Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Apr 13, 2023


Disclaimer: This story concerns homosexual men and includes their sexual activities. This tale is entirely fictional. Any similarities to actual people, places or events are purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor, Copyright 2004,2005 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this story may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at authorpaul at mail.com. When you write, please put "Dukes" or Dukes of Windsor in the Subject line so I can concentrate of answering mail for the story. Thanks, Paul

The original story of The Dukes of Windsor ended at 38 chapters. These twelve new chapters follow Chapter 37 but one year later. Chapter 38 would still be the end of the story.

Also, I wish to give my grateful thanks to David, Jesse and Tim for assisting me by editing all or part of these chapters. I'll be forever thankful of your help.


With great sadness, I dedicate this portion of Dukes of Windsor to the memory of my best friend and life-long love who passed away on December 19, 2005. He was the inspiration and guiding hand for my story and for a major part of my life.

Requiescat in Pace, Jack.

By the time Will walked into their front door after his classes, he found that Greg wasn't home yet. Searching a bit, he found a note from him on the kitchen counter.

`Hon, I will be late tonight, maybe even 8 or 9. We have a special fire department exercise going on and I'll need to be there. You go ahead and eat, I'll catch something later. Love You, G-G.

"Damn," Will said, "I could have stayed with Junior and Dexter. Oh, well, I can get some other things done." He was still thinking about Dexter and Junior, They are so cute,' he smiled, and so sexy.'

Will retrieved his check book, plenty of money in there, loads more than enough for him to write a check for Junior and Dexter's property tax bill. He called a furniture story in Windsor to order a king-sized mattress for their bed, to be delivered after 6 pm on Tuesday or Thursday next.

His next thought was that he should call Doug Baker, the one who caused the accident that took his leg. This would be one of the most difficult calls he'd ever had to make. He knew that Greg was right about him needing communication with Doug and moreover, gain a closure of his personal tragedy. We wasn't at all sure if he could do it, his feelings for Doug Baker were more in the idea to bust one of his legs off. He even began to visualize how he could accomplish that.

Will remembered Doug's cell phone number from memory, he had called it thousands of times in their time in high school. He wished with all his heart their friendship had turned out differently.

The connection was made and Will waited for Doug to answer. He was so nervous that he couldn't stand still, praying that Doug would listen to him.

A sleepy voice answered, "Hello?"

"Doug? Please don't hang up, it's Will. Please listen." Will felt his eyes water, hoping that Doug wouldn't refuse to talk.

Doug was surprised when he heard Will's voice. "Will? Where are you? I tried to call you at home and your parents said you no longer lived there. What has happened?" He inhaled deeply, shuddering and nervous like Will.

"Oh Doug, I'm so sorry I haven't called before, I guess I was afraid you wouldn't talk to me." His hands trembled,

"Will, of course I want to talk to you. When you wouldn't talk to me in the hospital, I assumed you hated me."

"Doug, I'm also sorry to say that for a while I did hate you. I sure couldn't understand why you got high and drove the car into a tree. I'm also pleased that no one else was hurt, I wouldn't have wanted to see that."

Will could tell that Doug was sobbing, deeply, desperately, unable to talk.

"Douggie, I don't hate you, I want to like you, and want us to be friends again. Can we?"

Doug was coughing, snorting into the phone, then blowing his nose.

"Aw, Willie, I am so, so sorry for what I did. I never meant to hurt you, especially so horrendously and tragically. Man, I still like you, too."

These two young men were talking about like', that meant a substantial and close friendship, their cautious euphemism for love'. They had never had sex or committed their love to each other before.

"I don't know if you will still be a friend after I tell you where I am." Will knew he had to tell everything or he would always regret it. "Can you drive .. legally?"

"Oh, yes, Will, I can and I got a new car. Wait until you see it." Doug seemed to be well proud of his new car, probably one of the best. Will also knew he was normally sincere with his statements. Will was surprised that Doug could drive so soon, only a few months since he had an accident, causing considerable damage to Will and his own car, and him being drunk on booze, snorting drugs.

"Could we meet somewhere between us, I live in Windsor, going to Windsor College?"

"Will, I could easily get there, anytime."

"Aren't you working, Doug?"

Doug laughed, "I'm going to Toledo U., music major."

"Me, too, Doug,"

"I can understand that, Will, you always were the best."

"Since I had to give up gymnastics, that was my next choice." He laughed into the phone, "At least you didn't break my lips,' he joked. Hurriedly he said, "Now Doug, don't have a hissy, I'm just kidding. OK?"

Doug was quiet for a moment, "Will, I have a test in class on Thursday night, how about Friday night, you know, TGIF?" That was an eager reply for Doug, he felt so much better hearing from his friend, especially that he didn't hate him. Or still hate him..

"That sounds great for me. I'm the assistant gymnastics coach, but practice on the gymnastics will finish by 4 pm.. We have plenty of bedrooms, you could stay over."

"Willie, what's this WE', who's the other part of WE'." Doug was very concerned about who Will was living with.

"Doug, my parents caught me having sex with a strange man when we were in Maine, on vacation. Originally I was by myself, my parents had gone ahead on their own. The other man turned out to be my cousin, now my partner, Greg Gooding."

That statement really had Doug going. "Your cousin? You don't have a cousin." He gathered his wits, "And what do you mean, partner?" Doug voice sounded sharp and accusing. Even though it seemed that Will was gay, he wasn't so pleased. He had always looked up to Will as a perfect young man, not into anything different or weird.

"We'll talk about this Friday night, Doug, when we're together. Meanwhile, you can ponder over the state of my affairs. Give me your email address and I'll send the directions to our house." Doug gave it. Will grinned, and spoke musically, and teasingly, "And, Doug, just wait until I explain. Don't dream up any wild theories. See you Friday, bud. Love you. Bye."

Will broke the connection, hardly able to contain his excitement, wondering just how Doug will absorb the consequence of his actions. Well, he had hopes.

Doug was very confused, `Will never had a cousin, guess he found one. But, a partner, wow, I always wondered about Will maybe being gay, but didn't really believe it. Maybe I was totally wrong, but if he is gay, he is still my favorite bud, no prob.'

When Greg got home that night, Will told him all about his activities with Junior and Dexter, about paying their tax bill and getting the scholarships from Hamish.

Greg picked Will up and whirled him around in their living room. They kissed deeply. Greg was thinking about Will, how much he'd grown in stature and ability. Part of it was his help for the two boys and going to see Hamish.

"Will, you are a wonder ... yes, a wonderful man. But, you know, we will need to do something so they can provide for themselves. I'm sure they would work if we could find a satisfactory job. They sound like determined and able young men. I think you ought to talk to them tomorrow after school."

