F1 World

By PCW Tosh

Published on Mar 19, 2022


Hey readers, the first thing to say is, since the last post I've reached 70,000 hits. Thank you for all the reads, I hope you're loving the content!

Secondly, in these dark times I wanted to say, I started writing this story over a year ago and only completed it recently. The story includes Russian racing driver Robert Shwartzman, someone who has spoken out against the war. I love Russians and support those who have used their platform to condemn their government's actions.

No more war!

<3 for Ukraine.

Disclaimer: Hey folks, this story is just a fantasy and I have no evidence that this actually happened, but we can all dream.

Stay healthy and practice safe sex!

Happy reading.

Previously: Austrian GP

Charles squeezed Max's hips as they continued to kiss, the Dutch boy's slim waist in his hands he encouraged Max to grind back and forth. This boy is so hot, I can't believe we are doing this, I need to see more, Max's heart was hammering with excitement.

F1 World - L'Accademia

"I don't understand you sometimes Max." Charles huffed. "Because you don't listen to me Charles." Max growled forcefully through his teeth. The Red Bull driver gripped Charles' forearm firmly as he spoke. "Get off me Max, you're creating a scene." Charles hissed. "Fuck them." "No, fuck you Max. You can't tell me who I can and can't see, you don't own me." "I don't trust you either, tell me why you sent those messages to Pierre. 'I wish we'd know sooner.' sooner so you wouldn't have to be with me?" Max spat. "I can't talk to you when you're like this." Charles croaked; a tear rolled down the Monegasque's cheek whilst Max's menacing eyes bore holes into his.

Max was heartbroken inside; the most satisfying 18 months of his entire life could be coming to an end. He couldn't let that happen; he wouldn't let that happen. "Let's go outside?" Max asked in a forced tone of relaxation. "Max, you don't get it." Charles huffed, "I'm not angry with you, I'm devastated because you don't trust me." Charles groaned. "I do trust you, it's just..." "Just nothing baby. If you really trusted me then I could say what I said and we wouldn't be arguing." Charles cut in. Tears started to form in the corner of Max's eyes, "So what are you saying?" Max replied, the fear in his voice was now noticeable. "I think we need to be apart." Charles sighed

Charles couldn't believe the words were coming from his mouth, his entire world had just fallen apart. Max placed a hand over his mouth whilst his face turned as white as a sheet, his stomach had begun to process everything he had just consumed in reverse and there was no way to stop what was about to happen next. The Red Bull driver hurried to the nearest toilet, careful not to bump into or make eye contact with anyone on the way. Charles stood trembling, desperate for the ground to swallow him whole and take away the pain.

Pierre watched from afar, he could tell something was wrong, Charles and Max were always so comfortable and relaxed together. But ever since Charles sent him that message, that message about them fooling around as kids things hadn't been the same. Things were the same between Pierre and Charles sure, they loved each other as much as best mates ever could, sex hadn't changed that. But Max and Charles seemed to be a bit shorter with each other and Pierre couldn't remember the last time Max smiled at him.

The Alpha Tauri driver had an awful sinking feeling as Max disappeared and Charles stood shaking. [They've split up, they've split up] Pierre convinced himself in utter disbelief, he was about to excuse himself from the conversation to console Charles [they've split up because of you.] Pierre stopped dead in his tracks mulling over the situation in front of him, Charles hadn't looked around for support, he looked dead ahead, then down at his shoes before turning slowly and walking out of the bar.


Robert Schwartzmann sat dejected, he had driven so hard all season and all for nothing. The F2 championship had gone to his rival Mick Schumacher and with it, his dreams of a drive in F1 for the following season. The young Russian put on his brave face and dragged his heels down to the F1 party.

"Get your chin up and don't show any fucking weakness!" Danill barked. Robert nodded timidly, if anyone knew how to deal with the bullshit of motor racing it was Danill Kvyat. Promoted as a teenager, then promoted again into a race winning team, demoted, sacked, rehired and then sacked again. "It's fucking shit!" Danill exclaimed unconvincingly as he took a long draught of beer. [Get me out of here] Robert cried inside.


