
Published on Oct 26, 2002


Europa 11

By Bald Hairy Man

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This is an adult story for adults. It is not intended for minors, nor for persons who are offended by alternate life styles. If you are offended, Don't Read the story! There is no effort expended to make this story realistic or depict safe sex practices. This story is a fantasy, not a sex manual.

The Nazis were finished, defeated and on the run. Cornered rats are the most dangerous. I knew our small town was entering the most dangerous phase of the war. Obermayer was a mad man. His second in command, Col. Weiderman, was a former manager of a Berlin Department Store. He had no taste for war at all.

Max was with us full time and gave us a rundown of the personalities of the German forces. Oddly, Max found his courage after Wolfie's death. He told me he was afraid of being tortured by the Gestapo, but as long as he could fight, he was with us.

For most of the soldiers, there was no desire to do anything, but go home and protect their families, if that was possible. They still obeyed, but they had no desire to carry out the General's more draconian plans. Max also knew who were members of the "Brotherhood of the Cock". Both Max and Wolfie were sexually generous and had many friends. Obermayer was violently anti-homosexual and had no problem punishing those of which he had the slightest suspicion.

Most were demoted to menial jobs. The General tried to get them sent to the Russian Front, but the clerical part of his office was slow to the extreme and I'm not sure if anyone actually made it to the Russian front from our area. You know an army is defeated when the soldiers are trying to select which armed force they will surrender to. The universal hope was to be captured by the Americans or Canadians. The English were third and then the Free French. At the very bottom of the chart were the Russians.

Hans, my old playmate, was now working in the motor pool. The need to dispose of Obermayer was getting greater as he turned more vicious. Emile wanted an ambush. I wanted an accident. Shortly after the liberation of Paris, a Resistance ambush killed three German's near our town. To this day I don't know who did it. It certainly wasn't anyone under my command.

Obermayer took hostages and announced he would shoot them all in a week if the Resistance members weren't turned over to him. Our plans shifted into high gear. Obermayer was paranoid and rarely ventured out of the Chateau now. A full frontal attack on the castle seemed impossible. We didn't know exactly where in the labyrinthine building he slept or worked.

Raoul. Emile and Evans worked on a scheme to attack the chateau as a decoy and stage a jail break to release the hostages. Good luck intervened. Max had friends in the enlisted men. Max had shaved and now was unrecognizable as his former self. But he was just as good a cock sucker as he ever had been. He hooked up with Hans and discovered Obermayer's Achilles' heel.

As part of his purge of homosexuals, Obermayer had discovered a young kid, Eric Meyers. Eric was a very young looking 17 and the General was smitten. He had told the kid he could escape transfer to the Russian Front by becoming the General's boy. It was very hush hush, but the kid was brought to the General's bedroom several times a week and the General screwed him.

Eric had been a virgin and submitted, but hated it. Hans had proudly told Max, he had given the boy a lesson in man love. When Eric found out what real man sex was like from Hans, the boy grew to hate Obermayer more. The General needed his partner's pain to have an orgasm.

Eric knew exactly where in the castle the General was. He knew his schedule and normal working habits. Max, of course knew the castle well and pinpointed the places which were subject to attack. Once we knew the location of the General, the military men went to work fast. The General liked to fuck Eric just before the kid was on watch. Eric would get reamed, then spend the night on the tower in the cold with his ass filled with cum.

The General varied his days, but almost always screwed Eric on Saturday night. That was the last possible chance to get the hostages out, since the executions were to take place Monday at dawn. Raoul and Evans led the attack on the castle. Emile and I led the attack on the prison. Eric was on the midnight watch and would signal us which room Obermayer was in that night. It was a cold, dark night in early fall, with no moon. It was a long wait before we could move into position. I was with Robert, Emile and Georges. We went to the museum. It wasn't guarded at night and we knew all the hiding places in the building.

We got in place after nine and had nothing to do until we heard the attack on the castle. I was nervous as hell. I had been under constant threat of arrest for years and was accustomed to that. I had never done anything violent before. I was uneasy about shooting someone. The only shooting I had done was from my cock into a German mouth or ass. I was more like Mata Hari than I wanted to admit.

I told Robert and Emile how nervous I was. Robert said he felt the same way. Emile laughed.

"I guess it must be inexperience." I said.

