Eta Theta Nu Omega

By Jonathan

Published on Sep 10, 2006


First off, thank you to everyone who has sent me e-mail. I'm glad that you are enjoying reading about Jayce, as much as I'm enjoying writing about him. I have been asked about me for real, so maybe a mini-biography would be enjoyed by some. While not as 'juicy' as Jayces' life, it's been an interesting 25 years so far.

I was born in March 1981 in Toronto, Canada. I grew up in Toronto, London, Los Angeles and Boston. I spent 2 years in LA at University, and finished up in Boston. I also did a degree at the University of Cambridge.

I live and work, now, back in Toronto, but am planning to move to London within the next 12-24 months.

So, the answer to the burning question I see festering is, was I a brother? Yes I was. But not until I was in Boston, when I rushed, pledged and was initiated into, the Alpha Chi Chapter of Delta Lambda Phi. It's nothing like ETNU, but I still had some fun. I've remained a brother of the fraternity nationally, and still keep in touch with my brothers from Alpha Chi.

So, that's enough about me. I'll get you back to Jayce now. No sex in Chapter 5 (sorry guys), because it's been a hectic week and weekend. I hope to have Chapter 6 for you by Wednesday. Then, you'll get the sex...

Chapter 5 - Observations

I dumped my duffle bag out onto my bed, having no idea what I should wear. I probably tried on about five different combinations before I settled on a skin tight sleeveless t-shirt, with a white short sleeve polo shirt, A&F boxer briefs, and a pair of board shorts. I gathered my hair from above my ears, and pulled it up into a ponytail, leaving the hair behind my ears hanging down. I dug a matching pair of shoes out from under the bed, and left the dorm room.

I was practically run down by this kid on a skateboard. "Shit!" Then I looked at him. He was cute. He had scruffy long blonde hair, which was poking out in every direction, from under a backward DC cap. He had no fat on his face, but was showing a little bit of stubble on his chin. It added an essence of maturity to him that made him seem hott. He was wearing a baggy DC t-shirt, baggy jeans, and a pair of well worn DC shoes. He was probably my age. I couldn't be sure.

"Hey dude. Sorry."

"No sweat. You looking for someone?"

"Yeah, I'm looking for Donald. You his roommate?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"I'm his brother. You seen him around?"

I was stunned. I didn't know how such a tub of fat like Donald, could have a brother like this kid. "You're his brother? I saw him yesterday. Not today."

"Fuck. I was hoping we could go to the arcade. He's a wicked Mortal Kombat player."

"Tough luck. If I see him I'll let him know you're here."

"Thanks man. BJ."

"Excuse me?" I said, misunderstanding.

He blushed slightly. "It's my name."

"Oh, shit. Sorry. I'm Jayce. Why BJ?"

"No worries. It's short for Brian Joseph. I hate it, so I made it BJ."

"Too bad it's not JB, be a bit better."

"Yeah, I know. Well, anyway, you let him know?"

"Yeah. Hey, I gotta ask. How are you two related? I mean, you don't look anything like him."

"Oh. Yeah. I'm his step-brother. He's kinda cool, but he eats too much, and no exercise."

"But you..."

He smiled, and lifted up his t-shirt revealing a nice, toned set of abs. He ran his hand across them, obviously very pleased with his body. "I'm always 'boarding so I keep in shape. I was ranked tenth in the North West, 18-and-under competition last year." He dropped the t-shirt back down.


"Thanks dude. You gonna be his roommate all year?"


"Cool. How you at arcade games?"

"I can hold my own."

"Nice. Maybe we can go to the arcade or something, sometime?"

"Yeah, it'd be fun."

"Cool. See you 'round then?"

"See ya."

I watched as he skated down the hallway, and jumped the board up onto the stair rail. H rode it down to the landing, jumping off the board in mid air, and catching it, while he landed perfectly. He then walked down the rest of the stairs. I was sure, that, if he could have gotten a run at the lower rail, he would have ridden it all the way down. I heard him throw down the board and jump back on, as I reached the top of the stairs.

I walked out of the main doors to the dorm at 12:45, smiling at the thought that 24-hours earlier I was wearing considerably fewer clothes than today. I walked through the quad getting a few whistles from some people who obviously recognized who I was.

I took my time crossing the quad, keeping my eyes open for any possible tests along the way. Other than the requisite hot boys (who I made an obvious show of checking out - to which two of them responded with wide grins), there were no obvious, or for that matter subtle tests for me. I leaned up against the gate post that I had seen CJ at the day before, just as the quad's clock chimed off the hour.

