Escort for a Favour

By tina foster

Published on Oct 8, 2014


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Escort, for a favour - The request

The phone-rang, just as I'd taken my coffee through to the bathroom, to enjoy as I wallowed in the water.

I had placed the red mug down on the corner of the bath, and then ran barefoot, in just a terry-towel robe, to the back-room, to answer the phone.

"Hi, I know we haven't spoke for a while, but?" It was a soft voice, speaking fast. It was Lucie, of Lucie and Darren. They had a place in New Brighton, where I used to call quite often, one pleasant summer.

He had been a body-builder, dash builder, who'd met her when she danced in a lap-dancing bar and been quite taken with her blonde hair, blue eyes and, at the time, somewhat pneumatic looking breasts, that ended up slimmer and somewhat perky, after a fitness regime. But, I digress.

I had met her on a confidence course, which I'd needed, after a disastrous relationship had turned real sour on me.

Come break-time, we would go outside for a cigarette together: and, on one of those occasions, she had dropped her grey sweats to mid-thigh, to show me the little red devil, with pitchfork, on her upper thigh, right hip.

With her endless lists, family runaround; and relationship issues of her own, Lucie had been a real candidate for a class such as it. But to quote the tutor, "It'll only work for you, if you really want change." All I can say now, in retrospect, is that Lucie hadn't wanted change.

And, to further exasperate matters, it soon became apparent to me, that her fella just wasn't too happy with her friendship with me.

He'd been in a band, mainly doing covers and suchlike, but when I did sit in a few times, on rehearsals and a couple of gigs with Lucie, neither his band members nor himself were 'right' with me.

And, looking back, one of the things I missed about my friendhip with her, was that she was not only comfortable with me liking to dress in lingerie, she had even passed some pretty things onto me. She even hugged me once, whist I'd been dressed in a lacy one piece that did up at the crotch, lacy panties, worn reversed, to hold him in place; and, thigh-high, self-support stockings. That moment had been memorable, in itself.

But, I hadn't heard from her in ages, now she had phoned: weird.

"I hope you can help me??" She asked.

"Maybe," I relied, somewhat cautiously. As I say, I hadn't heard from her, in ages.

"Well?" she began, "do you still like men??"

What a question to ask, pretty well out of the blue. But, I answered.

"Yes, I guess."

"Well, when did you last go with a man?" She asked me hurriedly, as it to rid herself of the embarrassment, in asking me at all.

"Awhile back I guess," I replied, wondering where this was going, while my bath water was getting cold.

"Well, are you doing anything later?" She asked fast again, as if the question itself was hard to ask.

"Er nothing, I guess." It was Saturday and there was a show I wanted to watch. But other than that; sure, I had nothing really planned. Nothing that I'd not "no" to, if presented with something far more interesting to do.

"Well, do you want to meet someone?" She asked me, in a timorous voice: and, I couldn't help but wonder if she was turning red, with embarrassment as she spoke.

I crouched down, listening with intent, to what she was saying to me.

"Pardon?" I asked, more a little surprised still, that she had phoned: Now stupefied, that she had asked what she had.

Granted, we used to talk of such things. But that was then, way back then.

"Well," she started up, as though she were talking to someone in class, "Darren has this friend who's come over from Canada, to give a hand with the band, but well I guess he's been feeling lonely and I wondered, maybe you'd like to?"

"Be fucked by him?" I asked, putting it bluntly.

"I wouldn't put it like that," she threw in, defensively.

"Erm, okay Luce, what did you mean??" I asked, intrigued.

"I told him I knew someone who might like to do outcall escort work; who likes to give and receive; and, dress up. He liked that bit, a lot."

Now she had me interested.

"What else can you tell me about him??" I quizzed, very aware that between my thighs a twitch of arousal had him bouncing a little.

Well, he liked her proposition; and that was certain already.

"He's in his late thirties, well-dressed and is quite slim with thick brown hair, that's kinda wavy," she answered.

