danielle Why did you hang up on me earlier.

T.C. you know you where tripping we can be together and my friends not know. i thought you cared so much about me then when you found out they had beef with Shaun. Oh you don't think its going to work out.

You know i can make that up to you. Later on tonight. let me cook for you sing to you tonight and make all your troubles go away.

What da fuck ever T.C. I'm going to get over there and you just gonna wanna fuck me.

Whats wrong wit that everyone needs a booty call. Naw I'm just joking don't hang up. But I'm going to call you when I get everything set up for you.

Don't try to play me cause Leila already called and said you and yo buddy aren't home. I ain't gonna lie to you i don't really care cause I know before you'd hurt me you'd let me know da drill. Keep that on ya mind but I gotta go I got another class. Love you just joking don't drop da phone.

Iight but I'm gonna hit you up later.

I filled Shaun in on the convo what i wanted her to know. I'm surprised that the twins didn't come outside to see what da deal was wit us. Then I got it.

Go as Janet to drive of around to the store and drop us off.

Man, I like how you think I'm on that.

I walked in behind Shaun and went to Jasmine's room she was on the phone. She was talking in Spanish good thing I know a lil but I didn't get everything before she said she had to go.

You didn't have to get off the phone because of me.

Who said it was cause of you. Come over here

I walked over to the bed .

What do you think about me T.C ?

What do i think about you. I think your beautiful from the talk we had your smart.

Ok so you don't think I'm just sum girl that after you get some you can just push aside when you don't want me.

Noo why would you think that i would think of you that way.

Because the way you just answered me. But know i just wanted to see what you'd say. Cause I was just talking to my consin and she was telling me about this girl she was seeing. thats all.

Oh well you don't have to worry bout that.

Just as i had the courage to kiss her. Shaun knocks on the door as you can tell she dosen't have good timing. She just popped her head in the room

Its on.

Whats on Jasmine asked

Oh your sister going to take us to the store. i quickly answered.

So we headed out the back door to the car. As we got in i couldn't help but get look at Jasmine's ass she'll make you forget all about Jlo. We chatted a lil as we went to the store. Me and Shaun got out said our good byes. We watched them get around the corner and Hauled ass down the road. We figured we had a good 5 min. We made it just as she was caling my phone. As you noticed she can't call Shaun that's the whole reason she dosent have a cell phone. Shaun ran over to her huggin and kissin' her telling her how invisible ppl cheated us at b ball.

Whats up T.C. I see you got her here in one piece Leila was saying

Damn she was lookin fine as hell today. If she wasn't wit fam shit i'd take her

Yea you know me all in a days work. i said trying not to look at her.

It's already six o'clock. I gotta that a shower get dress and go get my truck washed. After all that i had 30 min. to call Danielle to see if we were still on tonight. Just in case Jasmine wanted to come over I'd know what to say. But Danielle's phone went straight to voicemail. So i decided to show up early. I pulled in the drive way and walked to the door. *knock knock * Jasmine came to the door.

Come on we have to hurry, My cousin is here and she wants to ask you a thousand questions. She said pushing me back to the truck.

So what do you want to do first dinner or da movie.

I guess da movie.

What do you want to see

A horror movie

OK that kool

So we looked at the signs outside the movies to decide which movie we found what we thought would be a good movie. But when we got it there it was one of those low budget movies where you could tell everything was fake. After the movie we headed to Dinner. We order and as we waited we started an off the wall convo. well not really off the wall but a convo.

T.C what do you think bout girl who kiss on the first date.

What i think nothin really they what they want.

Just as i finished see got up and came around to me and we kissed it seemed like forever. But I'm not complaining. She went back to her sit.

What do you think about that

I think i would love to do more.

What do you think about girl who have sex on the first date

If this is leading were i think it leading i don't have a problem with any girl out has sex on the first date. Just as i was about to answer. * I found you miss new booty* I started not to answer but......

Are you going to answer your phone

i wasn't

It might be important.

What do you want? I answered

Is that how you talk to me now you must be with a girl. leila said.


Well i was calling to see if you could pick me up.

For what you have a car

I'm broke down out here on some back road.

Don't you have AAA ?

Oh so you trying to be funny. So you'd leave me out here to fend for myself your cold T.C.

Iight i'm coming click

Jasmine i'm really sorry to have to end our date but a friend of mine is stranded so i gotta go get her.

