End of Innocence

By Mirage and Rowan Taranthia

Published on Aug 6, 2000


Disclaimer : We have nothing against Nsync, Ryan Philleppe, Reese Witherspoon, Britney Spears (Well..Rowan does, Mirage doesn't), or Christina Aguilera. Neither do we know anything about their sexual orientation. It's their business, not ours, even if it is damn fun to write about. :)

Hello! Hello! Mirage and Rowan here. We hope that you enjoy these next two chapters :) Don't forget to e-mail us with your comments, questions, or hateful letters : yougottaloveus@loveable.com and don't forget to read "One More Try" by Corrado and "Deceiving Secrets" by Jay

phew Okay, on with the show!

End Of Innocence Written By : Mirage and Rowan

Chapter 2

Joey stood over the big pot of spaghetti as Lance poured them two glasses of red wine. He handed one to his love and hopped up onto the counter. "Better get down before everyone gets home. You know how much Reese hates it when you sit on the counter," Joey snickered. Lance took a sip of his wine.

"Yeah but do you see Reese around anywhere?"

"Point taken," Joey chuckled and kissed Lance. "Where are Chris and JC?" he asked. Lance shrugged.

"I think they're still upstairs. JC was pretty pissed last night." Joey sighed.

"Another fight. Those two...need counseling or something." Lance chuckled as he took another sip. The sound of the door opening and plastic rustling cause Lance to hop off the counter and lean against it inconspicuously.

"Puh-lease," Reese rolled her eyes, "We all know you just got down," she said coming into the kitchen with Ryan and Justin behind her.

"You can't prove anything," Lance grinned behind his glass.

"Oh, I can't, huh? Joseph?" Reese inquired, "Was your boy up on the counter?"

"Nooo. My boy, James, knows better but Lance was." Ryan chuckled as Lance pouted at Joey.

"You're sleeping on the couch tonight." Joey sighed.

"Me and my big mouth."

"Yeah, but Lance likes your big mouth," Justin remarked as they all burst into giggles watching Lance turn three shades of red.

"Hey, didn't you leave here with Cesar, Britney, and Christina too?" Lance asked trying to change the subject.

"Oh dear God, did they finally kill each other?" Joey gasped.

"Very funny, smart ass," Britney snapped walking into the kitchen and sitting on top of the counter.

"Wait? Why does SHE get to sit on the counter and I can't?" Lance asked.

"Because she's sleeping with the lawmaker." Reese slipped a protective arm around Britney's waist. Lance sighed dramatically as Cesar and Christina joined everyone else.

"Where are Chris and JC?" Christina asked, hopping up next to Britney. Lance sighed again and drained his glass.

"Right here," JC shouted as he and Chris walked in, arm in arm.

"Good. Everything is good. Now every one, out of my kitchen!" Joey ordered. A collective sigh came from the crowd as they dispersed from the room. Lance was following behind but Joey grabbed his arm. "Except for my little kitchen wench." He handed Lance his empty glass.

"All I'm good for around here is to refill your wine glass. I feel like I'm being taken advantage of."

"You're better for much more than refilling my wine glass," Joey growled as the buzzer on the stove went off.


From outside, snow fell in neat layers as it blanketed the outside world. The house full of love and good-natured fun seemed to stand out in it's brilliance among the white atmosphere. Laughter echoed through the halls and happy banter warmed everyone's heart. A fire crackled in the fire place bringing a feeling of contentment and happiness.

Britney sat on the corner of the couch, running her fingers through Reese's short blonde hair as she lay in Britney's lap. Christina was softly rubbing Reese's swollen feet. All three smiled, knowing they're little family would be growing soon. Reese laid a hand on her stomach as a small tear slid down her cheek. They were all silent but understood.

Chris lazily lay on the opposite couch. JC lay on top of him, in a deep sleep. Chris kissed the top of his head and slowly picked him up. "Good night," he whispered to the rest of the room. They nodded their good-night as he carried his sleeping beauty up the stairs and to their bedroom. Lance and Joey soon followed behind, Lance lay his sleepy head against his lover's shoulder. They kissed the three girls and said good-night to the remaining three men.

Cesar drank from his wineglass and was in awe at the love that illuminated from the two remaining couples. He smiled sadly. He wanted that more than anything in the world. 'You're time will come,' he thought to himself. He watched Justin read, his glasses perched on his nose. Ryan was cuddled in his arms. He had a far-off look in his eye. So content.

Christina saw the sadness in Cesar's eyes. She alone knew the secret he had confided in her at the mall just hours before. 'Don't worry, Cesar,' she thought, 'You'll find someone. I promise.' Cesar looked up at Christina and smiled. His eyes fell to his cousin who was sleeping, her mouth open and a little drool dangled from her lips. He giggled softly. Christina followed his gaze and smiled lovingly at her partner.

"Psst, Britty," She looked up from the magazine she was reading. Christina pointed to Reese. Britney smiled and nodded. The two slid out from underneath Reese and picked her up.

"Good-night boys," they whispered.

"Good-night girls," was their reply. Cesar tipped his glass back and swallowed the rest of his drink.

"I'm heading off too," he whispered.

"Night Cesar."

"Goodnight." Ryan and Justin watched Cesar saunter up the stairs. A yawn escaped Ryan's lips.

"Tired, Angel?" Justin asked with a grin. Ryan nodded.

"Let's go to bed, Juju." They rose from the large chair they had been sharing and turned off all the lights. Ryan distinguished the fire and turned down the heat. Their hands found each other and interlaced their fingers. Justin laid his head on Ryan's shoulder as they graced the stairs for the last time that night.

"I love you, Angel," he whispered.

"I love you too, Juju."


The light filtered through the window and slowly stirred the young dark haired man in bed, awake. He rolled over and took his large velvet and satin blanket, and covered his head. "Go away, sun." He muttered.

"It can't." Said a female voice Cesar recognized only too well.

"What the hell are you doing here this early? It's what? Six in the morning?" He rolled over and sat up, glancing at the blonde.

"Britney decided that you were to come with us to the studio. We've got to sign some labels, and, well, we figured it'd be best for you to come." Cesar raised an eyebrow at Christina.

