
Published on Aug 4, 2001


Europa 3

Dresden 1937

This is an adult story for adults. If you aren't interested in Gay stories, Don't read it. It is a fantasy and no efforts at safe or even sensible sex has been made. If you have any comments e mail me at or

The weekend in the country did nothing but get better as the sexual atmosphere grew. Once I got used to having a cock in my ass hole my attitude toward sex changed. Of course I liked sex before, but I didn't have any idea that there was a level of feeling I hadn't even dreamed of. It was the first time I had ever lost myself in sexual pleasure. It was as if I was unconscious of any feelings other than sexual.

Everyone there recognized the change. I tried to describe the feelings and I awoke the scientific instincts of the two professors. Altenburg thought that the pressure of the cock on my prostate must have let loose a flood of hormones. I wasn't sure, but whatever it was it was extraordinary.

That night in bed Von Schmidt and Altenburg alternated fucking and fingering my ass. Altenburg had two fingers in my ass, one on each side of my prostate. Von Schmidt watched me twitch and moan as his friend explored my sensitivities. When Altenburg got tired with this, Von Schmidt worked his cock in again.

"You see." Von Schmidt said. "No matter how good the professor's fingers are, they can't quite equal a man-cock. I don't know if it is the physical sensation or the intellectual knowledge that another man's most private organ is deep in your ass."

"I wonder if it is because you are brought up to see the ass as dirty and ugly. "Altenburg said. "When you have these spectacular feelings of pleasure, the contrast between the taboo and the sensation is so exciting." We heard some moaning from the next room and got up to see what was happening. Samuel was sitting on Wolfie's cock as Max worked his cock into the same hole.

Samuel had seemed so proper, but he was obviously enjoying the double fucking. I couldn't believe he could take two cocks. Looking at his face, I saw the same abandonment to sexual pleasure I had felt hours before. I knew what he was feeling and the excitement spread. Altenburg got behind me and slipped his cock in my love tunnel.

Max began to moan as he popped. He pulled out and Wolfie motions for me to replace him. My cock was large so I was worried but Samuel looked really excited. I move into Max's position and positioned my cock at ass. It didn't seem possible that Samuel could take both. We were the tow biggest men there. Von Schmidt and Altenburg were really close and Von Schmidt coated my cock with some lubricant. I realized it was his cum. Altenburg had been strojking his cock and began to shoot his cum directly on my cock and Samuel's asshole. I felt a surge of passion and thrust, burying my cock in the tight ass.

Wolfie hadn't been completely hard, but his cock was long enough to remain in the hole. Once I was in, he began to moan and my cock was squeezed by his cock as it bloated. I was making small thrusts, massaging Wolfie's cock as he massaged Samuel's prostate. It was a good night at the country house.

I went back to Berlin the next day, but continued to see everyone periodically. I had to return to France at the end of the session and wasn't able to return to Berlin. Events conspired against me. I was off to the United States to the University of Pennsylvania to work on a major expedition. They needed a French-speaking archaeologist and my old professors had recommended me. It was a wonderful opportunity and for the next few years I was fully engaged in the expedition and its associated studies.

The collapse of the stock market in 1929 eventually dried up all the funding for the project and I returned to France and my father found me a position in the local museum. Fortunately for me the director, M. Adam, was interested in anthropology and we had the basic elements in our collection for a good exhibit on the pre history of our district. He actually was able to scrape together some money for excavations. One of these resulted in the discovery of some fine cave art. I became very familiar with the caves of our district. This knowledge was very useful to me later on.

I corresponded with most of my Berlin friends throughout this period. In 1937 I was invited to a celebration of Von Schmidt's 40th year as a professor. The event was to be a scholarly conference to take place in Dresden. I was a bit puzzled as to why it wasn't in Berlin, but I was asked to give a paper. I found that he was teaching there, and no one had mentioned that he had left Berlin.

The Director allowed me to present the results of my discoveries at the conference. I was surprised he didn't want me to present them in Paris. He told me he wanted me to dazzle the Boche with my work. This I did.

This was my first visit to Dresden. Photographs didn't do justice to the fairy tale like architecture of the city. All of France was talking about the new stark architecture of modernism. I wallowed in the unbelievable architectural fantasies of the Electors of Saxony.

I got there on the morning of my lecture and didn't have time to do more than say hello to my friends. The conference was in the museum next to the Zwinger and my lecture was a great success. It was sensation. I had made beautiful photographic slides of the wall paintings and presented never seen before works.

Von Schmidt, Wolfie and Altenburg were effusive in their praise. They were busy until the conference was over the next day, but I was invited to Von Schmidt's house for the weekend. Wolfie winked at me when they mentioned this, and I knew what was in store for me. I went to my hotel and found a note from a man named Samuel West, asking me to call on him.

