Dreaming Awake

By Rizaldy Bustamante

Published on Oct 22, 2010


First of all, I would like to give you all my warm greetings for even opening up this story. This would be my first attempt in the writing field, I admit I have all my thoughts colliding in my brain right now and I am overwhelmed.

I would like to introduce myself first. My name is Rizaldy, yep, a weird name, hahaha. My friends call me Pepz with many variations, I'm 19 years old and I live in the province of Cavite. I'm vey proud to say that I am a Filipino, I know that there have been major flaws that my dear country reflects to the world but still, I'm very proud of my heritage.

This story is all about love and all things surrounding around it. I do believe in true love and I believe some of you would want to have a Teenie bit of inspiration and I hope y'all would like it.

Disclaimer: This story has adult content and if you are a minor or this type of material offends you, please leave now. Please DO NOT reproduce this story without my permission because I own this story.

I'd love to hear your comments about my first story. Should you want to contact me, email me at evesault@yahoo.com


"Dreaming Awake"

Chapter 1-Nightmare

ToooT!!!! ToooT!!!! TooT!!! The phone alarmed sending Donnie jumping, bumping his head under the top deck of his double-decker bed.

"Stupid bed." Donnie murmured under his breath when he turned off the alarm. He had another nightmare. He has been having nightmares for the last 5 weeks since his little brother died. He loved Darwin all his life and was a good brother to the little one.

It was a rainy afternoon when Donnie went to his little brother's school, Darwin was 12 years old. They have plans for the night, since their parents we're both having "over-times" at work, they'd be staying up all night watching movies and playing PS3. Donnie was across the street when he saw Darwin with a huge smile on the little guy's face.

"Kuya Crae!!" ("kuya" Tagalog word addressed to and older person, mostly used on an older brother) Darwin waved at his brother when he started running to Donnie.

"Darwin no!!!!" Donnie yelled, but it was too late. A van ran over his brother. He was shocked in place, paralyzed and didn't know what to do. He had lost his little buddy, his best friend, the one who admired him greatly. All of Donnie's plans with the little guy, the cool stuff he wanted to show Darwin, the toys he wanted to buy him, everything seemed to pop like bubbles. Pop! Pop! Pop!

Donnie looked up to the mirror after washing his face. He tried to smile.

"Get over it Donnie, he's in peace now." Donnie thought to himself. "You lucky twerp. I really miss you." Donnie said, a tear falling from his eye. He looked at the mirror again, admiring his physique.

Donnie is in his sophomore year in College in DLSU-D in Cavite taking up Communication Arts majoring in Public Relations, he is 19 years old and has an athletic build, he is a member of the swim team. He stands 5'9'' and weighs 145lbs. Donnie brushed his semi long brown hair up which fell back in place, he smiled again. He admired himself for a few minutes more. Donnie admits to himself that he is cute... Well handsome. He has golden brown eyes and perfect lips that were always as red as roses, which many of his friends envied. His nose fit perfectly on his face. You can see the Spanish mix in him, his strong thick jaws and his fair complexion with only a few whiter shades enough for him to stand out from his friends. His body's well defined thanks to his swimming practices.

"Donnovan?!? Breakfast is ready! Hurry up or you'll be late... Again!!! It's the start of your 2nd semester and I don't want you having bad impressions from your professors. When I was your age, I cant get enough of school, you're very lucky to have all the technology now, in my days..." Isabella shouted from the hallway, her voice fading as she began going down the stairs and back to the kitchen.

"Yes mom! I'll be down in a bit!" Donnie said stripping and getting in the shower. When he finished he dried off and prepared for school. He looked like a hot "boy-next-door" type of guy in his, piña-cloth polo and chocolate brown pants, school uniform.

"Morning Dad! Morning Mom!" Donnie said as he went to his parents and give them both a kiss on the cheek.

"Good Morning honey!" Isabella said pouring a hot cup of coffee to her husband.

"Good Morning tough guy!" William beamed rising from the news paper. "How are things putting up? You doing good?"

