Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Mar 11, 2023


Disclaimer: This story concerns homosexual men and includes their sexual activities. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at AuthorPaul@mail.com When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on answering you. Thanks, Paul.

The original story of Dukes of Windsor ended at 38 chapters. These twelve new chapters follow chapter 37 one year later. Chapter 38 would still be the last chapter of the story.

I gratefully thank David, Jesse and Tim for their editing help of these chapters. I am forever thankful for their assistance and support.

Paul Daventon, authorpaul@mail.com


With great sadness, I dedicate this portion of Dukes of Windsor to the memory of my best friend and life-long love who passed away on December 19, 2005. He was the inspiration and guiding hand for my story and for a major part of my life.

Requiescat in Pace, Jack.

Chapter 7

Matt Ridgway, head of the Music Department at Windsor College and his partner, Hardy Wolfe (sometimes Hardy Ridgway) associate director of the Music Department and music director of the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor, the nationally known brass group of the College, were working on their plans for the department and the Dukes in the coming year. . This group had been formed two years before and had played around the state and country, performed at the White House and in England for the Queen of England. One of their members, Christine Griffith, had been married the previous June to Lord Ballard of Ballard House, West Sussex. He was an extremely wealthy English aristocrat who had befriended the Ridgway family in toto. The Dukes learned, through close investigation that Lord Ballard happened to be bi-sexual, most probably more on the gay side than the other.

But, that was one year in the past; three members of the original group had graduated. The Jeffs, LJ and BJ, went to graduate school, one in New York and one in Boston. Christine of course was in England with her husband. She did come back often to see all her friends, especially Roger, the present trombonist of the Dukes. He would be in grad school the coming year. Rick, the second trumpet, will be first trumpet, back in grad school. Rick's partner, Jamal will also be with him. These two men will be together many years, alternating their home from Windsor to their summer cottage in Maine.

The new Duchess of Windsor had been chosen from many applicants around the state, and Eve Gardinerie, formerly a student at the University of Michigan, was the pick. She had come highly recommended by the previous Duchess, a casual friend of hers. When Matt and Hardy had interviewed her in Michigan last year, she appeared to be head-strong, obstinate, willful and stubborn, condescending to these men who would be her leaders. After going back to Windsor, they told Christine how Eve came across. Since they had no better all-around choice, they picked her to be the Duchess.

Matt and Hardy sat comfortably in their handsome den, much like a library in an English club, while sipping some Drambuie and making last minute decisions on the makeup of the Dukes. "Hardy, we seem to have a plethora of excellent trumpeters available this year. I'd say that Rick must be the leader; he's had good experience, plays so well and is a fine dancer. You know, I'm worried if we choose Will Gooding for the second trumpet, will he be able to do the dances well enough. He is the best instrumentalist of the lot and he's good looking, 'hot' you might say. Right, Hardy?"

"Yeah, Matt, I'd even considered enlarging the group to a sextet, but I wouldn't want to have the trumpets overbalance everyone else. And all our music has been orchestrated for a five member group." He turned to Matt, throwing an 'air' kiss, "Have we decided on our tuba for the group? I forget which one we picked."

Matt stood up, moved to the other side of the big table where he planted a good, juicy one on Hardy's luscious, glistening lips. Hardy spoke indignantly, "Hey, Matt, we promised no sex in the den, so we could keep on task better. How about that!" He adopted an attitude of forthrightness and, of course, the only one on the correct track.

"Little man, am I going to have to hit you? You are going to make me hit you." Matt assumed his own attitude of being on the straight and true path. A tiny hint of a smile twitched at the corners of his mouth.

"Little man, huh! I can break you in half, right now, buster." Hardy stood, turned toward Matt and pick him off the floor in a tight clinch. Matt didn't play fair when he grabbed Hardy's balls, giving them a little squeeze.

"Little man, unhand me or I'll take these as my own." Matt still held Hardy's scrotum.

Hardy softened his voice and attitude, "Babe, those are your balls, for ever and ever, to use as you wish..

With that they started some vigorous foreplay on the dark red leather couch.

"Will you guys knock it off in here?" Hardy's mother, Anne Hardy, remonstrated with them from the doorway. "Remember, we have young children in this house whom we don't want to be subjected to your horseplay, if that's what it was." She stopped and began laughing heartedly, having to sit in a chair so she wouldn't fall on the floor.

"You two are going to send me to an early grave with your mischief, or maybe the looney bin. Now get back to work. I know my Hardy is a lazy bum, but when I accepted you, Matthew Ridgway, as my son-in-law you were supposed to be a good influence on him, you being older and all." Somehow Anne had slipped into an Irish accent for that last. Then her laughing fit continued. The men had joined her in the hilarity.

"Oh, Mom, we never promised you a rose garden in our marriage, just two hunky guys in love with each other who adore you and will do anything you want. Okay?" That was Hardy's answer to his mother.

"Mom," Matt confessed, "I've tried and tried to bring Hardy into line, but he's tough. All he has to do is. ... ah. .... oh.... kiss me good, and I'm a pussycat. Sorry." Matt really blushed even though they were just playing around.

"Just get back to work. You have to be ready to teach in just two weeks. Quit messing around." She did ruin the effect of her orders by giggling afterward. Anne left the room to start getting dinner for the 'family', the Ridgway family, or, whoever was in the farmhouse at the time.

Matt brought up the missing tuba player, "Remind me what we decided on tuba."

"We decided that the senior and the junior tubas were practically equal performance-wise, and we preferred to take the junior which would give us more continuity going to next year."

Matt sighed, tiredly, "Oh, yes, but I've changed my mind. Now I think the senior should get it, since he won't have another chance like the junior will. But I also think that the junior should be a roadie for the Dukes. What do you think?"

Hardy sat back in the chair, trying to decide. "I guess that would be more fair to the senior and would help the junior prepare. So, Alden Johns will be the Dukes' tuba this year. He is very good looking and I've seen him dance very well - must have taken some Fred Astaire classes. I don't think the junior will be too unhappy. Okay, we're all set, I'll announce the Dukes members at the first band rehearsal." He read off his sheet, "Rick and Jack will be the trumpets, Eve Gardinerie on French Horn, Roger on trombone and Alden on tuba. Sounds good to me, at least on paper."

