Eta Theta Nu Omega

By Jonathan

Published on Sep 7, 2006


And on we go...This is a bit shorter because I've been busy this week, but I'll try to get Chapter 5 and 6 up by Sunday.



Chapter 4 - More Instructions

I woke up to find that Donald hadn't returned that night. I didn't really care, because it meant that I had the bathroom to myself. I didn't get to the bathroom though; there was a knock at the door. They knocked again. "Fuck." I pulled the sheet off the bed as I climbed out, and wrapped it loosely around my waist. "Yeah?" I said as I opened the door.

"Good morning!"

She was way too fucking chipper to be knocking on doors at 9am. "What?"

"I'm from the sorority Delta Chi Pi. We're having a boy's night on Saturday. We're inviting boys that have caught our eye. And damn did you yesterday."

She was still too fucking chipper. My eyes were half open, my hair was a disaster, and I hadn't jacked off yet. She was wearing god knows what size of small form fitting t-shirt, apparently expecting that that was going to do something for me.

"So do you want to join us on Saturday," she pushed, obviously not seeing the look of death on my face.


"Are you sure?" she said, still way too damn chipper. "There'll be lots of the sisters there..."

"Look. I don't fucking care if every sister on the planet is going to be there. I still wouldn't go."

"Aw. Come on..."

"Just fuck off."

" that anyway to treat a sorority sister. We'll blacklist you, and you won't be invited to any sorority event while you're here. Is that the way you want it to go?"

"Fine with me. You're not my type anyway."

"Oh yeah," she said not quite believing that I would be willing to be blacklisted by the entire sorority community. "What is your type?"

"Frat bothers." Grinning from ear to ear, and just for the hell of it, I dropped the sheet to the floor. Her jaw hit the ground. I slammed the door in her face.

It was just 9:30, when I climbed into the shower, needing to get the thought of that sister out of my mind. "It's not right, seeing that before you've jacked off," I muttered to myself. After adjusting the temperature of the water, I leaned back under the shower head to wet my hair. As the water started to run down my chest, I started to moan. There was something that I always found erotic about taking a shower. My dick agreed with me.

I grinned as I ran my hands down my chest, tracing the path that the water was taking. I moaned slightly as my hand reached its destination, and started to lightly pull. I leaned up against the shower wall, as I started to jack off. I started off by thinking about Bobby, before my thoughts slid around to walking the quad in the jock. A slight shiver ran up my spine, as I thought of Bobby again.

Suddenly the shower curtain was yanked open. "There he is!"

"Fuck! CJ!"

"You know. We've really got to stop doing this."

"What? Talking in the bathroom, or you always seeming to find when I forget to lock the dorm room door?" I said with a smirk up the left side of my face. I was still jerking my cock as CJ stood there. He grinned, and looked down. "It's been a while..." I said, as the smirk extended to a grin.

"Mmm. It has..."

CJ was wearing a basketball jersey, why I don't know it wasn't normally what he wore, and a pair of board shorts. I only realized because, as he climbed into the shower and the jersey got soaked it clung to his toned chest like a second skin. "I always thought you were hotter wet."

CJ didn't reply, just planted his mouth over mine. His tongue began its usual exploration of my mouth, as I wrapped my free arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer to me. My other hand was still stroking my cock, but CJ let it rest as his hand took over. He always seemed to know exactly what I wanted, and when. I didn't care.

I had my back pressed against the tile wall; one arm around his neck, the other hand was sliding up his back underneath the soaked jersey. He twisted just slightly, so that my hand could slide effortlessly up his back, while at the same time giving him full range to stroke my cock. Which he took full advantage of. Using the water from the shower, he slid his hand along my cock in smooth even strokes, going from base to tip - making me shutter just slightly each time - and back to base again. Slowly increasing the speed.

I moaned as I pushed my head harder against the tiles, pulling his head closer in to mine.

He resisted just enough that I knew he had something else in mind. I released my hold on his neck, and he broke off the exploration of my mouth. His tongue retreated into his mouth, and he gave me a quick kiss on the lips, before his tongue began its work. He started by licking my lips...just lightly running his tongue along my top lip, and then along the lower lip.

Moving his tongue off of the lower lip, it crept round to the side of my neck. I tilted my head back, and angled it just right so that he could...

"Oh fuck!"

"You always did like that," he whispered in my ear. I knew he was smiling, as he returned to my neck.

"SHIT! Oh Christ. CJay!! Fuck!"