"Well I think it's time I let him go dad, it's a shame if I get all sulked up all the time knowing that whatever I do, nothings gonna put our family on the same frame as it was before." Donnie said. "You guys are really tough. Sigh"

"Now look here anak(term used for a child, son/daughter), Darwin will always be here, wont he?" William said pointing at his chest. "And yes he may be gone but who said our picture is incomplete? Your mom and I miss him so much but there is no point in staying sad. We didn't die son, we're still here. Darwin wont be happy to see us now all messed up." William pointed taking a bite off the sandwich then added. "Now hurry up and get going, I don't want you to be pulling your grades down cause it's not worth it. Okay?"

"Okay dad. Thanks a lot" Donnie knew he needed that talk. After he finished his breakfast, he brushed his teeth then turned to say goodbye to his dad and gave her mom a kiss.

"God bless you Donnie." Isabella said her eyes watering. Donnie knew how strong her mother was. He loved his family so much.

The ride to school was a drag, like always. Donnie had to ride three times to get to the school. Finally he thought, as he rode the Jeepney to his University.

Ironically, Donnie loved riding the Jeepney, it was an elongated Jeep with two long seats facing each other at the back, it was like a train cart inside only much smaller and has a capacity of 18 passengers not including the front seats which can be occupied by 3 people, the driver and 2 more passengers.

Donnie loved riding the Jeepney because he gets to see different people up close. He likes it when he passed the fare of different people to the driver and hearing them say "Salamat" (thank you) and smiling. He loved how people around him are so warm and hospitable. He loved everything in his country. Plainly, Donnie was a simple and loving person. He try so hard not to see hate in other people's eyes, and for that he thanked his parents so much for raising him to be like what he was.

"What took you so long? I've been here for like 7 hours!!!" Jamila scolded Donnie as he approached her. She really was suited for the name her parents gave her, Jamila, meaning "beautiful". She was his best friend. They sort of look at each other and even fooled other people that they were twins, and it actually worked. They were kind of like twins just by looking at them except maybe when people read their IDs and see their names printed Creaon Donnovan delos Santos and the other is Jamilla Cruz.

"Don't exaggerate lady, it's not like you don't know how far my house is, it's like 4 miles with criss-crosses in between the trip." Donnie stated.

"Criss-Crosses?" Jam laughed. "Is that even a word? You're too much Don. What's your first class?"

"It's a word when I say so...Oh shit! I forgot to check my schedule sheet!" Donnie panicked, it's the start of the second semester and he knows he had classes at 8am but he doesn't know where his building and room is, and it's already quarter to 8.

"Thought so. Mister know it all." Jam snickered handling him a copy of his class schedule.

"Whew! Thanks sis! I knew I can count on you! It's the first day of classes and I don't want bad first impressions." Donnie said as he looked at the paper. Elementary Statistics, great, Donnie thought sarcastically. Mondays, worst day of the whole semester, Donnie noted to himself, just because he had math. Donnie thought he could avoid the subject and that is one reason he chose Communication arts and not Engineering nor Accountancy. Donnie was way interested in the languages, literature and the arts. He loved singing though he kept it to himself, nobody ever heard him sing except for his parents and little brother when they turned the house to a concert stadium. Donnie smiled at the thought.

"Well, well, if it isn't the lovebirds chirping early in the morning." Christoffe Pacaud, the president of the English organization, greeted them.

"Yadah, yadah, very funny X, Din and I are twins, are you accusing us of incest behavior?" Jamila said to Christoffe, he wanted to be called "X" rather than his first name. "And if he was my boyfriend, will there be any problem?" Jam winked at Donnie.

"Yah? Nobody would want to be around my girlfriend once they learned that we're together, hell no one even wants to try to approach her even when they know that we we're friends.Have you seen my gun?" Donnie said enjoying himself, obviously Jam and him was a tag team partner when it comes to having fun with people. He knows that Jam and him were only friends, just friends, Jam knows he's gay, and he's always been, he just chose whom to tell it to, Jam and his parents, other than them, no one knew.