They chose two freshmen, Jack Holden and Mark Wellington, as alternates. Jack could have played second trumpet immediately, but Will Gooding was considerably better that Jack or Rick, to be honest. Mark played French horn beautifully, however, Mark would not look too good in the slinky, silken gowns that Christine used to wear. (Both Matt and Hardy would have liked to see Mark in a gown. He was hot!) If he had to step in for Eve, he would wear whatever the other men wore. Mark would learn all the French horn parts and dances, as would Jack Holden who would be able to substitute on occasion for Rick and Will could substitute for him.

The Ridgway's children, actually Steve's and his late wife's two boys, Joshua and Jacob had Todd O'Brien as their caretaker. Jacob had started school the previous year so would be in second grade. Joshua won't start school for another year so Anne and Todd will continue to share the responsibility of having the boys in tow. Todd would be starting as a freshman at Windsor College that year, majoring in education toward a teaching degree. Todd's partner and lover, Roger Adams, stayed with Todd in the Ridgway's home, both members of the whole family there. Todd had been disowned by his mother, Carol Fowler, vocal music instructor at Windsor, and Matt and Hardy had taken him into their care. He has scholarships from the college thanks to the Dean and recommendations by Matt and Hardy.

"Matt, remember when we talked to Will in the music department. We had been apprehensive about Will Gooding. We had shown him a couple of the videos from the previous year's Dukes' performances to have him see the type of dancing they did. He agreed that he couldn't do the dancing with his present leg and prosthesis.

"We asked him, `Will you be getting a more up to date pros next year, Will? We would love to be able to put you in the Dukes, but the tradition has been established with that type of dancing. Maybe you could just do a strip tease.'"

Will smiled at the stupid suggestion, "I really don't think so. That's okay, Matt and Hardy, I wouldn't expect that anyway. A year from now I should be able to do it," he promised, "I will work hard on it."

Matt told him, "Good, Will, what I want to do is have you playing solos with the Concert Band this year, nothing to difficult though, we'll keep your big surprise for next year."

"Thanks, Matt," he turned to include Hardy, "and you, too, Hardy, I appreciate all the help and attention you've given me." Will left for his next class.

Matt and Hardy returned to the discussion of preparedness of the instrumental music department after reviewing their interview with Will. They also appreciated the talents of that young man, wishing he'd hadn't lost his leg. "Matt," Hardy began, "from what Greg has told me, if he hadn't lost his leg, probably Greg wouldn't have met him or even known of his existence."

"I know, Hardy, we'll have to just love him and hope everything goes well."

Matt asked Hardy, "Is your concert band membership in order and scheduled?"

"Sure, boss, I'm ready to go, but we will have to schedule a second concert band soon. We can=t let the concert band be any larger, too unwieldly. Have you talked to our Duchess yet?"

Matt hesitated, "Yes and no, Hardy, I talked to her but she just listened and left. I was so stunned by her attitude I was speechless, and that doesn't happen often as you know. I'm beginning to think Christine sold us a bill of goods with that woman, and I can't understand why."

"Maybe she's just trying to pull a joke on us, you know, then make an about-face later to surprise us." Hardy surmised, "But we'll see about her at the first rehearsal which is next week. I was going to have the Dukes and alternates and roadies to our house for a picnic. Okay?"

"Sure," Matt said agreeably, "That will be a good time for them to socialize, know each other better. I especially want to see how Eve acts, that should tell the tale, hopefully a good one. How about having the picnic Wednesday evening before the first rehearsal. They shouldn't be busy."


Greg brought his pickup to the front of his and Will's house where Will was waiting on his crutches. They headed for Bryan, about 20-25 minutes, hoping to bring back a vehicle for Will.

"Greg, do you know anybody at the Toyota dealership? Anyone? Maybe a mechanic?"

Greg smiled at his excited, nervous partner, "I just don't know, babe, I know a lot of people in Bryan, but not where they are working now. Let's wait until we get there and we'll find out. Okay?" His heart just melted watching his lover and partner being so excited and eagerl with emotion.

Will reached over between Greg's thighs, cupping his cock and balls, "Thanks, hon, I love you so much, you are so good to me." He giggled, "Of course I'm worth it."

Greg laughed with him, "And, you have no inferiority complex, right?"

Embarrassed, Will blushed, chagrined inside, though he knew Greg was kidding.

At the Toyota dealership they walked, Will crutched, into the new car section full of different Toyota cars, trucks and SUVs. They looked at the brilliant designs, varied colors and sparkling features, checking out the vehicles Will had studied. Greg looked around and finally saw a salesman across the floor. "Will, I know that one, that's Jerry Fordham, he was in my high school graduating class." He pointed to the man standing beside a shiny black pickup, a huge vehicle, far out of proportion with trucks that people need. Greg also remembered that he never liked the guy. He was a cheat and just barely human. "Come on, Will, let's go buy your new car."

"Hi, Jerry, how ya doin'," Greg held his hand out. For a while Jerry didn't recognize Greg, but finally he shook Greg's hand and spoke, "Well, howdy do, Greg, haven't seen you for a long time, where ya bin?" Jerry was shorter that Greg, not a very big man.

"Oh, I been working for the Fire Department, I'm an EMT on the emergency trucks." He grinned, "I should say I did work there, I'm now teaching at Windsor College in Fire Science." He turned to Will, "Oh, Jerry, this is my cousin, Will, and we are looking for a car for him. He wants an SUV but not a huge one. The RAV4 is too small and Landcruiser and Sequoia was too large. So he thinks it would be between a Highlander and a 4Runner."

"That's great, Greg, we have some fine SUVs, but I think I would suggest the smallest, the RAV4, I think he could handle that easiest." He was looking at Will, noting his limp and his small size. He whispered to Greg, "I don't think your cousin could handle the bigger ones. RAV4 is a good little car, it has good training wheels, like a bike." He smiled oily at Greg, sensing lots of money here.

"Where do you have a Highlander, Jerry?" Greg was getting steamed, being patronized by this stupid jerk.

He pointed way to the back of the lot. "Back there they are. We can walk there quickly."

"Since my cousin is crippled, Jerry, how about bringing one, in black, up here so Will doesn't have to walk to it."

Jerry looked at Greg, "No, I don't think I can do that?"

"Jerry. Do you want to make a sale, make a considerable commission? 'Cause if you do, you'll go get a Highlander for us." Greg was furious, ready to punch out the idiot salesman.

"Greg, I still think that the RAV4 would be easier for him to drive and use."