It had been a month since Max and Charles' fight and things were as frosty as ever. Charles entered the after-race party in Bahrain and scanned around to spot Max or the Red Bull guys first. Veering clear of any Red Bull personnel he could spot he approached the bar to get himself a beer. He returned into the crowd and spotted Carlos Sainz, Lando Norris and Daniel Ricciardo stood in a huddle, [thank fuck.] "What's up boys?" "Charles!" Carlos was first to react to the Monegasque's arrival, the Spaniard beaming at his new teammate. "Oooh, look at the bromance Lando, Carlos has forgotten you already." The fun Aussie teased. "It's ok, I'm looking forward to partnering with a real man." Lando winked.

The Ferrari driver glanced over towards the bar; the coast was clear. "Does anyone need a drink?" "All good here bro." Carlos replied for the three of them. Charles hurried to the bar to order a beer which the barman promptly slid towards him. "Thank you very much." Charles nodded before swinging round to scan for Max again. "Hey Charles." The boyishly cute face of Robert Shwartzman shone back at him, Charles nearly leapt out of his skin. "Oh, hey Robert. Sorry I thought you were someone else." Charles apologised, regaining his composure. "You thought I was Max coming to beat you up?" Robert grinned. "Err yeah, how did you know about us?" Charles replied with a stunned look on his face. "Because he blamed you for the crash today." Robert sniggered. "Ohhh that." Charles sighed with relief. "That's racing." Charles sniggered, patting Robert on the shoulder, the Russian driver smiled back at him politely.

"Congratulations on another year with Prema by the way." Charles beamed, raising his bottle. "Thank you." Robert blushed, surprised that Charles would have any interest in his career. "Why do you look so surprised?" Charles chuckled. Robert's face flushed a deeper red of embarrassment, "Well everyone is so focused on Mick, I'm just surprised you noticed me." He mumbled. Charles frowned, "Two things; 1, you're a racing driver so you can never live in someone else's shadow. Your team needs someone to command them and their car. 2, everyone notices the nice, quiet guy, there's just less to say about them when compared to the big box office guy." Charles finished emphatically. Robert dropped his head timidly, "I guess you're right." He replied. "So, start being bolder right now." Charles growled, taking him by the shoulder and shaking him vigorously.

Charles had become aware of his ex's presence in the room as his usual team of drinking buddies entered the party. "Hey, how about we continue this conversation back in my room?" Charles snapped at the young Russian. "Yeah. Cool." Robert nodded; unsure he'd even heard the question right. "Cool, meet you outside." Charles snapped again, hastily throwing back the rest of his beer whilst skirting around a large group of people to slip out of the exit.


"Right, let's go." Charles beamed at Robert who was stood waiting for him at the front. "How did you end up behind me?" Robert chuckled looking confused. "I was avoiding someone I don't really want to talk to at the moment, sorry." Charles explained as he continued past Robert for the young Russian to follow. "Ahh ok." Robert replied just as confused as before. The walk to the motorhomes was short and Charles smiled as he guided Robert inside. The Russian's awestruck expression was so endearing, Charles recognised it immediately. The Monegasque remembered his first steps inside a Ferrari motorhome as if they were yesterday.

Charles grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge and popped them open, handing one to Robert. "Hey sit down there and make yourself comfortable Charles smiled reassuringly. Robert's innocent face flushed red with shyness as he took the beer. "Merci." "No, no, we are Ferrari boys, grazie ragazzo." Charles beamed.

The 23-year-old led the conversation to keep Robert at ease, asking the Russian F2 driver how he planned to get to F1. "You must win the F2 championship, make a strong statement for the whole world to see." Charles demanded powerfully, smacking his clenched fist against the arm of the chair for emphasis. "I'll do my best for you." Robert grinned, causing Charles to grin with him.

