End of My Third Summer at Yellow Jacket

Published on Jul 16, 2011



End of My Third Summer at Yellow Jacket

By Billy Jaydee

"Looks like it's just you and me, Dave."

I looked up from the Memoirs of Casanova to see Jeff stretching to hang up his damp towel over the clothes hanger at the foot of his bunk. He was naked -- a blonde naked teddy bear, who looked a lot like Mark Twain. A young blond Mark Twain without the perpetual scowl. Okay, that doesn't sound too good I know. He is a cute guy. Moreover, he smiled at me with a come-hither look.

I'd already been over to the bathhouse in the middle of the compound. Now I sat in my bunk and read. With his new appointment as a squad boss, he'd gotten his pick of bunks in the Forest Service barracks. At the back is always best. I got the bunk next to his because even as a college student I was one of the senior firefighters on the crew...because I served as a squad boss last summer and took a break from management this summer.

Oh, what the hey! I was born to the purple. I'm tall, serious in appearance, muscular without being beefy, hairy-chested, crowned with auburn locks and blessed with blue eyes. I've always been a person of consequence and people naturally gravitate to me as a leader. Beneath my army-surplus wool blanket, my seven-inch rod rose. A few thoughts rose to mind as I watched Jeff's naked form stand flatfooted in front of me awaiting a reply. Everyone else had left for town. We both had plans for the weekend, but neither headed his own way until the next morning.

"You like being naked, don't you, Jeff?" I asked.

When he laughed, his smile took over his face. That was his only reply. He scooted between our bunks and rolled onto his side in his. In the process I got an eyeful of two plump round balls and a respectable soft white cock resting atop them. He pulled his sheet and blanket up enough to cover his privates, but left exposed his entire upper hairy, yummy blonde body. He rolled up his pillow and propped himself up, resting his shaggy blonde head on his right hand. "Especially when I clean the apartment in town."

I chuckled and rolled on my side to face him. I sloughed off the covers in the process to reveal my flat belly, thick prick and long ball sack. His smile seemed to broaden.

"That would explain why you always suggest we go skinny-dipping when we are in Oak Creek Canyon. Any other time you like getting naked?"

"I have this bean bag chair, I like to lay belly-down when I watch television, but my roommate is usually there with his girlfriend."

I smiled at the idea and rolled over on my back and stretched luxuriously, letting my semi-hard cock roll back and forth on my abdomen. Our eyes never left one another's nor did our smiles fade. "Actually," Mark Twain continued, "I have this fantasy about lying on my bean-bag chair buck-naked with a big wooden bowl of M&M's in front of me."

Laughter burst out of both of us. "It's sort of a bad idea,'cause if I eat too much chocolate my..."

The whine of a truck coming up from the permanent housing area interrupted the conversation. Then can a beep echoing up the valley followed by two more. Following my lead, Jeff had his pants on by the time the tires threw the loose white gravel on the drive in front of our barracks. The national forest to the south of us experienced a lightning burst??? earlier in the day and they needed our help. You'd think it would be hard to round up a bunch of "hotshots" on their day off, but they'd all be at the Widowmaker for happy hour and would still be there now.

While they called in the rest of the crew, Jeff and I loaded the bus with shovels, Pulaskis and a McLeod or two. We topped off the gas tanks in the saws, made sure there was fresh water in the "banjo" canteens and a couple extra cases of C-rations.

We left for the fires about five in the morning. In the relative darkness Jeff and I sat side by side on the first bench opposite the driver. Our legs were pressed firmly together and our hands often resting atop the other guy's thigh. Now there is a lot to think about in a fire camp; muscle-bound, tattooed convict crews in the open air showers and after hours in the mobile shower trailers.

But, for the most part fighting forest fires is deadly hot, back-breaking, dust and ash breathing, digging of fire lines twelve hours a day followed by a quick dinner and collapse into exhausted sleep. Since we were on lightning bursts???; some of us got flown off in a Hughes 500 helicopter to gently rising white smokes, some were sent to mop-up small fires the locals stopped the night before.

Jeff led his squad and me into a roadless area, dropping us off in pairs at "smokes" we found along the way. Naturally, as a veteran, Jeff paired me with a newbie. The fires were single trees for the most part -- a pinyon on the edge of the harsh grassless desert or a shattered smoldering pine on a rocky rim. As we finished up our small fires others began to pop up and it got warmer.

However the clouds that generated the lightning lingered, keeping the humidity high and temperature relatively low for that country. Some of us hiked to a road and got transferred to another smoke or a remote fire station. Some were bumped by helicopter to other smokes or locations. We were scattered everywhere over the forest.

