
Published on Jul 7, 2001


Europa One

Berlin 1927

by Bald Hairy Man

This is an adult story for adults. If you aren't interested in Gay stories, Don't read it. It is a fantasy and no efforts at safe or even sensible sex has been made. If you have any comments e mail me at or

I was born in the border region of France and Switzerland into a bilingual family in 1907. My father was a pharmacist and spoke French and my mother was the daughter of a German-speaking pastor. We were Protestant, which is unusual in France, but we were also 100% French. My father served in the Great War, but as a pharmacist, he worked in the hospitals. He never saw active duty, but he knew the horrors of war first hand.

My oldest brother became a pharmacist too, but my interest was always in archaeology. Fortunately my parents were educated and shared the interest. They approved of me becoming an academic and dreamed that I might become a Professor. No profession ranked higher in their esteem.

My parent's best friends were Dr. and Mme. Dreyfus. The doctor was a brilliant and talented man. My father thought he was practicing medicine in a small city like Marne sur Le Rohne, because he was Jewish. My father was a good Calvinist and thought that any thing that brought such a gifted man to our town was a blessing. "Even stupidity can bring a blessing!" he would say. The Protestant community in the city was small and we also felt like outsiders, so I think this explained my father's friendship with the Jewish family. Although no one ever said anything to our faces, we knew that we were barely tolerated.

I distinguished myself in school and advanced to higher levels and the University easily. In 1927 I had an opportunity to study under the leading professor in the subject of European Neolithic Culture. Professor Erik Von Schmidt was a bright star of the University of Berlin and one of my student essays caught his attention. That is how I became a French student in Berlin.

Berlin was a very exciting place in the 1920s. It seemed as if 90% of the people were engaged in some sort of experimental project in the arts, sciences or politics. France was unpopular throughout Germany but most people thought I was Swiss and I had no problems. Berlin seemed crazy but harmless. It was lots of fun for a student in his middle twenties. Professor Von Schmidt was everything I hoped he would be. He was demanding, knowledgeable and helpful. Von Schmidt wanted the best for his students and once he realized you were willing to work, he was a friendly and outgoing man. The entire experience was wonderful.

The first person I met at the University was a spectacularly intimidating assistant to the Professor, Wolfgang Von Hellenburg. He was fearsome looking. Born Baron Von Helenburg, he was 6'3", 200 pounds and had a blond crew cut. Wolfie turned out to be as unlike his Prussian warriors' appearance as a person could be. We was smart, clever and affable and had a wonderful sense of humor.

After an hour of conversation we were friends. Stone age archaeology was his interest as well as mine and soon we were together much of the time. The Professor was demanding and the work was nonstop. Wolfie's strengths were in the field, excavating. My strengths were more academic, analyzing and understanding. Together we were an unbeatable team.

He was the black sheep of his family. The Von Hellenburg's were military and authoritarian in their preferences. I met his father and brother once and was shocked at their attitudes and ideas. They were wealthy but had no taste or culture, and they obviously despised Wolfgang. Wolfie had his own money, left to him by an aunt, so he just avoided his family.

He lived in a small, elegant apartment in Berlin, but his true love was a summer house about 100 kilometers from Berlin on the way to Dresden. He asked me out to visit him in late August. There was a break in our studies and I decided to visit him. I took a train to the nearest town and a friend of his, Max, picked me up at the station.

We drove down a country road, past a gate and through some woods until we arrived at a handsome farm house. It was old, and well restored. It was clearly German but gave somewhat the appearance of an English gentleman's home. The house was empty but we could hear some men talking in the rear and the splashing of water. There was a swimming pool. This seemed like an extraordinary luxury to me. I loved to swim and I knew that persons of great wealth had pools but had never been anywhere with a pool.

Max and I went to the rear yard, and looked out the window and saw Wolfie, Professor Von Schmidt and two other men gathered around the pool. All were naked. I was shocked.

"Wolfgang!" Max cried. "Jean is here!" Wolfie came over to us.

"So glad you could make it!" He said. I'm afraid he noticed that I was uncomfortable. "Jean, I forgot to tell you. I am a nudist in the country!" He laughed.

He was bronzed tan and muscular with covering of blond hair all over his body. At first I thought it was fine hair, but I realized it was a thick coat of hair, disguised by its light color.

"Don't worry!" he said. "You don't need to join us in our sun worship, but we are all men here so, you don't need to feel uncomfortable. Your bedroom is up stairs, Max will show you the way. It's hot, come and join us for a swim." Max took me to my bedroom. I didn't like the idea of standing around naked, but I was accustomed to nude swimming in the lakes near my home, and Professor Schmidt was downstairs, naked in the sun.

Nudism was very popular in Germany at that time and was regarded by many as having health benefits. Fearing that by being dressed the Professor might think me standoffish, backwards or prudish, I took off my clothes and wrapped my self in a towel and went to the pool. I jumped in the pool as fast as I could and swam. The Professor seemed to admire my technique, I was a good swimmer. Everyone there seemed relaxed and by the time I got out of the water, I felt a bit more comfortable.