I rang his room and a familiar voice answered. It was Werthimer. I went over immediately to see him. He greeted me effusively and complemented me on the lecture.

"You drove the Nazi bastards crazy!" he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked. I hadn't seen any of the party officials there. There were uniformed men all over Germany and the atmosphere had changed dramatically for my stay there ten years before. But there were no Brown Shirts at the conference.

"The prize winning lecture was to have been given by Otto Von Oldham on Aryan origins." Samuel said. "Your discoveries are dazzling. Brilliant. They either give to prize to you, or embarrass themselves giving it to him." I hadn't realized that there was a prize.

"Did he find the Aryan origins?" I asked.

"Shit no!" Samuel said. "Bullshit wrapped in pompous and meaningless dribble!"

"Did you change your name?' I asked.

"Only here." he said. "I'm here trying to get some of my father's relatives out. It's bad to be a Jew here now. The Foreign Office thought I might be better if I had a non-Jewish name." I had no doubt that was true, but I also knew that Samuel must have been much deeper into the confidence of His Majesties' Government to get a passport with a false name on it. I certainly wasn't going to ask him any more questions on his new name. We had a nice conversation catching up on old times. Samuel told me he was teaching at Oxford and most of his studies took him to Central Europe. He said that he would be at Von Schmidt's after the conference ended.

We went downstairs and had a drink at the bar. A man came up to me and introduced himself as Fritz Dahlen, a local scholar. He had seen my lecture and was effusive in his praise. I caught Samuel looking at him in a strange way.

Samuel excused himself and Fritz asked me for dinner in the hotel dining room. I couldn't think of any reason to refuse so we had diner. Fritz was a genuine scholar of prehistory, and seemed like a nice man. He admiration for my discovery was unforced and genuine.

"If only it were in Germany, it would be perfect." he said. I don't think he realized how stupid it was to say that.

"Do you think the Rosetta stone would be better if it were found in Munich?" I asked. Fritz thought for a minute, then roared in laughter.

"And the Stonehenge would be beautiful in downtown Berlin!" He laughed again. Fritz had dark, short hair, cut short the stood up straight, and a bristlely mustache. He looked like an outdoors man, with a ruddy complection and clear, light blue eyes. He reminded me of Teddy Roosevelt, very vigorous and enthusiastic. His knee touched mine under the table several times and he didn't move it.

He suggested that we might go to a club he knew for a drink and a taste of the local nightlife. We went off but the cafe was closed so we stopped at his apartment for a nightcap. We went in a small door on a side street and up a steep flight of stairs. The minute I was inside the door of his apartment I realized the Fritz was a wealthy man. It was luxuriously furnished with old furniture and art work. The theme of the art work was Hercules, and other ancient heros. There was no trace of Venus or Helen or Athena.

I recognized the sculptors of several of the works, and complemented him on his tastes. He brought out some very expensive English whiskey.

"Thank you," he said, "the sculptures are well known, but it is hard to find high quality copies."

"Am I mistaken that several are not copies?" I asked. He smiled.

"You do have a good eye. Several are original casts. My favorite is the Farnese Hercules. It is a copy in miniature." he said. " Roman, but obviously done by a skilled Greek artisan." He pointed to a muscular figure in bronze.

"I have always admired the statue, but I had a professor who claimed it was un natural." I said. "He claimed that no man could be that muscular. I think he admired the Apollo Belvedere."

"I've always though the Apollo was effeminate. I prefer the more masculine Hercules." Fritz said. "And I can prove him wrong on the unnatural musculature of the Hercules. Men can achieve that level of physical development."

"If they can, I would love to see it." I said. He sat next to me on a small couch.

"Actually, I have been working on it myself." Fritz said. "It had taken a lot work but I have almost recreated the look." He looked at me. "Feel my arms." Fritz flexed his biceps and I felt it. He was hard as a rock. I complemented him. I knew where we were heading and was interested.

"Very impressive." I said. I paused a second or two. "I would love to see the rest of you." He looked at me and smiled. After fixing me another drink he vanished into his bedroom. He returned stripped half naked. Fritz was magnificent. He had a spectacular sculptural physique with each muscle defined and clearly delineated. I am afraid that my admiration was clear and Fritz glowed in pleasure.

He posed and evoked all of the stances of ancient sculptural masterpieces. He obviously enjoyed my admiration. He was wearing a loincloth that slipped off after a few seconds and he was completely nude. He had the compact balls and cock of the Greek original. He had an evenly hairy chest; it must have been shaved at one time and was growing back. He stopped and sat next to me.

"Forgive me please." he said. "I have been working on my physique so long, but I never get to show it off. I must be boring you."

"Not at all." I said. His knee was touching mine again. "How did you do it?"

"Let me show you my gym!" he said. He sounded like a little boy showing off his new toy. We got up and went to the next room. It was a small space, but was filled equipment. Some were barbells and similar implements, others were new inventions that looked a bit like Frankenstein's laboratory. "Would you like to try one of my machines out?"

