Enslaved dripping wet

By Karl Williams

Published on Mar 13, 2021



It was a warm, humid late August day in 2019 -- way before some stupid twat decided that what he's like for his dinner was a nice bowl of bat soup, maybe something from that really fun market downtown. I decided to stroll down to the park and partake of one of my favourite past times -- watching the boys soccer team kick a ball about. I was no fan of soccer but I was a fan of fit teenage boys in tight shorts.

One team in particular seemed to have more than their fair share of fit young teenagers and they played their home fixtures in my favourite park.

They were playing today so I took up my favourite spot on the half way line and watched them. I have no idea what the score was but I was always thrilled when they scored as their celebrations encompassed much taking off of shirts, jumping into each other's arms and hugging, which always enhanced my viewing pleasure.

The match came to end and I decided to return home by the canal footpath.

It wasn't a direct route and led through a rather rundown estate but it was a pleasant walk on this balmy day.

I was well into my walk and passing through the ram shackled estate when I heard the noise of boisterous lads behind me. I glanced behind me and several members of my favourite team were within 100 paces behind me and seemed to be flush with the joys of victory, larking about and jostling each other. As I was walking sedately, they soon caught up with me.

They were still in their soccer kit, so I was looking forward to seeing their trim arses in their tight, white football shorts when they had passed me.

As they approached, I heard one of them say "There's that fucking old pervert who comes and perves us at every match".

That concerned me, I might be in danger, I hadn't realised they had ever known what I was actually doing, that I was anything but an innocent spectator.

But before I had any chance to think about how I could extricate myself from harm's way, I was surrounded by them. Their playful jostling of each other intensified and, I'm sure intentionally, one lad careered into me and, despite my attempts to avoid it, I toppled into the canal.

I can swim and the canal isn't at all deep, so I was soon standing upright in about a yard of water and a few feet from the side but I was soaked through to the bone.

All the lads acted horrified at what had happened but I suspected that they had intended to push me in. However, they all scrambled to give me a hand out. Soon, I stood soaking wet on the tow path in amongst them, listening to their profuse apologies and being asked over and over again if I was alright.

I assured them I was but one of the lads, I think he was the team captain, said I could catch any number of nasty bugs from that canal and I must get out of those wet clothes straight away. Another lad said he lived just a hundred yards away and, although his family were out for the day, I should come with him and get myself dried out.

I thanked him but said I was only twenty minutes from home myself and could easily get home and out of these wet things. However, he insisted and he and his mates all took me by the arms and hustled me towards the nearby houses, taking no account of my protestations that it was not necessary for them to help me.

We were soon inside his small terraced house and I was dripping canal water all over his hallway.

"You're soaking wet, man. Let's get you out of these wet clothes" said the captain, a young lad of about 15 with a really cute face, mop of dirty blond hair and the build of a young fit swimmer.

Hands were all over me and I soon found all my clothes being removed from my drenched body and a towel thrust at me to dry myself with.

I stood in the hallway, surrounded by young fit lads and I was naked except for the towel I was drying myself with. I felt a sudden stab of fear as I realised that I was, for some reason, sporting a raging erection. I tried to ensure the towel kept that well covered up, mind you, since it was only 4 inch long when erect, that shouldn't have been too difficult. But it failed to work.

One of the lads, shorter than the rest but equally as cute, suddenly snatched the towel away and said "Hold on, the fucker's got a hard on!" "Not much of one with that tiny dick" said another.

The mood changed markedly. "I told you he was a perv" said another one.

"What the fuck is that all about?" asked yet another of the lads.

I was pushed, far more harshly than before into the living room of the house and I found myself standing bare arsed naked, my hands cupped over my groin, in front of six young lads, who had a decidedly aggressive attitude about them.

They all sat down on the various chairs and settees in the room. I went to sit down as well. "Keep standing there, you fucking pedo" shouted the one whose home it was, "Hands on head, cunt, you've some explaining to do or we're calling the cops".

I gingerly moved my hands from my groin to the top of my head, exposing the rock-hard erection I was sporting.

"Jesus, fucking look at that thing -- hardly worth getting hard, is it?" laughed one of the lads, one who sported very short dark hair and almost hairless legs and arms.

"Yours is no bigger" jeered another of the lads, far more thick set and hairy.

"Twice as big as that fuckers" retorted the cute lad.

"Shut it, lads" said the captain "This faggot is always perving us so it's about time we taught him a lesson that you don't bring your pedo ways around here" he said.

I noticed that several of the lads had got mobiles out and were filming my humiliation in glorious Technicolor. "What do you have in mind, Josh?" asked the lad with almost hairless legs.

"Well, we can use the fucking faggot and then tie him to a lamppost in the street, with a sign warning everyone that this cunt is a pedo and to watch out for him abusing their kids" said Josh.

"Ain't he gonna go to the cops himself and report us?" asked one of the others.