I thought. I thought long and hard, for all of two seconds, before I asked my next question of Lucie: "So how much have you told him I charge??"

It was a good question.

"Well I told him you charged eighty pound for an hour?" and she paused a second or two, before carrying on, "and, forty, for most extra's."

"Most?" I queried.

"Well," she answered, "I didn't know what you won't do, so I thought that the safest thing to say."

I could easily imagine her smiling, as she said that. Lucie had known me quite well, back then and now, it seemed: 'Coz, I am a little bit more adaptable, than most.

"Well, it's an interesting idea," I told her, "But, I need to think about it Luce. Like I said, I haven't been with a guy for ages." And besides, I had my bath waiting for me.

She went quiet.

"Well?" she began, "he wants company tonight. And Darren needs his help? and?" There it was, she was asking me to see this man, for her fella.

"Look, I'll have my bath and think about it," I told her.

"I need to know soon? I?" she responded, all at once: and, I could swear that I heard mumbling in the background, perhaps from Darren: "I have to let him know, soon."

"Like when?" I quizzed, as I stood up.

Again I heard muffled mumbles, as a hand went over the mouthpiece and there were mixed voices in the background.

"Five o'clock, at the very latest, erm? Darren says," she pronounced.

"Okay, baths ready, ring in about ten minutes, I'll have an answer for you then."

And that was it, for now, I thought to myself: and so it so, as I wallowed in the bath, after topping it up, with some more hot water.

I knew already what my answer would be: I would say 'yes.' Now, although it was inevitable that I would agree, Darren had had such an effect on my friendship with Lucie that I was reticent to do as they had asked of me; even though I do like my adventures, particularly the ones of a sexual nature.

Well, ten minutes later the phone rang, almost to the second. 'Someone's impatient,' I mused, with a wry smile, as I stood watching the phone and let it ring awhile.

Finally I answered the phone.

"Hello, who is that?" I asked.

"It's Lucie, you said to ring in ten minutes," she said to me, all very quickly.

"Oh yes, sorry," I retorted, a smile on my face. I was determined to play this out and say where it went, but why not have a little fun on the way?? After all, it seemed fair, to me.

"Have you made a decision?" Lucie asked, anxiety in her voice.

"Aye, I have." I replied flatly.

"Well what is it?" She asked me, her words slurring one into the other.

"You bring me something pretty to wear and give me a hug, like I remember so well and we're on, okay?" It seemed like a pretty reasonable request, to me.

"But? but?"

"That's my condition Luce. And anyways, its not like I'm asking much, now is it?"

Again there was the hand over the mouthpiece and mumbling in the background, as the two of them talked.

"It's one o'clock?" she told me, "I'll be down in about half an hour. What sort of thing to do you want to wear?"

From New Brighton to Bromborough is about ten miles. She definitely wanted this badly, was what I decided, realizing that she was prepared to motor here now, with something pretty for me, just like that.

"Okay then Luce," I responded, "you do that, and I'll make a coffee, then shave."

Now I'm quite hirsute, but with an opportunity to wear something real nice, I'd shave my legs and chest and anywhere else I needed to, to enjoy the feel of whatever she chose to bring for me to wear.

"Half an hour then? See ya then? " She assured me, with her tone of voice now sounding quite cheerful, as she hung up the phone.

Lucie thought she'd got me to agree with her plans. She hadn't.

I was bored. Well, I wasn't as bored as I get some Saturday's, but I was bored: and what she'd suggested sounded like an adventure, to me.


Now having worked taxi's in that area, as an operator, I know it can take as little as twenty minutes to get from where she lives in New Brighton, if the lights are with you; and you drive fast, you can get to mine within twenty-three minutes.

Well, a minute either side of that, dependant on traffic. Lucie must've driven fast, because she arrived at mine in just under twenty-three minutes, with the cheeks of her normally pale complexion ruddy.

She was wearing a light grey cotton track-suit, which comprised of an abbreviated zip-up top that ended up just below her rib-cage, the bottoms hanging from her well-defined hips and hugging her thigh's.

