Dream Called Reality

By RiCkY

Published on Nov 9, 2002


Well here it is... the 4th chapter =) Hope ya like it...

That night, I wasn't having much trouble sleeping at all. I felt happy..comfortable...warm. I swear, I could have slept through the entire night and not wake up until noon the next morning. But I couldn't. Someone or something was trying to take me away from my restful state and I could feel myself slowly and slowly coming back to the real world.

"Ricky....hey Ricky, you awake?" The voice called. It was a familiar voice...an amazing voice actually. When I finally got my senses back, I realized it was Andy. Andy was trying to wake me up in the middle of the night.. but why?

"..well, I am now.." I answered with the biggest smile a half-awake person can possible give. I stared at his beautiful eyes as they were brightened by the light of the moon in the middle of the night. He hesitated for a minute, then finally decided to tell me what was on his mind.

"ummm.... well.." I could tell he was struggling hard, but he just couldn't get the words out of his mouth. I was just about to help him out, when I felt something touch me. When I realized what he was doing, I was shocked as hell. Andy....Andy was kissing me! I couldn't believe it! His lips..touching mine...delivering his wonderful taste. It felt amazing!. After a couple seconds (which felt more like an hour), he back away slowly, with a look of both happiness and insecurity. It took alot of risk for him to actually, without knowing whether I was gay or not, kiss me. I mean, I could barely have forced myself to ask him a question and he goes right for the kiss!

"haha what was that for?" I asked trying to sound as playful as possible. I was sooo excited at that moment, but I didn't want him to know just yet that I was attracted to him too. Not that there was anything wrong with that, but I figured I'd let him feel big and courageous for taking a chance and making the first move. I know....I'm a good guy sometimes =P

"Ricky.. I love you. I fell in love with you the first time I saw you walking to school. There's just something about you that makes me feel so helpless...so weak...so.." He tried to continue, but I put my finger on his mouth to stop him. I slowly leaned toward him and kissed those amazing lips of his as passionately as possible. We moaned as softly as possible as we tasted each-other's sweetness. As we kissed, I took off his shirt that he sleeps in, to reveal one of the greatest chest I've ever seen. And being in gym, I've seen my fair share of bare-chests. He had the cutest little pecs. I played with them with my fingers as he moaned again in true ecstasy. His slim, yet muscular stomach seemed almost too good to be true. We released our kiss as he lifted me to my feet. He then slowly took off my shirt and licked my pecs. I almost felt I was going to cum right then and there. I couldn't take it anymore...I had to do something before I squirt in my shorts. I pulled them off quickly, but smoothly enough not to interrupt our pec-sucking session and revealed my dick. I started to jack for a few seconds before he noticed what I was doing.

"Let me help ya with that.." He said going down on his knees becoming only inches away from my throbbing dick. Slowly, but surely he wrapped his lips around the shaft of my cock and started to suck on my meat. I was in heaven! This kid seemed like he was so experienced at this, it was unbelievable!. As he sucked, I felt his tongue start licking around my cock. I moaned passionately, forgetting Nick was sleeping in the bed right beside us! Thankfully for us, he was one of those people who sleep through anything, so we didn't have much to worry about.

"Ohhh yeh....mmmmm" I was close. Way too close! What he was doing to me was too much to take for long. "ok..Andy.. I'm gonna.. I'm gonna.." But he didn't stop sucking me. He kept going faster and harder. I couldn't take it much anymore. I squirt my sweet juices in his mouth as he swallowed every drop of it. I fell back on the bed , trembling as I tried to control myself. I've never felt that great before in my life!. He giggled alittle and sat on the bed with me. I lowered his shorts and released his swollen member. As I stared into his eyes, I started to jack him off. He closed his eyes and started to breath more heavy now. I knew he was enjoying it...and it made me feel good too. When I noticed his breathing got heavier and heavier, I knew he was getting close. So I started to wank harder and faster and leaned over to kiss him; that's all he needed. Squirt after squirt of boy cum landed on his chest as he moaned out-loud. I smiled at him and starting cleaning up his mess with my tongue. Mmmm.. this guy tasted so good it was unbelievable!.

"So, how did I do?" He asked smiling. I couldn't really answer him; I was trying hard to catch my breath. But I was smiling so he knew I liked it. He laid down next to me as I wrapped my arms around him. I kissed him softly on the cheek as I started to slowly fall asleep in pure happiness. I could feel him brushing his hands through my hair. It felt so comforting....right up until I heard giggles and teases! Holy shit! Did Nick catch us? I was afraid to open my eyes..but I figured I would have to face the music sooner or later. I opened them and almost died from shock!

