Dream Called Reality

By RiCkY

Published on Nov 4, 2002


School hasn't been that bad so far...considering I flunked a chemistry test, totally forgot about an essay paper to do that's worth 15% of our grade and spilt my pepsi all over my jeans. Other than that though, it's been an average day. But I just can't get that new kid out of my mind. Just thinking about his beautiful green eyes and sexy blonde hair on a body that I would give my life to have, was making me hard! I tried hard not to let friends around me notice; There's nothing worse than being caught with a boner...for me anyway. I've always had a phobia of being caught doing something with my lil buddy that scared the hell out of me sometimes. That's why I tried to be careful whenever I got the urge to pull my rod....all 5 inches of it baby! Haha..ok, it may not be much, but I'm proud thank you very much :P. Who knows, I'm still 14 maybe in a couple more years it'll grow to be 9 inches! ...well I can dream can't I.

YES! Just 5 for minutes until the final bell rings to conclude another long, boring day of school. Well maybe not THAT boring. I mean, watching Mark Spencer during class was pretty fun, in a way. Well maybe not fun, but you know what I mean. He caught me a couple times looking at him, but I covered it up good by asking him for a pen or something every time. At least, I think I covered it up good. Mark's a big homophobe...he'll make fun of any gay, whether their straight acting or girlies. As long as they suck cock, their good old prey for Marky. When the bell finally rang, I stopped at my locker to grab my jacket. As I finally got the combination to my lock right, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around and got a welcoming smile from a familiar face.

"Hi Ricky, how are you?" It said

"Oh, Hey Jamie.. I'm pretty good thx." I said smiling at her as she stood there infront of me with a cute look. She's a pretty nice girl..a very nice girl actually. But I felt bad for her. You see, she's madly in love with a guy, and that guy pretends to love her, but in reality he wants nothing to do with her. Who's that guy you ask? None other than my best friend Kial. He started going out with her a few months ago to try and cover up his gay side. He never liked her..barely has any feelings for her, but the poor chick thinks he's head over heels. It's the same story with Derek. His 'girl' is Katie. Does he care for her? Nope..just cover-up. When they first started doing it, I, myself, thought it was a good idea. But after really getting to know these girls, especially Jamie, I started to have doubts about the whole thing.

"Have u seen Kial by any chance? I've been looking for him all day!" She sounded almost worried for him. Just by the way she spoke about him, you could sense how much she cared for the guy.

"Umm..no actually. I haven't seen him either." I lied. I saw him at lunch for a couple minutes. He said that he and Derek were gonna ditch the rest of the day and just hang out together. But I knew very well they weren't JUST gonna hang out..haha.

"Oh..ok then. Take care Ricky." She gave me a final smile and walked off. As she walked, I watched how feminine she was. The way she swayed that butt of her's side to side. Those nice long legs walk on in front of the other. That voluptuous chest of hers bouncing slightly up and down. Did it turn me on? HA HA not even close.

I finally grabbed what I needed from the locker and locked it up. Walking home, my mind started wondering again. Many thoughts came to mind. Simple things at first....but then they got more intense. Taking step after step on the sidewalk, I just couldn't get that cute new kid out of my mind. He was just too beautiful to forget. It was all innocent at first....but then I imagined him bare-chested as he licked his lips in the sexiest way possible. Then I noticed something. Something that made me turn red as a pepper the second I figured out what it was. I was hard! Hard! Outside! I tried hard to control it, but it just wouldn't go down. I had no other choice .I was gonna drop my stuff and go behind a bush and wank. Besides, I couldn't keep walking with a bulge in my pants now could I? I looked to see if the coast was clear, it was! Well no surprise.. Its my abandoned street remember. I unzipped my fly and released my nice, smooth, hard....damn! When you don't want it to go down... It springs up. When you want it up..well it should still spring up! But it was dumb of me to think I'd be able to masturbate in public. I'm to shy for that type of thing. Disappointed in a way, I started off home again.

I opened the door and was greeted by my mother watching her soap-opera again. This time though, I wasn't late. It was only 3:30, so I figured I'd keep my promise and have a little talk with the woman. She asked me lots of questions...like how school was...how I did on my last test..whether I had a girlfriend or not. I was fine answering the questions, until it got to that one about the girlfriend. I knew for a long time I was more attracted to guys ( I like girls too, I guess. Here's the deal.. I find younger boys much more attractive than younger girls. But I find older women much more attractive than older men...haha...go figure). I told my mom that I had my eye on a girl, but nothing serious. That made her smile. ]

