Eric gets rough fucked

By Newton Daley

Published on Sep 19, 2011



Don't read this story if it's illegal in your country or you don't like man on man sex.

If you are going to re-post this story. Check with me by e-mail.

This story is all fantasy so there is no condom use. Go figure huh? Real life is different so use a condom for your sake and your partners sake.

Eric had just stepped out of the bathroom, with nothing but a towel around his waist, when he felt the cool metal pressed to his right temple.

"Don't you move another fuckin inch or your brain goes splat." said a male voice.

"What tha fuck!" responded Eric with a shout as he kept his face looking forward.

"Put your hands behind your head, nice and slow."

Eric did as asked, wondering why this was happening, when he felt the cool metal withdraw, from his temple, then the man roughly grabbed his wrists and turned them in the right position behind his back to handcuff him.

Eric had come up to his family's cabin for some time off from everything and everyone. He was completing a degree in business administration and now that he had about a year to finish his studies he wasn't sure business was his thing. He had his eyes set on something to do with computers, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to teach it or do something in programming, so during his holiday weekend he decided to come to the cabin to do some thinking.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Eric asked, trying to keep the fear out of his voice.

"You can call me...Jack. Now get down on your knees!"

Eric began to turn and was smacked on the side of his head.

"On your fucking knees!" Jack said, while pressing on Eric's shoulders to help him comply, "You fuckin deaf?"

As Eric knelt on the floor, Jack took his time walking in a circle around Eric and admiring his body, then loosened the towel from Eric's narrow waist, so nothing was hid from Jack's wandering eyes.

Eric was 19 yrs old, with baby blue eyes, cherry red lips and shoulder length blonde hair. He was toned from his visits to the gym and of medium height. His chest was basically hairless with just a blonde treasure trail leading to his now limp uncut cock and firm ass cheeks that seemed like it came of a sculpture.

"I tried talkin to you at the diner in town a while back and you said somethin I don't quite appreciate." Jack said, while looking down at Eric.

Eric's throat felt dry from the seemingly intended threat so he kept his mouth shut and waited for Jack to continue but he just stood before him with a deepening sneer on his face.

"Nothin to say?" Jack asked, as he gripped Eric's shoulder length blonde hair, still a little damp from the shower, pulling his head back.

Jack was 30, with dark blue eyes and thick jet black hair that ran all over his body. He had a small beer gut emerging and big hands to go with his tall frame.

While standing before Eric, Jack wore a short sleeved red and black plaid shirt that clung to his arms and black jeans above black heavy duty boots.

"I-" Eric cleared his throat and tried to talk again. "I don't really know how to respond to that."

"Here I was thinkin you'd be like `Im sorry' or somethin but I guess that's not you. You're better n' that huh? Well let's see if we can change that." Jack released Eric's hair and unzipped his jeans to take out his semi hard dick. "Open that pretty little mouth and suck on this."

"No fucking way!" Eric said gathering his courage and started to crawl backwards on his knees. "I'm sorry if I disrespected you at the diner. I was driving to the cabin that day when my car broke down and I was having a really shitty day and I just wanted to be left alone. I'm not gonna suck your cock. I'm not gay and I don't do that shit."

Jack just stood looking at the young man before him crawling away from him and didn't even take one step forward. Jack just did something he wanted to do for a quite a while when people pissed him off.

He spat in Eric's face.

"Listen up boy cause I'm only gonna say this once. Any fucking thing I tell ya to do. You do it. No questions of how or why cause I tend to have a short fuse." Jack said, then started forward to Eric and with each step continued to say "Dont. Make. Me. Tell. You. Again."

Jack bent forward and grabbed Eric by his hair so he could see Eric's baby blue's swimming with fear, just the way Jack wanted them to.

Eric nodded as best he could with Jack holding his hair and said in a little voice, "Yeah. Ok."

Jack said nothing when he let go of Eric's hair and thrust his hips forward a little as if to say `get on with it.'

Eric steeled himself up and leaned forward to take, the now hard, thick uncut eight inch cock in his mouth.

The scent of old piss and sweat filled Eric's nostrils as he placed his lips over the enlarged head.

"Awwww...fuck boy, go on and suck on ole Jack's cock." Jack said, as more of his dick slid in between the teens cherry red lips. "The teeth, watch the fuckin teeth." Jack pulled out his dick and slapped Eric with his palm.

Eric made sure his teeth didn't hurt Jack and pressed his tongue on the piss slit, tasting Jack's saltiness, then swirled his tongue under the hood of the humungous dick as it forced its way into his mouth. Eric tasted something slightly bitter and began to pull back worried about the bitter taste under Jack's foreskin.

"Here let me help you get at it." Jack said, pulling back the foreskin.

