Eric - Mutual Masturbation Session

By Jack Santoro

Published on Dec 31, 2004



Eric- Mutual Masturbation Session By

I hardly ever go to the baths but this Saturday afternoon I decided to spend an hour or so wandering around the local bath to look over the many male forms there. My favorite is the Jacuzzi, and when I entered the room I saw about a dozen men in the bubbling pool and several more standing against the walls. All eyes turned toward me as I entered, and I scanned their owners in turn.

One immediately detached himself from the wall and came towards me, a slight smile on his face. He had black hair and eyes, suggesting that he was from one of the native tribes that populate the Southwest. He was almost a head shorter then my six feet, with a chunky build, and when my eyes dropped to his groin I saw that his cock-head was hidden by a thick hood that came to the end of his glans, leaving a small opening. I guessed that his slit was visible through the orifice, but I couldn't see because of the angle.

"Guess you and I are the only uncut guys here," he said in a low voice as his smile deepened. "Want to take a dip in the pool?" I definitely wanted to, especially now that I knew he'd be at my side, and we climbed down to the first ledge, which left our upper trunks and heads out of the water.

I felt his hand on my thigh, caressing it as it gradually crept toward my crotch. I laid the back of my hand on his stomach and eased it downward, feeling his pubic hair against the edge of my palm. Now I felt his thumb and forefinger grasp the nipple of my long foreskin, pulling and twisting it gently.

"Man, your skin's longer than mine," he said. "By the way, my name's Eric." I grasped the foreskin covered end of his prick between two fingers and gave it a couple of squeezes.

"My name's Jack, and I'm glad to meet you. Lots of cut guys don't know how to handle a prick that still has its foreskin." His prick was swelling as I continued to squeeze it, and I felt the outline of his glans through the thick skin.

"I'm glad to meet you too, and I like the way you're handing my penis. I hope what I'm doing feels good for you." The rest of his fingers closed around my prick, and he began sliding my foreskin back and forth over the swelling core.

"Yours feels like it's got a nice head on it," I commented as I continued to palpate it.

"I can feel the head through your skin too. It's nice and big."

"So's yours," I added. "Maybe we'd better go someplace else now. We can't do too much here. I don't think they'd appreciate it if we shot our cream into their pool."

"You're right, Jack. Let's get dressed and go to my place. It's only a couple of miles from here." We got up with our half-hard pricks standing out in front of us, but I knew this wouldn't arouse comment, as probably half the guys in the pool were sitting next to each other and playing the way we had.

We dressed hurriedly, eager to be alone together, and walked to the parking lot. I followed him home to a single-story house and pulled into the driveway behind him. Inside he turned to me.

"Would you like a drink, or maybe a glass of wine?" he asked.

"Oh, no, it's too early for me," I replied.

"Mind if I have one, then? I really think I need it."

"Is anything wrong?" I asked. "Been having a bad day?"

"No, it's not that," he answered. "It's just that I'm really hot and excited, and I need something to slow me down. Otherwise I'll be shooting too soon. You know, premature ejaculation. I'll be way ahead of you." I looked intently at him.

"Nothing wrong if you come first," I said. "It won't bother me a bit."

"Wouldn't it be better if we came together? Lots of guys like it that way."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but we're going to do safe sex, right? I mean we'll stroke each other until we come."

"Yeah, that's exactly what I had in mind. I guess that's okay with you."

"It's very okay, and that's why it won't matter to me if you come first." As I spoke I saw Eric start to remove his clothes as he replied to me.

"Okay, let's strip. Then you can tell me why you don't mind if I can't last as long as you." I began undressing and followed him into the bedroom. Eric had a queen-size bed, which allowed plenty of room for any kind of play, and soon we were sitting side by side, naked, the warmth of his right thigh pressing against my left.

"Nice house," I said.

"I really need a house, even though I live alone. An apartment wouldn't do because I'm pretty loud when I come, and it might bother the neighbors."

"Good thought. I'm pretty loud when I come too," I said. "That's one reason I have my own house too."

"That's another thing we have in common. Now tell me why you don't mind if I come first instead of with you." I took a deep breath and began:

"I know the idea of us coming together seems very romantic, sharing the magic moment. I think it's very nice too, but I miss out on a lot if I'm coming right when you're blowing your load. I like to watch when I make a guy come, but I close my eyes when I'm blasting off, and I miss the show."

"I know what you mean," he interjected. "I close my eyes too." His fingers once more clasped the end of my foreskin as they had in the pool.

