Everybodys Obsessed with Tyron

By August Zellner

Published on Apr 5, 2012


Chapter 3: The World According to Tyron

There were two things that Tyron really liked and was really good at: basketball, and easy sex.

As for basketball, that's something I know almost nothing about, so I'm not going to try to come up with some plot line for this story that exposes my ignorance -- and besides, you aren't here to read a story about basketball anyway, are you? So I'm going to just say here that Tyron was good at basketball, that he spent a lot of time playing and practicing at basketball, and because of that he was in great physical shape with a handsome muscular black body, and move right on to the part about easy sex.

So what did "easy sex" mean to Tyron? Well the bottom line is, he didn't want to get involved in all kinds of drama, fights with ex-boyfriends, working hard on a "relationship" or any of that shit -- he just loved to fuck bitches, he wanted bitches that loved to fuck him, and most of those bitches knew that with Tyron, you got a boy who was fun to be with, and knew how to fuck you and make you feel good. End of story.

Well, okay, so maybe it really wasn't quite that simple. But when Tyron first started fucking girls it sure seemed that simple -- you hit on every bitch that looks good to you, and sooner or later some of them will start saying yes. Some of them only want to try you out one time, but there were always a few really easy lays that would come back for more ... and more ... and more ... and it just so happened that Tyron soon figured out a few easy ways to get the bitches interested in him. He sure liked looking at pretty girls, so whenever he saw a pretty girl he made sure to tell her he thought she was pretty -- and guess what? Bitches sure like to be told how pretty they are! Tyron liked looking at girls in pretty, sexy outfits, so he made sure to compliment any bitch he saw in a pretty, sexy outfit -- and guess what? Bitches sure like to be told how pretty and sexy their outfits are! And Tyron liked pretty girls when they were naked too, so whenever he complimented a pretty bitch in a sexy outfit, if she liked hearing about how pretty she was Tyron decided he should never be shy about telling that bitch how much he'd like to see what she looked like without that sexy outfit -- and guess what? Some of them bitches were ready to show him that too!

Tyron liked to kiss pretty girls too -- and guess what? When you tell a bitch she's pretty, and that her outfit is pretty and sexy, a lot of them bitches like to get kissed! They like to get kissed when they're wearing those sexy outfits, and they like to get kissed even more when they take those outfits off and show you just how pretty they are when they're naked! And once they're naked, some bitches really like to get their pretty bodies stroked while you kiss them, and once you're both naked, most bitches like to stroke and cuddle and pet your body too, and boy does that ever feel good! And last but not least, once a girl thinks she's just the prettiest little naked bitch on the planet, and she's been kissed and stroked and petted and had her pussy rubbed and she's been grabbing your balls and rubbing your big hard black prick, almost every one of them bitches will beg you to fuck them!! And guess what? It turns out that Tyron was really, really good at that part!! For some reason, he seemed to able to read a bitch's mind and figure out if she wanted to be fucked slow and easy, or fast and hard, or if she liked to have her pussy eaten, or fuck doggie style, or wanted to suck his huge black cock, or do something kinky, or ... well, you get the idea. Tyron seemed to be able to figure out how that bitch wanted to get fucked better than she could, and without her even being able to express it ... so really, by the time Tyron was finished fucking a girl, she was almost always one satisfied customer. And as a result, Tyron began to have repeat customers -- usually several at the same time.

So Tyron's strategy really was that simple -- if you see a bitch you might wanna fuck, go hit on her, and be nice to her, and tell her she's pretty, and kiss her, and hit on her some more, and tell her you like her sexy outfit, etc. etc., and guess what? Some of them bitches will let you fuck'em! And once you've figured out just how they like to get fucked best, they'll come right back and beg you to fuck'em again!

But there was also another side to Tyron's appeal to girls. He really liked to flaunt his handsome body, nice muscles and sexuality, and show off the potential delights that might be available to them bitches if they gave in to his charms. And yeah, he first learned how to do that from tormenting that weird-ass stepfather of his, even before he ever started getting involved with girls -- you know, just showing off his handsome body around the apartment and playing mind games with dad's obsession for young black cock. But once Tyron turned his attention to girls, he realized that it would be so easy to play those same games with bitches too. What was the best way to show off his handsome muscular body and very large, very beautiful, very easily aroused black cock around the school without, ya know, actually getting arrested for indecent exposure? Whenever he was hitting on some bitch, he was also trying to figure out just how she'd like to see him too -- would she like him to be all sweaty after basketball, or would she rather he was nice and clean? Would she like to see him in a partial state of undress, what would tease her the most? What does a bitch most want to hear about herself? About him? etc. etc. Oh yes, he was good at hitting on bitches, he was good at teasing bitches and making them feel special, and he was good at reeling them in and getting them naked, and he was good at fucking them too. It was all so easy for him. And he was 12 years old.