After another beer and with his tongue feeling a little looser, Robert asked the question he had been dying to know. "Who were you avoiding at the bar before?" Robert asked, hiding behind his beer as he spoke. Charles frowned a little whilst evaluating the question and whether or not he should respond. "If I tell you, will you keep it to yourself?" Charles responded, maintaining a surly expression as he spoke. Robert nodded enthusiastically, "I promise." He replied, wanting Charles to trust him so badly. Charles looked Robert up and down before taking a shallow breath, "I was avoiding Max." "Max Verstappen?" "The one and only." Charles nodded sadly looking to the ground.

Robert stood up and moved across the cabin lounge to Charles then lowered himself next to the Ferrari driver. Resting his hand on Charles' back Robert gulped nervously, "are you ok?" "Yeah, yeah." Charles lied. Robert's hand rubbed tenderly between Charles' shoulder blades as they sat in silence. "We were together, but then he stopped trusting me." "Why would he do that?" Robert replied. "We had a threesome and he thinks I'm still after the other guy." Robert's face betrayed the fact that the Russian had expected to hear something a lot simpler. Charles had deliberately knocked Max off the track maybe, or Charles was considering stealing Max's seat at Red Bull, or even Charles had fucked Max's girlfriend. To learn Charles and Max were fucking, no not even, to learn they were an item, Robert's mind was blown.

"I'd trust you." Robert murmured before he could stop himself. What the fuck was he saying, [I hope he doesn't think I'm trying to take advantage] Robert's heart pounded so hard he thought his chest was about to burst open. Charles glanced sideways at the Ferrari junior driver, "yeah, you seem cool." He smiled, taking his hand away from his forehead and stared deep into the Russian's eyes.

Charles spent what felt like an eternity playing the scenario out in his head, what was the right thing to do? "Tell me if I'm wrong, but right now you're interested in doing something crazy right?" Charles asked boldly. Robert kept his hand on Charles' back but felt cautious, "Not something crazy, no. But I think you're cool." Robert replied nervously. "Thank you, you're cool too." Charles beamed once more. "Would it be wrong for me to kiss you then?" Charles persevered. Robert blushed; he could think of nothing better in the world right now. The 21-year-old took a nervous breath and smiled, "It would be nice, but it would be taking advantage of you, no?" His brown eyes were so wide and sincere. Charles' smile somehow grew even bigger, "Definitely, and that's why we should do it. I think I need to move on." Charles nodded as he spoke. Robert gave a soft snort of nervous laughter and shrugged. Charles remembered how nervous he was during his first experience with Max, the way the fear made him near powerless. Robert was so close to his goal, but Charles knew he was going to have to seal the deal for the cute Russian.

Charles' right hand rested on Robert's knee and gripped him softly. Robert was a passenger watching Charles' face moving slowly towards him, tilting away from him and then an explosion ripped through Robert's mind as their lips locked for the first time. The Monegasque was firm, pressing his lips against Robert's before starting to pull away. As Charles' lips pulled away, Robert stuck to the Ferrari driver's face. The young Russian rocked forward into Charles who embraced him by wrapping his arms around the F2 star. The young racers began to drown in the moment, unable to see beyond the boy on the other end of their lips. Charles opened his eyes to study Robert's face, boyishly smooth with cute light brown freckles trying to hide unsuccessfully across his pale skin. Watching Robert's eyelids flutter while they kissed was entertaining to Charles, [what a cutey] he thought to himself.

Robert flinched as the Monegasque's hand slipped underneath his shirt and held on to his side. Charles gently squeezed at Robert's soft skin, imagining what his fingers were holding on to, using his fingertips as eyes. The young Russian was very smooth, until his hand slid around to Robert's belly button. Charles could feel a faint yet unmistakable trail leading down from the Prema driver's belly button. [Light brown] Charles predicted while they busily sucked at each other for what seemed like an hour.

