Dylans Senior Year at College

Published on Oct 5, 2018



Chapter 13

by Donny Mumford

It's twenty-minutes-after-two Saturday afternoon and Carl's on his way out of Danny's dorm room to meet with a 'housing' counselor about a roommate. I give him a pat on his shoulder, saying, "Looking good, Carl," referring to the haircut Danny gave him a little while ago. Carl grins as he says, "You too, Dylan," and then we touch the top of each other's head because Danny gave me the same flattop haircut Carl has. Oh man, Carl is a cute guy but then he is a freshman and much of the beauty among us belongs to the young.

Yeah, Danny did a surprisingly good job of barbering and now he's slightly cocky about that. When I close the door and turn back I see Danny's shit-eating grin as he puts a hand on each of my shoulders and says, "I've got a stiff dick in my pants so I'm hoping you're up for some buddy sex." I mutter, "Sure," and he goes, "Okay then, how about if you get naked, flattop boy." Gee, he's getting more confidence by the minute. That's pretty cool actually.

He adds, "Didn't I promise I wouldn't miss any of your turns for sex here at Merrimack?" I go, "Yeah, you did. Um, because Hayden's not available I believe you said." He goes, "No, I didn't say that... you did."

Rob's back at the apartment napping which is a rare event for him, but he only got like five hours sleep last night. Carl, Danny, and I came here for haircuts. I go, "Wow, you say you already have a stiff pecker?" He bites his bottom lip, muttering, "That's right and it's getting harder as we speak." I'm like, "Was it cutting Carl's and my hair that got your pecker stiff?"

Danny thinks about that as if it was a serious question and then nods his head, mumbling, "Ya know what, I think that did have a little something to do with my stiff dick. Giving you boys flattops was a turn-on for me and, Omigod, how weird is that? But mostly it's you that's got me all hot and bothered." I grin, saying, "Well, right back at you."

Danny takes his hands off my shoulders and puts an arm around the back of my waist sort of guiding me away from the door, saying, "And it'll be a special treat for both of us because we're going to have sex in my bed." I go, "It's your temporary bed at college which I don't believe counts as 'your bed'." We both glance over at his unmade twin bed that looks smaller than my twin bed at the condo and looks downright tiny when compared to Rob's and my double bed at home... um, my second home.

Danny mumbles, "Um, never mind that. You're okay with some buddy sex, right?" I nod, "Yeah, of course, I am," and he chuckles, "I knew you would be, but you'll need to wait for just a minute or two. Um, c'mere," and he guides me over to the desk where he says, "Have a seat, Dylan." Giving him a quizzical look, I sit in the desk chair and Danny picks up a hairbrush and starts to run the brush back through my hair, mumbling, "You need to do this frequently at first until..." and I go, "Oh for chrissakes, Danny!" and start to get out of the chair, grumbling, "I know how to deal with a flattop!" He puts a hand on my shoulder pushing me down, saying, "Wait one damn minute, please!" Oh man, sitting back down, I'm like, "Jesus, I wore my hair like this for over a year when I was a kid."

He brushes through my hair again acting put-out, saying, "Then I assume you remember that you need to do this initial training of your hair, right?" I go, "Yeah, I guess. Look, I hate bursting your bubble but like I already mentioned I'm going to comb the hair down on top..." He interrupts me by shaking his head and saying, "No, no, no! Not that dumb-ass idea of yours. Listen to me... use hairspray or hair gel and brush your hair back like I'm doing. It's all in the video if you wanna watch it. You need to train the hair to stick up on its own, especially because I left it longer than a normal flattop," and he adds, mumbling, "Which I reluctantly had to do because of all your whining."

Actually, the bristles of that weird brush feel good on my scalp and it's tingling all over, giving me shivers. I can actually feel all my hairs sticking up straight as Danny's saying, "Do it every morning like I just did. Okay? I want you to look perfect, Dylan. You and Carl are like walking advertisements for my barbering skills." I roll my eyes again, mumbling, "I'm not gonna be doing that brushing thing because..." He's walking away though, ignoring me again so I stop talking in midsentence.

At the other side of the room, Danny's putting the brush in the haircut satchel, cheerfully mumbling, "I'll definitely need this brush for future flattops when our fellow students see that haircut of yours and ask where you got it." That boy is a happy one-track-mind-barber-fanatic! How'd he get like this? I go, "You're a dreamer, Daniel!

I'm exasperated that he's still fixated on this dumb-ass haircut so I go, "All kidding aside, Danny, what's with you and this frickin' haircut, huh? Why do you give a shit?" He goes, "Okay, I can explain that along with something else I want to tell you, but first let's get undressed and get in bed."

After a second's hesitation, I shrug and then begin taking my shirt off, saying, "Um, you've got my curiosity way up. What are you going to tell me?" He fumbles at the snap on my jeans and I push his hand away, muttering, "I can do that, Danny. Christ!" He says, "After we get in bed there's two specific things I've been thinking about for a couple of weeks that I wanna try explaining. You know, explain where I'm coming from." Naturally, I'm extra curious, so I'm like, "Really? What things?" He nods at the bed, muttering, "When we get in bed, okay? You're always impatient."

Making a 'face' at him, I finish taking my clothes off and then standing here completely naked, I'm like, "Can't you give me a hint?" He says, "Not really... it's sort of complicated. Let's get under the covers." He's rearranging the disheveled covers on his unmade bed and when he's satisfied with that we get in and he pulls the covers over both our naked bodies. It's really cozy in this little bed with him.

Jeez, this bed might actually be too small for us. Obviously, there's only one pillow which Danny pulls under his head and I go, "Hey, let's share the pillow," and I pulled the pillow from under his head enough so I can use it too. He's partially up on his side facing me as he says, "Can you get like I am, Dylan. On your side a little bit so we're facing each other and it won't seem as crowded."

Blowing out my cheeks and then exhaling, I roll partially up on my side like he is, as I'm muttering, "You're getting awfully big for your britches, don't ya think?" He goes, "Whaddaya mean?" and I say, "You're getting bossy." He goes, "Rob says you like being bossed. That's sort of one of the topics I'm gonna..." Can I believe what I just heard? I yell, "That's bullshit! You misinterpreted what he said. Um, I mean it's way more complex than that. It has to do with the minutiae of everyday life, the..." and he goes, "The what?" I'm like, "Oh, nothing... never mind."

Danny's grinning face is about ten inches from my un-grinning face as he goes, "No, what did you mean?" I go, "Nothing! What do you want to tell me?" He puts his hand on my arm, holding onto it and looking concerned, saying, "Don't lean back or you'll fall off the bed." I go, "Will you please stay on one topic at a time."

Yeah, it's hard to avoid getting exasperated with Danny sometimes. He goes, "Okay, um, well it isn't easy for me to say what I'm gonna say but I'm saying it anyway." While I'm curious about what he has to say, I'm even more curious about what happened to that stiff pecker he said he had in his pants five minutes ago! What about that?

Danny moves a tiny bit closer to me looking me right into my eyes. What a nut, but this close he's even better-looking than I gave him credit for. I can see details I haven't noticed before, like his perfect eyebrows. They're the narrow ones I like and they're perfect over his shiny brown eyes. Most brown eyes are darker shades of brown than Danny's eyes. His eyes have some tannish-green coloring around the outside of his shiny light-brown irises. Very rare eye coloring and nice longish dark eyelashes too, but not girlishly-long or too thick which I've seen on some unfortunate guys. And yeah I know! There's not one guy out of a million who gives a flying shit about eyebrows. I'm the exception though and I'm referring to 'natural' eyebrows and not like the ones some dorks pluck the way women do.

Another thing, Danny doesn't blink as often as I do so I'm looking into his eyes consciously trying not to blink until he does. His skin is a nice tan from the summer sun but creamy-pale around his eyes where his sunglasses blocked the sun's rays. His entire face will be creamy-pale when his summer tan wears off. No freckles which is a damn shame because a few small freckles across the bridge of his nose would make him even cuter and more boyish-looking than he already is.

Oh, Christ, ya know what? I'm just noticing for the first time that his nose is almost identical to mine, which is to say the perfect nose for a guy. I know that sounds conceited of me but I can say it because I had absolutely nothing to do with how my nose looks. Zero to do with it! It's my Dad's nose. Chubby's is very similar to mine too. Our Dad, Chub's and mine, was one cute motherfucker at age seventeen, which is as old as he ever got to be, sadly. Chub and I take turns carrying a picture of our Dad in our wallets and I look at it often when it's my turn. Yeah, Dad was the cutest guy I've ever seen and even younger looking than his young age. The saddest thing in my life is thinking about him dying.

Danny asks, "What's wrong? You look like you're going to cry." I yell, "Don't be stupid!" and then in a softer voice add, "Why would I cry." Then I go, "You know what, you don't blink often enough," and he flutters his eyelashes, asking, "Whaddaya talking about?" and then he goes into this bizarre story about when he thought he needed eyeglasses... I go back to staring closely at his face.

Dropping my eyes to his mouth, I'm thinking the sexiest part of Danny's face might be his lips. Yeah, well actually his entire mouth and you might as well throw his chin in with that same evaluation. I wouldn't say he has puffy full lips except, well they are puffy and full a little bit, but not too puffy or full. Perfect bow-shaped lips with more natural pink coloring in them than your average guy's lips. They feel soft but firm at the same time when he kisses me. Very sexy feel to them is what I'm saying, and he has those super-white cutely shaped teeth too with that little space between the two front teeth which helps give him that boyish look when he smiles, which he's always doing. And, yes, there is such a thing as cutely shaped teeth just like there's such a thing as a guy's cute voice. Not some cartoon squeaky voice but a regular voice that's, um, youthfully cute-sounding. Oh, never mind... it's too hard to explain.

Yeah, it's like you'd need to notice those types of things about young guys and then compare them with every other young guy you see and do that during almost all your free time for about fifteen years like I have. Then you will be able to differentiate the sometimes subtle differences between the average and the special aspects of a guy's appearance... like eyebrows and voice, etc. Granted, not too many guys are even slightly interested in doing that, but too bad for them.

Danny asks, "Dylan, why are you looking at my mouth?" I look up and he says, "Look in my eyes." I mumble, "You've got awesome eyes, Danny." He grins, "Oh, thanks. So do you." He squeezes my arm, saying, "Nice of you to mention that." I can tell he's lost his train of thought so I go, "You were mentioning how it's not easy to tell me something, um..." He goes, "Oh yeah, right! Yeah, but first let me ask you to do me a big favor. We're close friends now and I've never asked you to do me a favor before so, ya know, you sort of ought to do it for me." I grin and try not to laugh, mumbling, "Well, what is it?"