"Jean," Wolfie said, "I would like to you meet Herr Professor Altenburg, he is a physician and psychiatrist." Von Schmidt and Altenburg were both big men, but Von Schmidt had pitch black hair and Altenburg was white. Von Schmidt had a mustache, Altenburg a full beard. They were barrel chested and hairy men. "And this is Max, one of my old friends from home." This was the man who picked me up, but I didn't know his relationship to Wolfie. Max was short and with a close-cut brown beard. He must have been the hairiest man I had ever seen. He was almost suitable for a carnival side show.

"And let me introduce you to Samuel Wertheimer, one of my former students." Von Schmidt said. "He is English in spite of his name." Wertheimer was rather dapper, carefully groomed and neat even when he was naked. Samuel was quite muscular and had a hairy chest that almost looked as if it had been clipped.

I was trying not to look at the men's genitals, but everyone was uncut except for Wertheimer and me. Max very clearly was looking me over. I had always thought of my cock as average in size. It was similar to my brother's and father's. They were the only naked men I was familiar with because of our swimming lessons. My father was terrified of downing and insisted that we learn how to swim.

My cock was nothing to be ashamed of in this group. Both Von Schmidt and Altenburg seemed to have small members sitting on huge ball sacks. Max's cock was all but hidden by his hair. Wertheimer had a long thin cock with a big mushroom head. Wolfie's cock was bigger and thicker looking. His was almost beautiful, with the head resting deep inside the foreskin, all framed by golden hair.

I almost jolted out of my thoughts when I realized I was thinking about a beautiful cock. I had never though of a cock as beautiful before. Useful and enjoyable, but not beautiful.

The conversation was about German history and I soon joined in with my French outlook. Wertheimer added the English viewpoint. He spoke good German but with a pronounced English accent. We were a cosmopolitan group, and everyone seemed interested in the others' views. This was unusual in Europe at this time and seemed refreshing to me. Soon I forgot we were nude. Max went in the house to prepare lunch. About ten minutes later he called for someone to help him set up the table. My parents had very firm ideas about helping the host at a party so I went to help.

It was cool inside the house compared to the full sun around the pool. Max had sandwiches ready. He wanted me to arrange them on a plate while he finished a salad.

I dropped a fork and it bounced under the table. Max got down on the floor to find it. He found the fork and my cock. All of a sudden, my cock was in his mouth, being licked and sucked. I was shocked, and didn't move. I was going to object but it felt wonderful. It was a new but enjoyable experience for me. Wolfie came in the room and stood beside me. Max stopped sucking me and took Wolfie's cock.

"Max!" Wolfie said. "Take care of our guest!" Max returned to my cock. "I'm sorry Jean. He forgets to take care of our guests sometimes. Max and I are childhood friends, and playmates. Old habits die hard." I wanted to say something but was too confused to think what to say. I would have been embarrassed if it hadn't felt so good.

Wolfgang must have sensed this and he told Max to finish lunch. This Max did. I was almost fully erect by this time and really embarrassed to be erect in front of my friend.

"Damn it Jean!" Wolfie said, "If I had any idea you were this well hung I would have asked you here earlier! That's spectacular." The professors and Samuel entered the room and no one seemed to mind my erect cock. Everyone got a plate, filled it with sandwiches and the salad and sat down. It was as if there was nothing unusual about a naked man with an erection serving lunch.

The conversation turned to the origins of European ethnic groups. Samuel asked about Aryan origins. Von Schmidt was brutal in his analysis. "Theories are purely crack pot ranting without evidence." the distinguished professor said. "Evidence may be physical, or it may be circumstantial, but there must be evidence. There is no Aryan homeland, until someone finds it. No one has found it and no one has any evidence it exists!"

"No homeland for the master race?" Max asked.

"There is no master race." Altenburg stated firmly. "There is nothing to show that strength is associated with genius, and if Goethe is great, so is Moliere and Shakespear." The conversation became heated. We were drinking beer and this added to the openness of the conversation.

Berlin was a center for homosexual activity at this time and I had seen transvestites and the men the English call "Nancy boys" prancing on the streets. I had no sexual experience at all. My family was very reserved and didn't want me to marry until my education was finished. My parents weren't wealthy enough to give me an inheritance, so I wasn't considered a catch to the women of my town, or Berlin for that matter. I wasn't particularly interested in women, but I had no interest in effeminate men at all.

Obviously Wolfie and Max were homosexual, and I guessed that the Professors and Samuel were too. They weren't like the stereotypes of "Nancy boys" at all. They weren't like the Oscar Wilde images I held. They seemed like normal men, and I liked them. I was confused and a bit excited. The excitement did nothing to reduce my erection. I wasn't fully erect, but my cock was at half staff. No one seemed to care. Were erect cocks characteristic of nudist events and my display was of no significance?