"Tina, you know damn good and well that Britney would care less." Cesar said standing up out of his bed and glancing at the closet, he was tired, and he was sore.

"Okay," Christina amended and grinned at her friend. "I figured it'd be best to go. Who knows, you might meet a cute guy." Her eyes twinkled at Cesar's blush.

"Tina," Cesar whined as he entered his long walk-in closet.

"Yes, dear?" She said getting up and walking to the entrance to the closet. He looked up at her and walked over.

"Thanks, for being there for me, sis." He said kissing her cheek.

"I'm not you sister." She said blushing. He grinned at her and picked up a shirt.

"In my eyes you are." He said softly, looking her in the eyes. She blushed and walked over to the younger man and hugged him close to her.

"Thanks, in my eyes you're my brother. I love you, Cesar. You were there for me, just as I'm there for you." Cesar nodded and let a tear escape from his eye.

"How's this?" He asked, holding up a darker pair of khakis then the day before, and a black shirt that said, "Can't sleep, clowns will eat me."

Christina chuckled and nodded.

"It's you." She said nodding. Cesar beamed and ushered her out of the way.

"Give me a little bit and I'll be downstairs. I'm just going to take a quick shower." He said as he entered the bathroom that he shared with Lance and Joey. He dropped his clothes on the back part of the toilet and then entered his bedroom again to see Christina sitting on his bed, staring at the wall.

"Tina?" He said softly, just loud enough for her to hear. She blinked and glanced up at him.

"Yeah, Hon?" Christina asked, her eyes a little teary. Cesar started to unbutton his pajama top.

"Worried about the baby?" He asked softly. Christina nodded. Cesar forgot about the buttons and gathered her in his arms.

"It'll be all right, Babe." He said hugging her and letting his stroke her hair.

"Reese does that." She said softly, backing away and staring at Cesar. He looked at her, confused.

"Does what?" He asked, eyebrow raising in question.

"Stroke my hair like that." She said softly, looking down at her hands.

"It's a family thing." He said smiling softly. She nodded and hugged him.

"It was just...disturbing a moment." She said glancing at the window and then back at Cesar.

"Take care, bro. We'll see you downstairs, right?" He nodded and finished unbuttoning his shirt. She kissed his cheek and bounded out of the room, shutting the door along the way.

Cesar hummed to himself as he undressed and left his clothes in his hamper in his bedroom. He then took the clothes he planned to wear that day and placed it on his bed. All the while, the water was getting warm in the shower. Once the water was satisfactory, he entered the shower stall and started to wash his hair.


"Reese?" Britney called from the bedroom. "You busy in there?" Britney gathered her headset and placed the headphones around her head and let them rest on her ears.

"Yeah," Reese called back, "I'm taking a bath. You're welcome to join me." Britney sighed and shook her head.

"I can't, kitten." Britney said loud enough for Reese to hear. "I need to get a quick shower, we have to be out of here in twenty minutes."

"Go use one of the other showers." Reese called back. "I love you, Brit."

"I love you too, Reese. I'll be back around four, okay baby?" Britney picked up her clothes and started for Justin's room.

Once she reached the door, she started to hear moaning coming from the room. She let out a loud groan and started for Lance's room. 'He's usually up at this hour.' She thought to herself, 'He'll let me use their bathroom.'

She reached Joey and Lance's bedroom and knocked at the door. At Lance's muffled "Come in." She opened the door and smiled. Lance and Joey were cuddling on the bed. Joey's head was resting on Lance's chest and was sound asleep. Lance was just laying there reading a business book. His glasses rested on his nose as he looked up and made eye contact with Britney.

"I just came to see if I could use your shower, do you mind?" Lance shook his head and gestured toward the bathroom. Britney smiled a 'Thanks' and entered the bathroom. She turned on Papa Roach in her walk-man. She turned the volume up full blast and lip-synched the words.

She stripped naked and glanced in the mirror. Smiling at what she saw, she placed her clothes on the counter and opened the shower curtain. The scream that came from her throat was heard all over the house.


"What are you doing here?!" Britney demanded, her eyes were daggers as they stared at Cesar's naked form, all soaped up and under the shower. His hands were around his groin and it was apparent that he was just starting to wash there.

"I'm taking a shower," He turned his head and looked at her naked form. He let out a scream of his own. "You're fucking naked!" He shouted.

"I'm naked?" She screamed back. "Look at you!"

"Yeah, well," he said shaking his head. "I'm taking a shower. You don't exactly take showers with clothes on." He snapped as he shut the curtain. She just stood there, staring at the shut curtain and at the picture that was burned into her mind.

"Ew." She shuddered to herself. "This is a moment that is going to haunt me forever." Forgetting she was naked, she walked out of the bathroom, through Lance's room, and then back into her own.

Christina was sitting at the vanity brushing her hair and Reese was lying in bed with a hand on her stomach. Both girls stopped what they were doing and looked at Britney as she entered the bedroom naked as the day she was born.

"What was that scream?" Christina asked, as she resumed brushing her hair.

"My guess is she saw Both Ryan and Justin having sex, or," She glanced at Britney's naked form. "She saw Cesar in the shower." Britney's mouth was open as she sat down and stared at her feet.

"I am NEVER using another bathroom other then this one again." She said forcefully.

"The latter." Christina said smiling a wide smile. She walked over and kissed Britney full on the lips. "Don't worry, babe." She said grinning as she teased Britney, "I bet Cesar's just as scarred as you."

"C'mon, Hon." Reese said hugging Britney. "Go get dressed, you two have some paperwork to sign. And you leave in..15 minutes." Reese said glancing at the clock. Britney nodded and entered her own bathroom to take a shower.


JC opened his eyes to the sun pouring through the window and a scream coming from Lance and Joey's room. He got up and pulled a robe over his body and walked across the hallway. Britney walked passed naked, muttering something under her breath. JC shrugged and walked back into the room.

Chris was still sleeping. JC smiled and kissed his forehead before peering out the window. The smile grew when he saw the white wonderland that was outside. He ran out of the room and into Justin and Ryan's. The two stopped kissing.

"Yes?" Justin asked, slightly miffed that his make out session was interrupted.

