Everlasting Love

By Alan A.

Published on Apr 14, 2019


Everlasting Love Chapter 11

NOTE: This is a fictional, biographic love story as Macy Strickland, his family and friends navigate their way through different stages of their lives. All of the characters in this story are purely fictional and resemblance to any one person whether dead or alive is purely coincidental. If you liked this chapter, please send me some feed back; I have a rough mental outline for how this goes but some extra details or inspiration along the way are always welcome. If you are offended by intimate male on male emotional and physical relationships, you should be questioning yourself why you are here in the first place. As always, please consider making a donation to Nifty to maintain this website.

Also, I want to say thank you for the messages of encouragement to continue Everlasting Love. I apologize for not adding chapters to it sooner but the spring months tend to be a little busier for me so I hope you can understand why I have been away from my writing duties.

Every morning after my private surfing lesson with Kieran teaching me everything from wave dynamics to surfing etiquette from a well-worn flip chart easel in the back of the shop before we walked up to the beach carrying the big boards for my practical sessions. And just as Kieran predicted; I caught the surfing bug. I wanted to buy a board, a wetsuit; everything, but Kieran warned me to wait, that he would give me the "friends and family discount" anytime I came to Delancey's to buy or rent;

I just had to promise to buy my gear at Delancey's which I thought was a fair deal. Now I was just going to have to convince Cal and Rita to give me a little bump on my allowance and break it to them that I wanted to be a part-time beach bum.

Mitch and I got into a routine also; he would take Shelby for a morning run while I was in OC for my surf lesson. Once I was back he could always find a task to take care of around the beach house for his parents and for a free week at the beach, I didn't mind cleaning some windows or helping to reorganize the garage. If I wasn't completely wiped out from my surf lesson Mitch would take me into the rather ample backyard and drill me on some lacrosse basics. Luckily, Shelby willingly chased down the hard rubber lacrosse ball every time I missed one I that was supposed to catch.

And yes, Mitch and his old lacrosse camp buddy, Kieran, ended up playing pick-up lacrosse every night at Northside Park. Sometimes I went along to hang out and take some pictures of the action with Mitch's Nikon or else I stayed home and made a feeble attempt at cooking dinner for us.

After the Thursday trifecta of surfing and lacrosse lessons followed by an afternoon on the beach and ending with a few rounds of doubles volleyball in Rehoboth, we were back at the Humboldt beach house. What I didn't mention before was that there was a detached two car garage with an extra large outdoor shower area facing the backyard, a rather large exterior private shower area. And after a day of surf, sand and suntan products, it was time for Mitch and I to shower up.

I shucked off the pair of red gym shorts that I had been using to cover my red patterned square cut Speedo and began rinsing them under the rather high pressure of one of the two shower heads there. A bench built into the corner was home to a very dry bar of soap as Mitch ran inside for fresh towels and other essentials. I was about to untie the draw string on my Speedo when the door creaked open on the rusty spring as Mitch returned, draping the towels over the door as he dropped his own board shorts and with a sexy grin, he offered, "let me do that for you."

Of course I stopped and let him finish the job, my only assistance was to step out of them once they were on the slatted wood floor, my cock immediately coming to full erection in his presence. He reached for my dick and noticed that I had just about shaved away most of my bush and after a friendly tug, "I like that look."

"Just a habit from swimming, I kind of like it, makes it look bigger and fiercer," I said with a bit of a wicked smile.

"Like that cock of yours needs any help to look bigger or fiercer," Mitch joked.

"I could trim you up if you like, nothing as severe as this unless you want it," I suggested, "make it nicer for me to suck."

"I might be alright with that, Mitch said, then asking for assurance, "Just don't crazy, okay?"

"I promise," I said, leaning up to kiss him, tasting him, grabbing the dry bar of soap and wetting it and beginning to lather Mitch's pecs in slow small circles until, then under his pits, down his arms, down his torso and jacking him to full hardness before continuing down his legs to his feet, "rinse, I'll be right back."

With a towel wrapped around my lower half, I dashed inside the house to the bathroom we were sharing; Shelby not even really stirring as I came running out with my own toiletry bag and back into the shower stall. Mitch had turned the water off and was drying himself when I returned. After unzipping my kit, I found my electric trimmer fitted with a #1 guard and slowly buzzed away the hair on Mitch's nuts, then around the base of his shaft before running it through the lower part of the bush, tapering it just enough to look trimmed, not swimmer bald.

