
Published on Jul 12, 2001


Europa Two

A house in the Country 1927

by Bald Hairy Man

This is an adult story for adults. If you aren't interested in Gay stories, Don't read it. It is a fantasy and no efforts at safe or even sensible sex has been made. If you have any comments e mail me at or

Wolfgang had christened his country house Wotan's Seat. The sign on the toilet room door labeled it the throne of the gods. He had painted an elaborate mural over the toilet of Wotan and the other members of the Nordic pantheon siting in a ring. It took you several seconds to realize they were all on toilet seats.

Wolfie looked like a Nordic God and he had the mannerisms of a Teutonic Hero. He loved sports, opera, art, dance and music, but most of all he loved cock. It was a shock to me to find such a masculine man who was so captivated by cock and other men. He also seemed to be a magnet for men who shared the same interest. I got to know more about the men as I sat in the sun that long summer afternoon.

Max was Wolfie's oldest childhood friend. They were brought up together. Max's father worked for the Von Hellenburgs, both boys were unhappy. Max was despised because he was so small, Wolfgang because he was intelligent. The two boys became friends, companions and fellow sexual experimenters. The two boys discovered sex together. Max was a sex machine, always ready, always willing.

Professor Gottfried Von Schmidt discovered sex through Wolfie. Apparently it was love at first sight for him when he found the young Nordic God in his class. He admired Wolfgang from a distance for years. He was always a proper instructor and they finally got together only after Wolfie had joined the army and left the University.

Altenburg had joined the group as a result of his studies of sexual aberration. He had despised effeminacy as a grotesque perversion and studied it in order to define the sickness. Altenburg was an old friend of Von Schmidt's who came upon Wolfie and Gottfried in bed when visiting. He was shocked and appalled. He spent a night tossing and turning in distress at his friend's perversion. As the night progressed, he discovered that in addition to his shock he was also stimulated and turned on. The next day he had his first experience with man sex. He became a covert.

Wertheimer was the odd man out in the group. He was very proper and correct, interested in sex but not to the extent of the other men. Masculine but not so much as Wolfie, Max or the two professors. I didn't discover his role in the group until the next day.

Altenburg was my sexual guide. He was a man of science and a man who liked man sex. He told me that he made a study of it. It was a scientific study, he assured me. "But I will admit, that the field work is the best part." he joked. "I insist on trying every thing I learn about. The problem is that the sexual capacities and capabilities of man are varied and erratic. What causes an orgasm in one man is disgusting or ineffectual in another."

"That must be disappointing." I said.

"Not at all. Exciting." the professor said. "The how and why of the variation are my interests. Nothing is as expected."

"I must admit that my friend's detachment ends when he comes in contact with a man who excites him." Von Schmidt said. He was smiling. "Serious scientific study rarely involves lust!"

"Let me suggest that serious scientific study always involves passion!" Altenburg replied. "You don't devote your life to a study that merely interests you! I also think it is clear the sexual activity in plants and single cell creatures is entirely without lust and desire. The more advanced the animal to more important lust and desire become."

"Thus, Herr Professor," Samuel said. "The ultimate expression of humanity is unbridled lust and passion!" Everyone laughed.

"Would it were so!" Von Schmidt said. "But I do think you may have something there. It does seem that the role of physical attraction and the passion for sex increases as the animal is more advanced. Horses and cows have one level, monkeys and apes another and human beings the ultimate!"

"Did Darwin speak of this?" I asked. My great-aunt was appalled by Darwinian theories, but I had never found them objectionable. She was a firm believer that every word in the Bible was scientifically true. That was very hard for me as an archaeologist.

"To be able to select your partner is a remarkable breakthrough. Plants cannot select the pollen that pollinates them. We can, and thus we have evolved with greater speed." Altenburg said.

"I would be glad to have you pollinate me!" Max said. Everyone laughed. "But I won't have your babies! It would ruin my figure!"

"I think that may be a blow to your evolutionary theory. Where do we men who love other men fit in?" Wolfgang asked.

"That was my concern before I met you and Von Schmidt." Altenburg said.

"I think you mean before Wolfie's cock rammed your prostate for the first time!" Von Schmidt said. Everyone laughed, expecting the doctor to be embarrassed. He easily slipped into a formal professorial role as if he were lecturing his students. His formal style seemed at odds with the subject matter.