He always found 'that' spot on my neck, just below my ear, and when he started to lick I would do anything. He then nibbled a bit, because he knew I couldn't resist. He was still stroking my cock, and between that and what he was doing on my neck, the hand that had been exploring his back slammed up against the shower wall. The other hand had already been there since he moved to my neck.

He knew that if he stayed there too long, he wouldn't have any more fun. His tongue made its way to my chest, pausing at each nipple. A little lick, nibble, lick again, and a nibble combined with the hot water running down my chest, and the speed of him stroking my cock made me lose all sense of time.

His tongue made its way down between my chest, and down my stomach finding that the destination was very ready.

CJ removed his hand from my cock slowly, and let his tongue take its place. He was rewarded with a groan as his lips wrapped themselves around my straining dick. With his lips just below the head, his tongue worked its way around, mixing my pre-cum and his spit. I was no longer standing in the shower as his lips worked their way down to the base. His tongue sliding along behind, moving over and around my cock constantly. Just as I felt the back of his mouth, he pulled away until only the head was in his mouth.

Then he did it again. He slid, slowly down to the base of my cock, running his tongue over and around all the way. Then, again, as I felt the back of his mouth, he pulled away, and again he slowly started to slide back towards the base. And again he pulled away. And again he moved to the the the the the base.

I was convinced that I had torn tiles from that wall, because by now it was taking all my strength to keep standing. I grunted as my cock touched the back of his mouth again.

"Oh fuck! Ceej...Oh shit!"

He hadn't pulled back that time, and swallowed my cock as far as he could. Suddenly images of Bobby in the lecture hall flooded my world. "Ohhhhh..." I screamed. CJ pulled off my cock, just in time, and I shot right onto his forehead. I followed that with a shot hitting is nose, neck, and actually got some in his mouth, I think. I also shot some over his shoulder, which slowly ran down the steam covered mirror.

I slid down the wall, and joined CJ on the floor of the shower. I fell into his lap, and rested my head against his chest. His heart was racing faster than mine.

"Fuck, Jayce. When'd you get off last?"

"With Bobby."

"And you still had that much in you?"

"I always have been a big producer. Or don't you remember?" I grinned slightly, still exhausted. "You know you're soaked."


"You gonna go out like that?"

"Sure. If you went out in a jock, I can go out soaking wet."

"Uh huh."

"So what can you tell me about today?" I prodded hoping for more.

"Only what I told you last night."

"Fuck, Ceej. Nothing?"



"Do you remember what TJ said to you on the steps of the Richview dorms?"

"Sort of."

"Think about what he said, and what you did yesterday. Then you'll know what you're doing for your pledging task."


"That's it. I gotta be somewhere."

"Fuck, CJ. You're still loaded. Can't I help with that?"

"Yeah. But then where I gotta be will be disappointed," he grinned down at me, and kissed me on the forehead.





"Which is worse?"

"They're all synonymous with each other I always think," said CJ as he climbed out of the shower, and turned it off.

"Hell, CJ, say 'sex' and you can find that anything's synonymous. Tell me one thing though."

"Provided it's not about ETNU," he said tossing me a towel.

"It's not. Is he as good as I am?"

"Neah," he said kissing me again on the lips, and turning for the door. "Better," he said making a show of running out.

"Just because I'm naked, doesn't mean I can't still beat your ass up!" I yelled after him, wrapping the towel around my waist as I stood in the dorm hallway.

"I'd rather have something else of yours up my ass...and if you keep leaving doors unlocked, I will!"

"Oh, fuck off!"

"I'm planning too," he laughed as he headed down the stairs.

I walked back into my room, closing the door behind me. Donald still was no where to be found. Checking the clock I saw that it was just coming up on 10:15. I still had almost 3 hours before I needed to be in the quad.

I sat on the edge of my bed, trying to remember what TJ had said to me on the steps. Staring out of the window, I watched as the rain clouds started to move in. "Oh shit. I'm going to have to be there in the rain." I sat, continuing to stare out at the slowly darkening sky. "What the fuck did he say...average of known vices...Oh FUCK! Oh Yeah!"

A grin spread across my face as I realized what the pledging task was going to involve. "Damn they are good! Fuck it if I'm going to fail. I'll get the highest fucking score they've ever seen."

Well guys, that's it for Chapter 4. I'll try and get to 5 & 6 by the end of the weekend.

Cheers! And happy whatever...


Next: Chapter 4

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