
By Rachel Lewis

Published on Oct 26, 1999


Hey everybody. Chapters 21-23 are finally finished after many problems. I was almost finished last Thursday night with these chapters. I turned off my computer to go sleep because I had my Bio midterm at 8am the next day. Well I couldn't fall asleep so I turned the computer back on to write the rest to relax me. Well low and behold the last 8 chapters have disappeared. My beautiful computer decided to erase them from my disk. I naturally panicked, e-mailed my friend DJ (you are the greatest by the way) upset and crying. He calmed me down and told me to just relax. So I took the weekend off and let myself relax. I took today and typed up the whole thing today. Luckily I had these chapters written on paper first. Okay enough of my complaining.

I have one more thing to say. It is in regards to an e-mail sent to all the Nifty Boy band authors. If you are an author, you know what I am talking about. If you aren't an author, you don't want to know what I am talking about. These stories are written for fun. The authors take a lot of time and effort to write something for themselves. I don't write stories for my readers. I write them for myself. Please do not bash an author even if it is in retaliation to something said previously. It just brings down the level of integrity that all of us have. I personally do not want to be dragged into a catfight. If this little commentary does that, I will no longer post anything on Nifty and will ask that my stories be removed. This is not what this archive is about.

Alright no more negativity. I want all of you to go read the latest chapters of 'Brian and Me' if you haven't yet. DLS has written one of the most brilliant stories I have ever read.

A quick thanks again to DJ! You are the greatest. Thanks for everything you have done this past weekend and today. I owe you a big thanks!

Disclaimer: Blah, blah, blah. If you are on chapter 21 of my story, you know the deal with the disclaimer. I'm tired of writing it.


Chapter 21

Kevin leaned his head against AJ's shoulder. AJ smiled down at him and grabbed his hand, squeezing tightly.

"Love you." AJ whispered to Kevin.

"Love you too."

Kevin looked at his watch. Nick's flight would be getting in at any moment. He had been at Allie's for a week now, trying to get some stuff done for their wedding. Brian had hated to force Nick home, but his presence at this meeting was needed. He also had to finish Far Away today. The album was being sent in tomorrow and if Nick wanted his song on it, he had to finish it today.

Nick swung his backpack over his shoulder and happily exited the plane. Even the short 45-minute flight from Philadelphia to Orlando bothered him. He couldn't wait to touch solid ground.

He looked around the gate for Kevin and AJ. Nick finally spotted them off to the side, kissing each other softly. They looked so happy.

"Hey lovebirds."

Nick was slightly surprised to see the two of them showing so much affection in public. Obviously something had happened over the last week that they hadn't mentioned to him over the phone.

Kevin jumped up and grabbed Nick, lifting him up and spinning him around like he was a little kid again.

"Whoa, someone's in a good mood. What's up?"

Kevin and AJ hadn't said anything about the engagement over the phone. This was something they wanted to tell him face to face.

Smiling brightly, Kevin held his left hand out to Nick. The diamonds around the band caught the light, glinting softly. Nick shouted happily and pulled Kevin into a hug. He turned to AJ and grabbed him as well.

"Nice job Bone. When's the big day?"

AJ pulled away from Nick, smiling at Kevin.

"We haven't decided yet. We're thinking sometime in September."

"Why so long?"

"Well a certain other member of the group is getting married in May. We don't want to steal his thunder. Plus we have a lot to do. I want a huge wedding."

AJ grabbed Kevin's hand and bounced around him in a circle.

Kevin and Nick laughed as AJ bounced around like an idiot. It had been sometime since AJ had acted like a complete idiot. They had both missed the carefree AJ of the past.

"Do we have time to go back to my house?"

Nick walked towards the luggage claim with Kevin and AJ trailing him.

"Nope, we have to head right over. I'm sure Brian informed you of the new deadline."

"Yeah when did they change that?"

"Yesterday. The same time they made this meeting mandatory."

"Super. Oh how are Marilyn's dogs doing?"

Kevin shuddered slightly. He hated those dogs.

"Fine, but I am really glad that you are here to take care of them. I don't ever want to feed them again."

Nick grabbed his luggage off the luggage carousel.

"No need to worry about that Kevin. Marilyn is coming to get them in a few days. They are cutting the tour short. Pogo is sick. So I'm done baby-sitting duty for now."

Kevin looked at Nick quizzically. Marilyn hadn't mentioned that when he had talked to him Saturday.

"Oh, I didn't know that. Brian didn't say anything when I talked to him a few days ago."

"Well they showed up to visit Allie while I was there. I'll fill you guys in later. First tell me how you fixed Carefree AJ."

Nick effectively changed the subject getting the attention off of him for the moment. Kevin eyed him carefully. Something had happened and it had to do with Marilyn.

Kevin, AJ, and Nick walked into the lounge together, laughing about something. They stopped when they saw her. Howie and Brian were sitting glumly, looking at her as well.

"Nicky. Hello baby." Britney sashayed over to Nick and put her arms around him. Nick didn't move to respond. Brian rolled his eyes at Howie. She had tried that with him as well. Apparently as long as they weren't married or gay, they were fair game for Britney.

"Hello Britney. Can you please let me go now?"

Britney pouted, but let him go anyway.

"Is that anyway to treat an old friend Nicky?"

"We aren't friends Britney. And don't ever call me Nicky again. My name is Nick. At least for you."


She plopped down on the couch with an angry look.

"What is she doing here?" Kevin whispered to Brian.

"Lance and I tried our best. We can't get her off the tour until after Europe."

"Jesus. Has anyone told Justin?" Nick whispered.

"I left that to Lance. I hope he has or else Justin is going to flip out when he sees her."

"We got her gagged at least. She's not allowed to do any promotion for the tour or say anything at all to any reporters. Including anything about her relationship with Justin."

Brian looked over at the pissed-off Britney Spears.

"I almost feel sorry for her." AJ said quietly.


Howie asked, shocked that AJ would feel that way. The two of them had never gotten along. Britney had said a lot of nasty things to Kevin and AJ when she had found out they were gay. AJ had never been able to forgive her. Howie had often wondered how she treated Lance and Jean-Michel.

"Do you think she really loved him?"

Nick shrugged, looking over at Britney as well.