The local Forest Service people still feared the eventual hot dry winds, but a hotshot crew is an expensive and precious commodity during the fire season. The only hope of keeping us handy was to hand us over to the local geographical area coordination center (GACC) in Phoenix. The GACC naturally wanted to keep us and struggled against other GACC's and our home forest to do so. One way to aid their cause was for them to keep us happy. So, no more "hot bunking" in someone else's bed, no more sleeping on cots in tin warehouses. After a heavy dinner they sent us to a hotel. A couple of guys used their Pulaskis to chop their Levis into cut-offs while others rummaged through their "out of state" packs for the boxers that looked the most like bathing suits. While our buff crewmates hit the swimming pool, Jeff worked on logistics and tools, while I did timesheets for the crew.

I finished first and hit the shower in the hotel room Jeff and I were to share There is nothing finer than sparkling tile, snow white porcelain, polished fixtures, clean water and a virgin bar of soap when you are covered with a week's worth of sweat, grime and salt. I came out wearing a white towel around my hairy, slim body, thinking that we might have guests.

But the only person there was my hairy little buddy, just in the door with a six-pack of beer. He handed me the beer and a big grin. Jeff stripped there, right in front of me, obviously delighted to be naked and hit the showers. I started in on a beer while finding something to watch on the television.

Jeff exited the shower quickly. He finished drying off his body while standing next to me. After grabbing a beer he sat his fuzzy ass down on the couch.

Within minutes, he lay on his back with his head in my lap. My right hand naturally ended up on his torso, gently stroking his furry chest and belly. It felt good on my hand. Based on the growth of his stubby cock I'd guess it felt good to Jeff too.

My hard cock pressed up against the towel wrapped tight around my waist. I tried to figure some subtle way to get it out. Particularly because I know Jeff prefers to sleep on his belly.

"Time for bed," he mumbled.

Taking my hand in his furry blonde paw he led me towards the queen size bed. My towel sprung off, my cock bounced wildly and settled upright against my abdomen. Jeff flipped back the covers and scooted across the bed, dragging me behind. He settled on his side, back to me. He pulled my left arm under him and nestled his head there. I scooted on into him, wedging my cock into the crack of his hairy ass. My right hand went back to stroking his body. It felt good. My hand finally discovered his hard dick. He sighed as I grasped it. I pushed my cock further into the crack of his ass without actually humping my buddy. It felt so good. We woke several hours later when the crew boss summoned everyone to a late breakfast.

Later in the day, our home forest demanded our return. We drove across the desert in our "serge" green bus, the hot wind racing in and out of the open windows accompanied by the harsh sunlight. We pulled off on a sandy side road leading through the riparian vegetation to the Salt River. Led by Jeff, we stripped naked inside our sweaty bus and everyone jumped in a green back eddy for a quick dip. Then twenty hotshots were on our way again, still naked for a while to allow the wind to cool and dry us. We got back to Yellow Jacket late in the day. We'd called ahead and our cook had dinner on the long wooden tables when we arrived. After wards everyone hit the showers. The next day would be our "Friday".

"Hey, how about you and I use the other bath house? Everyone is over at this one. "

The other bath house, up the road, was there for seasons when we hire a lot of summer timber people. We'd hired few this year, so the other bathhouse was little used. There were two stalls. You stood on wooden pallets to avoid standing on the slimy concrete floor sinking into the moist earth ever since the Civilian Conservation Corps days.

"You okay, Jeff?" I asked because he'd seemed to be walking funny on our way here.

"Oh, I am a little stiff," he groaned, apparently wiggling around to get the warm water to blast onto the stiff area.

"Why don't you call up the hairdresser you've been dating in town and get her to take care of your little 'stiffy' tomorrow? I can't wait till my girl friend gets back for school. Getting ready in the morning, showering together. She's so tall she can wrap her legs around me twice. And that second fuck of the night I think will last forever.

Jeff laughed. "It's my shoulder that's stiff!"

"Oh, I can take care of that."

I pushed open the half-door of my shower stall and swung into his before he could respond. As I squeezed in next to him he did nothing but shine that big old smile of his as I laid hands on his shoulders. He groaned and moaned appreciatively. His body writhed in my hands. He ended up pushing his back side into my crotch as he wiggled.

My Mark Twain look-a-like wisecracked, "What are we going to do if someone walks in and sees us in the shower together?"

I pulled him tight up against me. My hands clutched his furry chest. The warm mountain water streamed over our naked bodies. "One of us will have to duck down," I whispered in his ear.

Jeff neither responded nor looked my way. He appeared to consider something.

He turned awkwardly in my arms, with a bar of soap in his right hand. My cock "thumped" against his waist and belly as he turned. His poked me in the thigh. A big smart-aleck grin graced his rosy face and handlebar moustache.

"I think I hear someone coming," he whispered, his bushy blond eyebrows and whiskers dancing in the process. He squatted before me, hands upon my thighs to brace himself and began to immediately go at my rigid member. I took him for inexperienced at first. His tongue dabbed at the shaft while his beard rubbed my dangling balls. I couldn't tell if it was the water from the shower, pre-cum or saliva, but it was getting sloppy down there.

I loved it. Finally, he opened wide his chapped lips and carefully engulfed the head of my cock while stroking by stick with a calloused hand. Without any privacy for over a week, I hadn't had a chance to relieve myself. I wasn't going to last long. I made fists out of my wide hands and braced myself against the shower wall before me. Jeff made big slurping noises which is always a turn onI wouldn't last long at all.