"Seriously?!" X said obviously shocked and a little bit hurt as his eyes looked pleadingly on Jam for a split second. Donnie saw something in him, he was hurt, he could tell, because of Jam?? Donnie smiled and sighed.

"We're just playing with you X. We're twins." Donnie chuckled shaking his head, he wants to keep his discovery to himself for a while. Maybe I can set them up? Jam's a bit of a snob when it comes to guys who were interested in her.

Donnie didn't think much about love life, he's had 3 girlfriends a few years ago. He felt happy about it. For now, he needs a breather because having a relationship is way too much drama, especially for him being in a swim team and all, he just didn't feel like having that sort of company for a while so he just let it go. He knows he's gay, but he still considered girls, "They can be hot sometimes." Donnie chuckled at the whole thing. He knows he's gay but he never had any experience with a guy.

"Great! So you get to go to the Liberal Arts building?" Jam pointed at the nearest building from them. "And I would have to walk all the way to the west campus? Alone?"

"Well, my class is about to start sis. You can always wait for the school service." Donnie smirked, teasing Jam.

"Yeah, like that will help me get to my building on time. I'd doubt if I'd get to have a seat once all the students on the waiting area boards it." Jam said pouting.

"I'd give it a try if I were you, it'll save you some energy, besides, you'd be late anyway. I'm really sorry Jam, I really need to go." Donnie pleaded.

"I-Id love to walk you to your building, I-I mean i-it's n-not that I j-just want to accompany you but--- well see I'm kind of l-like also headed to the west campus so maybe well, it's just a thought, and if you like we could grab some drinks from the canteen on the way. I-I just thought you might want c-company—." X stuttered out. Donnie swears he saw beads of sweat from X, but kept it to himself.

"Well then it's settled. You take care of her X." Donnie smiled as he put X's hand over Jam's which made X jump, then Donnie ran to his building.

"You're not my father you douche bag!" Jam yelled at Donnie blushing. "Sorry about that X, and yes, I think it's nice to have a drink." Jam's eyes twinkled as she looked at the tall guy beside him. Now there was the reason why she shoved off other guys and that reason was standing beside her.

"Really? Oh cool! Come on." X beamed as he took Jam's binder from her hands and carried them for her. Obviously his day had been completed, which was pretty much the same for Jam.

"212... 213... 214!" Donnie counted as he spotted the room indicated on his schedule sheet, 214. "Cool a song title!" Donnie thought and laughed to himself as 214 happened to be one of his favorites, maybe elementary statistics wont be so bad after all... but then again. Donnie sighed.

The room was half full and was a bit noisy, "Great, they all knew each other" Donnie moped as he took the empty seat behind, most of the seats in front where occupied.

Donnie was listening to his i-pod when the professor entered the room. He was a Chinese-looking guy, around 45 years old, bald and the type that most students would probably hate. "Oh Sooo Great!" he shook his head like he watched his favorite entertainment-wrestling superstar loose a title belt.

"Please sit down! Now, first thing's first, I'm professor Artin Francisco and I hate tardy students. My class starts at exactly 8am, not 8:01am, not 8:02am. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not a strict professor and I'll make this boring subject as interesting as it could be. Now I'll just check the class record and I'll call you one by one, then show me your registration form and if you have any concerns---" creaaak-------thud.

The whole class turned to look at the student who entered the classroom.

"I'm sorry I'm late." The guy murmured looking down and taking the seat right next to Donnie.

"You'd better be boy. I don't want any late students in my class. Now as I call your name come forth and show me your registration form." The professor said shaking his head.

"Hi!" the guy beside Donnie said flashing him the cutest smile he's ever seen with matching dimples on both sides.

"U-uhmm..." Donnie was dumb folded, the guy beside him was an angel! He swore he could see all girls in the class staring at the guy next to him, he could even hear giggles from random spots in the room. Who would blame them? Donnie told himself. The guy, well slash that, the angel beside him was indeed stunning, he never had this feeling before with a guy, well maybe yes but not this strong, this was so powerful like he was pulled towards his seatmate like gravity doubled.