"She's going to lose her career because of this. Britney didn't just lose Justin; she lost everything that came with him. Imagine how she is feeling right now."

Kevin shuddered as a chill passed over him. He hadn't thought of it that way. He grabbed AJ's hand, squeezing tightly. Part of him knew how Britney must be feeling. Losing someone you loved was painful. He had lost Marilyn and he had almost lost AJ. Losing your career was pretty close to that pain. He had thought that was gone that day at Marilyn's.

Britney looked over at the five guys with thinly veiled disgust. She knew they were talking about her. Could they be a little more obvious?

She twisted the ring on her left hand. Britney knew she had screwed up. She did love Justin, but it wasn't enough to just love him. She had to control him. Britney had worked hard too get what she had.

Yet her relationship with Justin had turned her into a sham. Any new album she did would flop. She was Justin of 'Nsync's girlfriend. Nothing more.

Britney sighed heavily. She used to be a well-respected artist on her own. Not only had Justin taken himself away, but Justin had taken her career too. He was going to have to pay. She just had to figure out how. She squirmed slightly out of delight. Britney loved to be evil.

Howie watched as Britney squirmed in her seat. What was going on in that girl's mind?

"Nick how was your trip?" Brian asked him, trying to change the subject and focus away from Britney.

"Very nice for most of it." Nick tried to hide a grimace, but it snuck through.

"What happened?"

"Long story. I figured out the end of Far Away."

That was the second time Nick had changed the subject from his trip to the album. Kevin and AJ exchanged glances, slightly confused. Kevin looked at Nick closely as he talked. He was sure that this had to do with Mikel and Marilyn now that Nick had done it again.

Nick flicked his eyes towards Kevin. He knew Kevin was concerned. It was very rare that he didn't want to talk about Allie. He would tell Kevin and AJ later. He wanted to talk to everyone on their own. This wasn't a group thing. E needed specific advice from each person. He really needed Howie and Ameena's advice being the only married couple.

Kevin got up to fix some coffee for himself. He really needed another cup this morning.

"Can I talk to you Kevin?"

"About what Britney?" His shoulders slumped slightly when he heard her voice. The last thing he wanted to do was talk to her.

She poured herself a cup of coffee and gestured for him to join her on the couch.

He reluctantly followed her, shooting an exasperated look in AJ's direction, who just shrugged and concentrated on what Howie was saying.

"Do you hate me?"

"Britney let's not talk about this."

"I guess that's a yes."

Kevin didn't answer, sipping his coffee in silence.

"Fine. I guess I can understand that. I said some really mean things to you and AJ in the past. I'm sorry."

"Somehow I doubt your sincerity Britney."

"Kevin can't you give me the benefit of the doubt? I'm really telling the truth here okay. God I thought you were the sensible one."

"No. I'm just the oldest. I tend to be able to look at situations differently. I just happen to remember being called a cock-sucking faggot whose going to rot in hell for his sins more then once."

Britney looked away. Part of her was mad that Kevin wasn't accepting her apology, which actually was sincere for once. The rest of her understood completely why he wasn't.

"Can I just ask that the five of you not treat me like shit? I'm going to get plenty of that from the other five guys."

"Britney. I try not to treat anyone like shit. I can't speak for anyone else though."

She nodded.

The door opened. Britney could here the voices and her heart began to pound in her throat as Chris and Joey walked in. Their jaws dropped when they saw her sitting there. JC and Lance followed right behind them.

Lance's lack of surprise was obvious to JC. He knew that she was going to be here and didn't say anything?

JC turned to head back to the door to warn Justin, but it was too late.

"What is she doing here?" Justin's eyes bugged out when he saw Britney sitting in a chair next to Kevin.

Kevin jumped up, put his arm around Justin's shoulder and guided him to the other side of the room.

"We tried to get her off the tour Justin. We really did. She is contractually obligated to stay on the tour at least through Europe. I thought Lance told you already."

Justin squeezed his eyes shut, trying to force the hate he was feeling deep down inside. This just wasn't fair. Lance had promised that he wouldn't have to tour with her. And he had known and not told him.

Britney stood up, walking over to Justin with a fake smile on her face.

"Just-bear?" Her voice dripped honey. She tried to touch his shoulder, but he jerked it away.

"Don't touch me, don't talk to me, and don't even look at me."

Justin glared at her. Britney just smiled back at him, angering him even more.

Justin stalked away from Britney, his body language accurately informing all present how mad he really was.

Nick, AJ, Howie, and Brian sat in silence. How come Lance hadn't said anything? No one moved towards Justin who was sitting on the other side of the room. Nick couldn't take it any longer. Someone had to go talk to the upset boy.

"It's moments like this that you can truly understand why people drink."

Justin nodded mutely.

"Don't worry about Bitch-ney Justin. We couldn't get her off the first part of the tour, but Brian and Lance argued very persuasively that she be isolated from the rest of us, especially you. Plus she isn't allowed to do any promotion for the tour with us or by herself either. A gag has been placed on her regarding the tour, your relationship, and the break-up. She's harmless now."

"Nick, I can't tour with her. I ended it really, really badly. I know Britney. Those restrictions aren't going to stop her. She's going to do something to make me pay."

"Maybe she won't Justin. Maybe she'll realize that it's over."

Justin looked Nick in the eye.

"Two words for you Nick. Kelly Bale."

Nick shuddered slightly. How could he have forgotten that? Kelly had been a singer along the same line as Britney, but much, much better. Britney had destroyed her career before she even had a chance to fight back. Kelly was still recovering from the physical beating she had gotten at Britney's hand as well. Somehow Britney hadn't been charged and her reputation hadn't been destroyed. To this day, she still maintained her innocence. Most people knew better. Britney was hell to tangle with.

Nick put his arm around Justin to comfort him.

"Want me to get the Manson family to kick her ass?"

Justin began to laugh at Nick's suggestion, despite how angry he was. He threw his arms around Nick and gave him a big hug.

"Thanks Nick."

"No problem."

Brian clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. He still wasn't used to this being in charge thing, so he had Lance with him.

"Okay, we are here today to talk to Fatima about choreography and also to decide which songs each of the groups will be doing on the tour."

Unsure of what to say next, he turned to Lance, who immediately jumped in and took care of the rest.