"Have you looked outside?" JC asked, jumping from one foot to the other.

"No, why?"

"There's like, four feet of snow outside!" The grin on JC's face was soon mirrored on Justin's. He climbed over Ryan, getting tangled in the sheets and fell flat on his face with a thud. He threw the sheets from his feet and ran to the window.

"It snowed!" He yelled. Ryan chuckled. The two ran from the room and into Lance's and Joey's.

"It snowed!" they shouted together. Joey stirred next to lance.


"It snowed, sweetie," Lance laughed. Joey jumped out of the bed and ran to the window.

"It snowed!" he joined Justin and JC as they pranced around the room like children Christmas morning. They ran from the room and down the stairs. In a fury, they pulled on coats, gloves, and hats.

Justin fumbled with the lock, as his hands were puffy from the insulated mittens. He tore one off and flung open the door. They all stared in awe at the scenery.

"CLOSE THE DAMN DOOR!" Lance shouted.

"Sorry James!" Joey yelled and closed it behind them.

"Heads up!" JC laughed as he threw a snowball at Justin's unsuspecting head.

"Hey!" he yelled before joining in on the fight. Joey snuck up behind JC and poured snow down his back. JC screamed as the cold came in contact with his hot flesh.

"Oh, you are so dead old man!" JC growled.

"Old? Who you callin' old? You're older than me!" Joey protested. JC just smiled at him. "Why are yo-AHH!" Joey yelled as Justin took his hurling to the ground. The youth sat on his back as JC shoved Joey's face into the snow. He sputtered and spit out the cold.

"You're both DEAD!" He threw Justin off of him and threw loose snow at them. While they were busy packing snow, Joey ran into the house and locked the door. He giggled and ran up the stairs and into his and Lance's room. Lance's eyes got big as he saw Joey standing there, breathing heavily with snow melting from his clothing.

"Reese is gonna shoot you," he laughed.


Cesar sat in the backseat and whined. He threatened repeatedly to call the pest control on Britney if they didn't reach their destination soon.

"That's it." He said picking up his cell phone and dialing Animal Control. "I can't take it anymore. That Austrian hissing cockroach has to go."

"Please," Britney said shaking her head. "You'd be better off calling about your crabs."

"Hello? Animal control?" Cesar said when someone answered. "I've got a rabid, hissing cockroach in my car. Yes ma'am," He said seriously, "I do believe it's foaming at the mouth."

"Oh lord," Britney said shaking her head. "Cockroaches don't foam at the mouth."

"You see!" Cesar said into the phone, "Don't you hear that awful screeching sound?"

Britney gave up and sat back in her seat, Christina had a smile on her face as she watched the two bicker and argue like little kids.

"Yes, ma'am." Cesar said nodding. "I'm sure it's not a dog. Hold on, let me lift up the tail to see what its sex is. Don't worry ma'am. I'm sure it won't bite me." He reached for Britney and she growled deep in her throat. "Ma'am, it's a bitch." He listened a few more moments before they pulled into the parking lot. "Ma'am? I do believe it's gone now. Thank you, I understand. Uh huh."

"You did not just call Animal Control." Christina said grabbing Cesar's phone. Cesar smiled and pushed the 'history button' as they started to walk inside the building. Sure enough, Animal Control was on there as the last call. "You just called animal control." Christina said flatly.

Cesar grinned as he looked down and started to get his phone in the case. He wasn't watching where he was going for he collided into what felt like a brick wall.

"Ouch." He said rubbing his head. The wall let out a groan before standing up. Then a hand was shoved into Cesar's face.

Cesar grabbed the hand and stood up. He immediately looked into the clearest set of blue eyes as he apologized. "It's my fault." Cesar said softly blushing lightly. Christina looked from man to man and grinned at how right she was in bringing him here. She knew that this particular boy-band member was gay. And she also knew that he'd be the perfect thing to help Cesar cope.

"No," said the shorter blond, "It was my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going." The young man had a deep voice. Cesar smiled and shook his head.

"Neither was I, so we're both at fault, eh?" Cesar smiled and started to walk toward Christina and Britney.

"My name's Brian." The other man called out as Cesar left. Cesar turned around and smiled.

"I'm Cesar." Brian nodded and smiled as he had a name for the man that had collided into him.

"Cesar." Brian tested it on his tongue. It was like a drop of honey. He watched as Cesar and Britney bickered back and forth, and how comfortable his old friend, Christina was with Cesar. "Cesar." He said again. It sounded...right.


"Ugh." Britney said signing the last of the papers. "I knew I could do it!"

"It's amazing." Cesar said playfully, "The old dog CAN spell her own name. Better call the circus, 'Look! It's Jojo the Amazing! Watch as she spells her own name with a pen on paper!" Britney rolled her eyes and Christina just laughed.

"You know, you didn't have to come." Christina said grinning, knowing full well that Cesar was far from regretting his encounter with Brian. Christina picked up Britney's stack and started for the management office. Cesar followed close behind, and once they were alone, and kissed Christina's cheek and started to blab about how cute Brian was. "Well, why don't you invite him to dinner one night?" Christina asked, knowing that Cesar would.

"How? Just walk up to him and say, 'Hey? Remember me? The Italian that walked into you? Well, I'd like to invite you to dinner sometime.' Yeah, right." He rolled his eyes.

"Just like that." She hit the elevator button and grinned as the doors opened and Brian was leaning against the back corner. "Now's your chance." She whispered. She nudged Cesar forward and followed close behind.

She watched as Brian took in the full sight of Cesar and she smiled when she saw Brian's eyes light up.

"Hi." They said at the same time, causing each of them to giggle nervously. She couldn't help but smile broadly.

After a few minutes of silence, Christina pushed the button for their floor and nudged Cesar. Cesar looked at his feet and then at Brian.

"So," he started, "What floor are you getting off at?" Cesar asked, nervous as all hell. Christina shook her head and put an arm over Cesar's shoulder. Lending him her strength.

"Four." Brian said blushing. Cesar nodded and then glanced at Christina. None of them, save Christina, noticed that the floor that she and Cesar had just gotten on the elevator was floor four.

"Look," Cesar said gathering courage for himself. "Would you like to eat dinner over our house on Friday?"

