Dylans Senior Year at College

Published on Dec 6, 2018



Chapter 22

by Donny Mumford

It's no small matter to say that Danny Monday has been my best buddy-sex partner since, gulp... Ryan Wilcox. And I mean 'vintage' Ryan Wilcox and not Ryan Wilcox last year, whoever that imposter was. I admit though that in the 'nothing is perfect' department, there is a less than ideal aspect to Danny as a buddy sex partner. It's one I never needed to deal with during the glory days with Ryan and I'm, of course, referring to the fact that Danny and I are not exactly breaking records for, um... frequency. There are some valid reasons for that and, anyway, I prefer concentrating on how fantastic Danny's been when we have gotten together here at Merrimack. Positive thinking, ya know?

So, although we've only had hot buddy sex twice this semester both times it's been memorable. Since our last explosive time together I haven't spent more than ten minutes alone with Danny, but I'm thinking it's very early in the semester and circumstances could improve as things settle down and we get in a comfortable routine. Plus, the marathon sex two Sundays ago is still resonating with me. Frankly, I'm not likely to forget that afternoon any time soon.

Danny being an excellent buddy sex partner for me is a fortuitous development considering he's my only buddy-sex partner this year. To be more specific, Danny's my only 'top' buddy sex partner. That's if I don't count John Smith and I don't because the two of us getting together will be a rare random occurrence now that Rob's and my course schedules are the same. Getting away to have lunch at the bar with John Smith will likely be rare. Oh, and I'm not complaining too much about any of this because both my lover, Robby, and buddy-sex partner, Danny, are off the fucking charts good!

So I guess you could say my present situation is one of quality over quantity which, if I absolutely had to choose, is the preferred choice of the two options. And then there's the icing on my buddy-sex cake... Pony. He represents buddy sex 'variety' in that I get to 'top' with him. Obviously, this year's side-sex situation isn't perfect, but in the 'every cloud has a silver lining' category, my life is more manageable than my helter/skelter side-sex situations of past years. I'm content with my situation I guess, which is not to be confused with me being 'thrilled' about it.

Obviously, when having sex with Rob and Danny I'm always in my normal 'submissive-bottom' position which is by far my number-one preferred way of doing it. So that's perfect but recently I've got the urge to 'top' which is why it's lucky I met Pony last year. This 'topping' urge of mine has zero to do with Danny and Robby though. Nope, I don't want anything to change, sex-wise, with either of them except doing 'it' more often. Actually, my relatively recent urge to 'top' could probably be a result of the manner in which Robby and Danny effortlessly and smoothly handle the 'top' position with me. Neither of them thinks of themselves as a 'dominant-top' but they both have just enough of a dominant bent in the way they go about it to satisfy me.

I'm not looking for or want an especially aggressive dominant sex partner nowadays. Sure, it was extremely hot with the super dominant boys when I was growing up, but that was then and this is now. And, as I've thought a hundred times, every guy who 'tops' is dominant whether they think they are or not. I'll amend that to 'almost every guy' since there are instances I suppose when the 'bottom' is controlling the 'top'. Not in my experiences, but it could happen. A browbeat husband perhaps, or... well I don't know exactly.

Getting to my main point though, right here in the apartment my buddy, Pony, is naked and lying on the bed desperate for me to fuck him. Mere seconds ago he came right out and asked me: 'are you gonna fuck me or not?' Haha, yeah he's impatient and a little revved up too. That's understandable considering he hasn't gotten laid in four months and, additionally, he's further revved up because of the sexy shampoo, haircut, massage and then the hard spanking I just finished giving him. I used to like, and still do to a lesser degree, the same sort of rough stuff that gets Pony extra sexually aroused.

Lying sideways on the bed, Pony's ass is just over the edge, his feet flat on the floor. He's quite something to see, especially with his five-inch penis so hard it's sticking straight up in the air. My immediate inclination is to suck on that nice boner of his but we don't have the time and he'd probably cum in my mouth within ten seconds anyway. That'd be pretty cool but not as cool as fucking a climax out of him.

Interestingly, his dick got hard while he was sucking my cock. Yep, like me, Pony gets a hard-on from sucking a guy's dick. That's just one more uncommon thing we have in common. He's not shy about what he wants either, plus for Pony it's also 'need'... not just 'want'. Yeah, after going four months without it obviously he's way over the top horny and consequently, as I said, he's impatient. Danny would be uber exasperated by Pony's impatience, the way he gets with me at times.

Heh heh, I'll be Danny and Pony can assume my normal 'bottom' role. Trying to sound authoritative, I say, "Lift your legs," and Pony nods his head and does that, bending his legs at the knees of course. He's not some idiot who takes 'lift your legs' literally by sticking his feet up in the air. I go, "Now wrap an arm around each leg and pull them way back." As he does that, he goes, "Oh, fuck, I really like this! We never did it like this before, did we, Dylan?" I don't remember if we did or not, but I don't think he's ever done it like this with his two high school fuck buddies. They represent all the sex partners Pony's admitted to, and I sort of believe him. The poor kid...

I'm standing here with my boner very hard and it's also wet with Pony's saliva. It's very cool that Pony's being a good submissive 'bottom' boy, which is pretty much how I'd be in his situation. Jeez though, I gotta admit it's interesting seeing everything from my 'top' perspective. Pony's so eager for this he's basically wrapped himself into a ball with his asshole pulled up and sort of looking at me. Just for the fuck of it, I exhibit an unnecessary abuse of power by saying, "Spread those legs more!" Haha, that's what Danny is always telling me to do. Pony cooperatively nods his head and tries doing that. Oh fuck though, I feel like a prick taking advantage of his horniness like this.

Looking at his ass closely though, I'm like, "Hey, what the...? Am I mistaken or weren't there some random hairs around your asshole last year?" Without seemingly embarrassed at all, he mutters, "Nad's for men." Squeezing his firm buttocks, one in each hand, I'm like, "What does that mean?" He goes, "Nad's is a quick hair removal for guys. I wipe it around my asshole and 'poof'... just like that the hairs are gone." I'm like, "Poof? You're joking, right?" He goes, "Nope, I did it especially for you in case you wanted to rim my ass." I blurt out a laugh and then go, "Maybe you're getting a little ahead of yourself," and I give his ass a really hard smack, 'SMACK!" He yelps, "OW!" and pulls his legs back even tighter which causes him to rock slightly on his curved backbone. Christ, his knees are against the sides of his chest. He looks uncomfortable, although apparently quite happy in that awkward position.

It really is a weird sort of turn-on seeing how obedient Pony is being for me. It makes my dick feel funny too... funny like it felt when I gave his ass a for-real hard spanking a couple of minutes ago. He nagged me to do that; it wasn't my fucking idea! Still, my dick got a twinge as I saw how red his ass got during the spanking. Huh, I wonder if I'd get a more prominent 'funny' feeling in my dick if spanking him was my idea instead of his. I don't know why I'm avoiding the word 'aroused' when referring to my dick as 'feeling funny'. It's sexual arousal, right? Damn, I wish I could remember more about our sex play last year so I could compare it to now.

I whack his ass a couple of more times just because I can, and of course the "SMACK!SMACK!" sound bounces off the walls of Rob's and my bedroom sounding just like they do when Rob smacks my ass... haha. Pony whines, "Do it again," but him asking for more smacks on his ass put me off. Yeah, it's definitely not the same turn-on when he asks for it. That's too much like he's the one in charge and only play-acting at being a submissive 'bottom'. Well, there is some play-acting on the submissive bottom's part, with some guys more so than others I suppose.