"Yeah, Greg, I'll do that and ..... uh oh, I forgot to tell you. I called Doug Baker this afternoon. He's coming to see me, us, Friday evening. He should get here by supper time so we could feed him too. How about getting some fried chicken? Would that do, do you think?" Will was unusually eager, he hugged Greg, getting a return hug.

"Good idea, babe."

Will was excited, pleased that Doug would be there. "I feel so much better now that I've talked to him. He was afraid I hated him since I wouldn't let him in to see me in the hospital." Will blushed and got quiet, he spoke softly, "I did hate him then, Greg. I do feel badly about that, but I was so hurt by his actions. I sure didn't want him anywhere near me."

Greg nodded, "Your feelings were understandable, Will, but I'm so happy that you have forgiven him. I'm sure you will feel much better for it. I'm so proud of you, my love." Greg sat on the couch in the living room, pulling Will on his lap.

"Did you tell Dexter and Junior about us? Or did they already know."

Will thought about what he'd say to Greg. "I thought about it, and finally did tell them that I was gay and was partnered with you. I told them they mustn't tell anyone."

"Then they started laughing, giggling, too. They said they already knew it, and I was known all over campus, known for being gay and no one cared about that. They said I could run for class president, would be a shoo-in. Everyone thought of me as a hero and so great I didn't have anything to worry about."

Greg smiled and kissed his lover, "I think so, too, you are my hero and always will be. You have a wonderful charm about you, Will, I don't know how you got it considering those awful parents of yours, but you sure are a smoothie. I think everyone sees your strength and determination by absorbing your trouble and conquering your accident. Don't you understand that you are a most exciting and thrilling young man? And I am exhilarated to be your partner, especially when I can make love to you. I don't want you to ever change, but this should give you more durability and effectiveness in all you do, school, music and friendships. I do want you to have plenty of friends, particularly with people like Dexter and Junior. They are good for you."

All of Will's control and restraint gave way suddenly. He hid his head in Greg's neck and shoulder, sobbing as if he would never stop. Greg was his life, he had no parents or any other relatives except Greg, and now Greg's father, his uncle. He did feel somewhat lost and left out.

"Come on, babe, you should be so proud of yourself. I know you are going through difficult times but certainly will get places and I sure hope you will take me with you." Greg really meant all of that, he just hoped he could keep up with Will's future, wherever it would take them. He felt so lucky that he could follow Will to Windsor and live with him.

He held Will in his arms, caressing his body, stroking his hair and kissing the parts of his face he could reach. Will wasn't in any hurry to leave Greg's arms, nor even move his body at all. He didn't realized that his prosthesis was killing Greg's right leg, but Greg would never tell him. Finally Greg carried Will upstairs to their bedroom, put him in bed, undressed him and himself. He almost forget to remove the prosthesis, but quickly rectified that. Greg gathered Will in his arms and hugged him to his own naked flesh. Quickly, they both were able to sleep, wound in each other's body, arms and legs. They kissed quietly, softly moaned and slept. Greg loved his young man so much he knew he could never live without him. Ever.

Thursday afternoon, Will stopped by Junior and Dexter's house, wondering if they had come home. He rapped on the door with his knuckles. When he got no response, he yelled, "Junior, Dexter, where are you? It's Will."

Suddenly he heard a voice, "Hey, Will, we are upstairs, front room. Come on up."

He stepped back to look up and there was Dexter's head hanging out their bedroom window. He was smiling, "Come on, Will, it's okay."

Will could see that Dexter's shoulders were bare; he was curious whether Dexter had any clothes on at all. "Okay, Dex, I'm coming." He still wasn't sure he could make the stairs, but decided he should be able to.

Opening the front door, Will walked into the living room, then turned toward the stairs. He could hear noises from upstairs, not sure what that indicated. By the time he reached the bedroom, Dex and Junior were standing in the doorway, dressed in boxers only, though they did look slightly tousled.

"Hi guys," Will opened, "I stopped to see how you are doing. I missed you today since we didn't have gymnastics practice." Will moved closer to them and entered their room. He found a serious aroma of cum in there. To himself he said, `Uh-oh, I must have interrupted them.' He smiled at the guys, patting them on their shoulders, feeling the solid hard muscle formation they had built in the gym. "I hope I'm not disturbing you?"

Both Junior and Dex put their arms around Will, holding tightly onto his back, pulling him toward themselves.

"Oh, no, Will. We were just fooling around." Immediately Dex blushed a deep red, realizing what he had said. Quickly, "Uh, Will, actually we had been studying real hard, then felt a need to wrestle a bit."

Junior piped up, "Honestly, Will, we were hoping you might stop around, we need to thank you so much for getting us our scholarships and paying the tax bill." He quieted, then spoke in a muted voice. "We had been doing pretty well financially, but recently the taxes and our utilities have been going a lot higher."

"Sit down, guys, I want to talk to you." They sat on the bed on each side of Will. "I am very happy to help you two, financially, in emergencies, but Greg and I do think you can help yourselves by working at a part-time job while in school. Had you thought about the possibility?"

Dex leaned against Will as he spoke, "You know we worked last summer for the highway department and made good money, but we can't do that with our schedule." He looked down at Will's legs, "Would you or Greg know of any jobs we could manage? We are eager to work."

Junior joined Dex by nodding his agreement. "You know we're strong, Will, we'd work at anything we could to make some money." He laughed, "We have thought about being gigolos or escorts for lonely women." He blushed, but laughed again with Dexter.

Will laughed with them, "Yeah, guys, you are sure good-looking and hot enough. I think you'd be better escorting men, though." He grinned, "But I don't think you'd have time with your classes and all." He chuckled inside as he thought of them, mainly because of the fact that they were gay.

"Could we ask something of you? I hope I'm asking too much." He paused, working the words out in his mind, "Will, would you please let us see your leg, and the new one." He turned to Will, "If you don't wa......" Dexter was embarrassed but they both wanted this.

"That's fine, guys, I don't show many people, but you deserve the opportunity. You will have to help me."

Will thought, `what the hell', so they see it, they see it. He was also thinking of how he could get their pants off, too. "Okay, you see, I have about six inches of leg left on that side below the knee that the prosthesis fits onto. If you will keep me from falling off the couch, I'll get it off."

Grabbing the prosthesis with both hands, Will soon had it off and standing on its own.

"Will, please, could we touch your leg?" Dexter was the leader of the pair, and reached out as soon as Will said okay. "Just be careful, it is rather fragile. Rubbing it is good, but not too hard." Will opened his belt, top button and zipper. He asked them to pull off his pants, but not tug him off the bed. He grinned.

Will had forgotten he'd not worn underwear that day. He didn't often like to go commando and rattle around in his pants.