Taking his hand off my bicep, he rubs it back through my hair, saying, "Don't do that thing with your hair you said you're going to do. That combing it down or whatever. Wear this perfect flattop haircut... do it for me because I went to a lot of trouble learning how to do it and I'll look foolish if you diss the haircut." He looks forlorn but what the fuck, it's idiotic for him to be so fixated on this stupid haircut!

I go, "Well, Jesus Christ! Didn't I ask you before what's with this fascination you have with flattops! What the fuck is it?" He says, "Okay! Like I said, it's actually part of what I want to talk to you about anyway." I go, "I'm all ears, Danny, although I hope it's not anything to do with... well you tell me what it has to do with." He says, "Um if you were going to say our buddy sex last summer, it does have something to do with that. It has to do with your so-called 'crush' on me too."

Okay, now I have no idea where he's going with this, or for that matter what one thing has to do with the other. What's my 'crush' have to do with his fascination with flattops? Nonetheless, to keep him talking, I'm nodding my head, muttering, "Uh huh, okay, go on..."

He gets defensive, saying, "I'm trying to logically tell you some things but you're not making it easy for me, ya know?" I mutter, "I'm not saying anything," and he goes, "Um, well, let's see... where should I start?" He clears his throat and says, "You've never made a secret out of how hot you are for me. I mean, it's pretty obvious, right? You come right out with it and maybe you pretend it's a joke but I know it's not."

He's waiting for me to object I guess, and when I just shrug, he goes, "Yeah well, I don't know how to say what I'm going to say without sounding like an asshole but to answer your question about why I care about that flattop on your head, it's like this: you made it clear you didn't want it... but I proved to you I could boss you into agreeing to it anyway. Prove I can be just as good a, um, boss of you as Rob is. That's about my only interest in the haircut. You're lucky I didn't decide on a Mohawk for you. No, I'd never do that to you, Dylan."

I suppose the expression on my face is why he holds up his hand, saying, "No, no! It's not as blatantly obnoxious of me as that may have sounded. I mean, I sincerely feel you look sexy-hot with that haircut so I'm being honest about that. As a matter of fact, I remember both you and Rob rocking those flattops after our high school junior year. Omigod! You don't remember Rob introducing us that time, do you? And the summer before junior year do you remember the time you and your brother hooked up with me, and Rob playing b-ball at the high school courts?" I can't follow this!

He goes on, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was the summer before our high school junior year. You never said two words. It was a pickup game. You and your brother were there. You don't remember, do you?" I shake my head 'no' and he says, "Yeah, well you were there. Anyway, Rob and I would talk about you afterward. He had you on his mind way before you two officially met, ya know? And we didn't know you were gay yet."

I'm feeling a trance-like dizziness coming on. It's a familiar thing and comes from the way Danny says and does things. It's spacing me out. It's like the way some people, by just talking, can almost hypnotize me... like college professors, or my dentist, anybody with a certain voice and a certain manner about them. With Danny it's his facial expression and, oh I don't know, his voice too of course but probably other subtle things I don't even recognize.

Shaking my head coming out of my funk, I roll my eyes for the third or fourth time in the past five minutes, and say, "Never mind the forgotten introductions we had, Danny. You need to step on the brakes with that bullshit about me not being able to resist you bossing me into doing whatever you want, and especially your misconception that I need you to boss me around at all, about anything! It's fucking insulting and, um, stupid!"

His eyes open wide as he goes, "Well, it's the truth though! You do whatever I want you to do. I, on the other hand, rarely do what you want me to do. Am I right?" Taking a deep breath, I go, "Are you talking about last summer's buddy sex again?" He goes, "Yeah, of course, but other things too." I'm like, "If you mean the summer league baseball team... I did that for Rob, not you." He makes a 'face' muttering, "If you want to believe that, go ahead and keep fooling yourself..." and I go, "But since you brought it up I am interested in why you were such a prick about limiting our buddy sex all summer, especially since, as you say, we've become such good friends." He mutters, "I didn't bring it up, you did."

It might be my annoyed expression that gets him saying, "Not that it matters who brought it up. It gets to the heart of the matter, doesn't it?' The heart of what? He nods his head like we just agreed on something and adds, "And it's the other thing I sort of want to talk with you about. Ya see, Rob and I go way back to the first year of middle school. We got to be close friends because of athletics initially, and then because we're both, um, gay, ya know?" I mutter, "Yes, I know some of that history," and he says, "Yes, the history between Rob and me! That's what's been important to me. Ya know, for a short time there I thought I was in love with him but I wasn't, and I'm not. I don't think I've ever been in love with anyone come to think of it. Sure, I've been in puppy love and I still think about that blond headed Tom Pratt. Omigod but that boy and I really had... well, never mind that. There were a couple of other guys too, but I've known the difference between puppy love and the real thing for a few years now... like the last ten. Do ya see what I'm saying?" He hasn't told me a Goddamn thing yet... and he's off topic again!

I'm trying to be sincere saying, "I'm sure all this is leading up to something important to you, Danny. Your hesitation to tell me what it is, however, has started me thinking it's something I won't like hearing." He shakes his head, "Maybe, um, oh no! No, I don't think it's something you won't like. It might be something you already are aware of and you'll be glad I'm willing to talk about it openly now."

I don't know why, but that struck me as bizarrely funny. The way he said it I guess, but I keep a straight face and go, "Oh, okay, that's good... but what it is?" He says, "You're always so impatient! I'm trying to explain something, Dylan. Just listen." Doing a fake cough so I don't laugh, I go, "Uh huh," and he says, "I want to explain why I was hesitant to do buddy sex with you. It was obvious how anxious you were for me to do it with you and believe me I wanted to do it with you too! Like I started to say though, it has to do with my history with Rob. I felt if I took advantage of every opportunity you presented for buddy sex it would be overdoing it and taking advantage of my good friend Rob's open-mindedness. I'd be disloyal to the long friendship and intimate relationship he and I have had."

That sounded a bit self-serving of Danny, so I mutter, "Yeah, plus the other thing is you were never horny all summer, were you? You had Hayden to screw anytime you felt like it, and then Robby too when you both felt like it, and me two or three times... plus I wouldn't be shocked if someone else was benefiting from your awesome 'topping' abilities. And, as a matter of face, you complained to me that it wasn't easy 'servicing' all your 'bottom boys'. But how does that relate to your claim that I allegedly do whatever you boss me to do?"

He holds a hand up, saying, "Now you're angry. Um, making you angry is the last thing I intended. If you'll be patient, I'm trying to be honest and give you background information to support my conclusion." I'm like, "Conclusion about what?" He says, "That's what I'm getting to." I roll my eyes again and he goes, "Fuck, when I went over this in my head the past week it was much less confusing."

I'm frustrated but not angry like he thought. Actually, I'm enjoying being in bed with him and having the opportunity to basically stare at him this closely and openly. The problem is he's been un-Danny-like with his seriousness about whatever he's trying to say. I'm not used to him being this serious, although it has been with his familiar disjointed thought processes.

Even so, I find him very likable, so I don't want to make fun of the trouble he's having getting to what he wants to tell me. I'm like, "Ya know, Danny, maybe you could sum up in a couple of words what the bottom line is for what you're telling me." Raising his eyebrows and nodding like he's thinking... then he says, "Sure, okay. Bottom line number one: I've already told you. It's that I proved to you I'm just as good at bossing you as Rob, and bottom line number two is I've decided that you and I are going to have buddy sex whenever you want it from now on. Yes, and never mind about Rob being my long-term friend from childhood till now. Those are the two things I wanted to tell you."

Omigod, one stupid bottom line and one with excellent prospects. Obviously, the bottom lines don't explain anything, plus the second bottom line makes me uncomfortable now that I give it a second thought. I'm like, "So, that's the two bottom lines, huh?" He goes, "Yeah, pretty much, but I still need to explain them." I go, "Well, if I'm understanding the two bottom lines, you're going to nag the shit out of me about, well whatever, until I give in or shoot you, and then you'll claim you 'bossed' me into doing it. That's number one, and number two is you've decided we'll have buddy sex around the clock, twenty-four hours a day. That second 'bottom line' sounds as if it's to spite Rob for some unknown slight he may have done to you. Is that about it?"

Shaking his head slowly and continuing being very serious, he goes, "See, you insist on making fun of and joking around about everything. Those things I said are not just a couple of frivolous passing thoughts." I shrug, "Sorry, but let's face it, you've been known to get a little far out there... and this is sort of out there. "

He smiles, "It's okay that you just insulted me. You can say I'm 'out there' which implies I'm a little spacey I guess. People are used to me being goofy at times. I never said anything about having buddy sex twenty-four hours a day or that other stuff you joked about. It's that I haven't been allowing myself to do what I want to do. By that I mean have buddy sex with a buddy like you. That's unfair to you... but mostly to me. As I alluded to a minute ago I wasn't doing much buddy sex with you because you're Rob's boyfriend and even though our little group had an agreement regarding buddy sex, it still didn't feel right to me. And it has nothing to do with what you said about me having Hayden and Rob and some mystery guy to fuck."

I'm like, "Oh, I see. You were protecting Rob, is that it?" He says, "In my mind, I was protecting both your relationships actually. In retrospect, I can see that was misguided thinking on my part. It's presumptuous of me to think I'm the guardian of the relationship you and Rob have. And, anyway, he's repeatedly told both of us in so many words to feel free to fuck together all we want. It's occurred to me lately that that's sort of an arrogant posture on Rob's part. Like maybe he feels I'm nothing to worry about. That maybe I'm an insignificant toy for you, for his beloved Dylan's entertainment. And he knows I'm always available to give him a good hard fucking whenever he gets the urge for a little variety, ya know?"

I'm frowning now as I go, "Danny, is this about being pissed off at Rob? I thought that might be..." He shakes his head firmly, "No, I'm not mad at him. That's the thing, I'm not pissed off at anybody except myself. No, it's that I've been depriving myself of fun and sexual pleasure with you for wrong-headed reasons. And, well, I guess I am a little resentful Rob doesn't take me more seriously as a, um, maybe as competition for you." Omigod, I hope that's not it, but they must have had a disagreement to bring this on, right?

