Everlasting Love

By Alan A.

Published on Apr 15, 2019


Everlasting Love Chapter 12

NOTE: This is a fictional biographic love story as Macy Strickland and his companions make their way through different stages of their lives. All of the characters in this story are fictional and resemblance to any one person whether dead or alive is purely coincidental. If you liked this chapter, please send me some feed back; I have a rough mental outline for how this goes but some extra details or inspiration along the way are always welcome. If you are offended by intimate male on male emotional and physical relationships, you should be asking yourself why you are here in the first place. Lastly, please consider making a financial donation to Nifty to help them maintain this website.

As we finished up our summer-is-almost-over-weekend-at-the-beach party, meteorologists at the National Hurricane Center had already been tracking a fast-moving tropical depression system that had formed a 1000 miles or so off the western coast of Africa. And while this weather event hadn't yet been elevated to tropical storm status let alone a named hurricane, Kieran predicted in 48 to 72 hours that there might be a decent boost in the mid-Atlantic Coast wave action.

Originally all of us had planned on leaving Sunday morning; somewhere in the lull between all of last week's renters checking out of their beach rentals and this week's renters arriving to check in. There was the usual Mitch shoulder shrug when I mentioned I wanted to stay over until Wednesday, trying to persuade his thoughts with the argument that there would be very little traffic on the drive back to the 21204 if we waited until then which made him smile, "If you think it's alright on your end, I'll check with Mom and Dad on my end," he said favorably.

And with Kieran and Jenna gone and Robbie and Karen in their designated guest room I cuddled up next to Mitch on the outdoor sofa with the last flickers of flame from the fire pit keeping us warm as we began to make out. I didn't care, I figured that the hedge of ancient boxwood bushes that kept lacrosse balls from crossing into the neighbor's yard could also maintain the privacy of our outdoor make out session.

I ground my crotch against his lower abs while I kissed him fiercely, both of us being careful not to make too much noise. There was just enough smoke from the last log we had thrown on the fire earlier to keep the mosquitos at bay as I kissed every bit of Mitch's exposed skin on his face, down his arms, to his finger tips and back up. I paused as I kissed around and in his arm pit, just enough of a mix of his soapy cleanliness and the inevitable release of his pheromones to make him smell uber-sexy.

Mitch pushed me off just enough to take his shirt off; the blue white light of the moon highlighted his face, pecs and abs as I paused and just gazed at him and his features before I removed my own shirt and shorts. I renewed my kissing in the opposite direction; up from his belly button over his abs to each pec and nip and then back to his lips while his strong arms gently yet firmly kept hold of me.

I scooted back down and undid the drawstring of his board shorts and he lifted his hips on cue for me to wrestle the waistband over his butt, down his legs and then over his feet before chucking them onto an adjacent chair. I grabbed his shaft as it filled and began to suck on it, my pecs resting on his hairy quads as my head bobbed up and down, very intent on my task, trying not to slurp too much or too loud and listening to Mitch's whispered and repeated, "Oh Macy."

Once I got enough extra saliva drizzling down around his sac, I dipped my right index finger into it and began to work on his pucker, Mitch granting me access by raising his left leg up to the top of the couch cushion and planting his right foot firmly on the travertine patio tile as far away as he could. Once I worked enough saliva into his ring, I was able to nudge my finger in gently and inch it deeper inside of him until I found his almond-sized gland and began to stimulate it which led to Mitch just emitting a low, almost animal-like groan.

My sucking didn't let up either, I just varied whether I went as deep as I could go on his stick or if I just nursed on the head; whether or not I was going as fast as I could or going so slow it could have been misconstrued for torture. And like my mouth, my right index finger was constant and I could taste Mitch's pre leaking into my mouth with every suck I took.

If I felt Mitch tensing up, if I got a glimpse of his pecs or abs tightening up I throttled back. If my left hand wasn't helping me stroke him, it was reaching for his right fingers or hand or his right bicep or his right pec or his right nipple. My eyes altered from looking at his stick and balls that I could see now after I trimmed them and looking at every part of him from his belly button to his face, his eyes signaling his approval.