"Your body feels so soft." Charles whispered; Robert's ears burned pink. "Is that a good thing?" he replied. "It's a beautiful thing." Charles replied emphatically diving back into Robert's face once more. The 21-year-old felt reassured as the Ferrari driver's weight pressed against him, the force getting firmer and stronger until Robert began to roll on to his back. Charles followed the Russian down to the seat and continued to kiss hungrily at the innocent youngster. Charles' eyes scanned Robert's face, his smooth pale skin blemished with cute light-brown freckles which were barely noticeable until you were just inches from the 21-year-old's face.

Robert felt the Monegasque's wandering hands resume their tour of his body starting at the 21-year-old's belly button, moving up over his abs. Charles noted the faint outline of Robert's abs, not defined like Max's but that didn't matter. Reaching Robert's pecs, the Prema driver's muscles were noticeable and tight, Charles wanted to see them for himself. Robert could feel his shirt edging up his body as they kissed, the way Charles was tugging something told Robert to raise his upper body slightly and he was right. Once Robert's body came away from the chair, his shirt slid up his body and carefully, breaking their kiss, Charles removed the young Russian's top leaving his upper body naked and exposed.

"Wow, you're stunning." Charles beamed happily giving Robert instant reassurance. The young Russian smiled, "Thank you, you're really hot yourself." he replied. "You think so? How do you know?" Charles smirked. "I saw your body on Instagram one day and I thought it was nice." Robert explained. Charles seemed satisfied with the response and reaching under his own shirt he slipped it off and dropped it on top of Robert's. Charles' eyes then wandered down to Robert's crotch and a malevolent smile crept across his face. Moving his hands towards the Russian's waistband, he watched Robert's expression. The 21-year-old held firm, the excitement building within both of them as Charles' fingers slowly unbuttoned Robert and then slid his zip down. Robert's jeans had lumped up around the crotch and as Charles teased the youngster, the denim rising and falling with every deliberate move of the Ferrari driver. Finally, scraping his fingernails carefully against Robert's skin and under his waistband, Charles slipped the 21-year-old's jeans and boxers down to release a coiled 8.5-inch snake which sprang free.

Charles beamed at the Russian's hard cock; Robert's meat had an intricate map of thin blue veins decorating the milky white colour of his meaty shaft. The Monegasque looked ready to spring mouth first for Robert's cock before the Russian quickly interjected, "Can I see yours?" Robert asked sweetly. Charles grinned, "Of course baby boy." he replied to the driver two years his junior. Robert watched as Charles unbuttoned himself, sliding his jeans down to reveal his beautiful bronze thighs and thin bronze legs. Robert gave Charles' lower body a quick scan as the Ferrari driver revealed himself before his eyes shot straight back to the 23-year-old's crotch. Charles' tight black Armani boxers were tented suggestively, creasing Robert's mouth into a smile.

Watching Robert's brown eyes intently, Charles slowly lowered his boxers until his own hard 7-inch pole popped free. The look in Robert's eyes was the look Charles needed in his life, someone who just had to have Charles for Charles and no other bullshit. "Come." Charles offered, reaching out to pull the Russian up from the couch. Robert took the 23-year-old's soft palm and allowed himself to be pulled up. Charles led them round from the living area to the sleeping area of his motorhome. The cute Russian could feel his heart rate increasing with anticipation as they entered the luxuriously furnished, travelling room. Robert's eyes had barely registered the decor as they followed the arousing wiggle of the naked Monegasque's walk in front of him.

As Charles reached the bed, he swung around coming face to face with Robert once more. The Ferrari driver threw his arms around Robert's shoulders again pulling the 21-year-old in for another kiss. Charles' tongue slipped between Robert's lips and immediately found the Russian's ready for him. Charles allowed his momentum to resume pulling him back as they kissed and Robert could do little to stop them as they fell together onto Charles' bed.