"Not at all." Emile replied. "I've been in a lot of tough situations. It's easier to be attacked than to attack. When you are assaulted, every atom in your body resists and goes on the defensive instantaneously. When you are on the attack, you have the advantage of surprise, but there is always hesitation. Some might call it cowardice, but I think it's something more basic than that, the urge for self preservation. The basic human urge is to avoid violence."

"I wish there was some way to relax." Robert said. "I feel as if I'm going to blow up I'm so nervous."

"I've got an idea." Georges chimed in. "If I die, I want St. Peter to meet me with my balls empty and my ass filled with my comrades' seed." I laughed.

"That sounds like something Wotan might appreciate at the entrance to Valhalla." I said.

"If I go to Valhalla I'm pretty sure none of the Nazi scum will get in. They attack the weak." Robert said. "I do have a suspicion, Wotan wouldn't mind his cock in a brave man's ass. He didn't seem to care much where he shoved his cock. I don't know about St. Peter."

I wasn't too sure about Emile's suggestion. Fortunately, my cock and balls had no question about the appropriateness of the "tension release scheme".

"You take care of Georges first." Robert whispered in my ear. "You've never fucked him. He thinks you still think of him as a boy." I looked at Robert. He knew I wanted his cock in my ass. " Don't worry, Jean. You know there is always more and I am always ready!" Robert smiled.

On the other side of the room Georges and Emile had stripped. I joined them. Emile gravitated to Robert. George and I got together. I was really eager to get together with Robert, but Georges turned out to be a much better experience than I had guessed.

He had been a kid when I met him when he escaped from the Nazi roundup for the labor camps. Now, there was no baby fat left as far as I could tell. He had matured and had a man's body. I had also not looked at his cock lately. He was usually with Raoul, so I had never experienced his meat. It was pure man meat, thick, heavy and juicy.

Raoul and Emile had taught him all he needed to know about homosexual sex. He was enthusiastic and skilled. I was hard five seconds after he started to suck me and on the edge of shooting a minute later. We slowed up and 69ed. He was a mouthful, but his cock fit my mouth perfectly. I was so preoccupied with my thoughts about Robert, lust for Georges snuck up on me.

Georges was dribbling precum and his cock juice went straight to my brain and then to my balls. He whispered to me, he had never been fucked by a cock as big as mine. Georges had been sucking and slobbering all over my cock, so I was lubricated. In a quick movement, he shifted and his legs were pinned on my shoulders. My cock was poking at his hole.

He resisted for two or three thrusts and then he opened wide. I could feel him react to the pain of the penetration, but the second my cock head passed through the sphincter, Georges was fine. He was like a wild horse, that only needed to be broken in. Usually when I fuck a guy for the first time, I am careful not to hurt him.

Georges would have nothing of that. As far as he was concerned, the harder and faster the better. I screwed him like a wild man. Needless to say, I didn't last long. I shot off and left my cock in his ass to drain all the man seed. I was relaxed when Robert came up behind me and stroked my ass with his dripping cock. I opened up and Robert slipped into my ass.

I was afraid he was mad at me for fucking Georges with such obvious enjoyment. In fact, it had excited him. He spent a quiet quarter of an hour massaging my prostate with his cock. I thought I wouldn't be able to respond after the terrific orgasm in Georges ass, but male sex organs are resilient.

Robert's cock was long and thin, with a big mushroom head. He just slowly pumped my ass and soon enough my prostate began to respond. My cock got hard again and I fucked Georges a second time. Robert shot off in my ass and pulled out. Emile had been resting after his session with Robert earlier, so he came over and sucked on Georges until the boy came a second time. The contractions of his ass as he shot were enough to make me shoot a second time.

We went back to our waiting. I opened the window of the attic space we were hiding in to make it easier to hear the attack on the castle. That was lucky for us. I was looking out when I saw flashes in the direction of the attack. I didn't hear a sound. The wind or the atmosphere kept us from hearing anything.

We raced down to the street and ran two blocks to the Town Jail through dark, back alleys. As we arrived, a truck left the jail with most of the German guards. They were off to reinforce the castle. One German was guarding the door. He was busy watching his departing comrades and we got behind him and had a gun in his back before he knew what had happened.

We used him as a shield and got in the building. Inside there were only Gendarmes, most of whom I knew. I told them to disarm and turn over the hostages, or we would shoot the guard. The senior French officer looked at us in mock horror.