It's ok maybe we can finish later. with a smile on her face.

I drove Jasmine home wishing that I was droving her back to my place. As I pulled up in the drive way beside a Royal Blue BMW I could have sworn i'd seen that car before i just gave Jasmine a hug trying to hold her as long as possible. And watched her go in the house. I backed out and headed to Leila which I dreaded. Knowing we were going to be alone and I was already horny as hell. I pulled off the road behind her car and got my flash light. I walked around to the driver side and

What toke you so long the girl must be fine. leila said jumping out the car.

If you really need to know see is. What wrong with you car

I don't know if i knew that i wouldn't have called you

Yea right

so i walked are to look under the hood she comes up behind me i can feel her breast on my back shit this is going to be a long night.

Back up i can't work wit you up on me

Turn around

I turn around and see nothing but titties. Why does she tempt me.

Man leila put back on your shirt.

Why she said

as she moved closer My head is spinning I pick up her shirt of the ground and hand it to her

Are you sure you like girls cause any1 else would have laid me down.

Well i'm not any1 else And i'm not going to get wit you.

I can change that.

leila i don't have time for this im bout to go so start your car so i know your ok.

Just kiss me and then tell me you don't want me.

ok if that will get you off my back

Damn Why did I say ok shit as we kissed she started taking off my shirt. Before i knew what I was doing I was picking her up putting her on the trunk. I went from her neck to her breast. Good thing it was a back road cause all the moaning that she was doing was deafening. I cupped her breast licking the right one while playing with the other. I started teasing her like she teased me for so long. Just when I was about to go for the glory my phone rang thankfully snapping me out of the trance. * emotions make you said sometimes* Trying to calm down I Answered.

Yea what's up Jasmine

Hey T.C. I was just calling to check on you see if everything was alright.

Oh yea I'm kool everything kool I got her engine running.

oh ok well call me when you get home

iight click

I'm fucking pacing now what the fuck was I thinking.

Leila man put on your clothes this shit never should have happen

It's ok I'm not going to tell Shaun its just between us ok.

Just get in your and leave but call me so i know you got home safe.

T.C. if i knew you were going to take it like this you know I would have tried you like that.

Yea I know its on me i should have just let you say what you had to say looked at da car and left.

Just as she was about to the leave the car stalled. So we just locked the door and she got in the truck. We approached her house.

You ok right Leila asked

Yea no big deal

So you think somethings there

maybe i don't know but i'll call you

Ok bye


I thought as i rode cross town. It wasn't all that bad i just need to keep it to myself. what you know about that it was Shaun.

What's up wit Cha ?

Nothing but umm Danielle is here shes in da room just wanted to let you know before you brought someone over.

Good looking out. Tell her I'm on my why. click

i remember to call the floral Shop and ordered some flowers for tonight. As i pulled up I say the flower in the shed. I clean myself up and headed inside.

Hey baby hope you weren't waiting long.

Naw not long but waiting which i don't like to do

Well let me make it up to you I said grabbing her hand lay down

As i lay her down i was taking her clothes off. I started kissing her on her neck know that was one of her spots. Causing her to moan uncontrollably. I worked my why done to her breast. i could tell she was ready her nipple were hard and her breathing was heavy. As i sucked on her nipples. she screamed out


I gave her that smile letting her know she was going to suffer a lil while long before i pulled out my pride. I kissed my way down to her shaved pussy damn was she wet i toke my time to lick around her clit. just as she was about to whine about me not fucking her i pulled out my pride as i call it. and used her juices to lube up. when i went in she lost it she can on the first stroke. But i didn't want to end it there I always make sure to give more than five. As i was going for 10 her phone rang but I didn't let her get up to get it. i went back down to her clit when started sucking on it she started trashing and speaking in broken Spanish don't you love it when that happens. I finish up and let her fall asleep. About an hour later she wake up and when and washed up. As she was coming out the bath room she started asking me.

Do you have ne plans for tomorrow?

Naw why

I want you to met someone

Ok when

Maybe around 9 but i've to be goin i have class. how did you manage not to have weekend classes.

Ok I'm just lucky I geuss.

Call me and I mean it. she said as she walked out the door.

Sorry to have cut dis short but I need some feedback. So hit me up at csinetz@yahoo.com or daoneoftenduplacated@msn.com or just im me at either. One Love

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