Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 26, 2004


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon


The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

======== Chapter 34 ========

Matt was still fulminating about Dr. Powers who probably sent the letter to all the Duke's parents. He happened to notice Rick standing over them, smiling.

"What the hell are you smiling about, Ricky?"

Rick was smiling, "Do you want to hear the good news now?"

Hardy and Matt were unbelieving, 'How could there be good news?', they thought.

"Yes, damn it, don't keep us in suspense!"

Rick began, just a little abashed, "Yesterday, I went home after band practice and checked the mail. My parents both work so they weren't home." He snickered, "I steamed open this letter on college stationery and envelope, and found the letter you read. I thought it might be bad grades.

"I knew I had to do something about it, couldn't have all our parents reading it, especially since it was complete bullshit." He swallowed, nervous with his excitement, "So I got hold of each Duke and Chris, telling them to get home and catch the letter before their parents could read it. And, I told them to bring me their letters so I could show you."

"Well," Matt was shaking, he was so worked up, "did ... you ... get ... them ....all????" In fact he leaped out of bed, still naked of course, and got close and in Rick's face, "Did you?"

Rick just smiled wisely, teasing, "Oh, yes, Dr. Matthew Ridgway, we got them all."

"How about Jamal, Ricky, he lives quite a ways away." Hardy was worried.

Ricky laughed, "Jamal called home and got his little brother, Leon, who is twelve, to burn that letter. He had to promise Leon a brand new bicycle, 12 speed at least before he would agree..

"Hah, poor Jamal was sweating blood by the time they got it settled. I don't know if his letter has been burned yet, but Leon swore to Jamal that he would hide or burn it. Honestly, their parents don't give a shit what their boys do."

Matt fell back on the bed, groaning, "These guys will have me white haired by the time they graduate." Hardy got up and held Matt upright, "Come on, old man, you will survive this too." Matt told Ricky that the Dukes would pay for the bicycle for Jamal's brother. No sweat.

Matt hugged Hardy, shook his head, "No, I can't take much more." And he was only partly fooling.

Hardy jerked his head at Rick, indicating he should get in the group hug, which he did. Actually, Matt and Hardy had Rick between them, pressing their naked bodies against him. No problem, he loved it. He and his lover Jamal had made love with Charles and Matt a short while ago. Matt had made Rick feel really, really good.

Rick's eyes lit up. "I can go for that, in fact Jamal and I talked about it and both said we'd like to have sex with you both. So, if you're really pleased, you could go that way."

Hardy and Matt were grinning from cheek to cheek, "You got it, Ricky, we'll set a date."

Suddenly, both doors burst open and their nephews, Jacob and Joshua, hurtled into the room and on the bed. They were surprised to find their uncles standing, talking to a Duke. They were surprised that they weren't up and getting ready for work. The fact that they were naked didn't surprise them.

"Hi Uncle Matt, Uncle Hardy, and ah ... ah ... "

"That's Uncle Ricky, guys."

The boys started spreading kisses all over the place, including Uncle Ricky, too.

"Boys, would you go and get Todd up to get you dressed." He turned, "Wait a minute, I just remembered, next week your school starts, doesn't it, Jacob?"

Jacob grinned, "Yes, Uncle Matt, it's going to be great."

Matt lifted him in his arms, "We're going to miss you, Jacob, but I'm sure you will find first grade lots of fun and you'll get to learn all sorts of neat stuff."

Jacob put his arms around Matt's neck, "Yes, I know. But I think I'll be a little scared, too."

Matt had one hand under Jacob's butt, the other holding him tightly. "My son, you will do just fine, I'm sure. We all love you, and we will be behind you all the way. Now scoot."

While they had ben talking, Hardy got up and dressed since he was needed at the music building.

"Hey, Ricky, if you need a ride, I'm going in to the college." Hardy was about to leave.

"Sure, Hardy, that would be great. My father brought me out here." He looked at Matt, "Matt, I'll give the letters to Hardy. Okay?"

"Ricky, yes, and be very careful of them. If you give us the letters, we'll start trying to prove that they were written by Dr. Powers somehow. We'll probably can't sue him or we'll be really outed everywhere." He thought a moment, "But, I'll guarantee that we will get him, hopefully before he acts stupidly again."

"Thanks so much, Rick, you've saved our lives, really."

Matt shook his hand, kissed Hardy on the lips and as he watched them leave the bedroom, Rick was trying to talk Hardy into buying him breakfast. Hardy kept shaking his head, but Matt knew he'd do it. Such a soft hearted, wonderful man. Matt smiled lovingly, his heart so full of his emotion and relief.

Matt had kept the one letter he'd gotten from Rick, so, when he'd dressed and had some breakfast, he headed for the music building. He took a few minutes to note the progress on the new music building which seemed to be finishing at a rapid pace, just two weeks until the College opens for the new school year.

Once in his office of the old building, he placed a call to Lieutenant Reardon, requesting a chance to talk to him, preferably in Matt's office.

"Now what, Matt, what have you gotten into now."

Matt laughed, "This time no one is hurt physically, but it is serious. A lot of people are going to be hurt, possibly. I need advice more than help, I guess."

"Okay, Matt, I can be there in a half hour if the Lord is willing."

"I hope He is, see you then."

Matt walked into the old building, through the dingy halls which hadn't been painted in eons. He knew that budgets throughout the College were tight, but that was ridiculous. While in his office, he picked up his office phone, punched in Dean McAllister's office and received an immediate answer.

"Hello, Dean McAllister here."

"Hamish, this is Matt, I've got a real problem and I can't talk about it over the phone. Lieutenant Reardon will be in my office in a few minutes, could you get away?"

"Sure, Matt, I have one appointment which won't take long. Say, fifteen minutes?"

"Great, see you them, thanks."

When both men were sitting in front of Matt's desk, he handed the letter to the Dean, who passed it on to Lieutenant Reardon after he read it.. Neither man knew what to say, stunned would describe their faces and attitudes.

"First off, guys, I have a intelligent angel in my Dukes. Rick Balsaam had gone to his home where he lived with his parents in Windsor. He went through the mail in the mailbox, found the envelope from the College and addressed to his parents. He was afraid of something bad happening to him, so he steamed open the envelope. When he read that letter, he knew what he had to do. Each of the dukes must get that letter before their parents could see it.

"I'm pleased to tell you that each Duke got the letter before their parents found it, and brought them to Rick, and he brought me that one."

"Lieutenant, isn't that criminal? Slander? Extortion? There must be something illegal about it," the Dean complained to Reardon.

"I'm not an expert on something like that, but it sure is malicious and fu... ah .... frigging unethical. I suppose you are thinking of Dr. Powers." He stopped, "I thought he went to Iowa?"

Matt frowned, disgusted, "I thought so, too, but he must not be. The envelopes were mailed in Windsor. In fact I saw Dr. Powers the other day, coming out of the Admin building carry in some papers in his hand. I ignored him at the time, but maybe I should have confronted him."