"As Brian mentioned we are picking songs for the tour. The label has sent us specific instructions on what songs are eligible and which are not. At least five songs off the BSB's new album must be done and at least six off of our new album must be done. Britney, since you haven't done a new album in a year, you have to pick old stuff. They want you to cover two songs as well. Any questions?"

No one answered him, so Lance assumed that everything was clear.

"Okay then. Now we split up. Britney, you are with Fatima first since your choreography is the easiest. BSB and 'Nsync are in here working on the songs. BSB this end of the room, 'Nsync far end of the room. Okay everyone move."

Lance talked to Brian for a moment before heading to the 'Nsync end of the room. Nick and Kevin sat back down with the rest of the guys.

"Hey can you guys make a promise to me?"

They waited for Nick to finish.

"If I ever break up with Allie and she is going to be somewhere I am going to be and it's going to be uncomfortable that we are both going to be there, promise you'll tell me. And I promise to do the same for all of you."

They nodded mutely.

"Why wouldn't Lance tell him?" AJ wondered out loud.

"I have no idea, but it was a cruel thing for Lance to do to Justin. He doesn't deserve that from one of his best friends."

No one said anything for a moment. Finally Brian broke the silence.

"Let's get to work."

They nodded in agreement.

"I have the list of songs we can do. We'll just do this the normal way. Out of these 65 or so songs that we sing, we have to pick 15. I'll read down the list one at a time and we'll vote. Then when we get to the end, we'll eliminate songs to get to the final 15."

Brian began to read off the list, waiting a moment for the appearance of hands. He finished quickly and they only had to work on cutting 7 songs.

"I don't think we need to do Larger then Life anymore. We already have 6 high-energy dance numbers on the list." AJ argued.

"But the fans love Larger then Life. They expect that." Nick argued back.

"Exactly. Let's do something they don't expect."

Brian held up his hand.

"Let's vote. Raise your hand if you want to keep Larger then Life."

Nick raised his hand. He looked around, seeing he was the only one.

"Fine. No Larger then Life. What's next?"

He was disappointed, but he knew the rules. The Backstreet Boys operated like a democracy.

"All I Have to Give. I personally like that song. I think we should do it."

Kevin shook his head.

"That song is so old. We have many better songs then that to do for romantic songs. Including a lot of the new album."

Howie called for the vote this time. Brian lost because only he and AJ wanted to keep All I Have to Give. The voting and arguing went on for another fifteen minutes until they had their final 15.

"Okay here's what we have. Everybody, Quit Playin' Games, I'll Never Break Your Heart, I Want It That Way, Show Me the Meaning, The One, Don't Want You Back, What Do You Want, When Dreams Come True, Whole Again, Dreaming of You, Carefree, Little Girl, Far Away, and Escape. That covers all the requirements that label sent us. Anyone want to add something?"

Howie sighed deeply. He hated to do this, but it needed to be said.

"I hate to ask this, but how can we say we are going to do Far Away if we don't even know what it sounds like yet? I know we want to each do the songs we wrote, but I think it's only fair to hear Nick's song first."

Nick was momentarily angry. If this had been when Nick was younger, he would have immediately started to yell at Howie, but this was now.

"How about this? I promise that I will have the song ready in two hours. I know exactly what I have to do. Until then, we will say we are doing Playing Games. If you guys like Far Away, we will do that. If not I understand."

They all looked at Nick shocked. It had been obvious that he was growing up and gaining a lot more maturity, but that was the last way they had expected him to react to being challenged like that.


Nick was confused at why they were looking at him like that. Did he have food on his face or something?

"Nothing. I guess we didn't expect you to say something like that. We all agree to that idea."

"That's why I ended up fucking him!"

They all looked up, astonished to hear JC shout that. What the hell was happening down there?

Nick leaned over to Brian.

"What the hell was that?"

Brian shook his head.

"I have no idea."

They could see JC blushing from across the room. He turned to Lance and spoke to him. With that he got up and walked out. Chris started to follow him, but Joey stopped him and followed JC instead.

"Well it sounds like JC's been busy."

Kevin scowled at Brian.

"Shut up Brian. It's none of our business."

"Fine. We have a long break. We got done a lot faster then we thought. The 'Nsync guys are with Fatima before us. Nick has to finish Far Away. The rest of us can do what we want for a while."

"I'm going to go grab some food. I'm starving."

Howie stood up and stretched.

"We'll join you Howie." Kevin was hungry and he knew AJ would always eat.

"I'll chill with Nick, if that's cool with him." Brian looked over at him.

"Sure thing Rok. You can give me pointers on how to use the editing equipment."

"Great. The blind leading the blind."

AJ laughed at the both of them. Nick stuck his tongue out at him.

They all headed out of the room, leaving the 'Nsync guys alone.

"Kevin, AJ wait up!" Nick called after them as they walked in the other direction. Howie kept walking, giving them privacy.

"Yeah Nick?"

"Do you want to have dinner tonight? I need to talk to you both."

"Sure. Our place or yours?"

"How about yours? I'm sure mine is a wreck from the dogs."

"Actually I kept them outside as much as possible. But our place is fine."

"Great. I'll bring over some pizza."

AJ shook his head.

"No way. I was planning on making dinner tonight. I'll just throw a few more pork chops on."

"Thanks AJ. I'll see you guys around 7ish if that's cool with you?"

"That's fine. We'll see you then. Now get to work."

Nick smiled and headed back to the studio to finish his song.

Chapter 22

Nick held the bottle in one hand and rang the doorbell with the other. Though they were expecting him, Nick felt it was more considerate to not just walk in even though he had the access code.

Kevin opened the door with a smile. He had changed into a pair of sweatpants and an old sweater. His hair was damp and messy.

"Come on in Nick. AJ's almost done dinner."

"I brought some wine, non-alcoholic of course. I didn't want to come empty-handed since I kind of invited myself over."

"Thanks Nick, but you know you are always welcome here."

They headed into the kitchen, where AJ had just finished making the salad. Kevin gave him a kiss on the cheek and handed him the wine. After a quick glance at the bottle, AJ smiled at Nick who was already sitting at the table.

"You got a good brand Nick. It's one of my favorites."