He laughed, "Well, guys, I guess you get to see everything I got." Their eyes bulged, taking everything to their minds through their visual sense. Fortunately Will's cock had stayed small, he was hoping it wouldn't erect. That hope wasn't about to happen either.

As the boys were caressing Will's amputated leg, they awakened his libido and he found his usual huge erection when he looked down, standing proudly from his loins, pulsing with his heart. Glancing at Junior and Dexter, he noted that their boxers were bulging from their crotches.

Junior gasped while staring at Will's formidable erection, "Hey, Will, where did you get that thing, it's so big."

Will started laughing deep in his chest, "Guys, it seems we've gotten a little excited. Since you can see mine, why don't you get rid of those boxers, huh?" He reached out to help them pull the wild, colorful shorts off their legs. Having accomplished that, he sat up to get a good view of their monsters. "I guess you two have been pounding those hot rods to make them that big."

Junior's and Dexter's dicks were both circumcised with huge heads, swollen and shining with the seminal fluid that dripped slowly from their piss slits. If they had cum when playing around, Will couldn't tell, observing the thick, long, hard cocks waving in the warm air.

Will grinned sexily, "Hey men, why don't you strip down completely, I've seen you before but not the whole shot at once. You guys would give any partner fits of depression if they were not as great as you two. Since you are partners already, you are so damn lucky." The two young boys stripped completely then turned back to Will.

Junior and Dexter nodded at each other then grabbed Will's arms to pull him up on the bed. "Will, we hope you don't mind, but since you got us this way," Dexter pointed at their uprising sex batons, "we think you need us to help you and ourselves."

Will had a discouraging thought of Greg not appreciating this sexual romp, but he was too far gone to stop. He felt the guilt, though not enough to stop him.

"Junior and Dexter, I know Greg would be unhappy if I were to play evenly with you, however," Will made a condition, "if you forced me to lay here while you sucked me off, I don't think he would say anything." The boys didn't notice, but Will had his fingers crossed in two places.

Junior proposed a thought, "Will, your plastic leg is off, so you can't escape us," he grinned evilly, "so we'll just have to make sure you enjoy your visit with us." Dexter was nodding to his partner, "And, you will get a demonstration of our sexual prowess."

Junior and Dexter lay on their sides in position for a sixty-nine, both heads at the other's crotch. They forced Will to watch for five minutes, until they finally shot into their partner's mouth and throat, pulsing stream after stream of their hot cum into each other. Will had helped them by caressing their bodies, especially their cheeks, lightly exploring within.

While the boys recovered from their sexual explosion, Will used a towel to wipe their bodies of sweat, also cleaning up any spilled cum that dripped from their chins and tongues.

"Thank you, my friends, see what you did to me?" He pointed to his own crotch where rivulets of his own cock juices had drained onto his pubes, legs and crotch. "I never touched myself but was so turned on by your passions, I couldn't help it. You two are the sexiest couple I've seen in a long time." He leaned forward to press his lips against Junior's and Dexter's. "You men are absolutely awesome, age notwithstanding, but your beauty definitely is a triumph. We won't even do this again, but, guys, I love you two and hope to be around you for a long time." He snickered, "At least until you both are champions, that's my pledge."

Junior and Dexter slithered up beside Will, holding him tightly, arms around his body and lightly playing with his slowly softening penis, without strength at that moment.

"Will," Dex started, "have no question, we love you, too, and wish you were ours, but that isn't to be. You have Greg and deserve him, we won't bother you. Oh, well, we might sneak a kiss or two in the shower or whenever we can." They continued to play with Will's mantool.

"Yes," Will looked at the handsome, sexy young men, "I'm fortunate to be with you, but do you see what has happened," he wondered if they had noticed his groin and rigid cock again.

"Look there, Dexter, Will's boy cock has gotten all stiff again. You suppose we should help him out?"

Instead of answering, Junior grabbed Will's waving prong, pressing his lips on the head that was oozing more juices. Dexter immediately seized the other side, licking from base to glans, licking his pre-cum, the neutral taste arousing him again.

Junior slid his mouth lower to lick Will's scrotum, sucking the balls in his mouth, caressing with his tongue outside of the bag. Will actually groaned deep in his throat, his hands tidying their short hair, reddish blond for Dexter and dark for Junior.

Will stopped them suddenly. "Guys, please turn around on the bed so your recovering dicks are nearer to my hands." They acquiesced to his request, pleased to have him take hold of their pride and joy.

Will played with them, their spears and hidden entries between their cheeks. He had met their assets with fingers and hands, stroking those hot, recently orgasmed tools to also recover their sexual prowess. Their anuses seemed alive with shocks of electricity, twitching lips, a spasm here or there.

Soon, Will felt the inevitable storm, thrusting from his cum center through his groin to burst out his urethra. The boys felt his orgasm coming so both lips and mouths centered on the swollen glans from that they received Will's gift of life to their bodies, cum sliding down both their throats, coming to rest in their stomachs.

After a period of recovery, Will woke to gaze on his friends, his own age and having the same desires, hot for men and cocks and balls. Dexter and Junior had never had anal sex, but were thinking of it.

"Dexter," Will invited, "straddle my body so your cock is in my mouth. Quick, please, I need to get going." Dexter wasted no time, kneed himself to end up with his knees tight in Will's arm pits, his cock head resting on Will's tongue.

Dexter was breathing rapidly, his nerves shocked with electricity from his receptors all over his body. Will I thank you so much, you are so hot and I'm not much, but I love you almost as much as I do Junior." He grinned lasciviously, looking down where Will's lips curled around his shaft.

"Dexter, and Junior, too, when I first saw you two in the gym, you probably didn't notice but my dick immediately zonked a full erection, hard as hell and even started to pour out pre- cum. You guys are the most gorgeous in the whole team, and I had trouble holding my orgasm in check." He looked at Junior, "Believe me, guys, I know `hot' when I see it." He grabbed Dexter's heavy cock, hard and swollen, "Now let me taste both of you before I have to go."

Will worked back and forth on both his young friends, hoping to satisfy them quickly. He was able to do that, they flooded his mouth and throat with their delicious cum.

"Oh, man, Will, that was great." Dexter looked doubtful, "Will we ever be able to do that again? "

"All I can say, guys, we'll see. Just like my parents said when I wanted something. We'll see." He smiled and hugged both. "Now, will you put me back together so I can go home."

"By the way, have you had anal sex yet?" Will threw out that question for a good reason. If they hadn't, they needed help. He smiled mischievously,

Both men shook their heads `no'.

"Okay, when you think you are ready to try, look up everything about it on Google, then call me." He grinned, "You two are so hot."

Just before he walked out their front door, Will kissed each man, tasting his cum on their lips as he also compared his to their own. "Delicious, guys, I may have to come back for more!"

Dexter and Junior hugged him again, leading him to his SUV.