So it wasn't long at all -- only a couple of months -- before Tyron had hit on dozens of bitches at school, and had fucked a lot of them, and had found about 5 or 6 really easy lays that came back for more ... and more ... and more ... and Tyron was getting laid practically every day, sometimes more than once.

But that's when all that easy sex suddenly got very complicated. All them bitches quickly became jealous of each other, they each thought they had some exclusive on Tyron, and of course Tyron didn't see it that way at all. Then there were the boyfriends and ex-boyfriends, most of whom at that age had been too chicken-shit to actually fuck their bitches, only to discover that Tyron had been hitting on them and bustin' those virgins and they were now his bitches and they were fucking him and sucking his dick! As you can imagine, Tyron soon found himself getting into fist fights with those chicken-shit boys and had to beat the crap out of a few of them to enforce his ownership of their bitches. Oh, and let's not forget the parents. Some of them sure didn't like finding out that their sweet little angels had been fucked by a 12-year-old boy who had quickly gained a reputation as a schoolyard bully.

Drama, drama and more drama. Tyron hated it. He really did not want to be a schoolyard bully and fight with a lot of chicken-shit ex-boyfriends; he just wanted to fuck a few easy lays. And he didn't want to listen to a lot of drama and cat fights from his bitches, he wanted everything to go back to when it was all so easy. And he sure didn't want to hear a bunch of drama from some bitch's mom about how she was gonna call the cops and have him arrested for fucking her daughter. If that's what all this was leading to, Tyron wasn't going there. After just a few weeks of all this drama, Tyron decided it was time to clean house.

There had to be some new rules. He even talked to his dad about this. Every rule had the same theme -- no drama:

  1. If you wanna be Tyron's bitch, you'd better get used to the idea that you've got no exclusive right to him. If you're here to create a bunch of drama and argue with the other bitches, you can leave right now, cuz Tyron has no use for you.

  2. If you wanna be Tyron's bitch, there better not be any other boys in the picture, cuz first Tyron is gonna beat the shit outta that boy, and then you're history too. This applies to your old boyfriend, and it also applies if you suddenly find a new boy that you like. The fact is, Tyron doesn't wanna hafta go beat the shit outta your boyfriend, that's the kind of drama he can't be bothered with, so go get all that shit squared away before you fall in love with Tyron, because if you don't you're not going to be with Tyron for long anyway. If you find a new boy, fine -- goodbye! See you again whenever you get tired of that boy!

  3. On the other hand, even though you have to devote yourself totally to Tyron if you wanna be his bitch, Tyron is allowed to go fuck any other bitch he wants, any time he wants. Get used to it!

  4. No drama with mom. You either get that squared away, or the first time it comes up, it's goodbye until you do have it squared away.

  5. And oh, by the way -- birth control is your problem. Tyron will go along with whatever birth control method you want, but he is not a pharmacy. If you've got condoms and wanna include that as part of your foreplay, good for you. If not, be ready to get fucked bareback. If you get pregnant, technically that's your problem too, but Tyron's weird-ass stepfather will also arrange to get you an abortion, and he can also make sure your mom doesn't find out. He's actually a pretty good guy that way.

Now, after reading these rules you may be wondering, were there any girls at all who would even put up with that? Well, I think the answer would surprise you, because you have to remember everything I already told you about how good Tyron was at hitting on girls, and being nice to them, and telling them they're pretty, and kissing them, and hitting on them some more, and telling them he liked their sexy outfits, and reeling them in and getting them naked, etc. etc., and guess what? Even with all those new rules, a few of them bitches will always let you fuck'em! And once you've figured out just how they like to get fucked best, they'll still come right back and beg you to fuck'em again, even with all the rules Tyron set up to avoid drama.

Yes it's true that Tyron cleaned house to make the drama go away. He sent most of them old bitches packing with no regrets at all. But even with all those new rules, a couple of them old bitches stayed with him and went along with everything -- because after all, Tyron continued with his winning strategy of hitting on girls, and being nice to them, and telling them they're pretty, and kissing them, and hitting on them some more, and telling them he liked their sexy outfits, and reeling them in and getting them naked, and flaunting his handsome body, nice muscles and sexuality, and showing off the potential delights that might be available to them bitches if they gave in to his charms -- and guess what? Some bitches loved all that so much they'd willingly go along with his new rules! So he continued to attract new bitches to his harem. It's not like there was never any drama -- of course there was, and the bitches came and went -- but in general, the new rules worked.