Greg looked at Will, giving him a wink. "Okay, Jerry, I'll make a bet with you. Do you arm wrestle?" Jerry nodded. "Well, if you can't beat Will at arm wrestling, you will go get as many Highlanders as we want to look at." He paused for effect, "If you win, we'll buy any vehicle you want to sell us. Okay?"

Jerry saw no reason why he wouldn't beat the kid. He was completely confident, and he wanted to beat Greg whom he had hated since high school. Greg probably didn't remember the time he'd damn near killed Jerry one night in football practice. Jerry remembered.

"Jerry, let's have a table where you can arm wrestle."

They found a table and put two chairs for Will and Jerry. They got set, put their hands together. Greg called, One, Two and finally Three. Will pushed Jerry's arm on the table immediately. Will stood, assuming he won. Jerry abruptly began to scream, "No fair, no fair, I wasn't ready!"

Fortunately, a number of the salesmen had heard the challenge and stood around watching the battle.

"Hey, Jerry, the kid won fair and square, he beat you so bad you will never recover." That salesman was a big, black man. He stood behind Will, "Hey, man, you are good. Wanna go one with me?"

Will laughed, "Not even on my best day could I beat you," he looked at his nametag, "Rudy, you are something else. I'm glad to meet you."

Rudy was a large man, very black but handsome and very clean cut. His features weren't Negroid as much as most. His smile could charm an onrushing bear. Rudy put his arm around Will, "Will, would you please take your shirt off, I'd really like to see a body that must be somethin' else, and show poor Jerry what he didn't recognize." He smiled at Will, "Please?"

"You mean right here, right now?" Rudy nodded. He whispered, "You beat him fair and for sure, he is a real shit, please?"

Will shook Rudy's monster hand, "Anything for you, Rudy. I think you are great. Hold my crutch, will you?"

"Sure, Will."

Will pulled off his T-shirt, to hear gasps, moans and yells from his audience, especially from Rudy. "Will, my boy, you are a sensation. What are you, a gymnast?"

Greg broke in, "Rudy, you are talking to the all around high school champion of last year in the state of Ohio gymnastic competition." Will put his shirt back on, smiling inside, more than a little proud.

"Man, that is wonderful. Here, let me pick you up." Rudy picked Will up in his arms, still holding Will's crutch. "I'll bring you back, Will, baby, but first I want to find you a car, one that you want."

Rudy carried Will all the way to the Highlander area. First, Rudy sat on a nearby picnic table with Will on his lap.

"Will, if you don't want to, that's okay, but I'd like to know how that happened." Rudy lightly patted Will's prosthesis.

Will agreed to tell him and spent the next 10 minutes relating his disaster.

"Will, thank you, I appreciate it, you must be tired of telling it."

"No, Rudy, I've only told it a very few times and only to my good friends." His face reflected the sadness in his eyes, but soon changed when he felt Rudy hug him.

"Good boy. Now which car did you want? You and I will find the best one. Is the Highlander the one?"

Will nodded and asked for his crutch and with it he walked to a hot Black one, just what he'd been visualizing. "That's the one, Rudy, what's it got on it?"

Rudy reviewed all the extras Will would get, lots of special stuff, real luxury.

"Now, Rudy, buddy, how much will it be, total with tax and all." He looked at Rudy with his lips and eyes smiling, "You make it what it should be, I don't want to cheat you." His face was sort of fierce because he wanted Rudy to take him seriously.

"Okay, little buddy, we have to go back in the office, all the records and stuff are there."

Rudy picked up Will again and ran back to the showroom where his office was. They took Greg in the office with them.

"Will, did I embarrass you by carrying you like I did? I hope not."

"Hell no, Rudy, I enjoyed it. I haven't run that fast in quite a while." At first he had been embarrassed when Rudy picked him up, but got over it right away. He liked having Rudy as a friend.

Soon the papers were all signed, Will had bought the Highlander for $20,000, give or take a few hundreds. Rudy explained that before all the rebates and discounts he could give him, it would have been 24,000.. Okay?"

"Will, would you like to drive it? Now?"

A grin the size of the Grand Canyon was featured on Will's face, "Ah shore do, dude, let's go."

"That's great, Will, and you come too, Greg, I remember you in high school. You were a senior and I was just a freshman." He laughed, "A 300 pound freshman, but that was it. I did make the team the next year. You were a good guy, Greg."

"They are bringing your car out front here, Will, so we don't have to run back again."

Greg interrupted, "Rudy, you sure have changed, I didn't recognize you at first, man, I was very sorry I ran into you that time in a scrimmage."

Rudy turned to Will, "I hit him so hard in practice he didn't wake up for a week." He laughed and teased Greg unmercifully.

"Here's your car, let's go try it." Rudy was as elated as Will and Greg. "I can let you have it tonight, but you need to come back in the next couple of days for all the paper work. Oh, and please don't get into a wreck; I'd never get done with the forms I'd have to fill out. Come back and see me any time you guys are in Bryan. Good to see you, too, Greg."

The Devil Black Highlander was ready to go, so Will drove it home that night, having no trouble. His right leg could take care of everything needed to run it, and since the vehicle had adjustable seats, he could sit just where he could see well, and reach all the controls. Greg had followed and drove his truck behind the new one.

Both men loved the new car aroma on the SUV, and all the accessories. Greg thought Will was correct, this vehicle was large enough for Will, but not humongous.

Back in Windsor Greg wondered when the SUV didn't turn at their driveway. But he didn't say anything, just kept think 'happy' thoughts ... mostly of getting into bed soon. He followed as Will made his way among the curved streets and huge houses of the Dean's neighborhood.

Will pulled up in the driveway beside the Dean's house. He laid on the horn a few times and got out. He grabbed his crutch, 'cause it was an easier exit than Greg's truck.

By the time he got to the front door, it opened with Moose and Mike wondered who had honked. When they saw Will standing there, they were mystified, "What you doin' here, Will?" They could tell that Will was excited and so happy, so they looked around until they saw a brand new SUV in their driveway.

"Wanted you guys to see my new Highlander, just got it tonight. Mike, I was thinking about what you said, that I needed a car. So, Greg took me to Bryan and we bought it. Still have to do some paperwork, but Rudy let me have it tonight." He looked back at them, "Well, what do you think?"

"Geez, Willie, that's so small, I'll never be able to fit inside. I might get most of me in but my butt would still be hanging out the door." Moose began laughing hard, he'd been trying to hold it in. He picked up Will and squeezed him tight, "Willie, that's a great car and Mike thinks so, too."