Doug reached Will's house, having been there since noon. He had scouted the area, walking around what he thought was their property. At one point he was very close to the Ridgway's property. Hardy saw him and wondered who it was.

"Hi, can I help you?" Hardy asked, wondering who this hot young man was and why he was at the Goodings.

Doug was staring at Hardy who wasn't dressed well enough for September. Wearing just a tank top and shorts, he showed Doug the basic shape of his body. Doug's eyes were frozen on that body. He stared so long that Hardy wondered if he had gone in a coma. Finally, "Hi. I hope I'm not on your land, I'm waiting for Will at the Goodings, and I'd just been looking around."

Hardy approached Doug and held out his hand. "I'm Hardy Wolfe and I live here with my partner and family. Where are you from?"

"My name is Doug Baker, I'm from Sylvania, near Toledo."

"I know where that is, my Dukes of Windsor group played there at the high school."

Doug jumped at that news, "Omg, I heard that performance. It was great. I'm majoring in music at the University of Toledo."

"Wow, Doug, then you knew Will in high school, right?"

Doug face drew grim, pale and immobile. He didn't speak for a couple moments.

Finally, he nodded, his eyes misting, "Yes, and I was the driver involved in his accident."

Hardy couldn't believe this young man, tall and well setup, would admit that. `He's got guts,' he thought. He moved toward Doug and put his arm around the strong, muscular shoulders, "Doug, have you talked to Will since the accident?"

"Not until yesterday. He called me, said he wanted to see me and talk to me. I was shocked, I thought he would hate me forever. But he said he did for a while, yet still loved me." Doug, hung his head, not wanting to see Hardy's face, afraid of what he might do.

"Doug, you will be amazed what your friend has done in spite of his handicap. I'll let him show you his efforts and the success he's had. I'll not rain on your parade, he's done very well."

The younger man raised his head, happy to hear good news.

"How long are you going to be here, Doug?" Hardy was interested in this young man.

"I'm staying overnight, probably go home late tomorrow." He smiled, "It depends on how long Will and his partner can stand to have me around."

Hardy tightened his grip on Doug, "Well, you tell Will for me, he is to bring you to our house for a swim tomorrow morning and meet our whole family. Oh, a new member of the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor will be there. Ah ... do you have a partner?" Hardy was thinking of Alden Johns who might be a good partner for Doug, if Doug might transfer to Windsor."

"Don't forget to tell Will about the swimming." He looked at his watch, "Will should be home soon, gymnastics practice will be over." He patted Doug on the back.

Doug smiled warmly at Hardy, "Thanks, Hardy, I remember you from that concert, you are the greatest. Bye."


That afternoon Will drove in his driveway, getting home earlier than usual since there was no gymnastics practice that day. He saw a large, black vehicle parked beside their front door. He slowed, trying to recognize the big car, but failed. It looked like his new car. So he kept slowly moving toward his parking place. As he stopped and turned the car off, he could see Doug rocking on their porch in one of many white rocking chairs..

When Will climbed to the porch level with difficulty, he saw a dark shadow cross Doug's face. Then Doug stood, calmly, waiting for his friend. He felt horrible guilt as he saw Will struggling to climb the stairs, one step at a time. The two men shook hands and held the clasp quite a few seconds. Will and Doug never had hugged, never had any physical connection, though they were fairly close friends.

As Will held his friend's hand with a good grip, one that all gymnasts develop, they stared into each other's eyes, reading the thoughts lurking there. "Doug, I have forgiven you, honest."

As one, their arms opened and their bodies closed together, a new relationship began with a big hug. Their heads met, cheeks rubbed, feeling emotion in the moment.

Doug whispered in Will's ear, "Thank you so much, Will, you have lifted a burden from my heart and eased my guilt a little."

Will's arms were holding so tightly onto Doug's back, he left him almost breathless. He gently patted Will's back as if to signal a break like a wrestler would.

The day was warm, but not bad for a late September day, colored leaves spinning to the ground until the grass was covered.

Will finally released Doug, "Come on inside. I can get you something to drink, you are probably thirsty."

"Yes, I am, but I, more eagerly, want to know what was going on with you." Doug still felt uneasy with Will, he knew the man should still hate him, but he did believe his assertion of forgiveness. At least he certainly hoped for that. "Will, before I forget, I was walking around your place and met the band director named Hardy near his house. We got to talking and I spilled my guts." He stopped to gather his nerve. "He said to tell you that you should bring me to their house in the morning to swim. Do they have a pool in the house?"

"Yes, they have a beautiful place, Doug, and they are all wonderful people. Yes, we'll go, these people are hard to believe, so loving and down to earth.

Will got some pop and snacks, they sat at the kitchen table, talking, not the most comfortable place, but they were together. Will started his story when he met Greg in Maine. How they'd been caught having sex when Will's parents burst into their room. Those parents told Will that he no longer had a home and he'd been with Greg ever since in Bryan. The part about Greg quitting, then getting a teaching job at Windsor and Will starting college, came last.

"I'm sitting second chair trumpet in the Windsor band". However he didn't tell Doug about his promise to dumb down his abilities until the next year. "I was asked to be the assistant coach for the gymnastics team. I even tried to do some routines myself, but Greg pleaded with me not to do it again. He is afraid I'll hurt my other leg."

Doug was afraid to ask his next question, not to ask it but not sure how he'd feel about the answer. Well, he go ahead. "Will, does this mean you are gay?"

"Of course, silly. I've know I was gay before high school."

"I never heard anything about that when we were at the high school." He looked puzzled. "You really are?"

"Is that going to make a big problem between us, Doug? I can't change, can't take it back. I'll always be gay. I hope I'm not freaking you out." Will was just a little worried that Doug might be a homophobe. "Do you hate gays?"

Doug was looking down at the table holding a potato chip in his fingers. Finally he looked up and into Will's eyes and broke the chip. "Willie, I can't be one of those because I'm also gay. Didn't you know?" Doug was frowning, very concerned. "I know I never told you, but most of the guys we ran around with knew it. Didn't they ever say something about it?"

Will was shaking his head back and forth. "No, and I never even suspected! Don't you remember that I sort of stayed within myself. I was deathly afraid to come `out'."

Will stood and walked slowly into the living room. He picked up a picture frame from the piano and returned it to the kitchen table right in front of Doug.

"This is my partner, Greg Gooding. He will be home a little later. I think you'll like him."

"Oh, man, what a hunk, man, he's a lot bigger than you, isn't he?"

"Yes, Doug," he smiled, "he's a lot taller than me, but we fit perfectly in bed," he chortled, then grinned proudly. "He's the most romantic, affectionate and consummate lover, and so well endowed." He laughed, "I shouldn't be telling you that, but I can't help myself, We do everything."