Kevin sat down across from Nick. AJ was putting the food on plates.

"I loved Far Away Nick. I can't wait until we can perform it live. It's going to sound great live."

"Thanks Kevin."

"What did you need to talk to us about Nick?"

Nick sighed heavily. He needed to talk to Kevin and AJ about what happened, but he was reluctant at the same time.

"I guess I didn't really say why I was leaving to see Allie and I really respect the fact that no one pressured me to find out. Allie called me up very early the morning I left, crying hysterically. She had been up all night studying for a physics midterm and couldn't take it anymore. She needed someone there with her. So I decided to hop the next flight and take care of her. I missed her so much anyway. I didn't want to leave you alone Kevin. I really didn't, but I had to help Allie."

"I know Nick. You did the right thing." Kevin reassured him.

AJ opened the wine and poured three glasses. Nick took a sip before he continued.

"I took over a lot of the work for the wedding so she didn't have to think about that while she was studying for midterms. I guess you probably figured out that I didn't stay at a hotel. I stayed with her in her dorm room."

Kevin raised his eyebrows slightly. Nick noticed.

"I know, I know. Stupid idea. Neither of us were thinking that clearly. We were just so happy to be in bed together again."

"Nick, I thought you two know know." Kevin blushed deeply, causing Nick to laugh.

"We haven't ever. When we share a bed, we just sleep. I swear. I've never seen you get embarrassed about sex Kevin. You were the one to sit me down and tell me about it even though you were a little fuzzy on the girl end of it."

Nick grinned at Kevin as he squirmed slightly. AJ smiled as he put the food in front of them.

"I don't know. I guess just the idea of you and Allie makes me nervous."

"It's okay. That was what Marilyn and Mikel thought when they showed up unexpectedly to find me there."

Kevin began to cough, his food getting caught, knowing that this wasn't going to be good. Marilyn had quite a temper regarding Allie. AJ patted him on the back and handed him a glass of water to clear his throat.

"Friday morning around 9, the phone rang. Allie, Kate, and I were still asleep. Kate answered it half-asleep. She woke up immediately and woke us up as soon as she hung up. It turns out that Mikel and Marilyn were downstairs to see Allie. She panicked, got dressed quickly and ran out of the room to go get them. Kate and I got dressed quickly. I had been in just my boxers. It would have been really bad to have them see that."

He paused to eat some salad.

"Well Allie had told them I was there on the way up. I was sitting on her bed waiting for them when she opened the door. Marilyn made a beeline for me. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me off the bed. I thought he was going to hit me. Allie pulled him off of me before he could do anything. Kate was staring at us with her mouth wide-open. Allie sat me back down on the bed and sat Marilyn and Mikel down on the couch."

"Dad what are you guys doing here? I thought you were supposed to be in Arizona this week."

"We are cutting the tour short. MW is really sick. We thought we would come visit you since you have been a little stressed out lately. I see we aren't the only ones to think of that." Marilyn answered, glaring at Nick.

"Brian, I asked my father. Please don't be a bitch like that. And do not death glare Nick. I don't appreciate that at all. He's been here for me much more then either of you have in the past six months."

Marilyn sat back, properly chastised by the 17 year-old. Mikel's face fell, knowing that he had not been a good father to her lately.

I was shocked. I've never seen her say anything like that to Marilyn of all people. It blew my mind.

"Katherine could you and Nikolas please excuse us? I need to speak to my daughter in private."

Mikel turned to Allie's roommate who was still sitting silently on her bed, staring at Marilyn. Even dressed in semi-normal clothing, he was still scary looking.

"Dad this is Kate's room too. You're not kicking her out. And Nick is not leaving either. Anything you say to me, you can say to him."

I watched in silence as she handled her father so well. We had talked a few times about how distant they had been recently and how much it bothered her. Still I wasn't expecting her to be so cold towards him.

"It's cool. I'll leave. I should shower anyway." Kate grabbed her robe, towel and shower stuff.

"I'll be in Maria's room using her shower if you need me." She gave both Allie and me a peck on the cheek and ran out as quickly as possible.

Mikel waited until the door was shut before he began to speak.

"Allison we have always been very close. I can't help what has happened these past few months. It's not fair to treat me like shit because I haven't been as involved as I was in the past. You are almost an adult. Act like one."

"You're telling me to act like an adult. I'm the one in college, planning a wedding, and taking care of your household back in California. I believe you are the one who dropped all your responsibilities to go traipsing around the world with your boyfriend." She said boyfriend with as much contempt as possible.

"Allison do not use that tone of voice with me. I'm 35 years old. I don't have to answer to you."

"Yes you do. I'm your daughter. I should be consulted about some areas of your life!"

I decided to jump in then.

"Okay, both of you calm down. Yelling isn't going to help things."

Mikel turned back to Allie.

"Why didn't you tell me that you are having sex with Nick?"

If Mikel was trying to give me a heart attack and kill me off without getting in trouble, well he almost succeeded. I wanted to find a little hole to crawl into and die.

Allie grabbed my hand tightly.

"Dad, I don't know how to tell you this, but Nick and I have never had sex with each other."


Marilyn muttered loud enough for all of us to hear. Mikel shot him an angry look.

"Brian Hugh Warner you are not my father. You have no right to talk to me like that!"

"Allison, you have no right to talk to him like that. Brian is only trying to protect you."

"Dad, I'm a big girl. You even said I was an adult. I'm aware of how to protect myself. I don't need your boyfriend to protect me."

Again, she spit out the word boyfriend like it was acid in her mouth.


"Excuse me?"

"I know you heard me, but I'll repeat it for you. Husband Allison. Brian and I got married."

Allie sat down on the bed, her mouth open in shock. Her jaw moved like she was trying to form words, but nothing came out. Her eyes began to fill with tears. I knew she was about to crack and breakdown at any minute. I pulled her to me and held her as she began to cry.

No one said a word as she sobbed. I stroked her back, trying to comfort her as much as possible as she clung to me.

Finally Mikel broke the silence.

"Allie-baba. Talk to me. Please." Mikel pleaded with her. Getting no response except more sobs, he got off the couch and sat next to her. He reached out and touched her shoulder.

With a violent shake, she pushed him away.

"Don't touch me Mikel."