Brian's eyes lit up brighter then they've been in the years that he had known Christina. Brian smiled and nodded enthusiastically.

"Yeah!" Brian said excitedly. Then he calmed down and blushed. "I mean, sure. I'd love to."

"Then it's a date." Christina said, knowing full well that's what they wanted. Brian glanced at Cesar who in turn glanced at Christina.

"A date?" they both gulped, not wanting the other to know what they were feeling.

"Yeah, a date. You two would make the cutest couple!" She said excitedly. Brian looked down at his feet sheepishly and Cesar blushed red. Christina smiled and shook her head. But she smiled even wider as the two moved away from her to exchange phone numbers. 'Ahh,' she said softly, 'the beginning of a perfect relationship.'


Ryan yawned and stumbled down the stairs. After Justin had run out into the snow, he had fallen back to sleep. He poured himself a mug of coffee and sat down at the empty table that sat in the kitchen for just such an occasion. He was about to start reading yesterday's paper when the sound of pounding filled the room. Confused, he shuffled to the door and opened it. Justin and JC rushed past him and into the warm house.

"Juju? JC? What were you doing outside?" he cocked his head.

"J-j-joe-o-oey l-l-loc-locked u-u-us o--o-out of the h-ou-house," Justin stuttered as he stripped out of the frozen garments. Ryan frowned.

"Remind me to have a talk with him. Nearly killing my Juju." Justin smiled at his sentiment.

"Th-Thanks An-ang-Angel."

"Go put your stuff in the laundry room. I'll make some cocoa." The two nodded. Neither wanted to speak for fear of their teeth chattering into little pieces. Ryan chuckled and wandered into the kitchen. He put a pot of water on the stove and picked his coffee cup back up. Justin and JC came tumbling back into the room, red eyed, and sniffling.

"Is the heat up?" Justin asked, hugging his shoulders. Ryan took pity on them.

"Go up to bed guys. I'll bring you your cocoa."

"Thanks Angel."

"Yeah, thanks Ry."

"No prob. Now shoo." Ryan laughed as he prepared the cocoa. He put it on a tray along with some warmed up bagels. As he walked up the stairs, Joey came whistling down.

"Hey Ryan," he greeted.

"You know, you might've given my boyfriend pneumonia."

"Ask him why I locked 'em out. I think you'll take my side." Ryan just shook his head and continued up the stairs. He found JC wrapped up in bed where Chris was fussing over him, trying to get him warm. He gave the food and drink to Chris.

"After that, if he's a bit warmer, just plop him in the bath tub. It should help." Chris nodded and continued to scatter around trying to find blankets.

"Hey Juju," Ryan cooed, sitting next to the bed. Justin was wrapped up in the blankets, softly shivering.

"I'm so cold," he pouted.

"Stand up sweetie." Justin did as he was told. Ryan undressed the both of them until they were both naked. He sat down on the bed, wrapped the blankets around his shoulders, and pulled Justin into his lap. "Just lean against me, Juju." He wrapped the blanket around Justin.

"I love you, Angel," Justin yawned.

"I love you too," he peered down at Justin and found him dead asleep on his shoulder. Ryan smiled and laid them down, still not releasing his grasp on his love.


The house residents yet again occupied the living room that night. Justin and Ryan were still cooped up in their room. Ryan was getting worried than Justin may have caught a cold. JC on the other hand was feeling better and was wrapped in a blanket in Chris's arms on the couch again. He yawned and snuggled into the crook of his neck.

Christina was sitting in a chair near the fire reading 'The Perks of Being A Wallflower.' A pair of glasses were perched on her nose. She wouldn't admit it, but she rather liked the way she looked in them. Britney was soaking in the bathtub trying to get the sight of Cesar's naked body out of her mind. Reese was asleep. She had been having stomach pains the past few days and wanted to rest. Worry lines were clear on Christina's forehead. She hoped nothing was wrong with the pregnancy. The mere thought brought a tear to her eye.

Joey and Lance were lying on the couch in a deep conversation. Lance had scolded Joey for locking Justin and JC out of the house. He managed to get an 'I'm sorry' out of him. Joey held Lance and lazily stroked his shoulder. Lance had a sappy smile on his face, his hand on Joey's chest. Joey kissed Lance's forehead.

Cesar sat in a chair opposite Christina in front of the fireplace. A copy of 'Soul of the Fire' by Terry Goodkind lay in his lap. A small smile was on his lips as he remembered meeting Brian that afternoon. He sighed contentedly to himself and grinned.

The phone ringing brought everyone back to reality. Christina got up and picked it up.

"Hi, Hanks Hunk House, what Hunk can Hank send to your house, today?" Everyone laughed at her joke. Christina listened as the person on the line chuckled.

"Hi, Chrissy. It's Brian. Can I talk to Cesar?" Christina beamed.

"You wanna talk to Cesar, huh, Brian. Well. I'd like to ask you. What exactly are your intentions with him?" She heard Cesar groan and curse.

"Intentions? Gee, Chrissy, I just wanted to know if he wanted to go make out in the tree house," Brian said. Christina laughed.

"And now where exactly IS this tree house?"


"All right. All right. I'll get Cesar." she covered the mouthpiece. "Hey Ces, Bri Bri is on the phone for you." Cesar grinned and snatched the phone from her grasp. She watched as the red in his cheeks increased. She giggled and went back to the fireplace while Cesar disappeared into his room.


"Hey," Cesar said with a blush in his cheeks. "How're you? What's up?"

"Nothing much," Brian responded. "I was just reading a book and then thought I should call you."

"Really?" Cesar asked, surprised that Brian read. "What book was that?"

"Terry Goodkind's 'Wizard's First Rule.'" Cesar just about fainted right there.

"You read Terry Goodkind?" Cesar asked with a shit-eating grin on his face.

"Yeah, he's a great author." Brian replied slowly. "Why? Do you?"

Cesar laughed. "Do I? I know everything about all of his books!"

"You do?" Brian asked with a grin of his own. "I've read Wizard's First Rule like, seven or eight times already. I really want to get the other book, but I haven't had much time to get to a bookstore."