Her straight collar-length blonde hair, worn with a centre part, framed her oval face, with definite cheek-bones, a cute straight nose and thin lips, now tightly pursed.

Her light blue eyes opened wider as I'd greeted her at the door. Hers was assuredly an attractive face, I'd thought: and, not for the first time.

"Hello," I said to her, as she stood there, looking somewhat nervous.

"I haven't got long," she told me hurriedly.

"Long enough," I told Lucie, gesturing for her to come in. "Do you want a coffee, or tea?" I added, closing the door behind her.

"No, no," She replied, "like I said, I haven't got very long."

"Well, I'll finish making mine. Then we'll go through to my room and you can show me what you've brought for me to wear."

I'd noticed the carrier-bag she'd been carrying: and was somewhat intrigued to see what was in it. But that pleasure could wait, a minute or two.

Right now, I wanted my coffee and, as I'd already boiled the kettle, it wouldn't take long to make.

So Lucie waited, the frown on her otherwise smooth forehead evidence of her impatience. Finally she sat, on the end of the two-bench seat across from the kitchen table, the one nearest to the hall and the front door.

I was taking my time, deliberately so. After all, 'I wasn't doing this for myself,' I justified with an inward grin.

Maybe I was getting some money for this; and, maybe I might like dressing to please; but the thing was, it was Darren and his band that'd benefit from my escort work.

I'm sure that knowing that is what kept Lucie quiet, as she waited for me, as I finished making my coffee.

"Are you coming through?" I asked, turning the kettle's plug off at the wall.

She didn't say anything, but stood and followed, as I led her through into the living-room, then into my bedroom.

"Sit down," I told her.

As she did I sipped at my coffee, then placed the mug down on the low unit next to my bed.

Drawing the curtains together, I reached for the carrier-bag, with a smile. "Let's see what you brought with you!" I said brightly.

"Darren?" Lucie began, then shut-up, as if she'd been about to betray a state secret. Maybe she had?

"Darren what?" I prompted.

"Darren helped me choose something he thought that his mate would like on you?" she told me, looking down at her hands clenched in her lap.

I'm quite sure that how I'd positioned myself allowed Lucie to look up my robe, where my thigh's met, and easily be able to see that I was wearing my favourite lilac panties, worn reverse, to cup my sex in place, comfortably.

"Something that his friend will like me in? Hmmm? should be interesting."

I rooted in the bag, enjoying the feel of the material, as I handled the various items she had put in the bag. As I looked, a wide smile spread across my face; it seemed there was a theme going on, with what was in the bag.

Briefly, I looked up at Lucie, just in time to see that she was staring, where I thought she might. She turned her head, a little, obviously a tad embarrassed.

I stood and left the room, closing the door after myself.

Throwing the contents of the bag on the floor, I smiled again: there was most assuredly a theme going on.

A short black outfit, a small white apron, French cami-knickers, a with lace-edging, a pair of dark hose; and, a small black ribbon, with clips each end; obviously a choker.

Then there, at the bottom of the bag, I saw a pair of Perspex platform heels, with the actual heels and platform, both ridiculously high.

I undressed quickly and pulled the maid's outfit on, then picked up the hose thankful I'd already shaven well. It was I opened them up, to roll the legs into donuts to draw them on that they were crotchless. That brought another smile to my face. A short while later I walked out of the bathroom and into my room, with a grin already fixed on my face.

Besides the outfit, I had also slicked my hair back and worn the most vivid red lipstick I had in my collection of three tubes.

"So what do you think?" I asked, briefly wondering whether Darren's friend would like the outfit as much as Darren thought he would.

"It's going to take me awhile to get used to these shoes," I said with them in my hands.

Lucie looked up at me, hands clenched and shaking, with a timorous smile.

"Do you mind?" She said to me, in a quiet voice.

"Do I mind?" I replied, staring into her face as I ran my right hand up my nylon-clad right leg; "Do I mind? Cha, I look good and the tights feel good, but a little bit weird."