Allie hissed at him, her eyes blazing and tears running down her cheeks.

"Allison don't speak to your father like that." Marilyn tried to help his husband out. Big mistake.

She jumped up, staring down from her 5'2" vantage point at her father on the ground.

"Get out. Both of you. Don't even talk to me. I can't believe you fucking got married and didn't include me! I'm your daughter for christ sakes. Did you forget that? And then you give me a lecture about keeping things from each other. You give me shit for having my fiancé, whom I'm not even sleeping with, over! Then you go and do this! God fuck you both!"

"Allie please calm down. Maybe we should listen to them." I pleaded with her.

She turned to me with tears running down her face.

"Nick, they got married without me. I don't want to hear their explanations. You have no clue how much this hurts."

I held her tightly, watching Mikel and Marilyn.

"Mikel please tell us why you got married without telling her."

He clutched Marilyn's hand tightly as he talked.

"You've got to understand that we didn't plan this. We were talking about getting married a few nights ago. Instead of having a big wedding, which neither of us wanted, we decided to just do it. We wanted you there and were going to fly you out, but we went out the other night when we were in Vegas and passed this little chapel. We just did it. I wish so much that you were there with us. I wanted you to be there."

"We both did Allie." Marilyn broke in quietly. Tears were brimming at the corner of his eyes.

"I've never seen him show any emotion that could lead to tears. I'm sure you have Kev."

Kevin nodded. Both him and AJ had been silent, listening to the story Nick was telling in disbelief. Kevin knew he had to call Marilyn later. AJ put another pork chop on Nick's plate. He smiled happily and dug in before continuing.

"Then why wasn't I there? Dad this was the biggest day of your life with the man that you love. I wanted to share that with you when it happened, just like I want to share my wedding day with you."

Tears were running down Mikel's face as well. Both Marilyn and I were holding back our tears, trying to be strong for the one's we loved. With a sob, Allie climbed onto Mikel's lap and buried her face in his shoulder, hugging him tightly.

"Come on Nick. Let's take a walk."

Marilyn extended his hand to me and I took it. I tend not to spend much time alone with Marilyn. We don't have anything in common and he resents me. At least it seems like he resents me. I've known him since I was 14 because that's when Kev met him. He's just always scared me.

"Nick I love Mikel so much."

I didn't know what to say to that, so I just nodded.

"I don't regret marrying him. I never will. I regret not having Allie there with us when we got married."

"She should have been there. You both should have thought about it before you did it."

Marilyn was silent.

"Nick, I don't hate you."

"Thanks I guess."

"How long have we known each other?"

"Eight years. I was fourteen when you started dating Kevin."

"You've become a very fine young man Nick. I can't believe that you are the same little brat who used to follow me and Kevin around. I think you will be a great husband and father."

Imagine how confused I was. First he threatens to rip me to pieces and now he is calm, confiding in me, and complimenting me.

"Nick I want to talk to you about sex."

"What? Marilyn I know about sex. Kevin's talked to me."

Marilyn pushed me against the wall.

"Nick please listen. I need to do this." He pleaded with me.

I nodded frantically, deciding it was better to just suffer through then get killed or something.

"Tell me honestly. Are you sleeping with Allison?"

"No Marilyn. She and I are waiting until we are married. I swear to you that's the truth."

"Have you ever had sex before?"

Marilyn's grip tightened on my arm. I realized that we were in the dorm hallway. People were walking down the hall, pretending not to notice the youngest Backstreet Boy and Marilyn Manson fighting in the hallway. One of Marilyn's bodyguards was hovering about five feet back, watching us closely.

"It's none of your business, but yes I have."


"I was young. It was before Allie and I got really serious with each other."

"Not specific enough."

"A year and a half."


"I'm not telling you that. That's not relevant."

"Fine. Have you been tested?"

"Yes. They make us every six months."

"Okay. You know how to use a condom right?"


"Good. Use one every time. Allie needs to finish college before she has children."

"I will."

Marilyn released me. I brushed myself off, attempting to regain my composure.

"You hungry?"

"I could use some coffee."

Marilyn snapped his fingers. The bodyguard appeared next to us.

"Two coffees. One black two sugars." He pointed to me.

"Three creams, six sugars."

"I want a bagel toasted with cream cheese. Pick up an earl gray tea for Mikel and a vanilla cappuccino for Allison. Nikolas and I will be out front. Bring our coffees to us and take Allison and Mikel's to them."

The bodyguard nodded and headed down the hall. Another one appeared in his place to follow us outside.

It was a little chilly, but not too bad. I was glad I had a sweater. We sat on a bench in front of Allie's dorm. I loved her campus. It was beautiful, especially during the fall when all the leaves changed colors.

"I talked to Kevin the other day. He told me that he's been living at your house."

I nodded to him, still a little put off by his mood swings.

"Make sure Kevin and AJ are okay. I would really hate to see the two of them hurt."

"For the first time in my life, I had a real conversation with my future father-in-law. It was neat. Marilyn is actually a really nice guy."

"He hides it pretty well though." Kevin added in.

"Yeah he does. Well once Mikel and Allie joined us, he insisted that we all go eat together. I put my foot down and said that Allie had to study and we would see them later."

"How was Allie after they left?"

"She walked back into the bedroom, threw herself on the bed and cried. I held her for hours as she sobbed. I don't think Mikel knows how much he hurt her."

"What ended up happening?"

"They stayed until Sunday. Allie refused to be alone with either of them. Either Kate or I had to be with her at all times. When they left, she returned to normal, sort of. She refuses to call her father and won't answer the phone in case it might be him."

"It's going to take some time for her to get past it Nick. That was pretty low of them." AJ frowned, just thinking about how angry and upset he would have been.

"Would you believe that neither of us are mad. Allie is just hurt and disappointed. Me, I'm just worried about her."

Kevin stood up slowly.

"I'll be back. I'm going to go call Marilyn. Is he back at home Nick?"

"That's where they were heading."

Kevin kissed AJ and left him and Nick to talk in the kitchen while he headed up to the bedroom.

"Hello Bob's Fluff and Fold. Maurice speaking. How can we service you today?" Kevin smiled at Twiggy's greeting.

"Hey Twiggy, is Marilyn home?"