It's hard not to chuckle at the way Pony's straining his arms to pull his legs back. Actually, I feel like telling him to relax except no dominant 'top' would ever say that so, instead, I get the Astroglide. As I twist off the cap, Pony grunts out, "You can 'do' me without that if you want." I mutter, "Nah, we were stupid not using lubricant last year. Wait, we used it last year, didn't we?" He says, "It's getting sweaty between my arms and legs holding them back like this." Feeling like a prick again, I mumble, "Deal with it," and he goes, "Omigod, the way you said that made my boner shiver!" Hmmm, now I can't tell if he's serious or 'acting'.

My sweatpants and underwear are around my ankles, so I kick them off and then stroke lube on my semi-boner. I say 'semi' because it's lost some of its firmness while I was being mean to Pony. No problem, three or four strokes with my fist get it nice and tight again. Plus, it is sort of arousing seeing naked Pony in a ball like that. With a glob of Astroglide on my finger, I push it into his asshole and watch him shiver and shimmy on his curve back. Wow, it wasn't as easy getting my finger in his asshole as I expected. He has a ridiculously tight anus! Odd I don't remember that from last year. Anyway, I push my finger in up to the second knuckle and, holy shit, his asshole is gripping my finger making me shudder thinking about it gripping my cock. Wow!

Nope, there are no hairs on his ass now and he has pretty much a hairless body overall, like mine actually. Pony's anus is pink although a darker shade of pink than his other lips. I've read the anus described by some as a tight rosebud. Do I have that right? Hmmm, I guess if I squint my eyes almost totally closed, plus use my imagination... maybe it's like a rosebud. My problem is I'm not all that familiar with rosebuds.

The pad of my finger finds his 'button', his prostate. I rub over its smooth surface watching Pony scrunch up his face and wiggles his ass as he moans, 'Ahhhh, oooh, ooh, ooh," and then he squirms on his back seemingly in an effort to move his ass closer to me. I push back and Pony settles for rocking back and forth on his curved spine in that hunched position he's in. His arms are really pulling his legs back tightly. Hmmm, is that how I look when I'm the 'bottom' for Danny? Jeez, haha! I say Danny because Robby wouldn't make me get in the position Pony's in although Danny would without giving it a second thought.

It's hard to describe, but Pony looks desperate and docile simultaneously. Whatever, it gives my boner another shimmering feeling from observing him trying so hard to please his, um, 'top'. This isn't totally fair because his last sex, as I said, was four months ago so, of course, he's desperately acting docile. He's so uber horny he'd probably stand on his head if I told him to.


Pulling my finger out of Pony's ass, I stroke more lube on my boner and that feels so slippery and good I understand why Danny can barely stop stroking himself when we're getting ready to do it. I make a quiet "Mmmm," sound as I stroke up and down my pole. This is weird maybe, but it's the honest truth too, I'm one of those rare guys on earth who doesn't do this; doesn't jerk off. It's because I'm getting enough sex that I don't need to jerk off and I prefer saving my orgasms for the real-deal sex. Stroking myself now though... wow, it really does feel good! I add a little more Astroglide and then my fist goes up and down so nicely, and... damn, wouldn't it'd be hot to jerk all the way off!

But no, it's even more exciting thinking about sticking my boner up Pony's ass. Since I'm missing vivid memories of fucking him last year I must conclude that I wasn't as 'hot' to 'top' last year as I am now. Discontinuing the stroking of my really hard pecker, I hold it out straight and push the head against Pony's asshole and his whole body shudders as he moans, "Aaaaah, oooooh!" Christ, I haven't even begun spreading his anus yet! I merely touched it with the hard head of my boner. Wow, this boy is ultra horny so I'm not gonna tease him anymore.

The tip of his pink tongue is running across his lips as he looks into my eyes. I don't suppose it's a very dominant thing to do but I feel compassion for sex-starved Daryl so I give him a little encouraging smile. Hell, who wouldn't have compassion considering Pony's horniness and the lack of opportunity for sex he experienced all summer? And I was complaining about my sexless summer? Well, everything's relative I suppose.

Dropping my eyes to his ass as I do a little thrust of my hips and watch the head of my boner disappearing inside Pony's body and then I can't resist doing another small hump. Well, it was more like a push than a hump but another inch of my boner slides tightly inside his rectum. Wow, it's sort of a fascinating procedure. His asshole grips the neck of my cock making me grunt, "Ooh!" as Pony moans, "Ooooooh, ooooh!" and WOW, my cock throbs and my shoulders shudder. Oh God, this feels good! For a second there I stupidly thought his asshole was gonna be too tightly closed, too small an opening to get my cock in but the swollen head of my boner disappeared inside his rectum and BAM! the sensations soared!

His asshole is deliciously tight but slippery too so, ya know, no way my cock wasn't going in. Pony's looking at me again so I wanna appear blasé about the fabulous sensations coming off my cock... like it's no big deal 'cause I'm supposed to be the experienced one between us and therefore too cool for school and so forth. As the 'top', obviously, there's no pain to concern myself with although Pony is scrunching his face while making a sound as though something hurts him. I wonder what? No, haha, I'm just kidding...

And then, looking at his asshole I'm actually astounded at how unbelievably stretched it is. Holy shit, what must my asshole look like when Robby's fat boner is inside me? Damn! Trying not to look alarmed, my eyes go quickly back to Pony's eyes and he does a tight grin, mumbling, "This feels so fucking good, Dylan." Jeez, I was feeling a little guilty seeing him wrapped in a ball like that with his asshole stretched beyond believe so it's a relief hearing him say it feels good. And, fuck, nobody better try telling me they don't have a dominant sense when 'topping'!

Trying to remain cool, feeling greatly encouraged by what Pony just said, I look at his ass again and concentrate on not jamming my cock in all the way in one big thrust, which instinct is telling me to do. Instead, I push another inch or two of my throbbing boner inside him and then check his reaction. He's making another 'face' like it hurts, while at the same time, the muscles in his rectum tightly squeeze my boner. He groans and I again think of him saying it felt good which allows me to enjoy more fully the shiver I'm getting from awesome sensations coming off my dick as a breathy moan of sexual pleasure slips from my throat, a quiet, "Oooooh."

Oops, my cock just slipped further up Pony's ass, seemingly on its own. It's sliding in more easily with the lubricant warming up to body temperature and his ass opened up like it is now. I need to stifle another moan as Pony gasps and then moans, "Mmmmm, mmmm! Aaaah, ummm..." He does another strained grin before muttering, "That hurt, haha, but push it in, Dylan." Giving me instructions again, huh? Am I the novice here? That's not good so I whack his ass, "SMACK! SMACK!" and he goes, "Ah, ah, ooh, OW!" and takes an arm from his right leg to get his fist around his boner. Me smacking his ass got him more aroused. Yeah, well, I'm not especially good at this dominant shit, not yet I'm not.

Fuck it, I'm gonna forget about the dominant angle. Pony can do whatever he wants. I'm all about enjoying the pleasure coming off my hard boner. Thrusting my hips I watch my boner magically disappear the last inch or so up Pony's ass as powerfully awesome pleasure vibrations explode from the untold number of nerve endings in my hard penis. Omigod, this feels unbelievably good!