Mike gave Moose a punch in the arm that would have been excruciating for a normal man to take without screaming. "Moosie, sometimes you gotta let me talk for myself."

Moose looked askance at Mike, then he picked up Mike too, "Let's go see this grand vehicle." He dashed across the lawn, one amazed young man under each arm. They saw Greg in his truck behind the SUV.

"Hi Greg, so you let him get one, huh?" He set down his burden.

"I'll tell you Moose, there was no way stopping him. If I hadn't taken him to Bryan, he would have walked." Greg was very proud of his partner and lover; the pride in his heart for Will had grown a lot.

"Hey, Mikey, how about running to get Dad out here. He'll want to see this."

Instead of 'running' as Moose told him, Mike just let go with a very loud 'Hey, Dad, come out the front door.'

Moose did a double take and glared at Mike with slitty eyes, "I could have done that, shrimp!"

"Hey, you want another punch in the arm." Mike took up a boxing stance, threatening his brother/lover. Moose just reached out, gathered his Mikey and embraced him into his chest. They kissed amorously and a bit indecently for the stage on which they were playing..

"Guys," Moose murmured though his lips were already busy, "he picks on me all the time." His eyes were looking at Greg and Will, but his head still facing Mikey.

"What's going on out here," the Dean, Dad to Mike and Moose, inquired, "is this a new car showroom now?"

"Hey, Dad, come see," Mike and Moose directed at the same time.

Hamish walked to the new vehicle, lightly rubbing the finish, opening a door to peer inside, "Willy, you got a good one there, I'd say. Don't forget to get a handicapped-parking sticker. You don't have to use it, Will, but you can when necessary, you know, like when you get in a bind to be somewhere in a hurry."

Will invited Mike, "Mike why don't I pick you up in the morning, Okay?"

"Sure, Will, I'd be glad to be riding in that SUV of yours. What, about 8:30?"

"Oh, how about 8 please, I have to stop at the security office to get my handicapped tag, and my pass key for the elevators. Hey Greg, lets go home, I need to wash and polish it."

"You mean tonight? I don't think you need to yet. You can do it tomorrow after school is over." He laughed, "Maybe you could talk Mike into helping you, you Tom Sawyer you."

They got in their vehicles and took off for home, waving to the boys and Dean, enjoying their congratulations on his car purchase.

Rick and Jamal were quartered in a different dorm that year, a graduate dorm, supposedly more controlled, studious and quiet. They honestly doubted that would be the case. The two men, shorter Rick and taller Jamal, were terrifically in love, adoring each other with a love neither could have described. Rick was more physically developed than Jamal, a more muscular body and just as cute. Rick thought his lover was so special because he had not been circumcised and had a great foreskin. That piece of skin Rick loved playing with. .

The previous year a bigoted student who had teased both of them, had knocked out Rick had been knocked out in the shower room of their old dorm. That man was now in prison for a few years for his attack on Rick. That was the day when the Dukes were heading to Washington to play for the President in the White House, and, fortunately, Rick wasn't hurt too badly. He made the trip and played perfectly. Of course Jamal was at his side every minute, he couldn't forgive himself for being away when he was hit. On the trip he cared for his lover like a mother cares for her child. Rick thought he went overboard on his concern, but, he liked it too, his own baby being good to him. Jamal was a roadie for the Dukes, helping with the equipment and stuff. Todd, Roger's lover was the other one, so both Todd and Roger and Rick and Jamal went on the road trips together, sharing their love with each other on the RV and in the hotel rooms.

"Hey, Ricky, did you get all your books. Including the one for the graduate seminar." Jamal was a little worried, the books cost so much and he was on a fairly tight budget. Both Rick and Jamal had scholarships, but those funds didn't include the books.

"Yes, Jamal, bless your cotton-picking black heart, since you brought me that, I've got all of them." Ricky liked to tease Jamal just a little once is a while, not often and not in public."Hon, we've been working too hard today, we need to relax a bit."

"First, honey, my heart isn't black no matter what you think. Second, sure, baby, I'll lock the door so we won't be disturbed." Jamal had a suggestive tilt to his smile and in his slitty black eyes, shining in their excitement.

The two men looked at each other from across the room and were on the bed, naked and ready in 30 seconds. They embraced each other, holding on, caressing all the desirable zones of their bodies, especially their manhoods and derrieres. Within five minutes or so the two had enjoyed each other and released their sexual tensions. Sleep followed, wound together in their love and physical attraction.

When they woke a couple hours later, they would decide it was late and pulled up a sheet, expecting to sleep until morning. About 3 in the morning, Jamal had to pee, walked across the room to their en suite bathroom and performed. He soon noticed that his manhood had risen also. 'Hmmm,' he thought, 'now what am I going to do with that thing in that condition,' he grinned then reconsidered, 'no, not without Ricky.'

He returned to the bed, slid in next to his lover whom he cuddled and held his small body in his loving hands. He got no response from Ricky, so didn't pursue his fantasizing. Jamal pouted a little bit which didn't do any good since Ricky couldn't see it, so he slept too.

Greg and Will had made it back to their farmhouse without a problem since Will drove very carefully watching everywhere with his eyes, looking behind and ahead. The two men reached the house, checked all the doors and windows, then closed up and went to bed.

Greg helped Will upstairs to their bedroom. Greg always admired the decor, the handsome paper and gorgeous colors of the room, so well coordinated with the furniture and drapes. The wide section of windows gave them a view of the whole farm to which their home used to belong. There were no peaks like the Rockies or depths like the Grand Canyon, just broad fields of wheat, soybeans or corn, the bounteous foodstuffs of America.

Will sat on the bed for Greg to remove his prosthesis. His lover worked smoothly, then rubbed cream on the residual leg much to Will's pleasure. Will used a crutch to get to the bathroom, stripped naked to take care of his business. Greg followed him in, also naked and took Will in his arms from behind, his soft organ spreading the young man's buttocks.

Will turned his head so he and Greg could kiss while they headed for the shower. The two washed each other, enjoyed doing it and also enjoyed receiving the caresses and love pats. Soon they had dried each other, slid into between these cool sheets and cuddled for their night's rest.

The next morning was bright and sunny, not too hot since Fall was getting closer. Moose drove to Windsor High School where he would be a teacher for the first day of his career. He walked in from the front parking lot, looking at the expansive school, three stories of brick and stone accouterments around the edges. Moose judged the building to have been constructed in the 1930s somewhere, maybe even a WPA project. The architecture was that of a castle in the middle ages, but it was well built with excellent maintenance.

