Facing Betrayal

By Stephanie M

Published on May 15, 2003


Title: Facing Betrayal 3/? Author's Website: http://www.angelfire.com/freak/beyondfriendship/ Disclaimer: This story is entirely fiction and not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of the celebrities mentioned. This story is just the product of a slightly warped mind. Summary: What do you do after being betrayed? Do you fade away to lick your wounds or seek a way to get revenge? This question is the one plaguing Nick and JC when those they trusted above all others betray them. Main pairings: JC/Justin, Justin/Lance, Nick/JC

Part 3

Justin took a deep breath as he looked at the door, knowing he wasn't going to get another chance. He had to get it perfect the first time, his sources had informed JC was staying in that hotel room along with Nick but Justin had dismissed the Backstreet Boy sure that he would win JC's heart. He was JC's first love, meaning the man was always going to be in love with him. All that was needed was for Justin to remind the brunette of the good times they had shared.

During their time apart Justin had realised just what a monumental mistake he had made when he had cheated on JC with Lance. He had never been in love with Lance, he had confused love with lust. Now he wanted everything back the way it was supposed to be; him with JC and Nick far away from them.

Justin took a second to glance down at his outfit, he was wearing clothes he knew JC loved on him. He needed to make sure everything was perfect for his plan to get his ex back to work Knocking on the door Justin gasped slightly when JC opened the door. His eyes were drawn to the brunette's naked chest, which was far more defined than it had been months ago. A long look over JC informed Justin that his eyes were not deceiving him; the older man had a lot more muscle than before. To sum it up JC looked perfect and Justin wanted that perfect man with him again.

"What do you want?" JC said with a sneer causing Justin to suddenly look up into the eyes of the man he had betrayed.

Justin's heart clenched in his chest as he recognized just what his impulsive actions had cost him. It had cost him the respect and love of the only man he had ever really loved.

Justin smiled, "I need to talk to you about something."

JC laughed lowly, "Really? What is it?"

"Let him in, love, this could be fun." Nick said with a smirk from his place on the sofa.

JC nodded as he moved into the room joining Nick on the bed and ignoring his ex-lover. Justin didn't mean anything to him now, all he felt for the man was pity. Justin had lost everything because he couldn't control himself.

Justin ignored the blonde focusing on JC he said, "I'm sorry for everything, I never meant to hurt you. I'm a foolish bastard for cheating on you. I love you and I want you back in my life."

JC laughed bitterly, "You thought you could just waltz into my life and I would just run back to you. Life doesn't work that way, Justin. Just because you know that you made a monumental mistake with Lance doesn't mean I'm going to take you back. I'm in love with Nicky, I don't want or need someone else."

"I love you, Josh. I'll do anything for you."

JC said sadly, "I don't love you. There is someone out there for you but its not me. Spend some time figuring out why you do these things before you even think about hooking up with someone."

"We are meant to be together, Josh you just too blinded by that bastard to see. One day you will realise how much you let go when you turned me down and that day you will hate yourself and him."

JC looked at his ex trying to see what had made the man he once loved become so cold. With a sigh JC explained, "The only thing I lost was a lover who was supposed to be my best friend. A arrogant and selfish lover who had been taking advantage of me. I don't hate you but I can't go back to being best friends with you as if everything never happened. I'm willing to give you a chance but first you have to accept what you did and give up on this idea of us getting back together."

"I'll try because I'd rather have you in my life as my friend than not have you in it at all." Justin said while mentally thinking up ways in which he could get JC back into his life and his bed.

JC nodded saying, "We've got plans so if you don't mind leaving."

Nick showed the man out before turning back to his husband with a small smile. He grabbed the man's waist while passionately kissing him. Justin was a problem, he knew that with all his heart and he knew the blonde was hiding something.

"What's wrong?" JC asked when he broke the kiss.

Nick shrugged, "I don't trust Justin. He's still after you."

JC nodded, "I know but he will have to see how much I love you. He's not the person I fell in love with and I don't think he will ever be that man again."

"So are you ready to go then?" Nick asked as he picked up his coat passing the older man his own.

JC smiled happily, "Of course. It'll be great to catch up with the guys."

"They'll be happy to see us believe me seeing how much they emailed us." Nick said as they walked down the stairs. ******* Half an hour later the pair pulled into Howie's place with smile, the six had come to depend on each other far more than JC had expected. There was little they kept secret from each other, JC thought happily as he opened the front door using the key Nick gave him.

Nick stopped in shock as he spied Howie in an intimate embrace with a blonde man. A man he had never expected Howie to be attracted to, Nick's ex - Lance. The pair hadn't noticed them JC realised as he squeezed Nick's hand reassuringly. Despite what they had said to the press Nick and JC still felt betrayed by their ex lovers, who had taken advantage of them.

"Excuse me! D, could you break it up please?" Nick said focusing on the wall behind the pair.

Howie said sincerely blushing slightly, "NICK! Erm...sorry for not hearing you earlier."

"You were a little preoccupied. So how long as this been going on and why didn't you tell me?"

"We've been seeing each other for two months. I'm sorry for not telling you Nick but I wasn't sure how to do it. I thought you would hate me."

"I don't hate you, I could never hate you. I thought we told each other everything obviously I was wrong."

"So you don't hate me for dating Lance?"

Nick shook his head with a wry laugh, "No, of course not. He's a good match for you. I should have realised it."

"Thanks. Come on, the rest of the gang is outside." Lance said speaking for the first time since encountering the pair.

Nick and JC didn't speak as they followed the pair out, both knew they would have to talk to Lance alone and clear the air. There was so much they needed Lance to tell them, most importantly what had made Lance betray both of them so cruelly.

"NICK!" Brian shouted excitedly as he hugged his friend tightly. It had been months since he had been around Nick and had ached from simply being away from a man he had come to need as much as Oxygen.

"Its great to see you too, Frack!" Nick said excitedly as he hugged back. He looked around shocked to find Leighanne wasn't there. She was normally everywhere Brian was and Nick had come to resent her slightly for taking away his friend.

"Hey guys!" AJ and Kevin said together as they swam over to the group who where standing just a few feet from the pool.

"Hi. How are you doing?" JC asked sitting down smiling when Nick said he was just going to talk to Brian in private for a couple of minutes.

AJ grinned as he left the water, "We're good. Just sit down and relax for a change Josh. We can talk about all the serious stuff later."

JC felt that sounded like a good idea so he just lay back on his chair not reacting as everyone else copied him. The silence felt unusual, almost expectant and JC couldn't help but feel something very bad was coming. He only hoped they were strong enough to get through it together.

End Part 3

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