The Dean spoke up, "Matt, I have a friend at Iowa State at Ames. He's the registrar and if Dr. Powers is there, he would know it."

"Go ahead."

Lieutenant Reardon and Matt sat quietly as Hamish talked to his friend.

The conversation was short but to the point. Hamish ended the call and turned to Matt and Lieutenant Reardon.

"Dr. Powers is not at Iowa State. My friend said that there was talk about him because someone on the faculty committee had heard the Dukes in Washington and thought, as the Music Department head, Powers would be the founder and director of the group.

"A member of the committee was assigned to investigate, but it only took him one day to find out that Powers was not behind the Dukes. And, in fact, had been forcibly retired by Windsor College. End of story." Hamish smiled, "Serves the old bastard right."

Matt spoke up, "Since most likely he is still here in Windsor, what can we do?"

The three men were quiet, their brains whirling and spinning through the possibilities.

Matt spoke first, seriously and solemnly, "We have to find him and shut him up. That's for sure." He continued, "I'm not suggesting killing him, but he's got to stop his campaign of vindictive and malicious attempts to destroy the Dukes and me personally. The fact that he would hurt quite a few people in the effort doesn't seem to bother him at all.."

Lieutenant Reardon said that he would take on the effort to find out where he is living.

"Since he sold his old house, he might have bought another. I'll check all those records, and I'll check with the utilities to see if his name comes to the surface."

Matt decided that he could check with the post office while the Dean would check the offices in the Administration Building or elsewhere in the college to see if Powers had been there last week.

The three men shook hands and took their worries home with them. They all knew that Dr. Powers would be quick to continue his drive against Matt and his friends. So they must be quick to find him.

Before he left the Music Building, Matt stopped to talk to his secretary, Rosemary Hamman about Dr Powers.

"Rosemary, has Dr. Powers been in this office in the last two weeks?" He presented a very serious face to her, trying to impress her of the seriousness of the question.

She looked at Matt, "Yes, he was in here, oh, a couple weeks ago." She looked confused, "He wanted me to type a few letters, he said, but I said he wasn't my boss anymore and I didn't have to do anything for him. If he'd been decent to me, I might have thought of doing it. But he was always nasty to me."

"Think back, Rosemary, "did you get a look at the letter?"

"No, I wouldn't even look at it. Just told him to leave." She smiled, "And he did."

"Did he also ask you for some student home addresses, any students?"

She gloated, "He asked, but he didn't get them from me. Maybe he went to the registrar."

Matt thought of something else, "Was he ever in my office?"

"No, sir, I was here all the time."

Matt assured her, "That was fine, Rosemary, he has no business on this campus." He turned to leave, "I'll be going home now, and I'll see you tomorrow." He broke in, "Oh, have all the music department courses and students been scheduled and printed?"

"Oh, yes, Dr. Ridgway, we're all ready for them in two weeks. The individual schedules have been mail to their parent's address. See you."

Her statement made him think, 'where could Powers have gotten the Dukes' address?'.

Before leaving the campus, Matt stopped at the registrar's office to talk to the clerks. He asked a number of them if Dr Powers had been in there sometime in the last couple of weeks. Finally, he talked to Mitsy Williams, clerk of student records.

"Yes, Dr. Ridgway, he came in week before last and asked for some student home addresses. I thought he was still part of the faculty and I gave the address to him. I'm sorry if I done wrong, I just didn't know."

Okay, Mitsy, don't worry. You probably couldn't have known. But, don't give addresses out any more. Not to anyone unless you see their faculty pass."

She reddened, "Oh, I never will do that."

Rick and Jamal were lying on Jamal's bed in a sixty-nine position. They had started some good fore-play five minutes before and had the other's cock in their mouths. Rick loved Jamal's uncut dick, not thick, but fairly long. He mostly loved to get his tongue between his foreskin and his cockhead, swiping and cleaning around under the skin which Jamal kept very clean anyway. He usually had one hand around Jamal's balls, gently manipulating them, softly and lovingly while his other hand lay between Jamal's ass cheeks, again running them over his asshole easily, sometimes tickling his wrinkled slit, sometimes sticking one finger tip inside, feeling the heat, the strength of his sphincter and the moisture in the channel.

Jamal himself was enjoying Rick's naked body, caressing his white, unmarked skin and feeling the relatively small muscles. Rick wasn't a big man, but his cock, while not long, was fairly thick. He didn't get to fuck Jamal a lot, though because of his love for Rick, he would allow it. Rick's cock size was a bit difficult to accept. It was getting easier as they went on.

Occasionally Jamal would allow him to push his thick cock up his asshole, but he would be very sore for a couple days. Rick knew that and appreciated each time Jamal would let him inside. Rick loved Jamal so much, loved the sturdy, uncut cock and loved the caf au lait shades of his skin. Plus, he was in love with Jamal's mind, intelligence, and quick wit. And he loved the way Jamal could suddenly slide into his black slang way of speaking, like the hippest, hip-hop artist. And then immediately switch back to his normal perfect English grammar and pronunciation.

He loved to watch Jamal while he stripped, rediscovering the fine muscles without much heft, but well-defined and sleek. His cock was a bit darker than his skin and his cockhead tended toward red-purple a bit. The whole body was smooth with a patch of black hair under his arms, just a touch between his pecs and a nice black bush over his cock.

Sucking noises dominated the room's silence as they worked on each other's rising cock, arousing the other to great heights,

"Oh, man, Ricky, I'm almost coming .... how about you?" Jamal felt the pressure in his balls and all over his crotch rising to his climax, sending shivers throughout his body, sparks under his skin that made him move his limbs. He pulled Rick's ass more toward his own body, forcing Ricky's pulsing, pounding hot cock

Rick just mumbled around the long slim cock in his mouth, his juices running down into Jamal's pubes and sliding further to douse his balls.

Rick moaned deeply, almost growling, warning of his cuming soon.

Both men renewed their sucking vigor, stronger and more violent on the other's cock head and the staff, the skin glistening and gleaming in the sunlight hitting the bed.

"Oh, look out, babe, I'm cumming. Ah ... ngh ... aahhh."

Jamal very quickly repeated his sounds, shooting his slick, white cum down Rick's throat.

The two men sucked each other clean and practically dry, then Rick turned around on the bed going head to head to hold Jamal in his arms. He lay on his back and Jamal lay parallel but on his stomach, half on top of Rick, his head on Ricky's chest and one leg over Rick's crotch and his still fat cock.


"Yes, lover,"

"I was thinking about Moose. He is really a good guy, isn't he?"

Jamal kissed Rick's left nipple, taking a little nip of it. "Yes, Ricky, he really helped us out. And he wasn't afraid of gays. Maybe having a gay brother made the difference."

"Did I tell you that he called and wanted to talk to us, with his brother along?"

Jamal hugged Rick closer to him, gripping him with his arms and legs, particularly pulling his left leg tight against his recovering cock. "I agree, hon, we'll have to work on that."

At that moment Moose Monahan was vacuuming his parents' home. The boys did try to help because both their parents worked every day and came home tired. Moose had even become a good cook, standing in for his mother in many ways.