The sexy young drivers lay naked, Charles wrapping his legs around Robert's mid-section to pull the Russian closer still. Instinctively, Robert gently moved his body back and forth rubbing his cock against Charles' warm skin. The Ferrari driver gave an encouraging sigh whilst squeezing Robert tighter still. The sticky Bahraini night was made even hotter by the shared heat of the naked young studs. Charles led their kiss while his fingers reached into the gap between them and located the Russian's 8.5-inch hard cock. The 23-year-old ran his fingers over Robert's tender outer skin bringing a tender sigh from the F2 driver. The feelings shooting through Robert's body made him want to reciprocate and he reached into the gap between them from the opposite side, locating Charles' hard cock. Closing his fingers around Charles' stiff cock felt so natural. The Monegasque's smooth 7 inches looked amazing, the olive foreskin gliding back and forth to expose his enticing head. Feeling Charles' warm body up against him made Robert throb with excitement, the Ferrari driver's scent tickling his nostrils brought a throb of anticipation from Robert who felt his guard dropping.

Charles broke free from Robert's lips and looked deep into the Russian's eyes. The 23-year-old beamed, "I think we should have sex." Charles chanced suggestively. Robert felt his heart do back flips and the expression on his face told Charles was in luck. The Ferrari driver leant forward once more and gave Robert a gentle peck on the lips. "Do, you want, to be, top, or, bottom?" Charles asked between pecks. "Errr, I dunno." Robert blushed; Charles waited patiently. "Maybe bottom." Robert looked away to hide his embarrassment.

Charles said nothing, throwing his weight into Robert's chest, Charles rolled above the 21-year-old. Robert had begun to tremble again as Charles returned to his lips. The Ferrari driver kissed hard at Robert's full lips while carefully, he pressed his crotch against Robert's and slid his body up and down. Charles moved from Robert's lips and down to his ear, "I hope I'm good enough to impress you." Charles whispered. Robert felt heart flutter once more, the smooth-talking Monegasque had disarmed him with his velvet smooth charm. Robert's hands took Charles' hips and followed the Ferrari driver's movements. As Charles humped him, Robert encouraged the Ferrari driver he wanted more and to reciprocate, Charles sucked hard at Robert's pale neck, leaving light pink marks.

Charles' lips wandered down from Robert's neck and on to the Russian's left pec. The 21-year-old was so smooth and deliciously toned, Charles kissed Robert down, passed his tight, pink nipple and down on to the Russian's toned abs. The modern F1 driver had to work out to stay competitive and it was clear that Robert knew that as Charles' lips travelled over the faint outline of a sixpac. The Prema driver watched on as Charles moved closer to his crotch. The Monegasque jerked Robert's 8.5 incher and lowered his face, his lips pouted and slipped over Robert's dome. "Ahhh." Robert groaned as Charles' lips slid down his shaft with his tongue circling around his head.

Charles' eyes travelled up Robert's body to the Russian's soft face. The F2 driver's round cheeks were a rosy pink while his eyes had gone completely white. Charles smiled to himself, he was so proud of himself, watching the skills of his tongue force Robert's eyes to roll to the back of their sockets. The smell of Robert's brown, curly pubes was getting stronger as Charles approached, the Monegasque sucked in a draught through his nostrils and inhaled Robert's delicious scent. The Ferrari driver began to bob quickly, sucking hard on Robert's thick, Russian cock. The Prema driver held hands on his hips as Charles pleasured him. The 23-year-old's oral skills were sensational, his lips held tight to Robert's foreskin as they slid the length of the Russian's pale, white pipe.

While the Monegasque sucked Robert's hard cock, his fingers slid between the 21-year-old's smooth, skinny legs and moved across Robert's hole, gently caressing the Russian's ring. The Prema driver felt his heart hammering excitedly as Charles' fingers slowly traced their way around his hole. The little collection of dark hairs tickled them both as Charles disturbed them before pressing against the weak point of Robert's arse. Devouring the length of Robert's shaft, Charles sucked the Russian's thick cock. Pressing his face down so far, his nose pressed against Robert's pale crotch, Charles sent waves of pure pleasure through the F2 driver's body whilst simultaneously, his fingers slipped into Robert's tight ring.

A high-pitched squeal left Robert's lips as Charles teased him generously. Increasing the speed of his fingers back and forth between the tight walls of Robert's pink ring, Charles used the Prema driver's sound effects as guidance. Each time the Ferrari driver squeezed his fingers deep into Robert's hole, the Russian groaned and then he would wriggle his fingers backwards slightly causing Robert to whine happily.