He had the night in his eyes, black and sparkling, deep set, but not like most "middle-eastern" just right. His nose so proud and well chiseled like how you imagined Adonis's would look like. His thin lips were pinkish and a nice smooth jaw. His hair was black and was the envy of any girls, it was tied up to a ponytail. He had to be an angel.

"Nice class to start the day eh?" the guy continued, smiling to himself when he noticed that Donnie had a problem answering.

"Ahh, sorry, yeah, Math.. well" Donnie swore to himself. He felt like an ass and just nodded, composed himself and looked at his notebook. "yeah".

Snap out of it Donnovan! He thought to himself. When he was collected, he began drawing on the page of his notebook.

"Craeon Donnovan delos Santos?" the professor called.

"Present!" Donnie rose from his seat and showed the professor his registration form and then went back to his seat. He felt his hairs stand when he that saw the guy seated next to him was smiling with admiring eyes at him.

"You have gold for hand Crae! Nice sketch" the guy said.

"Huh?" Donnie was shocked, only his little brother called him Crae, he felt warm and comfortable like his little brother was with him. He had to smile. "Thanks, it's not that good."

"Well it is for me! I'm Paolo by the way" the guy said reaching for Donnie's hand.

"Hi Paolo! I'm, well you know me." Donnie chuckled happy that his voice didn't crack. He reached for Paolo's hand and gave it a squeeze. "Welcome to hell." He said smiling widely.

Paolo's smile lingered as he looked at Donnie amused with his sudden friendliness.

"Yeah, well you can't miss a nice name when it's called out loud, especially when that name belongs to a nice person like you!" Paolo said straightforwardly.

Donnie blinked unable to control the sudden happiness that gushed over him. He wanted to have many friends, as many as possible. This was just over the top. He admit he likes the guy, but there's something else in him that makes Donnie want to lean in and hug him tight, not in any sexual manner, well not at least.

"Can I have my hand back now?" Paolo patted Donnie's hand with his free hand smiling continuously at Donnie, his smile showed nothing of mockery, it was all friendliness and interest.

"Oh, sorry dude, I might be a bit slow on my reflexes today. Long night." Donnie defended, blushing.

"It's cool. Really. I just wanted to copy what the professor's writing on the board. Then you can hold on to it again." Paolo joked half-meant blushing a little.

"Hmmmm.." That gave him away, Donnie thought, smiling. Then he gave Paolo's Paolo's arm a mock punch. "You sure are weird" He laughed.

They continued exchanging small talks with each other, both looked realy interested with each other rather than the lesson being taught. Donnie could see some girls in the front row, eyeing both him and Paolo.

"You wanna have luch with me?" Paolo said gathering his things. "It sucks when you're a transferee."

"It's only 10 am, do you have classes after this?" Donnie asked

"Not until 2pm. You?"

"I have one at 12nn and another at around 4pm."

"So I guess I get to have you for two hours? Cool, do you play Defense Of The Ancients?" Paolo said

"Well yes, but I'm not good at it" Mesmerized, Donnie liked how Paolo said "I get to have you" it took him everything not to fall off.

"Liar. I bet you're one of the pro's" Paolo said putting a hand on Donnie's shoulder as they walked out the door.

"Nope, I bet I'm not as good as you are." Donnie stated

"On second thought, let's just grab a meal, I'm starving." Paolo said leaning on Donnie.

Paolo was a bit taller than Donnie at around 5'11".

They had their meal outside the school campus where there were lots of food choices.

"So what's your full name again?" Donnie asked taking a spoonful of sisig (a delicious Filipino recipe)

"You don't listen to the professor that's why you hate his subject." Paolo chuckled shaking his head. Donnie stuck his tongue out to him in a childlike manner.

Paolo beamed, enjoying his newfound friend's energy. "Paolo Franco Valdez."

"Okay! Can I call you Frap?" Donnie played with Paolo, enjoying he's friend as well.

