Dusk to Dawn

By moc.oohay@retirwnomromyag

Published on Mar 25, 2008


Dusk To Dawn Chapter 4

(This story is owned by the author and copywriter.)

My eyes felt the warmth of the sunlight as it peeked through the window blinds of the bedroom. It felt so cozy with the light cascading upon my naked body. The night's rest was deep and full of dreams that I really couldn't remember. I felt slightly eerily and uneasy as the one thing I do remember what seemed like a `presence' with me last night.

I glanced about the ceiling and noticed the peeled paint and all the water marks from previous leaks that apparently and hopefully had been fixed since there wasn't any evidence of any last night.

Feeling the sudden urge, I scooted off the bed and headed to the bathroom and relieved myself.

Looking about the bathroom, it seemed very evident that things do look so different with sunlight versus light bulbs. In this case, it didn't matter which kind of light there was, it still looked bad.

Finishing up, I headed downstairs to kick about the modest kitchen for my ritual morning cup of coffee. I glanced at the clock on the desk in the office and noticed it was 9:51 A.M.

I smiled to myself as I realized how jerking off in the rain must have helped me sleep so soundly.

I turned and entered the kitchen and noticed the coffee pot was on and Jeff was sitting at the table.

"Good morning," he said cheerfully with out any reaction to my complete nakedness before him.

"Good morning," I said as I grabbed the cup next to the coffee pot and poured myself one. "Did we set a time for today?"

"Yeah, you told me about 10. I figured I'd get here a little early and since you weren't up yet I started the coffee."

Still not remembering that conversation, I sat down at the table with Jeff.

"How long have you been waiting?"

"About 15 minutes."

I don't know why I didn't feel awkward with the fact that I was sitting here with Jeff, totally naked. What seem a little disturbing to me was how comfortable I was with it. Though I generally am nude when I'm alone, this situation just seemed normal.

Jeff was also calm and not the least bit distracted by it. When he saw me I noticed his eyes took in all of me without a lingering look at any part of my body. He never looked away either.

I started to imagine the both of us naked in the morning which isn't exactly the type of thing you do when you're naked with an employee. I realized that it was having an effect on my little guy and immediately started thinking about his grandmother. It retreated relatively quick.

We sat there quietly sipping the coffee.

"The coffee's pretty good," I said.

"Thanks. I was taught by the best," he said.

I wondered which one and it was like he read my mind.

"My grandmother," he said with a slight chuckle.

I don't know why, but I choked while I was drinking when he mentioned his grandmother. Jeff was up and patted me on the back as I spit coffee all over myself.

Standing over me he had another clear view of me, but I was more concerned with catching my breath.

Recovered, I stood up and said, "Thanks."

Then at that moment did it seemed strangely awkward as we stood next to each other. In my mind I wanted to take him my arms and kiss him, feeling his body next to mine. He cleared his throat and stepped back still facing me.

"Guess I'll take my shower now and meet you outside," I said knowing full well what my thoughts would soon betray me with a hard on if I didn't leave the room quickly.

"Sure. I'll finish my coffee and wait for you outside."

"Okay," I said and turned and headed upstairs.

By the time I was upstairs I was hard as a rock. "That was close," I thought as I heard Jeff, in the distance, rinsing out the cups in the sink.

I grabbed a towel and headed into the bathroom.

The water faucets in the rusted bathtub squeaked unmercifully as the water pressure groaned and sprayed out of the showerhead. It actually sprayed all over the place since most of the openings were clogged. I grabbed my soap and shampoo and climbed in.

The water was still slightly chilly, but soon heated up. Despite the distraction, my hard on remained steadfast.

I washed myself and found my hand stroking my hard on. Though the water spray was nothing like the rain last night, I stood back from the spray and let it fall upon my hard on and thought about Jeff.

Reality set in and I finished up quickly, put some clothes on headed out the back. He was sitting patiently on the swing.

In the bright sunlight, his sandy hair seem to blaze with a radiance I hadn't ever noticed on anyone before.

Jeff and I spent the day working on speakers. We took down the ones that didn't work and took them to projection booth where we began to test what part of them didn't work. Supplies of volume controls and speaker cones were limited. Some were easy fixes as a little soldering of the wires was the repair for most. We took a set of working speakers to check the poles for sound. When finished we had the four front rows working to some degree.

At 5 o'clock I sent him home for dinner and took the rest of the night to settle in my apartment. By 11, I was in bed fast asleep.