As he entered through the wide doors, he remembered that he would need to be in the auditorium to be introduced by the superintendent, Fred Chase, to the whole student body and faculty. Moose had only met Chase at his first interview for the job.

Moose was early, so the students were yet to come. He checked in the locker room, but none of the other coaches had reported in. Moose was nervous; he would have two English classes with 25 students in each and one large study hall of 120 to monitor. The rest of his day would be spent with the wrestling program, particularly how he could attract the best students to go out for wrestling There was no wrestling program in the Middle school, so he would have to talk to the physical ed teacher in that school, to get some suggestions for good freshman to approach.

"Hey," a medium height young man in a suit looked at Moose curiously, "Aren't you Moose Monahan?" The man was quite large, about as large as Moose, and some wider.

"Yes," Moose answered, wondering who the hell this was.

"As soon as I heard you would be teaching here, I decided I wanted to meet you first thing." He held out a hand to be shaken. "I'm Perry Adkins, Moose, you pounded me into the ground at the state wrestling championships four years ago when you won it all."

Moose looked closely, a slight memory ringing his head, "Gosh, Perry, I'm sorry I don't remember, I've had almost a hundred matches since then. Can you remind me of the match?"

Perry smiled broadly, proudly, "You put me on my back faster than any other of your opponents. Remember? You set a record with me." He laughed, "I was scared shitless and never even saw what you did to me. I just know my ass hurt for a week."

Moose laughed and put his arm around Perry, and hugged him. "Oh, man, I do remember that now. You were a great guy, and probably still are, but you gave me so much confidence that I didn't worry about a match for the rest of the tournament." He slapped Perry on the back, "We've got to have coffee or something together soon. Okay?" Moose felt warm after meeting his former opponent, memories of that match were coming back.

"I'd like that a lot, Moose."

"Great, Perry, how about coming to my house some evening soon. I'd sure like to sit and talk to you." He gave Perry Hamish's house address. "I'll give you a call."

A tall man approached the two men who were shaking hands again.

"Hi, Perry, good to see you again. And, Moose, you are here in plenty of time."

"Thank you, but ... ah ..... sir, I would like to go by my real name, Matthew. I hope that would be all right?" He looked the principal, Jim Marriner, "I would like to be introduced that way today. I believe it would be more dignified for me."

The principal took a card from his pocket and wrote on it. "I will do that, Moo ... Matthew, but all the kids will know you by Moose."

"That's the reason. Moose was my nickname, identified with my wrestling career. That's over now and I'm a teacher, ah ... I hope to be." He smiled, wishing this asshole would get the idea.

"I see. Okay, Matthew, I can make that announcement." He turned away, heading for the auditorium stage.

"He didn't get it, did he, Perry?" Moose .... ah ... Matthew slowly shook his head at a loss.

"No, Matthew, I'm sorry, but he doesn't get a lot of things these days. Good luck. See you tonight."

Moose was collected in the hall by the assistant principal, George Tobar, and led to the stage where three chairs were set up for the new teachers. At that time hordes of students were being let to their seats in the auditorium, buzzing and giggling on their way.

The students were welcomed to another year at Windsor High School, the seniors being recognized as the Class of 2005. A few matters of business were spelled out for the different classes and warnings of conduct unbecoming to a student at Windsor High.

"And now it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you three new teachers who will be with us this year. First, Mr. Bachtel, teaching Algebra, second Mrs. Robinson, teaching History, and third, teaching English and coaching wrestling, Mr. Matthew Monahan."

From the audience came loud calls of "MOOSE", MOOSE". Teachers tried to quiet the students, shut them up, but those shouting didn't respond.

Matthew whispered to Mr. Marriner, "Maybe if I said something, it would help."

"Good idea, Moose .. oops. "

Moose walked to the podium and the mike.

"Ladies and Gentlemen." He held up his hand to quiet them. It worked. "I would like to explain something to you. Moose was a nickname I had while I was wrestling. And I'll tell you a little story." A few students giggled, a few laughed, more sat, startled by this new teacher.

"When I was four years old, I was given a present by my mother ... a baby brother. As soon as I could hold him without dropping him, I was given responsibility for him. I fed him, dressed him and the usual unpleasant things you have to do with babies. While he was young enough, I carried on my back and we walked, looking at everything. I showed him cows in the pasture and told him they were cows, or more accurately, moo cows.

"When he was a year older, he started talking and remembered the moo cows. He began to call them 'moos'. Finally I realized that he was calling me 'moos', which worked into Moose being my nickname. That is the origin of the name Moose. It was not given to me because I was as big as a moose, or even as ugly as one." Moose smiled when they laughed, showing the dimples on his cheeks.

"Thank you," Moose nodded and returned to his seat, beside the other new teachers. Almost immediately as he sat, a few students began to clap, others followed until the whole auditorium was applauding Moose. The principal told Moose he better get up and recognize their accolade. He moved up, nodded a few times and waved just before he returned to his seat.

Mr. Marriner stood at the podium, "Thank you very much, Mr. Monahan. Teachers, you may return your students to your room. The bell will ring for the beginning of period one."

As Moose headed for his room, the superintendent, Fred Chase, caught up with him in the hall.

"Mr. Monahan, that was a great story, was it true?"

"Mr. Chase, I don't tell stories that aren't true. It was the straight facts. Do you have a problem with what I did?"

"Oh, no, Mr Monahan, but it would have better to have told that in your classroom, not stir up the whole school with a fabricated tale."

Moose gave the superintendent a frigid glare. "Sir, I told you it was the exact truth. What part of it don't you believe? I'm just beginning my first day of teaching, and you are doubting my word." The superintendent said nothing. "Maybe, SIR, ..... "

Mr. Marriner, principal, "Mr. Monahan, you need to be in your classroom, please. "

Moose left and didn't hear what the two men talked about.

"Mr, Chase, Matthew is one of the best teachers we've hired in years. Why did you try to challenge him even before he started?" Marriner was livid, disgusted with Fred Chase. "Sir, if you fire him or try to, or to denigrate him in any way, this whole school will erupt. It will be your fault, not Mr. Monahan's. I think he handled himself perfectly. He did nothing to demean the students, the school or himself." He looked away in aversion, "Excuse me, I must attend to my school. If I were you, I would tread carefully about this event."