What an incredible wave of sensations. Jesus, having my boner completely surrounded by a very tight sheath, one that's seemingly not quite big enough, is as sexy a situation as I can imagine. How the hell did I forget the depth of pleasure you get from 'topping'? Oh man, the smooth very tight sheath of Pony's rectum is seemingly intent on strangling my cock but in the most amazingly sexy way! It's my face that gets scrunched up now as I'm feeling indescribable sensations blaring off the nerve endings along my entire six-inches of boner.

My crotch is flat against his buttocks now and I'm humping against him as he rolls back a little with each hump. Sexual pleasure is swarming and bursting like a spreading forest fire up and down my cock and all around my groin. The pleasure grows as I visualize my throbbing hard penis inside and surrounded by Pony's rectum. Oh God, I can feel my cock expanding too. It probably isn't getting as big or as long as it feels like, but it definitely got larger inside that tight ass of Daryl's.

Christ, this is so hot that I'm hesitant to pull my boner back for fear I'll cum. How embarrassing would that be? More humps against his buttocks as Pony's murmuring, "Fuck, me, fuck me..." He murmured that so quietly at first I didn't know what he was saying. Glancing at him I see his eyes are closed and he still has his hand around his boner, just squeezing it now. The one leg he's no longer holding back is still back and bent at the knee but not as far back as the other leg, the one he's still got an arm around. Huh, nice looking legs too. Pony's legs have some pale hairs on the calves and are kinda thin but with nice muscle definition too. Well, he is a runner after all.

It's hard to think too much about Pony though because it feels so fucking good having my cock up his ass and, frankly, I'm now not all that much concerned about his situation. I'm again sort of shocked that it feels this fantastic to fuck a guy's tight ass and again I have the thought... how'd I forget this?

Now I'm concentrating on pulling back by throbbing boner. It feels so good I'm concerned I might jerk my cock right out of his ass like some first-timer. I pull it back slowly until I see Pony's anus just beginning to bulge out slightly... then I thrust my cock back up his ass and more fireworks go off behind my eyes as I stifle a gasping, "Ahhhh!" Most of my pleasure scream of, "AHHHH!!" I managed to contain in my head for decorum purposes remembering again I'm supposed to be the dominant 'top'. But, damn, that felt good!

Another rather slow withdrawal and then a much harder thrust back up his ass one of us, me or Pony, moaned out a loud, "Oooooh! Ummmm!" Maybe it was both of us, but now something has taken over for me. Some kind of primal instincts from caveman times just took over my brain and my hips are on autopilot. Yeah, a primitive instinct is in charge of my hips as they begin moving and thrusting my hard boner up Pony's ass with the sound of males fucking erupting in the bedroom for both of us to hear, "Slapslapslapslap" sounds. The ass-slapping sounds join my mantra of, "Um, um, um, um," and Pony's moaning, "Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh," as he's rocking on his curved back while stroking his boner tightly.

Glancing at Pony I see an intense expression on his face, his eyeglasses steamed up and lying crookedly on his face. Not surprising considering this hard jostling he's taking. "Slapslapslap," for, well who knows how long. Not very long and definitely not long enough, but my climax has a mind of its own and ignites creating a whole new sense of urgency so my thrusting gets faster and harder. No complaints from Pony. I know my climax is going to burst on the scene like a comet any second now as my eyes tightly close and my hips continue moving spectacularly on their own, humping my boner back and forth in Pony's ass.

My climax builds fast and it's gonna blow so my eyes snap open just in time to see a streak of white flash by my head, spray hitting against my left cheek as I hear Pony making a high squealing sound and it's like everything is happening someplace else because my mind comprehends only the supernova explosion of my own climax creating otherworldly sexual vibrations off my cock. My climax went BAM! with cum streaking from my cock splattering inside Pony's bowels and then BAM again! Incredible sensations with me tight against his ass humping hard enough to push him back on the mattress. And then I'm almost in a trance again... I don't even remember discontinuing my thrusting. One second I'm thrusting and the next I'm humping against his ass and blowing my load.

Almost backout conditions for a second or two there, me shaking and humping again his butt cheeks pushing him further and further back on top of the bed. My warm gooey cum surrounds my cock as I suck in a deep breath and then go back to wildly thrusting in his now wide open rectum with splatters of cum flying out each time I drive my cock up inside him. Incredible!

My shoulders went a little crazy as the zipping sensations of orgasm peaked and then quickly faded as after-climax sensations then fade further and my thrusting slows before stopping completely. It's a familiar pattern because a climax is apparently the same for me when I'm the 'bottom' or the 'top'. That climax was like every sensational orgasm I've ever had, maybe as many as a thousand of them... meaning it was indescribably good. Another spasm in my body as I come back down to earth and see Pony still pulling on his cock. There's cum dripping off the inside of his right thigh. I watch it drooling down his leg as I'm wiping at Pony's cum on my cheek. A little spray from Pony's initial cum shot skimmed off the inside of his pulled-back left leg on its way up past my head depositing a spray of his cum on my cheek as it went by.

Oh man, now that the thrill is gone I'm thinking I wasn't too cool doing this. I acted kinda geeky I think. Damn! I'm almost afraid of Pony's reaction as I pull my cock out of his ass and both of us go, "Ahhh!" Pony's ass wiggles and then he takes his hand off his softening cock and drops his legs, his feet hitting the floor with a thud. He just lies there breathing deeply and, ya know, I'm realizing I'm not at all sure what Pony was up to while I was fucking him. I was mostly concerned about my own pleasure. Jeez, that's not saying a lot for me, but it's the truth, so...

I guess I didn't acquit myself especially well as Pony's first anal sex since last year. Well, here's a thought: maybe I didn't acquit myself very well last year either although it was apparently good enough for him. He couldn't wait for me to acquit myself in that regard just now. As if reading my mind, he takes a deep breath and says, "That was absolutely awesome, Dylan! Can we do it again?"

Oh, good! Whew! Managing not to act too relieved, I'm like, "No. Sorry, but not now, Pony. Let's get cleaned up." I'm wiping my cheek again, adding, "Rob will be texting any minute." Pony's got his dick in his fist and he's again slowly pulling on it, murmuring, "That felt so good. It was wicked fast though, don't ya think?" I go, "I guess," and hold my hand down to him. He takes it and I pull him to a sitting position on the bed. It was pretty good buddy sex, actually, but now it's over.

Pony takes another deep breath and smiles, repeating himself, "Wow, that was super good, Dylan! Thanks, and you spanked me okay too. A little harder next time maybe... if you want to." Fuck, I feel guilty. My mind was hardly on Pony's pleasure at all! Looking behind me to see where his cum shots landed, I mutter, "I'll do it better next time, Pony. Um, and real soon too, but let's get cleaned up, okay?" Some dominant 'top' I am. Pony says, enthusiastically, "I can't imagine how you'd do it any better! Jeez, that was great." I'm such a fraud. Next time I'll make a point of thinking more about Pony's pleasure and try dragging it out longer for him. Ya know, I'll concentrate on not thrusting like a novice. Christ, I was pounding away a mere ten seconds after getting my dick up his ass... embarrassing.

Omigod though, that first cum shot of Pony's was quite a blast reaching to the hardwood floor almost to the door. Not that this bedroom is all that big. Pony gets up and puts his left hand over his asshole, saying, "You dumped a lot of spunk up my ass, Dylan, and it's already coming out." I shrug, mumbling, "You have a very sexy ass," and then pull tissues from the box on the nightstand and hand them to him.