"Well, come over around ten in the morning on Friday and we'll run to a bookstore, then the grocery store, grab everything we need and then get home and I can put dinner together."

Brian chuckled. "All right." He said softly. "It's a date then."

Cesar smiled as he felt warm. "Yeah, it's a date."

"So, what did you think of when my old friend, Reese, said that we made a cute couple?" Brian asked timidly through the phone. Cesar frowned lightly and looked at his feet.

"I thought that she might have been right." Cesar said, the blush still on his face.

"I thought the same thing." Brian said softly. They were both silent for a good ten minutes before Cesar stood and entered his closet. The phone still to his ear.

"What are you doing?" Brian asked, evil thoughts were on his mind.

"Getting my pajamas and the clothes I'm gonna wear for tomorrow out." Cesar replied as he turned on the light and grabbed his hung pajamas.

"You wear pajamas?" Brian asked incredulously.

Cesar nodded and forgetting Brian couldn't see him, laughed. "Yeah," Cesar said with the grin on his face, "I do."

"I'll have to break you of that." Brian's voice was soft and playful. Cesar smiled as he started to take off his shirt. "Hold on a minute." He said quickly and placed his phone on the bed. He quickly took off the shirt and picked up the phone again. "Sorry." He said breathlessly.

"What'd you do?" Brian asked, the playful tone was a little more erotic.

"I took off my shirt." Cesar said grinning. "And I'm getting ready to take off my pants so I can put on my pajamas. Then, when I get off the phone with you, I'm gonna take a bath and relax."

Brian's laughed filtered through the phone and into Cesar's ear.

"You don't have to get off the phone with me when you take a bath." Brian said, getting a mischievous idea. "In fact, I'll take one too."

Cesar heard water start to run and hit a bathtub. He chuckled softly to himself as he heard a belt buckle start to loosen, faintly.

"All right," Cesar said grinning. "I get the picture. Hold on, let me start the water." Cesar put down the phone and ran to the bathroom, he quickly started the water and added a bit of bubble foam just for fun. He ran back in the bedroom and lifted the phone to his ear. "Okay." He said happily. "I'm here."

"Welcome back." Brian said just as happily. "My bathtub's filled, how about yours?"

Cesar frowned a second and shrugged. "I donno." He said laughing to himself, I had just turned it on a second ago, give it...another few minutes, and I've got the hot water on rather high so it'll take only a few." Cesar said, repeating himself. He was nervous and giddy for some reason.

"Okay." Brian said, calm and serene. "What's for dinner on Friday?"

Cesar grinned and chuckled.

"I'm not sure, I have to go to the grocery store tomorrow to pick up some stuff, is there anything you like?"

"Anything with cheese!" Brian said quickly.

"Hmm," Cesar said thoughtfully. "I could make baked ziti."

"That sounds good." Brian said laughing.

"No it don't. How about I make lasagna?" Cesar asked, thinking back to the last time that he had made it for the house.

"Do you use a lot of cheese?" Brian asked childishly. Cesar stood up and dropped what he was wearing as he thought about Brian's question.

"I can." Cesar said nodding as he thought about how much of each ingredient he would need. "I'll just pick up an extra two cases of mozzarella." Cesar nodded as he entered the bathroom and turned off the bathtub. He glanced at the clock and noticed that it was twelve midnight.

Cesar stepped lightly in the warm water and then sat down slowly, letting the warm water relax his tight muscles. He let out a little sigh as he was covered from his neck down, his hand still holding the cell phone. "Ahh."

"Sounds like you got in the tub." Brian said grinning. Cesar chuckled and let out a little 'mmhmm' noise. "Give me a second to get in."

Cesar heard water splash around a little and then a much louder sigh as Brian entered the water himself. Cesar absentmindedly stroked the inside of his thigh.

"What'cha doing?" Brian asked sleepily.

"Nothing, yet." Cesar said grinning.

"Yet? So something might end up going on?" Brian asked innocently, knowing full well what was to happen. Cesar blushed as he grabbed himself.

"Shush you." Cesar said giggling. Cesar straightened himself up and let out a little yawn. "So tell me, what's up?"

"Other than me?" Brian chuckled. "Nothing much. What're you doing?" Brian asked, referring to Cesar's short answers.

"What do you think?" Cesar asked as he began to stroke himself.

"Mmm, having fun, I bet." Brian said as he, too, began to stroke himself.

Cesar grew to his full mast and started to really going at it, Brian could hear Cesar's soft grunts and deep groans. All it did was turn him on more.

"God..." Brian said gasping. "This...is...great."

"You..." Cesar said as he stroked himself even faster. "Said it.

Suddenly Brian let out a loud groan and Cesar could hear the phone jerk with each of Brian's spasms. Brian started to gasp and grunt even louder.

"Oh God," Brian said gasping and groaning with each stroke, "I'm, unh, getting close."

"C'mon," Cesar urged as he pumped faster. "I'm...really close now." Cesar started to gasp as he felt the tingling begin in his prostate.

"Oh...GOD yeah!" Brian screamed as he started to cum, "Oh God, yeah! I'm cumming!"

"Me too!" Cesar screamed as he came.

"Wow." Brian said laughing softly. "That...was great."

Cesar nodded, forgetting Brian couldn't see him. Fatigue swept his thoughts as he stood up and wiped himself off.

"I'm gonna go to bed." Cesar said softly, letting out a yawn. "That took a lot out of me."

Brian chuckled. "Me too." He said softly. "Take care, okay? I'll call sometime tomorrow or today or whatever."

Cesar wrapped a towel around himself and walked into his room, and glanced at the alarm clock.

"It's fucking three in the morning!" Cesar shouted and then remembering the time, blushed. "Sorry. Not used to staying up past eleven." Cesar let out another yawn. Brian laughed to himself and shook his head.

"It's all right." Brian said and yawned again. "Okay, I better go, take care. See ya Friday."

Cesar yawned himself and laughed. "Okay, take care. See ya Friday."

Cesar hit the 'off' button and dropped his phone as he collapsed on the bed. Asleep before his head hit the pillow.


"Hey guys," Christina slid her glasses off her nose. They all looked up at her. "What are you all doing for Thanksgiving?"

"I donno," Joey shrugged.