He goes, "I'm a fairly cool, good-looking dude myself, ya know?" I go, "Sure you are, but c'mon, you are a little pissed off at Rob too, right?" He scrunches up his face, muttering, "Maybe a little bit. He's never taken me seriously. That's okay though, lots of people underestimate me." I go, "Hey, Rob thinks the world of you, Danny." Actually, I don't know that he does for a fact, but for now, what's the harm in saying that he does? And then I add truthfully, "He told me the exact same thing you just implied a minute ago; that people underestimate you. He says they ought to be careful because they underestimate you at their own peril. He also told me you're smart. Um, you know, in the areas you need to be smart in. And I'm serious... that's exactly what he told me."

He thinks about that and says, "Thanks for telling me, but this isn't about Rob. That's what I'm trying to say. It's more about me being free to let my feelings for you develop into whatever they will... no matter about Rob. A better 'bottom line' is this: you're Rob's boyfriend but you've made it clear to me you find me sexually attractive and you like me being intimate with you, right? So I'm going to be receptive to your overtures and see where that leads." Overtures?

Oh man! Before I can respond, he adds, "Yep, I'm gonna stop worrying that I might be some kind of horrible friend, some dastardly prick trying to steal my life-long friend's boyfriend from him. I'm just not going to think that way any longer. So, if you and I want to develop more of a relationship, I wanted to put your mind at ease by showing you I can be a damn good boss of you too, and therefore the flattop haircut you have right now." I go, "Jesus H. Christ, you've got the bossy thing all wrong! You've got that totally fucked-up in your head, Danny."

I'm hoping he misspoke about him and me forming a relationship but I'm again curious about Danny's seriousness. I go, "Let me ask you something." He shrugs, "Sure, go ahead," and I'm like, "Since when did you get so, um, introspective? You're being very un-Danny-like by delving into, or evaluating or, I don't know, analyzing the complexity of Rob's, mine, and our personalities, interrelationships, and whatever else." He shrugs, saying, "Like I mentioned a minute ago, you're like most people who think I'm an airhead, right?" I'm like, "Now that's simply not true! Maybe I was thinking you're a little goofy at times... but who of us isn't? And so what if occasionally you skip from one subject to another or... whatever... it's no big deal" He says, "I do that on purpose to throw people off," and he laughs, adding, "No, I actually do need to cut that shit out."

I don't know what to say to that and then Danny goes, "Ya know what. Let's lie on our backs for a while? I'm getting a crick in my shoulder lying up on my side this long." He said that so seriously it makes me laugh out loud, as I mutter, "It was your idea we get on our sides," and he snickers, "Yeah, but I didn't know it would be so complicated telling you what I wanted to say. I wanted to tell you face to face, so..."

I wait for a second nodding at him, and then go, "Um, if you'll let go of my arm I can lie on my back." He laughs, saying, "Okay, but don't do it there. Move over this way a little first," and he pulls on my arm helping me scoot over toward him. Reaching behind me I feel the edge of the mattress was one inch from my back. Fuck, I could have fallen off the bed and cracked my head open if Danny hadn't held onto me all this time. I thought he was just being his normal touchy/feely self.

When I slide over to the middle, the pillow stayed where it was so now our noses are like three inches apart. I say, "We're going fuckin' cross-eyed!" He makes a 'face' and says, "You asked about me being serious and you have trouble being serious for more than a couple of minutes at a time! You're always joking around." I go, "That's not true but I gotta mention something else, um, being this close and all, how fortuitous is it that neither of us has halitosis?" He goes, "You just did it again!" I move the pillow so it's under both our heads again, mumbling, "I'm serious now."

I get it: Danny wants to have this serious 'talk' about us having a relationship while I want to avoid the topic. Obviously I'd much rather be rolling around on this bed with him but I'm not going to diss him by mocking his 'talk', but to avoid the topic I'm not comfortable with, I go with the other topic, and say, "Um, am I right that you feel you bossed me into this fiasco of a haircut to prove you're as good a boss of me as Rob." He goes, "As stupid as that now sounds, yes that's about it. Um, except the flattop isn't a fiasco."

I'm controlling my irritation about the 'boss' thing because I myself started this 'in-charge/boss' horseshit years ago with Robby. I stupidly harped on him about it when I was younger and he obviously said something to Danny. Taking a deep breath, I say, "Well, to reiterate, you've got the 'boss' thing all wrong." Danny goes, "I don't like that word, boss, either but Rob did fucking tell me that he's the boss in the relationship you guys have." In a monotone, I say, "There's a grain of truth in that although it's a gross simplification of the situation as it's developed over the years, but what's it have to do with you?" Oops, I led him right back to the reason he wanted to prove he could be as good a boss of me in the first place. Which is all wrong to start with.

Surprising me though, Danny thinks a few seconds and says, "Well to be honest about it, ah, it all seems stupid to me now. Saying it out loud I mean. I was, um, you know. aah, maybe thinking you and I may have a more serious relationship or something and wanted you to know you'd still have the boss I mistakenly thought you'd want. Now you tell me being the boss isn't necessary and I say... thank God for that because being your boss blows! You get too contentious! I hope you don't mind me saying so." I laugh out loud again and ruffle his hair, muttering. "You're awesome!" and then realize I shouldn't be encouraging him.

Still avoiding the implied part that we have a budding relationship, I'm like, "I'm curious, Danny. Um, when exactly did Rob tell you he's my boss? That doesn't sound like something he'd say." Danny shrugs, "Oh fuck, I guess it was a year or so ago. We were drinking and I was wondering what it was like being in a real boyfriend relationship, um, a lover's relationship. Ya know, was it like being married or... oh hell, I don't remember exactly." I mutter, "That's okay, I was just curious when he told you."

Oh man, I really don't want to hear more about any of this, but it's Danny's 'talk' so I'm like, "Um, so is there anything else you wanted to say?" He shakes his head, "Nah, no... let's drop it. Now it's like, um, I don't know... too dumb to continue." Nodding encouragingly, I say, "Okay, but if there was anything else, feel free." He goes, "Alright, yes, I thought maybe you and I might be developing a relationship of our own as I've sort of mentioned about sixteen times already but you won't say anything about that. I guess I outta be relieved you at least didn't laugh in my face."

I'm like, "Laugh in your face? No, I'm flattered you'd want to be in a relationship with me. It's sweet of you, and like you said, it's obvious how much I like you, but... well, Rob and I... I mean, we've been together forever. I'm marrying Rob, um, or at least living with him after college." He frowns and I go, "You knew that! Please believe me when I tell you that I'm flattered you'd even consider me for a serious relationship. Even better than that though, Danny, is you and I are going to be great friends, and I mean forever! That's what we're gonna be." He goes, "Okay, that's fine 'cause that's what you think you believe... and I'm willing to leave it at that for now."

Danny seems to be waiting for me to say something more but I can't think of what to say so it's gotten awkward. Finally, Danny reaches over and rubs his fingers up the front of my hair and says, "You really do look awesome with this haircut, babe. I'm serious about that and... well, just so you know, we do have a growing relationship no matter what you think."

I respond to his haircut comment, and not his main point about our so-called relationship, "Um, yeah, the haircut is actually very well done. Did I thank you yet?" He goes, "You're joking around again. I'm like, "No, um... I mean seriously though, what relationship do you think we have?" He goes, "I suppose it doesn't mean very much to you that I think we have a budding relationship, so let's wait and see how it goes. I told you my innermost feelings and I'm glad I did, but I'm perfectly content to leave it at that... um, for now." I go, "I'll tell you what we have, like I tried to say a minute ago, and I'm positive about this, we have a very unique and really hot buddy-sex relationship; one of the best if not the best one I've ever had with anyone in my whole life. Maybe the best buddy sex relationship anyone in the world has ever had. That's you and me, Danny!"

That's an exaggeration perhaps, but I really like Danny and want him to feel good about 'us', but not imagine 'us' becoming more than awesome friends and super sex buddies. He says, "That's awfully nice of you to say, Dylan. Thanks, but that doesn't mean it can't change in some ways and even get better, right?" I go, "For sure! Like you told me a few minutes ago we'll be experiencing more buddy sex than in the past." He shrugs, "That's not what I meant and you know it, but I understand that's our relationship from your point of view. It's a fine viewpoint I suppose, but I think I'll hold onto my point of view a while longer."

He inches closer to me, his head sliding on the pillow until I mutter, "We're getting cross-eyed again," and he says, "Not for long though," and he cups behind my head with his right hand pulling my face against his. After licking boldly across my lips he does his amazing kiss. It's almost as amazing as Hayden's magical kissing and I'm guessing those two, Danny and Hayden, invented this kiss together through trial and error, perhaps taking years to perfect it.

My arm goes over Danny's side while I let him do most of the kissing. This is more like it! Sexy shivers and goosebumps breakout on my skin from Danny's active tongue and suction-cup sexy lips that enthrall me. Once he gets started it's something to behold alright. He's very smooth about it too, not like some rutting sex nut, and Danny's proving that I'm not the only one who knows what it's like to truly appreciate a young guy's body because his hands are all over my body rubbing and squeezing.

As he kisses me our almost identical noses rub together and some of his saliva slips into my mouth and it's like... wow, this is so sexy! Swapping spit with a hottie like Danny is so intimately hot! His clear bubbly saliva is in my mouth along with his tongue turning me on something sick! Also, those clean super white teeth of his scraping against mine as he moves his head while constantly rubbing his hands over my body and his personal scent fills my head... he's so much better at this than he was with his 'talk'.

Obviously, this isn't merely 'side-sex' that you have with a passing acquaintance who's hot to trot, or even quick sex in a weak moment with a close friend you've known for a while. This is a step or two up from that and I call it special 'buddy' sex rather than plain old side sex. It's reserved for a special friend who you share more meaningful feelings for and who wants to share more than just a climax with you; it's a lot more than just 'getting off' is what I'm trying to say.

Yeah, it's my favorite kind of side sex, a special sexy 'best friend' kind of buddy sex although there's no 'love' involved except friendship love. The 'I love you' thing is misplaced here although amateurs sometimes get confused about that. Danny got this make-out firing from zero up to a hundred miles an hour just like that...BANG! My flaccid dick is always on the alert and quick to respond to something special like this so it got hard as a bone embarrassingly fast and I already need to stifle a moan of arousal. Danny's very, very good at this but then he did get an early start practicing the art of sex.