He holds the tissues against his asshole to soak up my cum as I pat him on the shoulder to get him started toward the bathroom. Pony holds his pants around his knees with one hand and, as I said, he's holding the tissues against his asshole with the other hand as we shuffle to the hall with me pulling my sweatpants up to just under my balls. Inside the bathroom, I wipe my cum off Pony's ass the way a good 'top' should, and then hand him some more tissues, mumbling, "Hold these at your asshole for the late stragglers, or better yet, pull your underpants up with those tissues inside." Nodding his head, he mutters, "Yeah, I remember that from last year," and he does what he's told.

Quickly cleaning my dick with a washcloth and warm water, I do a quick wipe with a towel drying my dick and then I pull up my pants. We both wash our face and hands as Pony's smiles at me, murmuring, "Thanks, Dylan. I can't wait for next time." I smile too but before I can say anything, my cell phone pings indicating a text. I mumble, "That'll be Rob," but when I look at my phone I see a text from Connor that reads: 'Hi Dylan! Hope you can meet Stosh and me after my second and last class on Friday. Is eleven-thirty good for you... at the Quad maybe?' Dammit! That dick Stosh will be there too!

As we're walking out of the bathroom, Pony asks, "What'd he say?" I go, "It wasn't from Rob. It's a text from a friend of mine, one you haven't met yet, Connor. He was at Merrimack for freshman year and then had money problems so he joined the Army. Now, two years later he's back at college with the Army paying for a lot of his education. He's a sophomore this year and, um, still in the Army I guess. He's an Army reserve guy now or something." Pony goes, "Oh, another sex buddy of yours, huh?" Making a face at him, I go, "NO! Everybody I know isn't a sex buddy."

Well, I did have sex with Connor twice I think. Yeah, for a total of like three minutes combined. Connor had extremely quick climaxes with me 'topping' him. Oh yeah, there's an example of me topping. And then there were a few first-time guys I 'topped' too... the 'cherry boys'. And, oh man, they were all so sweet about it too. That Hispanic kid in Key West was so special! Oh man, topping him for his first time ever... jeez that was an honor!

We're in the kitchen where I see my beer bottle from earlier. Picking it up intending to put in the recycle case I'm thinking about meeting Connor tomorrow and how, while I'm definitely going to meet him, it is right in the middle of my free Friday, my only weekday without classes. This morning Rob and I took our time with some memorable sex and tomorrow morning we could probably do the same and then I could still meet Connor. It won't be as good though, the sex with Rob I mean because I'll know I need to be someplace at a certain time.

But yes, Connor's a dear friend from my past and I need to find out if he needs help. I want to determine if he's in any kind of trouble with that horrid Stosh person. So yeah, I'll definitely be there. Glancing over I see Pony just staring at me, so I go, "What?" and he says, "You get in these, I don't know, funks or something. Are you okay?" I realize I'm still holding the beer bottle. Patting his shoulder, I go, "I'm good and, oh man, Pony, you were an excellent buddy sex partner!" As I drop the bottle in the recycle bin, Pony smiles and says, "That sex we had was wicked cool, wasn't it?" I'm nodding my head and he exclaims, "Dude, I shot my load in like two minutes even though I was trying my balls off to delay climax. No dice though, Vavoom!"

I nod my head at him again, smiling and muttering, "It's was epic, Pony, but let me text my friend back really quick," and as I do that Pony's like, "Christ, I loved the way you had me get in like that ball. I was all wrapped up and helpless. You're right, it was epic! My ass felt like it was sticking way out there... I don't know. You did that so cool!" Frowning at his comments, because they make me feel like a prick, I finish confirming with Connor I'll meet him tomorrow. Then, trying to convince myself I was being a prick mostly to accommodate Pony's wishes, and in a joking manner, I ask Pony, "What was that you said? Something about a ball?"

He adjusts his glasses, muttering, "Oh, I know it's no big deal to someone as popular as you, but for me, that sex we had is already in my brain like a treasure to remember forever." Oh fuck, don't I feel even more guilty now! I try grinning though as I'm muttering, "You are so full of it. It wasn't that great," and he looks away, mumbling, "It's pathetic of me I guess, but I'm being fucking serious. That was epic sex we had." I go, "You're right, it was awesome. And it'll be even better next time."

Oh man, I'm considering opening another beer but it's six o'clock now and Rob said they'd be done before six so I hold off on the beer idea and, instead say to Pony, "I'm gonna drive to the campus now to drop you off for your dinner with, what's your roommate's name again?" He goes, "You've got a problem with names, don't ya? I told you his name a little while ago."

Patting his back to get him moving to the front door, I'm mumbling, "Oh, it's Donald-something, right? Like the duck?" Going down the steps Pony's like, "Yes, his name is Donald Johnson, and he's a cool-looking six-foot-two black dude who's classy and nice." I go, "Oh yeah? I can't wait to meet him." Getting in the pickup's passenger side, Pony goes, "Oh, don't bother. He's straight... plus, um, I don't believe he'll like you." I laugh and then mumble, "Oh, why's that?" I start the engine as Pony shrugs, "He's, um, like I said, classy and you're more like a neighborhood kid." I laugh again and mutter, "He's classy, huh? Oh, because he insists on being called 'Donald'. Ya mean classy like that? Is that what you mean?" He goes, "No, not that!" I grin looking at him, asking, "And he likes you, huh? Classy you, right?" Pony chuckles, "Yeah, I'm not from money but I can do 'classy'." I mutter, "You'll have to show me how to do that sometime."

He snickers again. I know he's breaking my balls with that shit about his roommate not liking me. Donald seemed cool when I met him the night I dropped Pony off after getting him at the airport late. It's a short drive to the campus and when we're at dormitory row, Pony goes, "It was all lies. Donald will like you. I made it all up." I go, "No shit!" Pony grins his cute grin, saying, "You need to kiss me goodbye now. I mean now that you fucked my brains out." I go, "If I kissed you here, you'd faint." Getting out he says, "Yeah, I probably would. Thanks for everything, Dylan... seriously! I loved every minute of it!" I nod my head, mumbling, "Me too. Text me tomorrow when you get out of class." He waves and I continue driving down the same road to the ballpark.

See, that's how real buddy sex works. Pony appreciated and liked it but afterward, he broke my balls with that roommate shit. That's the way buddy sex is supposed to work. That's not totally what happened this time though because at first Pony was effusive about how much he liked and appreciated our sex and only then he did the buddy sex routine of moving on to other matters. Obviously, he gets a pass on the 'overdoing it' part because he hasn't gotten laid for four friggin' months, ya know? Perfect side sex is more like the way John Smith and I do it. After a quick fuck, we eat lunch usually without mentioning the sex hardly at all

My phone pings and when I glance at it I see a text from Rob: 'Any time you're ready, babe. We're done here.' Parking near the ballpark entrance, I text: ''I'm at the ballpark now, Rob.' Guys are coming out the front entrance and it's fairly obvious who the freshmen are. They look so young which only emphasizes how 'old' seniors, who are only a couple of years older, look. There's still a newness 'look' to some of the freshmen. Others of them are among the unfortunates who 'looked' twenty-one when they were seventeen. The one plus to that was they were popular in high school because they could buy beer for their baby-faced friends.