Another thing Tyron did to cut down on drama was, he pretty much stayed away from white girls (except for teachers, guidance councilors and coaches, which I'll get to later). It wasn't that he was a racist or thought white girls were ugly or something, it's just that for some reason almost every white girl seemed to be "stuck up" which meant they didn't want to follow his rules. They wanted to be his one and only bitch, they were jealous of everybody and everything, they would only fuck when they were in the mood and otherwise they were in some other mood that would just drive you crazy, or whatever!! In other words, they were all drama queens and Tyron didn't wanna have anything to do with that. Or -- and this one really pissed Tyron off -- they'd act like they were all in love with him and suck his cock and spread their legs and act like the easiest lay ever, and then it'd turn out they were just slummin' so they could go brag to all their stuck-up white bitch friends about how they fucked a nigger. Yeah well, fuck you, honky bitch! Get yo' stuck up white ass outta here an' don't come back!

Also, this is a good place to remind you that Tyron's weird-ass stepfather was supplying him with as much money as he needed to hit on and impress the bitches, and he was providing Tyron with pornography and sex toys to feed his sexual appetite, and he also was setting up Tyron's plush sex palace in time to be ready for his 13th birthday. Of course, Tyron's dad became his very willing enabler not for Tyron's sake but for his own sexual gratification, so he could watch the young black lady-killer and sex fiend he had unleashed upon the world coming and going with his bitches, and sit up there in his balcony across the street and jerk off while he fantasized about everything Tyron and them bitches must be doing in that plush sex palace. But some bitches -- exspecially the easy lays -- were certainly impressed by the money, and seduced by the pornography and sex toys, and totally blown away by the plush sex palace, so in no time at all Tyron was right back to having a harem of 5 or 6 really easy lays that came back for more ... and more ... and more ... and Tyron was getting laid just about every day, usually more than once, by more than one bitch at a time. And by now he was 13 years old.

But now it's time to talk about school, and how Tyron started using sex as a weapon against his teachers and tutors and guidance councilors and coaches so he could keep his grades up high enough to avoid getting kicked off the basketball team, which was very important to him. You have to remember that Tyron was going around school flaunting his handsome body, nice muscles and sexuality, and showing off the potential delights that might be available to them bitches if they gave in to his charms. No teacher or tutor or guidance councilor or coach with an eye for a handsome, muscular, well-hung young black teenage boy could possibly avoid noticing this. In the beginning Tyron wasn't paying attention to the teachers at all, he was too busy hitting on every pretty girl he came across at school. But it wasn't long at all before he noticed those long lingering looks he was getting from the teachers, or the way those teachers tended to give him extra attention in class, or the way they would touch his shoulders and arms and even his legs while they were giving him extra help with his homework. And it was obvious to Tyron that if he discreetly returned the affections of those teachers or tutors or guidance councilors or coaches, they were gonna cut him some slack in class, and with his homework, and on his report cards. So Tyron started using some of the same techniques that served his so well with the bitches on the teachers too. He complimented them on their outfits and told them they were pretty. He flaunted his handsome body, nice muscles and sexuality just a little bit more when those teachers were around, just to torment them the same way he liked to torment his weird-ass stepfather. And guess what? This technique worked really well in keeping up his grades at school!

Soon enough, Tyron realized that any teacher or guidance councilor or coach who ever got caught flirting with a handsome, muscular, well-hung 12 or 13-year-old black boy could get in some very serious trouble. Of course, all that meant to Tyron was that if he handled things just right, he could use sex as a weapon to force his teachers to keep quiet about him and give him the grades he needed to skate by and not get thrown off the basketball team. So he found ways to start coming on to those teachers -- and guess what? Almost every teacher or guidance councilor or coach who had been looking at him, lingering around his desk, giving him extra attention and touching his shoulders or arms or legs while they helped him with his homework -- it was ssssooooo easy for Tyron to come on to them and reel them in because they just could not resist the temptation to taste what was forbidden to them. Before he was even 13 yet, Tyron fucked his 7th grade teacher -- several times -- and she was sucking his black cock almost every day by the end of the school year.