Before I knew it, it was 3:59 and I had an appointment to get to. I kissed my mom and the cheek and walked to my bedroom to the computer. Thankfully this time, my brother wasn't already occupying it so I was able to log in on time. As soon as I got on, there he was. One of the coolest guys I've ever got a chance to talk to. It seemed no matter how long we spoke, we always came up with new topics to talk about. It was never boring taking to this guy! As we spoke, I would continuously look at his picture. God, he was good looking. But I was beginning to compare him and the new kid. There was competition, let me tell you! It seemed though that I liked Johnny a lot more for who he was though. It didn't matter whether Andy was better looking than he. Well, in a way maybe, but I don't even know Andy. And yes, I'll admit it, Andy is better looking...sigh. Thinking about Andy, and reading the sweet things Johnny was typing, made me hard again in no time!. Trying not to sound too perverted, I started making little advances to him to try and get him to start cybering. At first, he didn't get it. But soon enough, he caught on!. I pulled out my now nice...smooth....and HARD dick and slowly started to pull on it. Slowly at first as he typed sweet little things, but when he started getting to the good parts about taking me whole and licking me all over, I went faster and more aggressively. After maybe 10 minutes.. I was ready...I was gonna explode!! I moaned softly as I pulled on my dick for the last time as my sweet juic.....

"...so this is my room" Nick said opening the bedroom door. There I was....Ricky Mandoza with my dick in my hand and spitting out the last drops of cum from my dick. I didn't know what to do....let alone say! Neither did Nick as I saw his eyes widen out of surprise. And there, standing just as surprised as both me and Nick, was ANDY! Could it get any more embarrassing!?!?

"Umm...bad time?" Nick asked still kinda shocked. He knew I do it. I knew he did it. We both knew everyone did it. But being caught doing it is a totally different story all together. I quickly put my dick back in my pants and stood up. I was red....Oh boy I was red!

"Um..well.. Um.. You see.." It was no use. I couldn't come up with an excuse. There was no excuse. I was trapped...with nothing to say, and a cute guy staring at me. Nick got the idea and started walking out. Andy walked out behind Nick. I'm not sure or anything....but I THINK I saw him give me a little wink. It was either a wink...or he has his eyes widened for so long he needed to blink. But at that point, I needed something to be at least a LITTLE happy about....OH GOD WHAT A DAY!

I stuck my dick back in my pants and told Johnny I'd talk to him tomorrow. I shut the computer and nervously walked out of my room. At that point, I wasn't sure whether I should just go up to them and talk like nothing happened or just leave the house and not face the embarrassment. After a couple minutes of debating with myself, I decided to just go for it.... I was going to just go up to them and act cool. I took a deep breath and started towards the living room where I heard the PlayStation 2 on the tv. Practically shaking, I sat on the sofa behind where both Andy and Nick were sitting cross-legged on the floor. I didn't say anything. They didn't say anything. The only noise was coming from the game they were playing on the television. It was some shooting game where you have to kill these demons to save some kidnapped girl...it's a pretty cool game. This silence was going on for about 5 whole minutes (which felt like an hour) before Nick started laughing! It wasn't for the game either because what humour is there from tearing demons up in half? Soon enough, Andy joined in! I didn't know exactly what the hell they were laughing at, but I had a pretty good idea.

"WHAT!? What's so funny!?" I asked angrily. They tried hard to look me in the eye, but it just wasn't happening. They just couldn't control themselves! I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and started walking out of the room almost on tears. If only they could feel the embarrassment I was feeling.

"No, don't go Ricky" Andy managed to say, trying to hide his giggles from showing too much. I just looked at him with almost no expression.

"Why should I stay? So you asshole's can laugh at me in my face? No thanks" Just then, my mom called Nick to help her in the garage with some stuff. He sighed and walked out the front door to the garage. I was about to leave too when Andy got up and grabbed my arm.

"I'm sorry for laughing at you. I bet you must be pretty pissed with me, huh" He asked sounding so guilty in the cutest way possible.

"No..I'm not pissed at you. It's just that it's embarrassing enough just being caught..I didn't need laughs" I stared into his gorgeous eyes, trying not to kiss him. His lips were so cute and full....I almost couldn't control myself.

" sigh Good! I didn't wanna be hated by somebody already...I mean, I just moved in for crying out loud!" We shared a little giggle and remained looking into each-others eyes. Well, atleast I remained looking into his eyes...his eyes seemed too wonder around, looking at some of the stuff we had in the house.

"Yeah well, I know how that feels" I said

"How what feels?" He seemed to forget what he had last said. But I couldn't forget anything that came out of this angel's mouth.

"Being hated by somebody so fast. It was for such a dumb reason too"

"oh? what's the reason?" His eyes now remained locked to mine as he curiously awaited the answer.

"I just made a comment that this person didn't really appreciate. It wasn't even a bad thing I said...I guess I learned late about how sensitive he was. Oh well...."

"Don't lose sleep over it... He proba.." Before he could finish, Nick came back in the house. Andy quickly moved away from me as if he was too close to me or something. I didn't pay much attention to it really...I was wondering more about whether my twin had forgotten the whole ordeal of laughing or not. Surprisingly, he did. He just smiled as he passed me and took the controller back in his hand to kill some more demons. I sighed happily and walked back to the sofa.