"Much better, much more attractive," I said, fishing for the razor and shaving gel in my kit, "important safety tip: Don't Move!"

It's so much easier doing another man's junk than my own. I was done in no time and had him all cleaned up before we had a quick final rinse in the shower and went back inside, sending Shelby outside as we went back to our bedroom to make love. I wanted to experience the same level of intimacy with Mitch that he had shared with me and I won't lie, I was scared about it but he took me like a trooper and, well, I felt obligated to reciprocate or at least make an honest effort to try.

Having seen each other in some state of semi-nakedness all day long and the foreplay in the shower just added another log to the fire of horniness that was already burning inside of both of us. Maybe I was more aggressive or maybe Mitch was just trying to be gentle but he slowly began to kiss me on my pecs, on each nipple and over my abs and I have to admit, being kissed all over is one of my favorite things.

Mitch took my dick in his mouth and then my balls, together and then one at a time before he twirled his tongue over my taint and then down to my pucker. As soon as I felt his tongue there something inside me instinctively commanded me to spread my legs as far as I could for him, my hands on my glutes, my fingertips trying to pry my crack apart for him, so that all he had to do was concentrate on licking that one little balloon knot spot on my body.

I crunched my shoulders up, watching my abs flex as I held my head up just enough to see the top of his head bobbing, his eyes looking just past my cock and balls and into my own. I could tell just by looking at his eyes that he was smiling as I let out a long moan and lowered my head and asked, "make love to me Mitch, make love to me."

"I"m going to try not to hurt you, to go nice and slow like you did with me," he said.

"I know babe," I said, feeling his fingers spread the slick lube around my hole and crack.

To make it easier for him I angled my knees back and locked an elbow behind each one as he lined up his shaft with my hole, "I love you Mitch."

"I love you too Mace," he said nervously and then entered me, rather roughly and deeply, faster and deeper than I expected.

"Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, no, pull it out, pull it out," I half whispered and half screamed.

"I'm sorry Mace, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" Mitch said apologetically.

I panted, trying to do anything to make the burning sensation down there abate, pulling Mitch in to kiss him, to let him know that I wasn't angry, "I know, it's okay, it's gonna be fine," I said to keep him encouraged, "roll over on your back."

Mitch repositioned in the center of the bed and I straddled him, grabbing the lube and slicking up my hole, his shaft and my hole some more. I grabbed his fleshy lacrosse stick in my hand held it vertical, my butt crack aligned with the shaft and then my own finger in my ass before I lowered and felt his head against my hole. I could feel my quads straining as I held the position for a few seconds, the mattress not giving much support until I finally let his head pop in and then I slowly controlled my descent down the shaft of his hardness. I smiled as felt him go up inside of me, slowly, controlled, almost soothing compared to the first attempt.

"Right there, just hold it, don't move an inch," I begged as I lowered onto the last few inches or so, taking in his facial expression, "you feel so good in me."

"Yeah?" he asked, "you sure?"

I nodded yes, "1000 percent."

He reached for my dick to stroke it and after just a few strokes, I had to push his hand away, "Stop! I'm a half a stroke away from cumming."

Mitch obeyed and once my insides adjusted I used my quads to push up and lower myself, riding up and down on Mitch's cock, trying to go a little farther and a little faster, realizing it was almost impossible from this position for him to accidentally pop out from inside of me. "I love you Mitch," I said with the biggest smile I could muster.

Before my quads completely cramped up and with some effort, I kept Mitch tucked inside of me as we repositioned with me moving onto my back. Like before I, tucked my elbows behind each knee and let Mitch have full access which was his cue to fuck me like a pornstar; and fuck like a pornstar he did. Long deep fuck strokes, not too fast and his big head alternating watching his little head almost pop out of me before he slamming it back in and looking me in the eye.

I felt so good inside, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually; I was in a very happy place. This was a moment I didn't want to end. I won't lie, once we started it hurt going in but afterwe repositioned it was blissful. My brain felt like I was having an out of body experience, my eyes watching this Adonis of an athlete making love to me and with a glance to the side, I could see in the mirror and see Macy offering himself to Mitch.

Mitch shattered the zen of my out of body experience moment announcing "I'm going to cum Macy!"

I smiled, letting out a whispered "I know," having learned how his pecs tighten up then his abs as he gets his whole core into assisting with his ejaculation.