"You mean even .....",

Will again smiled, "Yes, I mean that, Douggie, I've never felt so good in my life."

Will needed to tell Doug about high school. "I only ever had sex with a boy my age in high school, once, and never again."

"Who was it, Will." Doug couldn't believe he hadn't heard of that. He should have known Will was gay.

"I can't tell, Doug, I promised. But he was a hot jock in school." Will would never tell anyone, ever. "I don't think he'll ever come `out'. Maybe in college he will."

"How about you, Doug, how many did you have in high school?"

Doug started to mention name after name, guys in their class that he'd had no idea were gay. Some names that Doug spoke could never have been gay, Will knew them very well. But, maybe he just didn't know them `that' well. And yet some guys could have been straight, but wanted sex when they were full horny, even from other boys.

Will got more drinks and Fritos. Maybe he was masochistic, but he enjoy having Doug at his house, constantly reminding Will of his loss, his leg gone because of that man.

Doug wondered if he could ask to see Will's leg, just look at it for a little.

He did ask and Will said `sure'. He had large floppy khakis on that day and could just pull the legs up.

"Let's go into the living room, Doug, it will be easier for me. You know, in some ways I was lucky, the doctors were able to save my knee, that helps my walking a lot." He sat on the couch, pulled up his pant's leg, exposing the prosthesis to Doug's view.

"After a year or so, I'll be getting a newer and more sophisticated leg, one that is computer driven and can adjust to my walking as I do it. It will be extremely expensive, but worth the money in the long run."

Will worked to release his false leg, soon showing Doug where his leg ended. "This part can get very sore if I don't take care of it." He looked into Doug's eyes staring hard. "You can feel it, Doug, if you want to."

Doug got the idea and it appealed to him. He stared at the stump, wanting to caress the injured flesh where the skin was folded over the bone. His guilt was pounding though his head, so much he just had to touch part of Will's body.

"Are you sure it is okay, Will?"

Will nodded his agreement slowly, hopefully.

Doug's hand hovered above Will's left knee, shaking tremulously, then he lowered it very gently over the scars, the tortured flesh. He stroked the skin cautiously, worrying about hurting it. Doug's face was flush with effort to keep his emotions under control, he had never been so close to his friend. Tears had also begun filling his eyes, he couldn't believe that Will had forgiven him, after the profoundly horrible injury he'd caused.

Will decided to ask the question occupying his mind at that moment. He practically whispered, "Doug? I'm sorry to ask, but would you tell me why you were drinking and snorting that night? I would really like to know, if you'll tell me."

The young man sat up, "I could tell you, Will, but I really don't want to, it is so embarrassing for me."

"But don't you think I deserve to know, one of the most important events of my life?"

"Okay, but I hope you don't hate me even more when you hear what happened."

Doug kept his hand on Will's knee, "After the graduation night party, Joel Rice went home with me to stay over. We were planning to drink ourselves until we passed out. Well, things didn't exactly happen that way.

"We were on our hands and knees on my big bed in the dark, when suddenly my bedroom door swung open, the hall light illuminating the room. My parents were in the doorway, looking at me and Joel, my hard cock all the way up in his ass, my body on his back, my hips pumping away at his inner flesh.

"My mother screamed and quickly we realized we were in trouble. Joel pulled off me, though it must have hurt him. He grabbed his clothes and headed down the stairs to the front door where he got some clothes on and left.

"I was still kneeling on my bed, my rigid, greasy cock shining in light. I froze."

Doug's hand was holding Will's knee rather hard, "Uh, Doug, you are hurting me."

He came back to the present scene, released Will's leg as in a fog.

"Sorry, man, I didn't mean to do that." Will could remember back a few months when Doug himself had said exactly the same thing, `I didn't mean to do that,' after the accident.

"Will, I was so scared I couldn't move. I didn't know what to do so I did nothing. Finally my father spoke to me."

"Douglas," that name in itself was a worry, "I want you to get a shower, then go to bed. No more liquor, got it? We'll talk in the morning at breakfast. Eight o'clock exactly. Got it?"

"They left and shut the door, returning my room to darkness. But that didn't help my fear and very loose bowels. I made it to my bathroom just in time." Doug shivered, thinking of his close call. Getting his bed crapped up would have made his trial doubly hard.

"Anyway, Will, this past summer I spent 10 weeks in Abilene, Texas, learning how to be a soldier. I damn near died. I couldn't have any beer or liquor, and worse, no sex. Once in a while I could pound my meat in bed at night. That was it."

"Are you still off the booze and drugs, Doug?"

"Yes, I am, Will. And I hope I can stay that way. Dad pulled some strings so I could drive again. But I can't go anywhere I want. I got special permission to come here to see you. He was surprised you were in college in Ohio."

Will replaced his prosthesis and pushed his pant leg down. "I guess I've had an interesting summer, too."

Doug's face darkened, blushing, he quietly said, "I know, Will, I know. I'm so sorry, I will always regret my actions and will try to make it up to you." He looked into Will's eyes where Will could read honesty and commitment in his eyes, a seriousness so rare in that young man.

"What happened to Joel Rice, Doug? Is he okay?"

"I pleaded with my parents not to tell his parents. I convinced them that it was all my fault, I took advantage of Joel. Fortunately they believed me, so his parents never heard of it." He smiled slyly, "And was he ever pleased. We get together again a lot in our dorm room."

"You know Doug, there are some really good things that happened because of this." He slapped his leg, above the knee. "I would never have met Greg, if you hadn't ah ....."

"If I hadn't gotten polluted and wrecked the car and you too."

Will nodded, "Well, yes, that too. And Greg has been the best thing in my life. You helped cause the worst happening to me, and also the best." He smiled patiently at Doug, "Yeah, so I guess it evens out, right?"

Doug had trouble with his emotions, finally he hugged Will very close and actually kissed him on the mouth. "I have to tell you a secret, Will, as long as I've known you, your lips attracted me, they looked so beautifully curved and desirable. Now I have kissed them. Thanks."

Will and Doug stood to get back to the kitchen. Will had to think of some food for their supper once Greg got home. He decided on pizza and started to call for delivery when the front door opened to admit Will's partner, Greg, entered holding a large pizza box in his hands.

Doug whispered, "Oh, god, Will, he's gorgeous, handsome and tall. And so old." Doug grinned and pinched Will's butt. "How did you ever catch him, you lucky fuck?"

Will `erked' when Doug pinched him, certainly not expecting that.

"Hey, Greg, look who's here. My old friend, Doug Baker."

Greg's face tightened when he remember this was the guy who destroyed Will's leg.

His voice was raspy and small, it appeared Greg did not want to meet Doug Baker, but his manners came to the situation. He said, "Hi, Doug", and shook his hand. Will could tell his lover was trying to break Doug's hand, so he interrupted by grabbing the pizza box.