"Well," he said, "that was an inspiration I admit. I couldn't rectify the intense physical pleasure I experienced with Wolfgang with my notion of abject degeneracy and perversion."

"But you did? Herr Professor." Samuel asked. Altenburg smiled.

"Of course I did!" the professor continued. "It wasn't just the physical pleasure I experienced. I was shocked at the complete lack of guilt I felt."

"I realized that Darwin's survival of the fittest often focuses on procreation as the central element of life. Survival involves a wide range of activities, finding food, defending one's homes, sometimes finding new, safer better places to live. If we were purely focused on our mate and children, hunting is difficult, exploration all but impossible. It is the man who is less interested in his mate that can love the long hunting expedition. He can be the warrior who spends months and even years away from his home, protecting the frontier. For the man who loves his fellow man, this is no hardship."

"The father must be cautious so he can protect his wife and children. The single man can be bold. The single man can devote his life to science or religion or art and not be distracted by children and a demanding wife." he concluded.

"And the sex is the frosting on the cake!" Max interjected. Altenburg almost rolled on the ground laughing.

"Exactly!" he cried, still laughing. "Exactly. If the ecstasy of sexual intercourse was limited to men and women only, this would be a great discouragement to the solitary man or to the group of men who spend a week on a hunting expedition. Man sex is part of the order of the universe! It is an essential part of human evolution."

"We all have our own hands." Samuel added. "We can always masturbate."

"It's not the same as a man's mouth on your cock, or your cock in his ass!" Von Schmidt said.

"Truer words were never said!" I added. This was the first time I had been in a serious conversation about sex, not to mention man sex. I was intellectually stimulated, the ideas were new to me. I too felt the absence of guilt. My cock was non intellectually stimulated.

Altenburg looked at my enlarging cock with approval.

"It's dinner time. Who wants to help make dinner?" Wolfie asked. Despite Wolfie's obvious wealth there were no servants in the house. This was very usual even in post War Germany. The Kaiser was gone but the servants remained. At first, I thought Max was a servant, but he was a friend.

"I don't know how to cook, but I am more than will to help someone who does." I said.

"If you don't mind expedition food, I'll give dinner a try." Samuel cried. "Follow me!" We went to the kitchen and found it well stocked. There were fresh vegetables from the local gardens and a pork roast. Samuel purported to be an amateur cook, but he seemed skilled to me.

"Did you learn to cook on an expedition?" I asked.

"I was blessed with a wonderful aunt." he explained. " My mother died when I was young and I was raised by her Aunt Sally. She was a firm believer in self reliance. "Wealth is no excuse for being helpless," she would say. "I can tell you it made me a popular guy in the trenches of France."

"I think it will make you a popular man here!" I said. He smiled.

"This is a very agreeable collection of men. I am half Jewish, and that is an impediment to friendship in some places. Not here."

"They are not very formal, by German standards." I said. "They seem to look at the man, not the rank or position in society. It is hard to believe that Professors would associate with students so informally." Samuel laughed.

"I think they evaluate a man by his cock!" he said. "Cocks are the great equalizers!"

"Size? Is that why I am here?" I asked.

"I don't think so." Samuel replied. "It seems to me that they like men who are willing to use their cocks for fun. As long as you are willing to play, they are happy. You fit well in the group, I wasn't so calm after my first visit here."

"I don't feel that calm." I said.

"You look calm." Samuel said. "I was a nervous wreck. Afraid of what might happen next, and afraid that it might not happen!" We both laughed.

"That describes me well." I was both afraid of new what might happen next and wanted them to happen. "How was it?"

"Well, let's say I have never looked back with regret." Samuel said. "I had thought that I was incapable of intense feelings. That, fortunately, was false. You'll know after dinner what it's like."

"What happens after dinner?"

"Let's say that after several bottles of wine, everyone lets their defenses down and becomes very open and receptive to new ideas." Samuel said. "Very open!"

"My god!" I said. "How much more open can you get?" he laughed.

"You will know soon enough!" He had me chopping up vegetables and fruits and some herbs. I had no vision of what he was making but after an hour of work dinner was ready. It was very good. Not elaborate, but good.