The 21-year-old's cock tasted awesome; the sweet scent of his wiry, light brown pubes filled the Monegasques nostrils. Charles' oral fluids sickened the Prema driver's shaft, the Russian kicked with excitement as waves of pleasure swept across his body. With Charles' fingers probing him consistently, reaching further and deeper as the 23-year-old sucked his cock, Robert felt his boner throbbing with excitement. "Charles, I'm gonna cum soon." Robert gasped. The Ferrari driver popped off Robert's cock and glanced up the Russian's body. "Can I fuck your sexy arse first?" Charles asked again to be sure. The F2 driver nodded, there was no way he could resist the opportunity to have sex with Charles Leclerc.

Charles carefully pulled his fingers free of Robert's ring and grabbed some lube. Pouring a drop over his head, the Monegasque glazed his cock with a thin layer of silky lube. The Ferrari driver then spread a thin layer of lube across Robert's fuzzy brown entrance. Charles glanced up at the cute Russian and dropping the bottle aside he moved close into the F2 driver's hole. The Monegasque's tip rested against Robert's ring and began to press lightly, "You ready?" Charles asked, "Yeah." Robert nodded.

Robert bit his bottom lip and closed his eyes; Charles felt the bottom's ring push out and the Ferrari driver eased himself forward. "Hmmmm." Robert groaned, his face grimacing as his hole expanded around Charles' advancing hard cock. The Russian wanted to scream through the pain of his burning ring as Charles persisted forward, firmly impaling the cute young bottom. "Wank yourself slowly." Charles breathed as he penetrated the Russian. Roberts' grimacing face softened slightly as he looked up at Charles' warm, loving eyes.

The 21-year-old began to roll his fist along his shaft, stroking his rock hard 8.5 inches. The soothing feeling was instantaneous, diverting Robert's mind enough to make the young bottom's cock throb while Charles progressed deeper. The Ferrari driver watched Robert's fist at work while squeezing more of his hard cock into the Russian tight belly. "Oh God yes." Robert groaned, suddenly overwhelmed by the pain of penetration coupled with the pleasure of masturbation. With Charles' hard cock opening him up the Russian shuddered, the feeling of the Ferrari driver's bare cock sliding into his body felt increasingly pleasurable the further Charles got. Squeezing his eyes tight, Robert concentrated on the feeling of his arse, the gentle friction of Charles' raw cock as it pushed its way into him.

Charles' hips moved with increasing freedom as the top's confidence increased. The look of pain on Robert's face had dissolved into a look of increasing comfort and satisfaction. Robert's groans were perfectly timed with Charles' thrusts and as the Ferrari driver increased his speed, both the frequency and volume of Robert's groans increased with them. Charles beamed proudly watching and listening to the F2 driver's reaction. "Does that feel nice now?" Charles asked. "Very nice." Robert sighed.

Robert opened his eyes to look up at the man fucking him. Charles' olive features were insanely beautiful and the look of concentration in the Monegasque's eyes were to die for. Beads of sweat were forming at the 23-year-old's brow as his knees controlled his momentum, pushing him back before he threw his hips forward to bring his crotch clapping into Robert's doughy cheeks. The bottom admired Charles' stubble, a light shading which glistened in the soft light. Charles' beauty made Robert's cock pulse in appreciation; the Russian knew Charles was a talented young man but this was on another level. Stroking himself rapidly, the innocent Russian brought himself closer to the edge and with it one of the biggest orgasms of his life.

Charles could feel his body temperature rising, the sweat on his brow was joined by sweat from his neat armpits. The Monegasque's cock felt incredible sliding into Robert's slender, pale body. Charles' eyes wandered down Robert's smooth body, appreciating the bottom's toning. The Ferrari driver took hold of Robert's legs and placed them on his shoulders, tipping the Russian's arse a little higher.