Moose finished vacuuming most of the house except for his and Mike's bedroom. It was almost noon and Mike still wasn't up. Moose knew that Mike and his best friend, Nelson Stronheim, had gone to the drive-in theater, seeing two shows and getting home very late. Michael had persuaded Moose to get them two beers apiece, promising that they would drink them at the beginning of the show. They would stay until after the second movie so they would be sober by the time Nels drove them home. Moose had reminded them to get rid of the cans.

Moose was up when they came home and felt they were completely sober. He would sometimes get the two 16 year olds a couple beers but only if they stayed home. Moose sighed and knew that Mike had him wound around his little finger. He smiled at that.

He opened the door to their bedroom to see Mike inert on the bed, under the sheet. He was on his back and Moose couldn't help noticing that his hard cock was making a peak in the sheet over his crotch.

Moose smiled again, wondering if he and Nels ever did anything sexual with each other. Mike had announced to Moose a year ago that he was gay. Moose was stunned, thinking about this boy he had raised. He marveled because he'd tried for 15 years to present to his little brother the essence of the real man that he tried to be. What else could he have done?

Moose was five years older than Mike and had loved him desperately ever since his birth. Since Moose was just five when Mike was born, his mother wouldn't trust him with anything more than holding his little brother for just a moment. However, by the time Mike was almost one and starting to walk, Moose was taking care of him most of the time.

Moose was hopelessly in love with the sturdy baby and actually had taken over his mother's job of caring for him. He changed his diapers, though sometimes he almost threw up at the smell when he took the diaper off. But, gamely and determinedly, he got rid of the diaper and cleaned his brother's bottom up perfectly. Moose smiled remembering his teasing Mike a lot about having to clean up his bottom practically all his life.

Mike was always an angel with Moose and behaved well in every way. When he was little, Moose would carry Mike in a back sling and walked most everywhere. Their house was out in the country, on a farm just south of the city of Windsor, so they walked the fields looking at cows, horses and other animals without fear or nervousness. Moose explained about the animals and what they ate.

When Mike started to make sounds and his family tried to get him to speak and say 'mama' or dada', the only word he would say was 'moos'. Moose had talked a lot about the cows, or more specifically, the MOO cows. It wasn't long before Mike was calling his older brother 'moos' and the name stuck. Ever since, the family has called Matthew Monahan by that nickname. So, Moose hadn't been called Moose because of his size since he hadn't been unusually bigger than normal until age 10 or 11. Mike still took credit for the nickname.

Moose didn't really understand about 'gays' or 'homosexuals' and hadn't really thought about them until Mike told him about being gay. When he asked Mike about how he knew, he said that he looked at and dreamed about boys like other boys looked at and dreamed about girls.

In their earlier years, Moose tried to expose his brother to the wonders and thrills of team athletics, being around other men, young as they may be. From PeeWee football, middle school football, then high school wrestling, he took Mike with him for practices and games or matches. Mike was very good when Moose left him in on the bleachers. All of Moose's teammates got to know Mike very well, often bringing him little toys to play with, patting his head always with a 'hi Mikey' to him. Mike returned the favor and he learned all their names. When Mike was nine and in third grade, Moose's wrestling team mates got him a tiny wrestling outfit, calling him an atom-weight wrestler. Mike was very proud of his wrestling togs. He looked so cute, Moose thought.

Thinking back, Moose realized that Mike loved being in the locker rooms while the boys changed clothes and took showers. Moose had received permission to allow Mike to take a shower with the team. After a little while, he had to have a talk with Mike, telling him that he could look around, but not to stare at any of the boys, especially when they were naked. He thought that Mike understood.

Since the time when Mike confessed, the two brothers hadn't talked about homosexuality at all, but Moose, after meeting the nice gays he had helped with the bigot, Krupko, had a better opinion of them as a group. There was nothing wrong with them that he could tell. He was sorry for them, so often they were hated and abused for what hadn't been their fault at all.

Moose went inside their bedroom quietly and sat on Mike's bed, beside him. Slowly, Mike woke up, stretching, finally opening his eyes and jumped when he saw Moose sitting on his bed. He smiled and said 'morning', then scrambled when he realized that his hard on was creating a mountain in the sheet. He reddened, embarrassed that his loving brother caught him with his aroused cock.

"Don't worry, Mikey, you ain't got nothin' there I haven't see many times. You'd often get a hardon when I was changing your diapers."

"Aww, Moose, don't bring that up again, please?"

Mike sat up, trying to hide his erection. Moose reached out and clutched his brother with both arms, pulling him against his body.

"Mikey, can't I tease you when we're by ourselves?" He ruffled Mike's short hair, "I love you little brother, and I thought you loved me too."

Mike put his arms around his huge brother, well, almost all the way around, and hugged him as tightly as he could. "Of course I love you, Moose, you are my father, mother and brother all wrapped in one wonderful guy."

"Ok, gimme a kiss, then."


The two brothers kissed on the lips, not in lust but in love. 'Someday', Mike thought.

Moose broke apart the joint hug, "What were you planning to do, Mikey? Anything special?" He threw the sheet to the end of the bed, grabbed Mike, slung him over his shoulder, and carried him to the bathroom, spanking his bottom lightly as he did it. "No matter what, we need a shower .... now!"

He put Mike down on his feet, pulling off the boy's boxers at the same time.

"Geez, Moose, you don't have to strip me, huh?"

"Sure, I do," he countered, "we got to get going. I got plans for us today."

Moose quickly threw his T-shirt over his shoulder, but missed the hamper.

"Boo, Moose missed again," Mike was laughing at Moose, but in love, not spite.

Moose was soon stripped naked, his huge body was heavily muscled, but not like the body builders, his muscles weren't defined like them, but just as heavy and thick.

"Gee, Moose, you got a woodie, since when?"

Moose looked down, not having realized that he had a hard on. His brow wrinkled, he couldn't understand it. He had never gotten a hardon when naked with Mike ... ever!

"My god, Moose, that's a monster, how long is it?"

The two brothers had usually slept naked, often touching and holding each other, though never getting stiffies before, not that the other knew.

"I never measured, Mikey. Didn't think that was important."

"Yes, the stories always say that size doesn't matter, it's how you use it." He giggled, "I've never had a chance to test the theory." He abruptly flicked out his hand to bounce Moose's cock so it slapped his abdomen.

"Hey, little brother, how come you did that, you've never touched me before? Have I missed something, Mikey?"

Mike sat on the toilet lid, put his hands over his face and moaned his 'sorry' to Moose.

Moose sat on his heels in front of Mike, spread his knees on either side of the toilet, and put his hands on Mike's knees, "Mikey, I'm sorry, I'm not angry. It was so sudden, I just was startled."

Moose put his arms around Mike's shoulders, patting his back. His hands slipped to the toilet lid, holding on to Mike's buttocks.

"Oh, Moose, please, please don't .... ah .... " Instantly, Moose knew Mike was crying and sobbing in his arms. He held him tighter.

