
Published on Feb 22, 2002


Europa 8

By Bald Hairy Man

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This is an adult story for adults. It is not intended for minors, nor for persons who are offended by alternate life styles. If you are offended, Don't Read the story! There is no effort expended to make this story realistic or depict safe sex practices. This story is a fantasy, not a sex manual.

Jules and Georges were a real find. They were energetic, imaginative and strong. Within a week they had scouted out the entire area and were taking Resistance members across the border on their own. They also had an inexhaustible appetite for sex. Emile gave them a few pointers and they were able to figure out the rest.

We got along well. Emile and I had saved them, not only from the work camps of the Nazi's, but from the clutches of Father DeMoulin. Their discovery of the world of man to man sex was a revelation to them. I think if they had been in Paris, or another big city, they would have been wild and they could have gotten in trouble. In the Blue Bear Cave they had only Emil and me. They also got to play with whomever was sent from Paris. Louis had good taste in men.

I was busy with my balancing act. I was getting shipments of artifacts form the Paris museums one week , then a container for artworks from Otto the next. The General had returned from Berlin he was much quieter and I knew that the situation there was bad. Of course by the summer of 1943 life was bad everywhere. Food and all of the necessities of live were limited. We were a somewhat rural district with many farms, but it was still difficult to live.

In June, Emile arrived on foot. Albert had been betrayed and captured. Louis had gone into hiding and the entire Resistance group at the Museum was broken up. Albert was executed without betraying any others, but everyone in the group was paralyzed with fear. Emile fled Paris and took up residence in the cave full time now. It was August before Louis was able to contact me again and reestablish the escape route.

We knew that North Africa had fallen and the American's were looking towards Italy, but the situation in France only got worse. We were an unimportant area from the German's perspective, but that didn't mean they didn't bother us. The local Gestapo operative was a pathetic, low level bureaucrat, who wanted to rise to the top of that cesspool. He discovered my Aunt's heroic action and decided to punish her family. My house was confiscated and became housing for soldiers.

Wolfie tried to stop them. He suggested that beating the woman to death was typically considered to be adequate punishment, but sarcasm didn't work with the Gestapo. I moved to a small room in a poor section of town called the Bas Ville. I maintained my position at the museum. Even the martinet at the Gestapo knew I was doing favors for someone high up in the Reich.

This worked out well for me in a strange way. The Bas Ville was an old and poor part of the town. The residents had no sympathy for the Nazis or Vichy. With both my parents and aunt dead, they guessed I was involved in the Resistance, so they purported to have no idea where I lived or where I was. I could come and go as I pleased. The Germans were uncomfortable sending spies into that part of the town. Any stranger stood out, so I was safer there than I had been at my house.

In late June, two visitors arrived at the museum from Paris accompanied by Louis. He had been able to reestablish the conduit from Paris and these were the first of a new group of escapees. Leo was a big, stocky, almost fat, middle-aged man. He was the editor of an underground newspaper who had been betrayed. T

he other visitor, Raoul, was a former military officer in the French Colonial Army. He was distinguished looking, but appeared to be too old for active service. He wanted to join DeGaul. Louis returned to Paris. I was to take the men to the Blue Bear Cave. It was a dark and rainy day and we were able to slip away during a thunderstorm. The electric service was getting erratic as spare parts for repairs disappeared. A lightening strike could disrupt the whole town and we left in the confusion caused by a black out.

Much to my relief, both men had no problem with the arduous trek to the cave. We were all soaked to the bone when we got there and the dry cave never was more welcoming. I looked out at our path from the mouth of the cave. Our foot prints disappeared in the gravely soil before my eyes in the violent downpour.

We went deep into the cave and soon were in the room with the thermal pool. Emile greeted us. The boys were not there. We all stripped and hung our clothes up to dry. We got in the pool and warmed up. Leo was 55, bald, with a hairy body and big balls and a small cock. Naked, he was stocky, not fat. Raoul was tall and had been muscular when he was younger. He had a long cock and low hangers. He was modest and was a bit uncomfortable being naked in the cave. We had just got in the warm water when Jules and Georges returned. They had been hunting and had also scrounged up some vegetables.

Emile said he would convert the boys' finds into a soup and told them to join us in the pool. They stripped naked without embarrassment. The boys had been in the cave for six months and had matured considerably. Georges had lost his baby fat and was looking more muscular. I will swear his cock had grown so too. I mentioned this growth to Emile later. He said that was what exercise can do. Jules seemed taller and had become a young man. I caught a glance from Raoul. Looking at Georges. He looked entranced. A second later he blinked and became a very proper French Officer. I knew he would like the boys.