Dinner was indeed festive and fun. We were all well educated, articulate men and somewhat relaxed. Conversation flowed easily and was both clever and stimulating. By now I hardly noticed that we were all nude. After four bottles of wine the conversation returned to cocks. By that time we were all really interested.

"The penis is the ultimate symbol of man," Altenburg said, "but, it may not be the most sensitive part of a man's anatomy. Some men think their nipples are more sensitive. I tried to do a poll on it and wasn't able to get it distributed correctly."

"It's the cock head for me!" Max said.

"Prostate here." Von Schmidt said. "It can drive me crazy."

Wolfie joined the cock head camp, Max and Wertheimer joined the prostate group. It was a tie. "Jean, you need to vote to break the tie!" Altenburg cried. I couldn't have been more embarrassed.

"I hate to sound like a country bumpkin, but I don't know about what a prostate does or exactly where it is." I said.

"Well, this is your lucky day!" Von Schmidt said, laughing. "I will be glad to enlighten you."

"Education is your life! Always ready to help a student in need!" Max quipped.

"We all have something to teach Jean." Von Schmidt said. "Everyone should make an effort to give him a few pointers about the joys of man sex."

"I appreciate the thought, but I think I will learn at my own pace!" I said. I didn't want to be the focus of attention. The conversation moved onto other subjects and we left the table. The main room of the house was a large hall with the dining table at one end and sofas on the other. There was a large bay window on one side and a smaller bay on the other. I sat in the small bay while the dished were cleared and washed. Max joined me.

He had been the first to suck me that morning, but I hadn't been with him since. "Enjoying yourself?"He asked.

"I sure am." I replied. "But everything has been a new experience to me."

"You really never did this before?" he asked. "Wolfie and I have been playing with each other since we were kids."

"It's new to me. It feels great but takes some getting used to."

"I loved sucking Wolfie from the start. The first time I did him he popped in my mouth. Some guys hate that. I thought it was milk. I was fifteen when I figured out it was cum." Max said. "I was shocked when Wolfie sucked me. He says that I have the most cock-like cock he's ever seen."

"What does that mean?" I asked. He parted the thick pubic bush and exposed his cock.

"My cock sits deep inside the skin. The skin's all wrinkled and hairy, the cock is veiny. The head is nice and big." He peeled back the skink and exposed his head. It was pink-purple with a wide slit. He was so hairy that it looked naked and exposed without the covering of hair. I slide over and began to suck him.

It wasn't what I expected at all. I knew that being sucked gave me a rush of excitement, but hadn't guessed that sucking was so exciting. I had been passive, it was doubly exciting to be active. Max responded immediately to my attention. The small cock lost in the hair was impressive when it reached full size. I wondered if it would ever stop.

As Max said, it wasn't a pretty cock, but it was all man meat and I loved it. I was lying sideways on a sofa and I felt tongue licking my cock. It was Von Schmidt. We rearranged ourselves so that we all could be more comfortable.

"Let me go. I don't want to shoot yet." Max said. I did and immediately rotated so that I could suck Von Schmidt. He had a thick, stubby bullet shaped cock. His head was covered in slimy goo, that briefly offended me. I didn't want to lick it, but he was a professor and I didn't want to offend him by getting ready to suck him, then rejecting him.

Later, I found out that Von Schmidt's nick name was the Creamery. He oozed more pre cum and shot more cum that any other man they knew. When my tongue touched the slime, I was all but intoxicated by his pre cum. His cock was thick and hard to deep throat, but every time I did he oozed a bucket full of his pre cum. I soon figured out how coax out the wonderful fluid.

"Calm down."Wolfie said. "Summer nights are very long. The professor never runs dry." I hadn't realized that Wolfie was watching. I got up and immediately sucked his cock. I was like a man dying of thirst who discovers water. I couldn't get enough cock.

I was on my knees sucking Wolfie when Von Schmidt began poking his cock in my ass hole. "Relax and sit back." he said. I did and his monster eased into my ass. I felt an explosion of feeling as I discovered where my prostate was. Max scooted between Wolfie's legs to suck my cock. I began to shiver as I reached a climax and I popped. Wolfie began to shoot volley after volley of cum in my mouth. Von Schmidt began to jerk and I knew he was filling my ass with his cum.

Next: Chapter 3

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