"What is it, Mike, you know I'd never hurt you, I love you, remember?"

Mike pulled his face up from his hands. "That's the trouble, Moose, I love you too, but ... but ... oh god ... " He looked into Moose's eyes, deep to their depths, trying to reach his inner soul to ask for forgiveness. "Moose, I'm IN LOVE with you. IN LOVE WITH YOU!" His hands went over his face, his head down as he cried more.

Very softly Moose breathed, "Oh my god, what have we done now? What have I done?"

He kept holding Mike very tightly, holding him against his chest.

Mike looked up, his eyes open and directed to Moose's eyes. "Moose, are you angry? I can't help it. I know I've loved you since I was born, but this has come over me the last year." The tears still streamed down his cheeks, in his mouth and off his chin. " Please, please don't hate me, Moose. I'd die."

Not knowing what to say to his brother, Moose kept quiet for the moment, while trying to figure out his answer. 'Oh god, please help me, tell me what to say to save us.' He kept rubbing Mike's back and buttocks with his hands, not realizing how much he enjoyed the touch of his brother's smooth, silky skin.

Through his tears, Mike started to giggle, "Please, Moose, if you keep that up, I'm going to cum." He suddenly was still, then, "Oh god, Moose, I'm cuming. Oh ... ngh...hnn ... here ... here it cums, I love you."

Moose felt Mike's body jerk and tense up, muscles tightening all over, then he felt Mike's cock spraying his cum and it running down Moose's chest, dropping into his crotch on his cock and balls.

Mike almost screamed, and did yell, "Oh man, Moose, that was out of this world."

Though he was sympathetic with his brother, Moose didn't know what to do. His brother had just squirted his cum all over his chest and crotch. He knew well that he loved his brother dearly, but sexually? He didn't think so.

"Michael, I'm sorry if I put you in a bad spot, I didn't mean to make you cum. Can you forgive me for that?"

"No," he blurted, "I need to thank you, it was wonderful."

"But Mikey, I'm not in love with you, man." He thought to himself, 'At least I don't think so.'

Mike looked accusingly at Moose, "Stand up, please." Moose did. "So, why do you have a rock hardon, biggest one I've ever seen, even on the Internet." He smiled. "I think you ARE in love with me. Honest." He looked hopefully at his big brother. Very quietly, "I hope".

First, Moose didn't know they had men with erections on the Internet. Second, what had he been missing and what was a seventeen-year-old doing looking at erections on the Internet anyway.

"Mike, I'm sorry, but I'm really in a muddle, completely puzzled. How about you get your shower and then I'll get mine. Get dressed and wait for me in our bedroom. Okay?"

Moose watch his brother closely as his perfect bottom followed his legs over the rim of the bathtub. He thought, 'my god, I'm staring at my brother's buttocks, and aching for them.'

Mike was quick in and out of the shower, dried off and went to their bedroom. He didn't get dressed because he felt this was his opportunity to explain his feelings to Moose.

Moose also finished his shower and returned to their room covered only with a towel.

"I thought you were going to dress, Mikey."

Mike shook his head 'no' and looked at his big brother with a serious face, determined.

"I think we need to talk, very, very personally, about my feelings and your feelings about each other. Don't you? I need you badly, Moose, to help me. Please!"

Mike was sitting on the edge of his bed, hoping Moose would sit beside him. To urge him on, he patted the edge beside him and smiled.

Moose realized that he was right, so he sat by Mike and put his big arm around Mike's shoulders, pulling him close. "Okay, Mikey, I will try to help any way I can." He leaned his head down to give Mike a kiss on his forehead. "First, can you tell me what you feel like as a gay man?"

Mike sighed, not sure how to proceed. "This isn't easy, Moose." He grabbed Moose's right hand which hung over his shoulder, holding on tight. "Moose, have you ever looked at a girl or woman and immediately you feel tremors and tingles in your body and your dick goes hard. Zap, just like that." Moose shook his head 'no'. "Anyway, bro, that's the way I feel when I see a boy or man who attracts me, who is sexy and handsome and hot. Someone like you." Mike grinned with pride and respect.

"Also, if some other man or boy touches me, anywhere, not even on the dick or butt, I get a sudden flash of heat and sweat. You know, like Mom when she gets one of her hot flashes."

He looked tenderly at his brother, knowing they both loved their mother deeply. "Speaking of our mother, sometime we'll have to figure out what to tell our parents about me. And you, too, maybe." Moose frowned when he heard Mike say that. He was disturbed enough knowing that Mike was gay.

"Also, Moose, no matter what you decide, I want us to go on as usual. I want you to consider your feelings in respect to me." Mike rubbed Moose's bare back with his left hand, still holding Moose's hand with his right. He also pulled Moose more tightly against his naked side, even as he realized that he was getting a hardon just being so close to Moose.

"Mike, you know well that I've loved you dearly since you were just a babe, and I still do, but I don't think any time was it a sexual love."

Mike challenged his big brother, "Think all the way back to when I was a young boy and you used to bathe me, okay."


"Can you ever remember getting a hardon when you were bathing me, didn't you ever get one? Don't be too much in a hurry to answer, be honest with me. Please."

Moose still held on to Mike with a grip of love and adoration. He tried to bring back those years so long ago. Suddenly, he gave a start and abruptly was aware he had gotten hardons when he bathed Mike. He knew it. His forehead popped with sweat, his whole body was wet with the realization of his orientation sexually.

Moose then knew that he might be gay. Thinking about his reactions earlier, he could remember hundreds of time having a woodie during and after he and Mike had been hugging in bed, going to sleep. He never had related that to a sexuality which must be his. But now what?

Moose grabbed Mike up and set him across his lap. "Mike, my wonderful brother, I must ask you to forgive me for not understanding what you were going through." He clutched his naked brother to his breast, holding him so firmly. "And what I was going through that I didn't recognize inside myself."

"I know I am in love with you, Mikey, I adore you completely and know we must be together always. I know I have been in denial, I didn't want to admit that I might be gay."

Mike pushed Moose back on the bed and lay full out on his naked body. He did have some trouble getting Moose's cock to lay down so it wasn't trying to drill a hole in his stomach. He had his face over his beautiful brother's, "I love you so much, Moose, we need to be together. I'm 17 and you are 22, which is quite a difference now, but when I'm 30 and you are 35, that's hardly any difference at all."

Moose grew sober, somewhat sad, too. "You know, Mike, what we are talking about is called incest, having sex with a member of your close family. I don't think there would be a chance of us being arrested, but most people frown on it, seriously. And you are just 17, too"

Mike was way ahead of Moose. "Moose, wasn't that law set up to keep close relatives from having children, which could be born with serious handicaps?"

Moose, looking up into Mike's lovely face, and smiled, "You have really delved into this whole subject." Mike nodded, then kissed those thin lips of Moose's.

"Mike, I don't think I have a choice, but we will have difficulties. Our biggest problem would be to tell our parents, or not to tell them and try to keep the secret." He laid his thin lips against Mike's juicy rosebud ones, then stuck his tongue between Mike's lips to touch his tongue.