"Come on, guys, get to the table. I'll get some pop and I also have some breadsticks." When Doug wasn't watching them, Will gave Greg a fierce look, double frown, looking like a gargoyle, trying to get a better behavior from him.

Will sat on one side of the table and Greg quickly sat next to him. The only other chair was on the other side of the table. Doug looked at both opposite him, Will winked back, but Greg just stared back into Doug's eyes. Doug was beginning to worry, wondering what was Greg's problem. Well, he knew what Greg's problem was, he had hurt Will.

Greg took the last bite of a piece of pizza, chewed frequently, then swallowed. He had encouraged Will to call him, make the first move too regain their friendship. And he should forgive Doug, and tell him that he forgives him.

"Doug, could I ask why you came to see Will today, after all this time?" He tried to keep his face neutral, not revealing any particular emotion.

Doug was a bit stunned, feeling fear of Greg. He thought from what Will had said the Greg was the one who urged Will sincerely to call him. "I came here because Will had forgiven me and said he loved me. I couldn't NOT come see to him." Doug spoke seriously, but calmly, his emotions under control.

"I asked that for a reason. I think you know I urged Will to call you. I need to ask one more question. Have you sincerely and solemnly apologized to him for your action resulting the loss of his leg?" He put on hand on Doug's left arm, just lightly, hardly a positive touch.

Doug's eyes became moist, shining in the light from the window. "Greg, if I haven't done that well enough, I will repeat it as often as necessary to express my extreme horror and revulsion of what I had done. I have prayed that Will could forgive me. If our positions had been reversed, I'm not sure that I could forgive him for taking my leg."

Greg smiled, "One more thing, Doug. Have you seen Will's leg, and touched it?"

"Yes, that was one of the most moving times of my life. I would hate to lose Will's friendship, and will plead my case forever." Doug seemed honestly sincere, horrified with his past behavior and desperate for Will's approval and forgiveness. He placed one hand on Will's arm, trying to connect to his feelings.

Greg waited a moment for their joint mental communication. "Doug, only one more question," he paused, "have you quit drinking and doing drugs?" To Greg this was the most significant one he would ask.

Doug looked into Will's eyes, not Greg's. "Will, I pledge to you that I have gotten rid of those self-destructive habits, I won't do them any more. I've had help from a counselor." Will put his arm around Doug's neck.

"Doug," Will started, "do you think you are an alcoholic, really?"

"Yes, I've been diagnosed with alcoholism, I won't live long if I don't conquer it. The court required me to submit to two months of counseling with a psychiatrist, then further, I was required to join AA and be there every meeting. An older man, another alcoholic, is my adviser there, he's helped me so much."

Greg stood with still a fearful countenance, frowning fiercely. He growled, "Doug Baker, you have passed my conditions." He walked to Doug, picked him easily, and hugged him. Greg could feel the young man shaking, nerves taut and shocking him. Will had almost interceded with Greg not to hurt him. But when Greg pulled Will's friend to his body and embraced him tightly, he said, "Doug Baker, you are now a member of this family. You will visit us often and stay here when you can, or else we'll come and kidnap you." Greg was smiling broadly at Doug as he held out one arm toward Will, urging him to join the group hug.

Doug would recover from Greg's interrogation and his nerves would soon settle down, but he would remember that intense moment when he wasn't sure what Greg would do to him.

"Mr. Good....."

"Doug, please say Greg and mean it, I'm Will's partner and lover, and hope you can accept that. Okay?" Greg had released Doug though he helped him stand steady while Will did on the other side.

"I'm gay, too, I told Will earlier. He hadn't know that bit of information. Yeah, ah ... Greg .... thanks so much, I'll be here so much you'll start charging me rent."

Will kissed his friend on the cheek, "No, we won't. You will be helping me seriously, man, I need you. Thanks for coming and can you stay the night?" Will was hoping, he'd was also hoping he see ALL of Doug's body that he hadn't seen before, certain parts of.

"I don't have a partner, or a lover, but I will treasure you as my friends."

Doug returned the little kiss and grinned, "Just try and get rid of me." He was so relieved that Greg and Will liked him to make him part of their family.

By that time of the evening Matt and Hardy has just left their Jacuzzi, dried and donned some shorts for bed. They planned to just relax after a rough day. Lying in their bed, Matt was reading some reports on student attendance at the Music School but his eyelids were drooping.

Hardy was wide awake, thinking about some information he'd received, actually, an invitation for the Dukes of Windsor for December at Arizona State University in Tempe and an instrumental music program there. The conference was for colleges instrumental music instructors from all over the country on small group success with educating while entertaining their audience.

"Matt?" Hardy tried to get Matt's attention.

Nothing. Quiet.

A little louder, Hardy tried again, "Matt?"

The next time he put his lips against Matt's ear, "Matt," he uttered loudly.

"Mmm, oh, it's you. What do you want?" Matt had slipped down until laying prone on his side of the bed.

"I have some news, Dr. Matthew Bunker Ridgway. Could you listen?"

Matt smacked his lips and swallowed, "I guess so."

"I've decided to disband the Dukes." Hardy knew he wasn't listening.

"That's good."

Hardy leaned over Matt, pulled down the waist band of his shorts under his scrotum and inhaled Matt's cock.

"Oh, Hardy, that's so ..... what did you say?" Matt was finally alerted to Hardy's voice.

Hardy snickered and quit sucking, "I said I love you." Then he continued, "Matt, we've received an invitation to perform at the National Arts Foundation instrumental music conference for college instructors at Arizona State University in Tempe. That will be during the Christmas Vacation. Do you think Brian would loan us one of his small jets to ship us there? Maybe?" Hardy was so hoping that Matt would agree to talk to Brian about it.

"Hon, wherever you want to take the gang, I'm sure we can find the funding. Was there anything else?" Matt seemed a little exasperated with Hardy, but cautioned himself, `don't act so high and mighty, remember we are partners and love each other.'

Hardy had a good idea what Matt was feeling, "Yes, one other thing. This afternoon I was walking around our house and saw a young man walking near our property. I knew I'd never seen him before, but decided to see if I could help." He took a deep breath, not sure whether he should tell Matt. Oh, well. "It turns out the young man's name was Doug Baker, a friend of Will's. Actually he was the driver when Will's leg was so badly damaged. He said that Will had forgiven him, but I really wonder." He thought more, "But, thinking how wonderfully solid Will is, he probably did. "I invited Will and Greg to bring Doug here tomorrow morning - late so they could swim and we could know Mr. Baker some."

Matt considered his plan, "I'll call Greg in the morning to remind them, seconding your invitation. It was a good idea." Greg reached to pull Hardy's body against his own, caressing him wherever he would find a solid handhold.