"No, that's not what I meant. I didn't mean the clothes. Are you okay with all this?" "All this?" I teased.

"I mean meeting John, Darren's mate?" Her voice went very quiet and tailed off as she spoke.

"Well," I began as I walked into the room, "I am going to get paid?"

I stopped in the middle of the room, looked down at the nervous young woman before me and said, "Besides, I'm looking forward to my hug."

"Hug?" She repeated, quite unnecessarily.

"Uh huh, that's why I agreed to do this for you, for Darren, for my hug."

I brought my arms up, palms inward.

"So erm? where's this hug?"

There had been a tacit understanding there, as far as I was concerned and it was quite apparent to me that she was reticent, to attend to her end of the deal, so I looked at her quite sternly, without moving my arms.

"Hug?" I asked again.

Lucie stood slowly, hesitantly stepped forward and slid inside my waiting arms.

She wrapped her arms around me gingerly, as if I would break.

It wasn't what I wanted, or what I felt had been agreed.

"Properly," I whispered into her right ear.

Her right hand found my upper back, the left of my upper back, as I rested my right cheek on her right.

She tightened her embrace and I sighed, with pleasure.

"Oh yesss?"

Seconds turned into a minute as I filled with the sweetest warmth. No matter what I'd be paid, for what happened later, I'd had the payment I wanted.

But, there could be more. And, I knew it.

"That's nice," I murmured whilst I revelled in the feel of the body of a young woman, whilst I was dressed, as I had.

That moment of warmth and, mock affection, felt special.

That said, I couldn't help but wonder, 'Is she as malleable as Darren's control of her suggests?' I became determined to find out, there and then.

"Put your hands up my skirt Lucie," I whispered against her ear, then added, "Just feel how good those pretty white panties feel on me??"

She tightened up in my arms, and then drew her head away from mine.

But, she didn't remove her hands: 'Promising, that was promising.'

"That wasn't part of the deal," she expressed, a distinct lack of conviction in her voice.

"It is now," I retorted, very aware that Lucie was quaking in my arms.

Albeit she was indecisive, it was obvious that without much further stimulus, she would comply with the instruction I had given her. And, I was right. Slowly her right hand moved down my back.

"Like we were lesbian lovers," I suggested helpfully. She didn't reply, but did as I wanted: the left hand moved to the back of my right thigh, with a hesitant touch, as her right hand moved to the back of my left.

Her hands felt good on my nylon-clad legs; but I was looking forward to the next bit.

Slowly her hands drifted upward, over bare flesh, to rest her hands on my buttocks, clad in white French knickers. And, for a moment I thought my heart would burst with the sheer pleasure of the moment.

"Oh yesss?" I hissed and reached up with my left hand to caress her fine hair. "Such a bad girl," I murmured, "Such a very, delightfully bad girl." I expected a response, there was none.

So, taking her silence as acquiescence, I decided to push yet further. "You can squeeze tighter," I whispered. And, she did.

Lucie moulded my buttocks in her hands, as I wanted. Of course, now I wanted more.

"I'm clean and lubed up," I told her, "Slide a finger inside my hole."

She tightened in my arms.

"Slide a finger or two, so it's easier for John to fuck me. Fingers slid beneath the leg of the panties, then two eased into my receptive ass - 'pussy,' just as I'd wanted.

I opened easily, as I'd known I wanted: I was lubed really well.

"Oh you bad girl, that's so good," I murmured against her the warm flesh of her neck, in appreciation."

"I'm not?" she said, in a quiet voice.

"Not what?" I asked, prior to moaning some more, as Lucie's fingers continued to slide in and out of my pussy - she was good.

But, I could hardly tell her that, now could I? Definitely not with what I had in mind.

"I'm not a bad girl, I'm not?" She assured me, fingers sliders in and out of me.

"Lucie, you're finger-fucking me, so that I'm ready for the man you're pimping me out to, aren't you?"