I barely gasped, "Cumming!" when I shot my load deep into his throat. He took it in hungrily enough, then rose from his uncomfortable squatting position into my arms. My head went to rest on his shoulder, when I saw the shower spray splash onto his face and noticed a drop of my passion in his moustache. I turned his ever-smiling face to mine, licked it off and kissed him deeply. He held me upright while I gathered my strength.

"Wow!" I said. "I needed that." He just smirked at me in response. "Oh!" I observed with a shake of my auburn locks. "I guess I hear someone coming now." We both laughed at the pun. I squatted. Jeff turned off the shower. His dick was smaller and balls tighter than mine, but he lasted longer. He enjoying my tongue-lashing and deep-throating, but really got into face-fucking me. He came quickly, too.

Friday afternoon came around and I asked Jeff if he wanted to go to the Museum Club with me and some of the boys.

He looked doubtful.

"School starts in a week and a half. It's orientation week. It should be packed," I suggested encouragingly.

"Yeah, with freshman girls," he responded with that face-moving grin. "Who you always say have little boy bodies, no tits and bony butts."

"Yeah, but the mothers who will be accompanying them will have curves." Jeff still looked doubtful. "Live band."

"What kind of music do they play?"

"They play both kinds, country and western."

He laughed and promised to suggest it to the "hairdresser".

"You staying at my apartment?"

"Nay, I'll give up my share of the floor in case she needs it tonight." We both laughed. "What's the plan for tomorrow?"

"Well, my roommate and his girl friend are gone for the weekend. I gotta clean my house and then I thought maybe we'd round up some of the guys and go to Oak Creek." The last part rose in question.

"Sounds good. When you going to be done cleaning the house?" I asked without laughter in my voice.


So I arrived about 10:30am. In response to my knock his voice came through the door asking who it was. I identified myself and he swung open the door, totally naked , of course.

"What's in the box?" he asked with a grin and semi-hardon.

"It's a present. After we finish cleaning up the place. What's left to do?"

I saw the sink full of dishes, one I and the box were in the house. I stepped out of my flip-flops, tossed off my tank top and stepped out of my shorts. (I was going commando.) He grinned as I headed for the kitchen. He went back to vacuuming. We kept an eye on one another's hairy butts.

"All done!" Jeff crowed.

"Where's your bean-bag chair? Bring it in here."

He returned to the living room with a denim covered bean-bag chair. I had the gift wrapped package on the floor and indicated he should toss it on the floor next to it. I flopped down on the right hand side; belly down and invited him to join me. By now Jeff clearly knew what was in the wrapping paper. He lay beside me, shoulder to shoulder, side to side, naked hip pressed against naked hip. He tore into the package. Inside lay a pressed wooden bowl I got from Pier 1 with four full bags of milk chocolate M&M's. He laughed, glanced at me appreciatively and tore into the first bag.

"I'm glad you and 'Luanne` stopped by last night. Did you get lucky?"

He didn't say and I guessed he hadn't. "You?"

In fact I'd gotten "cougared" the night before. As I told each delicious detail of my night I slipped M&M's between his lips and pushed them with my right index finger. With is dimpled chin resting on his right shoulder he lay there engrossed by my story. We were both getting into it, rocking our hips into the bean-bag fabric; sort of sliding back and forth. My left arm lay across his broad hairy back.

He finally stopped me from feeding him more candies. He pulled my lips to his and kissed me repeatedly on them.. His right arm snaked over my shoulders. We twisted our heads to the right in order to make out better. When we came up for a breather, I picked up more candy for him.,

"I can't. If I have too much chocolate I get "loose" down there."

I grinned. "Really?" I asked as I dug to the bottom of the bowl. "Let's see just exactly how loose." I pull out the lube I'd hidden there dabbed my left middle and index fingers. Jeff giggled. I reached back, pried his ass cheeks apart and began working in the lube. He grabbed my face with both hairy hands and kissed me deeply. I dry humped the denim like crazy, and made a sticky mess beneath me. Jeff let out sighs.

I kept my tongue in his mouth , turned his head with my left hand and climbed atop him. He arched his back to improve my access. I eased the sticky head of my cock into the crack of his furry ass and found the hole. He pushed back against me. He begged me to fuck him and I pushed my way on it. His stout frame convulsed. I wrapped my hands under his chest and grasped his shoulders. I drove in deeper.

"Yeah, Dave," he grunted. "Fuck me."

I rolled my hips further forward. He gasped and I eased off, pulled myself back in, eased off, then really started fucking him. He lay with his head against the cushion grunting, drool running onto the fabric. . His butt felt loose and sounded sloppy. We made a mess, but I didn't stop.

"Oh, it feels so good. How long can we keep doing this?"

"A long time, Jeff. It's my second fuck of the day. And my girlfriend won't be back for another week."

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