Jim Marriner stomped away, still furious with the superintendent. Chase intruded into Jim's school, poking his nose into the running of the school. 'I'm going to get that son-of-a-bitch, if it's the last thing I do. He doesn't know that I know he's playing around with one of my teachers, and that will soon come before the public. I hope I can get Mary Beth to speak out.'

Believe it or not, Moose's class was waiting patiently for him, quietly talking without and disturbance.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Senior English Lit. Let me get the roll and then we will talk about our fun for the year."

Moose used the printout of his class and found everyone there. As he read through the names, he tried to place the face with the name.

"Melinda Atkins." He looked at her, thinking, 'Wonder if she might be Perry's sister.' "Melinda, do you have a relative teaching here, about my size?"

Of course, she blushed, but did answer 'yes'.

"Thank you."

Finished with the roll, Moose sat on the front of his desk. Even at that level, he would be able to see everyone and everything because of his height.

"Since this is senior English lit, you might guess there will be quite a bit of reading on the schedule. I have certain books which I will want you to read, however, if you will tell me of books you feel are special and worthwhile for our class, I'll consider them.."

A hand was raised in the back of the room where all the boys sat, "Mr. Monahan, could we read the Harry Potter series?"

Titters were heard from around the room, some thinking the suggestion not very worthwhile, others liking the idea.

"Frankly, I think it is a great idea. But first, I'd like to see hands of all those who have read at least one of the series."

All but three hands out of 25 had read at least one.

"How many have read all of them? Hands please."

Over half of the class indicated they had read all of the books.

"I believe the series to be a good one, one that we can learn a lot about writing, style and plotting a story, maybe a little less adult than you should be reading. We could spend a week or so talking about them." He looked around the room, "How about this, your first assignment for the year. Read the first book, if you have already read it, read it again and make a list of points for us to study. For the next few days we will be going over the year's list of books, so let's say this Friday, please read or reread the first book and give me a list of salient messages in the book for people of your age.

"I'm handing out a sheet with proposed books to be studied this year. I'm afraid I haven't checked with the school library, but the public library should have them. I have already ordered five of those books that you will receive soon.

"Now, we'll start with the books on your list, let me know if you have never heard of the book."

A hand went up, waving back and forth. "Yes ... ah ... Susan?"

"Mr. Monahan, was that really the way you got the nickname of Moose?" Everyone had to say something vital to their neighbor, creating a buzz in the room.

"Why not? I don't tell lies, what I tell you will be factual. We will be discussing the truth all year, truth the way the authors see it. You will have to decided if it is the truth for you."

Moose drove home after school, thinking of how the day had gone. It was perfect except for his confrontation with the superintendent. He didn't know that the principal had met with Fred, and had given him a piece of his mind. If they both weren't fired, it would be a miracle.

Moose wanted to talk to his Dad, the Dean of Windsor College, as soon as he could. He hoped Hamish knew the Superintendent or knew of him. He parked his own vehicle in the driveway where he lived, the Dean's home that was his home too.

Hamish was in the kitchen, cooking up some good food for dinner. Moose walked quietly up behind his dad and embraced him from the rear.

"Oh, hi, Moose, glad you're home."

"Aw, didn't I surprise you? Shucks."

"If you want to surprise me, you'll have to get a new muffler for your truck. Use the credit card I gave you, please."

"I really need to talk to you, Dad, it's important."

"You sound like your day didn't go well. Is that it?"

Moose gave Hamish a gloomy look, "It went well except for one individual. Classes

were fine, study hall no problem, and I have the quietest lunch mob I heard all day. I even

subbed for Mrs. Robinson during my prep period. She only lasted half a day, I'm afraid she won't

be coming back ever."

"No, Dad, when I was introduced to the students, I lot of them hollered 'Moose'. I asked

the Principal if I could explain it wasn't the name I wanted to be called. He agreed and I went on

to tell them the story of Mike's giving me the name, when he was very young. They appreciated

it, I believe, and when I took my seat the applause started. I had to get up to acknowledge their


"When the auditorium emptied, I left to go to my first class. I was stopped by the superintendent, Fred Chase. He upbraided me for telling a phony story to the students about my name. I told him it was the exact truth and it was. He continued telling me I shouldn't have told the whole school a false story. I got a little stroppy with him, not nasty like I felt, and I was heading into real trouble when Jim Marriner came up and suggested I head for my classroom."

"I know they talked, but have no idea what was said. Do you know him, Dad?"

Hamish pulled Moose into the den where they sat on the soft leather couch.

"My son, I never would have voted for Fred to be superintendent, even. He's a total idiot, no brains at all. Did you record the assembly?"

"I did ask Mr. Marriner if the assembly had been taped. He said yes, and I asked for a copy that he had made before the end of school. If you want to see it, it's in the VCR."

"Yes, please." He had a thought, "You didn't show off your cock, did you, son?" He smiled.

Moose laughed, a real gut laugh, "You'd think I had if you listened to Fred Chase. Here goes."

Moose fast-forwarded a bit, but played all of Moose's part of the assembly.

"I don't know where Idiot Chase was coming from, did he even hear all of it, I wonder.?"

"He probably heard the kids applauding me, someone was getting applause, not him."

Hamish got his arms around his big son, holding him tightly. "Don't you worry about anything. I know Fred Chase and I can talk to him. Since your name is Monahan he has no idea that you are my son."

"Shit, I knew I should have changed my name to yours, Dad."

Hamish pulled Moose over on top of himself, "Babe, you are mine and all fathers protect their young. When I get through with him, he'll know he's been run roughshod over."

"One of the young teachers, it was Perry Atkins, I think, said there were rumors that Fred was making it with one of the female teachers in the high school. Had you heard anything like that, Dad?"

Hamish was so proud of his son, both his sons, and wished he'd been able to have them from his seed. He didn't answer Moose, but just held him tight, rubbing his back as if he were a small kid. "You have to remember, Moose, I never had the chance to hold a small boy of any age and I need to give you and Mike that kind of love. I hope you aren't embarrassed by that kind of attention."

"Dad, we'd be hurt if you didn't give us love, kisses and more. Since the three of us are in love, physically, emotionally and in mentally, we owe you anything you want." He paused, "How about we head upstairs?" They did and Moose carried the video with him.

"Hey, that's great, let's go." Mike had just gotten home, thanks to Will Gooding. With the suggestion of heading to their bedroom, he started getting 'nekid', ripping off clothes as fast as he could.