"Not with the pictures we're going to have, he ain't" laughed Josh.

Josh seemed to be enjoying the thought of what would be happing to me rather too much. He was just short of six foot tall, had a mop of light brown hair that fell all over his head and a body to die for. He always seems the wear the tightest shorts and his pert arse turned me on no end.

He seemed to be well hung as the bulge in front of his shorts was always quite prominent.

However, at the moment he frightens me far more than he excited me.

"Get down on all fours, faggot" said the lad in who's home we were.

"Get your cameras out again, lads, let's get some happy snaps of pedo here sucking on some boy cock" and with that he stood up, dropped his shorts and came over to me' kneeling on the floor. His cock was bulging out the pair of multi coloured Nudus briefs he was wearing.

"Open up, faggot" he said as he knelt up in front of me and lowered the briefs to allow his huge cock to spring out and slap me in the face. It was enormous and his balls looked suitable big enough to service it. He had a nice crop of public hair but was otherwise smooth. I guessed that as 15-year-old, that would be corrected over time.

"Get sucking" he said and pushed his weapon into my mouth. It filled it completely and he proceeded to pump it in and out, whilst I gagged every time it hit the back of my mouth. I dreamt of sucking off fit young lads, of course, but not on camera and not as the victim of a testosterone fuelled gang of them.

"Make sure you're getting all this on camera, boys, this is how we keep the cops out of it" he said. I could see that they were. I could also see that most of them were also playing with their own junk in their shorts and I guessed that I would soon find out what that junk looked like close up.

Shortly, Del, I learnt that was his name from the others calling him that whilst they were screaming at him to fuck that faggot mouth, stiffened and, with a loud grunt, filled my mouth with his fresh, salty cum. He withdrew his cock and wiped the remains of his cum over my face.

"Next" he said, standing up and putting his cock and balls back into the multi coloured briefs that barely held them.

All the others rushed forward and started to shed their shorts, Josh got to my face first and freed his cock from his briefs and pushed straight into my mouth. "Come on you fucker, wrap those lips around my baby breeder, let me feel that tongue around my big cock head" he exclaimed.

I could do little else but oblige. The rest contented themselves taking further pictures, cheering as Josh filled my throat with his juice.

After a while, there was only one lad left who I hadn't been forced to suck off. He had lost his shorts and the bulge in his tight white bikini shaped briefs showed he was ready to enjoy my mouth like all the others had.

"Hold on a sec, Graham," said Josh. The young lad looks desperately at Josh.

"Why, you've all had him" he pleaded.

"And you will, too, mate but first we could do with some even more damming evidence on camera. Get stripped right down and on all fours in front of him" said Josh.

"What the fuck for, Josh?" asked Graham.

"So, we can get pictures of him fucking you of course" replied Josh.

"You're the youngest looking here, so it will be the best evidence he's a pedo, won't it?"

"He's not going to fucking fuck me!" shouted Graham.

"No, he's not but it's going to look like he is!" explained Josh.

"Then he gets to blow me?" queried Graham, expectantly.

"The he gets to blow you," said Josh.

Graham could see the logic in Josh's argument and so he reluctantly started to strip off. This provoked a series of jeers and cruel banter from the others. "Come on, sweet pea, looking sexy", "Maybe I'll have some that as well!", "That's an inviting looking arse there Gray!" Looks like you're up for being fucked, lad!" and the like.

"Fuck off" was the only response from Graham, who did look as cute as a button as he stood in front of me in only the skimpy white bikini briefs.

I had to admit, he looked like a young Greek God. Approximately 5ft 9inch tall, not an ounce of fat on him, no sign of hair at all on his body and the start of a six pack on his flat stomach. He was glistening slightly from his previous exertion on the football field.

"Turn your back on him Gray" said Josh "Right, faggot crawl up to him and kiss his arse" he ordered me. Graham turned his back on me and stood legs slightly apart, hands on hips, he had turned his head around to look down at me. I crept forward on all fours and delicately put my lips on his perfectly formed arse and worshipped the beauty of this young titan. My hands found themselves rubbing the sides of his brief covered buttocks and they felt like honey to the touch.

"My fucking face had better not be in one fucking picture, you cunts!" said Graham.

"Oh, it won't be, Gray, but the pedo's will be in all of them!" said Josh. "This is gold!"

"Right, faggot, slowly lower his briefs down to his ankles" ordered Josh. I obeyed and ever so slowly lowered the skimpy briefs, lifting my lips for a second to let them pass but put them back onto the bare, perfect skin of Graham's superb arse straight after they had.

"Ben forward, Gray, let the pedo get his tongue in your crack," said Josh.

"For fuck's sake, Josh!" said Graham.

"Do it, it'll be worth it, mate, it'll make great cinema!" said one of the other boys. I could see they were leaning forward where they sat, most fiddling with their junk, and getting really turned on by the whole performance. I could tell one or two were particularly excited by the actions of Graham.