"Yeah Kev. How you doing?"

"Pretty good. Just about ready to release the new album. I'll send you guys a copy. I'm sure you need a new coaster anyway."

"Aww, give us some credit. We do listen to them at least one. That's about as many times as you listen to ours."

"Wow I'm shocked. And I do listen to your albums more then once."

"Oh whatever Kevin. I'll go get Marilyn for ya' you lying queen."

"Thanks Twiggy you druggie punk. It was good to talk to you."

"You too Kevin. We have to do this more often."

Kevin smiled as he waited for Marilyn to pick up. He and Twiggy got along well. They had a relationship based in making fun of each other.

"Hey Boo."

"Is it Brian Vasquez or Mikel Warner?"

Marilyn was quiet for a moment.

"I guess Nick is home."

"Oh Brian..."

Marilyn interrupted him before he could finish.

"Kevin, I don't need a lecture. We've gotten shit from everyone because of this. My father I expected it from, but Mikel's parents have always been great. They even bitched us out. I can't even get past telling someone before they start to lecture me."

"Congratulations Brian. I'm really happy for you."

He was greeted by complete silence.

"Brian are you there?"

"Your not going to yell at me?"

"Why should I? You're an adult. Mikel's an adult. And you love each other. I'm happy that the two of you are married to each other. You both deserve to be happy."

"It's Vasquez-Warner. We both wanted to keep our own names. So we combined them. Of course Mikel will be known as Mikel Manson. It's just a given."

"AJ and I haven't decided yet. I kind of like Kevin Scott McLean, but he likes Alexander James Richardson."

"You've got time to decided. How are the wedding plans going?"

"Slowly. We're just throwing ideas around now. We are pretty sure that we want Vermont for the wedding though."

"I didn't know it was legal in Vermont."

"Yeah last year. Colorado was our first choice because we love it there, but that will never happen. Same with Utah."

"Utah is beautiful in September."

"I thought you were still banned from Utah?"

"I am, but only in regards to performing. I can go there any other time. Mikel and I went last year. His parents bought a house there."

"Brian can I ask you something?"


"Allie's really hurt. Has she talked to either of you yet?"

Marilyn sighed heavily.

"No. She called and talked to Twiggy for a bit today, but she won't talk to either of us. Has she talked to you?"

"No, just Nick. And he only told us over dinner tonight. Actually he and AJ are still talking. I wanted to call you right away."

"Boo we made a big mistake the way we got married okay. We know that, but I'm sick of being punished for it."

"Whose punishing you besides Allie?"

"Well you are the first person who said congratulations. The rest of the guys are even mad about it. They think we should have consulted them in the decision."

"Brian I am so sorry. This should be one of the greatest times of your life. You just got married. You are Mikel's husband. You should be celebrating. Where is the hubby at anyway?"

"Writing. He's got two more hours before he's done for the day. Did Nick tell you that we are coming to get the dogs in a few days?"

"Yeah he did. Where are you two staying? We've got plenty of room here if you want."

"Actually we are staying at Nick's, but thanks for the offer."

"Well you and Mikel had better join us for dinner one night. I insist on it. And you know how great a cook AJ is."

"Thanks Boo. How's everyone doing in Orlando?"

"Not bad. Luna's doing much better. Ameena is starting work again next week. Brian and Shelley are doing well. Brian has really taken to being the one in charge."

"How's the album going?"

"We finished it today. It's being sent in tomorrow. We've been having meetings with 'Nsync and Britney Spears lately about the tour."

"Maybe you can confirm something for me. I heard a rumor that Justin and Britney are splitsville. Is that true or MTV bullshit?"

"It's true. And Britney is pissed off. That's not the big problem though. Remember how I told you about Joey's problems on the last tour we did together?"

"You mean his depression?"

"Yeah well JC is already extremely depressed. It'll only get worse once we are isolated in the tour environment."

"Which one is JC again?"

Kevin laughed at him.

"Hey bitch don't laugh at me. I'm not a boy band follower at all. I only know you guys because we are friends. I've only seen 'Nsync in passing. I only know the names because Maria is obsessed with them as well as you guys."

"JC is the brunette with short spiky hair. Blue eyes. He's pretty cute. He's the other main singer besides Justin."

"Okay well get him to a therapist before the tour starts. Tell his band to force him if need be. It'll get really messy if they don't."

"I think they are trying to do it themselves. Both Joey and Chris have degrees in psych."

"They shouldn't though. They are too close to the situation. You know how helpful therapy can be. So do I. But it can't be done by someone you know."

"Hold on a sec Brian."

Kevin covered the phone with his hand.

"What did you say AJ?"

"Can you come downstairs? We need to talk about something."

"All right. Let me say bye to Brian. I'll be down in a minute."

"Tell him I said hi and congratulations on the marriage."

Kevin put the phone back to his ear.

"AJ says hi and congratulations."

"Tell him I said thanks. And tell him how great it is for him to say congratulations."

"You bet. Can I talk to you later though? I need to get back downstairs."

"Sure thing. It was great to hear from you. Talk to you later Boo."

"Bye Reverend."

Kevin hung up the phone and hurried downstairs.

"Where's Nick at?"


AJ pulled Kevin into a hug, resting his head on Kevin's chest. Kevin stroked the back of AJ's neck.

"Hey you two. I'm still here." Nick interrupted.

"Just chill Nicky. Give us one more minute."

Nick headed into the kitchen. They could hear him rummaging in the cabinets looking for more food.

"He just ate four pork chops, two bowls of salad, and six rolls. How can he still be hungry?" AJ murmured softly.

"He's Nick. Did you know he goes grocery shopping every three days at least?"

AJ giggled, burying his face into Kevin's chest.

"I love you Kevin."

"I love you Alexander."

AJ snuggled closer when Kevin called him Alexander. He hadn't called him Alexander in a while.

"Can I eat these potato chips?" Nick stuck his head out of the kitchen.

"Sure Nick. Eat whatever you want."

Kevin released AJ.

"What did we need to talk about?"

AJ held up a finger.

"Nick come here."

Nick came out of the kitchen holding a bag of chips and another glass of wine. He sat down on the couch.

"Ask Kevin."

"Kevin, I want you and AJ to be my best men."