"..Why you holding that pillow so tight, Ricky.. you scared or something?" Nick teased while staring at me hugging my pillow as tightly as possible. Was it a dream? Could I have just imagined the whole thing? No..it just seemed to real...too beautiful. That's when I saw that beautiful smiling face stare at me from across the room. He was giggling at me too and I just felt so weird at that moment. I almost didn't even know what to think... how to react. Both Nick and Andy walked out of the bedroom laughing their asses off, closing the door behind them. I took a quick glance at the alarm clock...10:35 am. I laid back down on the bed and sighed. Ricky...you make me sick sometimes.. you really do.

After laying there for 15 minutes, I figured I may as well just get up and face the day. I got dressed in a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt and went down for breakfast. I took a cereal bowl out of the cubbert and grabbed my favourite cereal, cinnamon toast crunch. Andy and Nick were already sitting at the table eating their breakfast as I went to sit with them. They glanced at me for a second, smiled, then went back to their conversation on games or something....I wasn't paying much attention. What I did pay attention to though was when they started talking about what they were going to do today. They were talking about either going to catch a movie, or go to the beach...but I offered a suggestion to go to a theme park. Bingo! They liked it! I called up Derek and Kial and asked if they wanted to join us...sure enough they did and we were off to a start of a cool day.

We got my mother to drop us off. It was only a 10 minute drive, but it was probably the longest time I ever got to sit beside Andy. There were 6 of us in the car, when there's only supposed to be 5 passengers, so we were a bit squished. But being that close to Andy made me feel really good. He smelt amazing...I could have sat there for hours just breathing in that aroma. I felt a twitching in my jeans during the ride, but I controlled it not to get too out of hand. Besides, we were way too squished that Kial, sitting beside me, could have probably noticed it easily.

When we got there, we paid the entrance fee and went in. Kial and Derek split up to do their own thing and Nick, Andy, and I went off to find some rides. When we found one we liked, the mind-boggler, we got in line. Andy seemed kinda weird to me for some reason. he wasn't saying anything weird...well actually, he wasn't saying anything at all. He was just talking to Nick and leaving me out. I didn't bother with it too much at first...I figured since they had more things in common that they'd have more to talk about.. right? Well, that kinda changed when we sat on the roller coaster and Andy sat with Nick. Okay.. just one ride.. I can go by myself on one ride then go with him on the next. No big deal. But was there a next time? Nope. He sat with Nick every single ride...13 to be exact. Being by myself, other single riders came to ride with me. I pledge on my life right now, I will never, ever go to a theme park with an un-even number again! I got stuck to ride with loud screamers who almost made me go deaf....hugely over-weight people who took up practically both seats (good things I'm small)....and people who get sick on rides and vomit all over the place. I tell you, it wasn't pretty. I was pissed, I was sad, and I wanted to go home. As I walked to find a pay-phone, I met up with Derek and Kial who seemed like they had the time of their lives.

"Hey Ricky....how was it?" Derek asked.

"Just peachy thanks" " I said in an angry tone. I didn't want to take it out on them since they did nothing, but it just seemed so natural.

"umm..oook" Kial answered back "Where you going?"

"I'm going to find a phone so I can get the hell outta here!"

"Well, where's Nick and Andy? We all gotta leave together, ya know" Kial asked. I gave him a look that let him know I couldn't care any less about Nick and Andy and their where-abouts. I turned around and started back to finding that phone. Derek and Kial followed from behind, but they didn't say anything. When I found the phone, I dailed and told my mother to pick us up.

We were waiting outside for about 20 minutes when she finally decided to arrive. We all got inside the vehicle when voices called from behind.

"Yo, what up!" Both Andy and Nick yelled, racing to the car. My mother would have left if they didn't call us to wait because we always used to walk home from the theme park. Yeah, it may have taken like an hour to get home, but we were used to it. They jumped into the car making us squished as before and we drove off. This time though, I wasn't admiring Andy's scent or anything else about him. I mean, of course he's cute and still smells nice, but when you're mad, you're mad; and everything seems to bother you.

"What's wrong with you?" Nick asked, noticing how quiet I was. I only gave him a quick glance then looked back out the window. He shrugged and then continued looking forward. For the first time that day, I wished I had the front seat.