Mike raised up quickly, "oh god, what was that, Moose, you stuck your tongue in my mouth."

"What do you think all those couples on TV or movies are doing when they are kissing, they duel with their tongues, and search out all around their partner's whole mouth. I'm sorry, I just assumed you knew that. Now that I think of it, how far have you and Nels gotten, like at the drive-in movie?"

In a second Mike's face was brilliant red, his body hot and steamy. He finally smiled, "I'm supposed to reveal all, huh? Maybe Nels wouldn't like me to do that."

Moose slapped Mike on the butt with both hands, "No secrets, Mikey, no secrets between us, ever. Will that be too hard?"

Mike pretended to pout a little, "You hurt me, man."

"Get used to it, lover, that was just a love tap." He softly caressed Mike's buttocks, "You have the most beautiful buttocks in existence, Mikey, you really do. I would never really hurt you."

While Moose was talking, Mike started sliding down Moose's body until his face was pressing into his crotch where his brother's thumping cock bounced into Mike's cheek. He pushed his tongue out to slide it over Moose's silky yet like steel cock.

The huge cock lay on his tongue, the heat and pulsing transferred to Mike as he was in a state of ecstacy and eroticism never before felt in his life. Grabbing the shaft with one hand, Mike pulled the cock down until he could get his mouth over the head, the satin, soft flesh at the top of his big brother's fleshy ram.

Moose pulled his cock out of Mike's mouth, "Have you ever done this before, Mike?"

Slowly, shyly he shook his head in a 'no' response.

"Don't you think you better practice on a smaller dick than mine?"

At that Mike grinned, "Well, I did practice some on Nelson's, but he don't even shoot yet. He's only got a small one, even smaller than mine."

"Get up, little Mikey, let me move to the pillow." Moose crawled over until he could stretch out on their bed, his head on one pillow. "Now, come here, my loving brother. You got your rocks off a little earlier and I'm not desperate to cum. If it's okay with you, I'd like us to lay together and just cuddle while we sort things out a bit.

"I haven't quite made up my mind that I'm for sure gay. I guess it's probably true, but the reality is not very real yet. I think I may have to go visit some gay friends from the Dukes. They have been partners quite a while. They may be able to help up."

"Can I go with you? I'll be good, Moose. I don't know any real gays. The one I'd like to see is Hardy Wolfe. He's a god!" Mike was lying against Moose, nestling against his hot, hunk of a body.

"You do know that Hardy is the partner of the Professor, Matthew Ridgway, don't you?" He mussed Mike's hair and said, "I'll be sure to introduce you to him soon."

Moose wrapped his large arms around his much smaller brother, holding him with love and deep affection. "Just relax, Mikey, let's get a nap before our parents get home." He gave Mike the evil eye, "Remember, we have to be very careful around them or they will begin to suspect. Okay?" He fondled Mike's bubble butt cheeks, thrilled with the feel of that sheen.

"Sure, Moose," and he tongued and licked one of Moose's quarter sized nipples, sucking like a little cub on his huge mama bear."

The day after their first meeting, Matt, Hamish and Les met again with information that had come to the investigators. Actually, all three had found some information, but not where he might be living. When they met in Matt's office, they compared results.

"From what I learned, I have a feeling that he is using a phony name. He may have been planning this all along and learned somehow to fix himself up with a new identity." Les seemed to feel positive about it.

Matt countered, "I know that Powers tried to get Rosemary to type the letters but she wouldn't, she didn't even look at it. She asked him to leave. He should have know better than to ask anything of Rosemary, he had treated her very badly. I found a clerk in the Registrars office who gave him the names and addresses of each of the seven in the Dukes. I don't think she'll do that again." He still showed his anger, "And, I think she will give evidence against him when needed.

Dean McAllister said he found a secretary in the Physical Education Department who admitted to having typed the letters, then handed them to Dr. Power. She'd heard of him and had no idea he had been retired. I asked her if she read the letters." He smiled, "Tricky question, wasn't it?"

"Anyway, she said she didn't read the letter and had no idea what they said." He nodded, "Yep, if you had met her, you would believe her. I honestly believe she could type letters all day but never remember any of them."

"Les," Matt said, "don't we have enough evidence now? He wanted Rosemary to type the letters and mail them. That sounds rather definite to me."

Lieutenant Reardon set his mouth in a hard, straight line. "I think we have enough to call on the Doctor fella and put the fear of Reardon to him. I don't know how it would play in court since we don't have a letter with his fingerprints on it."

Matt spoke up, "Hasn't your fingerprint department found any prints?"

"Yes, some, but matching them will be tricky. Where can I find his fingerprints?"

"In his old office, my present office, maybe in the little bathroom which I have never used. Got to be there somewhere. The cleaning staff would clean it, but I'm sure there must be some that they would have missed."

"Okay, I'll check. Let's get together tomorrow too." Matt and Hamish nodded sure.

Moose woke up with a start, listening intently. He heard the noise again.

"Oh god, Mikey, our folks are back home."

Mike jumped up, "What will we do?" He was panicked, really frightened.

Moose got him out of bed, "Go take a shower, a long, long shower, Okay?"

Mike ran into the bathroom, got the shower going and stepped in.

Meanwhile, Moose jumped into some jeans and a t-shirt, ran downstairs and started washing the dishes he and Mike had used for lunch.

"Still working, Moose?" The boys' mother dropped the groceries she'd picked up at the store on the kitchen table. She had the day off from work, taking a little time here and there.

"Well, Mike and I both had a nap a while ago. You will notice that we cleaned the house I hope. Got sorta dirty, so Mike is taking a shower."

"Your Dad won't be home until evening and Mrs. Stronheim will pick me up in a couple minutes, we're going shopping down in Bryan. So you guys will be on your own for supper." She stretched to kiss Moose on his cheek, "I'm sure you can handle that."

"Sure, Mom."

She looked at his face again. "You are smiling big, Moose. You look like the cat who ate the canary, dropping feathers everywhere."

Moose blushed but not enough for his mother to notice. "Oh, heck, Mom, I'm just feeling good. You know, had a good day." His blush was more from thinking about Mike.

Outside, a horn blasted four or five times.

"Oh, that woman, no brains. Tell Mike I had to leave. Probably take us hours."

Moose kissed his mother on the lips as she passed him on the way to the front door.

Right after the front door closed, he heard Mike sneaking down the stairs. He ran to Moose and grabbed him. Mike was still naked. He was grinning and questioned, "Is this play time, Moose?"

"No, maybe later it we get a chance. We are going to do what I set up for this time, we are going to go see some of the Dukes, I was going to ask Matt Ridgway to set it up."

"That's great. When do we go?"

"Probably next week. Now put something decent on your hunky bod., right now we are going to the arcade. We haven't done that in a long time. " He smiled at his little brother, leaned over and grabbed him by two hands under his buttocks. He pulled Mike off the floor a foot to even up their height. "But, before that I want a super kiss from you." After that request, Mike swung his legs around Moose's hips, locking his ankles together, and hung on.