"I'd kinda like to stay here. I don't feel like leaving," JC yawned. "We move enough as it is." Chris nodded in agreement.

"I agree with JC and Chris," lance voiced.

"Yeah, Britney and I wanna stay here with Reese. She can't fly since she's so far into the pregnancy."

"So, that settles it. We'll have a big Thanksgiving dinner here at the house," Chris grinned. Everyone nodded.

"I'm going to bed, g'night guys."

"Night Chrissy," they all responded. She wandered up the stairs and into the bedroom. Reese was fast asleep. She smiled and knocked lightly on the bathroom door. Not getting a response, she let herself in. She felt her heart melt at the sight. Britney had fallen asleep in the bathtub. The bubbles had long since disappeared; her CD player was still playing. Christina took the headphones off of her and thought she recognized the sound. She put them to her ears...

"...I turn to you...Your my shield from the storm...my will to carry on..."

She smiled and hit 'stop'. She stroked Britney's arm and kissed her forehead.

"Britty?" She just groaned. "Baby," she cooed and lightly shook her. Britney opened up her eyes slowly.

"Chrissy? Is everything okay?" she asked.

"Yeah sweetie," Christina whispered, "you just fell asleep in the tub."

"Oh," Britney blushed.

"Come on, I'll help you up." Christina knew well that Britney was a ball of stumbling when she was woken up. She dried off her lover and helped her to the bed. Christina stripped and snuggled up to her loves.

"I love you," she whispered and kissed both of them before falling asleep.

"Angel?" Justin whispered.


"I don't feel so good."

"Vomit not so good?" Justin nodded in the dark. "Okay, come on Juju." Ryan helped Justin up and carried him to the bathroom. Justin knelt by the toilet and threw up. Ryan rubbed Justin's back. 'Remind me to hurt Joey tomorrow' he thought to himself.

Soon Justin was reduced to dry heaves. Ryan flushed and sat him on the counter. He wet a washcloth and wiped Justin's mouth. He was so limp.

"Brush your teeth, sweetie," Ryan soothed, handing him his toothbrush. Justin did as he was told and slowly brushed each tooth.

"Fanks Angew," he muttered before spitting out the toothpaste. Ryan nodded and rinsed off the toothbrush.

"Ready for bed, now?" Justin nodded. Ryan picked him up and carried him back to bed. They both fell asleep holding each other tightly.

"We're gonna head to bed. Night guys." Lance and Joey climbed the stairs to their bedroom.

"Wanna take a bubble bath?" Joey asked with a light growl. Lance giggled.

"Sure." Joey smiled and skipped to the bathroom with Lance following, chuckling, behind. Joey flipped on the faucet and added the bubbles.

"Don't make it too hot!" Lance warned as he slid off his shirt. Joey snickered.

"How could I forget that my James has delicate skin." Lance rolled his eyes as he unbuckled his belt. He grinned evilly and hopped up onto the counter of the sink.

"Reese can't get on my case here," he beamed. Joey grinned and wrapped his arms around Lance's waist.

"You're so adorable, you know that?" Lance blushed. "Especially when you blush," he whispered kissing him on the lips. Lance smiled and slid his arms around Joey's neck. The two shared a passionate kiss before they noticed the tub was full. They slipped out of the rest of their clothes and into the bath. Both moaned as the hot water soothed their aching muscles.

"I hope Justin is okay," Joey muttered a loud.

"Aw, sweetie. I'm sure he'll be fine."

"I still feel bad," he grumbled. Lance stroked Joey's leg.

"I'm sure he'll be feeling better tomorrow. Don't worry about it too much all right?" Joey sighed.

"I'll try not too. C'mere." Lance grinned and shifted next to him in the tub. Joey wrapped his arms around Lance's shoulders and torso.

"I love you," Lance sighed.

"I love you, too, James."


Chapter 3

"What happened in here?" Christina said to herself as she entered Cesar's room. She chuckled to herself as she saw her lover's cousin face down and naked on his bed. "Must've been an interesting phone call." She said nodding and glanced around the room. It wasn't all that cold, but enough to be chilly to those who were naked. She chuckled as she grabbed an extra comforter from his closet and tossed it over his body.

"Chrissy," Britney said, poking her head in the door, "Leave the old blob for a bit and come down for breakfast."

Christina looked at her lover and then back her Cesar. She smiled and repositioned Cesar before finally allowing herself some breakfast.


"Where's Cesar?" Joey asked, letting out a yawn and settling down at the breakfast table, to await for Reese's eggs and sausage.

"He was up late." Christina said convincingly. "Oh! That reminds me." Christina said, getting everyone's attention. "Tomorrow we're having a guest!" She said enthusiastically. She was happy for Cesar, and she couldn't wait to see what develops.

"Who's coming?" Joey asked quickly as he stood up and started to set the table. Everybody sat there waiting quietly for her to answer.

"Bri Bri." She said carefully, glancing at Britney. The other guys nodded and went back to eating, and Britney smiled. Reese looked at Christina carefully before asking her to join her in the living room.

"Why is he coming here?" Reese asked, raising an eyebrow. Knowing full well that Christina wouldn't tell her in front of the other guys.

"Cesar asked him to come for dinner." Christina said slowly, spacing her words. Reese raised an eyebrow.

"Oh my Gods! Does our little Cesar have a thing for Brian?" Reese asked with a mischievous smile on her face. Slowly, Christina nodded. "Ooh," Reese said grinning. "Don't let Britty find out." Reese said kissing Christina on the cheek. "She'll never let him live this down." Christina nodded and kissed her back.

"I love you, Rez." Christina said softly.

"I love you, too. Tina." Reese replied, hugging Christina close to her. "C'mon, we gotta finish breakfast before they form a rebellion."

Christina laughed and let a hand rest on Reese's belly. She smiled as she thought of the baby that would soon grace their lives.


Cesar let out a groan as he rolled over and came face to face with his alarm clock. He was half-asleep when he saw that the clock read two thirty. When if finally registered in his brain that he overslept, he jumped up and ran into the bathroom to take a quick shower and brush his teeth.