"Frap? Where'd you get that?" Paolo laughed lightly. Donnie listened to the sweet music Paolo's laughter made.

"Well, I just love playing with names, it makes people unique, anyway I was just playing with you dude." Donnie assured thinking he might offend Paolo if he continued he's playfulness.

"Frap... Hmmmmmm... I like it Crae... Just as long as you'd be the only one calling me that, I wont mind it. I don't want to sound like some drink around the school, you know." Paolo said to Donnie with the most sincere look on his face.

"Seriously Paolo? You want me to call you a special name? I don't think I fit to that rank to call you something unique other than your given name." Donnie looked confused

"I think you fit perfectly. And you better start trying now before I change my mind Crae" Paolo reached for Donnies hand and gave it a tiny squeeze and then smiled.

"You think so, Frap?" Donnie smiled back, his eyes twinkling. "That'd be nice"

"It is. Now, eat up tiny." Paolo nudged Donnie.

"So excluding me, you know any more people in school?" Donnie asked, happy to be having quite a fast improvement on getting to know Paolo. He really is attracted to his new friend, and it looked like Paolo is too.

"Well, there's you... and hmmmmm... Professor Francisco.. hahaha" Paolo said truthfully, laughing at his condition.

"Well you won't be confined in that situation for too long Frap. I'd gladly share my friends with you, you'll love them! Especially Jam, she's really cool, and she knows me more than anyone in this school does." Donnie obviously enjoying planning good things with his new friend. "I'm telling you! She's really adorable!"

"Oh... she is huh?" Paolo looked at his plate, his eyes reflected sadness in them.

"Well yeah, she is, wait till you meet her... Uhmm, are you alright Frap?" Donnie asked suddenly concerned about the sudden change in Paolo's mood. He seemed upset. "Is something wrong?"

"No, it's nothing, I just thought about something and realized that maybe it's not possible." Paolo said trying to smile.

"You wanna share it with me? Maybe I can help you out." Donnie wanted to wipe the sad face away, he felt hurt for Paolo, something's bothering him, and it hurt him, he can see it in the guy's eyes.

"I wish I could. It's nothing really. I just gained a friend, I don't want him to burdened by my problems right away now, do I? Paolo said smiling sincerely at Donnie. " You want me to walk you to class? I don't have anything to do, I guess I'll just stay in my dorm ad wait for my next class."

"Well, if it's okay with you. Thanks a lot Frap" Donnie got up followed by Paolo and they went back inside campus.

"Donnie!!! Donnie!!!" Donnie turned to see Jam running towards them. "Why weren't you answering my text massages? I thought we're gonna have lunch together?" Jam told Donnie then noticed Paolo standing behind her friend.

"Oh shoot!!! I totally forgot Jam!! I'm really sorry, I promise I'll make it up to you okay?" Donnie said honestly asking for forgiveness.

"Well I can see why. Aren't you going to introduce me to your... uhmm.. frr—iend??" Jam raising her eyebrow at Donnie smiling wide as if she wanted Donnie to tell details.

Paolo looked confused at Jam's statement, isn't it clear to her that Donnie liked her? Donnie thought to himself then smiled at the girl. "Hi! I'm Paolo Franco Valdez, you're Jam right? Donnie told me things about you. Nice to meet you!" Paolo reached for her hand.

"Jamilla Cruz! Nice to meet you too. Well what "things" did my twin mentioned about me? Jam asked laughing , the attraction between the two were obvious, well for her it was, she's known Donnie like he was really her twin, she was happy for him.

"Uhmm, twin? Aren't you two like, uhmm dating?" Paolo asked confused "Sorry, uhmm, it's none of my business, I didn't mean to go overboard." Suddenly ashamed that he asked such a question.

"NO!!!" Jam and Donnie said at the same time. "Oh don't even think that Paolo, I'll puke a whole chicken if that will happen." Laughing Jam looked at Donnie obviously teasing him.

"Like I'd be with you sis, I'd rather choose the chicken over you!" Donnie teased back laughing.