The next fall he started right off coming onto his 8th grade teacher, and it only took a few weeks to nail her. Now, Tyron thought she was "pretty old," which means she was in her upper 30's, which if you think about it was almost three times his age so he was not far wrong in thinking she was pretty old, but he fucked her anyway. But both Tyron and his teacher knew this was something they'd have to keep totally secret -- not even the bitches in Tyron's harem could know about it. The way it worked with this teacher was pretty typical -- first, Tyron was ever so discreetly coming on to her all the time, and she was offering him some "extra help" with his school work. That would be after school in her office where they could have some privacy, but even so, things rarely went beyond some petting and groping and a few stolen kisses in a teacher's school office, because you just never knew who might show up unexpectedly. So pretty soon Tyron's teacher would be offering to move that extra help over to her own house, and of course as soon as that happened the teacher was totally fucked -- literally. Pretty soon they were fucking 2-3 times a week, and even on weekends, so in fact she became one of Tyron's bitches -- but in a whole separate parallel universe from everybody else.

Now, one thing about the bitch teachers was that in addition to getting fucked, and sucking Tyron's black cock all the time, they almost always wanted to actually help Tyron with his homework too -- ya know, like that would relieve their feelings of guilt about having become their young student's bitch. Naturally, Tyron went along with this because he actually did need the help, and because it was part of his approach to "easy sex" -- whatever the girl was into, you went along with it and there was no drama. So actually, Tyron was getting so much "extra help" in 8th grade that his grades were pretty good -- he even got B's! His dad was beaming with pride, but he had no clue what was really going on.

But the fag teachers were a whole different thing. As you already know, Tyron was about as NOT GAY as any handsome, muscular, well-hung young black teenage boy could possibly be. Still, since he was flaunting his handsome body, nice muscles and sexuality around the school all the time, he couldn't help noticing the long lingering looks he was getting from some of the male gym teachers and coaches too, or the way those male teachers also tended to give him extra attention in class, or the way they would touch his shoulders and arms and even his legs while they were giving him extra coaching help. At first Tyron was totally grossed out by this -- he just wanted to smack those fags every time they did this, but he couldn't because if he did he'd probably get suspended and he didn't want that. But soon enough he realized he could use sex as an even more powerful weapon against these fags than he ever dreamed of against the bitch teachers.

I should point out that I am only talking about the closeted fag coaches and teachers here. Tyron soon discovered that almost any fag who was out of the closet was also under very intense scrutiny by everyone -- parents, other teachers, school administrators -- so those fags had to make extra sure they never got caught so much as looking at a boy sideways. No, it was the closeted fags that became such easy targets for Tyron's sexual weaponry, because they thought nobody was watching them but holy shit if they ever got caught their lives would be over!! So Tyron decided that the way to get these fags under his total control was to let them suck his dick -- just once! -- and they definitely had to swallow his cum whenever they did that -- and they had to pay Tyron to let them do that too -- they had to pay before he'd let them suck his cock, and then they had to pay him even more money afterward to keep him quiet once he'd lured them into that compromising situation, because he always made sure to surprise those fags by taking a cell phone picture of them right while they had their mouths all over his hot throbbing black cock!! Oh yes, Tyron had those fags all figured out just like he'd figured out his weird-ass stepfather, but the difference was that his stepfather's obsession had made him Tyron's sexual enabler and financier but he never even actually touched Tyron, but these fags were lured in by Tyron's handsome body, nice muscles and sexuality until he had them right where he wanted them, and from that point on they might as well have been his prisoners.

Well, I just went back and re-read everything in this chapter up to this point, and I have to agree that it all makes Tyron look like a callous, manipulative little prick -- and guess what? I think that's pretty fair! However, from this point on I will be painting a somewhat more sympathetic portrait of him. For one thing, as far as I know none of this stuff about how he manipulated his teachers and coaches has anything to do with the rest of our story, which focuses mainly on Amy (oh yeah right, remember Amy?) and Tyron and Rachel. But more importantly for right now, I need to point out that even with all the no-drama rules for his harem and Tyron's habit of hitting on, reeling in and fucking almost any pretty bitch that he crossed his path, Tyron loved girls, and he truly fell in love with girls, and he almost always took it mighty hard when he broke up with a girl that he truly loved. Yes, he had that side to him, and after all that was the side the girls were seeing whenever he was hitting on them, and being nice to them, and telling them they're pretty, and kissing them, and hitting on them some more, and telling them he liked their sexy outfits, etc. etc., and even when he was reeling them in and fucking them, because as I also said, he loved to figure out just exactly what each girl liked the best and give it to her and make her feel so special. Tyron loved that part more than anything, and of course when you find that special girl where everything seems to click between the two of you, that's when the line gets totally blurred and it isn't clear at all whether it's Tyron reeling in the girl or the girl reeling in Tyron! And pretty soon -- oops! Tyron's in looovvve!