The two young men spent five minutes while they attacked each other with mouth, lips and tongue, until they were both as hard as possible and Moose was leaking in his jeans since he hadn't worn underwear.

Moose broke off. Mike wasn't a real lightweight any more, he'd been adding weight and muscle.

"Mikey, that was great, I love you deeply, much more than I could ever love anyone else."

"And I love you, Moose," he grinned, "and I want to make real love to you."

Moose looked out in the driveway, "Oops, Mikey, get your gorgeous body upstairs and get dressed, Dad has come home early. Better not let him see us like this. Now scoot!."

When Mike and Moose were learning previously undiscovered parts of each other, Hardy had called a meeting of the Dukes at the old Music Building. Hardy had looked at the new building that morning and found where his office would be. He grinned at himself. He was excited to have an office all his own. Matt had promised that and had delivered.

He looked around at the group in Matt's office. "Anybody who's not here, raise their hand." Not even a light titter, he'd used that ancient line too often. 'I must get me a better writer.'

"I have some things for you guys that might make our trip seem more real to you." He fumbled with some packages on the desk and finally pulled out a small one and opened it. "Here are your passports, direct from Charles the Lord. I'll pass them out alphabetically or maybe by age, or maybe I should do it by middle name ...."

"Oh shut up and pass them out, Hardon!"

Hardy smiled with evil overtones. "Somebody is going to be toting a lot of baggage on our trip, me thinks." He was looking right at Roger who tried to look innocent.

"Wasn't me, boss," and everyone else groaned at his assertion.

"Anyway, where was I ... oh, I know ... pass out the passports." Hardy, with a sleight of hand, removed Roger's passport from the pile.

"Okay, here we go. Ladies first, Chris, then BJ, LJ, Rick, Jamal, Todd. As he handed the last passport to Todd, he said, "Well, guess that's it. Now I want to go ..."

"Hey! Where's my passport?" Roger was a bit incensed, and rightly so, he thought.

Hardy looked up, "You didn't get yours, Roger? I know it was here." He started shuffling through the mess on the desk. Suddenly he pulls it out of his pocket, "Oh, here is was all the time, in my pocket." He smiled broadly, "Here you go." He held out the passport and Roger grabbed at it. It wasn't there because Hardy had pulled it back.

Hardy moved close to Roger and hugged him. He whispered in his ear, "Remember, Roger, I started getting paid by the college starting this week which means I'm actually a faculty member, not your plaything any more." He slapped Roger on his butt, gave him his passport and kissed him on his cheek.

BJ yelled, "Hey, no fair, no secrets from us. We're all for one and one for all. Whatever that means."

Hardy raised his hand to quiet the troops, "I just told Roger that as of this week, I'm a full-fledged faculty member." He made a formal bow.

BJ spoke more quietly, "Well, so we must be more respectful and polite, is that right, Mr. Hardon?"

That broke everyone up, and it was a while before Mr. Hardon Wolfe could get control.

He spoke up, "And I have more, if anyone cares." He turned around so they wouldn't see him smile. He loved them all.

As they settled, he began passing out their schedules, flights, travel to the Hall from Heathrow airport, room assignments at the hall. Hardy thought about screwing up some of those assignments, like putting Rick with Roger instead of Jamal, but decided he'd done enough joking. Anyway, maybe they would have liked to be playing with someone new.

"Matt and I have almost finished the music for our performance, and I'll try to have the parts ready for you by next week. Also, you have gotten the last monthly check you will get, which was calculated to take care of the next two weeks before classes start. Then you are on your own."

"Hey, Hardy," Rick called out, "you remember Moose Monahan from the Krupko case? Remember he helped us catch him?"

"Oh, yes, Rick, what's up?"

"Well, Moose called to see if he could come to talk to us and he's bringing his brother, Mike. Mike is the one who thinks that he's gay, he's just 17."

"Hell, I knew I was gay by the time I was 12," retorted Jamal. "I'd already put the 'make' on my younger brother, Leon, he was only 9."

Rick answered that, "Jamal, you told me you were scoping out your kindergarten playmates, checking out their dicks when they went to the boys room." He was laughing as he said it and was joined by the others.

"Well, sure, Ricky, and you were one of them, one that I thought had too tiny of a dick to bother with. I will admit now that I was wrong." He went to Rick and hugged him,

Hardy broke in again, "That's it for today, guys, practice tomorrow at noon. See you then. Have fun. Only two weeks until school starts."

The morning of Jacob's first day of rest of his 12 years of school, at least. The Ridgway house was busy early that morning. Everyone wanted to see Jacob start his education in the first grade at Taft Elementary school in Windsor.

Todd was getting very emotional to think of HIS Jacob being old enough to start school. He spent a lot of time scrubbing little Jacob in the shower. To keep from getting his clothes all wet, Todd had stripped and gotten in the shower with him. Every inch of Jacob's body was completely clean, soaped, scrubbed and rinsed, then dried, all by Todd.

Todd was on his knees while drying Jacob and when he finished, he clutched Jacob to his body.

"Jacob, I'm so happy and pleased that you are ready to go to school. This is such a great beginning for you, growing up and going out in the world."

Todd was holding Jacob tightly, caressing him lightly.

Jacob said softly, "If you are so happy, Toddy, why are you crying?"

Todd defended himself, "I'm not ... ah ... well, I'm crying because I'm so happy for you, and because I'll miss you so much when you are gone."

Jacob gave Todd a kiss on his lips. "Don't worry, Toddy, I'll come home to you every day, you are my favorite person."

That started Todd up again, dripping tears on Jacob's shoulder.

"Thank you, Jakey, I appreciate that, and I love you more than anyone."

Jacob came back fast, "More than Roger, Toddy?" He looked squirrely.

Todd looked around, stuttered a bit, "Don't tell Roger, please, but yes, just a little bit more."

Jacob threw himself hard against Todd, wrapped his arms around the man he loved.

"Aren't you guys ready yet?" Anne was standing in the doorway to Jacob's bedroom, "You know, Todd, you aren't the only one sad to see Jacob get on that school bus. Get the poor kid dressed, okay?" She sympathized with Todd, but he would still have Joshua to keep for a couple more years. "Get your clothes on too, Todd, if you are walking to the bus with him."

After breakfast, brushing teeth and combing hair, Jacob started out on this momentous day of his life. Jacob went through the front door with his Rug Rats lunch box, dressed neatly in khaki shorts, red and white knit shirt and the latest in young boy's sports shoes.

Following Jacob, single file, were, in order, Joshua, Todd, Nana, Steve, Gary, Matt, Hardy, Roger and Christine who came out early to see Jacob off. The line wound like a snake and traveled sinuously from the house to the road where the bus would stop.

Jacob saw the bus way down the road and started giving kisses, first to Joshua, then to Todd and so on until he reached Christine. He blushed a little, but manfully gave her a sweet kiss on the lips after she picked him up. By that time, the bus was waiting for him.