They continued playing for another couple hours until it was time for Andy to get going. He seemed pretty disappointed to go, but he started getting up and putting on his sneakers. I don't exactly know what it was..but there was this pain inside me that couldn't watch him go. The pain was getting stronger and stronger as he began putting on his jacket. I had to do something!

"Mom...would it be okay if Andy stays over tonight? I asked desperately. She better say yes or I'll just break down and cry watching him leave. She didn't hear me at first...so I asked a bit louder.

"Oh.. umm.. sure honey, why not" she replied smiling at Andy. That's when I realized I forgot to ask him if he even wanted to stay. Good goin' Ricky! High 5! But he seemed pretty excited actually. That beautiful smile covered his face as he called his mother to ask if it was okay. When he put the phone down, I knew his mom had said yes from his cute smile. WOOHOO!! I, myself, had a huge smile on my face. I looked like I had just won the lottery or something! I figured I better calm myself down or people might suspect something. I mean, Nick didn't seem excited about him staying the night. He was happy, sure.. but not ecstatic like me.

We ordered some pizza for dinner and decided to rent a movie to pass the night. It was a Friday night so we could stay up as long as we want =). We chose a horror movie...but if you knew me, you'd know horror movies are all I watch. Whenever I walk into the movie rental store, the girl at the front desk was sure to show me the new arrivals since I've seen all the other horror movies they have in there.

We got comfortable on the sofa and pulled a blanket over top of us. The movie wasn't scary at all! It's was pretty stupid actually...but everyone else seemed to be scared shitless. It's probably because I watch horror movies so often, they don't bother me anymore. I looked around the room and noticed Nick biting his nails. When he does that, he's nervous about something. I just smiled at him and looked to see how Andy was dealing with his nervousness. He had his eyes wide open with suspense. He looked oh so gowdam cute! His green eyes shined from the reflection of the television that just made his face look like a million dollars. I almost wished Nick wasn't in the room so I could just rape Andy right then and there....but I knew I wasn't capable of making the first move. I sighed softly to myself and continued to finish the movie. When it was finally over (30 minutes later) , I sighed from relief.

"That movie...sucked!" I said out of pure disgust. I looked over at the guys and they had no expression on their faces. They just kept staring at the television screen as the movie credits came up. "Umm.. guys?"

"Huh?.. oh.. yeah totally stupid.." Nick agreed. But I saw right through him. I started to giggle uncontrollably and through a pillow I was using at him.

"HEY!" Nick said laughing as he grabbed the pillow and started hitting me with it. Andy joined in himself and we started a big pillow fight! We were all laughing like madmen as feathers from the pillows started flying all over the place. That's when my mother yelled at us to quiet down since my parents went to bed. We stopped while still laughing and then noticed the mess we made. We looked over at each-other almost has if trying to decide who should clean up. We sighed at loud and got down on our knees to pick up the feathers that we'd let fly all over. In all other situations, cleaning up would be like work. But with Andy there...it was actually fun. Especially looking at his cute butt as he was on his knees..haha.

We brushed our teeth and got ready for bed. Andy would be sleeping in our room that night in a sleeping bag between our beds. I offered up my bed, but he refused. I really wanted to ask him if he wanted to share the bed since it was big enough, but I figured that would probably be pushing it. Nick was out in about 5 minutes... he must have been tired out. Andy was still awake moving his eyes around the room and I, obviously, kept my eye on him =).

"oh Ricky.. you awake?" He asked

"yeh" I answered back.

"That questions you asked yesterday....you know when I ran back home.. my answers no"

"no what?" I pretended I didn't know what he was talking about. But I knew very well what he was answering to. And I was happy!

"I don't..um.. have a girlfriend. I never have" He said. It almost seemed as though he was trying his hardest to get that out.

"oh.. well neither do I.. and neither have I" I smiled back at him and he smiled at me. Problem is, it still didn't mean he was gay. How could I find out? I'm not one to just ask.... I fought with myself so hard to just ask. What harm could it do? It's just curiosity right? I took a deep breath. I could feel my blood rising..my heart speeding up..a little sweat drip from my forehead. But this was my only opportunity. That's it.. I'm going for the kill...!

"Are you....I mean..do you think you might be.. what I'm tryin to say is.. " It just wouldn't come out. I wanted to give up, but something inside me forced me to try again. I decided I would and tried to ask faster this time. I took a breathe again "Andy, are you gay?" Oh my god, I did it. I smiled to myself and waited for Andy to answer. I stood there...maybe for about a minute now..nothing came out of that guys mouth. I figured he was probably thinking of an excuse, but running back home wasn't going to work this time. "Um.. Andy?" I called out to him. He had his back turned away from me so I couldn't see any expression on his face. I softly tapped him on the shoulder and called out his name again.

"SnOrE!" I practically jumped from the bed...He scared the crap outta me! Great.. just great! I finally build-up the courage to ask him a big question and he falls asleep on me. I sighed and laid my head on the pillow. Tomorrow's another day I guess.....

Next: Chapter 4

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