Dream Called Reality

By RiCkY

Published on Dec 16, 2002


I grabbed my jacket and slipped on my shoes as I got ready to go apologize. I didn't really want to since it was his fault and all, but I figure somebody's gotta do it. I opened the front door, let out a big sigh, and started my walk to Andy's.

It was windy outside and quite chilly. I headed to Andy's with my head facing the floor so the wind wouldn't freeze my face. Even with the sound of the wind, I was able to hear foot-steps heading my way. I lifted my head slowly and noticed Nick walking towards me. When we got close enough, he stopped me.

"What did ya say to him?" He asked seriously. I studied his face for a couple seconds before saying anything. He seemed partly concerned, but also seemed like he didn't care too much. Nick's the kind of person that doesn't really care what problems you have, just as long as your not dead yet.

"What does it matter? I'm goin' over there now anyway to try and patch this shit up" I answered.

He nodded his head gently and walked on by. "Good luck" he muttered as he faded away from sight.

"Thanks" I said under my breath as I headed towards Andy's house again. For a house just across the street, this walk seemed to take forever!

As I finally reached his front porch, I stood frozen for a while wondering what I was going to say. When I finally figured it out, I knocked on the door. First knock; no answer. Second knock; not much different than the first. I knocked one last time, a big harder. Finally, I started to hear foot steps heading towards the door. I stepped back a bit and waited until the door opened.

The door slowly opened and there Andy stood, facing me with violent eyes. "What do you want, Rick?" He asked sternly.

"I wanna talk to you"

"Do I have to listen?" He answered seriously.

"It would help" I said. "Common man. I'm the one who's supposed to be mad here, alright"

"...It's a free country.." Andy tried to look serious, but a smile forced its way through that cute face. He soon began to giggle a bit. "I'm just playin' with ya. So.. what do ya want?"

"You scared the crap outta me dude. I honestly thought you were gonna make this harder one me than it already is"

"Rick, I should be the one apologizing, not you. You didn't do anything. Let's just forget about all this shit ok?"

" It's already forgotten" I answered, smiling.

"Come in" He said, opening his front door wider.

I stepped inside and gazed around the house. He patted me on the shoulder and lead me to his family room where the television was on. I took a seat as he headed to the kitchen to grab some drinks. Moving boxes were still piled on top of one another at one side of the room. I guess they haven't quite finished packing yet.

"Coke or Pepsi?" Andy called out from the kitchen.

"Pepsi" I answered.

When he has grabbed the drinks, he came back and handed the pepsi to me. He took a seat next to me on the sofa and we started watching some dumb comedy show. I didn't laugh once; I left that to Andy who seemed to be dying from amusement. Maybe I just didn't understand the jokes. I'm not exactly known as mister bright, anyway. I'm sometimes slower than a turtle race through peanut butter. But hey, that's what makes me interesting I guess.

As I finished the pepsi, the urge to have to take a leak took over. And so I asked Andy where his bathroom was. He gave me the directions and I made my way there. When I had finished, I was about to walk back to the family room when my curiosity got the best of me. I just had to go in his room and check out his stuff.

I peeked through the family room to make sure Andy was distracted enough with the television and headed upstairs to his bedroom. I'm not really sure what I was looking for. I guess I just wanted to check out what kinda person he is. How a person keeps his room and what they've got in it, gives a pretty good distinction of who they are. Okay I'm lying; I wanted to see if there was anything in there that could mean he was gay.

After opening 3 of the 5 bedroom doors upstairs, I finally found the one I was looking for. I stepped inside slowly and moved my eyes around the room. It seemed like an average bedroom; well for a teen anyway. Clothes thrown around the room, posters of cars on the walls, nothing special. I walked around the room and started looking through his stuff. He had a ton of papers and stuff on his computer desk that I figured I'd check out too. But I didn't find anything exciting. I turned back to get out of the room and back downstairs, when I accidentally knocked off a pile of sheets that we stacked on the desk. It made a loud crash that I was sure Andy would hear.