Kevin sat down on the couch.

"Really? Why us? Why not Aaron or Brian?"

"You guys have been here for me for so many years. I feel so close to both of you after these past few months. I can't think of anyone else who I would want to stand next to me when I get married. You are the best friends I have."

AJ smiled happily as Kevin pulled Nick into a hug.

"Of course I will. I can't speak for AJ though."

"I already said yes."

"Then it's settled. We will be your best men Nick."

"Great. You guys are the best."

Nick looked down at his watch.

"Oh crap. I need to get home. Do we have anything tomorrow?"

Kevin shrugged.

"You'd have to ask Brian. I have no clue. Do you want me to take a guess though?"


"We probably are going to listen to the finished album tomorrow. But like I said, I don't really know for sure."

"It's so weird to know that you don't know what's going on Kevin. It's such a change."

Kevin shifted uncomfortable. He didn't like not knowing. It was against his nature not to be in charge.

"I know."

Nick stood up.

"Either way I will call you tomorrow."

He pulled Kevin off the couch for another hug.

"AJ thanks for dinner. It was great as usual."

Nick hugged him tightly.

"I'm so happy for you Alex. You deserve so much." Nick whispered into AJ's ear as he hugged him.

"Thanks Nick." AJ whispered back.

Nick broke the hug.

"Well gotta go call the Momma. She and Mikel are fighting over the holidays. She wants us for Christmas and Thanksgiving. Mikel is not happy about that at all."

Nick shrugged and headed to the door. With a final wave he left Kevin and AJ alone.

Chapter 23

AJ rolled over onto Kevin. He rested his elbows on Kevin's chest and propped his chin up on his hands. He started at Kevin.

Kevin looked back at AJ over the top of his book.

"Did you want something AJ?" Kevin said feigning anger at being interrupted.

"Have you thought about who you want in the wedding?"

Kevin put his book on the bedside table and rested his hands on AJ's back.

"A little bit. Have you?"

"I want Justine and Madeline to be in the wedding."

"I want them in it as well. Have you thought about a best man?"

AJ nodded.

"I think I'm going to ask Howie."

Kevin smiled.

"You were his best man. He's been one of our best friends for years. I think that's a great idea."

"Who are you going to ask?"

"Either Brian or one of my brothers. But maybe Nick. I don't really know."

Kevin wrinkled his forehead. AJ leaned forward and kissed his nose.

"Don't stress Boo. No one is going to get mad at you if you don't pick them. We can just have a huge wedding party to fit everyone in."

Kevin smiled at AJ.

"I love you so much AJ."

AJ grinned devishly.

"Is that the love between a man and a man or the love of a man for a fine Cuban cigar?"

Kevin began to laugh. He rolled over and began to tickle AJ.

"Someone's been spending time with Joey."

"We had lunch Monday." AJ said between fits of laughter.

"How is Mr. Fatone anyway?"

Kevin stopped tickling AJ so he could talk, but he remained on top of him.

"Pretty good. He promised we would meet Kimmie soon. I personally can't wait to meet the woman that convinced Joseph Fatone to settle down."

"We never thought that one would happen. Of course we thought the same thing about Brian. And look how happy he is with Shelley."

AJ began to stroke Kevin's neck as they talked. He watched as Kevin's concentration began to falter.

"Do you want to go to AA with me tomorrow?"

Kevin moaned slightly as AJ's fingers brushed against his right ear.

"Is that a yes?"

AJ lightly stroked the back of Kevin's ear. Kevin groaned as he nodded.

AJ knew what he was doing. He was a little unsure of himself. They hadn't talked about it any, but neither of them had initiated any sexual contact since that had gotten back together. They had kissed and cuddled, but nothing more then that. Neither of them seemed ready for that. The last time that they had sex had been at the MTV awards.

"Kevin, do you want this?"

Kevin looked at AJ. He stared into his eyes.

"Yes AJ, I do. Do you want this?"

AJ nodded, caught in Kevin's gaze. He hadn't felt this content in a long time.

Kevin sat up, straddling AJ. He leaned over and softly kissed AJ's eyebrows. He let his fingers wander over AJ's face. As his fingers passed over AJ's lips, AJ caught his index finger in his mouth. AJ sucked on Kevin's finger, staring into his eyes.

"I love you Alexander James McLean."

AJ let Kevin's finger slip out of his mouth.

"I love you Kevin Scott Richardson."

Kevin cuddled up to AJ, holding him tightly. He stroked AJ's side softly. AJ leaned down and kissed Kevin's forehead. Kevin looked up and began to smile.

AJ smiled back down at him. Kevin sat up and began to kiss AJ softly. His tongue traced the contours of AJ's lips. AJ pulled Kevin closer, slipping his tongue into Kevin's mouth.

They kissed each other softly, letting the passion between them be expressed through their lips. Kevin began to run his fingers through AJ's hair, pulling him closer to him in the process.

AJ could feel Kevin's erection pressing against his leg. He knew that Kevin could feel him pressed against his stomach. AJ wanted so bad to be with Kevin again in every way.

"Alexander." Kevin pulled away slightly, leaving AJ's lips searching for more of Kevin's mouth.

"Yes Kevin?"

Kevin stared into AJ's eyes.

"Will you make love to me?"

AJ nodded, tears of happiness forming in the corner of his eyes. Kevin leaned over and kissed his eyelids softly.

"Hey, don't cry. We've cried too much over the past months."

"I'm crying because I'm so happy Kevin. I've missed you so much over the past few months. I love you."

"I love you too."

Kevin kissed AJ softly. AJ ran his hands down Kevin's back, letting his hands slip under the waistband of Kevin's pajama bottoms. He kneaded Kevin's hard ass as they kissed.

Kevin moaned as AJ's hands slid under his pajama's. He ground his hips against AJ.

AJ gently pushed Kevin onto his back, climbing on top of him. He began to kiss Kevin's neck, licking and sucking on the tender skin. Kevin moaned, squirming as AJ drove him wild.


He moaned in response. AJ grinned. He knew that Kevin hadn't had any sort of sexual release since that night in New York.

"Don't cum until the end."

Kevin moaned again as AJ ground his hips into Kevin's. He nodded in response, hoping he would be able to make it.