He pulls his mouth away and gasps while inhaling deeply. Moving the side of his face against the side of mine, exhaling noisily right next to my ear, he then whispers, "I am going to make love to you slow and perfect, but not this time." I mutter, "Um, we're gonna do some fast hot buddy sex than, huh?" He bites my ear, and then drags his tongue over it a couple of times before grunting, "Call it whatever you want, babe, but I need some fast sexual relief... and I mean right now!" I try not to but I gulp before muttering, "Oh, okay," and he goes." He chuckles and then easily rolls me onto my back.

Lying mostly on top of me now the way you see dominant male animals do in wildlife films, you know to be sure their captive sex partner can't escape. Danny lifts up slightly from the waist to reach the bedside table and pull out the drawer, mumbling, "This is Speck's lubricant that I'm stealing." With the tube in one hand, he looks down at me, saying, "Hold out your hand." Damn, he's being awesomely in charge! As a shiver slides down my spine, I lift my hand and Danny squeezes a big gob of slippery lubricant on my index and middle fingers, saying with another gasping inhale, "Holy shit, Dylan, I'm so horny for you I can't catch my fucking breath. This is insane!"

My fingers rub the slippery lube against my thumb as my heart pounds fast. Looking up at him I'm kinda fascinated how aroused he is and how quickly he got me aroused as well. I try to get more comfortable by moving my head but Danny grabs my shoulders pushing them against the mattress. Not being rough exactly but it gets me to stop moving under him and I find myself staring back and up as he takes three fast shorter breaths, and then says, "Ah, we're gonna do a fast hard fuck right now with you on your back like this. That's why I don't want you changing positions, babe, so please don't fidget, okay? This is an emergency situation I'm dealing with."

I'm still holding my hand out rubbing the lubricant between my fingers as he grins, mumbling, "Whaddaya waiting for, babe?" and he inhales yet another big lungful of air, this time his hairless chest expands until I see some of his ribs as he grins again and goes, "I'm never this arouse so it's gotta be you!" I shake my head slightly as he chuckles, murmuring, "I'm such an ass but I really, really want to fuck a cute guy with a flattop haircut... hahaha."

After another couple of seconds, he goes, "Why aren't you lubing us up?" and he grabs my wrist and pulls my hand down to our bellies that are flat together. He sounds less cheerful, mumbling, "Wrap your hand around my dick." I'm like, "Oh, right," and he says, "Oh, I get it. You need me to tell you what to do; to boss you around, is that it?" and he chuckles. Even in my fog, I gotta chuckle at that too.

He lifts his hips so my hand can grab his hard dick that's right next to mine. Almost in a trance, looking into Danny's eyes that are right above me, my fist slides up and down his almost perfect boner pulling the small amount of foreskin left on the head off it. Most of it came off as his cock boned-up and enlarged. Really nice boner and I stroke, stroke, stroke it spreading the lubricant.

Ya know, when I see Danny's cock I always have the same thought: what a nearly perfect size boner for fucking. Plus it's straight as a poker. My entire fist can hold onto it and there's still an inch of shaft and the head sticking out the top, and my fingers can meet around its circumference. I stroke his cock more than necessary for spreading the lube but I like doing it and watching Danny's eyes closing as he makes quiet moaning sounds of sexual pleasure, "Oooooh, oooh. Mmmm, aaah, yeaaah." His face scrunches up a little at the million and one sensations coming from his super sensitive hard penis. His head goes back stretching his neck now and his body gets as hard as his cock. as he groans. Goddamn, he's sexy!

Tightly stroking his awesome pole from its head to its root over and over keeps Danny moaning, "Mmmm, oooh yeah, that's the way to do it, baby." The lube gets smeared up and down his six-inch pole while the heat of his cock and my hand melts the lube a little so it drools down onto his scrotum. He finally grabs my wrist and pulls my hand away, gasping, "Lift your legs." Without waiting for me to do that, not doubting that I will, he slides down between my legs with his iron-hard boner dragging against my right thigh leaving a trail of slippery lube in its wake.

I watch him, amazed how graceful he does everything. No clumsy jerking motions. he just seems to glides to where he wants to be. My legs are up, bent at the knee with my feet dangling above the mattress. He strokes his cock while nodding at me as he takes another big inhale, then mutters, "Would you spread those legs for me, Dylan? You know how I want them by now, don'cha?"

Yeah, actually I do so I spread my legs apart until there's a little achy feeling on both sides of my crotch. Danny assumed I'd comply and he hopped forward as I was doing it. His knees are spread wide too so his boner matches the level of my asshole and just like that he plugs the head of his boner in and then two inches of hard shaft slides very tightly up inside me too. Omigod, my back arches off the bed and both our bodies stiffen significantly. We grunt in unison, "Oooh, ummmm." I shudder a little and then, without thinking about it beforehand, I wrap my legs around him. I don't think I've ever done that before so I wonder if I fucked up the mood but Danny pays no attention to it. Instead, he humps his hips pushing his boner a few more inches up my ass. This boy is seriously horny.

His boner, even though it's an almost perfect size, still hurts some when spreading my anus so quickly like that, but it doesn't hurt enough for me to be concerned. Mostly it feels fantastic! I'm staring at Danny's face and trying not to think of anything he said earlier, good or bad because I want one hundred percent concentration on this special buddy sex.

Danny's biting his bottom lip and grinning at the same time... damn he's cute! Staring into my eyes now, he humps his hips again and the rest of the six-plus inches of his boner are up my ass with Danny leaning hard against my buttocks humping against me and gritting his teeth now as his head goes back again and he moans, "Aaaaaah, oooh." He humps against my buttocks some more as though he's trying to get his cock further up inside me. Stopping now, his head coming back so he's looking at me. He does a grimace as sensations must have spiked up off his boner. I expect him to say something but he closes his eyes and a few seconds later says in a sort of strangled-sounding voice, "I think I'm gonna cum."

He's motionless for a minute, his eyes still closed before he sighs, relaxes and chuckles, muttering, "Fuck, I almost shot my load, Dylan. Omigod, I'm good now though... whew." He opens his eyes and asks, "Can you believe that? Damn, that was nearly a first time ever event for me. See, that's how aroused I get around you, and your ass." I nod briefly, murmuring, "Uh huh," or at least I think I murmured that.

Looking a little more serious now, Danny adjusts his knees and then moves both hands on the bed so there next to my chest; he takes his time getting himself comfortable now that he's impaled me with his boner and knows I'm not going anywhere. Moving his wide shoulders like he's loosening himself up, he then humps against my butt cheeks a few more times because he can, which I choose to interpret as Danny exhibiting his dominant position.

Finally he seems comfortably totally in charge of the situation and grins down at me again, muttering, "Look at you, huh?" and he moves his boner back doing it very slowly. It very tightly slides against my prostate and I can't help but gulp lifting my head off the pillow and moan at the startling sensations, "Oooooh, mmmm, Danny, ooh.." and then reach up to put my hands behind his neck to hold onto him.

He keeps pulling his boner back excruciatingly slowly until the fat head is pulling back at the lips of my asshole and then he stops to leave the pressure there for a second with me worried the head will pull out completely. I'm tightening my sphincter muscles until I feel my face getting red. Danny looks serious and, of course, his cock doesn't pull out completely. Instead it abruptly goes back up my ass fast with a 'Slap," sound as his crotch slaps against my buttocks. I go, "Oh!" and Danny's off to the races with a fast and furious fuck.

"Slapslapslap," sounds erupt in the room and pleasure sensations soar in my brain as they fly off my prostate and sizzle around my asshole. The friction and pressure of his hard fast-moving boner and his sexy scent and a few drops of perspiration from his forehead and his breath on my face and just everything combined has me swimming in sexual pleasure with my legs around his waist and my hands clasped behind his neck hanging onto Danny for dear life.

I worry for just a moment that we can be heard outside the door; my moans of sexual pleasure as I'm groaning, "Ah, ah, ah, ah," and Danny grunting, "Umpth, umpth, umpth!" with every hard fast thrust creating the louder, "Slapslapslapslap!" sounds that can only be caused by one activity. Are the sounds audible in the hall? That concern is overwhelmed quickly though as my mind is too full of the sexual pleasure that Danny's hard boner is creating in my rectum. My head moves side to side on the pillow as the smoothness and steadiness of his thrusting along with those delicious sounds of our bodies smacking together, "Slapslapslapslap," create a delicious soup of sexual ecstasy.

We continue making our sexually aroused sounds of joyous fucking for two minutes straight, only two minutes and I'm doing an extra loud squeal as cum is shooting out from my steel boner to splatter under my chin and then another streak of cum fires out as I shake and try pulling Danny head down to hug. He resists that and continues slamming his boner up my ass until he gets a shocked expression on his face and then a look almost like he's in pain as he humps against my buttocks filling me up with a huge load of creamy warm slippery cum. Only a breathy wheezy sound came from Danny's throat as he unloads all the sperm from his nuts.

Leaving his cock up my ass Danny stops thrusting and does a loud sigh, a gasping sigh and then he takes deep breaths looking down at me, a big smile breaking out on his face as two more drops of sweat from his forehead drop onto my neck, "Splat, splat." Yeah, it's hot in here! I take my hands from behind his neck to pull on my cock as my legs drop away from his waist. Danny moves back pulling his wet cock out of my ass and then he falls forward on top of me, his stomach and chest slipping in my cum while his sloppy semi-soft penis drags on my shaved groin and up on my belly a little.

Breathing in my face he pins my arm to the bed with a hold on each of my biceps, his face just above mine as he says, "Oh God, I had to get that out of the way... that first fuck. That was NEED, Dylan. Hope you didn't mind," and he flops entirely off me to lie on his back taking another deep breath and then adding, "I feel so much better! Dylan baby, your rectum is fabulous," and he turns his head to look at me, adding, "Did you know that, that your ass is special?" I'm still feeling zipping vibrations of pleasure from that awesome climax as I shrug my shoulders at Danny's inane question. He chuckles, "Well, it is a special ass whether you know it or not. The most special one I've ever fucked and let me tell you, I know what I'm talking... well, forget that."

I think I'm sort of shell-shocked. I'm sort of out of it. Everything that's been done and said from the second we got in this bed flitters around in my head, but mostly... Goddamn, that fuck felt great! Wow! Once it started, Omigod, it happened fast! Everything was BAM! BAM! BOOM!

