Ex Rated Neighbours

By ethan coleman

Published on Jul 19, 2000


Ex-Rated Neighbours (4)

This is a completely made up story, involving homosexual sex between characters from the soap "Neighbours". All the characters and story lines of this show are copyright of Grundy Network (Australia).

Part Four: Bill finds out

Billy arrived back in Erinsborough at about 4pm the following day. Karl was very busy at the surgery and Susan at school, so Drew was the one to go and meet Bill at the station. On the way there, Drew couldn't help but feel really uncomfortable, he kept thinking about what Joel had told him about Bill. Drew's cock rose to attention, as his mind went back to the events that Joel described the day before. Bill was a very attractive guy, but Drew knew that he couldn't possibly try to get off with him, especially since he was marrying his sister.

Bill got off the bus, looking out for his father's red car, but instead he saw Drew's old Ute, parked on the side of the kerb. He watched as Drew walked towards him, looking at the beautiful figure of his sister's boyfriend gave bill a pretty big hard on. He had always had the hots of the sexy mechanic but had felt pretty helpless, as it was so obvious that Drew was 100% straight. 'If he wasn't engaged to my sister, then I would have definitely seduced him this time' thought Bill as he got into the Ute next to Drew.

That evening Drew stayed for dinner, as Lou was once again up in Queensland. "Where's Billy?" asked Drew, as he waited to be served. "He went over to see Joel" replied Libby, seating herself next to her fiancée. Drew heart skipped, as he thought about what the two guys would be doing at this minute. "Umm, won't he be joining us?" he asked. Hoping not too sound too desperate. "Yeah, he'll be here any minute".

Billy crossed the road, heading back home. He was still in shock, after hearing Joel's news. He couldn't believe that Drew and Joel had had sex, and worse still Drew knew about him. "I'm home," he shouted as he opened the door to the Kennedy house. He glanced at the table, and saw Drew sitting there, watching him. 'Shit' he thought 'this is gonna be awkward'. He took a seat opposite Drew, hoping that his nervousness wasn't too obvious. Everyone ate quietly, which was quite surprising considering that Karl and Susan were present. Bill was lost in thought as was Drew. Drew was just hoping to god that Joel hadn't told Billy about their little sex romps. While Bill was struggling with an unusually powerful urge to tell Drew, that he knew. After contemplating this idea for several minutes, Billy decided that it was for the best to let Drew know, after all there may be a possibility of something happening between them. Suddenly Drew got a surprise as he felt someone's foot stroking his leg. He looked up and saw the cheeky grin on Billy's face, 'oh my god!' He thought 'Bill's playing footsy with me? that means he must know.' Bill had taken off his trainers, and his bare foot was slowly finding it's way under Drew's trousers. After the meal, Drew was in a real hurry to leave. He got up and headed for the door, after excusing himself, making up a lie about expecting some important phone call. This surprised Bill, he had hoped to get things out in the open. But he wouldn't let this opportunity go wasted; he got up a few minutes after Drew and told everyone that he was going back to Joel's.