"Let's get to sleep, Wolfey, we'll have much to do tomorrow."

Greg was not actually assigned to the Windsor Fire Department at all, but was presented with his credentials of official membership as an adjunct instructor. When he found some time, he was allowed to ride the fire trucks and he was often asked to make suggestions to the chief of any he might have to improve their service for the city and surrounding countryside.

The Department was funded by county funds, voted on by the citizens periodically. That was one Issue on the ballot that had never been turned down. Greg was impressed with the administration and firemen themselves, a tight knit group of men, no women at the present time. The chief and Greg spoke casually at regular times about operations in the Department, not about personnel but the rules and regulations.

"You know, Chief, in Bryan we had no females in the department. But I think it is coming soon, we did have a few women EMTs who seem to have worked out well. Almost all were doing the job within the regulations, studying the courses and textbook work, but I feel most women do not have the strength that men do that it takes with the really heavy work."

"Greg, I'm of the same opinion, and I'm not sure how well they would be appreciated on the job by the men. It is a tough issue." He took a sip of his coffee, sitting behind his desk. The previous three weeks had been easy ones for the firemen. "I'm not so sure we could find women around Windsor who would be eligible."

"Chief, if I ever find women in my classes whom I thought might work out, I'll suggest they talk to you. But I'll let you know first that they want to see you, so you aren't surprised. I do have people come in for courses, not a degree, and I'll be watching out."

The Chief, Don Grant, had the book of applications in front of him, leafing through the pages. He started to address Greg, but hesitated a moment, then continued. "Greg, I need to ask you something I probably shouldn't, but while I was going over everyone's records from the department applications, I noticed that the name you gave for emergency contact was William Gooding. Is that your father?"

Greg wasn't sure how he should answer that without outing himself to the whole department. He did have the opportunity to answer `yes', though that would be begging the question since that was actually his father's name. What should he do? Finally, he cleared his throat, looked at Don as frankly as he could possibly manage.

"Don, that honestly is my father's name, he lives in Bryan, but he is not my emergency contact. I'm sure you noticed that the phone number on my application is a local one. The name in this case refers to my cousin, Will, also a William, who lives with me in the farm house just before the Anthony farm heading down Rt. 15 toward Bryan. He is an adult matriculated at Windsor College majoring in music of that he is an excellent performer. Do you know the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor from the college?"

"Yes, Greg, I've heard them a few times, and really appreciate their performances, quite a unique group, seems sort of entertainment and education at the same time. Would your Will be in that this year?"

"No, not this year, he is a superb player, but if you've seen them perform, you already know that they dance along with the music, and Will lost half his left leg in an accident in Sylvania last May, so he hasn't been using a prosthesis over three months or so. He is working it out, but still can't dance the way they do. Maybe next year.

"You know, Greg, I remember that, bunch of high school graduates driving around, way too fast and dangerously. Was he driving?" Don seem anxious to hear the details.

"No, one of his good friends had been drinking and snorting, I believe, so wasn't in good shape for driving. Actually, this will give you an idea of my cousin's personality, that boy who caused the wreck is in our home right now, having received forgiveness from Will. My cousin is a wonderful young man."

"Greg, it is wonderful of you to take him in and care for him. Does he have a hard time coming to terms with the accident? I think that would be so hard."

"No, he is in good spirits and eager to get through school. He is a fine man."

The next morning about 10 a.m. Will and Doug, Dexter and Junior headed for the Ridgway farm. They walked from their own home about a half mile south and enjoyed the brisk weather and the crunch of frosted grass leaving their trail shimmering in the gentle breeze. Will had called Dex and Junior early, obviously either waking them up or disturbing some on-going fun and games, to invite them to the party at Ridgways. He also woke up Hardy even earlier to ask permission to bring them.

Will told Dex and Junior to bring their speedos with them. He knew they couldn't be wearing them very long, suits usually disappear soon after the party starts, relegated to a chair somewhere. He had also loaned Doug a pair of his own, Doug was taller than Will, but the waist size was similar.

After donning his own speedo, Will watched as Doug began to pull his up, facing away from Will. "Doug, would you please turn around." He grinned at Doug, twitching his eyebrows at him.

Doug blushed, "Will, I ... I ."

"It's okay, Doug, I've never seen yours and I'd like to see what I missed in High School. And I truly love your ass, gorgeous." Doug blushed deeply, so honored by Will's request.

Doug moved to stand in front of Will who was seated on the bed. "Here it is, Will, I'm really sorry you never saw it before. But, maybe it was for the better, I'd sort of played around with it a lot."

Will saw a nice, cut dick, maybe four inches long, soft. His eyes looked up at Doug, then he put a palm under it, gauging it's weight. "Real nice, Doug." Will couldn't help himself, he began to caress the soft, velvet skin and large, swelling glans. "Is that the maximum, Doug," when the cock had been pumped to about 7 ½ inches, hot and thumping from inside by Will's playing hand.

"Yes, Will, that's it."

Will gave the head a soft kiss and quick lick, making the hard rod jump a little.

Again, he looked up at Doug, "Very nice, a real man's mancock. Thank you."

Doug knelt between Will's legs, close to his friend. "Thank you, my dear sufferer because of my insanity. I'm so sorry, I do love you and respect you so much." Will felt Doug's tears on his face, joining with his own. "I love you too, Doug, please be my friend."

Will grabbed Doug's neck to pull his lips against his own. While they pressed lips together, Doug wrapped his arms around Will's strong back where they remained still for a few minutes. Will was trying to absorb Doug's soul into his own, hoping his forgiveness would ease his torture.

At the Ridgway farm house, after Hardy was awakened, he decided to call as many of the usual guests who enjoyed the pool and were available. Anne had decided to whomp up a brunch for all of the gatherers. Quite a few of them had accepted the invitation, to start about 10 am.

Anne's kitchen helpers, Roger, Todd, Jacob, Joshua and Matt would be put to work. They set up the warming pans on the long table by the pool. Her creations would be scrambled eggs, fresh made cinnamon rolls, bacon and sausage to start, but would not be ready until noon for consumption. Hardy would be busy welcoming their eager guests. For a spur-of-the-moment party, this one would rank at the top of the list, for amenities, and participants, fraternizing and silliness.

One point was realized after the party was over, no person of the female sex had been invited or, if invited, had declined to appear. That observation was only made at the end, no one commented while the participants reveled in their `party' mood.

Steve and Gary passed on the offer, sleepily, very tired after their night of carousing in their own little `party' on their bed. Moose also had been invited, but sent his regrets via Mike. Then the crowd ... Jerry and Max, Will and Doug, Mike, Alden Johns, Mark and Jack, plus the live-in Ridgways, began splashing and swimming as they could. The pool fortunately approached Olympic size, so the fifteen persons in it had plenty of room to swim and maneuver. The two small Ridgway boys, Joshua and Jacob, love the parties, but that day they were visiting young friends in Windsor.