Okay, here come Rob and Carl. Huh, Rob doesn't have his arm around Carl... for once. Not that I care if he does or not. It's just that I think it's kind of funny that Rob seems to be picking up Danny's touchy/feely habit. It's me who usually picks up habits from guys. And, speaking of picking up habits, I was smelling the back of my hand while having that last thought... haha! Taking my hand away, I yell, "Over here, Rob." He turns and gives me 'that' smile! It's his special smile for me. I love that he has a special smile for just me... Chubby does too. I return my own smile especially for Robby and then think... Ewww, that's kinda sickeningly sweet. I gotta watch that...

Carl's got his backpack on so he must have had a class right before practice. Well, so did Rob but he has a boyfriend to take his backpack home for him. I'm glad to do it too.

They walk up to the pickup with Carl saying, "It's sweet the way you two smile at each other." Rob frowns, asking me jokingly, "Who the fucks would notice something like that, huh, babe?" I shrug and then we all bump fists as I mumble, "Speaking of that, get this... Daryl noticed the new slipcover on the sofa. I wouldn't notice that in somebody's house." Rob goes, "Me neither, babe. " He does put his arm across Carl's shoulders now, saying to me, "It looks like we have a dinner guest again tonight, Dylan. Carl lost his meal card and the Admin office is closed." I go, "No, sweat. We can pull some weeds from in front of the apartment and maybe some mushrooms if we can sort out the poisonous ones."

I get out of the driver's seat and Carl says, "Prejudice against vegetarians is nothing new, ya know." I go, "How's pizza with a grass salad sound?" Rob holds his hands out for the keys as Carl gets in the backseat, saying, "I love pizza but I insist on buying." I get in and as I'm closing the passenger door, I'm like, "We're not having pizza. It's still too early in the semester to fall back on that lazy pizza-solution for dinner."

As soon as we're inside the apartment, Rob gets a phone call and I can tell it's going to be a long conversation because it's from his Dad and it's about the business of Dickers & Son. This is their first conversation about the company since we got back to college. Rob wanders into the bedroom, probably to use his laptop.

Well, what the hell, Carl and I will make his main course for a vegetarian dinner. It'll be macaroni and cheese again but made from scratch this time. I'm using Rigatoni instead of elbow macaroni because that's the only pasta noodles in the pantry right now. Usually, I use the Rigatoni with spaghetti sauce which Carl says he also likes very much. Making spaghetti sauce involves more trouble than I want to get into right now though. The only spaghetti sauce in the pantry is this jar of special sauce that normally costs $7.99 a jar but was on sale for $3.99. I'm saving that bottle of spaghetti sauce for Rob and I. Some jar sauces are really good too and for $7.99 that one must be primo!

Anyway, while the Rigatoni is boiling I get Carl cutting American cheese into cubes as I grate a lot of cheddar cheese onto a sheet of wax paper. Carl handles a paring knife like he's never seen one before in his life. I don't say anything about that though. As he concentrates on cutting the cheese into the exact same size squares, which totally isn't necessary, he asks, "Have you heard any remarks about your flattop haircut, Dylan?" Shit, I just about forgot I have one until he mentioned it. Pausing for a second, I go, "No, I guess I haven't. Why, have you?" He goes, "Paul asked me where I got my haircut because he might want to get a haircut like mine." I go, "Get the hell outta here! Seriously? Who the fuck is Paul?" He goes, "My roommate and it was kinda unusual he'd be interested in a short haircut like ours because hockey players usually have long hair for some reason. Have you ever noticed that?"

Folding the wax paper, I slide all the grated cheddar cheese into a bowl, mumbling, "Um, not really, but then I can't say I know any hockey players and I don't watch hockey on TV." I ask, "Do you like him... your roommate?" He nods his head, "I guess. His full name is, Paul Towers, and he's, um, okay so far. He's French Canadian and hardly says two words plus he's always out late. We hardly see each other." I go, "Huh."

You know what? I don't say this, but I'd bet anything that asshole Canadian was mocking Carl's haircut and Carl's too naive to realize it. I don't like this Paul character already and I haven't even meant him yet. Who would mock this cute innocent kid? Ya know, assuming the guy was mocking Carl.

The Rigatoni is cooked so I strain it and then it goes into a Pyrex dish. I have Carl cut pieces of butter to mix in with the pasta while it's hot. He asks, "Would you happen to have any green peppers... or red ones?" I give him a 'look' muttering, "Yeah, why? You want to put peppers in your mac and cheese?" He goes, "If you don't mind." I shrug and tell him where to look in the refrigerator for peppers and then say, "While you're in there, Carl, please get two eggs. They go in this mac and cheese too."

He cuts his finger chopping the red pepper so I wrap it in a paper towel, telling him, "Keep it tight, Carl. Pressure on that cut will slow up the bleeding or it'll probably stop it altogether." Fuck, he really cut himself deep! We get the bleeding under control and I wrap a Band-Aid around his finger tightly. "You okay, Carl?" He nods his head, mumbling, "Yeah, of course! Thank you for helping me with that cut," and then, for some reason, he holds up his finger with the Band-Aid on it and grins triumphantly. Ha, he's a cute little motherfucker.

Next, I have him mix both kinds of cheese in with the pasta and to be a ball-buster, I tell him, "But don't use your cut finger to mix that shit around... use a spoon. Spoons are in that drawer." He chuckles and then uses the smallest spoon we have to stir the big pile of pasta. Letting out an exhale slowly, I manage not to criticize him for that either.

The cheese and butter bring the pasta temperature down enough to mix in the two eggs along with milk and a tablespoon of cornstarch... and then a couple of drops of hot sauce. Lastly, I talk Carl through the process of crushing Ritz crackers between wax paper to use as a topping, with melted butter, for the mac and cheese. The final step is sprinkling the Ritz crumb-topping over the mac and cheese mixture and then into the oven it goes for about forty minutes.

For our dinner, Rob and I have chicken wings on the grill with barbecue sauce. Also a salad, rolls and butter, and some of the mac and cheese. There are twenty-four chicken wings, minus that useless third part of the wing that I cut off before grilling. Twelve wings each is about right for us. Leftover chicken wings suck because there's not enough meat and too much skin. The skin is good when it's hot and crispy... but horrid when cold. Any other leftover parts of a chicken are good cold or sliced for a sandwich.

Carl eats half the large Pyrex casserole of mac and cheese, two helpings of salad, plus two French rolls that he puts way too much butter on. That, plus two glasses of milk, ugh! He ate the rolls with like equal parts butter and roll which is just wrong, but he chews with his mouth closed and he has a cute chin so, ya know, it's all good.

As we're eating, Rob does most of the talking telling Carl and me why he and his Dad were on the phone so long. Their latest bid for a big project was unexpectedly won by Dickers & Son. Everyone in management, according to Rob, thought his dad underbid the project but they were wrong. It's a two hundred acre condo-and-single-homes development in Falmouth, Massachusetts. Falmouth is a town at the beginning of what's called Cape Cod that's about an hour and a half drive from Framingham. Rob says they'll probably need to open an office down there similar to the small one they have in Hartford, Connecticut.

I'm nodding my head, muttering things like, "Awesome, Rob," being supportive, ya know. And then he sneaks in, "Oh, by the way, Dylan, sorry but I need to leave early Saturday morning or maybe tomorrow night to spend all day Saturday in meetings back at the office." After a second or two so I can be cool about this, I go, "Jeez, that's, um, too bad. Do you want me to come with you?" He goes, "Not this time, babe, but maybe in a few weeks. Um, if you wouldn't mind joining me then... that'd be a big help." I can't imagine what I could be a big help with. Anyhow, I don't want to act pissed-off that Rob's working back home the second Saturday we're here, so it's best I don't say anything. Plus, Carl's here so I just mutter, "Sure..."