"Your fingers feel good to me," I said softly. "I really like that." I gently pinched his glans through the thick fleshy covering, feeling it throb in response.

"So you were telling me^Å" he said.

"Right. Anyway, I like to watch a guy's face when I make him come. I like to feel his penis throb, and see the cream pouring out of it. By the way, you shoot or you dribble?"

"I usually dribble when I'm doing myself, but when I'm excited like I am now, I'll shoot. How about you?"

"I'm the same way. Stroking my own prick isn't like when another guy's doing it to me. Then I really shoot. That's another thing we've got in common, I guess."

"Coming together can be nice, I guess, but it's hard to time it, especially the first time," he said.

"I feel the same way. I like it better when I can concentrate on making the other guy's prick feel good, and he can just relax and enjoy it while I'm working on him. Then I can relax while he finishes me off. I can really come hard then."

"I see what you mean. I like your idea a lot. Now I think we need some lube. The chlorine in that water made my skin and tip all dry. How's yours doing?" Eric opened a drawer in the bedside table and withdrew a small plastic bottle.

"My prick's normally on the dry side. I don't secrete much natural lube, and you're right, the chemicals in that water dried mine."

"This is Astroglide," he said as he eased my foreskin back to uncover half my glans. "It's got glycerin in it, and it makes your head and skin feel warm." He poured a few drops on my tip, moving the foreskin up and down to spread it and work it in."

"I've got that at home," I said. "I like that warm feeling. Now let me lube your prick." I took the bottle from him and drew his foreskin down to bare the front dome of his helmet. His flesh was dry, and the lubricant gave it a gloss as I worked it in. We were both fully erect, and our pricks didn't collapse when we pushed back the foreskins.

"We've both got about six inches," he said as I slowly stroked his foreskin. His expert fingers eased mine all the way down to reveal the head. "You've got a big helmet just like mine, too, something else we've got in common. I like that."

"You've got a straight shaft, Eric. Some guys have a curve."

"Your shaft's got a big vein on the right," he added. "Man, I'm really hot now."

"I know you are," I reassured him. "I'm going to add more lube to make your foreskin slide easier and keep you from coming too fast." I poured more onto his helmet shaped glans, working the foreskin slowly to coat it evenly and mask the sensations.

"You've got enough skin to cover the head even when you're hard. I noticed that. I like that tight pucker it forms at the end. Mine skins back a bit when I'm hard."

"The skin of your prick's darker than mine," I said. "Your balls are looser too. They hang down and mine are always tight." Eric now was working my foreskin in long strokes up and down the head, as his other hand cupped my balls.

"You really know what you're doing," he said. "If you'd touched my tip with your fingers, I would have shot off right away, but you're using only the skin." I stroked his foreskin as far up as I could without pulling hard, and found it covered only half the head. Then I eased it back slowly, gradually revealing the corona and letting it snap down into the deep groove behind it.

"I like stroking your foreskin, watching as that flaring rim appears. That looks really sexy." Eric pulled mine all the way down and said:

"Yours is too. You've got the same flaring rim like mine, and the skin fills up the groove behind it." Now I pulled back harder on Eric's taut foreskin, watching as the thick frenulum under the head pulled the front of his glans down towards his balls.

"Your gee-string's thicker and tighter than mine. When I pulled on it just now it made the head dip."

"Don't pull on it too much. It's very sensitive and if you do that a few times you'll make me come." He pulled down hard on my shaft-skin, his eyes avidly fixed on my prick.

"See? My helmet doesn't go down like yours," I said. I relaxed my grip on his shaft and the glans came back up. Now I eased his foreskin up over the upturned ridge, compressing the nerve endings and adding to the sliding friction against his glans.

"Your tip's getting darker," I said. "I think you're getting close. Does your tip get extra sensitive when you're coming?"

"Yeah, my tip gets very sensitive. I'm getting close. I'm surprised I haven't come yet. You really know what you're doing."

"I'm going nice and easy because I know your orgasm's going to be more intense if we take our time. With a slow build-up, you shoot more and you shoot farther." As I spoke, I drew his foreskin back down, sliding it over the slippery wetness of his rim, until it once more lodged behind the corona.

"I'm getting close^Å." He muttered.

"I know you are. Your tip's dark and I can feel how it's gotten harder the last few seconds. Your tip's in its final swelling now. Maybe you'd better just lie back now." He reclined on the bed and I straddled his legs, retaining my grasp on his shaft. I noticed he was still holding mine.