As soon as he was all cleaned and dressed, and a little more awake, he dared to take the stairway down to the living room. He staggered a little as he stepped down the spiraling stairway. The walking around was not helping how he felt this morning.

As soon as he reached the kitchen and saw Reese and Christina playing cards, he looked around for the coffeepot. As soon as he found it, he ran over to it and made a quick cup of coffee. Reese and Christina sat there and played cards with little smiles on their faces.

Cesar took a sip of the black coffee and suddenly spit it all over the wall. It was nasty! It was old and it was strong, and it certainly had him awake now.

"When was that made?" He asked with disgust purely evident on his face.

"Britney decided to try it to make it. It came out rather good, if you like it strong. As for when, it was made at...ten." Christina answered, trying not to bust out into hysterics.

"Britney should stick to looking pretty. She might burn the house down when trying to boil spaghetti." He grumped and plopped in a chair.

"Somebody's grumpy today." Reese sang as she watched Cesar cringe inwardly. "You okay?" She asked rubbing his back. He shook his head and groaned in his arms.

"I didn't get to sleep until three in the morning last night." He said.

Christina couldn't help but laugh there. "Must have been an interesting night on the phone." She said teasing him lightly. She watched as Cesar lifted his head up and blushed slightly as he took as sip of Reese's coffee.

"So?" She asked grinning, "What did you two talk about?"

"Stuff." He said blushing even redder.

"What kind of stuff?" Reese pursued

"Terry Goodkind, and some other stuff." Cesar said wishing he could crawl under a rock and die.

"Well?" Christina asked with a smile on her face. "You can tell us."

Cesar took a sip of coffee and just as he was about to swallow Reese screamed, "You had phone sex?!"

Cesar spit the coffee out all over Christina who just sat there, dumbfounded. And quickly everyone in the house arrived and was asking, "Who with who?"

"Cesar and Brian." Reese said grinning. Cesar just blushed and looked at Christina. She was still soaking wet with coffee, and didn't look like she was moving anytime soon.

Ryan laughed and patted Cesar on the back.

"Always knew you swung to our side." He said with a large smile on his face.

Justin and Joey gave Cesar a hug and grinned at him. Lance patted him on his back. Cesar was blushing even redder before everyone had left them alone. Christina still hadn't moved at all. She just stood there, blinking at Cesar.

Cesar giggled softly and blushed. He apologized as he got up and quickly ran to his room with Christina is pursuit. He shut and locked the door just as she banged against it. He sighed and sat down on the ground on his room when the banging finally stopped.

"You. Dick." Christina said standing in the doorway of his bathroom. Cesar groaned and just sat there as Christina jumped on him. She kept tickling him and making him laugh. He was slightly damp and smelled of coffee when Christina finally let him up. He glared at her as he limped to his room to take another shower.


Lance's head was resting on Joey's arm as the two relaxed by the fire. Cesar was behind them sketching a light portrait of the two. Christina and Reese were on either side of Cesar with their heads on his shoulder watching him sketch. Letting him know if he made the nose too wide or too short. The eyes too almond shaped or not.

"There!" He said as he finished the final part of the ear. But laughed slightly as Lance was asleep but Joey wasn't. He wormed his way out from between the two and handed the sketch to Joey. "What do you think?" He whispered. Joey smiled and gave Cesar the 'thumbs up' sign and then returned to gazing in the fire.

Cesar inched his way over and began another sketch. One of Justin and Ryan as they sat in front of the fire. He sketched slowly and glanced up at the two for a brief second to judge the distances. Just was between Ryan's legs with his back against Ryan's chest. Ryan had his head resting on Justin's shoulder and they both gazed longingly in the fire. 'I can capture that spark,' Cesar thought to himself, 'And this'll be the best yet!'

After about ten minutes of sketching and getting the basic outline of them done, he started to add the details. Christina was next to him gazing back and forth between the two and judging the size of the ear, the nose, and gave Cesar pointers.

"It's done!" He announced at fifteen after ten. He let out a little yawn before prancing over to Justin and showing him the sketch. Justin smiled and nodded. Ryan whispered something so softly in Justin's ear that Cesar couldn't make it out.

"Makes you look like you have a big bulge." Justin said giggling lightly. Cesar started to laugh before remembering Joey was asleep. He ripped off the sheet and handed it to them, with a thank you and a hug from each, they got up, said good night, and went up to their room.

"You're so sweet sometimes." Reese said as she hugged his cousin and snuggled into him as if he was a pillow. He laughed softly and shook his head. Christina said goodnight and told them both she loved them before meeting her lover, Britney, in her bedroom.

"I'm not sweet. I'm really very sour." Cesar said softly, staring at the fire. Reese laughed and snuggled into her cousin a little more.

Reese looked up into Cesar's strong face and sighed. She knew something was bothering him and she hated not knowing what it was. And she hated even more asking because it made her feel like she knew her cousin even less.

"What's wrong?" She finally choked out. He looked down at her and kissed her forehead.

"Nothing, Reese." He said as he put an arm around her and stroked her hair. "I'm just thinking."

"Thinking?" She asked softly, as she buried her head in his stomach and curled up as much as her belly would allow. "About what?"

"My parents." He said softly. Reese looked back into the fire, for what she saw in his eyes tore at her heart.

"I miss them." She said softly. She could feel Cesar nod. "I really do." She whispered as she let a tear fall from her eye.

"I loved them, so much." Cesar said softly. "And when they...were in that car accident." He started but stopped to regain his composure. Joey and Lance stood up and kissed the two on the couch goodnight.

"Cesar," Reese said softly, "It happened so fast, you were seventeen when you came to live with us." She said sighing inwardly. "You weren't allowed to mourn. You are now, but you still don't. Why not?" She asked. She was afraid of the answer she would get. She rolled over a little and looked back into his eyes. He looked down and hugged her as close as he good.

"I'm afraid that if I start to mourn and finally deal with the pain, I'll forget them. I never want to forget them. They were great." He said softly reaching for his sketchbook. Reese rearranged herself to where her heard was on his shoulder so it wouldn't interfere with his sketching. After twenty minutes of only hearing the fire crackle and the pencil Cesar used to sketch with, she finally glanced at what he was sketching.