I didn't want to, but I wanted to be polite. "Take your clothes off." he instructed me. "The equipment is sweat stained and you might ruin them." I was sure that he wasn't worried about my clothes. I stripped and felt embarrassed at my comparatively scrawny body. Fritz wasn't too interested in my body. My cock was a different story all together.

As I folded my pants and dropped my shorts I turned to face him. He looked me over, smiled when he saw my cock and dropped to his knees and swallowed it whole. I wasn't soft, but wasn't hard either and it was a mouthful. Fritz loved it. I finally got him into a 69 position and licked his cock. He immediately shot a volley of cum as my lips caressed his head. Fritz had a beautifully formed cock and balls, genuinely Greek sculpture like, with good sized balls and nice cock. I discovered Fritz was a size queen and longed for big meat.

I assumed that when he shot off he would stop sucking me, but he continued and then got on his hands and knees and spread his ass. It was hard to believe the muscular god was twitching his ass at me in invitation. I was ripe and willing, but we had no lubricant.

Fritz wanted to be fucked dry so he could feel it more, he said. I coated my cock with spit and worked it in. He looked like Hercules and his ass was muscle bound and tight. He was a wonderful bottom. He wiggled and twisted to try to manipulate my cock and get it into the right places. In spite of his masculine appearance he wanted to be used. I spent the night with him and dropped three or four loads in his ass or mouth. It was a great night.

I got back to my room in time to get dressed for the next days meetings. As predicted my lecture wasn't mentioned in the newspapers, in spite of the generous coverage of the event. Brown Shirts were everywhere on the second day, and the lecture hall was filled for Otto Von Oldham's lecture.

As Samuel had predicted, it was shit wrapped in pompous verbosity. There were no facts or discoveries or understandings. Von Oldham was presented with flowers by little girls at the end of his speech. He did receive a prize for the most distinguished lecture, presented by Von Schmidt himself.

At a reception following the seminars Von Schmidt avoided me. Most of the people at the reception had clustered around Von Oldham so I got to spend some time with old friends I hadn't seen since Berlin ten years earlier. I saw Fritz beside Von Oldham several times. After a while Wolfie came over to me.

"I can't tell you how embarrassed Von Schmidt is." Wolfie whispered. "This is the final humiliation for him. He is trying to get out of Germany, and this was the only way he could get away. It's too dangerous for him here now." I nodded. Things were much worse in Germany than I had thought. Of course I knew it was bad for Jews, but Von Schmidt was as German as they come. "Please come to the house after." Wolfie asked. "He does want to see you and apologize."

"I'm looking forward to it." I said. "And tell the professor that there is no need to apologize. These are difficult times. We must do what we need to do." Wolfie looked relieved and returned to the professor.

When the crowd began to dissipate, I went over to Von Oldham to congratulate him on winning the prize. I didn't want to seem as if I had disappointed. My father always said that conventional politeness could drive your enemies crazy, and I decided to adopt his theory.

He thanked me. "I am so sorry that I missed your lecture yesterday, I was doing last minute polishing. My student, Fritz, told me it was superb." Otto said. "I long to get back in the field again. I have been trapped in my academical pursuits too much lately."

"There is so much excitement in new finds." I said. He nodded politely and turned to accept the congratulations of a Nazi party official.

Max was waiting at my hotel to take me to Von Schmidt's home. I was to spend the rest of my stay there he said and he had packed my clothes and paid my bill at the hotel. I hadn't planned on this, but it did save money and I knew that my Director had difficulty funding my trip. We drove in an expensive car into an equally expensive suburb.

The house was beautiful, very grand and expansive. I found out it had been the home of the Lindeman family who had been forced to leave. They all but gave it to Von Schmidt to insure it didn't fall into Nazi hands.

"Your lecture was brilliant!" Von Schmidt said as he saw me and gave me a big bear hug. "Just Brilliant! If I had realized it was going to be half as good as it was I would have not invited you. I deserved a greater prize than I could give!" He led me into the spacious home. Max and Wofie were there as was Altenburg and several men I didn't know.

"Jean, I would like you to meet some new friends of ours." Gottfried said. "This is Hans van der Luft of the University of Utrecht, and Bruno Silvano of the University of Padua. All archaeologists and members of our fraternity." We shook hands. Hans was tall and thin, bald and had a mustache. Bruno was short and stocky, with curly black hair and a beard to match. Hans was blond and had an extraordinarily pale complexion and Bruno was heavily tanned. The two were physical opposites.

"And you know Samuel West, from Oxford." Von Schmidt continued. I shook hands with Sam as if I hadn't known him for years. Max had made a good dinner and there was good wine, whisky and beer. Gottfried wanted to cover all of the alcoholic tastes of his guests.

Next: Chapter 4

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