When we arrived home, I quickly got out of the car and without talking to anybody at all, went straight to my bedroom and locked the door. Kial and Derek went home and Nick and Andy stayed outside to shoot some hoops. It was a little past 5 and I decided to try the chat room to check out whether Johnny decided to stay on. After signing on, I realized he didn't and sighed in disappointment. The one person who could have made me feel better today wasn't available...that almost broke my heart. I went to check my email and got the usual 100 emails per-day. They were always all junk-mail that I never read so I would always delete them all without even checking who they're from. This time was no different. I was just about to click that delete button when something caught my attention. One of the emails sent, was sent from Johnny!. I quickly opened the email and read its contents...

Hey Ricky! How ya doin? I'm sorry I couldn't chat with you in the chat room today; I had some family things to do so I couldn't go on at 4 like our usual routine. I hope you're not mad at me =( I'm going to make it up to you, I promise. And I got just the thing too. You know how I'm always saying we're going to meet one day, but never actually go through with it? Well, what if we finally go through with it? Let's finally meet up and get to know each other better in another way =). It just so happens my parents are going to be out on vacation in 2 weeks from today, so I've got the house all to myself. So what if we meet up at like the movies in 2 weeks and I take you back to my place and we can have alittle fun? Anyway, I better get goin' now. I hope it's as cool an idea for you as it is for me. I can't wait =) Bye babez, Johnny

I had to read the e-mail 3 times to actually believe that Johnny finally chose a date to meet. He usually always brought up the subject, but it was just to make conversation I figured. I never thought he'd actually want to end up meeting. I was about to read it a forth time when I heard knocking on the bedroom door. I didn't answer at first, but after a dozen times of knocking, I gave up.

"What!?" I yelled out. The door slowly began to open and there Andy stood looking at me with a sad face.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked shamefully. I almost felt kinda bad for him, but he made me feel terrible today so I guess he deserved this treatment.

"Maybe" I said not looking at him; keeping my face on the computer screen.

"Look alright. If this has anything to do with me finishing your hot-dog when you weren't looking, I'm sorry alright. I just got hungry." I gave him the weirdest look he'd be sure to remember for a long time.

"What!? You think I'm mad because of some stupid hot-dog? This has nothing to do with the hot-dog!" I answered back. I wasn't quite yelling, but I wasn't quite talking normal either.

"Then what, huh? What are you so ticked off about?" I couldn't believe he didn't know. I couldn't believe he felt there was absolutely nothing wrong with the way he treated me back at the theme park.

"Why were you ignoring me? Why did you leave me sitting with freaks on the rides all the time and only keep Nick company. Did I do something to ya? Tell me what it was and I'll try and explain."

"No... no you didn't do anything to me. I honestly did even notice I was making you feel that you were being ignored. It's just.. well....me and Nick have more to talk about. He likes more of the things I like and we can talk easier. It's not really the same with you." He answered back thinking that was a good excuse or something.

"How would you know whether we have something in common or not if you don't even talk to me!" I yelled back.. I knew I was right...it made me feel good to know I was right. I just remained sitting there, looking into his eyes, waiting for another one of his excuses.

"Fine...whatever dude...c-ya 'round" He answered in a way that sounded like he was sad. And with that, he turned around to walk out of the room. I so badly wanted to stop him from leaving, but I couldn't decide whether I wanted to keep quiet and make him feel guilty for what he did or call him back and forgive him right away, without having to see him in some kind of pain. With all the time I took debating about it, he had closed the door and left. There I sat...alone, confused, and guilty all at the same time.

Thank goodness I had one thing to look forward too...my first meeting with Johnny! I walked up to my bed-side where I kept my calendar and wrote a little note that in 2 weeks from today, I have someone important to meet. As I sat on my bed for a few minutes, thinking about how my day went, I couldn't get that sad face of Andy's out of my mind. It hurt me soo bad to know that I had hurt someone else. I decided to go back downstairs and apologize for what I said to him.

When I reached downstairs, I didn't hear any noises except my mother's television show on tv. I searched around the house, but I couldn't find Andy anywhere. I walked over to the living room where I met my mother sitting on the sofa, sewing something as she watched her soap-opera.

"Mom.. have u seen Andy?" I asked

"Oh....he said he had to go home. Nick went to walk him over." She said smiling back at me. I stood there for a minute wondering how I'm going to be able to sleep tonight knowing that somebody's sad because of me.

"Umm.. honey?" My mother said

"Yeah" I replied curiously.

"You're in my way" She said seriously.

"Oh.. sorry." I gave her a weak smile and walked back to my bedroom. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but I have to do something or this guilt inside me is going to kill me all day!.

That's the end of this chapter. Email me with ur comment/critisms/whatever =)

Next: Chapter 5

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