And I thought it was kind of exciting seeing Danny that aroused too, and then him being so forceful, taking charge and all... it was great! A truly great two-minute buddy fuck!

As he lies on his back, his head is still turned looking right at me as he mutters, "Now we can talk sensibly without me coming out of my skin. So, what do you think about what I've told you?" I shrug again and then say, "First of all, that was awesome buddy sex, Danny! And as far as everything else, I think we've talked it out all we need to." He goes, "Okay, I'm good with that for now. And, yeah, that sex was perfect for a quick and hot sexual relief kind of thing, like I desperately needed." I nod, "Yeah, like I already said, it was super great." He grins, "See, we do great hot and heavy fast sex together! In a little while, I'll show you my slower version that I like to call... 'lover's sex'."

Hmmm, I mumble, "I think you've shown me the slower version before, but only in spurts at the beginning of our buddy sex." He goes, "I know that's what you call it, Dylan." I go, "Just saying, the hot imitation lover's foreplay you do is really something special but then so is the actual buddy sex you follow it up with and I must say you're the best at it... period. It's your own unique, um, thing." He mutters, "Thank you but maybe you haven't experienced my true version of lover's sex, huh?" I'm like, "Maybe not, but if you don't mind me asking... where'd you even hear that term, 'lover's sex'?" He goes, "I hear things..."

I let it go because he obviously heard it from Rob. It's one of my terms by the way. I have names for different types of sex and that damn Robby has told Danny all about us in bits and pieces over the years until Danny knows just about everything about Robby and me. And Robby admitted to me he's done a lot of talking about me, which is almost the same thing as talking about us.

Danny, still up on his elbow, reaches over and traces the pad of his index finger across my upper lip, asking, "How often do you shave?" I go, "Not often; maybe every five days except for something really important." He chuckles, "Like what?" I shrug, "I can't think of an example right now." He says, "Well, that's a fucking adorable mustache you've got there, and your chin hairs, um, what's that called... a goatee? It's awesome too." I go, "You don't exactly have a full lumberjack's beard yourself." Ignoring that, he lightly rubs his finger across my upper lip again, murmuring, "It's curly and soft and so blond it's barely visible." This is embarrassing so I push his hand away, mumbling, "Did you say something about talking more about, um... well I don't know what."

Flopping on his back again, he says wistfully, "Ah, maybe not. I'm all talked out and I didn't express myself very well anyway. It was a silly idea trying to show you who's boss, that was stupid, stupid, stupid! I don't wanna be your fucking boss although now you sure know I could be if I wanted to." No, I don't!

He sighs contentedly and then goes, "As for my reasons for deciding to have a lot more fun and sex with you and the hell with concerns that I'm intruding on Rob's turf, I could tell you weren't interested hearing any of my explanation. Hell, maybe you didn't believe my reasons... whatever, I don't blame you. I mean, it's my problem, not yours. Anyway, it all sounded much more logical in my head and then got scrambled when I tried saying it out loud." I go, "No, Danny, I was interested and I think I understand basically what you said earlier. Actually, I think it was noble of you to be considerate of Rob's and my relationship and, while I'm not sure exactly what you think about our relationship, yours and mine, I think we have an awesome relationship just the way it is! I'm proud of our friendship! Plus, you do fantastic buddy sex with me. You probably do it with a number of others too, but I only care about the way you do it with me. It's primo, A+ buddy sex."

He lets that sink in and then turns his head to look at me again, and murmurs, "See, you're a very nice person to tell me that, but I have ideas about certain relationships that apparently are best kept to myself until those ideas are further along in their developmental stage. I was obviously premature having this 'talk' today." I go, "Oh...um, I hate to mention it but you're slipping back into the introspective mode again. I'm much more used to and, I might add, extremely fond of your more familiar mode, sans the introspection." Still looking at me, he chuckles, saying, "You mean my dippy mode? The normal false front I put up to trick people." I go, "Yeah, I think that might be the one. How many modes do you have?" He goes, "Just the two," and he rolls over to lean against me, saying, "I love you, ya know?" I go, 'Right back at you, bro!" Lying on his back again, he mutters, "Fuck that. You know what I meant."

We lie here silently for a while until Danny says, "Let's get something to drink from the vending machine." I mumble, "Bring me back something." He gets out of bed and while picking up his boxer shorts, he says, "If I was your real boss I'd send you to get me something to drink." I move over a little on the mattress to the place where he was lying and spread out, saying, "This bed has a damn good mattress. Nice and firm. It's very comfortable for one person." Pulling on sweatpants, Danny asks, "What kind of soda do you want?"

Hmmm, what do I want? I'm snuggling under the covers even though the room is overheated. I mumble, "A Coke, I guess. Hey, do they have Twinkies in that vending machine?" Danny's putting his sneakers on, saying, "Yes. Um, well they did but they're all gone now. They were all bought the day the machine was filled. I think there are some packages of those pink Snowballs left in there." I perk up, "Oh yeah! Get me a pack of those pink babies." He nods and checks to see he has the key to the door and money, then he leaves without saying anything else.

I lie here wondering how I feel about Danny saying he loves me. I was afraid of this although I don't actually know how I knew it was coming. Recently, it just occurred to me out of the blue, so to speak. He did say he could love me at the ballpark, so that's a clue, dummy. And hell, I'm always fawning over him and I never complain about all his touching and rarely criticize his kookiness, but does that add up to him thinking we could be in love? Not sensibly no, but it's Danny I'm thinking about and you just never fucking know with him. Anyway, he didn't say anything about us being in love! He said he loves me.

The shocking aspect of this to me is that Danny's not remotely the romantic type. And actually, he wasn't remotely romantic telling me his innermost feelings either. Big deal, hardly anyone I know except Rob and I are even slightly romantic. On the other hand, how do I know that? Supposedly ninety percent of my fellow students are hetero so maybe they're romantic as all get out to one another.

I don't think this thing with Danny is all that big of a deal anyway. Other guys have said they're in love with me before Danny, and I've thought I was in love with a couple of other guys besides Rob, but none of it has ever come to anything. This won't either so I'm not bringing it up... and I'd never tease Danny about it. Fact is, him saying he loves me makes me like him even more, and no, I don't have an ego problem! It's such a big compliment, that's all. And I was crazy about him to start with. I like the nuttiness of Danny because he's so real. Not one ounce of phoniness in that boy. Plus, he's sexy hot too!

After, well I don't know how long, I feel myself dozing off so I shake my head wondering where in the fuck Danny got to? The more I think about Danny's bumbling attempt to tell me about him being my boss with that flattop bullshit, and the prospects of us having much more routine buddy sex at college, plus his concerns about his friend's relationship, meaning Robby... all of it seems so naive and innocent of him and, I don't know, charming too I suppose. It's sweet of him for sure. Danny's sweet.

He finally comes bustling back in the room laughing out loud and then yelling out the door at someone, "Okay then, Vincent, no free fucking haircuts for you!" I sit up as he's closing the door. He's still snickering as he tosses a plastic wrapped pack of two pink Snowballs at me, saying, "There are some awesome guys in this fucking dorm! Oh man, this year is gonna be a really good one." He hops on the bed and sits Indian style almost on top of my legs. Christ, he's got a lot of energy... and there are many sides to Danny Monday.

After passing me a Coke can and putting his can of soda on the bed he starts opening a pack of Twinkies and I'm like, "HEY! You said..." and he goes, "The vending machine is out of these. I got this pack of Twinkies from Norman, the first baseman. His Mom packed a whole box of Twinkies in his duffle bag and he just found them... big-ass surprise for him! Anyway, he'd only give me this one package," and then he bites into the oblong-shaped cake.

Holding the pink Snowballs and the Coke, one in each hand, I watch Danny's cheeks bulge as he stuffs the whole cake in his mouth grinning at me. His jaws move as he sucks on imitation sponge cake and, who the fuck knows what the so-called cream filling actually is? Ya know, one time while eating two packages each of Twinkies; this was with Willie on his bed many years ago, we took turns in between gulping down the Twinkies and laughing our nuts off, to read out loud the ingredients that go into Twinkies. Yeah, we Googled it.

What goes into the 270 calories of two Twinkies comes mostly from China where regulations for things like food additives are almost nonexistent. So yeah, the ingredients come mostly from China except for fourteen of the top twenty chemicals made in the U.S. for foods which they add to the Twinkies in the U.S. factory and then there is, of course, no cream in a Twinkie, like I said a minute ago. It's shortening, high fructose corn syrup, and the unhealthiest fats known to mankind... trans fats. What little can remotely be considered vitamins come from the petroleum aspect of the ingredients and I forget what else goes into making a Twinkie but none of it sounded like anything you'd want to eat by itself.

Swallowing, Danny holds up the other Twinkie, saying, "Swap?" and I open the Pink snowballs package really quick and toss Danny a pink Snowball as he tosses me the other Twinkie. His mouth gets full of artificial cream-filled chocolate cake, artificial marshmallow frosting, and fake coconut flakes while my mouth gets full of Twinkie. I don't dare read the ingredients on snowballs; delving into the unknown scary world of junk food once was enough for me.

We grin as we macerate our unhealthy calories and then go, "Yum!" Danny moves over to sit next to me so I move a little to my left to share the limited space. We pull the tabs on cans of soda, a Coke for me and Danny's choice is a carbonated orange soda. Touching cans, we swallow some more sugar. He goes, "This is so weird... us in bed, and really good friends at last, and I mean both socially and sexually. Like I said earlier, I remember seeing you for the first time on the playground playing ball and then, of course, all senior year at Framingham High I'd look for you in the halls and think... if I ever was lucky enough to, you know... haha. Then freshman year here at Merrimack when Rob finally introduced us, you and I did the dirty deed that time. Oh man, I was head over heels thinking we'd be sex buddies forever. Then nothing for three years until last summer... and now here we are."

I'm guzzling down some Coke as he looks at me, asking, "Amazing, huh?" I go, "Huh? What was that you said? I wasn't listening." and he laughs getting his arm around the back of my neck pulling my head over. He sort of hugs my head, both of us holding our cans of soda out to the side as he does one more tight squeeze and then kisses the top of my flattop-haircut-head before letting go of me. Sitting up, I mutter, "You'll mess up my hair doing that." He makes a 'face', muttering, "You're never serious about anything, are you? I was showing you unbridled affection there." I go, "Oh."

