Dreams Coming True

By B-Rok Fan

Published on Sep 16, 2000


Hello all! Wow! How long as it been since I last posted? I apologize for my laziness. Thanks to Vodiac for his kind words on my story and for giving me that little push to post again. Hope you've been enjoying the story as much as I have enjoyed writing it so far.

The usual guidelines apply. This story in no way is supposed to represent anyone or imply anything. This story involves sexual relationships between adult consenting men, so if this offends or upsets you, don't read it. If it is an any way illegal for you to be reading this, get your butt to disney.com or something!

Brian & Josh Part 5

I awoke what seemed like an eternity later. I tried to raise up and was met by a pain in my shoulder that reminded me where I was and what I was doing there.

I found my watch on the table next to my bed and slapped it on my wrist. I glanced at it to find that it was almost ten in the morning.

After lying there a few minutes, there was a light knock on the door as Fiona came in with a handful of clothes. "Hey you! I thought it was about time you woke up."

"And good morning to you." I said as I looked at the clothes she had brought in.

"Your Dad just talked to the doctor. They're letting you out of here this morning, so I brought you some of the clothes you bought yesterday."

"Thanks. Where's Brian?"

She tossed the clothes down on my lap for my inspection. "He left about an hour ago. He said he'd be back before you left."

"K. So I can get dressed?" I said hopefully.

"Yep, I just asked the nurse, and she said it would be fine. Need some help?" I loved how she was always making sure I could handle things.

"Yeah, stick around," I said as I turned back the covers and stood up from my bed. I hadn't actually gotten out of the bed since I arrived last night and had forgotten that the nurses made me remove everything but the small hospital gown.

I quickly remembered when Fi gave a long wistle at the sight of my butt through the opening in the back of the gown.

"Hey, can't a guy get a little privacy here?" I said with a laugh and turning around quickly.

"Fine, but you're the one who asked me to stay. I stopped at a department store and picked up everything else you'll need."

I saw what she meant when I found a pair of boxers and some socks.

"Well, turn around," I said impatienly.

She did as she was told and I quickly slipped on the boxers. I then took off the hospital gown and tossed it at the head of the bead.

"OK, I'm decent."

"Good," she said while turning around and whistling again as she eyed me up and down. This was the first time I had been so undressed in front of Fiona.

I blushed and decided to get her back. "Easy, Fi. You know girls shouldn't play with boys' toys." I said smugly.

Now it was her turn to blush. "Oh shut up!" she laughed.

She walked over and grabbed the pair of jeans from the bed and held them for me to step into. As she helped me pull them up she reach around and gave me a quick spank on the ass.

"Hey! What was that for?" I said like I was angry.

"Well that was for having such a great guy chasing after you, when I have no one," Fi said while helping me pull my shirt over my injured shoulder.

"I don't know, Fi. I still think Kevin seemed pretty interested last night."

The door opened and the doctor walked in. "Well, Mr. Lawson, you seem a lot better than the last time we met."

"Yeah, I feel a lot better. So, can I get out of here?" I said while sticking my feet into my shoes.

"All of your tests have come back fine, you don't have a concussion, and your shoulder just needs time to heal, I see no reason to keep you here any longer," he said while shaking my hand. "This will help with the pain," he said while handing me a prescription along with my other papers.

"Thanks, Doc," I said while following Fiona out into the hall.

Downstairs we found my parents in a small waiting room with cups of coffee in their hands.

"Hey," I said while taking my Mom's coffee from her and taking a sip.

"Hey, honey. How are you feeling?" my Mom said.

"Actually I feel pretty good. A little sore, but good." I said while flexing my shoulder.

"That's good. Are you ready to go?" My Dad said while emptying his cup.

"Well, Brian said he would meet me back here again before I left, so I thought I'd wait a few minutes and see if he shows up. Why don't y'all go on home. Me and Fi can make it fine." I said hoping they would buy the excuse.

My Dad had an unsure look about him but thank God he bought it. "All right, but try to stay out of trouble this time."

I smiled. "I think we can handle it. Besides, I'm not sure how much trouble one can get into sitting in the lobby of a hospital," I said to reassure them that we would be fine on our own.

"All right. Just take it easy. That's an order," my Mom said while shaking her finger and giving me a hug.

After Mom and Dad were gone, Fi and I moved into the lobby near the front entrance of the hospital, and sat down on a row of chairs facing the doors so we would be sure to spot Brian when he returned.