I leaned my head back against post, and brought my right foot up against the wall. I crossed my hands across my chest, keeping my eyes open to any possible 'test'. I looked at the clock tower: 1:05. "If anything's going to happen, it should happen soon," I muttered to myself, becoming acutely aware of everyone, and thing, that passed by.

I stood there for a minute.

1:06. "Shit. Did I miss something?" Suddenly I started to get nervous. I dropped my foot down, and started scanning the crowd. There were a group of girls giggling by the fountain; a bunch of female staff having a smoke by the entrance to the administration wing; the cheerleaders were rehearsing some lifts outside the quad. "What the fuck did I miss?"

Then I realized something.

"What the fuck?" I scanned the quad again. Nothing. I scanned the parking lot and the outside of the quad. Nothing. "What the fuck?" I took two steps away from the post, and looked up at the clock. 1:07. "Shit!" I turned around and was about to kick the post, when I stopped.

"Hi Jayce."

"TJ? TJ MacLeish, right?"

"Correct on one. What do you notice?"

"That all the guys are gone."

TJ smiled, "First try. You're the only one who realized it as quickly as that. I had it pegged at a minute-five."

"Realized that there were no guys?"

"Yeah. Now look again."

I scanned the quad. "What the fuck!"

"And now?"

"There's no one. No girls, no guys. Nothing. Everyone's gone."

"Impressive isn't it. That so many people can just disappear without explanation, or notice. Now, look again."

I looked into the quad. Nothing. I blinked. Then, as though they appeared from no where, marching across the quad was the entire freshman football team, in full uniform. Well, almost full uniform, it was actually their training uniform. "How the fuck?"

"Ah, yes well...Come Monday, if you make it, you'll understand. Here."

TJ handed me an envelope, and without another word he walked off towards the team, past them, and disappeared. I opened the letter.

Pledge Jayce. You've made it to day two. Well done. Here's your pledge task. Watch the freshman footballers practice.

Have fun,

TJ ETNU Director of Rushing

I watched as the players passed. Some of them were wearing their helmets, some were carrying them. They were all joking around, and tossing the football to each other. I checked them each out as they walked past. Number 20, who had just caught the football, tossed it to me. Thank god I'd played with CJ when I was younger. I caught it with one hand, and walked over to him.

"Great catch!"

"Thanks! Jayce," I said handing the ball back and extending my hand.

"Charles, but the guys all call me Chuck."

"Am I one of the guys?" I asked falling into step beside him.

"Anyone who can catch the ball like that, shouldn't have to ask," he said grinning. I nearly melted. I hadn't realized how sexy he was. Damn, I liked the uniform to begin with, but he made it look like he'd been born wearing football padding.

The uniform was light yellow. The jersey, pants, socks and cleats were all done in yellow, with brown highlights. The shoulders were done in brown, and the numbers and names were done in the same brown, but outlined with white. The pants had a brown braid down the sides, and the socks and shoes had brown highlights as well. The helmets were opposite; brown with yellow highlights.

It bears mentioning, that they were all in their training uniforms, and not their game play uniforms. The difference was quite obvious to me. The training uniform jerseys were yellow mesh, and were only three-quarter-length, leaving each of their abs open for full view. My cock jumped in my board shorts, as I admired Chuck's waist, and then continued on to admire the rest of him.

Chuck had jet black hair, just long enough that if he spiked it up, it would be about a half-inch. Right now though, it was flat, and somehow it was sexier that way. At least I thought so, especially as he ran his gloved hand through it. I followed his hand through his hair, and admired his forearms (which were nicely toned, he had obviously been playing football for many years), and the lower part of his biceps that I could see through his jersey. His abs were brought into full view, as his hand worked its way through his hair (lifting the jersey), giving me a pleasurable view of his six-pack.

As his hand completed its run through his hair, my eyes caught his. They were violet. I was captivated by his eyes. They were deep, longing, and seemed to pull you in deeper the more you stared. I saw the corner of them turn upwards, and I drifted down to his mouth which was smiling. "You're admiring my eyes," he said, as I watched his lips move. They were as captivating as his eyes. I broke the gaze to respond.

"Yes. I've never met anyone with Violet eyes."

"That's not surprising. It's a very rare trait. I know of only Elizabeth Taylor that had violet eyes."

"Hers aren't as captivating as yours," I smiled slightly, he returned the smile as a response.