We're quiet as we finish off the sodas and then Danny takes my empty can to put with his on the bedside table. I do an exaggerated and disgusting carbonated burp on purpose trying to get a rise out of him, but Danny ignores it and says, "I hesitate to return to my earlier, um, 'talk', but something you said really bothered me. If I can just clear that one thing up we can forget everything I said earlier as not relevant to you. It's all my personal shit, and I need to deal with it myself."

Not wanting to get him started again, I hesitatingly mutter, "What was it I said that's bothering you?" He looks at me, puts his arm around my shoulders pulling me against his side, asking, "Do you mind?" I'm like, "Mind what? Your arm around me?" He nods and I go, "Don't be absurd, I like it," and snuggle against his side. He goes, "Good. Let's slide down," and we slide down to lie on the bed with Danny's arm slipping up to around the back of my neck.

When he doesn't say anything, I go, "Well, what were you going to say?" and I wiggle around getting comfortable lying against him. Yes, that's right, I like physical contact with a cute guy... but then I always have.

Danny goes, "Oh yeah, that thing you said about Hayden. The thing inferring my only reason for having free and easy buddy sex with you at college this year is because Hayden's away. That's not it at all. It's because I want to. I, um... that is, you've become my favorite person to do that with. More than Rob, more than Hayden, more than that secret guy you alluded to. Ya know, and this is the truth on my Mother's honor, I'd do it only with you if I thought that's what you wanted." More silence as I try to come up with the right thing to say to that.

Finally I say, "What you do when we're not together is none of my business, Danny." he mutters, "Good answer," and rolls over on top of me again, this time to hold my head between his hands and do a quick kiss on my lips and then he does his full-blown magic kiss that gets me squirming under him. Again, it happens so fast; he was like a cat, smooth and quick... one second he's next to me and then, poof, he on top of me and we're kissing.

At first, I'm thinking I shouldn't encourage him so I make a feeble attempt to push him away with a hand on each of his wide shoulders but then I quickly come to my senses and let myself go... enjoy the buddy sex, fool! I can't be too concerned if Danny thinks it's more than buddy sex 'cause I did my job of telling him right out front that it's going to be me and Rob riding off into the sunset together. What more can I say? Fuck it, my arms go around his back and, Christ, he smells sexier every time we do this!

Omigod, Danny's a terrific make-out buddy, one of the best ever and he's putting some extra juice into it this time. Damn, it's really something getting fucked by my barber... twice! Danny's doing everything slow and luscious too but then, like I tried telling him, his brand of buddy sex almost always starts more like lover's sex than the 'buddy' variety. He's unique like that. Nothing hurried or frantic about Danny; it's like he's so sure of himself and very confident in what he wants to do.

He's straddling me, a knee on either side of my hips as we kiss and lick. Danny's magic make-out leaves my lips feeling puffy and 'hot'. I'm swiping my tongue across both my lips to get the saliva he left behind on them and noticed a faint taste of that pink Snowball. It must be lingering on Danny's tongue and lips. He's spreading that faint taste under my chin now by doing long licks there as I grunt when my cock pops-up hard again poking Danny's groin. The palm of his right-hand goes to my forehead pushing back the short bangs of my flattop while his other hand is behind him squeezing my right butt cheek. I go, "Ooooh," and he licks my mouth until I close it shut and then his tongue is between my lips sliding across my teeth so I open my mouth a little and in comes his fantastic tongue again. I can't catch my fucking breath as I gasp at a long inhale making a funny sound.

He's laying forward, mostly on top of me with my arms loosely around his back. There's some very subtle humping of his hips pushing his hardening cock against my belly right next to my boner. Everything feels good with some shivers down my spine making me shudder with pleasure. His body on mine feels so fucking sexy and hot! Danny's tongue leaves my mouth to do long licks under my chin again, the licks extending to the end of my jaw on one side and then the other and it's getting me so hot, so aroused I'm making a quiet whining, "Ummmmm," sound although I'm not sure... it may be that the whining sound I'm making is only in my head. I'm in a sexually aroused fog, sort of a dreamy sexy trance-like state of mind... again.

The hand Danny has on my forehead pushes gently while taking his tongue off my neck as he's stretching his legs out behind him, basically lying fully on top of me. He murmurs, "Relax a little and let your head go back more, babe." I do that and he quietly says, "A little more, okay? Just relax; you're tight as a wire." Taking a deep breath, I do as he says and feel that familiar submissiveness slide all over me and it's such an amazing sensation. My dick is hard as stone as I sigh and close my eyes. Oooh, it feels so good letting Danny dominate me like this. He murmurs, "Much better. That's how I like my baby to be," and I feel his hair tickling my jaw when he drops his head to licks and sucks on my neck again.

It isn't long before I realize he's doing a hickey on the side of my neck. I want to protest but, of course, I'm unable to do that floating above the bed like this and, anyway, I'm too busy moaning from the sexual heat I'm experiencing. Another hickey, huh? None for a year or more and now this is the second one in a week or so. Yeah, Rob gave me a small hickey recently and then the hickey before that one was at least a year ago. I love that guys like Robby and Danny want to give me those sexy signs of... what? Affection, dominance, ownership? I don't know what hickeys mean...

Danny moves his chest slightly and now his body is pretty much covering every inch of me with his hand still pressing against my forehead, pressing pretty tightly and his other hand is just gipping my butt cheek now. I feel captured and confined by Danny which brings on another frightening stab of claustrophobia. The claustrophobia fear is sneaking out of my head, just peeking out actually and not completely forming in my brain yet. And, as I thought a little while ago, the last person who could bring that sensation on routinely was Willie. He knew it too.

Instead of struggling to get out from under Danny though, instead of trying to get away from his hold on my forehead and butt cheek and instead of trying to get free from his sucking lips and darting tongue, instead of doing any of that I tighten my hold around his back holding him very tightly against my body and move my legs over on top of his and feel my balls getting hard and moving up in their sack preparing to fire off a long stream of sperm along with whatever else makes up a creamy load of cum.

Danny lifts his head, saying very quietly, "Jesus, I feel like a fucking vampire sucking on your neck like this. Would you believe this is the first hickey I've ever given anyone?" In my deliciously sexy fog, I try to shake my head but his hand on my forehead prevents that so I open my eyes and there's Danny's face above mine smiling like mad, quietly asking, "Are you okay? You're hugging me so tightly I can hardly breathe."

I knew who was responsible for this fantastic dreamy feeling I have... this sexually awesome series of sensations, but just for a second there I thought it was... no, never mind. I'm in a fog alright. Since I didn't actually pay attention to what he just said, I grin agreeable at whatever it was. He laughs, mumbling, "You're the awesome one, not me!"

Huh, he looks so fucking happy it's sick! He goes, "I'll take that grin to mean you're good, right?" I can't nod, not with him keeping my head back like he's dominantly doing, so I grunt out, "Uh huh," and he goes, "Perfect," and drops his head and I feel his warm tongue again licking at a bump on my neck. Goddamn though, I love shit like this! Love that someone wants to devour me, absorb me into them like Danny's doing. Ya gotta be motivated to put all the energy into it like Danny's willing to do. No, he's wrong because he's the awesome one, not me; I'm just going along for the ride he's providing.

I'm also feeling gooey and sticky and wonderful as I take a deep breath; a breath so big my expanding chest lifts Danny. That brings me out of my fog a little and to make sure he knows everything is awesome, I murmur, "Yeah, I'm good. You're a sexy lad, Danny." He lifts his head again leaving that spot on my neck stinging a little. Of course he's again grinning, and maybe doing it a little cockily this time as he goes, "I was pretty sure anyway, but good to know you approve," and he rubs his nose back and forth on mine a few times, adding, "By the way, I love the way you smell. I know, I've told you that before but, damn, it's worth repeating," and he rubs his almost identical nose back and forth on mine a few more times and then follows that up with a wet sloppy kiss that ends with Danny sucking on my top lip. When my lip wetly slips out from between both of Danny's, he murmurs, "Goddamn but you taste good too."

What's not to like about all this? I'm just letting Danny do all the work as I lie here holding on to him so he can't get away while my body is tingling pleasantly all over... plus there's my ragingly-hard throbbing boner adding to my pleasure. Hell, I under-graded Danny earlier; this is A+++ buddy sex! A virtuoso performance by him.

He sucks on the small hickey for another few seconds before lifting his head once again to, this time, asks in a serious way, "I'm not bothering you with all this licking and sucking on your awesome body, am I?" I try to shake my head again, but still can't so I murmur, "Are you serious? It feels good," and his beautiful albeit unusual shade of brown eyes shine brightly as he nods his head and then does a move I'm pretty sure I invented... he licks up the front of my nose with lots of saliva on his tongue and then does it again.

Yeah, no mistaking that move... that's dominant right there! It's very intimate as well and only done when both parties feel very comfortable about what they mean to each other. You'd never do it with a casual side sex partner; that'd be unthinkable. So what I'm saying is: Danny took a chance, but maybe he didn't feel it was much of one because, like I said, he's acting very confident this afternoon and I'm being very, very cooperative and agreeable. He knows what he's doing. Hmmm, underestimate him at your own peril is what Rob said. Is that what's happening, I've underestimated Danny?

Even though his saliva in my nose smells pleasantly of a pink Snowball, I know I should snort some air out my nose to clean the passageway that's clogged with saliva. I'm in a Danny frame of mind though so I inhale his saliva instead and then cough as a trickle of it rolls down the back of my throat. Danny grins down at me, saying, "I knew you'd do that, Dylan. No one else would have the balls, but I knew you would," and then he gives me another sucking kiss on my mouth with me moaning at the almost scary climax that all of a sudden is swarming over me and immediately I go, "Ahhhhh," with cum shooting in a long string from my stone-hard cock wetting both our stomachs and chests as it steaks up between our bodies. I'm shaking like a leaf, my shoulders shuddering against the mattress.

Holy shit! That took me by surprise and yet I knew I was very aroused and reaching a point of overstimulation, but it happened so fast! Danny's chuckling, and then muttering, "Fuck, I didn't expect that, babe. Damn, that was HOT!" My eyelids are still blinking fast as zipping sensations buzz around my groin. Danny goes, "This could get messily out of control. No worries though, I'll take care of it," and as I'm gasping for air he slides down between my legs, picks up my still firm cock and begins licking it and sucking out dribbles of cum. My eyelids stop blinking as I go, "Ahhhh," and then my cock goes in his mouth. Talk about unexpected!