AJ reached down and pulled Kevin's pants off and tossed them away.

AJ ran his hands down Kevin's chest, stopping just before he reached Kevin's hard cock. Kevin was practically shaking with desire. AJ quickly stripped down and kissed Kevin softly.

AJ pressed his cock against Kevin's hot ass. He slid in slowly, simultaneously moaning along with Kevin. It had been so long since he had felt Kevin like this.

Kevin reached up and pulled AJ towards him.

"Oh Alexander it's been so long."

AJ groaned as he slowly slid in and out of Kevin.

"You feel so good."

AJ reached down and grasped Kevin's throbbing cock in his hand, pumping it in time with his thrusting. Kevin squirmed underneath him, trying to keep his promise to not cum until the end. He was fighting it with all his might.

AJ leaned over and nibbled Kevin's earlobe. Kevin grimaced and clenched his muscles, trying to hold on. AJ moaned as Kevin's ass tightened around his cock.

"Let go Kevin."

With a sigh, Kevin relaxed and laid back against the pillow. AJ kissed him softly, pumping in and out as Kevin came on his chest.

AJ began to move faster, careful not to rub up against Kevin's sensitive cock as he thrust in and out of Kevin.

Kevin reached up and pinched AJ's nipples between his fingertips. He pulled on his sensitive nipples, causing AJ to move faster.

AJ shouted Kevin's name as he came. Exhausted he collapsed on Kevin's chest. Smiling, Kevin stroked AJ's back.

"I love you AJ. Thank you."

AJ lifted himself up to look into Kevin's eyes.

"Thank you."

AJ slid out of Kevin's ass and sat up. He looked down at the rapidly congealing cum on Kevin's and his chest.

"I think we need a shower. What do you think?"

"I think you are right."

AJ climbed out of bed with Kevin following. He smiled as Kevin slid off the dark blue silk sheets Howie had gotten them.

"So do you like the blue or do you think Howie made a bad choice?"

AJ shrugged. He knew Kevin was just joking with him. Both of them liked Howie's choice in sheets.

"You're the one who keeps washing them and putting them back on."

"I like the feeling of silk. Don't tell me you don't like it too."

AJ grinned.

"Of course I like them. I just wish they were black."

"We confuse Howie on one thing and he ends up getting us blue. Oh well. No one's perfect."

"Your so full of shit Kevin. Neither of us care what color the silk sheets are. I'm just glad they aren't purple like the sheets on Howie's bed at home."

Kevin laughed and kissed AJ on the lips. He smiled.

"I think we should thank Howie again. Thank him that they aren't purple."

AJ grabbed his hand and pulled him into the bathroom. He kissed Kevin again as he backed towards the shower.

Kevin pulled the doors open and stepped inside. He held his hand out to AJ, guiding him into the shower.

AJ turned the water on, getting the temperature how he and Kevin liked it. He pulled Kevin under the hot water, kissing him passionately.

AJ pulled away and reached for the shampoo. He squirted some into his hand and began to work it through Kevin's hair. He massaged Kevin's scalp as he washed his hair.

Kevin closed his eyes and let AJ wash his hair. AJ leaned forward and kissed Kevin softly.

"Keep your eyes closed."

AJ maneuvered Kevin so he was underneath the spray of water. He carefully washed all the shampoo out of Kevin's hair. Kevin smiled as he totally allowed himself to be directed by AJ.

AJ picked up the washcloth and began to wipe off Kevin's body. He picked up the soap and began to wash Kevin's body. He carefully cleaned all the cum off of his chest and stomach. AJ made sure not to linger too long on sensitive areas. He hadn't suggested the shower to lead to more sex.

Kevin knew that the shower wasn't for that. They both loved to shower after sex, allowing each of them time to fully enjoy the closeness with the other person. Kevin looked forward to the post-sex shower as much as the sex itself.

AJ finished washing Kevin and stood back up. Kevin kissed him softly and switched places with AJ. He massaged AJ's scalp before he put the shampoo in his hand.

Kevin picked up the shampoo and squeezed some into his hand. He washed AJ's hair quickly, knowing that AJ didn't enjoy that part of the shower as much as he did.

AJ smiled happily as Kevin took a washcloth and cleaned off his body. Kevin carefully cleaned off AJ's soft cock, purposely not arousing him any. Kevin rubbed the washcloth over AJ's body, watching as AJ enjoyed the roughness of the washcloth over his soft skin.

Kevin finished washing AJ's body and rinsed him off. He wrapped his arms around AJ and they held each other, letting the water run over their joined bodies.

"Are you ready for bed?" Kevin asked quietly.

AJ nodded and tried to turn the water off. Kevin held him tightly, not letting him move. AJ didn't struggle, allowing Kevin to turn off the shower and open the door.

Kevin stepped out of the shower onto the soft rug. He lifted AJ out and placed him on the rug with him. He wrapped a large towel around AJ, drying him carefully.

AJ smiled at Kevin happily as he took care of him. Kevin quickly dried himself off. He lifted AJ up, towel and all and cared him into the bedroom. Kevin laid AJ on the bed, removed the towel and laid down next to him.

Kevin pulled the blankets up and snuggled up to AJ. With a laugh, he sat back up and turned off the light. He curled up against AJ again, resting his head on AJ's chest.

The two of them laid in the darkness, listening to the other's steady breathing.


"Yes AJ?"

"What are you thinking about?"

"How much I regret not talking to you about my dream."

AJ ran his fingers through Kevin's hair.

"I'm just glad that you told me. I promise that will never happen."

"You should be so mad at me."

"I'm not going to let you beat yourself up over this. I'm not mad at you. I never was. I was worried about you."

"We have an appointment with Karen on Thursday right?"

"Yes we do. We can talk more about this then. We should go to sleep. It's late sexy."

"Goodnight AJ. Sleep well."

"Oh I will Kevin. You're here."

"Your making me blush."

AJ tickled him lightly.

"Go to sleep Boo. I love you."

"I love you too."

----Check it out. It's done. Finally!!! Woohoo!!! If you feel like it, e-mail me. I'll do my best to answer. I only have one more midterm left, so I will hopefully get some semblance of my life back on Wednesday.----

Next: Chapter 9: Escape 24 26

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