In fact, that was actually Tyron's pattern, at least from the point when he set up his rules and established himself in his plush sex palace. He'd be out there hitting on bitches and building up his harem, but soon enough there'd be that one special bitch (occasionally a couple of special bitches) and Tyron's in looovvve, and from then on he was spending more and more time with his special bitch(es) and not so much time with the other bitches and even less time hitting on every bitch he crossed paths with, and some of them other bitches would get tired of how things were going and find a new boy, and Tyron would say fine -- goodbye! But you know how it is with a 13 or 14-year-old boy (or girl), even when they're really in looovvve that doesn't last for more than, let's say, six months, at which point there would be this horrible break-up and Tyron almost always took it mighty hard when he broke up with a girl that he truly loved. That's when having a dad, even a weird-ass stepdad, came in pretty handy because you need somebody who understands you and sympathizes with you and comforts you and encourages you to get out there and start hitting on bitches again and start the cycle all over.

This, in fact, was where Tyron found himself about five months before Amy became obsessed with him, and that time was just about the worst break-up ever, on top of which there were drugs involved. Tiara had been his special bitch for about six months, and it was pretty obvious to any outside observer, including his stepdad, that this relationship was just a time-bomb waiting to explode. Of course, Tyron couldn't see that cuz he was in looovvve. Oh yeah, sure, everything was fine for the first few months, but then Tiara started getting jealous whenever she saw Tyron hitting on some new bitch, and she was stirring up drama with the other bitches in the harem, and then she started cheating on Tyron too, although Tyron didn't know about that until right at the end. In other words, Tiara was not following the rules, and Tyron was letting her get away with it because he was in looovvve and if he did anything about it that would just create more drama, so he was ignoring everything that was going on and hoping it would all go away ... fat chance of that, right? Also, in Tiara's case, the way Tyron had dealt with the whole "no drama with mom" rule was that he was fucking her too. That worked and kept momma all fat, dumb and happy, and he only had to fuck her every couple of weeks to achieve that result, but it also meant that as time passed, he was spending a lot more time over at Tiara's house and a lot less time at the sex palace or anywhere else for that matter, and this played into Tiara's hands because as you can imagine most of the other bitches were pretty reluctant to go hang out in Tiara's momma's bedroom! Still, Tisha was going along with all this -- she was, for lack of a better description, Tyron's "second bitch" at the time.

One Friday night Tiara showed up with a nice big bag of weed, so they all went over to her house and got totally wasted. Now, I should point out that at age 15, it's not like Tyron hadn't ever got stoned before, of course he had. But for the most part he had been following his mom's wishes and staying relatively clean. But this particular bag of weed must've been laced with something -- I don't know what -- but man, it just made the whole group of them -- Tyron, Tiara, Tisha and Tiara's momma -- just totally stoned and un-motivated, so it's not like they were fucking or even kissing very much that weekend, they were just laying around getting stoned and nodding off. Tyron missed basketball practice on Saturday. His stepdad started worrying about him cuz he hadn't seen him all weekend and tried to call him on the cell phone several times, but he wouldn't pick up because he knew Dad would know right away he was wasted. Another thing was, whatever this shit was, it was making everybody really paranoid, so there they all were, stoned and paranoid and peeking out the windows and nodding off all weekend.

But then on Sunday afternoon the dealer showed up, with a couple of his buddies -- and guess what? Turns out he's the guy that Tiara's been cheating with, and he and his buddies want in on the action, they want to fuck Tiara as payment for the dope they gave her, and the dealer's been fucking Tisha for the last couple of weeks too! Naturally that's when the shit really hit the fan, a fist fight broke out, everybody grabbed the biggest knives they could find in the kitchen, and before it was all over there was blood everywhere because Tyron got cut pretty bad in a couple of places -- his arm and his leg, I think -- and he was not the only one either. Suddenly there were cops all over the place, they found the drugs but everybody was able to blame that on the dealer, and the only other good news for Tyron is that because he was "the victim" he didn't get arrested. Instead, he went to the hospital overnight.