Jacob got on the first step, turned and waved. The bus driver asked Jacob who all those people were, and Jacob rejoindered, "That's my family, that's who." That set the other kids on the bus wondering who this new boy was. Jacob only knew a couple boys whom he'd met at church. But, he didn't look back, he was looking forward to his adventure.

The 'family' returned to the farm house, happy to see their oldest child, if you don't include Todd, started on his educational journey. Most were happy about that, but sad about not having Jacob around all the time.

Half of the group headed for the kitchen, not having had breakfast, to scrounge for something good. Roger and Todd fought over the last sweet roll on the plate until Matt came up and thumped the roll with a knife dividing it in half. They both looked at Matt, wondering how he had the right to stop their scuffle.

Matt started to laugh at their startled faces, "You each take half or I'll take the whole roll."

Finally, getting over their shock, they laughed too. "Thanks, Oh, Solomon, the Wise," they sarcastically announced. The two young men took their half of the roll and headed for Roger's junker of a car, heading for the new music building to look around. Roger was going to practice on the new Dukes' parts while Todd had an appointment with his advisor at the college. He had to get his schedule arranged so that he could be with Joshua in the mornings. Nana Anne Wolfe was willing to watch him in the afternoon.

Matt and Hardy sat on two of the white rocking chairs on the wide front porch, sipping coffee and communing with their local world and each other. They didn't say much but checked each other out frequently. The chairs were close enough to hold hands and they did. Hardy felt the warmth of Matt's hand in his heart and in his crotch. He loved this man so completely and desperately, he prayed so often that nothing would separate them, ever.

Matt sat straight, his eyes misty from thinking of their situation, the wonder of it all. Both were so pleased with their relationship, loving each other more than ever, enjoying the happiness of their 'family'. After seeing their oldest nephew off to school for the first day, they became introspective and nostalgic.

"Matty," Hardy whispered, "I love you." He smiled at Matt, enjoying their balanced value of one to the other. They were close enough to lean over to kiss on the lips. Matt's right hand was holding Hardy's left hand on the chair arm, his fingers playing with the gold ring on his finger.

"Hardy, I can only say ... that ..... ah .... I love you more." He said it melodically. He grinned, wanting to start their inevitable loving bickering about who loves who most.

That was sabotaged by their mother, Anne, "What are you guys doing? And in plain sight of everyone passing on the road out there." She stood by their chairs on the porch. She smiled.

They kissed again, then faced her, blushing a bit, Matt said, "Mom, we are grownup kids, and we can get a lip lock when we want to. Besides, the road is too far away for anyone to see who it is."

"That's as may be, but I thought you guys were going to keep a low profile until you got rid of Dr. Powers."

Hardy disagreed, "Mom, he's just an S.O.B turkey and we'll smash him soon. We'll be all right, right, Matt?"

Matt joked, "Sure we will babykins, my lover bottom." He reached behind Hardy and patted his bottom. Hardy giggled then, wondering what his mother would think.

"Good lord, Matt," his mother-in-law retorted, "you are going to corrupt my son, he's too young to hear that kind of tripe."

"Too late," Hardy cut in, "it's too late for that, Mom, I'm already depraved." A twinkle appeared in his eyes, "And I love it."

Both Matt and Hardy jumped up and wrapped their arms around Anne, kissing her on both cheeks, holding her tight. She groaned and tut-tutted their silliness.

"Mom," Matt started, "we've been out here thinking about the Dukes and all. We'll be going to England in a couple months and we want it to be a momentous trip for everyone. None of us has even been there, or anywhere overseas. I was thinking that just before we leave we have to celebrate and organize a Bon Voyage party for the Dukes and us. What do you think?"

Anne smiled broadly, swinging around to head inside. "Good idea, get organizing!"

Matt and Hardy came together in a lip lock and made kissy face. Still with arms around each other, they went in the house to the library and started planning. Even in the early heat of the day, the roaring fire in the fireplace felt good to them.

They had just settled down when the phone chirped and Matt picked up.

"Ridgways, Matt speaking."

"Hi, Matt, this is your favorite Bobby. That's a little English joke."

Matt told Hardy it was Sergeant Reardon.

"Hi, Les, what's up?"

Silence. Then. "Who told you to call me that? It certainly wasn't me."

"Oh, sorry, Sergeant, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I could have called you Lester."

Matt knew that the sergeant hated the name.

"Lets not quibble, Matt, I have news."


"We got Dr. Powers. He's locked in a cell not 20 feet from where I am standing. The DA decided that we had enough on him to pull him in. How about that?"

"Oh god, Les, that's wonderful. Who found him?" He told Hardy they found Powers.

"One of your Dukes .. ah .. Chris. She saw him come out of a house near her parents and called it in. We picked him up a little later when he returned to the house. Guess who owns the house?"

Geez, "I don't know, Les." He was getting a little exasperated with the police sergeant.

"Powers' brother-in-law, his ex-wife's brother. He's been in and out of trouble for years, but is temporarily out of jail. Seems to have money from someplace."

"What will happen to him?"

"I would say he would be up before our most lenient judge, so most likely he'll get probation for five years, plus a restraining order to stay away from you and yours and Windsor College and out of Williams County. If he violates that order, he would go to jail for five years. I do think your problems with him are over now."

"Thanks, Les, that's great news, we sure appreciate your efforts in our behalf. I'm thinking maybe a Benefit Concert for the Police Benevolent Fund. We'll get working on that too. It will be a good dress rehearsal for the Dukes before we see the Queen." He laughed, "And we'll try to schedule that just before we fly to England. How about that?"

Les's voice seemed a little thick, and hard to get out, but, "Matt, that would be wonderful, I won't be able to thank you enough." He struggled to clear his throat, "I've got to get back to work, can't spend all my time with the artistes. Good luck."

Matt explained to Hardy what Les told him, "And I think he was really overcome with emotion at my offer of a benefit concert for the police. He's a good man, tough but really considerate."

Hardy interjected, "I think your idea of the benefit is a great one. We'd need a dress rehearsal and that would do it." He sipped some coffee, "Let's get to work on the Bon Voyage party. We would need some British stuff, hey, how about we call Charles to see if he could send us some flags, bunting and other junk for the party."

"Great idea, Hardy, would you call him, after you find out the time difference and see what he could do for us. I'm sure he will." Matt smiled, "After all, we showed him some fine times when he was here." He grinned and rubbed his cock.

"I know the time difference, it's 5 hours, so 10 here would be 3 pm there."

"Ok, Hardy, we need to call Brian to be sure at least he can be here. We could have the party during the weekend of November 21, 22 and 23. We'd love to have Mike Keith here if he could make it." Hardy had stood up, and Matt did too and embraced him. "You know, Hardy, I'm sure Brian will be so pleased when Mike Keith gives up his seat in Congress, and be home with him. I know we'd like to really get to know him, maybe share some hot times together."

Hardy kissed Matt again, "You are so right, Matt, he's a great hunk." He leered at Matt, then shook his head. "Oh no, no sex now, I'll go to the office to call Charles." Pretending to misunderstand the look on Matt's face, he made like the good guy with will power, doing what his older lover wished.