Georges sat next to me and Raoul. He gave a complete account of the border guard patrols in the area and all their schedules. Jules filled in the geographical information. There were three trails they could take to the border, depending on the weather the next day. Raoul was impressed. The boys gave a through and complete description of the area and had plans, as well as back up plans, for every eventuality.

They had some plans for the night too. I wasn't sure the boys would be interested in the older men. Looking back, I admit I didn't think of myself as an older man. By this time I was a bald, bearded, hairy and lame man. I might not be everyone's idea of a dream boat, but I didn't think of myself as an older man. The boys got along with Leo and Raoul well. I suspected there was some reconnaissance going on under the surface of the water. The boys sat near the visitors. Emile returned. He had dinner stewing, so he stripped and joined us in the water.

"It will be a good hour or two before dinner is ready." he said. "We can have a nice soak. The boys have explained the plan for tomorrow?"

"Yes." Leo said. "Very thoroughly too. I hope you don't mind me saying I was uneasy with their youth, but I am totally satisfied now. I can relax." Emile laughed.

"The boys are totally satisfactory in many ways." Emile said. He put his arm around Jules and fondled the boy's cock under the water. "They are good at everything they do."

"It is war time." Georges said. "You learn fast, or you die."

"They take their work seriously, but they take their pleasure seriously too." Emile added. "I tried to give them lessons in pleasure, but I couldn't. They knew it all!" I was sure Georges had felt out Raoul and Jules was playing with Leo's meat under the water.

"Forgive their impetuousness." Emile continued. "They just escaped from a monastery type school and seem to be very curious about men."

"Are they your boys?" Raoul asked. I realized Raoul must have had some experience with younger men who were kept by older gentlemen.

"Not at all. We are all comrades here." Emile said with a smile. "They do what they wish." George got closer to Raoul and was obviously playing with the older man's cock. Soon he shifted so he straddled Raoul and then sat down. They were face to face and from their expressions I knew Raoul's cock was deep in Georges' ass. You could watch Georges glow as the feelings intensified.

I had an odd feeling it was more than sex. The two men connected. It was clear the first meeting of the men's cock and prostate was a success. It was hard to understand, but Raoul's cock must have connected to Georges' brain. They were one. Raoul was nervous and on edge until he skewered Georges. Georges obviously loved it. Oddly, I also felt Georges was in control. He was being fucked, but had Raoul in his power.

Leo and Emile were now sitting on a rock and Jules was sucking them. I joined them. Emile and Leo were similar physical types. Both men were stocky and hairy. Emile was much more muscular. The cocks were entirely different, however. Emile had a short cock with a huge head and the wide slit giving access to the inside of his cum shaft. Leo was average length hard, but very thick. The head was the same width with no flared edge.

I got engrossed in Emile's cock. I still was fascinated by having my tongue deep in his penis. Jules and Leo had hit it off well too. I stood to catch my breath and Leo saw my cock.

Soon we all were on a blanket on the floor forming a daisy chain, linked mouth to cock. Changing positions several times, we explored every possible combination of mouth and cock. Leo was a gifted cock sucker. His mouth and tongue barely touched the tender organ. Leo drank a cum appetizer before dinner. I took Jules' full load.

The soup was good too. Emile had the French way with food. What ever the raw materials he could find, he could convert it into something edible and indeed enjoyable. Leo and Raoul savored the dinner. Food in Paris was both sparse and aged by this point in the war. Old cheese and wine are one thing, Leo said, old lettuce was quite another.

As I left to return to my room in town, Raoul was on his back with Georges' cock rhythmically pounding his ass. The distinguished, older officer looked totally relaxed. He was motionless with a smile on his face and a slow oozing of precum from his cock. The dim candlelight caught the slippery fluid as a bead emerged each time the cock hit Raoul's prostate.

On the other side of the room, Jules lay between Leo and Emile. Jules was sucking Emile as Leo slowly and tenderly massaged Jules ass with his thick meat. I knew that Jules had his tongue deep in Emile's penis.

The trip home was uneventful. There was a steady drizzle and this made the tail difficult, but it kept the German troops indoors. The General had not inspired his troops to any display of devotion. They were fair weather troops only. That was fine with me.