Oh, my gawd! Danny's doing some awesome cock sucking as I squirm on the mattress moaning, "Umm, umm, umm, ooh, Danny..." My dick never went completely limp after shooting off that spectacular-feeling single stream of cum and now it's back to full boner status and when he takes it from his mouth it's dripping with his Snowball saliva and remnants of my recent orgasm. I've been yanking Danny's hair as sensations from my sensitive cock have me shuddering.

Danny pushes my wet boner against my belly and then begins licking around my smooth groin which I shaved yesterday in the shower, thank goodness, and then he begins licking up my belly, stomach, and all the way up the middle of my chest. I'm squirming like mad and pulling his hair harder as he snickers and, with his cute smiling face over mine, he says, "I'm a wild frickin' animal, Dylan, ravaging your whole delicious body."

Mesmerized, I'm staring at him, my eyes big and my mouth hanging open slightly. After another chuckle, he asks, "Feels good, doesn't it?" I think I nod my head but maybe not, as he goes, "Was that a nod of approval?" I'm sort of hypnotized again as he pats my cheek, asking, "Could you turn over for me, babe? Seriously, bro, my fucking boner is about to burst."

My body feels super sensitized as I'm shaking or quivering or something. I don't know exactly what I'm doing except it feels fucking great. Actually, I'm still lying here on my back so, with another chuckle from Danny, he rubs his hand back through my flattop and says, "Fuck, you've gotta admit this haircut rocks! Right?" I'm definitely nodding my head now but not about his last comment; I'm nodding about the comment prior; the one asking would I turn over onto my stomach. Obviously, he doesn't know I'm a step or two behind him and he goes, "Yes! I knew you'd eventually agree with me."

Perhaps because I haven't turned over yet, he asks, "Um, you seem a little traumatized or something. Maybe you'd prefer if we slowed down here for a bit. Give it a rest, maybe? Whatever you wanna do... and don't worry about my ridiculously hard boner that could take off and fly around the room any second now." Coming to my senses, I go, "Um, no, Danny, it's cool. I'm not traumatized, um, not very much anyway... just taking time to catch my breath. Um, everything's awesome actually," and I roll over on my stomach too near the edge with my arm going off the mattress. Fuck though, it feels so good lying on my latest boner!

Danny snickering again, saying, "Whoa! Don't fall the fuck off the bed," and he leans over me to cup my side with both hands dragging me back to the middle of the mattress. He rubs my back lightly with his fingertips giving me shivers for the third or fourth time in the last ten minutes, as he murmurs, "This is gonna be slow and ultra sexy, Dylan, you'll see." He then smoothly moves around on the bed getting behind me and then between my legs. I expect to hear him telling me to spread my legs, but this time he doesn't.

My head's clearing some but I'm still very aroused. All the touching and licking and sucking and the unexpected oral sex; it's all right up my pleasure alley. Like I said, I love this shit! Danny's outdoing himself but now that I'm thinking clearer I can see he's following his normal pattern of what he calls buddy sex. He calls it buddy sex but only because I do. He's like almost everyone else in that he doesn't put a name to sex acts, like buddy sex, side sex, extemporaneous sex, playful rough sex, etc, etc. So he's doing his 'thing' which starts with what I call lover's sex only he did it to extremes this afternoon, and it was so awesome for a while there I thought he was onto something new, but that remains to be seen.

His snickering and chuckling plus talking and asking questions is not the kind of things you do during authentic lover's sex. So we're good. Previously to the snickering and talking though... that would definitely qualify as lover's sex foreplay... if we were in love that is.

After turning over and sticking my ass up for him I feel I should say something complimentary. I already gave him kudos saying what a sexy guy he is but, turning my head to look back at him, I go, "Like I said earlier, you very well may be the best buddy sex buddy of all time, Daniel!" He snickers, "I'm trying, but we need something that's long and slow now, don'cha think?" I grin, "Well, you're in charge, right?" He says, "Yeah? Well, I'm working on that too. I'm just getting started with the in-charge stuff actually." Seriously? I think he's got it down pretty fucking good!

And I already feel the head of his boner poking my asshole. Since I'm still slightly opened up back there from the rough fast earlier fuck we had when Danny snuggly slides his boner all the way up inside my ass, this time there's no pain to speak of, just the indescribably sexy feeling of being filled up back there perfectly. His penis and my ass fit together just right. Danny moans, "Ummmm, oooh fuck," and then, "Would you push your ass up some more, babe." Like I mentioned, I instinctively pushed my ass up when I rolled over on my stomach but now I exaggeratedly push my hips and therefore my ass up which creates a little more space between my groin and the mattress. My cock would normally be partially lying on the mattress except it's presently too hard to move away from my belly. I reach under myself to rub it. Goddamn but boners feel better than almost anything!

Then there's no talking between us for maybe the next twelve to fifteen minutes. Time sort of melds together and I lose track of it when getting fucked slowly like this. I never lose track of how good a slow steadily moving hard cock in my ass feels though. I'm mostly content just moaning with pleasure in my head with a few quiet moans of, "Ooooh, Danny, ummmm," slipping out as well. That slowly moving hard cock stimulates every nerve ending in my rectum and it becomes hypnotic as pleasure never lets up for a second.

Oh man, how incredibly excellent Danny's cock feels moving all stiff and hard over my prostate, all six-plus inches sliding nonstop past it as well as exciting the tight lips of my asshole creating the brilliantly sparkling nerve endings there, nerve endings by the thousands, the tens of thousands actually and they're all sizzling with pleasure almost matching the euphoria of my prostate gland. Yeah, this is dreamy magic carpet ride of pure sexual pleasure with Danny's subtle grunts and moans adding to this luscious sex act. His boner, him, and the steady but slow thrusting... awesome, oh man I need a more descriptive word for this pleasure; it's way beyond awesome.

I reach a point where it's almost impossible to imagine anything feeling better and it continues on and on until I think maybe this is the 'perfect' fuck. It's like, how is it possible to feel any better than this while being fucked? Our earlier activities also figure in and help increase my rating for this one sex act; I mean the build-up that includes the haircutting which got my fetish activated and then that fast hard fuck earlier and then Danny's extensive foreplay that caused an unexpected spontaneous orgasm and oral sex before that... and now this slow beautiful fuck.

If it was up to me this would continue a lot longer but I think Danny's climax button just got punched because he's begun some desperate breathing sounds now and his thrusting is picking up speed. His faster and harder thrusting soon ignites something in me and my quiet moaning kicks up a notch as I start in with the "Aah, aaah, aaaah," moans and the faster, harder thrusting creates the body-slapping, 'Slapslapslap," sounds now which get me moaning more as my climax reaches the tipping point and takes control of my brain and body... my moaning goes on autopilot.

Danny's swollen six-plus inches of incredibly hard smooth flesh moving quickly in my rectum, aided by the remnants of his cum from a previous climax along with leftover lubricant, is now moving much, much faster and harder which is no problem whatsoever from my point of view as I'm feeling a crescendo of sexual pleasure sensations moving way the fuck up to the area where climaxes are born and here comes a new one right now!

It's has me struggling and moving on the mattress anticipating and very much wanting the building orgasm inside me to explode out of me. My boner gets ready, moving away from my belly as much as it can, the head bumping into the mattress only partially away from its snug place against my body. It's ready though and as Danny humps against my buttocks shooting his load of cum up my ass I feel that stream of cum hit inside me and that sets off my climax. I do my full squeal this time as cum bursts from the head of my cock puddling right there on the mattress. Then another shot and I lose track of what Danny doing as my consciousness clouds over for a couple of seconds with shocking colors flooding my mind behind my tightly closed eyes before things quickly begin fading and I gasp and sink back down onto the mattress lying in my cooling load of cum.

Somewhere during my climax, Danny pulled his cock out and flopped on the bed beside me lying on his back. Feeling dizzy I gawk at him and see he's slowly stroking his still hard cock, his mouth is open slightly with a shiny string of saliva connecting his upper and lower teeth, his eyes are lightly closed and a quiet, "Ahhhh," is coming from his throat.

Panting now, Danny opens his eyes to stare into my mine for a few seconds before, murmuring, "A little more, please." I go, "Huh?" and he says, "Roll up on your side." I do that and he goes up on his side behind me. After putting a hand on my shoulder he slides his boner back up my ass. My back arches as I go, "Ahhh," and he humps my ass really, really hard for another two minutes grunting at the effort and then abruptly falling back on the mattress, his cocks pulling out of my ass giving my rectum one last long thrill.

Shuddering from a few last zipping sensations around my rectum, I smile and tell myself: I feel fucking fabulous! Man, getting stimulated like that during two fucks and the awesome foreplay for like a solid half hour. Jesus, it affected my whole body and not just my cock and ass. It brings goose bumps and shivers of pleasure all over me and there's still a slight tingling sensation still going on in my ass...

Omigod, I've always loved being touched and pampered and I don't just mean Danny's normal touchy/feeling stuff, although I like that too. I mean sexually intimate touching. Intimate touching that includes things like being bathed and, yeah, getting a haircut or someone cute and male and young and sexy undressing me slowly, or licking my body or doing oral sex, or hugging me like they really mean it and most of all some hot sexy young guy fucking my ass long and hard... all kinds of shit like that make sex the best thing in the world.

As I've already admitted a few times, this afternoon Danny outdid himself. He was really good doing all the right kinds of intimate touching. This was his best buddy sex with me so far, although maybe it's routine with him when he's having sex with say, Hayden or whoever that mystery sex buddy of his is. This isn't his first rodeo, that's for sure!

He knows what he's doing; it's not like he was just thinking each step up as he goes along. But ya know, now that I think about it some more I can't imagine he'd be this intimate with Rob. Maybe a year or five years ago he would have been but somehow I don't think that's the situation now. And I don't know why I say that, but I think I'm right.

As I enjoy looking at him again lying on his back next to me, he opens his eyes and turns his head to look at me. He smiles, asking, "How do I look?" I make a 'face' muttering, "Pretty fucking good actually, and that was a pretty freaking good display of how to have sex with a buddy too. Wow, Danny, I'm impressed!" He shrugs, "Aw gosh, what can I say? You deserve it... and if you're not getting at least that much from you-know-who you're being cheated." Whoa, I'm not touching that with a ten-foot pole. I say, "You wore me out, boy!" He goes up on his elbow, asking, "Okay, so how do you like that fucking flattop now? Huh?" I go, "I'm pretty impressed with the barber, I'll tell you that much."

