Dream Called Reality

By RiCkY

Published on Oct 28, 2002


This is just a little something I'm trying out to see what I can do. Don't read if gay erotica is not in your taste. For all others, hope you like it and please feel free to email me and give me ur thoughts! :)

-- "Mr. Mandoza, could u please share with the class what you're desperately trying to share with your friend over there?" My science teacher looked over at me with annoyed eyes and just stared, waiting for my answer.

-- "No I wouldn't sir, but thanks for asking" It started off with just a few giggles here and there. But soon enough, the whole class burst into laughter at how I answered back the meanest teacher in the school. But that probably wasn't even why they laughed so much--it's probably because I don't say much out-loud. So being heard and saying something rude to a teacher was both funny and a new experience for a lot of people.

--"Ricky, grab your stuff! You're headed to the principal's office right now!" I started to regret what I said. I'm not usually like that. I'm shy.. Very shy!. But something just came over me I couldn't explain. I slowly grabbed my belongings and slowly walked out the door, looking down at the floor. No one was laughing... No one was smiling.. No one said a word. Well, there was no way in hell I was going to go to the principal's office, so I just headed home. I knew I was gonna get busted on Monday, but that seemed so far away that it didn't bother me much.

I took my time walking home. There was no rush, school was supposed to be over in 2 hours. No need to start explaining things to my parents. And explaining things is not an area I like too much. Especially knowing that one day, I'm gonna have to explain to my parents how girls don't attract me at all!. I knew I was gay for a couple years now..I'm 14 right now. I have blonde hair with streaks and bluish green eyes. I've been told I'm great looking, but I don't think so. To me, I just look like an average everyday person. Nothing special. I get a lot of notes passed to me during classes. All from girls, unfortunately. But I like reading them just to see what they think of me. Some are really cool to read while others are just plain boring. I'd probably find the boring ones cool if they came from guys! But yeah, like that's ever going to happen. Like one day, Mark Spencer is just going to pass me a love note.. Ha ha who am I kidding?

I don't know many other gay kids--only a few friends that I hang out with. There probably are tons at school, but I'm still not very comfortable with the fact of others knowing I'm gay, so I just take everyone as being straight as hell. That's why I spend a lot of my free time chatting on the net with other gay teens. In fact, I've met someone I really, really like in there. He's smart, funny, far from boring, and single! We've been talking for about a month now. His names Johnny and he's 14. He sent me a picture of himself once and let me tell you, he looked HOT!. He had these gorgeous green eyes and had his hair in spikes.

--'Holy Crap!" I said out-loud to myself. Its 4 o'clock! I've been walking around for 3 hours!. Mind you, I did sit and stop at the park, but I had no idea time passed this late. I had an appointment with Johnny to meet everyday at 4 sharp. I started to run home as fast as my teen legs would take me

I opened the door and dropped my stuff by my door as I ran to the computer. My mother was watching some soap-opera as she stopped me from trying not to be any later than I already am "Well where you running to sweety? Come over here" She smiled at me and patted on the sofa to tell me to sit down.

"No time mom. We'll talk later, promise!" I ran upstairs to my room even faster this time to finally start explaining to Johnny why I'm late (why is it the more you hate something, the more you tend to have to do it?). As I opened my door and got inside, I just wanted to scream as loud as humanly possible...My brother was already on it talking to some of his friends.

"Yo, get off the computer, you know its my time!" I yelled at him. He just looked at me and laughed. "Sorry Ricky, you're late. Your time is 4 o'clock.. Not 4:20" And with that he just turned back to the screen and started typing again. I wanted to ring his neck, but he was a little bigger than me and I was kinda worried he'd beat the crap outta me. Unfortunately for me, he's my identical twin. He's about 5'5, 2 inches taller than me, with blonde hair and brown eyes. I think he's amazing looking! Funny though, he's my identical twin, except for the eye colours we're exactly the same! But I still didn't feel that great looking. As far as I know, my brother Nick is straight! He's always out on dates with the cheerleaders and posting pictures of models in his room.

I just couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him off the chair and pushed him out of my room closing the door behind him. I have no idea what has come over me today, but I'm not acting my usual self. Even my brother could tell something was up by the look on his face when I pushed him. I felt kinda bad. He's a nice guy, but at that moment, all I thought about was talking to Johnny. I signed in as my usual nickname, RiCkY (duh), and just as I thought, Johnny was a little pissed. I tried my best to explain what happened and I think in the end, he understood. Either that, or our cyber session made him forget about it. We spoke for about 2 hours that afternoon just talking about everything!.He said we'd meet soon and I was really looking forward to it. It would be the first time I actually met a gay person that I KNOW is gay (haha). As I spoke to him, I heard some sort of truck drive through my street. It may seem like nothing special to you, but on my street, you're lucky if a car passes through the whole day! I looked out the window and noticed that the truck stopped at the house across the street from me. I thought for a minute, then remembered that it had been sold. One of my best friends used to live there. We did EVERYTHING together. Including losing our virginity together. So it was very tough seeing him go. But we still keep in touch so its not all that bad.

A few days had passed and it seemed like the new family had settled in. Being the shy one that I am, I didn't welcome them to the neighbourhood. My parents did, being the good Samaritans that they are, but I refused to go. I was just too chicken-shit. I mean, how about if they had a kid? One my age? It would be cool, but he or she would have to make the first attempt to start a conversations because it was just not going to happen with me. When they came back from their 'visitation', I had questions!

"So, how are they?" I asked with curiosity. I wasn't really that interested in how they are. My main curiosity was based around whether they had a kid, preferably a boy, but I figured I'd ask something else first without sounding weird.

"They're very, very nice people Ricky. You should have gone to meet them" Was my mothers answer. My father nodded at my mothers response and smiled a little.

"I was kinda busy. So....umm...they childless?" I said trying to sound as uninterested as possible. But I'm sure my parents could see right through me.

"...childless?" My mother said pretending she didn't know what the hell I was talking about. She was good at it, being a blonde and all.

"Kids!? Do they have kids!?" I said very impatiently. My parents just looked at me strangely and told me that if I wanted to know, I should just go over myself and be polite. But I wasn't going over. No way in hell. Just then my brother came through the door all in smiles and giggles. "What's up with you?" I asked him giving him a weird look.

" Oh...haha..the new kid..he's so cool! He just turned 15 last week and he showed me all the cool stuff he got for his birthday from his parents. I tell ya, they must be loaded!" His smile covered his whole face. It looked as if he had just lost his virginity. But I knew very well that he lost it looong ago!. But that's a whole other story. "Mom, I told him he can come over tomorrow, is it ok?" He said it as though he knew she wasn't going to say no, but figured he should ask anyway. I could tell because he didn't even give mom a chance to answer. He just ran to his room and shut the door as she was about to open her mouth. I didn't even bother with what my bro was giggling about. All that mattered was that there was a kid living across the street and he's coming over tomorrow!. Oh my god! What if he doesn't like me as much as my brother? What if he's beautiful? What if he's gay? What if I fall in love with him? God, I'm horny!.. But I guess I'll find everything out tomorrow.....

Hope you like it so far. Hoping to be much more to come depending on how you guyz liked it so keep those emails comin' :)

Next: Chapter 2

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