While Charles stroked himself into Robert's quivering body he turned to his right, running his tongue along the F2 driver's leg maintaining eye contact the entire time. The top's bare 7-inch cock deliciously filled Robert's void, causing the cute bottom to wiggle his toes helplessly with sheer appreciation. Every bounce had Charles' sexy body rocking into Robert's perfect arse cheeks while he nibbled passionately at the bottom's ankle. Charles could feel his heavy nuts stroking Robert's lower back each time his cock filled the 21-year-old smooth belly. A hand took Charles' side and gripped it tightly. Smiling down at Robert, Charles noticed the Russian stroking himself furiously with his left hand while his right hand pulled the 23-year-old deep into his smooth body.

Robert looked up upon Charles' face and admired the top's features again while squeezing his sides. The Russian's fist pumped harder and faster while his hand moved down to grip Charles' thigh. Feeling the way Charles' thigh tensed as it forced his cock inside Robert's body made the bottom feel wanted. "Ahhh fuck." Robert cried, his hole burning with pleasure. Deep within the sexy Russian, the feeling of Charles' cock stroking his prostate took him to the very edge and pulling his foreskin back, running his fist into those fuzzy brown pubes and revealing his shiny pink head, Robert grunted in happy relief.

Charles smiled down on the cute Russian, his eyes sliding down towards his long, hard cock just in time to see the first shot blast across his smooth chest. Robert's pearly white cream squirted across his chest, camouflaging itself against his smooth, creamy skin. Charles threw his upper body forward and pressed his lips against Robert's, the bottom could only squeal through his nose in pure bliss as Charles' bare cock filled his chute. Robert had never experienced an orgasm like this, he'd been kissed during a climax before but somehow being the bottom, the bottom for Charles Leclerc, who had pinned him to the bed with his perfect body and taken his breath away with those perfect lips, that was the ultimate orgasm.

Robert struggled to keep his eyes open such was the surge from his furry balls, coating his chest with a few more strands of cum. The Russian's fist worked hard to drain his heavy young nuts, sliding his thin foreskin along his spasming shaft which sprayed his chest. Then out of nowhere, the ultimate orgasm reached new heights of pleasure. Following a grunt from Charles, Robert could feel his insides filling up with something warm.

Charles had gone from halfway to orgasm in a matter of strokes while fucking Robert's tight, quivering arse and kissing his juicy lips. The 23-year-old's hairy, brown balls erupted, firing a powerful orgasm into Robert's smooth, pale body before Charles could decide otherwise. Now both boys were groaning through their noses, neither willing to leave their passionate kiss while their orgasms were reaching their peaks. Charles' raw 7-inch cock thickened as it exploded inside Robert's belly, squirting his seed freely inside the sweet Russian.

Robert ran his fist along his shaft as fast as he could oscillating rapidly to enhance the pleasure of Charles' bare cock sliding along his insides. The Prema driver could feel his nuts emptying across his chest, spraying his thick load across his smooth skin. The heavenly feeling of Charles' raw boner sliding 7 inches inside him and depositing his own sticky load inside the Russian forced more groans from the young bottom. Robert's fist pulled his foreskin back allowing more warm cum to spray across his sticky body, by this point the cute bottom had lost track of how much cum he'd unloaded across himself but as the surge came to an end, the happy feeling still consumed his entire body.

Slowing, Charles rocked back and forth with decreasing pace and power. The top's gorgeous, dark, hairy balls ejected copious strands of his cream into Robert's willing body. Using his knees to guide himself into the cute youngster, Charles slid his raw shaft along the Russian's tunnel. While Robert unleashed his own load, his tight, inexperienced ring convulsed wildly around Charles' throbbing cock. The Monegasque sucked hard at Robert's sweet lips while thrusting his cock deep into the pale beauty. With his head sliding along Robert's tight chute, burying itself into a pool of his slick cum and stroking it against the bottom's sphincter, Charles sighed into Robert's mouth. Pulling back then pressing himself to the hilt one last time, Charles enjoyed the feeling of Robert's warm flesh surrounding his hard cock.