I listened for a second to hear any movement coming upstairs to check things out, but I heard nothing. I sighed out of relief and bent down to pick the sheets up. I began to start making them a pile again when I came across some pictures. I looked through the first couple which were just some of his family, until I got to the others. As I scanned each picture carefully, a feeling of shock raced through me. I was looking at me! Andy had been taking pictures of me through his bedroom to mine. The window wasn't large enough to catch anything more than my bare-chest, though. But that's not the point! I've got a 'peeping tom' on my hands.

As I wondered how to confront him about it, I started to realize something. And yes, being a slow person, it took awhile. A straight guy wouldn't be taking pictures of another guy. So Andy must be... no, no way. He couldn't be...or could he?

I put the pictures back with the pile, except for one which I put in my pocket and I walked back downstairs. I went to sit back next to Andy, who didn't seem to notice me gone for such a long time, feeling kind of uncomfortable. I wanted to tell him I found out what he was doing, but I found it hard to say it. Even with the distraction of the television, he seemed to notice I felt kind of awkward.

"What's up with u?" He asked, still staring at the television.

"huh?.. oh.. nothing" I stumbled. That was my chance to just say it, but I didn't know how to follow through. What would I say after I tell him that I know? I was beginning to become confused, so I figured it would probably be a good time to leave. I glanced over at him and told him I was going to get going.

"Alright...let yourself out dude" He smiled.

I flashed him a smile back and lifted myself off the sofa. As I walked past him to reach the door, a hand moved to my pocket and lifted something out.

"What's this?" He asked curiously. He took a glance at the picture and his jaw dropped. He instantly turned a bright shade of red. I could sense the fear and shock he was feeling, which caused him to lose his breath. "what...how did you..where?" He mumbled nervously.

"I umm... was looking for the bathroom and accidentally opened your bedroom door where I saw the picture" I lied.

"No...your lying. I don't just leave a picture like this laying around for the world to see"

"What are you doing with a picture like that anyway?" I asked in an almost demanding tone.

He stood silent for awhile. I understood perfectly why too. It must feel like crap when your secret gets out before you're ready to let it out.

"Ricky...I'm...gay. I've known for awhile now. I swear, I was going to tell you eventually, but I wanted to get to know you and your brother good enough before I took the risk. You have no idea what a pain in the ass it is to be different and to be worried about what other people are gonna think of you" He said sadly "All I've ever wanted was to be normal"

"You callin' me abnormal?" I staggered back, smiling.


"You heard me" I muttered as I started walking again to the door to leave.

He sat frozen for a minute trying to put the puzzle together. When he seemed to finally understand what I ment, he jumped off the sofa and ran towards the door.

"Are you saying.......that you're like me?" He asked sounding unsure

I shrugged my shoulders teasingly, and turned to open the door. Before I could get the door completely open, he moved his hand to the door and pushed it closed. He then moved infront of me to block me from leaving the house.

"I asked you a question..." He said glaring into my eyes.

"Yes okay.. I am. Now can I leave?" I asked giggling.

His face brightened up and his eyes widened. The feeling of relief must have invaded his body at that moment, taking a huge load off of him. It was even visible through his facial expression which made me look so gawd damn cute!

"Not until after this"

He leaned forward and gently pressed his lips onto mine. At that second, everything around me blocked out. I wasn't thinking about anything, not even Johnny, except for the kiss I was experiencing. The feel of his lips made me feel weak in the legs and if I wasn't careful, I'd surely fall over. Before I thought I was going to collapse that second, he slowly moved away, smiling happily.

"NOW... you can go" He said, opening the door for me.

I glanced at him for a second, flashing him a smile, and walked out the door.

"I'll see ya tomorrow, Andy" I yelled back before I headed back home. He waved back to me and closed his door.

I sat in my bed that night trying to put things in order. Andy is gay--and he likes me. I really like him to, but what about Johnny? I'm supposed to meet up with him soon. Do I give Andy a chance or see what happens with Johnny first? Damn questions! I dropped my head on the pillow and tried hard to fall asleep.

The next day was a school day. I didn't see Andy all day and it was already last period. My other periods weren't much different than every other day. Except that in science class, we had to do some project about some scientific something which I don't care much about. Usually everytime we have to do partner-projects, I'm paired with Derek. But this time, since I woke up a little late and ended up getting to school 10 minutes late, Derek paired himself up with someone else. Not just anybody else either; Mark Spencer! So, being the lucky person I am, I was paired with some computer geek, Walter. But he's a smart guy, I'm sure he'll do the project all himself so it's all good.