"Well, that's nice, if we were together, I'd probably be the one in charge, I'll be the one working and you'd be the housewife dumbass!" Jam continued.

Donnie looked shaken when Jam said that, he worried that Paolo will be disgusted by him, well at least that's what he thought. Maybe he wasn't really gay and was really trying to be friends with him, only friends. Donnie looked slowly at Paolo's shocked expression. He was blown away when the hurt from Paolo's eyes disappeared and the enthusiasm that was with this man earlier today has returned. Donnie was dazed and couldn't get over the smile that was now on his friends face.

"Really??!! I mean, gosh, I was so stupid for thinking about that, I'm sorry Jam... Crae? You okay man?" Paolo shook Donnie's stunned body beside him laughing when Donnie came back from his dream.

"Uh... Yeah... Of course Frap.. I'm fine... I just well.." Donnie smiled unable to continue, his blush giving him away. God this is so overwhelming! He thought.

"Frappe! I thought your name's Paolo, am I missing something here?" Jam demanded

"Well it's Frap, F-R-A-P, Donnie kinda made me a name for him to call me, I think it's cute." Paolo chuckled proudly.

"And why don't I get to call you Crae mister!?!" Jam pointed at Donnie.

Donnie just shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe it doesn't suit you." He said to Jam smiling.

"Frap... Crae... Very well, your secret's safe with me." Then she turned to Paolo with threatening eyes. "Promise me you wont hurt him, hurt him and I'll tear my body then out will come a huge red fire breathing dragon that will ruin you for the rest of your life!" Jam was horrifying, Donnie can swear saw Paolo tremble, then she smiled a huge smile again. "I'll be going to the mall with X, Donnie, you best behave. Bye guys!" then she left walking quickly away.

"What!??! Jam what are you thinking?? We're not, welll... we... Uhmmm... It's not what you think it is..." Donnie l ooking at Paolo then continued "... uhmmm, sorry about that Frap. She can be good sometimes."

"What do you mean Crae? She's really good. She saw past through me." Paolo smiled at Donnie then winked at him. "Besides, it's not like I break promises right?"

Donnie was literally swirling with happiness, he's not stupid. They both know that they like each other, and he liked the way how Paolo handled things, less drama. Paolo kept his hand squeezed on Donnie's shoulder walking him to his next class.

"So, this is it. I wish I have the same classes with you all the time Crae, I really do." Paolo said a bit sad.

"Now don't be sad Frap, I do want that too, but it's not like we're never gonna see each other again right?" Donnie said trying to lighten Paolo's mood.

"Well it's just, I know it's super fast, but the moment I saw you in class, I just know... It's like I don't ever want to be separated... well, it's the first time I ever felt this... it's driving me insane... am I making any sense here?" Paolo lightly chuckled. He was surprised on Donnie's next reaction.

Donnie leaned up against Paolo wrapping his arms around him and rested his forehead on the side of Paolo's neck. "Me too Frap, and don't worry, you're making complete sense, just keep your hands ready." Donnie whispered to Paolo, not caring about the people who were looking at them.

"Thank you Crae... I have no idea how to deal with this it's just I feel that you should be mine... uhmmm... why would I keep my hands ready? Is there something wrong babe?" Paolo asked Donnie suddenly worrying.

Donnie looked at him in the eyes with sincerity burning in them. "So that when I fall for you, you'd be ready." Donnie kissed Paolo's cheek then he added. "and I don't want anyone to be there when I fall, just you." Then he turned and entered the classroom.

Paolo was stunned. Donnie was actually falling for him, already? He was in cloud 9. He's never been this happy before. Deep inside him he knows he was falling for the guy.

--End of Chapter 1

  • I hope you enjoyed reading. it's not much that of a turn on I guess for some of you. I just thought I'd make my story something worthwhile. I promise I'll add the next chapters right away maybe in a few days. I would really like to hear from you.


GODBLESS you all, from Paolo and Donnie... --Pepz

Next: Chapter 2

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