After cleaning up the kitchen we work on college class stuff for two hours and it's so boring I almost lose my will to live. When we're done, the reward is there's no need to do college-course work until Monday. That means Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are all free time! Carl had his work to do too. It was in his backpack, although he finished almost a half hour before Rob and I. Robby set him up on Xbox in the living room as we finished working at the desk in the bedroom.

To celebrate not having classes for three days we drive down Route125 about six miles to Mad Maggie's Homemade Ice Cream shop. The ice cream is very good there, although not as spectacular as some misguided individuals claim it is. Just because it's 'homemade' doesn't mean it's necessarily spectacular. The shop does offer many flavors some of which I consider a goofy stretch. They probably have those odd flavors just to say they have them, like banana and walnuts with pie dough... get real! Why not add watermelon rind or corn flakes? Anyway, it's always busy at Mad Maggie's. Lots of town people are here as well as some college students, although none we know.

We get ice cream cones and eat them in the car because Mad Maggie's was obnoxiously noisy. Mostly from a table of seven boys and girls who I'm guessing are maybe high school students although it's hard to tell with kids looking so young to me now. Hell, they might have been eighth-grade middle school students. There was simply too much dumb-ass loud forced-laughter and giggling coming from their table. After finishing the cones, we drop Carl off and then Rob and I head back to the apartment.

Inside we're not saying much because I know Rob's psyched about the new business opportunity his company just contracted for, plus he probably thinks he's already talked about it too much during dinner and, additionally, he probably thinks I don't want to hear any more about it, and he's right too! Except, I know Rob probably is dying to talk more about it. So, because of all those factors the silence is awkward. I'm not being fair though because it really is a big deal to him and I should let him go on about it some more. As we're both emptying the dishwasher I finally say, casually, "Pretty fucking exciting about that new huge project Dickers & Son just nailed down, huh?" Rob nods his head and goes, "Omigod, Dylan, Dad's so 'up' about winning that bid," and then, like I knew he would, he goes on to tell me about it again, repeating a lot of the things he already said during dinner and it continues for twenty minutes more while we have a smoke on the balcony. I nod and every now and then say things like, 'Really?' and, 'Omigod, that's fantastic!'.

Later, getting ready for bed and both of us done everything we need to do in the bathroom I'm just standing in the bedroom wearing boxer shorts as Robby goes, "Um, I probably told you more than you wanted to know about the Falmouth project, huh?" I go, "Get the fuck outta here with that! No way! Any chance could you describe again how perfect the acreage is for the project? I didn't fully 'get it' the third time you told me" He looks startled, saying, "Oh, I probably forgot to tell you that it's...." He stops and gives me a grin, saying, "I'm sorry, but I'm overly excited about it." I go, "Me too, Rob," and he says, "Ya know what, Dylan? To hell with that project. What's more important is this... every fucking time I look at you I want to take you immediately to the closest bed and fuck your awesome brains out." I go, "Oh no, and there's a bed right next to us."

Twenty minutes later I still have my brains but I'm afraid I may have lost my dick. I climaxed so hard it probably flew off with that awesome load of cum my balls came up with for the occasion. Tentatively I'm feeling around down there and, oh good, my dick is still attached. Robby's breathing deeply lying next to me, his hand lightly on his dick that's still hard. Turning his head to look at me, he says, "We should have done this before our shower. I'm all sticky now." I go, "Extemporaneous sex sometimes does get a person sticky, but since you're already like that, um..." We wrestle around a little and then talk about a few things before fucking again and as usual 'seconds' last longer. Nice!

We sleep-in until nine thirty on this no-classes Friday. And, even after waking up late we still lie in bed goofing around and talking dirty as we get ready to have some hot morning sex but then Rob's cell phone rings. We look at each other and then at the phone on the bureau. I can read his mind: he's thinking the call is about the new project that, by the way, won't even break ground until next summer. Rob doesn't want to answer it thinking I'll get pissed off if he does, and that's not cool, so I go, "You better get it, Rob. It could be your Dad." He makes a 'face', saying, "Dammit! I guess you're right though," and he springs out of bed as I smile to myself. Hell, I'm glad it's not me that's the businessman. I'll wait until I graduate, or maybe until the end of the summer after we graduate...

The call is from his Dad with more ideas I suppose, and soon Rob's on his laptop signing into the Dickers & Son site so I get out of bed and pad into the bathroom that's a mere eight feet from our bedroom. After taking care of business on the toilet I'm washing my hands looking in the mirror over the sink. Last night's shower flattened my hair somewhat. Well, except at the crown where Danny fucked it up.

Brushing my teeth I'm wondering if it's too soon to abandon Danny's flattop. I easily could do that by leaving my hair semi-flat like this or comb the bangs over with a little gel or even comb them up the way I planned on doing from the start. That's why I negotiated with Danny for a longer version of a flattop haircut. Carl, on the other hand, couldn't do any of the choices I just thought of because Danny did a normal flattop for him and his hair is too short to lie over even with hair gel.

Hmmm, but nah, it's too soon to change the style. Plus it would hurt Danny's feelings. I get the hairdryer and then comb it back into a flattop and dry it in that position. Hell, no one cares one way or the other except Carl and Danny, so why upset the apple cart? Okay, there's another idiotic idiom if I ever heard one... upset the apple cart. Why the fuck would anyone consider doing that? And what's an apple cart anyway?

Back in the bedroom, I get dressed watching Rob type on his laptop. He types wicked fast, made more amazing because he does it with his cell phone hunched between his ear and shoulder, totally absorbed in the world of business. I've never been able to hold my cell phone between my shoulder and ear like that. It squirts out, and anyway why not just put it on speaker phone?

In the kitchen, I make two mugs of coffee and take one in for Rob who gives me the sweetest smile as he mouths the words, 'Thanks, babe.' Damn, he looks happy. The two 'B's'... baseball and business make Rob happy... and me of course. Those three things.

Back in the kitchen, I check the time... it's ten-twenty. We've got plenty of time for a good breakfast before I'll be meeting Connor at the Quad. He said to meet him at eleven-thirty. I use the small Boar's Head Black Forest ham I bought for $10.49 in its vacuum-sealed package last week to cut six slices of ham. Not big thick slices though; thinnish slices that I'll lightly fry. Well, not even fry... more like just barely warm them in butter with a sprinkle of brown sugar... just a sprinkle. They'll go with scrambled eggs and toast. A traditional breakfast and one that's quick and easy.

When Rob's finished his phone call he joins me in the kitchen wearing his bathrobe over his jockey shorts. He hugs me from behind and kisses the side of my neck, asking, 'What can I do?" I get him toasting four slices of white bread and ask him to butter them when they pop up.

Rob says, "Dad's over the top with this new project but, damn, it won't even start for ten or twelve months and he's already planning what he'll want me to do." I'm putting two dinner plates in the microwave to warm them, mumbling, "Uh huh," and Rob turns to me, saying, "We might be living in Falmouth. Um, at the company's expense for a year or so, Dylan. That's so tentative I hesitate to even mention it, but that's not bad, uh? Living on the Cape I mean... if it happens." I nod, 'Yeah, the Cape is cool except for the traffic in the summer... that blows!"