Well, as you can imagine, that was the end of Tiara, and Tisha, and a couple of other bitches that turned out were also involved. Tyron missed school on Monday, and of course when he got back on Tuesday the news was all over the school. Still, he didn't get suspended or kicked off the basketball team because, like I said before, he had his prick stuffed into enough of those teachers and coaches that they fixed things for him. Also, Tyron didn't press charges against any of the other kids. Like most African-American teenagers he had no love for the pigs, they were not his friends -- he had a juvy sheet too, mainly because of a few moms that called the cops when they found out he de-flowered their innocent little daughters (ha-ha). So Tyron didn't want to draw any more attention to himself than he had to, although this incident only increased his reputation around school as a bad-ass. Instead, he laid low for a while (which is to say, about a week) and mainly stayed at his dad's house when he wasn't at school or practice. That was one of those times when Tyron really needed somebody who understood him and sympathized with him and comforted him, and yes, after a few days Dad really did start encouraging Tyron to get out there and start hitting on bitches again and start the cycle all over, but he was not interested ... he was just about ready to write all them bitches off.

That's when, into the wreckage of that very hard break-up walked Rachel. Now, my plan is to devote an entire chapter of this story to Rachel -- she really deserves it -- but for now you should know at least a little about her and how she came to be Tyron's best girl. By this time you should've easily figured out that Rachel was mainly a lesbian -- but that wasn't exclusive for her, she could be attracted to a handsome boy all right, but the biggest problem she had with boys was, she thought they were all a bunch of jerks! All they ever wanted to do was hit on you and fuck you, and then lay around on the couch and get stoned and watch TV. What good is that? Girls understand you, and they sure know how to kiss you and feel you up and eat pussy and make you feel good better than any boy, because after all, a girl knows just what another girl wants, right? And when the sex is over, girls know how to have fun too. And that sure ain't by sitting around on the couch getting stoned and watching Beavis and Butthead. Rachel got so pissed off at all the boys she ever met that she thought she hated them all, and she hated drugs too cuz she could see what they did to people -- boys and girls.

However, it turns out there was one thing Rachel and Tyron had in common, and that was they both loved basketball. Rachel was a regular at most games, but she was even more into girls' basketball although she was not good enough to get on the team. She was also hitting on any member of the girls' team that seemed like a possibility for her -- but then again, so was Tyron, right? And that (of course) is how Rachel and Tyron first met -- they were both hitting on the same member of the girls' team, whose name was Lakisha. Lakisha was a light-skinned inter-racial girl, and she was very pretty, and she was bisexual, so she might have been interested in Tyron's advances except for the fact that she knew Tiara, and knew she was Tyron's bitch, and Lakisha really, really hated Tiara's guts! So round one in the contest for Lakisha went to Rachel, and soon they were an item.

But meanwhile Tyron hit on Rachel a few times, and after all, they kind of knew who each other were because they had seen each other at games and practices, and once Tyron started using his time-tested formula on Rachel, hitting on her, and being nice to her, and telling her she's pretty (which was the truth!), and stealing a little kiss from her, and hitting on her some more, and telling her he liked her sexy outfits, and figuring out exactly what she wanted and liked to do -- which in this case included playing basketball together and showing her some new moves which she really appreciated -- well, pretty soon Rachel was almost convinced that maybe there was something special about Tyron, maybe he wasn't quite as much of a jerk as all those other dick-heads. Soon enough Tyron reeled her in and took her over to one of his favorite secluded places and got her naked and started figuring out just how she wanted to be touched and kissed and tickled and felt up and stroked and kissed some more and ... pretty soon ... whammo! He fucked her!

Well, when Tiara found out about this -- which was inevitable -- she was totally pissed and tried to do everything possible to sabotage anything that might happen between Tyron and Rachel. But that was pretty hard because she was a regular at the games and practices, right? But to make the drama go away, Tyron kept Rachel on a pretty slow burn and only fucked her a couple more times, and he was able to do that over at the sex palace when Tiara wasn't around -- which was getting to be more and more of the time. And on the other side of the equation, the slow burn was very seductive to Rachel, because she was seeing a lot more of the "let's have a good time together and enjoy each other's company" part, and not as much of the "whammo -- let's fuck!" part which was what pissed her off about boys. So even though Lakisha was warning Rachel that Tyron was bad news and that bitch Tiara was even worse, and even though Tyron was catching hell from Tiara whenever she even saw the two of them within a mile of each other, Rachel and Tyron gradually became like forbidden fruit to each other, and the slow burn continued ...