His fingers rubbed through my hair but he never held me down forcefully though I did try to go as deep as I could, as deep as my throat would let me holding it before I was in some combination of coughing, gagging and choking. My head would bob back up quickly so I could catch my breath while his hands would trace down my swimmer-surfer body and cup my ass. Our eyes would lock and we would smile before I would resume, sometimes giving his shaft a rest and sucking his shaved sac into my mouth.

I sat up and scooted forward, aligning his skinny lacrosse stick dick against my engorged cum cannon and I began jacking us together. The squishy sound of the mixed pre and saliva was just about enough to take me over the edge as I smiled, taking in the perfections and imperfections of Mitch along with my own and how we make them fit and work so well together. I felt Mitch's hands reach up to my shoulders and then down to my pecs and before his fingers gently grabbed and tugged on my nips as I saw his pecs and abs tighten up.

We shot almost together, big beautiful thick globs of our high school jock boy cum splashed onto Mitch's moonlit pecs and abs. I stroked us together until I couldn't stand it anymore and then let go of our dicks while Mitch scooped up some of the cum and fed it to me and I did the same to him. We finished rubbing our ejaculate into each other's skin before Mitch stood and pulled on his board shorts and we headed inside to his bedroom.

Hours later the smell of coffee woke me up as I held a sleeping Mitch. Shelby did her love lean against the back of my legs while attempting to deprive us of as much bed space as she could. She shifted her head a few times on my calf signaling she was ready to wake up. I rolled away from Mitch enough and Shelby turned enough to bring her chin in reach of my hand for a few chin rubs before she finally dismounted the bed and let me up to go piss.

I brushed my teeth and could hear Karen and Robbie talking in voices slightly louder than a whisper as I found last night's shorts and a clean tee shirt to make myself presentable in the kitchen, Shelby following right behind while it seemed Mitch would be sleeping in a bit. Karen suggested, "Robbie and I were thinking we could all get brunch this morning before we head back; I have to lifeguard tomorrow and Robbie has lawns to cut; what are you guys going to do?"

"Brunch is always good, just let me give Sleeping Beauty a little kick in the pants to get himself in gear," I said before turning around to see Mitch standing and smiling in the kitchen doorway."

"Fear not, your prince is awake," he said walking over to give me a quick kiss on the lips in front of Karen and Robbie.

I let the quick kiss be just a quick kiss after hearing Robbie say, "Oh wow, I can't believe I just saw that!"

Karen must have punched or kicked him because the next syllable out of Robbie's mouth was "Ow!"

"Should we go back to Sammy's?" I suggested, trying to sound like a local.

"Might as well, every place will be crowded anyhow," said Mitch, "unless you two really need to get going."

"Sammy's is fine with us," Robbie said, "we just need to pack and stuff."

"That's cool, I'll get Shelby out for a walk and feed her before we go," I said.

Mitch was showering outside when I got back with Shelby and I jumped into the shower after I got her kibble and water down. We took off for Sammy's and surprisingly the parking wasn't too challenging and the line wasn't too long. Robbie and Mitch talked about the upcoming pre-season football practices that would start in about two weeks while Karen suggested that I had some sort of death wish to want to try surfing in the waves of the approaching tropical storm. After paying our bill we said our good byes out on Wilmington Avenue, hugging each other knowing that we would all be back in Maryland in a few more days.

"Wanna go window shopping a little?" Mitch suggested.

"Sure," I replied, "where?"

"There are a few shops over on Baltimore Avenue," Mitch said with a degree of retail certainty.

"Lead the way my prince," I replied.

Just after noon we sunk more money into our parking meter via a smartphone parking app and walked the few blocks over to Baltimore Avenue along Second Street. Aqua's patio decorated with rainbow flag bunting along the rail facing Baltimore Avenue was packed with assorted men from every age, income and social bracket enjoying their Sunday brunch and cocktails as we walked past, craning our necks a bit trying to get a look into the world that would await us in a few more years. A few from a group of older men sitting at a table near the edge of the patio whistled at us which somehow cued Mitch to grab my hand and raise them up over our heads as we walked past them.

Once out of their eye sight, he relaxed but didn't release his grip on my hand which made me ask, "where is this Mitch the other 364 days of the year?"

"I don't know, I just felt empowered for a hot minute" he explained with a whimsical smile before turning us left into an alley that opened into a courtyard of unique shops.