Graham moved his feet further apart and bent forward a little, opening his arse crack to me.

"Start licking his arse hole with your tongue, faggot, get it right inside his arse, clean that butt out" said Josh. I didn't actually need to be told. Even though I knew this was practically signing a confession for the police, I couldn't help myself.

I could feel that Graham was actually getting really turned on by my actions. I slowly moved one of my hands around the front of his crotch and found his cock and balls. His fair-sized cock was as hard as a rock.

My small 4 inch one was the same.

"Right, now slowly get down on all fours, Gray, keeping the pedo's tongue in your arse" instructed Josh. Graham followed his direction, getting down on all fours, his legs quite wide apart and my tongue still pocking and prodding his arse hole.

"This is the difficult part, faggot, Kneel straight up. I want you to place your little dicklet in Gray's arse crack but you'd better not even try to actually penetrate him or I'll personally cut your fucking balls off. Is that clear, you fucking pedo?" said Josh.

"Yes, Sir" I said. I didn't know where the Sir came from but it was immediately picked up by the other lads.

"Ooh, Sir", "Your Sir now Josh!", "He thinks your superior to him, Josh, mate!"

"We're all fucking superior to a fucking pedo, mate," said Josh.

"Make fucking sure he tries nothing, Josh!" pleaded Graham.

"Don't worry, mate, he won't," said Josh. "Now, faggot, make it look real like you're shafting him, pump backwards and forwards but keep your crotch right in his arse crack".

Again, I followed his direction and pump away at Graham's arse as thought I had really penetrated it. It many ways it felt like I really had. My rock hard but tiny cock stayed firmly in Graham's arse crack but I couldn't help it move up and down that beautiful arse.

"I think that's a wrap" said Josh as thought he'd been shooting a Hollywood blockbuster.

"Back off now, faggot. You can get up now, Gray".

I sat back on my heels but I couldn't hide the fact that my little cock was covered in my own pre-cum. My cock was still rock hard and leaking.

Meanwhile, Graham slowly got to his feet and everyone, including me, couldn't help noticing that his cock was rock hard and sticking right up against his stomach. He quickly tried to pull his skimpy white briefs up to cover it but couldn't get his cock to fit in them.

"Someone enjoyed being fucked, eh, Gray" exclaimed one of the lads.

The others pointed as his erection and the struggle he was having trying to hide it in his briefs and mocked him mercilessly. He blushed bright red and turned his back on them, which had the effect of putting his rampant erection inches from my face. That sent me over the top and I lost it with a loud moan and ejaculated all over my bare legs.

Josh quickly snapped off a few more pictures of the state I presented.

What more proof did they need to hang over me?

"You said he would blow me now." said Graham.

"And he will" said Josh. "Faggot, back on your knees and blow him".

Having just cum, I felt deflated but I couldn't miss the chance of having that beautiful cock in my mouth and that God like body up in my face. I got back up on my knees and reached my hands out to bring Graham's slender hips to my face. I took hold of each side of his tiny white briefs and pulled them down again, allowing his cock to spring back out and again his me in the face. I rang my tongue up and down his cock, soliciting a moan from Graham and then put my lips around the tip.

Graham grabbed my head either side and pushed his cock right into my mouth. I moved my hands to the side of his arse, slowly moving them nearer and nearer his arse crack and pulling him in and out of me in rhythm with his thrusts.

It did not take long for Graham to stiffen up, push as far into my mouth as he could and spurt a copious amount of boy cum down my throat at the same time as crying out loudly in ecstasy. All of this was captured by several mobiles pointing at my face full of cock.

"Fffffuck!" he shouted and near collapsed, pulling his deflating cock out of my mouth.

I knelt there, cum dribbling out of the corners of my mouth. Again, mobiles were capturing my spunk covered face for prosperity.

"Well done, Gray" said Josh, slapping his bottom. Graham pulled his shorts on and picked up his soccer shirt and collapsed down in one of the armchairs.

Josh turned to me. "You, cunt, are banged to rights, now, aren't you?" he said, not really expecting an answer. "Either you keep us sweet or you'll be doing a ten stretch before you know it" He was right, they had more than enough to see me put away for a very long time.

"We've got you mobile number now." He said and chucked my mobile back to me. "You'll be hearing from us. Remember, when we do get in touch, we own your fucking arse" he added. "Now, fuck off, faggot!"

My still very damp clothes were thrown at me and I scrambled to get dressed in them.

Some of the lads pushed me out into the hallway, opened the door and shoved my out, sending me flying onto the pavement.

I scrambled to my feet and fled hot foot away from there. I might be in the hands of these lads now, but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

That's it for part one. Feel free to email me any comments, ideas or whatever for part two at karlwilliam3964@hotmail.com

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