Eric pulled his mouth of the thick 8 inch dick and before he began to lick up the white flecks under the hood, he had to say to himself `I can do this' over and over in his head so he wouldn't throw up.

"Yeah bitch. Now let's see your deep throat skills." Jack said, shoving his dick down Eric's throat but withdrew it when Eric started gagging and his eyes started to tear up.

Jack laughed deep in his throat at the sight before him.

Eric was turning Jack on with his chest heaving and tears running down his cheeks, his head lowered trying to hide them as he kneeled before Jack with the towel tangled around his lower left leg and ankle and his cock hanging limply between his legs.

Jack's cock got even harder thinking about the fun he was going to have with Eric.

"Please, please I can't do this. I-I j-j-just can't. Don't do this please. I swear I never meant any-" Eric was cut off when he received a blow to the face which caused him to lay on his side as the sting of his jaw slowly eased.

"Shut the fuck up and get back to suckin my dick. I don't like snivellin and that's why I don't got me any kids, so I say again. Suck my dick, boy."

Eric slowly got back to his knees, with Jack's help, and resumed sucking on Jack's dick trying his best to make Jack cum and hoped that would be the end of it.

Jack looked at Eric's face, his eyes closed but tears now dried, his cheeks (now red from the slaps) bulging and his lips wrapped around Jack's dick. Jack grabbed Eric's ears and slammed his dick down Eric's throat.

Eric's eyes opened wide and looked up at Jack trying to plead for mercy with his eyes. His lungs screaming for air.

"That's right. Look up at the man who's gonna fuck both your holes like a randy bull."

Eric felt tears leave his now closed eyes to flow down his cheeks. He wished this was a bad dream that he could wake up from at any moment, but knew it wasn't.

Oh God he's gonna fuck me in the ass with his huge fucking cock was what ran through Eric's mind along with his wish for freedom.

"Keep your eyes open and look at me you fuckin sissy." Jack said as he punched his dick down Eric's throat.

Eric's eyes started to bulge and Jack stopped thrusting so Eric could breathe.

"I'm gonna do somethin I probably shouldn't. Turn around." Jack commanded.

Eric started to panic and said, "Please don't fuck my ass. I'm a virgin. I can't take that huge cock up my ass. Please."

"You really think I'm playin wit you don't ya?"

With that said Jack backhanded Eric, grabbed him by the throat and dragged him to the living room. Jack let go of Eric's throat, allowing him to fall like a limp doll on the floor, then turned Eric on his stomach and unlocked the handcuffs while Eric tried to catch his breath as he lay on the floor.

"What do you say boy?"

Eric wanted to say fuck you but thought better of it and squeezed out hoarsely, "Thank you."

Jack unbuttoned his shirt, took off his boots, his jeans and underwear then sat on the couch before saying, "Get back to work and pay some attention to ma balls, but kiss ma feet first."

Eric considered making a run for the door but quickly discarded that idea, because you couldn't outrun a bullet. He crawled on his hands and knees and stopped in front of Jack, not hesitating to kiss Jack's big feet and taking a few toes in his mouth. Eric wanted to do his best and maybe Jack would be satisfied with only a blowjob.

"Yeah boy! You got a mighty fine tongue on ya."

Eric got on his knees and kissed Jack's inner thighs all the way up to his balls and went on to suck them into his mouth while stroking Jack's cock and rubbing his thumb over the piss slit. Jack had some really hairy low hangers and Eric started to sniff them.

"Mmmmm..." Eric said, trying to re-enact some of the things he saw on hetero porn.

Eric started licking the shaft up to the cock head tasting the salty pre-cum and fondling Jack's balls.

"Stop." Jack said sounding a little choked.

Eric looked up giving his most seductive look and masturbating Jack's massive cock.

"Well, well, well, look who likes givin head." Jack said, with a smirk then pushed Eric away from his dick. "Get on your hands and knees."

No! Was what Eric wanted to scream but knew better and did as was told.

Jack spread Eric's ass cheeks and glimpsing for the first time Eric's lightly haired pink hole. There was a faint odour that wafted from the virgin hole. Not an unwashed odour but a natural odour that no matter how many times you washed your ass, it seemed to remain. Jack was an expert on rimming, seeing as he regularly went to the city to pick up a `one nighter' from the gay club and for Eric he pulled out all the stops.

"Just relax boy." Jack said stroking Eric's ass cheeks "C'mon, I thought you was gettin into this stuff."

Eric relaxed slightly as he felt the warm, wet muscle known as Jack's tongue, slide along his crack and then over his puckered hole.

Jack pressed his tongue on Eric's hole over and over until it slipped in little by little every time.

Fuck he feels tight. Jack thought, having never been with a virgin.