I was tall and thin with a beard and ungainly features. Swimming gave be a muscular chest, arms and legs. They were hairy. The rest of me was smooth, except for a path of hair that connected the mat of hair on my chest to my pubic bush. I thought of myself as patchy, completely unlike the elegance of classical statuary or the smooth bodies of movie stars.

Around three, Wolfie announced that it was time for a siesta. We were to rest then return for a late dinner. I went to my room and found I was sharing it with Professor Altenburg. I was somewhat relieved that it wasn't Max. That would have been too exciting.

"I hope you don't mind sharing a room with an old man like me?" Altenburg said.

"Not at all." I replied. "It is an honor to be with such a distinguished companion." We shared the bed, as is typical in a farmhouse. My cock had almost returned to its soft state and I was relieved. Altenburg looked at my cock.

"You have relaxed." he said. "You added some excitement to our dry academic conversation." I blushed.

"I was afraid I embarrassed my self." I said.

"Not at all." he said. "The cock is the very symbol of manhood. A secret symbol, so respected that it is always hidden, except in the most primitive societies. The large cock is always respected and admired. Horse hung, donkey dicked, the obscene expressions are tributes, not insults. You were the center of unspoken admiration and desire."

"You were looking?"

"Every chance I got." he said. He was smiling. "As was everyone else." I must have looked uncertain. "You are a shy man.' he continued. "We are a friendly group of men. All of us are old friends, we enjoy each others company, both intellectually and physically." My cock was getting hard again. Altenburg was watching my cock rise. "I know you will enjoy us as intellectual companions." he continued.

"You are a congenial group." I said, "but, . . ." Altenburg was smiling.

"Don't say any more." he said. "I am a psychiatrist. You were erect because unconsciously you wanted your massive cock to be seen and admired. You sensed that it inspires those who see it. You are enjoying the admiration you can feel in the air. You will find a lot more to enjoy, if you can relax and follow your body's direction." I didn't say anything.

"Theories are purely crack pot ranting without evidence." Von Schmidt had said. Altenburg's theory about me was crackpot enough. "Where is the evidence?" I asked myself. My cock was hard as a rock, bloated to the bursting point. I might be unsure about Altenburg's ideas, but I realized that my cock was absolutely positive about them. Altenburg began licking my cock. My dong vanished into the mouth in the middle of his white beard.

Max had sucked me two hours earlier for the first time. I felt incredibly relieved when Altenburg began. I think I was afraid that it might never happen again. I was afraid that the wonderful sensation I felt when Max sucked me would never be repeated. Max had been very vigorous, the professor was caressing my cock with his tongue and throat. It was totally different but just as exciting and pleasurable.

He pulled off. "You like it?" he asked.

"I sure do."

"Would you like to rejoin the others?" Altenburg asked. "They are at the pool, waiting for us." I don't know how they would have known I was going to come back. We got up and went down stairs. When we reached the pool, I wasn't the only one there with an erection. Von Schmidt was sucking Wolfie and Samuel's face was buried in Max's crotch. The openness of the sex shocled me. I almost turned away, but Altenburg touched my cock. I had oozed a glob of pre cum and he spread it over my head. As the slippery fluid spread over my ultra sensitive organ I shuddered in pleasure. I realized that I had never been so sexually excited before and was almost shivering.

"Herr Professor!" Wolfie cried. "You have converted our French friend into a member of the club?"

"I think we'd have to say he is a provisional member!" Altenburg said.

"Jean, we're glad to have you as a part of our happy band!" Wolfie said. "All for one and one for all!" He got up and came over to me. He was fully erect and impressive. His bloated cock stuck straight out and pre cum dripped from it. It was a bit shorter than mine, but thicker. He embraced me then sank to his knees and sucked my cock. In the next few minutes every one around the pool sucked me.

The last to nurse on my meat was Professor Von Schmidt. When he got up he said, "Well my young student, you aren't a provisional member any more!" He burst out laughing.

"Is this the initiation ceremony, Herr Professor?"Samuel asked. He was also laughing.

"If it isn't, it should be!" He said. "Damn, it's hot here!" He dove into the pool and we all followed. The cool water was refreshing. I appreciated the break in the sexual action. The last hour was full of new experiences for me. Nothing even faintly resembling this had ever happened to me. Quite frankly, I had never visualized anything even close to the group sexual experience I was in the middle of.

Up to this time, my idea of enjoyment was a good glass of wine and a good book. Now, five men had sucked my cock. Each one was both eager to suck me and good at it. I enjoyed all, but I felt the way a peasant might feel if he spent his life riding a donkey and suddenly found himself in an airplane. It was as if not only had I not been on a plane, I hadn't known such a thing existed.

My life had changed.

Next: Chapter 2

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