"Close^Å" he whispered as his eyes shut.

"You can hold on to my prick while I'm working on yours," I said. "If holding it gets you hot, then go for it."

"My tip's getting tingly^Å." He trailed off. I knew he was right on the edge, and I slowed my pace to a crawl, wanting to keep him at the moment of delicious anticipation as long as I could. His balls were tight against his body and his prick throbbed lightly as I squeezed his shaft.

Now I decided that the moment was right. I pulled his foreskin quickly over the rim and as far up as I could, then snapped it back down to give him a deep and satisfying friction. His face tightened, his shaft pulsed in my hand, and he let out a howl as the orgasm hit him with the force of a hurricane.

"AAAAAAAAAAGGGH!" he bellowed as a thick white jet shot from his straining tip in an arc that landed between his nipples. His prick pulsed again as I pulled the foreskin up over the rim, crushing the nerve endings, and a second torrent of cream blasted through the lips of his long slit.

"HAAAHHHHH!" he yelled again as his prick throbbed and jerked between my tight encircling fingers and another hot stream poured from the tip, which was now clearly visible because I'd just skinned him back. Now I understand why he needed to live in a detached house instead of a thin-walled apartment.

I watched his dark purple tip as the long slit lips parted again to release another discharge, this one reaching only to his navel. Now I just held his foreskin tightly back% 2C remembering that his head became super-sensitive during orgasm. The glossy purple head was straining against the pressure of the blood that inflated it, and gushed another large stream, but this one just drooled from his slit and poured over my fingers. His hand was still clasped tightly around my prick, squeezing it each time he shot.

Eric kept grunting, but not as loudly, as his orgasm spent itself. His prick still throbbed, but now only single drops oozed from his orifice. Several weaker throbs followed, and finally he was still.

I saw Eric's body relax as his breathing returned to normal, and watched as he sank into the stupor that follows an intense orgasm. His fingers uncurled from around my prick and I went into the bathroom to rinse his cream off my hands. When I returned his eyes were open.

"Man, that was really hot," he said. "I was in a daze there for awhile."

"You were really loud," I commented. "You were really shooting, too. Look at where some of your cream landed- high up on your chest."

"That felt soooo gooood," he said. "Your hand on my dick really made me shoot a lot more than I would have if I'd only had my hand on it."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," I said. "I really wanted you to get your rocks off. Watching you coming was almost as much fun as shooting my own load."

"You really enjoyed that, didn't you?" he asked. "I'm glad I put on a good show for you."

"You really did, Eric. I was watching your face, saw your eyes close, and then your mouth opened when you yelled. I saw the first shot come blasting from your tip. Then I pulled your foreskin up. The head was dark purple, and I felt it throbbing through the foreskin when you shot your second load."

"Your dick's still hard, I see." His eyes had moved to my groin.

"Watching you kept me excited. It's a good thing you were just holding my prick and not pumping it. I might have shot too after your orgasm started." I snagged a tissue from the box next to the bed and began cleaning the cream from his body.

"Don't touch my cock yet," he cautioned. "It's still very sensitive." I worked around his abdomen and dabbed at his pubic hair. Eric took a tissue and began wiping the residue from the end of his softening glans. I pressed a finger into the tube on the underside of his shaft to milk out the last drops. Finally, e pulled his foreskin up over the head, and I saw that his slit was visible inside the thick ring.

"I guess that's it," I said. "You might have a little dribble left inside you, but your foreskin will catch it if it leaks out."

"Yeah, I'm cleaned up. Thanks. Now it's your turn. I want to see you shoot your load." He gently pushed me flat on the bed and encircled my prick with his stubby fingers.

"Now I can relax, Eric. I know you're satisfied, and I'm just going to be thinking of my own pleasure."

"That's what I want you to do. Just relax and let me work on your penis." His fingers exerted gentle traction, working my foreskin down off the head in slow stages.

"That feels really good, your doing it slowly like that. I can feel the nerves in my foreskin stretching." He had about half the head uncovered now, and he commented:

"I noticed your slit pouts when the head gets hard. It looks like a teardrop. Mine just stays shut." He dragged my foreskin down another increment as I sighed with delight and said:

"Oh, that feels really good, going slowly like that." As Eric pulled harder, the orifice of my foreskin expanded over the contours of my helmet and was poised on the rim. Another gentle tug and it snapped down into the deep groove behind my ridge, forming a thick fleshy collar. As he pulled the foreskin back from my rim, he leaned forward to inspect my prick and commented:

"Your rim's got those little bumps around it on the back side. I've seen those on some guys. They're the nerve endings, aren't they?"