As we sat there in the morning sun that was flowing in through the large windows, Fi leaned over close so we could talk. "Josh, how are you going to handle this?"

I knew what she meant, but wanted to make sure. "Handle what?"

"You know. This may be your last chance to see Brian for a long time. You're about to go back home. He will be going back on tour in a few days. You've got school. He's got his and four other careers to consider." It was obvious that she had put as much thought into this as I had.

"I just don't know, Fi. I care so much about him. I don't see how I can let him go," I said while resting my head in both hands.

At that moment the automatic doors opened and Brian walked through with Nick and Howie close behind.

I stood to make sure Brian saw me, and as soon as he did he and the others were next to me, Nick and Howie extending hands and offering their "get well soons" while Brian hung back for a moment.

"Brian, it's good to see you again," I said while extending my hand to him. I didn't know how much he had told the others so I thought it best to stay casual for now.

Brian took my hand and pulled me into a casual hug, that any friend might give another. "You too, man," he said outloud. I doubt anyone else could have seen him bring his lips to my neck before releasing me. He was driving me crazy, and by the smile on his face he knew it.

Nick was close behind Brian and also gave me a quick hug (sans kiss). "Kevin and AJ wanted to be here, but they got tied up with management."

"That's OK. I understand," I said while seeing Fiona's disappointment.

Brian started digging around in his pockets. "Um, Fiona, Kevin wanted me to give this to you. It's his personal cell phone number," he said while passing the note on to Fi as she blushed.

We sat and talked in the hospital for a while, until Howie stood up and announced that he and Nick had some things they wanted to do before heading back to the hotel.

I looked over at Brian. "You leaving too?" I said while trying to hide the disappointment in my voice.

"Nah, I brought one of the rented cars for myself to drive, so the maniacs could run around on their own," he said while indicating in the direction of Nick and Howie who were already halfway out the door.

I looked over to Fi, trying to find the most polite way to say "Get lost" without offending her. Thank God she got the message without me.

"Um, I think I'll try catch up with Nick and Howie. I wouldn't mind having a little more fun before heading home. I'll call on Brian's phone later," she said with a quick wave.

After Fiona's hasty exit, Brian and I got up and I followed him to his car.

"Brian, where are we going?" I said as we both climbed in.

He grinned at me. "I don't know. Where do you wanna go?"

I thought about it for a minute. "Can we go someplace private so we can talk?"

He looked at me with those amazing eyes. "Sure," he said with a quick grin.

We decided that since all the other boys were out doing their own thing, our best bet at privacy would be their hotel. Since there was pretty much people everywhere, we thought it was best if we saved any real conversation until we were in private.

"Brian would you pull over here for a second?" I asked.

"Why, is something wrong?" he said with real concern.

I laughed at how sweet he was. "No, but I am starving, and it would probably be a lot faster if I ordered and we avoided the screaming girls at the drive through window."

"Sounds like a plan," he said as we switched places.

As I drove, I felt Brian's hand come to rest on my thigh and slowly start to move upward to places that would be fun, but would not make it very easy to stay on the road.

"Brian, baby, I'm trying to drive," I said with a seductive smile.

He took the hint, and moved his hand back toward my knew, avoiding the obvious bulge in my pants.

I pulled into Burger King and ordered a Whopper, large fries, and a Coke for each of us as Brian put on his cap and sunglasses and stared out the window away from my side of the car.

As predicted there was a girl of about 16 at the window who would have no doubt been given the thrill of her life to know that she was handling a Backstreet Boy's lunch.

After getting the food we drove off and were soon pulling into the parking lot of the hotel. We got out and walked into the lobby. As corny as it may look, Brian's disguise of hat and sunglasses was effective. With it, there was almost no way to know that we were anything but a couple of attractive guys, and nothing more.

I followed Brian around to the service elevators. "The hotel likes us to use these to avoid the crowds around the guest elevators," Brian explained.

As soon as the doors of the elevator closed our hands instintively came together. Unfortunately the bell rang on the elevator, and we separated just before the doors opened and a man in a business suit walked on and stood in front of us.

This was torture being this close to Brian and not being able to touch him, so I moved my hand close enough to his to where the brushed each time one of us swayed a little in place, until the doors opened on our floor.

We stepped off and went to the end of the hall where Brian opened the door and I pushed him into the room and closed the door behind us.

To be continued...

As always all comments good or bad are welcome. Email me at brokfan_1@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 6

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