Robert swam in the beauty of Charles' eyes while the sexy Monegasque looked into Robert's sweet eyes. Slowly the 23-year-old pulled his cock back watching Robert as he did so. The Russian's face winced gently as Charles' cock slowly edged out of his hole. Robert could feel his wide chute emptying, a strange yet pleasurable void in his body where Charles' boner had vacated until the young Russian felt his ring tighten, pushing the Ferrari driver's cock out but sealing the Monegasque's seed inside.

The two young men looked at each other, intense but satisfied. "That was amazing." Charles beamed, placing a finger flat against Robert's smooth, sticky chest and sliding it down. "Eww. Your cum." Charles giggled. "I'm sorry." Robert apologised unnecessarily. "Oh shhh." Charles replied, then moving his finger towards his mouth, the 23-year-old placed his cum covered index finger against his tongue and closing his lips around it, he licked his finger clean. "Hmmm, tastes good." Charles beamed to Robert whose face had turned scarlet.

Robert lay there on his back, delighted with his evening's work and with Charles leaning up against him, he had never been happier. Watching the Monegasque tasting his cum, the young Russian felt his ears burning red with embarrassment. "I should probably go and shower." Robert blurted uncomfortably. A sleepy Charles had no intention of letting him go, "Nooo...please...stay with me." Charles mumbled, snuggling up tight against Robert's body. The Russian felt his heart skip another beat with Charles wrapping his leg around Robert's, pressing his beautiful olive chest against Robert's pale side and resting his head against Robert's sweaty pec. "Stay with me tonight?" Charles repeated, clutching tight to the Russian. "Ok." Robert conceded happily. There were no more words that needed to be said, with the amazing Charles Leclerc hugging tight to his sticky, sweaty body, Robert fell asleep happier than he'd ever been before.


Thank you for reading, I really hope you enjoyed the story.

If you like what you've read, please let me know by emailing me on pcwtosh@gmail.com.

I write these stories for fun, but I would greatly appreciate any contributions you are willing to give as a result. If you would like to make a donation then feel free to contact me on the email above.

Here is the rest of my collection:

Sticky Blinders, After party at the OSCARs, Cole Me By Your Name, Happy 18th Bro, Coffee for John, An Audition to Remember, Breakfast Boot & The Queen's English.

The Diving Squad 1 & 2

England Cricket Boys, From Rapid to Star, Scorcher from the Caribbean, Inside the Bio Bubble & A Little Closer to Home

Gymnastics Fantastics 1 & 2

Scrum Down & Clash of the Centres

Raging Scott, Swim Team, HRVY PTY, Swimnasium & Ripped Roses

Vamp-ing, Vamp-ing 2 & One Direction to Dunkirk

Welcome to Beckingham Palace

No Dunes in Miami, Just Devil 86

North American Swedes & Fly Eagles Fly

Tennis series:

Touring with the Next-Gen, Double Fault, A Break in the Bahamas, Bulging Bulgarian, Winner Takes All, Tennis' Masochistic Maple Leafs, Made in Russia, Revenge is Sweet & Austria v Germany in Chelsea..

Football series:

Chelsea Training, Winter in Portsmouth, Graduation Ceremony, Welsh Cherries, Cherries Go Blue, King Power, Three Lions of King Power, Loving Gunners, Bad Boys Gone Naughty, Confident Canary, Lilywhite Hoops, From Paris with Love, Lion Cubs, Behind Blue Doors, The Fifteen-Legged Dragon, The Hero and the Zero, When Harry Met Trent & Austria v Germany in Chelsea.

F1 Series:

F1 World & Life in Monaco, Magic Monza & Magical Monza, Marina Bay, Surrey Holiday, The Home of British Motorsport, The Champ is Here, Samba in Sao Paulo, You're Fired & The Apprentice's Apprentice.

Ice Hockey Series: On Ice, On Ice Mighty Ducks, Buffalo Bound & Power Surge

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Next: Chapter 15: Mclarens Days of Future Past

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