Hamish and Moose could hardly believe how excited the kid was. His cock was as hard as it ever gets and just waiting for some attention.

"Wait, Mikey, I have to tell you something that happened?"

"What, that you talked about me in assembly?" He admitted, "I heard about that probably right after the applause died down." Mike jumped on top of Moose and Hamish, stark naked his dick reaching for the stratosphere. The other two started grabbing Mike by whatever handle they could reach.

"Mikey, I have a video tape of the assembly. Would you like to see it?"

"Oh yeah, man, I gotta see that."

Moose and Hamish sat up and pulled Mike between them, their hands all over him. Moose started the video, again fast forwarding to Moose's introduction.

Mike started tearing up when Moose was talking about him, seeing the moo cows and all that, naming his brother Moose. He leaned over to kiss Moose and the other way to kiss his Dad. When the tape stopped, Moose grabbed his naked brother in his arms while Hamish picked up his clothes from where they were dropped. Moose pushed his head down so he could suck Mike's hard cock, getting it very wet and hot, sucking all the pre-cum oozing from the mouth.

Moose threw Mike on the big bed, where he ground his big cock into the smooth and slick duvet, spreading more seminal fluid over the top, changing the color from light to dark. He watched avidly to see Hamish and Moose get nude, too, observing their cocks raising from soft to steel hard, their glans swelling to extreme proportions over the staffs.

They crawled on the bed, on either side of Mike, pressing their lips of Mike's butt cheeks, one to a man, kissing, licking pulling them apart to reveal Mike's little pink anus winking at them. Hamish took charge of rimming his son, his juices flowing inside as his tongue spread the lips.

While Hamish did that, Moose headed for the bedside table for the lube. A bunch of condoms lay in the drawer, but since not one of them had sex with anyone else ever, they weren't needed at the time. In the last ten years of Hamish's marriage, he had not had sex with anyone including his wife. No question, they were safe.

Moose had been working on Mike's asshole, stretching his sphincter muscle until Mike was able to loosen it when desired. The older brother's big cock gave Mike no trouble when he made love to his anus. Moose lay on his back in the center, Mike got on his knees over the rigid cock leading above his brother's crotch. With Hamish watching closely as Mike, facing Moose's head, began to sit on Moose's eight-inch cock, the head much larger than the shaft. Their Dad held the steely cock aiming directly for Mike's little pink hole, holding on until Mike's butt was almost on Moose's pubes and groin.

Mike held Moose's shoulders with his trembling hands; the size of Moose's cock was enough to plug a dozen holes at once. He felt every inch of the huge cock as it smoothed his rectum, sliding along the velvety soft surface of the canal. Finally, Mike laid all his weight on Moose's groin, feeling so full, so wonderful, every itch in his rectum soothed and spread out.

"Oh, Moosey, it's so ...." moan. .... groan. .... terrific and you are the greatest - I love you so desperately. But I do love our Dad, too." He grinned, "Why don't we let him in on the fun - wouldn't that be great. I know we haven't done it before, but I'm sure I can do it."

Hamish pulled back, "Guys, I don't think I should do that. I don't want to hurt my beloved Mike."

"Hey, Dad, you aren't going to hurt me. You don't have that big a cock." He snickered.

Hamish, proud of his dick, came back, "Okay, little one, if you are sure, I love you and I don't want to hurt you. But, if you say so, lay down on Moose's chest, I need a target to aim for."

On his knees Hamish inched closer to his son, his cock well lubed, and aimed it for the widely spread hole. He couldn't see how Mike could take another cock, but he wanted to enter his son with his cock so badly, maybe not his father's cock, but close enough. Since Mike was on top of Moose, his asshole was high enough off the bed to give Hamish a straight-in bearing on the beautiful ass and monstrous cock and balls pulled against Moose's prick.

Hamish pressed his cock head, hard as rock, against the top of Moose's cock and upper lip of Mike's anus. Mike groaned hard, his body stressed by the pressure, but not giving way yet. Mike reached back to his asshole, stuck one of his small fingers between the lip and Moose's cock, trying desperately to spread his sphincter even more.

"Push harder, Dad, it's coming, keep pushing." Hamish did his best, still not finding the way inside, until Mike gave a harder push himself and his ass hole spread a little more. "Oh, Dad, almost there, come on in, I'm waiting for you."

"Ooooh, ngrh, ouch," sounds from Mike, trying so hard.

"I'm in," Hamish yelled, "I'm in, baby, are you all right?"

"Smoothly done, Dad, now take it all the way." Mike couldn't believe that he had two cocks up his ass, especially Moose's, but his dad's wasn't small at all. "Dad, it's wonderful, I'm full of cock, but you both are hitting my love spots, I'm not going to last much longer. Come on guys, get pumpin', hear me. I'm hot and I want a good fuck from both of you." Mike shook, his body shivered as the two cocks began to alternate thrusts up his rectum, rasping against his love button and pulling and pushing on his ass lips,

"Are you okay, Mikey?" Moose was rubbing Mike's back, caressing his head and hair, lying on his chest.

"Much better than okay, Moose, I'm full of your bodies, love and total excitement, keep going. Dad, please lay on my back, but keep pumping, I need your eroticism and your prick's balls full of your seed. It may not have made me, but it will now. Come on, guys, fuck the hell out of me." Mike worked his sphincter on both cocks, urging them to explode and fill his hole to the brim.

All three were yelling cheers at each other, urging them to get hot and cum in his rectum. Lots of groans and moans, especially from Mike as he adjusted to their hard ones in his ass, exciting each other's cocks and Mike's whole body from asshole to tingling head.

Finally, all the emotion and sexual fervor filled Mike and he erupted first, his cum splashing between his abdomen and Moose's. His shooting made his sphincter clutch the cocks even stronger and viciously until they both came on cue, Moose and Dad felt each others tremors and pumping cocks, spewing all their cum, filling Mike's rectum so much of their output was thrust through Mike's asshole to run down his legs and onto Moose's balls.

"Thank you, Moose and Dad, that was terrific, fantastic, so passion to the core. Don't take out your cocks; leave them until they slip out by themselves. I love the feeling. Now that I know I can take it, you can double love me any time." Hamish squeezed his Mikey, loving his younger son with the deepest passion and true love.

Moose also embraced his Mikey with both arms, reflecting back on their first time having sex. He remembered Mike ejaculating without touching himself, just with Moose's hands on his bottom, caressing it. That was when Moose knew he honestly loved Mike sexually. Their lives went on from there until they were thrown out by their father, a homophobe and hypocrite who had in the past practiced gay love with his brother.