And when I felt him slam the last inch of his dick into my ass, my own dick instantly began cumming too, without any hands on it. Mitch's eyes grew wide, from the sight of me erupting spontaneously making him almost shout the question, "oh fuck Mace, did I do that?"

I nodded yes, "I think so" I said, "I love you" I said, almost with a sob from having experienced something so unique, so beautiful and so passionate with somebody so wonderful.

The sob sound made Mitch ask, "are you okay?"

"Very," I smiled, leaning up to kiss his sweaty pec before I locked on his lips.

I ran my hands as far as they could reach, down his hairy legs almost to the back of his knees and then back up to his head as we kissed. As much as I didn't want him to exit, I felt his cock flop out as he shifted his weight off of me and then rolled my back against his chest, his right arm draping over my right side and clutching against my pecs and abs just enough to be protective as we dozed off into a late afternoon post-orgasmic nap.

Mitch woke up a like a shot when Shelby started barking like crazy, triggered by the doorbell, rung by Robbie who was walking in with Karen and yelling, "Mitch? Macy? Hello! We're here."

"Be right there," Mitch hollered as I watched him slip commando into a pair of his khaki shorts and a tee shirt and head out to greet our friends while I rolled out and headed into the bathroom to quickly shower off the afternoon's sex.

"You boys behaving?" Karen half teasingly, half seriously asked.

Shelby had finally settled down to the new arrivals as Mitch helped Karen and Robbie get settled in one of the other guest rooms while trying not to share too many details of what we had just finished doing before I found everybody in the kitchen chugging down bottled water.

Robbie and Mitch went out to Robbie's car to get the cooler of food while Karen began trying to interrogate me, "Can't say I've ever seen that big of a smile on your face Mr. Macy."

All I could do was shrug my shoulders, "I think I find my new happy space, how are you and Robbie doing?"

"High school Robbie is pretty squared away, perhaps the whole situation at home made him grow up, made him mature faster and that's for the best, at least for us for now," Karen said.

As Robbie and Mitch brought the cooler into the kitchen, "Mom sent a bunch of tomatoes, cucumbers and broccoli from the garden. She also made a big batch of potato salad, said she was worried we were going to eat nothing but pizza or burgers and fries."

I flexed my arms and said, "guilty as charged!"

There was another knock on the door and my faced scrunched up in its puzzled look until I heard familiar voice, "Bolt-man, bro, we made it...this is Jenna."

Shelby started jumping to see who the new arrivals were as Kieran came in with his female companion, "Hi ya Mace-man, this is my girlfriend Jenna; Jenna, this is my star pupil of the summer, Macy Strickland. He popped up on the board his first day out!"

Jenna was like a female Kieran, tan, beachy and beautiful. I gave each a quick hug and then introduced the latest arrivals to our high school friends as Mitch pulled a platter of steaks out of the fridge that we bought the day before in anticipation of tonight's party. Jenna and Karen hit it off while Robbie and Mitch were transferring stuff from the cooler to the fridge.

I let Shelby outside through the sliding door to the patio and Kieran followed us out as I started to light the grill before walking into the soft grass to gather up the horseshoes from the framed sand pits I had been trying to avoid while learning lacrosse from Mitch. I handed Kieran a pair of horseshoes just before he volunteered, "You and Mitch are a cute couple; I like that he found somebody like you."

I froze as my mind began to race, were we that obvious? Had I already betrayed Mitch's orientation to the world? How? When? While trying to suppress my sudden nervousness I asked, "How did you know?"

"One summer at lacrosse camp, he kind of stared at me a little bit longer below the waist than necessary while we were showering. That kind of set off some bells in my head, stuff my Dad warned me about "some guys" when we had the big talk after my recent wet-dreams," Kieran said.

I nodded as Kieran continued, "It's not a bad thing, I still wanted to play lacrosse with Mitch; still wanted him as a friend and I most of all, I wanted and still want him to be happy one day."

I tossed one of the shoes and it thudded in the sand almost against the iron stake, "Mitch is pretty amazing. I have to admit when I first saw him when I transferred in, I thought he was just a big handsome probably goofy jock but there is no way anybody can put him in that box."

Kieran shook his head, "Absolutely not. And when I saw you two come in the shop earlier this week, it all clicked, very subtlety; his smile was a little bigger, he stood up a little straighter and I knew he was really happy. So all I can ask is you keep doing what you are doing, take care of Mitch, for both, um, for all of us."

Next: Chapter 12

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