"Yes they are," I replied. "They make my rim pretty sensitive. You can make me come just by bumping my foreskin against the rim." I reached between us and grasped his soft prick, feeling the head move around inside its sheath as I squeezed it.

"Now that I've got your skin back, the head's swelling even more. I guess the tight skin and my fingers kept it from growing out. The head was pretty big before, but now it's swelled a bit more."

"Yours did too. I was looking at it pretty carefully while I was skinning you back," I said. Now Eric began a series of jiggling motions with my foreskin, bumping my rim and drawing the thick fleshy collar back to stretch its nerve endings. I felt the excitement building in my groin.

"Your tip's turning darker now. Tell me what you're feeling," he urged.

"I'm getting a tickle right in the rim,' I answered. "That feels really good." Eric's skilled fingers were rapidly moving my foreskin to bump the rim, fueling my fire.

"I think I know what you're feeling, but I want to hear it from you. That really turns me on," he said. As he spoke I felt his prick swelling in my hand.

"I'll keep talking as long as I can, but that won't be for much longer. That tickling feeling's all over the head now."

"I can see how excited you are. Your tip's really dark now, and I can feel it's gotten harder. How does it feel now?"

"The head's all tingly now," I said. "You're going to make me come!" My eyes closed as I withdrew into myself and now my awareness of the world outside my body faded because all my attention was focused on my swollen, tingling helmet. I began to moan.

"Okay, Jack, don't try to talk. Just concentrate on the sensations." I felt his strokes slow as he spoke. "I'm going to try to keep you on the edge, just like you did to me." Now I was moaning loudly, helpless against the rush of sensations filling my swollen helmet.

"Just relax, Jack. That tip of yours is really shiny now. I'll be here when it starts to spit." I was moaning even more loudly, and now I felt an ache in my glans. I knew I needed release right now, but Eric's stroking slowed even more, teasing my swollen helmet.

"HUNHHHH!" I cried out, poised on the edge of orgasm. Suddenly, Eric's stroking picked up, and I felt my crotch muscles tighten uncontrollably. A hot rush of sensations filled my helmet and then shot down to my cock-root, triggering my climax.

HUNNNHHHHAAAHHHH!" I cried out, as I felt the first hot jet shooting into my urethra, burning its way up my tube like a torrent of hot lava. My entire body tightened up as my prick shot its jet.

"HUNHHH! HUNHHHHH!" I grunted again as the second gush poured into my tube, rushing up my prick and slamming through the lips of my orifice. I cried out loudly and helplessly as another hot torrent began its way up my shaft, and then I felt Eric's fingers pressing into the underside of my prick, trapping the fluid.

Eric said something I didn't catch as his fingertips pressed hard into my prick, compressing my urethra and causing the pressure of the trapped fluid to build up. My hips bucked uncontrollably as the mind-numbing orgasm washed over me.

I felt another hard contraction deep inside, the resulting discharge adding to the pressure inside my prick. It felt ready to burst, and yet another gush poured out of my prostate, making me cry out in blissful agony.

Now I felt Eric's fingers release my shaft, although he was still pumping my foreskin with his other hand, and the huge torrent of fluid poured out of my tip. My next contraction was weaker, as was the one following, leaving me gasping for breath between groans. A few more twitches of my cock-root followed, and then it was over. I lay inert, exhausted by the effort, and slowly my heartbeat and breathing returned to normal. When I opened my eyes I saw Eric smiling down at me. He'd pulled my foreskin forward to protect the shrinking helmet.

"Bet that was a surprise, wasn't it?"

"Huh?" was all I could say, as I was still dazed by the aftershock of my orgasm.

"After you'd shot a couple of loads, I pinched your tube shut. That made it more intense for you, didn't it?"

"It really did," I was able to whisper. "I didn't know what was happening. It just seemed my prick was going to explode."

"I know," he said. "It's the same feeling like when you're pissing and you squeeze your shaft to cut off the flow." I'd done that a few times and knew what he meant.

"Anyway, thanks. That was really hot for me." My voice was stronger now. Eric had placed a wad of tissues over the end of my prick and was now milking it.

"Thanks for the show," he said. I had a front-row seat."

"Your prick's half swollen. Want another orgasm?" I asked.

"No, that can wait till later," he replied. Now he lay beside me and we fell into a deep sleep.

The End

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