We reached the football field, and I asked Chuck if I could watch the practice. He responded enthusiastically, and I took a seat on one of the benches. I watched as Chuck started to take the team through what they were going to practice. I hadn't realized it until then, but he was the Quarterback. My dick had been hard since I caught the ball, but it hardened further at the thought of a gay Quarterback.

The way he was standing gave me a clear view of him from helmet to cleats, without having to move my eyes, or my head. He glanced over at me, and I grinned. So did he. I melted again. I watched as he gave more instructions to his team, and then he called over number 40. His helmet was on, and I watched as they talked for a minute. Number 40 seemed a bit pissed when they finished their conversation, and it was quite apparent in his body language when he motioned to a couple of the other guys to go over to the obstacle course.

On route, number 40 walked over to me. His jersey was shorter than the others, giving me a very nice view. "Hey. Jayce, right?"


"Shawn. You got a minute to help us out?"

"I guess so. What you need?"

"We need someone to keep score. I've got five lackeys that Chuck wants me to run through their paces. I need someone to keep track of how many obstacles they miss, and such."


"Great! Means that I can go into my Drill Sergeant mode."

"You really don't want to be dealing with them do you?"

"Not really, no. But Chuck's the QB, and during practice, when the coach's not around, his word is law."

"You want to be QB?"

"Sometimes," he said smiling. "But Chuck and I've been friends since grade school, and I wouldn't mutiny against him. There are some things that I'd do to him," he said his voice dropping slightly, "none of which have anything to do with mutinying."

We reached the obstacle course, and Shawn began drilling numbers 18, 10, 42, 31 and 9. After an hour I'd stripped my polo shirt off leaving me in just my sleeveless T (covered, by now, in sweat), and was squinting in the sun trying to keep track of who was doing which obstacle. Shawn saw my squint, and ran over, giving the guys a relief for a moment. He pulled off his right glove as he approached, and reached into one of his pockets, pulling out a small container of under-eye black.

"Here," he said as he smeared a line of black under each of my eyes. It made a difference immediately. I didn't squint quite so much. "Better?"

"Hell ya! Thanks."

"Sure thing. Who's leading?"

"Number 9. He's only missed 2 of the obstacles so far."

"Damn! He always was good in everything he did."

Shawn jogged back to the guys and started drilling them again. I watched, and continued to keep score for the next 40-minutes, until Chuck came over and broke them up. Shawn motioned to me to come over, and I jogged up to them. "Who's the best?" asked Chuck.

"Number 9, with a score of 439 completed out of 454."

"Shit! Well done Tommy. Alright guys, the coach's here, and wants you all to practice."

"Me too?"

"Nah, Tommy. You've done good. Shawn and I need your help with something else."

Tommy pulled off his helmet. His head was covered in a bandana with the teams' logo, which came off with the helmet. I picked it up, and handed it over to him. Tommy smiled, and extended his hand. "Tommy."

"Jayce. Here you go," I said handing over the bandana.

"That's alright. You keep it, I've got lots."

I smiled, and tied it on my head. He fixed it so that my hair hung down over the top. I could smell the sweat from his arms, as he stood in front of me fixing the bandana. I looked into his eyes. They were an unusual shade of green, and as enticing as Chuck's.

"Come'on, guys. I need your help," said Chuck, leading the way towards to athletic center. "You too, Jayce."

Tommy handed me his helmet. "Could you hold this for a sec?"

"Yeah," I said, as I watched Tommy pull his shoulder pads and jersey up over his head.

"Thanks." He grinned at me, and put his arm around my shoulder. He obviously didn't hide the fact that he enjoyed my company. I in turn, enjoyed the attention, and wrapped my arm around his waist.

The four of us walked into the athletic center, their cleats not making a sound on the specially designed floor. We turned down a hallway, and went through a pair of doors into the changing room. I didn't hear Shawn lock the door behind me.

"So what do you guys need help with?" I asked, still with my arm around Tommy's waist.

"Well," said Chuck. "We each have a problem that needs someone's personal attention. I'm sure that you can find a solution."

"Well," I said realizing that this was my test, "I've always been good at solving problems. Whose problem should I solve first?"

"I think that Tommy's is the most urgent," said Chuck.

"When the coach isn't around, always listen to the QB."

I turned and faced Tommy, wrapped my arms around his waist, and slid my tongue down his throat.

Sorry to leave you guys 'hanging' like this, but like I said, it's been a hectic weekend. I'll get you Chapter 6 in a day or two.


Next: Chapter 5

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