As I spoke, my hand moved. My left held her at the top of her back, as my right drifted to the bare flesh, fingers easing beneath the elastic on her sweat-pants.

Moving my hand down further onto her smooth pert buttocks?

Rotating the tip of my thumb against her tight sphincter, Lucie began to open, for me.

"You can't?" she'd begun; her own fingers still their movement inside me. "I can," I whispered briefly, before returning to her earlobe, to continue to suckle.

I withdrew my thumb: and, she brought her face to mine, a mix of fear and desire on her face, in equal measure.

"Such a bad girl," I added again, as her fingers continued to pleasure me, In and out they went, as my thumb teased her open; and my lips found her earlobe.

She sighed, as my thumb brushed across her tight pucker. And, for a moment I felt her fingers inside me given further impetus.

This was all I'd wanted, and more.

"Why?" She asked. 'A good question.' I considered and just smiled in response.

I drew my hand out of her sweats and with our faces close, brought my thumb to my mouth and sucked it clean.

Next I spread saliva over my forefinger and middle-finger and curled them into my palm, as I slid my hand back where it had been.

All the time, she'd stared into my eyes, mouth open slightly, lips oh-so-moist.

I uncurled my fingers and slid them between her firm, almost teenage buttocks. Then I eased my two saliva-moistened digits beneath her thongs elastic, to re-enter her tight anus, through her tight sphincter.

Abruptly her right hand clutched at me tightly, as she trembled in my arms. She gasped then murmured, "No, no, no?"

Lucie pulled her fingers from out of me, leaving my panties tightly drawn between my butt-cheeks: and me, groaning against her neck. I felt empty.

Yet, my erect length edging toward the gap on the left of the panties a throbbing reminder of my need [as if I needed one;] I was determined to see how far I could push this scenario, I'd found myself enmeshed into.

For much as I could be submissive, [when I chose,] with the right partner; Lucie was the real deal. So the decision made: I whirled her round to my left, so her shins pressed on the steel tubular edge of my tubular frame bed.

Then grasping hold of the waistband, I yanked her sweats down her slim, shapely shaven legs.

Placing my free hand on her upper back I pushed her, so she put her hands out, to support herself as she fell forward.

And, in that position, she stood compliantly waiting, my fingers still two knuckles deep into that small orifice, the muscles tight against their invasion.

And, I smiled.

"Now this was promising?" I found myself thinking, as I stared at her.

Bent over, as she was, Lucie was a pleasure to look at: what with her pert buttocks taut, her thigh muscles lengthened and defined. So much flesh: a pleasure to look at.

She shook her fringe from out of her eyes and turned her head, to look over right shoulder at me.

"Why?" She asked quietly.

She spread her fingers out and got used to the position she'd found herself in. "You like to do as you're told?" I begin, the words coming to me easily.

"So you'll do as I say, Now."

A thought occurred to me, so I reached out with my left hand to the cabinet by my bed. Just by the brown bowl of useful bits was my suntan lotion. It would suffice.

I picked it up, twisting the top off as I did so, staring at my fingers, deep in her.

"This'll make it easier," I assured Lucie, as I drizzled some of the white creamy lotion over her distended pucker.

"Easier?" She retorted sarcastically; and sighed, as the cooling liquid acted as lubrication for my fingers passage.

Ignoring the remark, I placed my left hand on her lower back and pressed down, pushing Lucie so she fell forward, onto her lower arms.

Slowly at first, I eased my fingers in and out, sliding my left hand down to cup her delightfully pert left buttock, with splayed fingers.

At first her reaction had seemed pained, then she began to buck against my fingers as they slid back and forth faster and faster.

It was evident she was enjoying this taste of humiliation, but that wasn't the purpose of the exercise, so I withdrew my fingers, with an audible plop.

And, I stood back as she crumpled forward onto my bed.

Straightening my outfit, I grinned. I couldn't help it, this had gone so much better than I'd expected.

"So when I supposed to meet this John?" I asked.

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