Drew Henson Takes Command

By Robert Foust

Published on Dec 20, 2004


This story is total fantasy and a work of fiction by the author. Enjoy.

My job with the NFL front office brought me back to Dallas ten days after Drew Henson had taken command of my mouth for his pleasure. There was a minor problem between the owner of the Cowboys and the NFL front office. So I was flown in to try to help defuse the situation. Fortunately, the blow-up was put to bed quite easily and quickly.

As the meeting let out, I began to search through my blackberry to find the private number Drew promised that he had programmed. Sure enough, I found it saved under the name Fat Dick. The name made me smirk, but it also made my mouth water. I rang the number up and Drew answered straight off.

"Uh, hello Drew," I said, them paused, fumbling for a way to reintroduce myself to him. I couldn't even remember if I'd given him my name during our encounter a few weeks before.

"You gave me your number after the Thanksgiving Day game, and told me to call you when I was back in big D.," I lamely rattled off after what seemed like an eternity.

"Oh, right. You are the one that gave me that totally ripped blowjob. So you're wanting round 2 with the big boy, huh? That's cool."

I blanched and looked worriedly around hoping that the sound on the phone wasn't too loud for Drew's deep baritone to carry. My colleagues were still huddled around the gratis drinks and food, so generously provided for the meeting. No one seemed to notice, so I replied, "Yes, I suppose that I would like another go at it. I'm on the Cowboy complex now, actually. I've just finished with a meeting and I'm free until tomorrow morning." I couldn't believe how slutty I had become. I mean, here I am presenting myself to Drew and he still doesn't even know my name. This was most definitely a new low.

Drew said, "Go to the rear parking lot and wait for me behind the dumpsters. I'll be there in twenty or thirty minutes." And with that he hung up. Several of the fellows told me that they were going to grab a bite, then hit the bars, but I casually declined. I lied that I was going to meet an old friend from college.

I found my way to the rear parking lot and stood behind the dumpster. As the stench from the garbage began to turn my stomach, I started to rethink this whole thing. Finding yourself holed-up behind a stinky dumpster, waiting for another wham-bam from a guy that doesn't even know your name is not, shall we say, a good ego boost. Just as I resolved to forget it and catch up with the guys, Drew rolled up in a gleaming black Hummer. He rolled down the passenger window and said, "I'm glad you called. Get in."

One look into his ice blue eyes, and I totally went weak in the knees. I hauled myself into his hulking monstrosity of an SUV and we speed out of the Cowboy complex.

In fifteen minutes, we arrived at his condo in an upscale neighborhood in Dallas. I got to do some heavy staring at Drew's beautifully rounded rump as I followed him through the back gate. Once we made it inside, Drew offered me a drink. I was impressed at what a fine host he was. He was really quite charming, when he wanted to be. I got to do some more heavy staring at Drew as he fixed me a Jack and Coke. This guy has the total package. I think that I had forgotten how handsome he actually is: when he smiles, he becomes even more endearing. Those eyes of his could cut through glass, they certainly cut through me. Drew has an additional something going on, though. He just exudes this commanding presence that is hard to explain. He certainly has the equipment to be alpha male in any situation. His presence is just augmented by his ginormous cock.

"So what was Jerry Jones bitching about this time?" Drew inquired. It took me a moment to re-orient myself to the present. "Oh, just haggling about money, again," I replied. Drew placed the Jack and Coke on the table next to me and stood over me while I sat on his overstuffed sofa. He dipped his thick index finger into the drink and traced my lips, wetting them with the tangy mix of alcohol and flesh. He inserted his finger into my mouth, which I gladly allowed. He soaked his finger in my mouth for what seemed like a very long time. "Yeah, Jerry can be a total dick when it comes to money. Just ask Emmett Smith," he said with a chuckle. When he withdrew the finger he said, "I think I'd like to fuck the hell out of your ass, this time. I mean, you did say that you were free until tomorrow, right." I nodded slightly. "Good, that means that we have a nice long time to get to know each other better."

"Do you want my fat dick in your mouth again, bitch?" Again, I nodded slightly. "Them take it out and get to work" I slid from the sofa onto my knees in front of Drew as he dropped his Sean Jean terrycloth sweat pants, which really didn't do much to conceal his large package. Drew's long, powerful legs loomed in front of me. I felt dwarfed by his massive size, yet again.

The moment that his dick was out it began to increase in length and girth with every pulse of Drew's heart. I became mesmerized by its growth. Drew thumped me in the forehead and said, "Damn, bitch. I have never seem anyone so fucking amazed by my dick. You really are a total fag aren't you?" I barely heard anything as the monstrously thick cock continued to swell.

As I leaned in, Drew began to dick slap me all over my face. "Hey cocksucker, do you ever listen? I asked you if your a total fag or not." Here we go again. Damn, some guys just can't get it going until they humiliate you. After our last encounter, however, I had begun to rethink my entire sexual personae. I had always been a bottom, but I had never really just let it all go and given myself over to another. "Drew," I replied, "I am totally hot for your fat dick. I'll say or do just about anything for you. Anything." Drew smiled broadly. "Good boy."

Drew enclosed my head within his broad hands, gripping me like an iron vice. He proceeded to power fuck my mouth with a tenacious intensity. I'm usually pretty good at handling a face fucking, but he was pummeling me so hard and so fast that I had to just let go. I had to give in to his will and just allow him to do with me what he wanted. I glanced up and Drew had his head thrown back, with a look a determination on his face. My jaw began to cramp and slobber was pouring from my painfully stretched lips, but I was in total heat from the sensation of absolute submission to another. I looked up at Drew again and we locked eyes. His stare possessed me, and I knew, once and for all, that Drew was in total control.

Too soon, he withdrew his fat dick from my mouth, leaving me feeling slightly dizzy. My throat was raw from the repeated battering. Drew mopped his face with a towel, as he had worked up quite a sweat from face fuck. "You've got a sweet mouth, bitch. How long you been sucking dick?" I wiped some of the slobber and pre-cum from my chin and answered that I've been around the block a few times. My voice was hoarse from the battering from his long, fat dick, and this caused Drew no end of enjoyment. "Damn, bitch! I worked your mouth so hard, you can't even talk right." Drew began to smack me with his wet dick and said, "You like it when I dick smack you don't you?" I nodded in between whacks. "Why would any guy allow another to smack them in the face with their dick- and get off on it? You fags trip me out!" As he spat out the last comment, he lifted his thick nine inches and presented his balls for my attention.

"Nothing better for a man than getting his balls licked," he said with a sign of ultimate satisfaction. After I had given his balls sufficient attention, Drew said, "Get into the bedroom, it's time that I find out if your ass is as sweet as your mouth." I raced into the bedroom and sat on the edge of his king size bed. Drew sauntered down the hall and I was amazed at what a big man he was: 6 foot 5 with ripped muscles, long, chiseled limbs, and all American good looks. Gaping at him, I offered a silent 'thank you' prayer. His fat dick looked impossibly large, bouncing with his gate as he bounded into his bedroom. "I hope that you've got some lube for that thing," I told him as I worriedly stared at his cock.

...to be continued.

Next: Chapter 3

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