Well, then came the big explosive break-up with Tiara and Tisha and the others. Tyron was there at his dad's house, licking his wounds (almost literally!), and Dad was comforting him and encouraging him that things would get better, and he didn't want to see anybody, he just wanted to lay low for a while. But after about a week he came home from practice one afternoon with Rachel, whom Dad had seen a couple of times but never really met. So for the next couple of days it was Dad and Rachel comforting him and encouraging him that things would get better ... and then of course ... well, what do you think? WHAMMO! Right there in Dad's apartment -- they were hardly able to get as far as Tyron's bedroom before they had all their clothes off and were all over each other. And really, they had been playing around and teasing each other for a few months now, so now it was like a Vulcan Mind Meld of sex -- they kissed and touched each other and caressed each others' faces and Tyron was fondling Rachel's tits and in no time at all they were in a 69. Tyron had figured out just how to nibble at Rachel's clit and swirl his tongue around and around her pussy while he finger-fucked her into a pile of moans. Meanwhile Rachel was all over Tyron's massive rock-hard black cock, licking all over it and sucking it in as far as possible while she reached up with one hand and played with his big hairy balls. The waves of pleasure were coursing through both of their young black bodies and they kept eating pussy and sucking cock until Tyron could feel Rachel's beautiful hot body tensing up and getting ready for her orgasm. When he felt her cumming that just encouraged him to grind his mouth into her pussy even more and Rachel groaned loudly -- so loud that it was driving Tyron's dad outta his fuckin' mind as he sat out there on the living room couch furiously jerking off! Then Tyron came too and shot a huge load of cum down Rachel's throat, so much she couldn't swallow it all and it dribbled out all over the bed sheets and around Rachel's mouth (remember, Tyron hadn't fucked in over a week so he had a huge load of cum ready to go at that point). When the two of them turned around to kiss and cuddle in the afterglow of their simultaneous orgasms, that's when they first shared his sperm, sloshing it around in each others' mouths with their tongues. Holy shit they both thought that was the greatest most explosive sex ever, but they hadn't even fucked yet! So after a whole lot of moaning and cuddling and sperm-swallowing and stroking each other until they both couldn't stand it any longer, Rachel just flopped over and spread her legs so Tyron could just fuck the livin' shit out of her! They were bangin' away and groaning and cursing and giggling and Tyron's huge cock was slammin' deeper and deeper into her hot pussy, and Dad was out in the living room desperately trying to wipe up all the sperm from where he shot it all over the furniture before the kids saw it. But he needn't have gone through all that effort because after those two sex fiends were done with another set of blinding orgasms and Rachel's Cunt was all filled up with Tyron's Cum, they laid there in bed with Tyron's Cock still in Rachel and kissed and clawed at each other until they both fell asleep from exhaustion. Hell, they didn't even come out of there until the next morning (except to pee in the middle of the night). When they woke up they immediately started fucking and sucking cock and eating pussy all over again, and when they took a quick break to get showered they had a great romantic fuck in there two. Then for that whole Saturday morning while Tyron's dad was at work they were all over the apartment just fucking and sucking and groping and smooching and that was the first time Tyron fucked her up the ass too, right on the couch in Dad's living room (so it really was a good thing Dad had cleaned up the sperm). Needless to say, by the end of that next day Rachel had moved most of her belongings into the sex palace, and she was living there for the next year and a half. She was the first girl, and as far as I know the only girl, to actually just move right in there. As you can imagine, most bitches' moms took a rather dim view of the sex palace, and more than one of them called the cops when they discovered their sweet innocent little daughters were even visiting that place. But not Rachel -- she had nailed Tyron and she didn't give one flyin' fuck what Mom had to say about it.

But Rachel did immediately lay down the law about one thing, which as I said before was -- no drugs. And after everything Tyron had been through with Tiara, he was of a mind to learn his lesson, at least for as long as Rachel was going to be his girl. But here's a good place to ask, so what did Rachel think about all of Tyron's rules? Well, if you think about that for a minute you'll realize that Tyron's rules were no problem for Rachel at all. Since Rachel was mainly a lesbian, she wasn't at all interested in finding any other boyfriend -- she had found the one boy she wanted, and she was ready to be his total slut. But beyond that, Tyron's rules didn't say anything about her going out and hitting on as many other girls as she wanted and bringing them right back to the sex palace for some of the sluttiest, steamy hot lesbian sex you ever saw. In fact, Tyron thought that was great -- what red-blooded American boy wouldn't want to watch and even participate in as much lesbian sex as possible, right? He would lay there on the bed beside Rachel and Lakisha (or whoever!) as they made love and he would stroke their beautiful hot bodies and fondle them and kiss them all over as they continued eating each others' pussies, then he'd just turn right around and fuck them both while they still clung to each other passionately! What in this world could possibly be any better than that, right? And as far as Rachel was concerned, Tyron could go hit on any girl he wanted and bring them back to the sex palace too -- because hey, these were hetero girls that Rachel would not ordinarily have access to! Then it would be her turn to cuddle and caress and kiss and stroke Tyron and his hetero girl while he fucked the shit out of her, and sometimes in the midst of all that she could get some of that pussy too!