Before Rob can say anything about that his phone rings again. He answers it and gets it between his ear and shoulder again as two pieces of toast pop up from the toaster. Spreading softened butter on the toast, he goes, "Yo, Danny! Thanks for getting back to me, dude." I plop two more pieces of bread in the toaster for him and then get the plates from the microwave and scrape our scrambled eggs onto the plates, and then the ham slices." I hear Rob say Carl's name and something about the ballpark and how 'it' has been cleared with the coach.

Baseball practice every day isn't enough for these guys. They need to play ball in between practices. I zone out from listening and instead think about meeting Connor. The truth is I feel inadequate to deal with that Stosh person. If he's got Connor in an unhealthy relationship I don't know what I'd be able to do about it. And who am I to decide if it's an unhealthy situation anyhow? Connor's my age so he should know what he likes by now, right? Not really though. I mean, because of his vulnerable situation he might latch onto any relationship... figuring any relationship is better than none. Someone like that horrid Stosh could easily take advantage of Connor because he's never had a family to speak of. Basically, Connor was taking care of his on-welfare druggie mother all through middle school and then high school and... oh, fuck, I don't know.

Getting Rob's attention, I give a head-nod at the plates meaning breakfast is ready. He nods back and smiles as he holds a finger up like... just a second. Taking a piece of buttered toast I set my plate on the kitchen bar and grab silverware for us and then sit down to begin eating.

Ten seconds later Robby goes, "Yeah, great. Thanks, dude, I'll see if Dylan wants to join us." He butters the two slices of toast that just popped up from the toaster, gives me another slice and takes two slices for himself. Sitting next to me, he says, "Danny, Carl, and I got the okay to use the batting cage this morning. We wanna see if we can help Carl hit a college curveball." I'm like, "Danny organized this?" Rob gives me a 'look', and goes, "Um, no. Why would he organize it? I'm mentoring Carl. Yesterday I sent a text to Danny asking him to call me and he just got around to it. I talked him into helping. I'm pitching to Carl and Danny will snag flies in the outfield. Do you wanna help too? We need an infielder." I tell him about meeting Connor and that I'll join them when I'm done with that. Maybe I'll bring Connor with me. Rob says he'll get another teammate or two to help in the meantime.

We eat pretty quickly and then I drop Rob off at the ballpark where I see Danny and Carl sitting on the brick wall near the entrance. It's quiet down here but that's because classes are going on in all the academic building up above the dormitories. I'm so glad to be outside and not in one of those classrooms or lecture halls. After parking, I get out with Rob so I can say 'hi' to the boys.

They stand when we walk down and we all do quick hugs. Carl's got a nice body to give a hug to and then him and Rob start talking with another guy who just walked over... I guess he's a ballplayer. I suppose they're deciding how they're going to handle this ad hoc practice.

Meanwhile, Danny's giving me a hug that lasts too long but then I'm not exactly fighting him off. Fuck, he looks so cool today and he's one of the rare ones at our age who's still boyishly cute. And there's something that just seems to happen to me when I'm around Danny. I lean against him and he goes, "No, not here, babe." Fuck, that pissed me off! I go, "Are you out of your mind? I wasn't suggesting anything." He grins and squeezes my shoulder, saying, "Feisty this morning, huh baby?" I shrug, mumbling, "Don't call me that, okay? It's just that you make me nuts sometimes and I don't know why, that's all," and he hugs me again, murmuring, "I know I make you nuts," and I say, "I don't mean like that... not exactly," but I don't pull away from him either.

Damn, ya know what's happened to me sometimes in the past? It's this, the more I get to like a certain guy the better looking and cuter I think he is. With Danny, I already thought he was hot and cute to start with, so he's off the fucking charts now in that regard. Plus I think he's so goofily cool and I love that there's not a trace of phoniness about him!

During his too-long second hug, the sides of our faces are together for like two seconds with his scent getting into my head. It isn't easy but I force myself to let go of him. Wow, scenes of that Sunday of sex explosion from Danny flash by my brain as I let out my breath quietly, avoiding a gasping sound of arousal. I can't fool myself though... my dick feels firm and really good in my pants.

Looking me in the eyes, Danny has his usual expression of excitement, excitement about what... about life? I don't know. He's never ever bored apparently. Uninhibited as usual, he puts his hands on my shoulders and squeezes while murmuring, "Dylan baby, I've missed you. How you been?" Jesus, I just told him not to call me that! I do a goofy grin anyway, muttering, "I'm good," and look over to see Rob talking with Carl and the other guy. Looking back at Danny I get captivated by his dark blue eyes as he's saying, "I knew you'd fall in love with the haircut I did for you. If only you'd trust me more and agreed with me that you'd even look better with the normal flattop I did for Carl, you'd be liking it that much more. Next time, okay?" l go, "Um, what about next time?" and he pulls me against him lifting me off the ground this time as I go, "Fuck, Danny! Put me down... Jesus!"

He drops my feet on the ground doing his little laugh and then puts his arm across my shoulders getting both of us walking toward the ballpark entrance. Goddammit, my dick is rock hard. I'm casually trying to push it to the side with a hand in my pocket. Meanwhile, Danny has me walking toward the ballpark entrance. Robby and the other two guys have just walked inside.

Wait! What am I doing? I stop abruptly, and say, "Oh, I'm not playing ball, Danny. I'm meeting a friend at the Quad," and I point in the direction of the Quad as if Danny doesn't know where it is. He goes, "Oh, who's your friend?" and he tightens his hold across my shoulders pulling me against him. He has that captivating smile and he seems happy as a puppy-dog. He's like the friendliest person you ever want to meet. No wonder he knows almost everybody. He just starts talking to anyone, and with his good looks and friendly face, they talk to him.

I glance over at the entrance gate again because we're just standing here now and it's awkward the way he has me against his side. Shrugging my shoulders and slipping out from under his arm, I go, "Um, my friend is Connor Neary. You met Connor freshman year." He goes, "Sorry, babe, I never heard of him, but c'mon and play a little ball with us. Meet that guy, Connor, later. We're only doing this for an hour or so and then I'll hang out with you and your friend afterward."

He's wearing his baseball cap back on his head with his hair hanging down on his forehead almost in his eyes. Yeah, he didn't want a haircut after he did my haircut, although he needed one. After a fake cough, I mutter, "Don't you have classes today?" Grinning, he reaches over to touch my hair but I pull my head back as he mumbles, "Fuck class. I only have the two o'clock class and I may not even go to that one. She doesn't take attendance." Chuckling, like it's a game, he reaches over again to touch my hair. I do an exasperated exhale and let him run the back of his fingers up the front of my flattop haircut as I mutter, "Well, I told the Connor I'd meet him and that's what I'm gonna do." Danny's eyes are so bright and shiny! He says, "Like I said, meet him later. Text him or something," and I look at my watch, adding, "No, I'm meeting him in a couple of minutes. I'll hook up with you guys after that."

Danny's hand is on the back of my neck now squeezing as he shrugs and says, "I've missed you, ya know?" I make a face, muttering "Ha, I'll bet," and then he squeezes the back of my neck again and I'm like, "Stop it, Danny." He goes, "Stop what?" I don't want to get into a discussion with him because he's pretty good at talking me into doing things, so I go, "Forget I said that," and then I ask, "Um, when am I gonna get to do your haircut? I'm sort of looking forward to doing that."