I dreamed as usual and found myself awake at 7 A.M. There standing before me was a naked Jeff. He must have let himself in again. He was totally smooth except for a light dusting of blond hair running down over his stomach into this dark brown pubes. His cock was rock hard as he reached for the covers and slid under them with me. I felt his hard on against mine as he pulled my face to his for a kiss. Deep and sensual. His tongue explored my lips before I parted them to let it in.

I closed my eyes and felt the wonder of his touch, his kiss and the smell of coffee...coffee????

I opened my eyes and I was alone. It had to be a dream, but I found myself extremely hard and Jeff was no where in sight. It was a dream. I felt disappointed and yet pissed that my subconscious was fighting my deep resolve to not get involved with anyone for awhile.

I looked at the clock and it was 9:45 and I did smell coffee. I decided that it might be a good idea to have clothes on when I go down this time.

As he was yesterday, he was sitting at the table drinking his coffee.

"Good morning," I said.

"Good morning," he said with a chuckle.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"You have clothes on today."

"That's funny?" I asked.

"Kind of," he said with a slight smirk to his tone.

"Would you prefer that I be naked for our morning coffee?" I asked.

This time it was he that choked while he was drinking. I shot up to pat his back as he recovered his composure.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think so."

Jeff seemed to be studying me, maybe trying to figure me out or the comment I made about being naked.

"You didn't answer my question, Jeff?"

He took another sip of coffee while I assumed he was contemplating his answer. His eyes never left mine and with careful and precise movement he placed his cup on the table and said, "You're the boss. Its your home. You're free to dress how you like."

Wasn't exactly the response I expected, but I took it as a positive answer.

"Okay, than," I said. "Think I will go get ready and I'll met you out back again."

"Sounds good to me," he said as I left the kitchen.

I heard him cleaning up as I headed to the shower. I should really get some solution and soak that darn showerhead.

This day we worked on four more ramps, checking the sound and repairing what we could. Jeff acted as he usually did, careful and not shy. I went to the Mens Room to relieve myself and he followed me in and stood next to me as we silently took our piss. I tried to glance over and catch a glimpse of his penis, but his right hand covered it. Not sure if that was deliberate or just habit. I stared at the cold, paint peeled walled ahead of me I as I finished my business and walked outside.

I stood there just wondering what the hell was wrong with me. I have this attraction for this younger guy and I can't seem to shake no matter how hard I try. I'm nine years older than he is, been through a bad relationship and transferred to this God-forsaken theatre to hide myself from the outside world.

I felt his hand touch my shoulder and said, "You ready to learn how to thread the platter?"

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea."

I followed inside to the projection booth and he proceeded to show my how to the tread the brain (the center piece at which point the film leaves the platter) and made absolute certainty that I understood the importance of threading the brain so it wouldn't wrap and shut down the movie. He threaded the pole of the platter explaining as he went along and back to the platter for `take up'.

I had been trained on the two projector system. I was taught by this guy at a drive in with 2000 foot reels and made change-overs between two projectors following the black dots' in the right hand corner of the picture. Later, when managers started running the projectors, 6000 foot reels were used with an automation board' that was energized when a piece of aluminum foil, that was placed on the film which passed over a sensor.

I tried my best to watch what he was doing and not just him. I mentally slapped myself as he bent over to thread a roller and his ass was staring at me and I couldn't help but admire it.

In all, it took about 30 minutes to show me the process and practice. I knew I would be tested on Friday.

That evening I had dinner with the Jeff, his mother and grandmother. It was relatively the same as the first night except Jeff kept slightly bumping his leg repeatedly against mine.

"Stop it," I told myself. It's nothing. He's just being playful I told myself.

We parted and agreed to meet in the morning. I was hoping UPS would deliver the speaker parts I ordered from National Theatre Supply tomorrow.

I slept well, had dreams that I couldn't remember and hoped when I awakened I wouldn't have the same dream with Jeff. I didn't but I had that eerie feeling again.

I descended the stairs and entered the kitchen naked again. It was early and I knew Jeff wouldn't be here yet. I started the coffee pot and went back up to shower.

I heard Jeff come in so I went down wrapped only in a towel this time.

"Good morning," I said.

"Good morning," he said.

I got my cup and filled it and took the seat at the table.

"What's up for today?" he asked as I realized that my hard on was poking out of my towel and he was staring right at it.

The end of Chapter 4

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