At two in the morning, Max woke me. He said, Wolfie needed to talk. I rushed to the Chateau through the darkened streets of the town. The place was pitch black, there wasn't a single light visible. Max took me into a stable, then into a tunnel to the main house. We were soon in a wine cellar. It was cool and dark. Max vanished.

A second later Wolfie entered, greeted me and introduced another man as Count Philip Von Eisenburg. The General was there.

"Count Philip is an old friend of mine." the General said. "He is more a brother than a friend."

"Actually I am a cousin." the man said in perfect French. "The general is more a brother to me than a lover." The general smiled. "Although we have been friends, brothers and lovers at different times in our lives."

"Philip is a great lover." Wolfie said. "I can vouch for him in that regard."

"And what is the reason for these testimonials?" I asked.

"The Count is a patriotic German who is hoping to find a way to save the Nation from sure destruction. He and some friends are trying to find a way to . . . transform the leadership of Germany." the General said. I was going to say there was only one way to do that. I looked at Philip and realized he was fully aware of the only option.

"We are trying to open some channels with the Free French and the British." the General explained. "We need for them to know this is a serious group. We need assurances, should our group achieve their goals, the Allies will respond to a democratic government in Berlin. We need some independent verification of the Count's credibility."

"I don't know how I could help." I said.

"Jean, we know all about your activities in the Resistance and the Blue Bear cave." Wolfie said. "If any word of this conversation got out, we would all be garroted. We know and you know." I was shocked he knew. "I assured Philip you were safe, believe me when I tell you I am safe. You can trust me." He was right. We were all dead men if any of this was discovered.

"We need to get a message to Herr Westburg in Geneva." the General said. "No names, just something to let him know he will be receiving a message. We understand Herr Westburg trusts you." Philip then explained his plot in great and convincing detail.

"I will do what I can." I said, agreeing to be their intermediary. They all relaxed.

"With that done, let us adjourn to my private bomb shelter for a night cap." the General said. He pressed a button and a cabinet rotated giving access to another room. We entered and found ourselves in a luxuriously furnished space. It was warm and dimly illuminated. The General pressed another button and the secret door closed.

"A drink?" Wolfie asked. I nodded, he rang a bell. Two hooded naked men appeared carrying trays of drinks and hors d'oeuvres. It took me a second to recognize them, but the men were Max and Hans. They were wearing only hoods and rawhide straps bound around their genitals.

"Wolfie ! You remembered!" Philip said. "You always were the prefect host." Wolfie smiled. A few seconds later the General appeared nude. "You both remembered!" Philip began to remove his clothes and Max whispered to me to follow suit. I did as I was told. I took a quick swig of my drink and it relaxed me a lot more than it should have. I was tired and the warmth of the room combined with the drink had a quick effect.

The General was in a lighthearted, almost festive mood. The Count was handsome. In his uniform he was much like Wolfie, the perfect Prussian Officer. He had a crewcut and close cropped mustache. Nude he was muscular and well defined, but was covered in a thick blond pelt, hairy front and back. In some light he looked smooth, in other he was a bear. His cock was cut, with a big head. The shaft seemed to taper as it touched his body. The constriction produced a natural cock ring. We talked and drank for awhile.

It was like a normal reception except we were all naked and the General and Count had no hesitation touching and stroking any cock in range. With the cock straps Max was half hard, Hans three quarters. I wasn't hard but had firmed up and my cock looked impressive in its slightly excited state. When they bent over I saw they both had butt plugs sealing their asses. I remembered Hans' interest in ass play and I could tell he was enjoying it.

Max handed me another drink. The General asked Hans for one of his special drinks. Philip smiled. He told Hans to bend over. With the mannerisms of a magician, he tugged on the butt plug and withdrew it. It was a large dildo. Philip unscrewed the base and poured a drink from it. Philip then reinserted the dildo-flask. Wolfie and the General applauded.

"I found it in the United States during prohibition." he said proudly. "I won't say I discovered it in the most elegant place in America, but it was, perhaps the most exiting bar I found there." He gave the glass to Hans who hung his cock in it. Hans pissed in it, added ice and gave it to the General.

I was shocked, but titillated too. These were new aspects of homosexual life. I had thought water sports were associated with humiliation and degradation. I had no interest in water sports at all, but it seemed to be the General's interest and was harmless. The General was drinking the brew with obvious enjoyment. I remembered him sucking my cock as I pissed. It was his choice.

I was thinking about the odd scene before me when Wolfie started to suck my cock. I was hard and I felt relief that real sex was under way.

Next: Chapter 9

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