I looked around, certainly wasn't like going to the mall, just little shops ranging from a small art gallery to others with household gifts and seashore tchotchkes. I saw some swim wear in the window of one shop named Beach Essentials and figured it couldn't hurt to have another swimsuit so Mitch and I headed in that direction once we were bored with the other merchants' offerings.

The bell on the back of the door rang as we walked in the store with what seemed like more swim wear than one could imagine was manufactured on Planet Earth in a single day. A youthful, almost familiar, voice from behind a stack of folded tee shirts said, "Welcome in, let m know if you need anything."

I looked at Mitch as he replied, "thanks, we'll let you know," with an almost sort of spooked expression on his face.

"You okay?" I asked in a whisper.

"I think my mind is just playing tricks on me, don't worry about it." Mitch said in a calming tone.

The body behind the stack of shirts moved and became visible, "Logan?" I asked.

"Yeah; oh wow, this is crazy, Mitch and Macy? I knew it!" Logan exclaimed.

I watched for Mitch's reaction, thinking he might get defensive based on what I knew about his past with Logan before he offered a fist bump, "hey Logan, how are you?"

"I'm great, it's so good to see you," Logan replied before turning to me, "I'm Logan, Logan Stotterman. I've seen you around school but never met you formally."

"I'm Mason Strickland, but everybody calls me Macy," I said shaking his hand.

I was surprised at how relaxed Mitch was in this situation, or maybe he was at about 211 degrees inside and I didn't know it. And Logan did not seem as way out there like he was in school, the bleach bottle blond look was gone and he was growing his naturally brown hair out for the summer. It's easy to see why Mitch might have had a thing for Logan in the past, his build was similar to mine as Logan started to speak again, "Hey, um, Mitch, I'm sorry if I ever did anything that put you in a bad spot. I know we were pretty close back in the day in rec league soccer and lacrosse but, seriously, I mean it; if there was anything I did or didn't do right by you, I'm sorry for it."

I stepped away to give them some space but I could easily hear Mitch reply, "we're good, I don't sit at home with a Logan doll and stick pins in it and wish bad things on you."

Hearing that made me smile; almost laugh, I knew Mitch would never hurt anybody on purpose before I heard him continue, "So is this your summer thing?"

"Yeah, I thought come to the beach, it will be fun, make some friends but I am working my ass off here," Logan said, "how long are you guys here?"

While they talked I looked at some swim wear, some of it wouldn't even give my " junk bump" sufficient sun protection as I circled back to Mitch, "Newbie Surfer Macy here wants to stay another day or two to try to ride the waves as that storm gets closer."

"Cool," Logan replied before popping the big question, "so are you two an item?" Looking at Mitch and hoping he was still feeling his hot minute of

empowerment I decided I would reply, "yes; since about finals; and you?"

Logan held up his left hand, "married to it" he said with a bit of smirk and desperation, "I feel so alone here somedays, definitely not the most-well- thought-out plan I ever had. Oh, and I have to give you guys the obligatory sales pitch, all underwear is buy one, get one 50% off."

From my point of view it looked like there was some baggage both of them had to deal with so I wandered the store until I found the racks of underwear. While Logan and Mitch tried to find a comfort zone, I went through the variety of CK and 2xist styles and colors until I saw a different brand that caught my eye; Mundo Unico and their short boxer briefs looked like a perfect fit. My mind did the calculations, buy one get half off of another which means they are really 25% off. I picked up a three pack each of their cotton boxer briefs in grey and white plus a pair of sexier microfiber briefs and took them to Logan at the register.

"Very nice taste Macy, not only in your man but your underwear too," Logan said kind of flirtatiously.

"Thanks Logan," I said offering up my credit card and turning to Mitch, "Rita and Cal will think I'm so responsible doing some of my back to school shopping already."

Mitch shook his head a bit as Logan bagged up my purchase, came from behind the corner to hand me the bag and hug me, "so good to finally meet you Macy."

After breaking the hug with me Logan hugged Mitch, "thanks Mitch, thanks for making my boring Sunday way more fun and interesting."

"My pleasure," Mitch said before pausing and offering," listen, we're over on School Street, if you're lonely, come on over and hang out, I mean it."

"Thanks Mitch, I would like that a lot," Logan replied as we began walking back to the car.

Next: Chapter 13

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