Matt tried to swat his butt, but he got away too quickly, laughing all the way up the stairs.

After lunch, Matt and Hardy left for the music building at Windsor College. They parked in Matt's spot as Head of Department, then headed into the old building. Hardy climbed to the second floor and Matt headed for his office on the first floor. Just as he started into his office, Matt spotted Neil Jordan, one of the music instructors, down the hall.

"Hey, Neil, you got a minute?" He yelled to him.

"Hi, Matt. Sure, now?"



Matt went in to sit at his desk and drop some papers he'd been working on at home. He hadn't checked on Neil for a while, both being on vacation mostly.

"Hi, Matt, what's up?"

"Sit down, Neil, how has your summer been?"

Neil Jordan was a music major with a masters degree whom Matt had met in Columbus about a year ago. Neil was assistant manager of the Hyatt Convention Center on the north side of downtown Columbus and looking for a teaching job. He and Matt got along great and as soon as he could, Matt hired Neil for the music department at Windsor. Since then, everything he's heard has been excellent. Since Matt hadn't been the department head the last year, he hadn't been as close as he would be this year.

A black student at Windsor the previous winter, Lee Washington, had been abused, beaten and raped up his ass with part of a broom handle by his roommate who did that because Lee was gay. Matt helped get him to the hospital and Neil took him in his home when he got out. Since then, they had become friends and lovers, and were still living together.

"How's your summer been, Neil?"

Neil grinned broadly, happily, "It was great. My parents have a cottage on the shore in Connecticut and we stayed there for six weeks. Wonderful, swimming, boating and just living together a whole month with just us."

Matt hesitated, then asked, "How did you parents treat you guys?"

Neil's eyes moistened, "Matt, I was so proud of my parents, and Lee too. They loved him and he got along great with them. My parents hated my former partner when you and I first met. I think they would have accepted Dracula instead."

Then the sun went out of Neil's eyes, "There is trouble, Matt, I hate to bother you though."

"Neil, tell me and we'll decide what to do. Okay."

Neil covered his face, embarrassed, "Somehow, someway, Matt, the story of Lee being raped by a broom handle has gotten around the campus. Most students, if they heard about it felt sympathy for Lee, but a small group of immature idiots, have been giving him a hard time, calling him all sorts of names, propositioning him, saying their dick would be better than a broom handle any day. He's been embarrassed and ridiculed terribly. I'm at my wits end. While we were in Connecticut, he calmed down and we had a great time. Now that we are home, he doesn't want to go to school."

"Any idea how the story got out?"

"Matt, I'd be willing to bet that some homophobe on the hospital staff started spreading the story. I don't know how we'd ever discover him or her, or what we'd do about it. I don't want to leave here, Matt, I love it here, but I might have to if it keeps up."

Matt thought a moment, "Neil, I think I know a young man who might be able to learn who these creeps are. We still have a little time before school starts, so let me see what I can do. Is Lee all signed up and everything?"

"Yes, but I'm not sure I can get him to go. I was so pleased that the College allowed me to sign him up as a faculty member's family. That is so great."

Matt didn't tell Neil that he had spoken for Neil and Lee to the Admissions Board so that Lee's application would go through.

"Give me a week, Neil, I'll see what I can do. I need you on the staff here, nowhere else."

Matt knew where Moose lived out in the country. He had phoned him to see if he could come out to visit. He calmed Moose down, saying it had nothing to do with him or his brother.

Matt pulled in the driveway on time and Moose was waiting on the porch with his brother, Michael, both smiling.

"Hi, Dr. Ridgway, welcome to our home."

Matt had never seen a more immaculate farm, landscaping was perfectly and not a weed anywhere.

They shook hands and Matt had a little trepidation to put his hand in Moose's monster.

"Come in, I have some iced tea fixed and we can talk where it is cooler."

With a cold glass of iced tea in three hands, Matt noticed that Moose and his brother sat together on the sofa, wondering at the two brothers sitting close as if they were attached.

"Moose, I have a little favor to ask of you. There is a young man, a sophomore, who is being harassed by other students, mostly boys, because of an attack he suffered last winter."

Moose spoke up quickly, "That would be Lee Washington. I know him a little and find him very nice. I've noticed a little bit of it, but not where I could do anything about it."

"That's the one, Moose. I helped him after the attack and thought he would get through it. But somehow the story was leaked by a staff person at the hospital, most probably a homophobe. Maybe you won't want you brother to hear all of this."

"No, go ahead, Dr. Ridgway, it's all right. Michael is gay and I want him to understand."

"Okay. Lee was attacked by his roommate after he discovered that Lee was gay. He beat him severely and left him on an instructor's porch, nearly dead. The worse part was that he had stuck part of a broom handle up Lee's rear end."

Michael put his hands up to his face, softly moaning. Moose put his arm around Michael and pulled his against his body. He whispered words that Matt couldn't hear, but seemed to calm the younger boy.

Matt was worried about Michael. He was sure Moose would be a great brother. But ....

"Michael, I want to tell you something. I'm gay, I have a partner with whom I'm very much in love and we live together. Sooner or later we hope to really get married. Lee's trouble with his roommate was an unusual occurrence. Most gays are able to live full lives without too much difficulty.

"You will do well I'm sure, especially if you get as big as your brother."

Moose smiled, "That's what I told him, and we are in training for him to be big and strong, too." He paused, looking serious, "Dr. Ridgway, I want to tell you something. Michael and I are both gay, and we want to stay together." He hesitated, looking down at his hands, "We are in love with each other."

"Moose, you are assuming that I won't tell anyone, and I won't, believe it. But you do need to be careful of telling anyone else." He looked at the boys fondly, they were a beautiful pair. "First, please call me Matt. Everyone does. And, as I said, I will keep your secret, but you know it must remain a secret.

"I wish you would keep in touch with me. You know where my office is, Moose."

"Yes, sir ... ah .. Matt, I do."

"Good, I don't know if you could find out anything before we start classes in two weeks. See, Lee is afraid of going back to school because of the harassment, and I don't blame him."

Moose asked, "Dr ... Matt, we would like to talk to a student couple, for advice and a little help. Who would be best for us to talk to? I already asked Rick and Jamal."

Matt considered, then, "That would be fine. Talk to Rick Adams and Jamal Woods. I know you know them. They would be great."

"Yes, and I know the dorm where they live. I'll call them this afternoon."

"That's great, Moose. And I want you to call me anytime if you have problems. Okay?"

Moose and little Moose smiled and stood. Matt walked up and put his arms around both of them. "You guys are wonderful and I can see you love each other, but you must remember to be very careful. Don't show your emotions when you are out. Understand?"

Each Moose nodded his head.

Matt held them tightly and kissed both on their cheek. He had to stretch to reach Moose's cheek and bend over to reach Michael's. Matt wasn't surprised that Michael blushed, but was astonished when Moose blushed too.

"Take care, guys, and Moose, see what you can find out about Lee. I'll see you. Bye."

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 35

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