"Oh my, Cesar." She sucked in a breath. "It's...she looks so beautiful." She took a hand and ran it around the contours of the face that he had just finished sketching. She looked up in his eyes and watched as the tears began to fall. He closed the book and tossed it aside and wept. Wept for his parents, his aunt and his uncle, for the pain that everyone had gone through when his parents were killed, and for most of all, he wept for the pain that his cousin felt at the sight of him crying.


"Shit." Cesar swore as he woke up from his doze. He looked down at Reese as she slept cuddled next time. He moved out of the position he was in and picked her up. Swearing to himself and muttering something about how he was going to throw his back out, he carried her up the stairs.

Once he reached the door to her room, he opened it best he could with the way he was holding her. As soon as the door was open, he was inside and placing her on the far end of the bed leaving Britney in the middle and Christina on the other end. What he saw brought even more tears to his eyes, fore he knew that the child that Reese would bring into this world would be loved and would have tons of parents.

He left the room and closed the door quietly. As he walked past Justin and Ryan's room, he heard some yelling, and as soon as he heard footsteps toward the door, he ran into his room and made his way to bed.


Snow was lightly falling outside the large house. Covering the footprints made that day, leaving them only to the mind's memory. But things weren't so calm in the house.

Chris was awakened by groaning, coming from JC. This wasn't uncommon. Chris just wrapped his arms around JC and cuddled him.

"Oh Howie," JC groaned deep in his throat. Chris' mouth fell open as he pushed JC off the side of the bed. JC's head shot up.

"What the hell?" Chris glared at him. "What?"

"You just moaned out Howie's name!" Chris growled angrily.

"Baby, it was just a dream!"

"You, can go sleep on the couch," Chris threw him his pillow and one of the blankets.

"But Chris," he whined. "It was just a dream! I love you! It was just a fling!" JC protested.

"What?!" he barked. He was thankful that it was dark so JC couldn't see the tears falling down his cheeks.

"Oo-oh fuck," JC whispered.

"Get out," Chris growled. JC picked up the pillow and blanket and exitted the room. He sniffled as he walked down the stair case and into the livingroom. He threw down his load and fell onto the couch.

"I can't believe I fucked up again," he whimpered before falling back to sleep. This time, with only thoughts of Chris.

Lance woke up in the middle of the night. The clock blinked 4: 30. He moaned and got up.

"Where you going?" Joey asked, subconsciously.

"Just to get a drink. Go back to sleep, baby," Lance kissed his forehead and threw on his robe. Joey groaned his response as Lance closed the door softly behind him. He yawned as he tripped down the stairs, being careful not to fall and crack his head open. He wandered into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of juice. He walked back into the living room and stared at the couch.

"They had a fight, again?" Lance sighed and tromped back up the stairs. "They really need therapy."

Justin woke up to his cell phone ringing. He groaned and rolled over to the bedside table. He fumbled around until he felt the smooth plastic. He hit 'yes'.

"Who are you and why are you calling while I'm trying to get sleep?" Justin growled.

"Well gee, honey, I would've thought you'd be happy to hear from me," Lynn teased.

"Mom! Hi!"

"Oh, noow I'm allowed to be calling, huh?" Justin blushed.

"Sorry Mom. How are you?"

"I'm pretty good. I was calling to see if I should expect you and the boys for Thanksgiving?"

"Not this year. We decided to celebrate here with Reese, Christina, and Britney."

"Reese?" his mother asked. Justin mentally kicked himself. His mother didn't know about Reese or Ryan, or Britney and Christina for that matter.

"S-she's a friend of ours. Reese Witherspoon, have you heard of her?"

"The name seems familiar. Why don't the three come down here? We've got plenty of room."

"Reese can't fly. She's pregnant."

"You're living with a pregnant women? Justin, I don't like the way this sounds. Is she married?"

"N-n-no. Engaged."

"To whom?"



"Ryan Philleppe. You've heard of him."

"Oh, right, the one who looks like you."

"He doesn't look like me, mom," Justin protested gazing at his sleeping beauty. He smiled and kissed his forehead quickly.

"Whatever you say, dear. If Ryan and Reese are engaged, why don't you all come and they can stay there in New York?"

"Mom," Justin groaned. "We're staying here."

"Fine," Lynn sighed. "We'll see you at Christmas?" Justin felt extremely guilty.

"No, we're staying here for Christmas, too."

"Oh," Lynn said quietly. "Well, just drop by some time, alright honey?"

"We will mom. I promise."

"All right. Well I'll let you get back to sleep."

"I love you, Mom."

"I love you too, Justy. Bye."


"Is that you're mom?" Ryan asked. Justin nodded. Ryan snatched the phone. "Lynn?"

"Who is this?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. This is Ryan."

"Oh! Hi! Justin was just telling me about you!"

"All good I hope," Ryan laughed.

"So how are you two getting along?" Lynn asked.

"For two people who love each other very much, really good," Ryan grinned at Justin. Justin's mouth fell open and fell onto the bed, covering his face with the pillow.

"Excuse me?" Lynn gasped.

"Um, we'll have to call you back. Bye Lynn," Ryan closed the phone. "You're fuckin' kidding me!"

"Em Fowwy," Justin apologized, his words muffled by the pillow covering his face.

"You said you told her!" Hot tears streamed down his face. Justin threw off the pillow.

"I'm sorry, okay! God she doesn't even like me living here with Reese!"


"Because she's pregnant and isn't married."

"Why haven't you told her about us? I thought I meant something to you. I thought that we trusted each other!"

"You do mean something to me. Angel you're my entire world!"

"You've forfeited you're right to call me 'Angel', Justin." Justin cringed. It had been over a year since Ryan had called him that.

"I'm sorry, Ryan! I really am! I want to tell her but I'm scared! What if I lose her?"

"Justin, you won't! She's your mother! Even if she does, she'll get over it and what does it matter as long as WE have EACH OTHER."

"Because she's my mom!" Tears glistened in the corner of Justin's eyes. "I love you, Ryan," he whispered.

"At the moment, I'm not so sure I feel the same way," Ryan pulled on his robe and slammed the bedroom door behind him. Justin fell back onto the bed and sobbed.

Next: Chapter 3

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