I sat in my last period class bored as hell. But what do I expect--it's history class. My teacher, Mr. Balsak, kept on with his lecture for what seemed to be for hours on end. "I don't give a rat's ass about Christopher Columbus!" I thought to myself before I decided to take a nap on my desk.

I didn't get much nap time before I was rudely awaken by a sharp, smacking sound on the desk. I jumped to see Mr. Balsak standing infront of me holding a metre stick.

"Mr. Mandoza.. since you were so attentive during my lesson, how would you like to review what we've learned today?" He asked

"Tempting sir.. but I think I'll pass today"

He stared at me for a couple seconds before beginning to open his mouth once again. RiNg Phew! Saved by the bell. I grabbed my bag and started to head out the class with the rest of the students before my teacher stopped me half way.

"Ricky.. I need to talk to you for second" He said as he turned to walk back to his desk.

I slowly walked towards him as everyone else had already left the class room. He sat on the desk and opened his books which laid there. He lifted his head to face me, while letting out a long sigh.

"You're falling behind Ricky. I'm not sure what to do with you anymore. You can't stay awake in class, you hand in work late, you barely manage to pass the tests...I'm afraid if you don't work a bit harder, I'm going to have to fail you"

"But sir, I don't understand the stuff. I don't even like it. Can't ya just pass me for coming to class?" I asked

"Nice try Mandoza. You could leave now" He said as he dropped his head again.

"Well, It coulda worked" I thought to myself as I stood there for a little while staring at him, until I decided to leave. I walked out the door angry at this point and walked to my locker. Kial and Derek were waiting for me at my locker when I got there. Without acknowledging them, I opened my locker and threw my books that I didn't need in there violently.

"Good day?" Kial asked sarcastically.

I shot him an annoyed look and turned to look back in my locker. "You guys any good at history?"

"Do we look like historians to you?" Derek answered

"Didn't think so..." I said with a giggle "So where you guys headin' now?"

"We're gonna catch a movie or somethin'. My parents are home and so are his. Not much action can happen there, so we figure the back of a theatre would be a cool, safe place." Kial said as he exchanged a loving look with Derek.

"hehe.. cool. Have fun you two"

They gave a final friendly gesture before walking away. I finished up with my locker and locked it up. By this time, the school was partially empty with only a few people at their lockers. Slowly, I headed out the school towards home.

I wasn't paying much attention to what was going on around me as I walked down the sidewalk. My mind was busy enough with tons of other stuff, to worry about anything else. I was almost home, when a familiar voice yelled from behind. It was Andy trying to catch up to me from behind. I stopped walking and stared at him with a smile on my face. He was dragging his jacket with him as he moved those nice legs as fast as they would take him. When he finally caught up, which only took him a mere 5 seconds, he was out of breath.

"You don't run much, do ya?" I asked playfully.

He smiled at me and with his hand, messed up my hair. I knocked his hand away from my head and trying to act as serious as I could, told him to never touch my hair again. He giggled as I tried to fix the damage he caused.

"You.. um.. didn't tell anyone did ya? You know.. about yesterday?" He asked worriedly

"No. Why would I?"

"Okay.. good" Andy said relieved as we exchanged smiles.

The rest of the walk home, we didn't say very much. I noticed Andy turn to look at me a couple times; I'm sure he caught me doing the same too. But we didn't really have very much to say. I guess it all goes back to not having very much in common. That's not necessarily true though; he's gay and I'm gay. That counts for something doesn't it?

When we got to his house, we exchanged goodbye's and went our separate ways. Mine being, crossing the street, and he walking up to his front door.

"Hey Andy?" I called out before he made it inside his house

"Yeah..?" He answered

"You any good in history?"

"umm... in 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue" He said with a shrug.

"Well, thats more than what I know. Hehehe.. you think you can tutor me? I'm on the verge of failing the class"

"Yeah sure! Wanna come by later today?"

I nodded my head and waved back. I walked into my house and threw my bag on the floor. I felt kinda hungry so I grabbed a snack out of the refrigerator. I grabbed an apple and went to check out the time on the clock. Five to Four...I better get signed in.

Next: Chapter 6

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