Billy knocked on Drew's door, preparing his confession in his mind. Drew opened the door almost immediately and let Billy in. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "I need to tell you something" confessed Bill, seating himself next to Drew on the couch. "What?" Drew asked, looking uneasy, he knew what Bill was about to say. "I know about you and Joel and I know that you know about us two" said Bill. Drew sighed heavily "We'll lets not talk about that, you don't tell anyone about me and I won't tell anyone about you" Bill didn't say anything, he couldn't understand how to make his feelings clear to Drew, even though he had practised saying them on his way over. "How about some coffee?" asked Drew, about to stand up, but before he could, Bill instinctively moved forward and pressed his lips against Drew's. Holding him in a passionate embrace, he kissed Drew with such intensity that for a moment Drew's lips responded helplessly. But eventually Drew pushed Billy away from him and stood up. "We can't do this Bill" he said, although he wanted this just as much as Bill did. "Why not?" asked Bill, moving closer to Drew, he reached out his hand and stroked Drew's cheeks "Drew, I won't tell anyone, please!" Drew pulled away from Billy gentle touch "that's what Joel said" he exclaimed as he struggled to control his emotions. His desire and lust for Bills body mixed with the feeling of his love for Libby was making him crazy. They both stood there awkwardly for a moment before Bill finally broke silence. "Drew, I want you so badly" he moaned "please!" "I want this to happen too" said Drew "But it's wrong" "It's not, you slept with Joel" exclaimed Billy. "That was different" Drew said defensively "How?" "Your Libby's brother" "Can't you forget that for a moment?" asked Billy, his voice was becoming desperate. But he saw no way of convincing Drew to agree with him, so he began walking towards the door. But suddenly Drew reached out, grabbed his elbow and pulled him into his arms. Billy looked up, surprised, Drew bought his head forward and kissed Billy lightly on the lips. Bill felt an electrifying wave of pleasure overtake his body, as after a few minutes Drew finally pulled away. "Oh Bill" he moaned " I can't stop myself any longer". He looked down into Bill's eyes and smiled. Holding bills hand he led the way to his bedroom. The moment they were inside the bedroom, Drew pulled Billy back into his arms and kissed him, more passionately than before, and Bill felt himself melt in Drew's muscular arms. Drew pulled away and began trailing soft kisses on Billy's neck, leading down to his shoulders. He reached down and slid his hand under Bill's T-shirt, he pulled it up and over Billy's head. Exposing his smooth and well-defined body, he gently kissed his way down to Billy's flat stomach, where he traced the outline of the muscles with his hot tongue. Bill was already moaning a little, as his hunky partner explored his body so intimately. With his left hand Drew was slowly unbuckling Bill's belt, teasing him by rubbing his hand gently against Bill's crotch. Finally Drew managed to unbuckle the belt, and he slipped Billy's trousers down to his ankles. Bill wasn't wearing any boxers, so his hard dick, was standing at attention waiting for Drew's sensuous touch. Drew took the erect cock in his hand and began rubbing it, as his mouth found it's way down to Bill's balls. He sucked them tentatively, exploring every part with his tongue, his fingertips stroking the side of Bill's shaft. Bill closed his eyes tight, slow agonising moans escaping his lips, when Drew took the pulsating cock into his mouth for the first time. Billy felt his body shiver as a sharp sensation ran through him. Drew worked his mouth over Billy's cock as he expertly licked the entire length, before slowly swallowing it inch by inch. His hands slid between Bill's legs, as his mouth sucked on the juicy cock rapidly, it was his first time at sucking a cock, but he sucked it expertly. Within a few minutes Bill clenched his teeth as he prepared to cum, Drew unaware of this continued to suck harder and faster until to his surprise he felt hot liquid hitting his throat, he had no option but to swallow it all. After sucking every drop of Bill's load, Drew stood up and went over to the bed, he spat on his hand and began to lather his rock hard 10" preparing it for it's first taste of Billy's tight hole. Bill still overwhelmed by his powerful orgasm, walked weakly to the bed, he got onto it and kneeled down, and straightaway he felt Drew's wet fingers massage his hole. Drew slowly wetted Bill's rectum before inserting his fingers, to loosen it. Then kneeling behind Bill, so that his stomach touched Bill's back, he used his hand to guide his dick into Bill's ass. Bill flinched in pain, as Drew forced his 10" inside him. But once there, Drew allowed Bill some time to ease up, before he began his slow thrusts back and forth. He placed his hands on Bill's nipples, gently stroking them, as his lips sucked Bill's neck and Shoulders. He continued to thrust his pelvis forward, causing bill to moan loudly each time. Bill lifted Drew's hand to his mouth, and caressed his smooth fingers with his hot tongue. "Oh yeah" whispered Drew, as his pulsating cock continued to be sucked in by Billy's tight hole. "Drew, fuck me, baby" cried Billy, as Drew's dick pushed against his prostate, sending him to heaven and back. "Hold in there baby" said Drew "I'm gonna cum ins..inside you, mmm any minute" Billy began to moan in unison to Drew's soft groans, and at this time he noticed a dark figure standing outside Drew's window. Bill kept his eyes on the window as Drew eventually exploded inside him with a loud scream "aaaargggggggghhh!" Just then the figure came a little closer into view. Billy recognised him straightaway. But pretended not to see him, as he collapsed beside Drew on the bed.

To be continued!

Who was watching them, and what will Bill do about it? Find out in the next part. Meanwhile all comments to .....ethancoleman@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 5

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