When everyone was in the water, Hardy appeared.

"Hey, guys," Hardy yelled standing on the rim, ready to dive in. "Watch this." Hardy proceeded to pull his bikini suit off his body, flinging it into a dark corner. Thereafter, he dove in, naked and showing all his special stuff, while every man was staring at him, amazed with his actions. The regulars in the pool immediately stripped off their suits, too. Newbies' first thought was `I'm not gonna do that', until everyone was naked but Doug, Dex and Junior.

Hardy added to his exuberant personality, "Come on, guys," he urged, "someone near these guys drag their suits off, then we can have fun."

Will swam up to Dex and Junior, "Hey, guys, this is just fun. We might get into a little dickie pulling, butt pinching and ball tweaking." He winked at them, "Or whatever you can think of that is just fun." Before he had finished his sentence, they had pulled his dick, flicked his balls and felt up between his ass.

"Guys, you aren't supposed to concentrate on one guy, give others a chance." Will did appreciate their attention, but worried about his rep a little.

"Ok, coach, we'll take it easy on you, helpless as you are."

Will at that moment decided he would show them how helpless he was. He had been working on his swimming and become much more adept at it. They both found their dicks in his hand for a while, their balls held quite tightly and a finger in their asses, some swift movements.

When the other swimmers realized what he was doing, they attacked Will, no more pussy cats. Those swimmers had been taking it easy on Will, because of his handicap, but decided he'd had it too gentle and he was their favorite prey. Even Doug set at his old friend, especially when he noticed how big Will's cock was when hard.

When Will finally attacked, he racked up quite a number of cocks, balls and asses. They fled.

"Hey, guys, take it easy on Will, he's ....." Hardy tried to hold them off.

"Hardy, he'd killing us. He ain't handicapped" Doug complained, "He's gone crazy."

Hardy did notice that everyone was staying away from Will, keeping a good space away from him. "Well, I'd say you guys deserved it, in spades."

Since Hardy knew that Doug didn't have a partner, he made a point of introducing Alden to Doug, before they had gone naked. After getting into the pool with nothing on, Alden soon had all the facts about Doug in his head. "Why don't you think about transferring to Windsor College. I'm in the music department, too." Alden grinned slyly, "I'd sure like to know you better." He plucked Doug's penis while sliding his fingers into Doug's cleft, lightly feeling his asshole. He gave Doug a little kiss on his hardened dick. "Much better."

Both men reddened, embarrassed at Alden's foray into Doug's hunky body.

Matt and Hardy took time to talk to all their guests, getting to know them, especially the newer ones like Dexter and Junior, Doug and Max and Jerry.

They concentrated on Doug at one point. Hardy had told Matt what Doug had done.

Matt smiled, "Good for him, he's got guts."

On the way back to Will and Greg's house, Doug was flying high, not from drugs or alcohol, but from the excitement he found in the Ridgway's pool, especially someone named Alden.

"Will, I can't tell you how `up' I am." He grabbed Will around his shoulders. "I loved the last few hours with all those guys. Man, they are so hot!" He hugged Will tightly, showing his affection to the man he figured would be lost to him forever. His eyes became a little swamped, but he held on to his enthusiasm.

Will watched him, realizing that Doug had changed entirely from his previous sybarite, egoistical self. No longer was he an alky and druggie, intent on exploring all the pleasure he could find. Will had never seen anyone change so much, such a reversal in his attitudes and manners.

"Doug, I could see you were enjoying yourself, but you still considered all the others, not just for your pleasure. If nothing else comes out of your accident, you will be a much happier person and true to yourself." He held Doug and smiled at him. "Now I know why I'm loving you, you're achieving oceans of pride, self-respect and love inside."

Doug smiled, held Will and kissed him passionately on the lips.

"Thanks, Doug, but you didn't have to kiss everyone at the party, to thank them. Especially Alden Johns, he about sucked you and fingerfucked you." Will grinned happily, "Everyone loved you, man, I know you were having so much fun by pulling all those new dicks, at least new to you. Couldn't you see them wanting to be around you, obviously liking and sometimes loving you. Matt and Hardy told me to bring you back anytime, anytime at all. So, you've got to visit Greg and me a lot. Okay?" Will kissed his cheeks, cheeks that were glowing in pleasure and pride.

When they got near the house, Greg was rocking on the porch, cool as it was.

He stood and was smiling. "How was the party? You both sure look happy."

"Oh, Greg," Doug spoke first, "they are wonderful, I've never been so happy, especially without booze or alcohol." He blushed brightly, "And all because of your lover, and my best friend." Doug enthusiastically, dramatically and passionately jumped to Greg and kissed and hugged him with all the affection he could muster.

To say the least, Greg was surprised and a bit puzzled, but held on to Doug with his strong arms, realizing that the man needed his approbation and love.

"Come on inside, guys, you probably need to change." He kept his arm around Doug and led him though the front door. "When do you have to get home, Doug? I don't want you to leave here before you absolutely must, okay?"

"I'll need to get back by six this evening. I have a rehearsal with the college brass sextet at 7 and will need to leave by five." Doug looked at Greg with obvious devotion and at Will with love and desire."

"Doug, do you have a partner yet, a good friend, maybe your roommate?"

Doug looked down at the floor, nothing favorable in his manner. "No." In his mind he was thinking about Alden Johns whom he met at the swimming party.

With a finger under his chin, Greg pulled the young man's face up toward his own.

"Greg. the guys I had sex with in high school either went away to school, or made it clear to me they didn't have time or inclination to continue our sex games. I never loved any of them, only Will whom I couldn't have and then hurt catastrophically."

Will, who had been watching Doug, a monstrous erection in his pants, got behind Doug, thrusting his crotch into Doug's butt, between the cheeks as far as he could.

"Douggie, you must forgive yourself, as I've forgiven you. Everything's going to look up now, Greg and I love you. We want to somehow make you happy."

Doug had jumped, feeling Will's cock against his butt, wishing they could do it.

"Doug, I want you to email us every day, talk to us on the phone or come to see us often." He paused, "Hey, how about next weekend, could you make it?"

"Ah, I have a concert to play next Saturday, but could make it the next weekend. Okay?"

Will broke in, "You will be here two weeks from now, please. We want you to meet lots more people, well, men, that is. He grinned indecently, "We have to get you fixed up."

All three men hugged and smiled broadly, wondering how they would do that. Doug smiled because he thought he'd found someone in the pool, whose cell number and email address he'd been given.

Next: Chapter 50: Dukes of Windsor II 12

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