Danny sits up, saying, "Damn though, I'm feeling great. You were absolutely awesome as my new favorite sex buddy of all time. Um, but don't tell anyone I said that, okay?" Good to see Danny's still Danny. I was wondering there for a while where he got to. I mean with him getting all introspective on me during his 'talk'. Feeling frisky, I go, "Oh, and a damn good 'talk' too, Danny!" He frowns, "The less said about that the better, babe. I fucked that up but I'll rewrite it in my head and get back to you." I sit up too, muttering, "That's something for me to look forward to, huh?" and he laughs getting me in a headlock again, as I yell, "You're messing up my fucking hair!"

With my head against his chest and Danny's arm around my neck, but not very tightly, he kisses the side of my forehead, murmuring, "I really, really like you, Dylan. See, I didn't scare you this time by saying the other word." He kisses me a second time and it's a ten-second sloppy kiss right on the small hickey he gave me earlier. I forgot about that until now. Letting go of my head, he gets out of bed. We're both still naked of course and as Danny's draining the last drops from his can of orange soda he pulls on his dick. Wow, what a great body on that boy.

I resist the urge to pull on my dick as I mumble, "Dude, I'm sweaty and sticky." He drops the empty can in the desk's wastebasket, asking, "Sticky, huh?" I go, "Yeah, so are you. You were lying on my cummy body and now your cum is coming out of my rear end too, so I'm sticky with it" He chuckles, "Take a shower. Nobody knows everybody in this dormitory yet. They won't think anything of it," and he picks up a towel that was draped over the back of the desk chair and tosses it to me. Catching it, I ask, "How about you. Aren't you joining me?" Shaking his head, he goes, "Nah, not until later. If we both come out of the room together, mostly naked, someone is bound to think we're gay."

I know he's serious so I don't laugh, but I do say, "Well, we are gay," and he grins saying, "Yes, but no one knows I am." As I'm putting the towel around my waist, I mumble, "I can't believe you still give a shit if these dopes know you're gay." He goes, "They're not dopes; they're my teammates and I'd rather not complicate things by putting up with the razzing from them, as good-natured though it might be. I know some guys don't care either way, but I think more jocks still do care than don't. Only like five or six guys know Rob's gay and they keep it to themselves but I can't depend on the same privacy treatment Rob gets."

Still a major stigma in some circles and definitely in some parts of the U.S. plus other countries around the world. I don't want to get into that conversation though, not right now, so I shrug, asking, "Ya got any bath gel?" He says, "No, but I've got this," and he tosses me a soap dish container with a bar of soap in it. Yeah, I remember taking a shower at his house uses a bar of soap.

I mumble, "Thanks, um, I'll be back in five minutes or so," and I open the door as he says, "Here," and he throws me a washcloth, saying, "Can you bring that back wet? I'll wipe myself off with that until I can take a shower later." Nodding, I'm out the door and as the door closes I wonder if I'll hear any funny remarks about my old-timey flattop from random guys as I walk to the lavatory. More importantly, will I hear any comments about the moaning and anal-fuck-slapping sound Danny and I were making for the last half hour.

The lavatory is at the end of a long hallway. Danny's room is the second one from the opposite end, at the entrance to the dorm. Oh, and I'm apparently not going to hear any comments about anything because no one is in the hall. Walking down to the lavatory I hear loud music coming from some rooms and shouting from another room but I don't see anyone. Perfect!

Inside the lavatory, there's only one guy in here and he's shaving. A husky dude wearing a black sweater. No, only kidding. He's an extremely hairy guy covered in black body hair, ewww! He doesn't even look at me when I walk in. That's strange. I take a quick shower, like five minutes total and then realize as I'm drying that the towel is damp. Probably the same towel Danny used after his shower this morning. The other thing of concern, only a minor one, is my shaved pubic area. That might raise some eyebrows if anyone was in here to see that, but no one is, so...

Back in the room, Danny holds up my cell phone, saying, "I just answered your phone. It was Rob." As a reflex action I look at my watch: it's only three o'clock! Holy shit, considering everything we've done since Rob drove off at twelve-thirty I expected to see that it was much later. I'm like, "Oh yeah, what'd he say?" Danny shrugs, "He said our outfielder co-captain, Randal Kraft's call woke him up from his nap. And then he said something about playing in a 'touch' football game now that the rain has stopped." I'm like, "Oh yeah? Do you feel like doing that?" He goes, "Maybe after I can get cleaned up a little. Look here," and he moves his finger down a line of dried cum from his breastbone to his belly button. I snicker as he asks, "Do ya got the washcloth?" I'm like, "Oh fuck! I left it in the lavatory. I used my hands to bathe with. I'll go get it."

After putting on my pants only, the towel over my shoulder, I'm on the way back to the lavatory when two guys come out of their room. The fat guy wearing horn-rimmed glasses makes incidental eye contact with me for the briefest fraction of a second and then says to me in a too loud voice, "Dude, what the hell? You're not in this dorm!" I don't know why, but the officious way he said that irritated the shit out of me so I go, "Brilliant deduction! But what the fuck's it to you?" He mutters, "Asshole," and the handsome guy with him, goes, "C'mon, Bill. Don't be such a dick," and they go on their way.

In the lavatory, I wet the washcloth under some warm water grinning to myself because I snapped at that four-eyed dork, but not because of what he said so much as what, in my head, I thought he was going to say, which was something smart-ass about my frickin' haircut. That was stupid of me because nowadays you see the most bizarre haircuts on guys, more so than at any other time since I started noticing such things, which was when I was about ten-years-old.

Yeah, it's true, I've been noticing guys' haircuts and faces and their bodies like forever. Checking out their haircuts undoubtedly has something to do with this fucked-up fetish I have. The latest disastrously-dumb 'undercut' style is one thing but all summer on TV I've been noticing major league ballplayers, black, Hispanic, and white players with haircuts that mimic a Mohawks in a vague way. It's like an extra wide Mohawk with the longer hair on top extending down the back of the head and then almost shaved sides... dude, that a horrific look! First time I saw it I laughed out loud thinking someone lost a bet, but too many guys are rocking that stupid look for it to be a joke. It's like no one has a mirror they can see themselves in... but fuck it. Why do I care?

The point it no one is going to look twice at my haircut unless they know me. The other thing is, I read online that sales of home haircut barber clippers from drugstores and Amazon have tripled in the past two years. That's because some of the current goofy hairstyles for boys and men can be pretty much duplicated by the rankest amateurs. Yeah, people who know nothing about cutting hair can mimic these latest dufus hairstyles. Well hell, like last year when Golden Summers was the baseball team's barber giving everyone that cookie-cutter haircut that took no talent whatsoever.

Sighing, I wish to God I didn't notice these kinds of things because it frustrates me for no good reason. College students like myself don't need any extra reasons to be frustrated; the subject matter in our dumb-ass courses are frustrating enough.

Back in the dorm room, I give the wet washcloth to Danny and he mutters, "Thanks," and begins wiping the cum from his chest and stomach. I ask, "Well, are you gonna play touch football?" He mutters, "Nah, I decided not to play. It'll be wet and muddy on the soccer field where they're playing."

As I finish getting dressed, still not really dry completely because of the damp towel, I ask, "Is Rob playing?" He mumbles, "Oh, that's right... he wants you to call him." Well for Christ's sake you'd think Danny might have mentioned that first! I'm like, "Well fuck, you didn't tell him I was taking a shower, did you?" Danny's got the washcloth in his fist that's wrapped around his dick, mumbling sarcastically, "Oh yeah, I said you needed a shower after our half-hour sexathon. No, of course I didn't tell him that! I said you were taking a piss."

Putting my sneakers on, I mutter, "Sorry I snapped at you," and he goes, "That's okay. Are you gonna play football?" I shrug, "I don't know. I guess I will if Rob wants to," and Danny says, "If you do, I guess I'll play too," and he starts putting his clothes on and then grins looking at me and asking, "Was that some fucking nuclear hot sex we just had, or what?" I nod, grinning and mumbling, "It was hot alright," and we both snicker, nodding at one another.

Dropping the washcloth near the trashcan he's apparently also using as a hamper, Danny goes, "Okay, c'mere Dylan. Let me fix your hair." I'm like, "What?" and he goes, "Sit in the desk chair again," and he pulls the chair out, adding, "I'll fix your flattop." Oh, that's right. I saw in the lavatory mirror that the wet hairs were lying flat on my head... like I planned.

Naturally, when Danny said 'sit here' my first inclination is to tell him to go fuck himself 'cause I can comb my own hair... yeah, but I'm still tingling from all his awesomely intimate touching and whatnot all afternoon, so I go, "Okay." I'm trying not to smile thinking about my old fantasy. The one where I win the lottery and hire a full-time valet. He'd be a really cute nineteen-year-old kid who was trained in such matters, probably from England so he'd have that cool English accent. His duties would include bathing me, dressing me, shaving my face AND my groin, plus combing my hair and... well, every-fucking-thing I could think of. I'd be just standing or sitting in a bedroom, a big one like Willie's, while my cute valet did everything as I stared at how cute and hot he is. He'd be very proper with 'Yes, Sir this' and 'Yes, Sir that'. Hahaha! Of fuck! heh heh, of course, first I'll need to remember to buy a lottery ticket which will be my first time doing that, ya know when I get around to it.

This will have to do until I get the valet. Danny covers my eyes with his left hand and I hear the hairspray hissing sound coming out of the can. I can't help chuckling to myself thinking about my insane valet fantasy. Danny frowns, "What so funny?" Damn, I feel good! I mumble, "Nothing important. Please proceed, my good man," and he turns on the hairdryer and begins brushing my hair back and up.

Danny does it for longer than necessary because I think he likes messing with my hair. Finally, I push his hand away, muttering, 'That's perfect. Thank you, young man." He goes, "You look so fucking cool!" Nodding my head, I murmur, 'You too, Daniel," and pick up my cell phone and as I hit the speed dial for Rob, I say to Danny, "With this afternoon's sexual activities in mind, and how awesomely sexy you've been today, I can't wait to see what happens after I give you your haircut." Danny laughs and goes, "Oh yeah, maybe we can top today's sex! When should we do that?" and I hear Rob go, "Dylan, that was an extra long piss?" I go, "Huh?"

to be continued...

Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com donnymumford@outlook.com


Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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