Mike felt relief when both cocks had slid from his anus, but he also felt the deprivation deep inside himself. He couldn=t look, but felt the cum dripping out of his asshole, that still hadn=t closed up again. He would wait until that happened before getting up. It was sore already, but well worth the acceptance of both cocks, solidifying his family=s togetherness.

The next night about 7 pm Matt and Hardy were waiting for the Dukes and 'new' Dukes to come to the party. It wouldn't be one of those 'Ridgway' galas, just the small group of Dukes, Rick and Roger in grad school, senior Alden Johns on tuba and freshman Jack Holden on trumpet. Jack wasn't as good as Will, another freshman, but he could dance well. Will Gooding would have been with them if he had been able to dance. Maybe in a year or so with a new prosthesis he could join them on the stage.

Jack and his partner, Mark Wellington, learned to dance together, following Mark's aunt, a dance instructor at a Fred Astaire class in Bryan. She couldn't believe that Mark and Jack wanted to learn dance together. She did know they were gay and were partners, they looked so cute to her, so adorable. She didn't tell them that. Both boys had seen the Dukes and Duchess dancing on stage and thought they had learned all the steps Jack would need. Mark was the most agile of the two and a more natural dancer, all of which he tried teach his lover. And Mark could help him during the year if a more difficult dance was requested.

Rick came dragging Jamal, Rick's lover, along with them, although he didn't need much persuading, Jamal loves any time at the Ridgway farm. Since Roger still lived in the farmhouse with his partner, Todd, he didn't have far to go. As a resident and caretaker of the little boys, Todd was a natural at Ridgway parties.

Arlen came through the front door, followed by his girl friend, both juniors at the college.

Alden Johns was a big lad at 20, 6' 2", about 175 pounds. No one at the party knew him well, but he was so good-looking, curly blond hair almost like Hardy's crown, and movie star features on a handsomely sculpted head. From outward appearances it would seem that he was a real stud, a body beautiful, though no one had seen him out of his clothes. That experience just might just happen at the party that night,

"Francine, I want you to meet Matt Ridgway and Hardy Wolfe, our leaders." Alden smiled at her and the two men as they shook hands with Alden's girl friend. She was a beauty, classic features with dark, shoulder-length, slightly wavy hair that framed her face with their contrasting shade.

Matt and Hardy glanced at each other. The looks Francine was giving the men made them sure that Alden had told her they were gay and married before they arrived.

"Francine, Hardy and I bought this house with some land along with my brother and his partner. We all live here with Hardy's mother, also my brother's two young children. This is quite a building, five bedrooms and baths, we'd like to show you around, including the indoor large swimming pool, under roof and enclosed with large windows. Shall we go?"

Roger and Todd met the last two arrivals preparing to show them the house and attachments, leaving Matt and Hardy waiting for the last Duke, the Duchess.

Fifteen minutes later, Matt asked Hardy if Eve had said she would come to the party.

"Hmmm, I think she did, but then she asked me if it was a rehearsal. Of course I said it wasn't. Maybe I just assumed she would be here."

"Stay here, babe, in case she comes, I'll call from the den, see what's happening."

"Hi, Eve, this is Matt Ridgway."

"Hi, Matt. What's up?"

"Well, we're having this party for the Dukes here at the house, old Dukes and new Dukes. I was wondering when you were coming or if we could come and get you?"

After a long pause, Eve answered, "From what Hardy said, we weren't rehearsing tonight, so I couldn't see any reason to come."

"Eve, this would be a good time to get to know the others in the Dukes. We, Hardy and I, feel the group works better and succeeds so well because the members are like a family, know each other well and can respond with poise and equanimity, warmth and friendliness." Matt was wondering what Eve was thinking, she was an unknown quantity about whom they were worried If she won't cooperate or actually join everyone in a cohesive effort, we'll have to find another Duchess or let Mark play in a slinky gown. He smiled at that thought and the vision of it in his mind's eye.

"I'm afraid I can't tonight, I'm busy. I'll be at the first rehearsal tomorrow."

Eve hung up on Matt without any courtesy or civility. 'Now what are we going to do. We have to be a very cohesive whole,' Matt was thinking, 'Maybe we will have to use Mark'

Matt told Hardy all about his phone call to Eve. "Let's go on with the party. Unless someone asks, I'm not going to make any excuses about Eve."

As usual, everyone wanted to swim, except Francine, Alden's girlfriend. She didn't feel like it. The others had either brought a swimsuit or borrowed one from the Ridgways. They kept quite a few, well cleaned and replaced when necessary.

Everyone was interested in getting a look at Alden Johns, the new tuba player; he was tall and shaped like the proverbial brick shithouse. Handsome and friendly with a glorious physique like a taller Hardy, Alden made friends immediately with the rest of the Dukes. He had chosen a bikini suit for himself, obviously not aware how his genitals would look in one of them. Or maybe he was well aware. They were barely squeezed inside the slippery material, giving a slightly shaded view of his penis and balls.

Alden enjoyed looking at the other guys, too, he appreciated guys' bodies, in particular their 'packages' and butts. Alden loved being with his girl friend, Francine, and having sex with her, but would never marry her, she was just too dumb. He love playing the tuba, but his aim in life was to specialize in microelectrophoresis for his graduate degrees.

Alden's smile glowed with honest sincerity and real interest toward those he spoke with. His eyes followed along with almost-closed lids, checking out all of the guys. Alden was right at edge of removing his bikini, but no one else had taken off their suit.

He spent some time surreptitiously scrutinizing the two youngest men, Jack Holden and Mark Wellington, trumpet and French horn in the concert band. It appeared that Jack would be upgraded to second trumpet in the Dukes. The only way, he'd heard, for Mark to be in the Dukes would be if Eve were kicked out and if Mark could learn to wear slinky dresses. Looking at him. Alden figured he was thin enough, and if he wore a wig, shaved his legs and found some good tits somewhere.

Alden closed his eyes, picturing Mark in that rig. Damn the kid sure was pretty enough; he'd make a great Duchess. He wasn't feminine in any way, but probably could pull it off. Alden smiled, thinking, he'd sure get a lot of teasing. He also wondered why Eve wasn't here for the party. Poor Mark.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David, Jesse and Dick for editing chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon

Next: Chapter 46: Dukes of Windsor II 8

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