Jack withdrew his tongue and grabbed his jeans checking the back pocket for lube. When he found the lube he flipped the top and squirted some on his index and middle finger before pressing the lubed index finger into the virgin asshole.

"Ohhhh....f-fuck." Eric said, when he felt Jack's finger rub his prostate.

"You likin that boy. Huh?" Jack said, "I'm gonna enjoy bein your first."

This is really going to happen. Thought Eric finally trying his best to relax and enjoy himself.

"Oh man, that feels wei-" Eric stopped himself from saying weird and instead said, "good."

Jack pressed a second finger to Eric's slowly relaxing asshole and gained entry.

"Awwww...fuck!" Eric said feeling his asshole stretch to accommodate Jack's thick fingers. "ooooooohhhh..."

"Yeah...get into it." Jack said stroking Eric's cock while it lengthened from the constant prostate massage.

Jack squirted some more lube not only on three of his fingers but on Eric's asshole.

Jack continued to work on Eric's virgin hole, with three fingers and alternating between stroking Eric's ass cheeks and his cock.

Jack stopped fingering Eric's hole and stroked his own cock with some lube.

"Alright. While I'm pushing in I need you to make like you're tryin ta push out a huge load a shit, ya hear?"

"Y-yeah..." Eric said a little unsure of Jack's dick being able to fit inside his ass.

Jack pressed his cock head lightly to Eric's hole and gradually applied pressure until the head popped in.

"Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!..." Eric kept saying over and over when he felt the cock head spread his sphincter and continue to slowly slide up his asshole. "Stop! Stop! Fuckin stop! You're fuckin killin me Jack!"

Jack pulled Eric's head back by his hair and whispered into his ear, "Scream for me."

"W-what?" Eric choked out while trying his best to relax his asshole around the 8 inch invader.

"We're miles from anyone. Just scream till the pain ends." Jack said, then plunged the remaining 2 inches into Eric's tight hole.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Eric screamed sounding very much like a girl but not caring one bit. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

Jack was sliding in and out of Eric the whole time he was screaming enjoying hearing the boy scream and having his dick massaged by the teenage boy's asshole. Jack had never raped anyone before but this was always a fantasy of his, to force a man to take his dick.

Having sex with willing men was great, but taking another man against his will was fucking mind blowing.

Eric screamed and screamed until the burning and the pain slowly seemed to leak away.

On one of the out strokes Jack pulled out fully and said in a lust filled voice, "Turn over on your back."

Eric turned over and lay on his back, the hard floor pressing into his back, making it a little uncomfortable, when Jack shoved his cock to the hilt up Eric's ass.

"Fuck!" Eric said, more out of the pleasure than the pain of having his ass swallow the 8 inch cock.

Jack placed Eric's legs over his shoulders and pounded into him like a mad man.

Eric started jacking off feeling really good being fucked in the ass by this man he once thought of as a hillbilly.

"Do ya fuckin like that sissy boy? You likin me poundin your hole?"

"Yes...fuck me Jack." Eric said, feebly.

Jack slapped him across his left cheek and shouted, "SCREAM IT!"


Jack twisted Eric's nipples hard and then went into a push up position lifting Eric's hips a little and did short hard stabs into the gripping asshole.

"I'm cumming, fuck I'm cumming." Eric said, sounding a little surprised when his cum splashed across his neck and chest and then dribbled out on his navel.

"Yeaaah, your fuckin hole is milkin my dick boy. Milk it."

Jack pulled out and sat on the couch and commanded, "Ride it."

Eric climbed up into Jack's lap and pointed the hard 8 inches to his bruised and swollen hole and slowly sat on it until he felt Jack's pubic hair pressing on his ass cheeks.

"Ohhhh..." Eric said, feeling full and loving it.

Eric placed his hands on Jack's hairy chest and started sliding up on Jack's cock , using his knees to lift him, squeezing the cock head and then sliding back down and repeating the process.

"Uh-huh..." Jack said.

Jack held unto Eric's hips, holding him in place and shoved his cock up Eric's hole while he squirted his cum in the well fucked ass.

"Fuck yeah!! That's Grade A ass that is." Jack said, "Oh man that was good."

Eric slowly lifted his ass to let the deflating cock slide from his abused hole.

"Are you gonna leave now?" Eric asked, surprising himself by hoping that the answer would be in the negative.

Jack looked up at Eric, who stood wobbling a little and saw the hopeful look on the teenager's face.

"No. Is that a problem?"

"No, I guess. I'm cool with that." Eric said, as he turned to leave for the bathroom.

Jack watched the freshly fucked ass moving away while Eric walked. Jack started thinking of more ways he could enjoy this boy for however long he was staying.

As always I want to thank you for reading my story and I would love to receive constructive comments and suggestions. So please send me an e-mail to

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