Even with his baseball cap on I can see his hair has grown over the tops of his ears and, as I said, it's almost in his eyes. Taking off his hat Danny runs his fingers through his hair, saying, "Yeah, um, but I've been sorta thinking I'm just gonna let my hair grow. Ya know?" Uber disappointed, I shrug, "Yeah, whatever! Well, I gotta go," and he laughs out loud hugging me again, saying, "I'm just breaking your balls, baby. Of course, I need a haircut and I wouldn't let anyone do it but you."

With Rob inside, I find myself again relaxing against Danny during this latest hug. He notices I guess because he does an extra squeeze, chuckling and then saying, "You've been missing me too, huh?" Oh God, my dick couldn't get any harder... could it? Well, who in the hell wouldn't get a little aroused after the sex I've been having with Danny. I mumble, "Sure, I've missed you. What's it been... two days since I saw you last?" He goes, "Two loooong days, yeah." I go, "Hey, seriously... I gotta go." He ignores that, saying, "Let's see. Tomorrow I've got like eight guys coming to my dorm for haircuts. Specks will be heading out tonight to spend the weekend at home, which is wicked convenient for me! He's a good dude but he won't let me give him a haircut," I go, "He doesn't need one. When I gave you guys a ride a couple of days ago he looked like he just had a haircut." Ignoring that, Danny goes, "I'll do it for him Sunday night maybe."

I go, "You don't listen, do you?" Danny laughs and squeezes the back of my neck again, saying, "I can't keep my hands off you, Dylan. You're so fucking cute." Shivers go down my back as I push him away, muttering, "Yeah, thanks... but don't be so obvious with your touching, okay?" Looking around, I add, "Not here anyway," and I can't help but grin so he'll know I don't really mind his touching. He goes, "Yeah, okay. Fuck though, I can't help it that you turn me on, baby!" I do a dumb snicker, muttering, "Right back at you, but not here."

With his hand only resting lightly on my shoulder now, he thinks for a second and then goes, "Um, so maybe after I do the guy's haircuts tomorrow, that's when you can give me a haircut although, nah... I probably won't feel like it then." I'm exasperated and again disappointed I can't do his haircut as I say, "Whatever, Danny, I gotta go!" and he's like, "Oh, yeah. Just so you know, I studied up on preppy haircuts so I know what I'm gonna do for Rob's haircut." Nodding my head, I'm looking at my watch again. Danny doesn't pay any attention to that so I'm like, "Um, the guys are waiting for you inside..."

Ignoring that as well, he brightens up even more and goes, "Oh, and dude, your little buddy, Pony, is one of the guys who asked me to do a flattop for him tomorrow. Didn't I tell you when guys saw your haircut they'd want one like it?" I say, "Um, I guess. Oh, did I mentioned that Rob is gonna be back home doing something work-related tomorrow... meetings or..." Danny goes, "No, shit? I guess he'll want me to do his haircut today then." He's muttering to himself now, "Well damn... Saturday was the only day Golden did haircuts last year, but screw it, for Rob, I'll make an exception." I'm pulling away from him finally, while saying, "Um, yeah, I'm sure Rob will want to look sharp for work. I gotta go now though. I'll probably be down here before you guys finish playing, um, practicing or whatever. We'll talk about, um, what we're going to do later..." and I keep inching away taking little steps backward. He goes, "Yeah, sure, okay. See you in a little while, Dylan." I nod and turn around to jog back to the pickup. Well, at least he didn't call me 'baby' this time.

Oh man, sometimes I act like a teenage girl in heat around Danny. I wasn't expecting to feel that much, um, arousal. It should have occurred to me that I might have that kind of reaction around him considering the hot sex we've been having since coming back to college. I need to be more aware of the situation realizing now that I'm prone to having some extreme 'hots' for someone special like him. It's like my early days of uber heat for Ryan Wilcox. Almost the same thing all over again. Funny thing is, I don't want to do anything about it except try being a little more casual. Keep it under control a little, be cooler around him. Experience tells me this infatuation I have for him will fade with time. It always has in the past with various guys so I should enjoy it to the fullest while it lasts.

In the pickup, I get my mind off Danny. I mean, with all the great sex Robby and I have been having it's strange that Danny has the effect on me that he does. It's probably lucky Danny's and my class schedules prevent a lot of interaction during the week and that Danny's at baseball practice every afternoon. I only saw him and his roommate Tuesday by accident and that's been it for this week. That Sunday with Danny though, that isn't something I can just write-off as normal buddy sex because it was more than that somehow. Danny made it more than the normal run-of-the-mill buddy sex. Wow, Sunday was really, um, really something...

Anyway, I need to get that off my mind and concentrate on my driving. That's especially true because it's Friday and there's more activity on campus. Yeah, Rob and I aren't the only students arranging our course schedule to allow for three-day weekends. On Fridays, there are more cars moving on campus as well as walking students who appear to be in a fog. That proves to be so true when I need to wait at a campus intersection for a gaggle of girls with bicycles who are, for some reason, walking their bikes across in front of me. Some of the girls are looking right at me and doing things that I guess could be considered flirting. I nod my head and smile back at them. Smiling works in almost any situation imaginable.

I'm a couple of minutes late meeting Connor as I park near the Quad. Getting out of the pickup I light a smoke and try to think what, if anything, I should say to Connor. It's gonna be almost impossible though because Connor indicated Stosh will be with him. Balls! that horrid, Stosh.

Maybe my earlier conclusion is the best idea, which is I shouldn't be butting into his personal life in the first place. It's Connor's choice to stay with that guy and, actually, it's none of my business. Yeah, but that's horseshit. Didn't I intercede a few years back when Willie went completely off the rails acting as that sick fuck's 'slave' on a leash at the Wildwood boardwalk? Willie turned himself around after I saved his ass and he's been pretty good since then. I mean pretty normal by Willie's standards, so my intervention was worthwhile and although Willie and I haven't spoken of it since... I know in my heart he appreciates me rescuing him.

As soon as I walk out of the parking lot I spot Connor sitting on the steps with his backpack on his lap. Looking all around him, I'm checking but happily not seeing Stosh in the vicinity. Omigod, that's fabulous! I don't see the asshole 'cause he didn't come. That's beyond awesome! Okay, I feel better. Connor wasn't hard to spot with that ridiculous skinhead haircut that Stosh insist giving him weekly. And those dumb-ass Army eyeglasses too. Christ!

Walking slowly I'm getting more and more pissed-off at what I perceive as Stosh's bad influence. I mean even Connor's clothes are all wrong; wrong for a college campus but then he doesn't think about shit like that. Fuck, he wore the same two outfits all through high school. The only two outfits he owned!

And I know Goddamn well he's wearing clothes like Stosh wears because he told me Stosh shops for his clothes or some such nonsense. Everything Connor's wearing is generic bland. There's a way to dress 'down' and look kinda sloppy but cool too. Stosh must shop at Kmart for their clothes. Oh fuck, I don't even know why I think that. I've never even been in a Kmart store. Am I being a snob?

Flicking my cigarette butt, it goes up in the air and bounces off my leg. Goddamit! I kick it and then step on it muttering under my breath. Damn, I need to get in a positive frame of mind! I put a smile on my face as I pop two spearmint Chicklets in my mouth and, five feet from him, I'm like, "Yo, Connor! Wassup, boy?" He lifts his head and what the...? There's a butterfly adhesive strip next to his black swollen eye?

to be continued...

Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com donnymumford@outlook.com


Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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