HOLY SHIT! -- it turned out Tyron and Rachel were just made for each other -- they couldn't get enough of each other, and neither one of them ever got enough of trying out new girls of all sexual persuasions and building up what quickly became "their harem," not just Tyron's harem. And Rachel just loved being Tyron's total slut too -- Dad supplied them with all the money they needed to buy all the sluttiest outfits at those teen-centric mall stores, or at those ghetto stores downtown, or wherever, and that's what she'd wear to school -- just barely enough clothing to avoid getting suspended -- some skimpy little skirt and nothing underneath but a little string thong that Tyron had no trouble pushing aside whenever they'd be in the hallway, pressed up against somebody's locker making out between classes. But it also turned out that Tyron had great fashion sense and always wanted to see Rachel lookin' hot & sexy -- but never overboard like some low-life streetwalker. Every boy's eye was trained on Rachel as the two of them came slowly down the halls (often with Lakisha or whoever) feeling each other up and playing tonsil hockey as they went -- their cocks would swell and ache, but they knew Rachel was totally unavailable to them -- in fact, she'd smack the first shithead asshole boy that so much as looked at her sideways, and she'd never get in trouble for doing that either because of course, she was the girl getting hit on so she was allowed to "defend her dignity."

As far as Tyron was concerned, until he met Rachel he usually dressed in the droopy-drawers look, like all black teenage boys. He'd wear one of those extra-long t-shirts and have his shorts pulled all the way down and with no underwear so really, you could see his whole ass right through the t-shirt. And he got away with this even at school where they had rules against it because, as I said, Tyron had gotten most of the teachers and guidance councilors and coaches under his thumb by fucking them regularly. But once Rachel came along, she actually wanted to be able to get inside his shorts more easily and be able to just grab his cock and play with it whenever they were making out, even at school, so Tyron changed to loose-fitting gym shorts with no underwear most of the time. In warm weather he almost never had a shirt on either, except at school, so he was basically walking around the neighborhood and practicing with Rachel at the basketball courts almost totally naked -- which was exactly how she wanted to see him.

So by this time Tyron and Rachel had both gotten reputations as some of the biggest bad-asses at school -- they were "the bad-ass power couple" -- but yet they almost never even had to defend those reputations cuz the other kids were too chicken-shit to do anything about it, and Tyron had so many teachers and coaches under his thumb. And oh, by the way, Rachel soon became the one and only girl Tyron ever told about all that. They were so tight he knew she would keep that secret, even if they ever broke up.

Well, there you have it. That was the situation by the time poor little Amy fell in love with Tyron, and became obsessed with him, and started following him around and taking pictures of him. She thought she was following Tyron and Rachel and all those other bitches over to Rachel's house, but she had not yet figured out that it was really Tyron's sex palace.

My boyfriend's BLACK and there's gonna be trouble (Hey liar, hey liar my boyfriend's BLACK!) If you see him comin' better cut out on the double (Hey liar, hey liar my boyfriend's BLACK!) You're gonna be sorry you were ever born (Hey liar, hey liar my boyfriend's BLACK!) Cause he's kinda big and he's awful strong (Hey liar, hey liar my boyfriend's BLACK!)

HEY he knows I wasn't cheatin'! NOW you're gonna get a beatin'!

What made you think he'd believe all your lies? (Wah-ooo, wah-ooo) You're a big man now but he'll cut you down to size (Wah-ooo) Wait and see!

My boyfriend's BLACK he's gonna make my reputation (Hey liar, hey liar my boyfriend's BLACK!) If I were you I'd take a permanent vacation (Hey liar, hey liar my boyfriend's BLACK!)

Yeah, my boyfriend's BLACK! Look out now, yeah, my boyfriend's BLACK! Well I can see him comin' So you better get a runnin' Alright now Yeah, yeah, yeah My boyfriend's BLACK!

Next: Chapter 4

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