"Disarm men!" he said. "Do anything they ask. We must save our German friend!" The Prefect's men had been trained well. They remained helpful, but always covered their ass. They could say they lost the hostages because they had to save the poor guard. I looked at the guard for the first time. It was Hans. He winked at me. We got out as fast as we could. We locked the German in a cell and the gendarmes in another. We got the hostages out of the building.

One of the Gendarmes had cut the phone lines to the building, so they wouldn't be able to get a call out. Outside the town was still quiet. There were no more flashes, but we raced the hostages to the museum. One was badly beaten. We broke the group into three parties. Leaving one group of two at the museum with me, another went directly to the Swiss border with Robert and the third went to the cave.

The beaten man was with me and I tried to help him. The other hostage was a young man named Steph. He was a farm boy and said he would go home. Once he got in the mountains, they would never find him. He vanished in the night.

I cleaned up the man and recognized him as Jean Moulinier, a watchmaker. He had broken ribs from being kicked and was in great pain when he tried to move. He tried to help himself and me, but the pain was so great he couldn't stand it. I realized I was trapped at the Museum for a day or two, until I could find a way to move him.

The town was still quiet and I had no idea if the attack on the castle had succeeded. The Gendarmes were in the streets at six, making great show of hunting for the hostages. I was in my attic hiding place.

The secret door opened and a Police man entered. It was the Prefect of Police and the Police Surgeon. The Doctor brought painkillers and put Jean to sleep with a shot. I was shocked to realize the Prefect knew my hiding place and knew which hostage was with me. Steph was his nephew. The boy knew how badly hurt Jean was and had told his Aunt about the situation. Jean was one of the Prefect's agents in town and the Germans had been trying to beat him into betraying his comrades.

"You may relax, General Obermayer isn't dead, but he will be shortly." the Prefect said. "Only the best medical care could save him and he can't get that, even his own doctors aren't that foolish. The British are 20 kilometers away and will be here tomorrow. I must go and meet with Col. Weiderman in an hour. I think I will discuss an orderly transfer of control. No more fighting, no more deaths. He is a most sensible man."

I went back to the cave, leaving Jean in the doctor's care. From the hill above the town, I could see activity at the Castle. Some trucks were leaving. I wondered if they were pulling out. I had a suspicion that many of the men in our remote location would prefer capture to fighting to the death. They were afraid of reprisals for the destruction done to London and Rotterdam earlier in the war.

It seemed there was an element of poetic justice to this, but I couldn't feel good about any destruction. So much had already been lost. Raoul and Jules were at the cave with Max. The attack had been successful, but not easy. The General's personal guard put up a stiff fight, but a grenade had ended resistance.

Raoul had brought two prisoners with them. They were locked up in the rear cave. I went to see them. It was Hans and another soldier I didn't know. Hans had been sent from the cell in the Police Station to the Chateau, just in time to be captured by Raoul.

"Max said they were good men, anti Nazi, but we needed someone else to vouch for them." Raoul said.

"I know Hans well enough. He may not be anti- Nazi, but I know he is no threat. The other man looked up. At first I didn't recognize him, then I realized it was Fritz Dalham, the man I have met at the Professor's retirement party. He was in an enlisted man's uniform.

"Fritz, how did you get here." I asked.

"Deserting, trying to escape from being executed." he said. "It's not a pretty story." Fritz had been a wealthy man, and I knew that wealthy men did not become enlisted men in the German Army. He was dirty and looked weak. When I had seen him in Dresden, he had looked like a Greek God.

"It has all been a disaster." Fritz said. "I thought I was restoring German greatness and now we will be lucky if anything survives." Max and I untied them and we went to the thermal baths to clean them up.

The baths helped some. Fritz was despondent. Naked, some of Fritz's spectacular physique remained. Raoul was watching as the German stripped. His suspicion turned to interest as Fritz stood nude in the cave.

Hans was uneasy. He had been captured and released twice and wasn't taking anything for granted. He was in good physical condition and he got admiring looks from Emile, who had returned to the cave.

With Emile was Samuel West. Now that the war was all but won, he had reverted to being Samuel Wertheimer, the name he used when I first met him at Wolfie's country house. He seemed overjoyed to see me. He knew of Wolfie's death, but took it as a natural part of war. He didn't seem to be worried about Hans and Fritz.

He told me the thermal bath looked really good to him, so we joined the two Germans in the pool. Max joined us and it was almost a reunion.

Next: Chapter 12

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